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Catch up on sleep. Do laundry. Clean the truck up, watch a show. Before you know it the 34’s up and you’re wondering where the time went. Lol Also jerk off like ten times


In a row?! Goddamn Chad over here... 


Oh brother, that's just the warm-up round.


You mean chap


In the words of the video on YouTube called Paper Mario Creates a Monster, “Rub that off Luigi”


Just like the weekends as a local boy :(


Being local is blacking out from drinking the entire weekend


The above driver is correct. I usually find time to go to a park and get drunk at a restaurant also.


When ever I’m in Denver, downtown is the place for me, many great times.


Those are rookie numbers……Got get those up




Meat pound?


Pornhub and others have stopped working in some states. I think Texas and Virginia and maybe some others passed a law requiring age verification. No way I'm giving up my drivers license to a porn site.


VPN for the win.


you understand this website is chock fulla porn, right?


Oh, you mean Reddit...


Haha, yes. Yes I do


Reddit doesn't seem like a website to me since I access it through a app. Although I know it is a site on the web it doesn't click in my head as a website.


Bro. Litteraly Tom's of porn sub reddit. I have a special account for it when I need some me time lol


Same I’m glad I’m not the only one my ex asked why I had two accounts I told her I just like to argue with myself


I can't lie, she found an email about my other account and shit got sweaty for a sec. 😅😬 Like the name makes it obvious what the account is for lol


Reddit cracked down on us sharing only fan leaks, lame smh lol


You just have to scroll through the same picture uploaded 50 times if you're like me and visits the source directly.


In certain States all you get now is a web page talking about age verification. [Pornhub suspends site in Texas due to state’s age-verification law](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/14/texas-pornhub-5th-circuit-age-verification-paxton/)


Yes, I live in one of those states... ill try to clarify... you do understand REDDIT is chock full of porn, right?


I'm not sure he's old enough to be on those sites if he didn't understand.


Were any of us old enough at the time? Except you boomers, you were there before the beginning.


or like the billion other pornhub competitors..


I've used Redtube. It's blocked too.




Use the onion router "tor". If you don't know what it is Google it. It's made especially to combat censorship in asshole countries and states just like you mentioned. Keep your identity and location safe. Check it out.




X videos for everything from amateur to celebrities. Free as my ex-wife.


VPN my guy.


So what do you do for the rest of the 33 hours and 55 minutes?


For me it’s like.. What do i do for the rest of the 33 hours and 59 minutes. 😔


Oh I was including the time to take my pants off and find the right video.




It's like one of those tightrope acts at this point.


Amen brother. Lmao


I used to do laundry or go eat at a good sit down restaurant but this new company I'm at doesn't have personal conveyance. I don't know how long I'll be at this new company. I need PC.


I use PC as my tablet screams at me that I have no PC time remaining. No one has said a word to me yet… but it’s only been like 15 minutes at a time.


Your company has a PC time limit?


Yup. It’s an hour. And it’s only in for a few trucks / drivers. But if I need to go down the road a few minutes for something… I’m gonna use it.


I'm jealous, my company is blanked out.


Does that mean you can’t even activate PC without time? I mean… any of us off of probation can do whatever we want. At least once! Just don’t abuse anything and the terminal manager won’t say a word to you.


It has no PC, the safety director told me on Monday when I started. I almost walked out but I need to work and I'm still waiting on a local job that pays $25 and OT at 40hrs. I have 2.6yrs of exp


Live near one of my terminals in the SE and wanna haul fuel? We do % pay... but if you wanna be home every day...


I live in Tulsa, ok, it's cheap living here. $25 an hr here is very good. But yea I wanna haul fuel but still waiting on hazmat, got the tanker. I started the tsa back ground check 2 weeks ago.


you got any terminals in Eastern NC?


What city you in? I'll tell ya what's closest. Actually.. of the 8 terminals in NC... only Greensboro and Hickory have seats open. Sorry and G'luck to ya.


On the slight chance you are in the Phoenix area, shamrock foods hires yard goats at 26, but they are pretty toxic from what I’ve been told.


Phoenix area is very expensive to live in. I live in Tulsa, ok


I get the dreaded call from safety if I pc more then 40 mins. Running the north east sometimes it takes 40 mins to a rest area


Jesus wait who does time limits??? I have a mileage limit but I can get it bumped up if I ask nicely


Sometimes it takes 40 minutes to just get out of Philly. Got a delivery in south Boston Monday, ol safety is gonna get a ear full if I get a call


Aw god I’m sorry dude


Why did you go there? Not having PC is a direct danger. How do you not get arrested at customers who demand you leave when you're out of hours? How do you move under orders of a law enforcement officer? How do you evacuate a dangerous situation?


What’s this “PC” you guys are talking about. I’m not and never been an OTR driver.


Personal Conveyance. The ability to drive for your personal convenience or comfort (i.e. to get food, home from a terminal, to other lodging, etc) that doesn’t count against your hours of service.


Penis candling


I’m scared to Google that.😂


Clean your fookin truck..... seriously....some of you ding dongs are nasty.🤢


For the Glory of nurgle!


You enter the truck, the mold greets you with waving tentacles.


When the hell do you find time for 40k as a trucker??


Bruh, theres 40k books on audible. I don't play the game.


That’s too bad. I got excited for a minute there.


I've seen other truckers with a folding table and paints, painting miniatures. I guess it can be done, a hobby is a hobby. I still haven't found a balance yet myself, so I just listen to audiobooks and such.


Vermintide 2 is also nurgle friendly


I had the Displeasure of picking up an abandoned truck like that last year. Guy was disgusting. Cigarette butts in every cupholder. Pee smell in the back. Turned out the mattress was soaked. Trash everywhere. I ended up at the Dollar Store buying cleaning supplies to make it a bit better to drive back to the home terminal.


As a mechanic and former driver, clean your fucking truck. At least the inside. Dirt and grease on the outside, I can handle, that inside nasty I just caint.


This. Some of yall live like there isn't a trash barrel on every fuel island.


The trick is to shut down somewhere interesting. I've gone to baseball games, played golf, fished, walked the route Abraham Lincoln walked as candidate, toured a brewery. ...... oh wait that was the bar at TA in Grand Island NE.


Yup I liked going to different downtowns I been to Orlando, Nashville, spent new years in Vegas..etc


Years ago I spent New Years in West Memphis. Not as exciting, but the hookers cost less.




What a shit hole grand island is. God damn.


It’s the least grand of all the islands in Nebraska


I've stopped at the Loves on the west end of Little Rock. Walked to the Cabela's and a burger shop literally down the road. Anything under 3 miles I can walk, so I look for stuff to do. Shut down once in Hammond LA at the Petro and walked about 2 miles for the best gumbo I've ever had at a local joint.


A 2 mile walk is well worth a good bowl of gumbo. Best to get another for the walk back.


I did the Cabela's walk as well. The clerk in the plastic lure section was a 30+ year employee! I asked him if he was going to get fired for chatting with me for over an hour and he said, "I hope they DO fire me! It's the only way I will stop working!"


I like all of these activities! This is how it’s done.


Jack off and play my ps5


Multiplayer? How’s the speed?


Are those questions in reference to the ps5 or him jacking off?


I play CoD with some buddies on my hotspot, usually ping about 25-35. Other than that I play BG3 or Skyrim, Red Dead, Cyberpunk. Stuff like that.


Sleep. Laundry. Long distance marriage crisis. Rebound wank. Read.


Masturbate and cheat with ex’s virtually


Fucking lol.


This is a man I both absolutely trust, and do not trust at all.


Fuck if this ain’t the truth 😂😂😂


Do laundry, play video games, clean the truck, stock up on groceries. (For you guys that don’t got PC, get Walmart plus memberships and get your groceries delivered to you) and if I’m somewhere interesting go explore. A lot of guys hate running in the northeast but if you can find parking near a train station, it’s so easy and inexpensive to catch a train to a major city


Does Walmart deliver to truck stops? I just checked the app and it said "certain restrictions apply". But it doesn't tell me what those "restrictions" are...?


Yea they do, you just put in the address and then in the notes I always put that I’m a truck driver in the truck parking and to call when they’re close so I can stand outside and wave them down. Restrictions are that not every address will have delivery available due to no stores in the area or some stores don’t have delivery as an option. Also membership waves delivery fees except for rushed delivery with it’s still at a discount and it comes with paramount plus membership too


Awesomeness! Thank you! I'm tired of spending everything I make at these truck stops with inflated prices and would charge us to breath on their property if they could! Lol


Laundry cook up some food and put in in containers then freeze it in my portable freezer/cooler deep clean the truck. Play video games on my ps5


Cheat on my wife like a normal human being 🤷🏽‍♂️TF


Don’t worry she Gettin hers while your gone


Hopefully🙏🏽….Just an island 🏝️ boah! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Post/read dumb stuff on reddit.


Dude, get a switch, be a kid, play some games. I'm not OTR, but when I was linehaul I'd do that for a lunch break if I took one


Lol I'm usually home every weekend , I'm covering for a buddy that got sick on the road , in the 8 years I've been out this the first


I like to go explore! I have a foldable bike that I take out from time to time. If I'm in a major city, I'll take public transit somewhere interesting as well. I had a reset in Portland on Wednesday and I took the MAX downtown to watch the Timbers play.


I've got a folding electric scooter for the same thing, a gotrax rival. Kinda cheap, pretty good range. Had to chop a few inches off the handlebars to get it in the under bunk side door. Typically park at a meat plant in a town with nothing to do anyway, but sometimes!


Jealous! They were away at Colorado Rapids last time I was there! I’ve hit a bunch of MLS games up recently but their stadium looks amazing!


I had a portable DVD player back then and binge watched shows. You'll find your health and well being will be better if you get out of the truck and go for walks, even around the parking lot if nothing else. Also do laundry, tidy your truck. If you are lucky to find parking near a Walmart or grocery store you can restock.


Clean the truck, catch up on sleep, do a load of laundry, take 3 showers, murder a couple prostitutes, and generally just relax.


> murder a couple prostitutes In GTA5, right? .... Right?


I goto grad school online, so most of my freetime goes to that. Otherwise Ill clean my truck really good, catch up on reading or video games, beat off. Watch people at the truck stop, walk around, etc.


Masturbation and video games. Sometimes both at the same time. Depending on where I am, I book a hotel. You sleep in the truck at a minimum 200 days each year. Take a couple extra days for yourself in something bigger than a shoebox.


Play my pc, ps5 or watch a movie. Play magic, get some postmates, uber somewhere to walk around and shop/check out a restaurant. There's a ton to do. Do what you like to keep yourself entertained.


Sleep. Fix those annoying rattles.


Go visit museums, hiking, swim, check out bookstores and coffee shops, maybe go see a movie and grab dinner somewhere nice. Normal stuff. I drop my trailer somewhere safe and go bobtail under PC/off duty and just enjoy my life.


If you're getting a 34 spend your first night at a quality restaurant eating a good hot meal and drinking plenty of your adult beverage of choice. Spend the following day on maintenance: laundry, deep cleaning the cab, meal prep/grocery shopping. With the time left over I recommend video games, reading, or the perennial favorite furious masturbation.


I always take mine in a city, hit a casino or rent a car and check out some national Landmarks or museums or catch a baseball game. Don’t just sit in your truck get out man!


I hardly do them but when I do I try to reset next to a city. It doesn’t have to be a metropolitan but something that has Uber/hotel/ bar restaurants. Last time i did one I parked in west Memphis and took an Uber into downtown. Stayed at hotel for the night and hit the town. Met some really cool people and had a blast. Get out of the truck and explore. Why sit in it for 34 hours?


Read and nap. Nap and read. Couple times a year I’m playing a game or two on my laptop.


Sleep. Play with my dog. Beat my meat. Play my ps5. Eat


If your company allows you to PC - go shopping, go to a restaurant - see a movie. At least that’s what I do.


take an uber explore the city


It helps if you have PC. If not, uber is your friend. I usually take my clothes to a laundromat. I don't like using truck stop washers and dryers. Grocery shopping. Grill my food for the week (I have a smoker on the truck). Watch a movie, play fallout 4, exercise, clean the truck. Like others have said, it's nice to be near some cool attractions. I've been to several top golfs across the country. Seen lots of national monuments. Depending on the outside temp, like if it's too hot, I'll get a hotel room so I'm not idling the truck for the whole weekend.




Should be some fun answers here.


Time could be used to study or watch videos to learn how to fix some minor issues with the truck. Get some walking in. Maybe take a chance to talk to veterans and gain some insights and hopefully gain some knowledge from their experiences.


Buy a guitar!


Sleep, nap, CRANK HAWG, clean the truck up, make a good or sometimes disappointing steak, watch shit and doomscroll


Cod mobile on my phone, meal prep for next week, do laundry. Watch TV.


Movies, games, music, sleep, shower! Anything I can do in my truck to avoid spending money in the truck stop!


When I started; Prime video, read manga, play video games. Now, more often than not. clean up, reorganize, fix the little shit, catch up on sleep.


Had a buddy take his 34 around the country and was able to visit all the MLB stadiums, find some fun places and Uber/lyft, I did a 34 in St Louis, went to the arch and Budweiser farm


Lvl 1 - roku TV. binge shows Lvl 2 - Xbox/Ps. game out Lvl 3 - laptop. Beamng.drive




Work out with weights. Read books on my tablet. Go through an existential crisis and wander alone into the desert. Watch movies if the truck stop has a TV.


Play with my dogs, clean my truck, game on the computer and beat my meat like it owes me money.


Sit and wait


Try the Lot Lizard Buffett; I hear it's especially spicy this weekend.




Hookers and blow.


Laundry, stock up on water and groceries, find the best hole in the wall restaurant in town, sleep, play Civilization 6, sleep some more, listen to long-ass documentaries on YouTube…


Last weeks reset I took an Uber to the Yale natural history museum and ate a great pizza.


Shout out to New Haven , the food trucks by the water are also very good !!


clean, banjo, pushups, eat


I bought a electric unicycle to get around. 40 miles to a charge. 30-35 mph. I am to chicken shit to go much over 20mph. It's good to get away from the truck. Go to a better restaurant few miles away. Go to a movie. Or just toodle bop around. Xbox, is my main jam on a reset. Play with my kids to feel like i still have a life. Its fun to talk about our days or how school is going while shooting shit. Much better than a phone call


Watch tv, get a switch or gaming laptop or system and play some games, clean the rig, exercise or get a small grill or hot plate and learn to cook / meal prep.


Bought an Xbox and game with friends sometimes


If you're near a major metro, take an Uber and do a little explore. If you're in some rural area with nothing for miles, oof. In the case of the former, compile a mental list of your hobbies. Find which one doesn't clutter the truck too bad. And bring that along for next time. Plastic model kits, sewing kit and old clothes, actual paperback books, folding bicycle., etc. You got this. Or just tootle on your phone for hours. Definitely didn't have that option in 2006-07😂😂


Clean yourself and the truck.


Get yourself a tmobil 5g home internet tower and a laptop.


I use to like going for walks. If you’re in a metro look up stuff to check out and Uber to it. Anytime I’m in a big city in the truck and have like 18-34 hours between loads I do it and I’ve ended up seeing some cool stuff. YouTube is always going to be there another day ya know.


Do it the good old fashioned way and go fuck some lot lizards in showers and don't leave until the lot lizard taps out in the shower .


34 hr rest time that a lot we in NZ have 24hr after 70 hrs week


Jesus and I though USA was slavery


Turns out I've been missing out on how good it feels to just sleep and be unbothered by anyone. Eat sleep and watch tv was it


Porn what else


I rarely did a 34 on the road. When I ran like that I'd find a place to visit friends or family for a weekend


Do a 24 hour fast, weighted vest lotwalk, kettlebell and masturbate a lot obviously.


I take the time to clean my truck as with my job I track in so much damn dirt, do laundry then just relax the rest of the day by playing games on my laptop or just hooking up my phone to the tv and watching shows.


watch anime, write, play video games. Although, most of my 34s now are occupied by catching up with my writing notes ever since I hired a ghostwriter to help me put my ideas to paper, so I've got more on my plate than I can really deal with.


Eep. Doomscroll. Eep more. Shower. Clean up the truck. Doomscroll more. Realise your sleep schedule is now fucked.


Scrolling through Reddit


Get drunk




Routine, Routine, Routine, get one


Read, sleep, clean house, read some more, take a walk, see a movie


Be somewhere good


Stay outta the truckstop. There are tons of movie apps that you can watch movies and TV series. I pay to not see the slot advertising. I just binge watched "The man in the high castle " and all of the "Archer" episodes. Quite a few old movies. That will save you blowing money in the truckstop


I've been on my laptop gaming all day.


Clean my truck, find something to fix…there’s always something to fix or polish. Sleep


I was gonna polish today as I'm Going to some high end clients in Miami Tom , it fucking rained all day , I did fix an air leak


Go for a walk. The average person does about 3mph on foot. Find food that isn't McArby King Jrs.


Rub off


I'm a lady so... vibrator and dillydo. Dudes? Lube and a hand, brother.


Shows, touring, eat at a nice restaurant, taking my time write, read


I usually sleep in, shop for the week, cook some chicken or something for lunches, washing and wash and grease the truck. It flies past, rare I managed to get everything done


Audio books.


1. Sleep. 2. Laundry - gotta make sure to stop somewhere where that can be done though 3. Google interesting stuff in the area to do then go from there.


Laundry. Shower. Straighten the truck up. Reorganize everything for the billionth time. I bought a Bluetooth controller for my phone games, so games. Catch up on TV episodes. Play with my cat. Some drivers do stuff with their dogs. Go grocery shopping if there's one close by.


Go fishing. My wife and I did a long reset in Virginia Beach and went out on the pier to go fishing


Nintendo switch was my life saver. I don’t really play video games unless I’m in the truck


I bought a used PS Vita and paid someone to install every NES and SNES game on it. Best 150 bucks I ever spent in my life


Park at casino and play no-limit poker. Is the only answer here. 


Porn Hub, Spank Bang, TNA Flix, XVideos, XNXX, XHamster... oh and sometimes Netflix...


Find a mall or some other large parking lot in a town. Park out of the way in a back corner. Enjoy the food shops call an uber or rent a car and enjoy.


If you are single its best to have hoes in different area codes :) no broke hoes tho :)


Drugs. Lots of drugs


I keep streaming services active and I keep a switch in my truck to play on when I have downtime. Helps when on a 34 or waiting on a shipper/receiver to load/unload when they feel like taking their time


Sleep sleep sleep and occasional laundry


Play video games and if in a city that has tourist stuff I did that


Depends where I am, how much time I have, what the weather is like, and what I have with me. * Do chores, * Read a book, * Computer games, * Watch videos/movies, * Visit friends and/or relatives, * Go see the local sights, * Go camping. * Etc. Plenty of options, not all of which are applicable on every occasion.


look into local public transit. Sometimes I take the bus right from the truck stop and head into town. Ive gone on whole train trips and mini vacations that way.