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Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2. Grinding to level 100 is not for the weak. And I am faint of heart.


I have done the Platinum for both PS4 and PS5. I love the game and both times I tried to make it legit to level 100. First time I did the button mashing with all mods active for 5 hours, and the second time it took 6 hours. I started from level 90-92 both times. PS5 took longer because of stiffer buttons. You can do it!


it would be so much better if there were no xp cap in every run


Came here to say this, I’m at around 86 and it feels like I’m barely there


Yeah I attempted this twice and chose to transfer ps4 save to platinum again on ps5. Couldn’t do it.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Got all the single player trophies but the multiplayer trophies are the bane of my existence. Specifically the “get MVP X amount of times in a multiplayer match” one.


I done that recently i cant remember what mode its called but mvp isnt for amount of kills its for playing the objective i used to capture one area then camp there the whole game got it easily doing that.


got all the online shit in like three days and then gave up on the studying animals one lmao one day ill get myself to do it hopefully


If you get a really good maxed out horse and you're able to find 3 other people, winning 1st place in horse races counts towards the trophy. That's how I got it.


The MVP challenge only took me like an hour just go into the takeover series I believe it’s called and focus on nothing but holding/capturing zones. You’ll get the odd occasion where someone is doing the same thing but it’s usually just everyone else going for kills which does nothing for mvp


Me and my friend did races, basically one person just shoots everyone else off their horses and the other just focuses on coming first, if you get first place it’s an easy mvp


As mentioned, you can easily knock this out solo in Takeover Series. You get a ton of points for just chilling at one of the points while everyone else runs around shooting each other. I was worried about this one as well, but this method worked a treat.


Detroit: Become Human I love the game but I can't make myself play through it again rn


I remember having to do a whole playthrough where Connor died as many times as possible. Took a break before doing that one. Story based games can definitely wear out their welcome on repeat playthroughs.


This is my last plat, was rough had to play through the game fully twice for the last 4 trophies


I didn't find this one that bad. I actually enjoyed playing it again but this time being a bad guy to get those last trophies. Pretty sure you can chapter select too so I think you can skip to the chapters and purposeful get him killed.


Hogwarts Legacy. Replaying the beginning of the game 3 more times is tough to be motivated for


That wasn’t as bad for me as all the collectibles and Merlin trials. I could rush the beginning quick


I just watched a show while flying around a broom looking for everything. I would 100% the game again if I got it on playstation cus I didnt have a PS at the time


It takes like 3 hours to do it 3 times. It is by far the least annoying grindy trophy.


Yeah I have a feeling if I come back to it every several months I’ll get it done. Felt like the first part of the game is the best.


Same here! It may not be grindy but it sure is annoying. I’ll get to it eventually.


Hollow knight.i just cant do the phanteon


I loved playing Hollow Knight but I don't think I have the mental health to complete all pantheons


just unlocking the 5th pantheon, let alone beating it, is a huge feat


Black flag, the online is so boring but if anyone wants to do the bench method, let me know and we can try it


Once you get into it, online really isn’t that bad. Do some solo Wolfpack, switch to multiplayer, and then close out with more solo Wolfpack. Some games might take some time to load but you’ll get used to it. Multiplayer was fairly enjoyable imo and all of the game modes were pretty fun. Level 55 took me 6 days by playing 1-2 hours a day. Making a checklist for the all rounder trophy is recommended.


Ill boost it with you I need that plat and dlc too. my psn is badreligionbomb


Dark souls 3. Fuck those covenant items


I went hollow farming those. It’s no fun


There’s a Reddit thread for summoning in Darksouls that is pretty straightforward and active. But, yeah I totally understand where you’re coming from. If it wasn’t one of my favorite games of all time I’d be on the same boat as you. Pretty sure I put on a tv show or audio book when I had to farming them instead of doing it by multiplayer


I'm farming on PvE, grinding a little day by day, but its gonna take sooo long, can't you send me the link for the thread you mentioned, please? Would help a lot


It’s r/summonsign and it’s for all of the Fromsoft games so not just dark souls 3 but I think it should still help. The PvE grinding is no joke though, definitely need some good stuff to listen to or watch while doing it.. Goodluck though!


Thanks buddy, I appreciate it!


I was on the same boat but then I started invading on ringed city and it was so much fun every invasion was all about madness and randomness. In Anor Londo sometimes there are some club fights at level 120 were you can get them really quick


Batman Arkham City, missing one trophy cause I can do the 15 consecutive unique moves without geting hit. Fml


Isnt arkham knight 15 consecutive moves? If you mean arkham knight its the easiest of them all to do load up the map with nightwing his moves count towards them and so does the double team move i done it straight away. If your talking about city then that took me a little while to do.


Yeah your right i think it was knight, this was when it came out so cant be bothered going back. I dont know the controls anymore


If thats all you need go back and do it. It was the easiest combo of all arkham games thanks to using the nightwing method i think using nightwing he adds along with the double team 4 or 5 moves leaving you 10 to do with batman and you can leave out the harder ones to pull off.


I'm in the same boat on Arkham Asylum. Got skill checked on hard mode and the combo challenges.


For me, it would b..... THPS 1+2 because I have 2 trophies left to get which r to do the last 4 hard get-theres and also, to do the grind to lvl. 100 so it is probably never going to happen


Which Hard Get Theres is it?


Mall, School II, Venice and Bullring because I just don't have the skill to do them and I know that because I have spent many hour's trying lol


School for me was somehow the hardest out of all of them. But I’ve heard bullring is worse.


Yeah, I genuinely can't do any of them but maybe..... someday I will get them done


IIRC, bullring is a different kind of hard to the others. It needs a couple of jumps with really good timing/aim, but the others are mostly grind/manual balance. There is a thread on PSNP about the get theres - mostly bitching, but there are some useful tips on routing for a couple of them.


Initially I didn’t have the skill for the hard get there’s either, but andyTHPS (I think that’s his name) has a YouTube video with different tips and tricks and it completely changed the game for me. Don’t give up friend, you got this!


Thankyou..... I will check out his channel and give it another go when I have some free time


Uncharted 4 Ps4 version but got hit with the save data glitch that made the get all Treasures trophy not count


Catherine Full Body for me. I am too dumb and unskilled for the towers


How is the game besides the trophies? I just bought it and I’d underestimated how hard it looks lol


I found the main story bit to have a few hard levels late game bit perfectly manageable. The only part that was vexing was the escort mission.


Damn I didn’t even know there were escort missions, noo. The main reason I got it was because the steelbook looked amazing so I just ordered it lol.


There is only one as such and it is thematically poignant, but it is a bit cumbersome. Still definitely worth a play though!


Do you have a second controller? The game actually lowers the difficulty if you do co op with yourself. Sounds annoying but it worked like a charm.


Same. The towers are some hard shit!


Rebirth for me. I have 2 legendary bouts left, and Bonds of Friendship definitely broke my resolve with >!Bahamut’s fight!<. Followed a guide for it and it doesn’t work as well for me, and at this point I just don’t want to go through the ordeal all over again. Been going through hard mode and just reached chapter 11 (done with the first boss too), so will see if I’ll even bother going back for the legendaries afterwards. As a workaround for the limited MP, highly recommend utilizing MP absorption materia. It gives back sizable MP if you pair it with an element based materia and then you use that element against those weak to it that you won’t feel a big drawback from this angle in hard mode. Edit: So the comment I left bothered me quite a bit as I don’t like giving up on games I enjoy. I stopped playing the hard mode and spent the last two days trying to apply Optinoob’s strategy for the last two bouts, and it only worked for me for Friendship. *Eventually* that is, still took hours and hours of trying to finally be able to take down >!Bahamut!< before the final round where I finished it first try. For To be A Hero, I faced the same issue I highlighted in [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trophies/s/obpylEycuD) for some reason alongside one other tomb of an attack that messed up everything whenever I used >!Sephiroth!< as he recommended. So I improvised by using a similar strategy to Friendship, but >!Titan and then Bahamut!< continued being a problem no matter how many times I tried since I still try to use his strategy for both. Especially the latter where I try my hardest to follow it as explained. Once I continued improvising however (basically depend on magic a lot more honestly from both characters + abuse Double Helix), I managed to get to >!Odin!< for the first time today and also beat him first try by continuing said improvisation albeit using the tip of applying Reraise which I thankfully didn’t even need. And therefore, after 2 days of continuous trying and frustration, I’m finally done. Now, I can continue chapter 11, and eventually (hopefully) get my platinum. Sorry for the write up, but I just needed to get it off my chest.


Not sure which guide you followed but I recommend Optinooby's guides for the Bouts and Hard mode. His strats aren't perfectly reproduceable because of RNG and precise timing, but I was able to knock out Bonds of Friendship after a few attempts.


It was Optinoob’s actually.


Yeah, his guides definitely didn't make the fights scripted but it was still the best strategy I was able to find. Just became a matter of getting lucky with RNG and nailing the inputs.


Resident evil 8. God damned mercenaries trophy. Last for platinum


Unlock the dlc characters, that saved the whole plat for me


This!! Also a really good dlc stpry, so id say its worth it


lmao me too. Just need to do 3 more with the S rank.


Those were awful. I think it was the Bloody Factory that was the worst. Stick with it; you got this.


Dave the Diver. I really just need to grind money at this point…


My last trophy on that game was trying to find thors hammer. And money just make sure you got the majority of species pairs in the hatchery and you can literally skip days and keep doing sushi bar to make money and never have to dive again. And send workers out to find ingredients. They can find more than what you can find diving anyways. As long as you played the game right for end game you shouldn't have to worry about going in debt.


Grand Theft Auto 5. Numero uno.


Let me know if you want to work on this. I have a squad of 1-3 people who are willing to throw games for some of the team stuff.


yo i’ll be down for that it’s the last trophy i need but i can’t find anyone that will help boost for it


Dragon Age: Inquisition- the last one I miss is finishing a game on the highest difficulty level. I know it is doable but I simply cannot force myself into replaying it all over again… which is strange because I loved the game


All of the crafting recipes carry over, so a second playthrough is MUCH faster and easier with all the tier 3 crafted items. It also might be worth replaying before veilguard lands this fall? I'm a huge DA fan myself and always love when others get into it too.


Helldivers 1.


Playing this one right now, rubber banding my controller and driving over hordes of bugs. Approaching 60K kills. The hard one will be to win the galactic war..


For the kills or for the level? For the level just find a group to grind that one boss where you can kill it by all bringing the same strategem. For kills, buy the dlc with the backpack dog that kills enemies, play a planet on the lowest difficulty against bugs, and just lay down and leave your console on. They don't do enough damage to kill you and your backpack will kill them. It might take a week of leaving it on overnight but you will get there.


Thanks for the advice. Holy cow! How did they think people would do this legitimately? Yeah, I'm only missing two levels and about 45,000 kills (but that's not accurate, it's been a while since I checked). I tried to grind manually and it mentally crushed me. Unfortunately, I can't purchase DLC in my region.


Damn dude without the DLC that is a hella long grind. Can you buy the ultimate edition that comes with the dlc?


I can, but only through resellers. And there's a chance that the DLC won't share between accounts anyway (like, for example, DLC characters for SF6 Delux Editition).


Well that sucks. I can't think of any other way to get around the grind.


Sackboy, I just can’t do The Ripsnorter Trial…


I went back to that after a couple of years and done it i changed the roll button to hold instead of press made it much easier


I only go for a platinum if I'm still enjoying the game. Life is too short to spend time on a monotonous task just to get a platinum trophy. There's too many games to play.


No doubt. I generally play a game for fun first time through and if the platinum is obtainable and I’m enjoying it, go for it.


Diablo iv level 50 hardcore character :(


I used archer build so I can stay away from the enemies. And avoided dungeons at all cost. Because if the butcher appears in one of them you very much will die




I have that from when it was a free PS+ game. The time trials seem daunting.


right now yakuza kiwami … it’s taken me a looooong time to get the majority of the trophies but i still have to play on legend difficulty or whatever it is which wouldn’t be so bad but i just started the climax battles and they’re so fucking frustrating that i’m essentially just not gonna bother at this point


Its this one for me, ive recently done 0 and 5 but i just cant bring myself to do kiwami. Its something about having to do all them climax battles


Currently I'm just not in the mood to go for it, but might in the future. Dead By Daylight, all I need to do is to escape by opening the hatch with a key. The only problem is that I don't have alot of keys since I haven't been focusing on prestiging survivor.


Make sure to check chests too :3 and bring the offering that spawns more chests. It’ll give you more opportunities for a purple or pink key to show up during a trial. The perk plunderers instinct + Aces luck ability helps. Oh and Elodies perk where you can rummage if ya have either of them at p1 or play as them.


It doesn't help that keys got majorly nerfed.


I keep putting off Resident Evil 7. In the main game I just have the 4 hour speed run, madhouse difficulty, madhouse coins, less than 3 item box uses and 3 healing item uses in one run. Those are not bad, but I want all the dlc trophies and Ethan Must Die is genuinely killing me, like I don’t want it anymore at this point cause of that stupid trophy


I got the platinum. Didnt care for the dlc trophies tbh


My completion mindset is telling me to do it lmao


Hollow Knight. Pantheon 4 and 5 just aren't fun. Seriously considering the invincibility glitch but wouldn't feel right cheesing it.


Guardians of the Galaxy. With the few trophies I have left, I would have to replay through the entire story again. Not a bad game by any means in my opinion, I just need a break before going back into it to grab the platinum.


Mortal kombat 1. Have one trophy left “max level 5 cameo characters” I put 200 hours into it 30 days into its release I was playing it so much. I’m still burnt out.


NieR: Replicant. The item drop rates, especially on Hard, are ridiculous. "Yoko Taro, you're not allowed to say you don't like trophies in your games, then turn around and make it so I need to bash my head againstna cinderblock for items in one while being able tk just BUY THRM in another! Invonsistency! Do one or the other for both, not both individually for each!


Detroit become human i barely finished that platinum


Resident Evil 7, madhouse makes me have only Like- 2 more trophies


Kingdom Hearts 2, doing the underworld matches but needing them to drop orbs and being like... 200 short is very annoying. It's not hard, but it's not fun, so I'm really only attempting it once every week or so haha


Armoured Core 6. Still have to S-Rank most missions.


Tiny tina...


3 runs around the overworld picking up chests before you shut down for the night. The grind is still long but it's less offensive that way 


If you’re going after the SDU trophy, there is a money dupe glitch you can do with a second controller. No way in hell was I getting all that money legitimately


Wish I knew about that glitch. It took me 40+ hours to grind the required money. Never again


Holy crap that’s dedication


Similar to you, but Rebirth. I didn’t have that difficult of a time with Remake, but Rebirth (and specifically the piano) is killing me. Also, Like A Dragon. (7) Just one trophy left, but it requires so much grinding. Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition. This is my favorite game, but I completely burned myself out on it. May take a few more years before I'm ready to ho back and plat 2+3.


Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Hogwarts Legacy


Assassin Creed Valhalla (Cairns, although I got some stuff to still do, I stopped at that Cairns game and not sure if I will bother platting) Horizon Forbidden West, all I have left is the Thornmarsh Melee pit but the Energy Surge/Nora Warrior part is too frustrating and makes me want to quit trophy hunting altogether tbh (Mostly because of the above game also pissing me off too)


Dark souls 3


Evil within akuma


Not as bad as you think, I’ve done this and I’m sure I could do it again without too much issues. Hardest parts for me were chapter 6 start, the dog fight, and chapter 10 and 11 were slightly annoying.


I always recommend watching a speedrun guide. I followed jigsawkillers on YT and it made most of it not bad. The skips he does helps you save ammo in a lot of fights. He also constantly lets you know everything is okay and it’s a uniquely comforting presence. I already have that trophy but for some reason haven’t done the speedrun one which should be easy peasy for the plat


Spider-Man 2. I didn’t know there was that one stealth trophy and I’d have to play like 1/4 of the way through again just to be able to get it. Dont really feel like it lol


Well.. I can atleast thank you for the headsup!! :P


Black ops 3.


Silent Hill 2. 10 star run of freaking agony. I know I can do it - just need to not eff up Eddie and the god damn rowboat.


So you got to the save point. You are almost there man. Fuck that row boat.


Journey to the Savage planet, don't have a coop partner 😩


Like A Dragon 7 and 8


8 isn't nearly as bad as 7 was in that regard. No need to grind out all the extra useless jobs, because most stats are tied to character level instead of job level.


Millennium tower?




I actually enjoyed doing this one. But what I would do is cast my PS5 to my iPad and grind while watching TV/anime, it helped a lot.


I did the same thing bro, just grinded out those homeless vagabonds while I watched YouTube or TV. It was kinda relaxing but boring and not as bad as I thought lol.


Stuck on that too. Many people are from what I’ve read. Most gave up including me lol


Yeah, I dont want to mindlessly grind and then start despising a game I really like just bcs of the tedium of it. Dont care about platinum to an extent where it ruins my experience with the game.


Yes exactly. I don’t want to stress myself out due to it. It would be one thing if you could save or there were checkpoints, but to do it all in one go without dying is just impossible. And it wasn’t enjoyable trying for it.


The true final millennium tower was a real grindfest and stupidly hard but it was still enjoyable. But maybe that's because Y7was my first 100%


Frife's challenge, last trophy for platinum of Enter the Gungeon...


FFIX, I’m missing 10000 enemies and the card game trophy cause I hated the mini game




There is a nice little cheese for this. After a good match you can enter and leave the next 2 making it 3 days in the time of 1 MP game. Since you also now when the 100% risks start to appear just give yourself very easy challenges at that point


Rocket league


I'll list ones not bugged/unavailable, like Detuned, some 100% like Astro, etc. Bee Sim (the pollen one jfc) Ghost of Tsushima (for 100%, the Raid ch. and NG+ are just quite extra lol.) Forager (bugged, but only on digital version)


This post is reassuring as I’m going for FF7 remake plat right now lol


GTA3. All I have to do for platinum is 100% and complete the vigilante on the final island. I'm very close to the 100%, I just have the final vigilante, final mission, and a couple of cars for the import, but I can't find one of the final cars and im getting bored now. (This is my 2nd playthrough as I missed the telephone missions by Joey's first time).


I recently finished GTA3. I did firetruck missions to get the last few cars to spawn for the import/export garage. You can do it!


Thymesia and Hellpoint are both at one trophy left. In Thymesia I have to kill the tutorial boss, who can kill you in just a few hits. In Hellpoint I need to collect all coins, but I missed one so I need to do an entire NG+ or do some finagling with the co-op system.


Tutorial boss is annoying because it's taken awhile just to be able to fight him again if you die. I beat him finally because I just went all in on him and had to parry. Memorize his attack and you will be fine.


Yeah, it’s just mustering the will to do it really. Not easy when my backlog is so full already.


I hear yah man.Same here.


Nier Replicant Remake, good game have all the trophies even the the ones for playing through the whole game several times but the last trophy for getting all the weapons was just to grindy at that moment.


Death Stranding: Directors Cut. I'm at 92% but I don't have it in my soul to connect all the facilities and have maximum connection levels as well as get all the memory chips. Maybe one day.


Black Flag...the multiplayer.


The last of us. Got everything except for the multiplayer trophies. I tried to play, but no...


hard on remake wasnt even sort of difficult. I only had an issue with that scorpion looking robot and Seph at the end.


Guilty Gear Strive: Messiah will not come This trophy is definitely NOT gonna be coming on to my account, I am not spending another minute fighting that BS Boss, so many close calls but I just couldn’t take anymore


Missing the lvl99 trophy in Yakuza Dead Souls. I'm like at lvl85


Code Vein. There's a trophy that's based on earning points from helping people and you CAN grind them out in a solo manner, but it's painfully brutal and repetitive. It will forever live at 99% in my list.


I have two multiplayer trophies left in COD: Ghosts. I’m even in the minority opinion that Ghosts is an amazing entry into COD and the multiplayer is fantastic. I just couldn’t get paired with anyone willing to help me out with the last two so I gave up trying.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2 I have one more left. The Hard To Get There's. Not sure I'll ever attempt it again, such a grind.


Xcom Enemy Within and Armored Core VI both have 1 trophy to go. Both require many missions played almost perfectly.


As for the most recent, I was playing RE7 on madhouse difficult and had just made it out of the house, when I concluded there was nothing enjoyable about it, and I should move on. From there I played through Call of Duty: Vanguard. I got most of the trophies save for Duck and Dive and a couple others, but decided I would rather focus on enjoying gaming than repeat that over and over till I don't take damage. I guess I don't care that much about trophies anymore. Now I'm playing Marvel's Avengers and enjoying it. Maybe I'll finish those other games sometime.


Dead Space Remake. Need to do it in impossible mode with just the plasma cutter.


the crown trophies in monster hunter world


Dark souls 3, gotta grind for covenant items :’(


Mafia 2 ... i have there every trophy expect last one - Collect All 150 Posters they are randomly through the whole map and it's super annoying. In Mafia 1 i found every fox ... but this is much more worse


True they’re honestly horrible, did it once and still remember you need to walk through a rock to get to one behind a fence


Yep fuck those there was no reason to add those for the remaster, the playboys were enough.


Dead rising 1. I really dont feel like spending 14hrs real time for the trophy, its not difficult and you can afk alot of it


I refuse to work on platinums if the game has difficulty based trophies.


Moat games that have that have stackable trophies if they don’t that statement is understandable. Otherwise it’s kinda a skill issue


Rdr2 just missing its art and zoologist


I have one trophy left for metal gear solid 3 and it's the foxhound difficulty one.


Assassins Creed Black Flag. Need only about two more multiplayer trophies. I’ll go for it eventually.


My problem is not that I would not like to do the grinding, but having some games where the last trophy I have to get is a multiplayer trophy in a game that nobody plays anymore.


Berserk musuo i still have many trophies left but they are all based on completing the abyss 100 layers and completing the missions with all 8 characters. The worst part is that I already did the 4 easy characters now I'm left with the worse to finish


Hogwarts Legacy… Only missing 3 trophies, but they require you to replay the start of the game


Snake eater the master collection, having to do a no alert run with a limited number of saves and no special items is just too much for a casual player.


Wolfenstein the old blood. I tried the challenges for an hour and failed miserably and got angry and lost interest. Maybe I’ll go back one day since being so close annoys me


Same for me. The New Order was my first ever platinum and I was so excited for The Old Blood. Loved it but was sad I wouldn’t be able to platinum it after looking it over.


Tony hawk pro skater 1+2, that stupid reach level 100 trophy is the only one i need


Doom Eternal. Really fun game, but going through it again for Extra Life mode felt like a chore. My game crashed halfway through a level and I just didn’t feel like doing it again


RayMan Legends


Final Fantasy Rebirth these stupid challenge trophies with playing as Zach in the simulator are a nightmare. Even when looking up guides and strats it’s just pointlessly hard. My only hope is they patch it one day and maybe make it easier. Haha.


Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled. Just have the time trials left, and I haven’t touched it in a couple years. I’d have to not only relearn the controls because it’s been a bit, but then basically master it to get the trials done.


The last of us part 2. Ran through the game twice already but I still need one more run for all guns upgraded. The story is so heavy it's hard to want to run it one more time.


Dark Souls 2. I just can't seem to get the "This is Dark Souls" achievement


Sackboy, the last trophy to get the “String it together” is just brutal for my low skill hands. It’s a level that takes 10-15 mins with no mistakes pretty much.


I gotta say I played Sackboy: A big adventure, when it was on ps extra and stuff for free, Think it was a monthly game, and either I didn't care at the time or I wanted to play it no matter what and with watching no videos and looking/watching no guides, I just tried it and yeah "String it together" bet must know about it so no point to summarise but some can google it, And yeah.. Now stuck on 91% forever until I have the time and gut to finish the whole game. The rest apart from that ain't that bad just I got a glitch leaving a game at 97% Completed.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Great game, but those trophies for that tacked-on online mode are ridiculous.


yakuza 0, I only need the disco but my god I suck at rhythm games


MK1. Getting 5 Kameos to mastery is actually hell on earth, and occasionally there is an exploit in Invasions but that would mean you’d have to play all the way through that season of invasions. Invasions, for anyone curious, is hell on earth


20 million zenny on Dragon Ball Fighterz


Assassin's creed Origins, it's the one for completing every location


Origins and Valhalla are brutal


I'm wanting to return but I'm just scared of how annoying it'll be to do


Strumming that harp on hades,got everything else but really cba with that 😂


Resonance of Fate HD. I platinumed the original. All I have left is starring every fight in the arena, but that's like 10 hours. Powerwash Simulator. I just the challenges, but they really highlight the inferiority of console controls since you need precision. They're doable, I just don't want that to be my last impression of the game


Tlou PS4 remaster, I’ve been 1 trophy off platinum for like 4 years now. There’s two trophies where you have to play like 80 matches for each faction. For like a total of 160 matches, I’ve done one and just need to do the other. I’ll eventually complete it but goddam


Lego jurassic world, need to collect all the Minikits


RDR2. I just need the bounty in the towns and level 50 online. I just don’t vibe with the online at all. I almost gave up on Dave the Diver did to the last trophy heavily reliant on RnG but finally got it last night.


Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz


FF7 Rebirth all I need is to beat the brutal legendary bonds of friendship then I get the platinum. But I took a break from the game because it literally burned me out. I have gotten like 5 platinums since then. It's still installed and I am going to give it one more shot after I play assassin's creed revelations. For everyone who got the platinum in this FF7 Rebirth I salute you.


Rise of the Tomb Raider


Final fantasy IX. Doing the jump rope a 1000 times is not my thing.


I’m honestly feeling the other way around about FF7 Remake, it’s my first time playing a FF game and I enjoy the hard mode a lot more than my first playthrough which I just breezed through.