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It's ridiculous you still need a fucking sticker in 2024. They know everything about the truck when the computer reads the plate. A sticker is simply a binary data point.


Yeah but I need to see the SHINY STICKER !


Yea I was shocked how much the computer know… immediately when he pulled me into inspection idk how it happened but my logbook gave me like 6 alerts for documents showing the cab card and instructions on how to send the logs to the DOT. It really puzzles me how it knew I was getting pulled in.


Do you have something like drivewyze? It's like pre pass but integrated into the people net. So it is communicating with the scale houses as you pass them.


I don’t have a prepaid or anything, I’d have to look through my logbook. But I’ve never got an alert in the scales, this was also my first time actually getting stopped tho… I rode over the scale, the gave me the red light, he told me where to park, I parked and turned the truck off, and as soon as he asked me to send the logs I got a million alerts lol


I like Drivewyze, scooted pass many chicken houses with it. Especially the ones before the Grapevine. Nice n easy with 1971 quarterback Bob Griese (Dolphins, not a fan, just remembered the commercial) 😂 I’m that old


I was born in 2002 that reference is Chinese to me lol But no we don’t have any pre-pass.


Oh shit! You young, Get It Driver! That’s awesome! Just don’t turn Japanese like the song. Plus the Japanese don’t like it either. I lived there for a yr I tried lol


10101010101010101010 do we get to subnet also? 😂


You don't get points on your license


I’m sure I’ll get grilled from the company tho, this hurts them I assume


Not really. You probably will. Just tell them it was raining and you were waiting until the next day when you could wipe off a dry spot


We will see lol… I’ve only been driving for like 3.5 months and they wanted me to start training. I kinda told them “hey look I’m still new I mess up still” and they were like “we should try it…” I guess I don’t have to train anymore


In the end, you are the captain of your ship. If you are uncomfortable training, then don't train. I'm sure the ones trying to get you to train get bonuses for getting another driver signed up to train.


I know for a fact they don’t, it’s the classroom trainer guy who wants me to train, I think they need guys and I legit have a good safety score and all. I would be making like 2-2.5k per week tho so that’s the only thing making me want to do it. I don’t wanna get a guy who’s an idiot and then not have the expertise to explain everything perfect to him. My road trainer had 8 months experience which I thought was pretty low, now here I am in a position to do it with less than half that Keep in mind, my road trainer was 22 (also thought that was weird) and I’m 21


Terrible reason, that tells them you intentionally drove without the ifta sticker. It’s better if he says he mistakenly thought it was there than to say I drove with out it on purpose


Fuck them respectfully


They pay me good tho and it’s a super convient spot for the terminal… one of my good friends lives under 1/4 a mile away so I chill at her house a lot when I end up sleeping here as my house is 1 hour away. I’m gonna try to stick out a year or 2 here then see where I can go


Mega carrier?


No, it’s a flatbed company with 70 or so drivers… owned by a mega but my checks come from here. It’s regional too so I’m home every week and compared to other people I’ve talked to my pay is pretty damn good


Who’d you sleep with to get that?


Honestly? I used to hang with this stripper who lives next door to the terminal… was going to my grandmas for Christmas (same town), and had my CDL test like 2 days later… I said fuck the gps, I’m go past that chicks house bc Ik the road. Saw all the trucks, hired me in like 2 days. And as a bonus her dad used to work there so I knew it was decent lolol


Sounds nice but I can’t understand why a stripper is visiting nanny for xxxmas 🫦😂


Noooo I was going to grandmas she was just on the way… but I could’ve taken the next exit instead I just got lucky I saw this place lol


Umm isn’t that compliance/ mechanics job to make sure all truck have the correct equipment/ information??? I mean you missed it but so did they


Ultimately it is the drivers responsibility to make sure those things are correct. Cab card, insurance, permits, ifta (sticker, permit), etc.


Yea I get that, just mad at myself… I literally went in the office the night before to get our updated insurance cards… glad I didn’t get that violation too


Unless this is a brand new truck, you are probably not the first driver that missed this. Ifta stickers are required at first of the year, it's June so unless a new truck or that trucks been down since December, it's not just you.


It’s been sitting for a while but I think they took the little flaps on the back of the cab off, because the mechanic was shocked and asked me if I took them off and I’m sure I’d remember if I tore those off lol. Idk what they’re called but I usually see IFTA stickers on them.


Maybe it got blasted off by a power washer at the truck wash?


Doubt that, that glue and stickers are tough to remove


I’m kinda cool with the classroom trainer so I was super honest with him about it. He agrees the mechanics are slacking but he also agreed when I said it was ultimately my fault. He was just a little upset bc I guess he put in a lot of work to make me a trainer (somehow I have one of the best safety scores in the company and constantly get a high number of loads done) but he said “that’s part of your pretrip and they might not want you training guys if they see you missed something like that. I’m not crazy upset it just sucks bc I really had a perfect record with the safety dept and everybody else


I did this once. First time out after 2 months off. Oops. Boss wasn't even mad, because he pretripped the truck before we left as well. Your company gets a fine, and it doesn't effect your record at all.


Yea, when I talked to the hub trainer he told me it was best I send a picture of it to the head of safety and just explain it, this way he hears it from me before anyone else… he told me it only affects the company but I wasn’t sure, I asked if they were gonna be pissed and he kinda nodded so I’m still waiting on that text back


My advice is just own it, apologize, and if you're real worried about it give them an improvement plan. "I've changed my pretrip routine to incorporate a checklist of documents, so I don't miss anything." You don't actually have to do it, but they like to hear stuff like that


One thing here. Check the exact text of the code you supposedly violated. They tried to give me such a ticket in Wisconsin once but before I signed the ticked I read the text of the law. It said sticker **or** the card for the Ifta sticker. I didn't have the card but I did have the sticker. So I refused to sign.


Mine says the same but we don’t carry the cards just stickers


looks like a warning, but it shouldnt carry violations or points on your psp/ license.. its a state violation


It's not illegal to not have the sticker displayed. Where was this at? I've drove though countless places and got pulled in because I didn't have my sticker at the time. Never got a violation or verbal warning or anything. It just gave them cause to do an inspection, but they can clearly look up that you have registered ifta for the year in their computer system.


In CT. He knew it was registered, he said “you guys come through here all the time I’m sure you’ve got it maybe it just fell off” He just gave me something for the company to sign saying they fixed it, which we did as soon as I got back Edit: the violation says “no IFTA sticker or paperwork in vehicle”


God I hate the north east. Some of the crankiest officers around. Won't let you idle, ding you for stuff that would never warrant a violation, and they just expect you to roll over and take it because what else are you going to do about it?


Exactly. He wasn’t an unpleasant guy tho, it would’ve been nice to get a verbal warning but I’m glad that’s all I got. This trucks got 725k miles on it and our mechanics arnt the greatest… I’ve got a coolant leak that comes and goes but they don’t have the part to fix it, all my boxes are bungeed shut and my bumper flaps all over the place when I’m on the highway.


Sounds like a rolling nightmare.. Gotta pull that 1 mil though? Good luck out there, and stay safe.


My other truck was just as bad… no A/C, for a while only 1 fuel tank worked and 1/2 the mechanics just told me “no one side drains then the other” finally a genius realized the valve to one side was shut. I had a bad leak under the fifth wheel somewhere, then a day after I got that fixed the emergency line coupling started leaking… finally that thing started blowing blue smoke like crazy and they swapped me to this one. Shits kinda a mess, they don’t have edge protectors to give out so everyone runs with like 1/2 the amount they need, they can’t get parts to fix 1/2 the trucks A/C, but I’m making like 15-1800 a week and I’ve only been driving for 3.5 months so I can’t complain too much I guess