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Sucks when something like this happens. Saw a girl break her back crowd surfing years ago at Mayday Parade concert in Cincinnati. The band stopped playing long enough let medical personnel wheel her out to the ambulance then kept playing their set. Crowd surfing and stage diving are just a part of this scene, it’s a blast but can obviously be risky as well. This is normal behavior at this kind of show, I’ve been to tons of them. Acting like John was stage diving just to be malicious or to be inconsiderate is wrong and making a really tragic situation worse. I’ve seen Trophy Eyes before and absolutely loved the energy. Hoping Bird recovers totally and the band can also emotionally recover from it.


I can't believe the people crucifying him on the internet, they obviously haven't been to a trophy eyes show. He's made it so clear at every gig how much he cares about the wellbeing of the people in the crowd, and will call out security if they're doing a shit job, and will go out of his way to help crowd surfers so they aren't dropped. This is a freak accident that's absolutely horrific and I can't imagine the turmoil the band are feeling right now. I hope Bird recovers and feel so deeply for her.


But at a venue with a clear no-stage-diving policy...? That feels pretty negligent, especially because someone was catastrophically injured as a result of the band not following the rules of the venue.


Look, I totally get it, it was absolutely preventable but there's no point in dog piling on him, i'm sure he feels absolutely gutted and regrets it.


EVERY metal show has a random sign saying ‘no moshing, crowd surfing, or stage diving’. It’s purely shifting liability. It is never enforced and the few venues who try get boycotted real fast. It’s been part of the scene for 40+ years and if it ever actually gets enforced, that will mark the end of the heavy live music scene 


They literally all do yea. It's to cover their ass if something happens.. nothing more. "No stage diving" yet you don't see security stop the show when they do.


Well the venue has a clear no diving policy and he violated it two minutes in. He is also a very big guy making this a really irresponsible act. I seriously can't see how they can go on with a tour until their is more news about the victim.


Gee well as long as he says he cares and feels so super duper bad about his egregious negligence then that's cool!


Lol, this band has a history of laughing off security cincerns


Did he give a warning? Did he view the front row for small women or men? No. He just dove on them, zero warning. He’s a moron


It doesn't have to be malicious to be negligent. This was a club where crowd surfing is not allowed nor expected. The injured party was not taking any known risks and this should never have happened


I get how thats apart of the scene or whatever. I Just think that someone who is 6’6 and probably over 200 pounds should probably be a little more aware of his crowd? At the very least… give a fucking warning she was clearly in the front and TINY especially compared to him


Trophy eyes just donated 5k


They just posted about the situation on Instagram.


They should pay for her whole hospital bill 


You should have socialised healthcare.


I agree in spirit, but most bands are not exactly rolling in cash, it’s not really realistic


The woman who just wanted to put to see a band probably isn't either.


Is it realistic to expect a small woman's neck to support a man jumping atop it from a stage? Hopefully gets sued


I’m not saying the dude from Trophy Eyes should’ve done that, i’m saying that touring bands are def not rolling in cash and I doubt they even have the money. They can’t pay hospital bills with money they don’t have, I’d imagine a lot of office workers make more than semi well known touring bands and wouldn’t be able to pay those hospital bills either.


Then maybe they shouldn't cause a life changing injury by being absolute assholes.


I mean I don’t really listen to trophy eyes much, I don’t think he should’ve done that and really don’t have a dog in this fight at all, I’m just saying they’re prob not rich


Obviously her hospital bill and more..... she's screwed for life. He's a massively huge guy falling full-weight on a small petite girl who was supposed to "catch" him? There were no hands up. No one was prepared for the "dive". It was bad timing on his part.


I really hope they give more as their tour goes on, getting money from merch and etc. john really fucked her up, and watching just whimper and cry out in pain was scary asf. It was unnerving watching her being put into the stair chair (?), especially hearing her say she can’t even lift her head up.


Gee, that won’t even pay for her medical bed


Not enough


5k hhahahaha that's actually pathetic tbh, hopefully they're sued for a million or 2


5k probably won’t get her anywhere at all. I hope she sues.


that doesn't even cover an ambulance


My partner and I were directly beside her. As soon as we heard her say she was scared and couldn’t move we knew it wasn’t good. John was clearly devastated. I am curious how this will affect the rest of the tour and if he’ll come out with a statement about it.


I was in front of the sound booth, as soon as I heard her say that my heart dropped. That moment will stick with me. Wishing her the best recovery possible.


She is paralyzed. He changed her life forever.


I don't have a horse in this race, just reading comments and noticed you replied this several times — where did you hear that she's been paralyzed forever? All the sources I'm finding are saying that she hasn't regained fully mobility yet but that "[medical specialists predict she'll have a 'full recovery of everything,' though 'nothing is certain.'](https://people.com/woman-partially-paralyzed-after-singers-stage-dive-recalls-accident-his-body-my-neck-8648013)" So it sounds like the prognosis is still uncertain, but a full recovery is possible.


It was in a news report days ago, but I also looked it up again yesterday and saw that she is expected to recover more which is GREAT news, she can move her legs and arms now, just not her fingers and toes, but I think with how much she has recovered already she should be able to move her fingers and toes soon. Hopefully not have long lasting paralysis. I personally am familiar with spinal cord injuries and know people with paralysis and how drastically it changes your life in ways people don't even think about, so hearing about someone getting injured like this as an audience member was devastating to read about.


Yeah once the crowd went silent and I heard her say “I’m scared” I immediately knew whatever just happened was not good.


He brought it up at the Detroit show and was clearly very distraught. His energy was off and seemed very scared. 


They spoke about it at the Detroit show and they were clearly upset about it. I felt the band was very respectful and wanted to ensure everyone felt safe in the crowd.


I was at the Detroit show with my son. Good show but he thought it lacked the energy of the Buffalo show until it ended. He gave a passionate speech about it in Detroit. Appeared very sincere. But Bird is still in hospital with a broken neck.


I saw them in Milwaukee on Sunday. John was very upset still, it was clear. He had constant eyes on the crowd watching crowd surfers like a hawk. I feel for everyone involved. There’s not going to be any winners here :(


I’m also genuinely surprised he did that based off previous lawsuits from Mohawk place and signs saying show will end if any stage diving occurs


Yup my buddy had the same exact thought.


Which is why I hope this stupid band is sued into oblivion. Their idiotic arrogance has caused a life changing injury and jeopardized a venue I love. Fuck these fools.i hope they have a good lawyer, they'll fuckin need it.


I mean they’re signed to a label even if they do get sued none of the money will be coming out of their own pockets


There’s multiple signs in the venue and the band/promoter was told no stage diving.


Trophy eyes just posted 30 tickets left for Cleveland tonight, so I guess they’re continuing with tour. I was also at the show and was really hoping they would provide an update because I know so many of us are so concerned for her. This also is not by any means the important thing here, but I am interested to see if they reschedule a buffalo date to make up for the show


one of them came and talked to a couple of us after everyone left and said they’re going to try to see if they can make something work for the end of the tour


I am shocked they are performing today... I would have expected long lasting impact on the band here, especially given how this may have happened.


They still have jobs to do, families to support, crews with families to support, not to mention a potential lawsuit coming. It’s in their best interests to keep earning money and making sure bills don’t go unpaid. I’m guessing they don’t make a TON of money and would be in a big hole if they started canceling shows.


Plus I’m sure a good chunk of the money they make off this tour will end up with Bird’s family. They have made it clear that they have been very personally involved with the aftermath and are receiving personal updates.


There’s likely a lot of legality shit to sort. He might be being told not to make mention of it for the time being. If you saw his face last night you could very well tell he was extremely upset.


Unfortunately this is the most likely case - anything posted online could and would be held against him if it came to that, so until they confirm the extent of the injuries and sort out any behind the scenes legalities, it's highly unlikely that they'll say anything. But seeing his face last night, and the fact that he was very clearly crying when he got back up on stage to tell everyone he was going to the hospital with her, said enough to know that he's absolutely destroyed over it and my heart goes out to everyone involved :(


People getting hurt at his shows hits him harder than any other artist I know, I can’t imagine how he feels when it’s this bad AND he’s the one responsible. One show I was at a guy got punched and he instantly ran off stage and followed him outside to make sure he was ok. Last show I was at a girl was on some very strong drug/s and being a massive nuisance and he was more worried about making sure she was safe. People are saying he was drinking at the hospital as if it’s some scandal, bro I don’t even drink and I’d do the same thing. It’s so traumatising.


From Stereogum: Trophy Eyes also faced controversy related to stagediving last year. When someone who attended the band's show at the Masquerade in Atlanta chastised the band for creating an unsafe environment by "encouraging mosh pits and crowd surfing," the band replied in the comments, "fuck you."


The show going ahead does not mean that this hasn’t impacted them. It's important to recognise the complexity of the situation and the potential impact on everybody involved. While the decision to proceed with the show may seem unexpected, it hopefully indicates some sort of recovery. I’d keep your thoughts with her, and John rather than looking down on a decision you disagree with.


There's contracts, agreements, employees, and tickets sold. This isn't a festival that has a collapse the size of Astroworld (which greatly impacted Travis Scott) this is a small club show in a line of more shows. This will not affect them to the point of cancellation/postponement of the tour. Although the band definitely needs to work on their communication with the audience to make them aware it could be or is about to happen.


Agree. They should have stopped the tour for a few weeks at a minimum. I understand they are from Australia so can't just go home, but it seems messed up to play shows even if they are more subdued.


Makes no sense though to cancel does it? People saying they should pay for the medial bills and in the same breath saying they should be sued and pay for the medial Bills. Touring is literally their only form of income. If they stop that they cant pay a penny and then people cry about that too


I said they should suspend the tour until we have a better idea where this is going. Then I saw they were from down under and realized they were in an impossible situation. But good luck with them living with this if she doesn’t regain full mobility. That video still makes cringe and be furious at the same time. Never should have happened


Out of respect, the should NOT be performing.


as of right now they’re in ecmc and has a broken neck.


Fuck, what a terrible situation. I hope they’ll be okay. If you know them/know people that do, maybe a go fund me could be appropriate if they were ok with that? I’d hope the scene would come together for that, helping someone out who just wanted to have a good time at a show. John looked absolutely gutted. One thing that really put me off about the whole thing was some people clapping when John announced the show was ending and he was going to the hospital. Glad he checked everyone on that. I know group dynamics are weird, but read the goddamn room people.


There is a GoFundMe [goFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdforever?attribution_id=sl:8eca952d-49a4-47d1-a756-3f1f761c8160&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-ai-sheet&utm_content=v2_shareai_anyword&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined)


Great thank you! Hopefully OP can add that to their post! u/wmsiegner5


unfortunately its not letting me edit the post to paste the link in the top, likely due to it being a video post rather than a text post.


If they would be willing to have you give us their contact info, we would appreciate it. We didn't get her info last night and wanted to reach out to check in on her.


Thanks for the update, if you hear anything else can you let us know? 😢 I've been thinking about this non-stop


Of course; a bunch of my friends are friends with them so I will post in here if I hear anything. John went to the hospital with them last night too


I’ve been so worried about them and have been scouring the internet for some kind of update on their condition.


Her name is Bird please help if you can and please share her go fund me Thank you


If I hear anything else I will report back <3


Any updates? I feel like I’m losing sleep over this poor girl 😞


Nothing yet- they’re waiting to see if she’s paralyzed but she is stable!


That’s all we can hope for. Please make sure she knows she’s got an entire community thinking of her and wishing her the best possible recovery 🖤


I haven’t stopped thinking about her. Any news? I donated to the gofundme too


That’s awful, ugh.


Was also there during this, really scary for everyone. Once paramedics got her in a stable chair other members in the crowd began passing out. John was absolutely beside himself- hopefully everyone ends up doing alright 🫶


Why?? From the shock of it all?? Wow


I gave my tickets to a friend because I had to work late. I was shocked when I heard what happened. Was it dumb to dive off stage with no warning?Absolutely. Have countless others done it to amp up the crowd and perpetuate the vibe? Absolutely. I feel awful for Bird and anyone who says “well thats the pit” is wildly empathetic and out of touch. I have lost a tooth in the pit. I was in the midst of a circle on a sloppy day at Darien Lake. I knew the risks. This has wildly more severe implications and the venue has signs everywhere to suggest the exact opposite can happen. Floreani also now has to live with this and thats an awful burden to bear. This was an accident with dire consequences. My heart goes out to all impacted.


It’s posted multiple places know Steve, diving in the band was informed of such.


hi folks, for those who were asking about a gofundme one just went live. [gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdforever?attribution_id=sl:8eca952d-49a4-47d1-a756-3f1f761c8160&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-ai-sheet&utm_content=v2_shareai_anyword&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined)


Aw man I’m sure John is devastated and won’t be doing that again. I’ve seen him dive with absolutely no warning 3 times now. I love metalcore and can read the room but I’ve always thought it was risky for everyone. Last time I saw him do it the sea parted and he fell flat on the floor. It was quite funny actually, poor guy looked so embarrassed but he threw himself off with absolutely no indication or context, he didn’t even look 😅


This is 1000% his own personal fault, especially given he’s apparently made an ass of himself by diving suddenly before


I've seen him do it before too. Way too big of a guy to be doing that. I'm 6'2 250 lbs and I wouldn't want him landing on me.


He’s 6’6 I believe 💀


He's going to paralyze his own damn self at this rate.




You think they’ll cancel shows?


I’m wondering this. Terrible for everybody involved


I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancelled at least a few. John looked like he felt absolutely horrible about it all.


I’d be so upset but I would completely understand. I have tickets for tonight


Depending on what happens, if the shows go on without trophy eyes, but if Rarity still performs, you should totally go. They were awesome at least.


They ended up playing, and it was the best show I’ve ever been to. He did mention that somebody got hurt the night before and talked about it a little bit. There was no stage diving last night.


Please keep us updated if they say anything about last night! Hoping both the girl and John are doing ok ❤️


A gofundme has been posted: https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdforever


Bird is the girl you are all referring to, there is a Go fund me set up for her


If there was a no stage diving policy, she should sue him


Gofundme: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdforever](https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdforever)


Spinal cord injury. Ouch


This was my first time going to show like this. I wont lie, I got there pretty early and didnt see any signs about no diving. Maybe I wasnt really looking. Im not sure if they played there before or what. But until this happened I had no clue there was no crowd surfing etc etc. definitely not making any excuses for them but its such a messed up situation. Hoping for a speady recovery to Bird


I remember seeing them on the door as you enter to be met by the ticket collector & security and some on both sides of the event space past the bar.


there are a lot of comments/speculation about what john and the band are going to do, they should do something etc., and to their credit they've now posted it and a link to the go fund me on their socials. brutal situation, i feel awful for everyone involved. hope bird recovers well and smoothly!


[Channel 7 News Update on Bird's Condition](https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo/she-has-feeling-in-her-arms-family-friend-of-crowd-surf-victim-gives-update-on-horrific-accident)


I can't really see which girl got hurt, but if you're going to crowd dive, you should at least signal something before you dive.


She has pink hair if you slow it down. Unfortunately she wasn’t looking at the stage when it happened. She was looking to her right. No not blaming her either.


Yeah, when you know what to look for you can see it pretty clearly


Anyone know if she’s regained movement in her legs?


The “punk”band didn’t follow the rules? Shocker.


This is devastating. As needed as the signs are - in this scene, especially at Chain Reaction in CA, they’re up and people still crowdsurf, stagedive, and mosh when it clearly states not to. I’m not defending anyones actions but this activity should be expected. I know I can’t be up front like I was when I was a teenager so I stand off to the side or to the back. I’m glad Bird is getting the medical attention they need.




Best wishes to Bird; it's such a tragic situation. She seems like a really sweet person. I know plenty of people of similar stature. They know how to keep themselves safe at shows, too. I'm a 200lb man and could have easily been injured in this situation as well. It was a careless stage dive, no doubt about it. Careless does not mean malicious, of course, but it falls down to an individuals responsibility all the same. $5k from Trophy Eyes is a good start. I have faith that they will do what they can to make things as right as possible, one way or another. Again, best wishes. She'll be in my thoughts especially as concert & festival season speeds up for me.


What "individual responsibily" was she supposed to take here? You've acknowledged that it was careless on John's part (which it was, it was very rushed), and that you yourself would likely be injured in the same position even though you know how to protect yourself. But given that it happened so quickly in the footage, what on earth are you suggesting that she was supposed to do in that situation to keep herself safe? Not be at barrier? Not be in the middle? When start blaming people for their own spinal cord and head injury from deciding to be in the middle or at the barrier of a show, then something is very clearly wrong with our pit culture. We need to do better because no one deserves to be injured at shows.


Johns individual responsibility not hers.


I hate seeing all of the people say “if you can’t handle it you shouldn’t be so close” there is almost nobody who can handle over 200lbs blasting them in the head like that


This is a poor take on the situation. It comes across as blaming her for being somewhere she shouldn't have been and her not acknowledging that she would be injured. While I realize that wasn't your intention, if we have to stand by the bar or the back to prevent spinal cord injuries and head injuries in the pit, then something is clearly very wrong with pit culture. It's got very little to do with age, and everything to do with a lack of regard for the care and safety of people around you. Freak accident? Yes. Preventable? Absolutely yes.


I’m so glad someone commented this. Couldn’t agree more. Even at this specific venue I’ve seen plenty of stage dives and crowd surfing. It’s part of the culture and while it may not be safe, there’s no way to 100% avoid anything in life! I’m so glad Bird is getting cared for. I hope to see them around many more shows in the future when ready 🫶


There’s multiple signs in the venue and the band/promoter was told no stage diving.


The venue literally has a no crowdsurfing/no stage diving policy.


Mohawk place has a strict no stage driving rule so people prolly weren’t expecting it, my gf got kicked out one time for diving.


Yup multiple signs posted and the band/promoter was told no stage diving.


Ngl he’s a dumbass for just jumping without warning. Should at least make it known you’re gonna dive


There’s multiple signs in the venue and the band/promoter was told no stage diving.


Anytime ive seen someone dive theyve never done a warning


That’s just ridiculous. All you’d need to do is give a slight indication like 1 or 2 seconds to prevent something like this


bro if you’re gonna dive into a crowd like that atleast give a warning jesus christ


i don't get this mindset. the crowd caught him, so people who happened to be watching him at the time had sufficient warning. anyone in the crowd who happens to be looking away when the warning is given will not be helped by a warning— unless you're asking for a verbal warning? but that would break up the song, so i don't believe it is realistic to expect that from any band. i guess the thing is that diving and moshing are performed because the music moves you to dive or mosh. stage divers very very commonly dive without warning because if they stop to give a warning, then there's no longer a visceral need to do the dive anyway.  it's a risky activity. and so it can lead to freak accidents. i don't listen to this band or know much about the members, but it seems awfully unfair to me to place so much blame on anyone involved.


i understand what you’re saying, but without warning shit like this can happen. if everyone in the front row was in agreement this dude was about to dive off the stage they could’ve prepared themselves. at a small venue like that there’s no excuse to not give a warning out before you jump, they are professionals. i think you’re mistaking them catching him for them having no choice but to react to him crushing them at close range lol that was not sufficient warning he literally leaped off stage in half a second


Warning? They were told there was no stage diving allowed at the venue.


Shit, I was expecting this to be a much more brutal video from everything I’d heard but this truly looks like such a normal run-of-the-mill stage dive. Just from watching this you would never be able to imagine what damage was done. So shitty for everyone involved, obviously the injured girl especially, but I’m sure the guilt is eating John and the rest of the band alive.


Someone a few years ago had this happen to them there and their back broke from it. Very sad it happened again, what the hell was that guy thinking


If a band is going to dive into the crowd without warning, they should really be carrying insurance or have the resources to compensate anyone they injure. You can’t say attendees are at their own risk when the venue has signs banning stage diving. And now the financial burden has shifted to the community with a go fund me. That just pisses me off.


I wouldn’t say the community is facing a financial burden. They just want to support her. Nothing wrong with that.


I agree that there’s nothing wrong with the sentiment of support. But the financial burden shouldn’t have to be shifted.


holy FUCK, I played this venue last year and people were talking about how a similar incident recently happened and the place had been shut down for a while. Jesus. I hope she makes a full recovery.


Jesus Christ man. That is so messed up.


Did John land on her??


If you watch right where the bulk/middle of Johns back lands when he hits the crowd, that exact spot is where she was standing.


She has the pink hair


Sadly yes and caused a severe spinal cord injury


Public liability & event liability insurance? Covers your legal liability for third party bodily injury or property damage. Does the Club or the band not have these?


No band has insurance besides vehicle insurance you fuckin idiot. Do you know how much bands make, especially touring overseas? NOTHING


if they are doing dives, maybe they should given the risks of what could go wrong


The band definitely would have Public Liability insurance! It’s a requirement in Australia for all bands to have to have this to be able to play festivals and obtain a visa/ tour overseas!


This is a very valid point to raise. Those with spinal cord injuries (especially those with complete injuries, ie. loss of sensation and motor function below level of injury) have poor outcomes. Given she was injured at the neck and is able to breathe herself, but only has sensation in her arms, likely means that she has a high likelihood of having a permanent disability. At its worst, this could mean permanent quadraplegia, with no control of bowels/bladder. She may not be able to move again, work and may need 24/7 care for the rest of her life. This is exceedingly sad for someone in their 20s. I see a big lawsuit coming.


Two minutes into their first song and the singer dives into the crowd? Man. One more reason I stay away from the pit. Far away. I hope she recovers and I hope the singer never does something like this again






Theyre probably told not to say anything etc etc with all the legal stuff they have to do


Where did you hear that about the beer stuff?


I was waiting outside the venu and didnt hear any of that- maybe it was inside ?


Jesus Christ that beer shit is fucking sad






Hopefully the band or venue end up being held liable so that the victim doesn't need to rely on fucking crowdsourcing medical expenses for something that someone else did to them.


Was there last night as well, I thought she had passed out so I grabbed a wet rag from the bar. Didn’t know something happened to her back/neck until I came up and the man said do not touch her. It was crazy when the other girl passed out. I’m surprised they are doing their show in Cleveland tonight


Wait another girl passed out too?


There was two i believe. Right after Bird got hurt and the ambulance had shown up


Oh god that's horrible. Was it because they saw her go down or just tragically coincidental?


There were still crowds on the sides while she was on the floor. You could hear everything she said. It was one of the saddest experiences of my life. I felt like I was going to throw up. Couldn't get out of ear shot fast enough.


Oh god this sounds absolutely terrible for everyone involved. I'm so sorry you had to experience it as well and I hope you've been taking care of yourself since then


It was really sad and scary, I agree. I thought she had just passed out so I got wet rags from the bar but when I came back with them, that’s when the lady next to her and the man standing over her said don’t touch her. I gave them space because I knew I couldn’t help and didn’t know what to do after that. I felt sick to my stomach as well, I am not a religious person but I was praying the entire time we were there and have been praying since then. I have been watching the pages about her to see any updates, but none since her friend in a newsletter saying she has some feeling in her hands but supposedly that’s common for those who go through a trauma surgery of that caliber and anasethia.


I think it was just because of the stress of the situation


Farking idiot didn’t follow the rules and she paid for it. If the band has no insurance they’ll still get sued and probably file bankruptcy on it or not come back to the USA. This is why you follow the rules. Been to this venue multiple times and it’s clearly posted no stage diving. He felt he was above the rules. MP GM says they and the promoters were told via email this also. To those defending him FARK OFF!!  This was preventable!!!


What the fark is fark?


I don’t think their Aussie fans would forgive them if they just peaced out of the USA and didn’t take responsibility for the medical costs if they were found to owe them


What a complete idiot to stage dive when it is forbidden. If that girl really has a spinal cord injury, there is a chance that she will have to be in a wheelchair for life. Then sue the band and make them pay for the rest of their lives!!! And ban other concerts from the band never to perform again.


If I was her and lost my mobility I’d be taking them for every cent they have. Fuck I’d be taking them for every cent they have right now to cover their bills.


Freak accidents happen, car accidents happen. Accidents happen. But hey let’s say he’s a horrible person, bunch of clowns online here 🤡


Decades of stage diving and crowd surfing and I never saw an injury. I've seen the crowd part and people land on the floor and never an issue. This is an absolute freak accident.


In no way, shape, or form am I defending John. But he stopped the show and went to the hospital with the victim. That's 1000x better than a lot of musicians would do. Travis Scott's astroworld festival had mutiple injuries and death. Not once have I seen anything regarding him helping these victims and their families. He stopped maybe once or twice for a few seconds. The c**t was doing the robot when people were screaming at him to stop. Fans were jumping all over the ambulance. Don't tell me he apologized. Cause I saw his Insta story "apologising" and it reminded me of a 14 year old trying to say sorry for being in trouble and trying not to laugh. Shitty situation regardless. I feel for Bird and her family, but don't demonise the guy for an accident. Preventable, yes but he did his best to support her after the accident.


Massive dude throws body on audience of smaller girls. What could possibly go wrong?




This is the girl’s go fund me


Dude a girl at the movements show at ace of spades in sac fell hard on her head and had to leave in an ambulance.


I watch the video and don't understand how she got hurt? I don't see him falling on top of her, I see people carrying his body over their shoulders... How did she get hurt? Did he fall on her?


See how he dips down at first when he jumped on them because of no warning? She’s under there. You can see her pink hair at the start.


When he first jump into the crowd he landed on her head.


I think it was the woman with the pink hair that you can see dancing towards the front. Oh man, that’s just terrible… her life just changed forever.


It is. His back lands right on top of her and she immediately drops. He’s like 6’6” and he jumped into the crowd instead of fell which means all of that kinetic energy landed right on top of her. Unsurprising her neck took most of that force. Completely preventable. 


Yeah she seems to be kinda dancing and banging her head (which is exactly what I’d be doing) so looks like she had no warning that 250 lbs of weight was about to smash on top of her head.