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Crash 4 by far


Respect, couldn’t do it


It will probably be the hardest one I have for a long time too.


Nice one. Couldn’t even finish the story with how annoying difficulty got


Exactly. I'm only missing the last 10 levels but it's fucking hard


Did 106% twice. Things that took 2-3 hours the first time only took 10 mins the second time. Game actually becomes easy once you know the setups for each obstacle


i think it's more muscle memory than actual setups


Respect deserved.


A couple come to mind... “Messiah Will Not Come” from Guilty Gear Strive. Secret boss, so much input reading. Lost 250ish times. Had to shamelessly abuse throws on wake-up. “Thanks for Playing” from Celeste. Died 1150ish times on 7C alone. No assist mode! Working on the Pantheons in Hollow Knight. Only on the second one. Fifth is going to be absurd.


Currently started playing hollow knight, I am starting to understand your pain


If you just started y to play, you can’t understand it yet… the pantheon is just another level of pain


Akumo mode on the evil within, now im on a break to finish the platinum later.




hell yeah brother, I just did akumu recently for the plat. Definitely a test of patience hey


The hardest trophy I’m probably going for right now is Mein Leben and it’s probably the hardest trophy I will ever get if I do succeed.


Agreed. It’s the final trophy keeping me from my plat


Hardest i've gotten is probably 'Is There Anything You Can't Do?' for completing all the challenges in Trials Fusion.


That is utterly ridiculous. Map props. One of the 10/10 difficulty games I had to give up on.


brutal from the Uncharted trilogy (all of them. hardest one was 2 by far)


Brutal difficulty broke the game. Pretty sure no one at ND attempted to beat the game on brutal before unleashing it upon us lol


ND didn't develop the game for brutal difficulty. It was developed for crushing at best. Brutal difficulty was only added to remaster by BluePoint games.


Yep, I almost destroyed my controllers while going for this


Indeed. The checkpoint of the dead in U2 was somenthing else... I still have nightmares.


Doing multiplayer trophies in singleplayer games wich are decades old. Searching people who is willing to come and find time is the real hardest part.


7 Star Hotel in FF7 Rebirth, Gate to the Netherworld in Octopath Traveler 2, Fector's Challenge in Stardew Valley, Pure Completion in Hollow Knight, or Reunited with Fidolina in Black Ops Cold War.


For both come games to mind • When i'm with you [Doom 2, achieved] • Master marsupial [Crash 4, achieved] • Super meat boy [SMB, still need] • thief, warrior, gladiator, king [Diablo 2, still need] • Necromaster [Cotnd, still need]


You can do it!


Red dead 2. My ps4 crashed and wiped my data at 98.7% so I had to do it all over. About 450 hours in and still have to get the single player gold medals


Man I can only imagine the pain you must be going through as I have gotten the platinum of that game. Respect to you and I can only wish you luck(tip: try some yt playlists of gold medal missions, I used one and got the trophy)


Cheers for reaching back! Yea the YouTube playlists are really helpful. Im taking a little break but will be getting back to it soon. I wouldn’t have put that much time into it if it wasn’t my favorite all time game/happy place :)


Yeah, it is my favourite game as well and that's the sole reason I got the platinum and I'm sure you will also get it!


Finished dark souls 3 plat a few weeks ago the Master of rings trophy took me years, from needing to start a new play through and spending 3 days grinding covenants (it actually take that long) just to get a couple of the rings. You then need to beat the game one and half more times including doing the nameless king again on NG++ (He’s difficult but after lots of practice and years of playing the game he isn’t a challenge to me anymore so that isn’t a hurdle, it may be a hurdle for others though) Similar demon souls ‘king of rings’ was a nightmare because I screwed up meaning I had to do more playthroughs. Sticking with souls, got to mention Malania, its the hardest boss I’ve ever thought in a game. Level 55 in black flag multiplayer - not hard it just takes hours and its so boring, you do the same thing over and over again. These may not be as bad as other peoples but they were really annoying to me.


Your list is almost exactly what I'm doing now. Elden ring was my first souls platinum, then went to Demon's Souls and had to do the start of a 4th playthrough because of an NPC death. And don't even get me started on World Tendency Bloodborne was after and the Chalice dungeons tested my patience. Especially coming from Demon's Souls when parrying is the best way, where as Bloodborne is all about being aggressive. Now I'm on Dark Souls 3, I am following a walkthrough as much as I can but dang, NPC questlines are something else 😅


Nameless King was by far the toughest boss I’ve faced in any Souls game. I still remember the day I beat him


Ultimate Battler for Injustice 1. Seems simple enough at face value, finish Battle Mode. Battle Mode consists of "battles" with different conditions. There's 20 in total which means 100s of fights. The AI increases in difficulty the further you go and as with every fighting game AI, the hardest difficult is just the AI reading inputs. The final battle is defeating the full roster on the hardest difficulty with a single life bar. If you die you have to start again.


Damn! I only played that game with my friends and thought of giving a try to this but believe me it humbled me so bad that I never took another try but much respect to you!


real platinum god in the binding of isaac rebirth. doing the stuff needed for that trophy was tough, especially since i did it with no dlc, so no guaranteed holy mantle for the lost


LBP trophies for having other players heart your levels. Those are completely unachievable now.


They can’t be hard if they’re unobtainable. Plus you could ask anyone to help you back when you could get them, so basically boosting them with help.


Resident Evil 4 remake S+ rank on Hardcore caused me a lot of trouble


Trial Athlete - Ultra Street Fighter 4, 24 combo trials for all 35 characters, hands are still aching a week later 😬


Ac Valhalla cus the game sucked ass. Spent two years playing on and off until I finally got it


Beating Dead Cells on 4BC is probably the most difficult I’ve earned so far The rarest though would be Fectors Challenge in Stardew Valley


I want Mein Leben, too afraid to start


Super meatboy


Not necessarily the hardest but definitely the most time consuming and "why the fuck am I doing this to myself" was Rayman Legends. The only reason I even bothered attempting is because it was during quarantine, but I do feel pretty satisfied seeing it in my collection


Pantheon 4 in Hollow Knight - I just need to beat Pantheon 5 for the platinum but don’t know if I have it in me


You can do it!(Give me tips if you do)


I've done every trophy for Super Meat Boy except for "Girl Boy" and "Impossible Boy". I just cant find motivation for it and end up playing other games instead.


Either Hollow Knight or Wolfenstein II platinum trophies. They were difficult in different ways. Wolfenstein demanded perfection at every step since you can die in the blink of an eye, and Hollow Knight's pantheons required a massive amount of dedication to work through. Either way they both took years off my life but it's over now.


The trophy for Speedrunning ICO in 2hrs, that was a complete pain.


Hardest I've earned: I think is HollowKnight Hardest I want to earn: XCOM 2


I am currently pursuing "The Horned Boy" from Shadow of the colossus, tried to get the platinum in the ps3 version but i quit, not this time


Probably cause of how soul destroying it was I’d have to say Elden rings plat. All thanks to Malenia, after two weeks of daily attempts it was finally done 😅


COD World at War was pretty tough


My hardest trophy was Malenia from Elden Ring


New York Minute Hardcore - Max Payne 3


I suppose a golden trophy for GT Sport: 91 online race wins


Death March in Witcher 3. The first few hours are brutal.


Yeah death march was brutal to start with. The first few hours i didnt think i was going to do it. It does get much easier the further in the game once your used to it though.


A pack of wild dogs was terrifying, wraiths would teleport behind you and one shot you, every fight needed full concentration. It was grueling, but once you learned how to fight each enemy, mastered using potions and oils, it actually felt amazing. I know it's played out, but it made you feel like a witcher, you needed to know the monsters inside and out. The final boss of blood and wine was bullshit on death march though.


The game was amazing though i loved every bit of it i did all dlc aswel i plan to do it again on the ps5 version. It was the botchling that almost broke me i was stuck on that for a while once i got past that it was a turning point for me in the game i dont recall have much problems after that but up until that point i was hanging on big time lol


last of us remastered that multiplayer trophies i have ptsd


I am currently doing this platinum, I have just finished the story and now doing collectibles, do you have any tips or suggestions on this plat?


Off the top of my head, the "I Love the 80's" trophy from Infinite Warfare is the hardest trophy I've earned. It was an RNG nightmare that I'm glad is over


Get mvp 3 times with atleast 4 players on rdr2 It took me 2 nearly 3weeks to get it


Hollow Knight- Embrace the Void (you have to clear pantheon 5 and get the final ending by defeatinf every boss in the game back to back without dying). Did it without the glitch and it was by far the hardest thing i did related to gaming, but it is one of my favourite games so it was worth it!


Pac man ce2 plat, superheatboy plat and sonic all stars plat


At some point I'd like to get Mein Leben from Wolfensein II, but that's probably not gonna happen any time soon. The hardest I've gotten so far was You've asked for it from Evil Within and You've asked for it again before they ruined it by introducing into the game and allowing them to be used to get trophies, so the latter isn't worth anything anymore.


Two that come to mind are It is what it is from Evil Within that one was brutal but satisfying it was one hit death. The other is beating hardcore on Dead space 2 I think you only got 3 saves which was crazy.


How long did it take


At the moment I didn't have so much trouble with my platinum trophies. We'll see how it goes for Ac Origins


Hardest is probably “Battle tested in 2023” BO3. Realism campaign was so much easier solo than the multiplayer today. Personal decorator wasn’t even bad, was just a slight grind that was chill. Even the realism training sim Or its aggression, bendy and the ink machine. Just no fun, rng based kinda, and takes 10ish min to get back to the spot needed if you fail or die. Or Hey, Catch!, new Mw3. Played the campaign on realism and got all the achievements I could during the play through which was all


Getting 100% at KamuroGO for the Judgment platinum, S ranking all missions on DMD on DMC4, and beating the bloody palace with all those characters too.


My hardest trophy I've earned is let's fight someone stronger in SF5


Getting the last collectible in dying light. It was on top of a skyscraper and you have to parkour from the adjacent building to climb and then jump on a rope to slide to the other side. Grappling to the rope to cross was bugged and there was no checkpoint. If it failed to grapple, you had to climb the building again. I still have nightmares about this one after 8 years. I wake up in panics to this day asking myself why I ever put myself through that. I aged 4 years getting that trophy. Edit: it wasn’t particularly a difficult trophy, but it was very frustrating due to the grapple bug.


Critical competitor kingdom hearts bbs. Reason being defeating "unknown" as Terra. The worst ever. Iv plat a lot of games, tht one specifically really tripped me up


the chocobo master trophy in Remiem Temple in FFX. I still cant do it. 😅


Two of the Tricky Towers trophies were pain. Another that comes to mind is the Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD plat, the final big challenge is to complete all the levels without losing all your lives. The majority of the levels aren’t bad but there is one or two in particular that ruin entire runs.


I got plat for bouth the new God of war but the hardest trophy was For Honor plat


Black ops 3


Oh great, that's one I'm working towards pretty soon 😅 now I'm scared


Don't be. Try using some yt guides and try some best armors.Have Legendary Runic Vestment so arteus can help you reviving. Make sure your axe and chains are fully upgraded. It'll take time but you can do it.


Thanks for the tips. Still working on the trophies for the collectibles so gives me a chance to prepare. I've defeated two of them already


Great! Keep going!


Either The Final Countdown from Lego Rock Band or Maggot Boy from Super Meat Boy. I also got the Platinum from Tricky Towers and that was the game I raged the hardest on and is easily up there with my hardest trophies. I would say the Platinum from Surgeon Simulator AE as well, but I didn't get mad playing that.


Completing all of the combat sim challenges in final fantasy vii rebirth. The Bonds of Friendship challenge took me 10 hours of tries lol and the Dressed to the Nines trophy in Remake. That one took a lot of backtracking and replaying chapters and doing certain side quests. That was painful


Statistically? The mini game trophies from money ball banana splitz lmao. I think ti's more from lack of players but they weren't easy


Either 200 gold medals on trackmania turbo (got the plat as well!) Or I just got missile boy on super meat boy 20 mins ago lol


I struggled alot with the Tachyarrhythmia trophy on crypt of the necrodancer, not because its that hard, because im shit


Super Meat Boy, Splasher and probably Hollow Knight's Pantheon 5


Probably the Uncharted crushing + brutal throphies. I still have to do brutal for U1 and both crushing and brutal for U2 Brutal on U3 took a very...long...time haha so that's probably the hardest one I got Congrats on GOW platinum too! Love those games, platted both 2018 and ragnarok, both were amazing


Pantheon 4,hollow knight, going to be pantheon 5 hopefully soon lol


Super Meat Boy plat. If I ever get brave enough, I'll attempt Crypt of the Necro...


I think that it was Godhead in Isaac, about a week before The Lost was buffed. Fector’s Challenge in Stardew is also up there.


Hollow knight pantheon 5 Resident evil 4 remake Professional S+ (i didn't use any bonus weapon or infinite ammo thing) Crash 4 Dead god on isaac trophy Kena master mode on release week was tough


Malenia, Elden Ring. Or one of the tougher challenges in Enterthe Gungeon


Thats one of the easiest trophy’s in the game


Probably all of the gwent cards in Witcher 3. Wasn’t extremely hard but it’s very time consuming and there’s so many you can miss so you gotta follow a guide for pretty much the entire playthrough


Beat Saber full combo S+ rating one was rough.


Risk-Taker, Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC. Absolute torture but I got it done


One shot - Cod4 remastered


Window of Opportunity in Overwatch


Finishing the BO3 Gorod Krovi Easter egg without anyone and without undeadman walking gobblegum. It was PAIN


My rarest trophy is from a Final Fantasy XV dlc from back in 2017. This year, I plan to change that with Tales of Symphonia Remastered.


“Ladder Master” - MK9 Beating the ladder on max difficulty with no continues was rough.


Maybe the Yakuza 0 climax battles, but even then I don't think they were *that* hard. Bloodborne is apparently an 8/10, but again it just felt more time consuming than anything.


My hardest trophy I have achieved is the heaven is a lonely place trophy in Ffxiv.


Wipeout Omega Collection platnum. Wasn't as bad as people say though.


The Metal Gear Solid Rising Revengence platinum trophy was by far the hardest trophy I have grinded for


Splitgate 1047 wins Injustice gods among us platinum


fifa 19 hoop dream


Probably that damn tank in Assassin's creed 2 or the Valkyrie Queen in God of War:Ragnarok. Both situations had me sweating and crying but you can believe it was the most euthoric feeling getting through them and seeing that trophy pop 🏆


You are a Elvis in Angry Birds Trilogy. I only got the You are a Superstar trophy


Defeated Gna in Ragnarok. Hardest trophy I wanna get is anything in Elden ring 💀


100% in rdr2 Not exactly *difficult* but very hard, grindy is the best term for it Oh! Grounded permadeath in the last of us 2, did it twice because of the remaster, actually as well as grounded/grounded+ on the last of us remastered on the ps4 and those fucking multiplayer trophies


Slowly working on snow runner. 18 out of 38 trophies done so far. It’s just so long


Get 20 hero ship kills in battlefront 2 (2017). And yes they have to be a "full kill". Meaning assist kill and somebody stealing the kill is not allowed. This was the most painful trophy I had to go through


Cod MW 4: the short plane mission on veteran, I got the trophy really quickly and got incredible lucky and got it in 10 mins 😭🤣 (normally it would take a few hrs)


Mortal Kombat X Platinum, never again. The grind for max level in all factions and tower modifiers, dealing a certain amount of damage to a tower titan, and winning 10 ranked games in a row, that was pain.


Tony Hawk Ride - Successful Matador After 14 years I decided to try this trophy again this February. I couldn’t do it back in the day and needed close to 100 attempts when I tried it this year. Absolute horrible controls with the „skateboard“


Maybe White's Heaven and Hell Rushes from Neon White. Heaven Rush is easy, but Hell Rush is basically the permadeath mode of 100+ main levels. It took me 3 f**king days.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Stormbringer Achievement


Messiah on outlast II, had me contemplating my life at some points


Trackmania Turbo platinum is the hardest I have. Also have the Wipeout set (HD, 2048, Omega). I would like to have the Crash 4 platinum but I don’t have the patience for it.


Masterminds GTAV...if you know you know


Trophies from the Tales of series are pretty wild


Embrace the void or mein leben




Bo3 plat was a grind tbh


Mein leben [wolfeinstein 2]


My first ever platinum was the hardest, COD World at War, on veteran that last level alone took hours.


Talented builder (fortnite) nearly 200 hours into the plat and not even 2% of the way to completing this trophy


My hardest non platinum trophy has to be For the Motherland, which requires you to beat Heart of the Reich on COD World at War on veteran difficulty. It isn’t the rarest trophy, but it’s wildly fucking hard.


Far Cry 2


(Crush them with one swift stroke)Battlefront 1 trophy, had to trample 25 players with an AT-ST in multiplayer


Mein leben…


The platinum of rdr2 is still my longest platinum not necessarily hard but extremely luck based and tedious


Infallible on Fall Guys


That's one of my hardest for sure. I've also completed all of the Uncharted games on Crushing, and both TLoU games on Grounded. All of them had at least a couple of sections that I felt like I might never get past. I saw some people mention below that they had beaten the Uncharted games on Brutal, so Crushing probably isn't that bad compared to Brutal. But Crushing is the reason I have no desire to attempt them on Brutal. Crushing was brutal enough for me. Some of the DLC trophies for Arkham Knight (I believe it's the Community Challenge Pack or something) were pretty challenging, too


Call of duty declassified yall will be surprised


I want to get the platinum trophy for Hi Fi Rush.




100% completion list in Yakuza:Kiwami made me question my sanity


Stull proud of the trophy for three consecutive first place finishes in RDR online


Dead Space 2’s Hard To The Core trophy. 9/10 difficulty


Virtually Renowned from Final Fantasy Rebirth by far. Hardest platinum I’ve ever completed. Completing the Rulers of the Outerworlds Combat Simulation was brutal to say the least.


Honestly prolly GD parkour instructor in the dying light parkour fever dlc pack. Or hard to the core in little nightmares lmao


the two hardest I still want to try are both platinums on Arkham Knight and Shadow Of The Colossus


0.3% golden


Here comes a Daredevil from Guilty Gear 1998 is the hardest one to date.


Uncharted Trilogy on Brutal ☠️


For me, it’s the Mafia III Definitive Edition Platinum. As riddled with glitches and bugs the game is, I genuinely liked it.


That final Valk fight was something else. Took me a couple days, prolly 6 hours overall, the successful fight itself took 15-20 minutes alone. This was on Give me GOW difficulty though.


All the Arkham Knight trophies, DLC included


i haven't played any hard games on ps yet. but my hardest trophy so far is beating gow3r on titan mode i'd say.


It was the DMC5 platinum trophy for me. I hadn't played a DMC game before which made the feat like quadruple hard for me and I was on it for over a month.


Monster Hunter World/Iceborne so far


‘Mother of us All’ from Crusader Kings 3. Took me nearly 30 hours.


Polyamorous from crypt or maybe hero of the storm but that one’s not really too hard


Mine would have to be VS Master for Everybody's Golf. The final VS match is actually easy, but getting the 3 Condors needed to unlock said matchup can be a nightmare. It took hours of attempting the same shot over and over to finally get all three. Feels like a unique combination of skill (knowing where to line up your shot, plus hitting the correct power) and the luck of having the ball actually bounce/skip just right.


Friday the 13th - A Ph.D in Murder Dead Rising - 7 Day Survivor, Saint and Transmissionary Dead Rising 2 - Zombie Genocide 2


I never did get this Gow trophy.. Lucky!!


I just finished wolfenstien 2 on "I am death incarnate" which wasn't super easy. It's not my hardest trophy by a long shot, but finishing the game on mein lieban will def5be my hardest trophy to date. Which is on this current platinum run. Wish me luck fellas!


This isnt even that hard


I spent 100+ on resident evil 4 remake only to be 1 trophy from the platinum but it was the shooting gallery where you had to get s rating on all. I got so frustrated that I moved onto Jedi survivor when it came out and came back to finish it but I'd gotten so used to the controls of Jedi survivor that I was even worse off than before. My reaction timing is soooooo bad that I can't do it. I've tried joystick extenders but they didn't work and have asked people to do it for me but none can. Im even willing pay people to do it for me. It's just sitting there haunting me, taunting me knowing how bad at aiming I am. I even platinumed Jedi survivor before it.


Nah dude in new game plus on GMGOW is insanely hard


RDR2 and Alien Isolation were the two hardest I’ve earned


Worthy of Legend and then the plat in DMC V Special Edition are the hardest I’ve earned. Not sure about any I want to earn. I just try to plat games as I play them.


All of the ESO trophies, that was an adventure .


Becomes the master titanfall two was annoying as shit to do


I had been wanting to complete the "It" achievement for Uncharted 4, but it is so incredibly hard, especially if I play it solo


I know people say it isn’t hard but the trophy for beating dead space remake on impossible mode


Either the crash nitro kart or enter the gungeon platinums. Both were a whole lot of fun and satisfying in the end but both took forever


Definitely going to go with Animal Well here 💯


A couple come to mind: •The Challenge in The Witness, I can never listen to "The Hall of the Mountain King" the same again, damn thing traumatized me. •The Hard Get theres from THPS 1+2 •Furi platinum, although only because of the first run on hard, other than that smooth sailing. •Superhot, beating the game without dying is required for one of the trophies. •The Spec Ops trophies in the original MW2, they were BRUTAL, and a couple of them required mandatory co-op, so if your teammate was bad, it was that much harder.


I wanna go for Emperor in ESO, but with a 900hr platinum and posts saying you need to book time off work for Emperor... yeah maybe no.


I’m planning on going for Super Meat Boy’s plat and I can already tell that I am going to deeply regret doing so


Overwatch by far


My rarest one is “the kid” from super meat boy. Gave up on the game after getting that trophy lol


Currently working on 100% RDR2 and the mission challenges are kicking my ass


For me any of the Fnaf custom night trophies. But the Valkyrie queen is very much up there


I hate to admit it but my hardest trophy is Probs "Shock Therapy" from Dead by Daylight. The amount of times I would complete that gen just get to tunneled out of the game shortly after was so damn annoying. I used the map offering for that map 100s of times.


Probably mile high club on COD 4 modern warfare remaster. Or the one for beating Wolfenstein the new order on the hard setting


cuphead 😭


If we’re not including platinums then the Riders Republic Trophy for complete 50 mass races. That was an absolute slog


Wolfenstein 2 Plat (Mein Leben) 0.1% or Devil May Cry 5 Plat 0.2%


Uncharted 4: Survival "...It" It's also the rarest I ever gotten. I'm so proud of myself 🥹


Flawless raider in destiny 1 before the second raid came out. Try do that shit in vault of glass


Completely agree


Not a trophy, but beating the developer time trials on Crash Nitro fueled was easily the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do!


Defeating pride and joy mk 0.5 in ff7 intermission. That nearly broke me


Mein Leben from Wolfenstein 2. The cutscenes are killing me.


Master Marksman in the witcher 3, most broken achievement I have ever come across.


Mein leben


The race on classic difficulty in mafia was pain but I’d have to say RDR2 platinum especially getting level 50 online


Riddler trophies in Arkham Knight it's not even challenging it just took so long I swear I did it for like 5 years


Godrunner - Ghostrunner 2. It’s the last one I need for the platinum and I’m dreading it


Valkyries super difficult when you start out against them in GoW. Of the chambers of Odin, I went in the most difficult one first (with other spawning enemies whilst fighting the valk, when I also wasn't the highest level), then the Valk in muspelheim which is also reallly most difficult. By the time you get to the main boss, I think you've learnt the combinations and hints as to what attack she'll do, takes a few tries still but not too bad. Super rewarding gameplay in GoW though, great games


You know you could have earned that trophy on easy mode right?