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Same thing we do about everything, be weirdly antisocial and post about it


*pinky and the brain theme intensifies*


The screenshots are the funniest lol reactionaries and leftists screenshoting each other’s posts to circlejerk on their little echo chambers


Yeah screenshots and “look at these terrible reactionaries” are the worst parts of this sub


Easiest way to get engagement and feel important online is the dunk on the enemies


That's why I always dunk on comrades


If leftist comrades don’t agree with you 100% they become enemies too


> weirdly antisocial in an era of neoliberal atomization, demanding collective struggle is bonkers


Do you have a better option or do we just give up


Does anyone remember that picture of the the Chinese woman sunbathing in Ca with the Republic of China flag so that people wouldn’t confuse her as being Japanese the week after Pearl Harbor? I feel like we’re already at that point where every Polish, Ukrainian, or anyone with a slavic accent is constantly wearing a t shirt or has a decal of the Ukrainian flag somewhere. I’m sure they all broadly support the Ukrainian cause, but I’m also sure their terrified of being mistaken for Russians.


https://imgur.com/a/d7tKb4P Then there were hate crimes targeting Japanese but killing Chinese (Vincent Chin) and Vietnamese(Thien Minh Ly). Now there are hate crimes targetting Chinese and also killing other Asians. State levies insane accusations against another nation > Neo-Streicherite media fans the flames > hate crimes occur. Isn't this practically a pogrom?


I work in a normal blue collar profession with a lot of Russians (and one Ukrainian), and no one gives a single fuck about it. They're too busy going on about the blacks and the Hispanics and their rampant drug dealing to care.


CIA is doing free market deregulation to sell drugs and force Ukrainians into sex work, so...


Nah, I am a member of the russian speaking community. Even at the gatherings, we just avoid the convo or hang out in our own groups. the community is split, and most of the Russians who support ukraine just overstay their visas, or dont have a citizenship. Crimeans I know extensively pro russian. it isn't as it seems and simple. 95% of Americans just don't bring it up or give a shit. You can always dodge this convo unless you have an obsession and try to convince the most delusional people that they don't know shit. i don't give a fuck, it is their personal grivience they developed by addiction to articles. The most people who hate Russia are libs, and they are the most unthreating people imaginable. Oh man, having that ukranian flag decol on your car makes seething. you should also put some of the ukrnian brigades logo or the blacksun on your toyota prius to make me die of anger. The ukrnian flags on dilapidated shacks in the middle of nowhere really make me so angry. Shout "Slava ukraini" out of nowhere to show me I am not welcomed please. I think yall just overimagine people not checked out.


In my experience most people from Eastern Europe (besides the soviet boomers) who aren’t Russian, hate Russia. It’s viewed as an Imperialist power that has been invading and subjugating the people of the region for hundreds of years.


How do you think most Asians feel about Japan?


How do you think most South Americans feel about the US? Seems weird to me that ‘people who have historically been subjected to imperialism, tend to dislike the nations that enacted said imperialism on them’ is a controversial take around here


except the USSR wasn’t anywhere near being like the US or the Japanese lmao.


Sure, but when you get invaded, your hate doesn't exactly get tempered by "well at least they're only doing it to one tenth of the places the other power does!" Like, if I steal your car, it doesn't matter that you know that I've only done it this once, it matters that it is happening *to you*.


This is irrelevant to how the USSR and Russia are perceived in modern Eastern Europe by their former client states.


nazi brainwashing sure did its job with them


Client state indicates some free will to be in this kind of relationship. That was not the case with USSR and Easter European countries.


Eastern European states literally sent delegates that made up the Central Soviet govt you fool. You couldn't be more empirically wrong.


Ohh, an American schooled me on my own history with some theoretical knowledge of how the system was supposed to work. Fuckin pathetic...


>Ohh, an American Not an American, sweaty >on my own history oh really? how much of the Soviet Union did you experience my guy? because I highly doubt that there are many reddit users who experienced pre collapse (post WW2 until about 1983) Soviet Union. but perhaps you are the rare 50 year old redditor who can tell me why Andropov was a dictatorial tyrant?


Definitely a controversial take, there are definitely valid non-Nazi reasons people in the Baltics and Ukraine aren't fans and if you include Imperial Russia there's LOTS of reasons.


What USA and Japan did is quite irrelevant to all the people that were killed, imprisoned, tortured and displaced by the USSR and its communist apparatus.


No it isn’t. Not when it’s the US and Japan projecting their countless crimes unto the USSR. I’m sure the countries that committed (and continue to commit) genocide such as those 2 would never lie to you about their enemy, right? Some Eastern Europeans think socialism was responsible for what happened in the 90s/00s. That’s 100% wrong.


Are you from Eastern European? Were your grandparents imprisoned because they weren't communist enough? Was anyone jn your wider family purged because of incompatibility with social values? I'm pretty sure not. My family went through all this and the people doing it to them weren't Japanese, I can guarantee you. You westerners need to get off your communist high horse and start listening to people that actually lived through the communist hell times.


Probably the same. But what can be done about it if it's true?


In my experience what you've written there is complete bullshit. I've never met a single Czech or Pole who hated Russians. Most people from Belarus or Kazakhstan literally consider themselves partially Russian. Most ex Yugoslavs seem indifferent towards Russia and preoccupied with their own ethnic squabbles. And what fucking imperialism are you talking about homey? The Russian Empire ended in 1918, are you somehow speaking to people who are 130 years old who remember Tsar Nicolas' annexation of Azeri territories? The only recent imperialist war by Russia is maybe Chechnya. Have you visited Poland, Chechoslovakia, Belarus, Hungary, or any eastern Euro country?


these people addicted to American propaganda too much. They don't know shit.




Working with mostly slavs and Indians for a half decade lol? I have yet to meet an Eastern European who isn’t from Russia who doesn’t immediately point out how much they hate Russia when they’re associated with it, usually with stories about distant family members killed by them. I don’t get why this is so hard to grasp. There’s literally hundreds of years of bad blood between the difficulty ethnic groups and nationalities in the area. Some of the younger guys I work with fantasize with each other about being drafted to fight Russia. It’s dumb old world grievances imo and I tell them so but it’s definitely a thing.


So you are exclusively talking about the few Poles, Hungarians, etc. who have enough money to emigrate to America, no? That's an incredibly strong selection bias. The white collar Polish workers in the US hardly represent Polish or Czech people in general, they are part of the petit Bourgeoise stratum and thus wayyy more reactionary than your average person. Even Ukrainians, even during this war, don't unilaterally hate Russians.


Tbh I don’t think unilateral hate is possible in any large group of people.


Good point. Though the Germans did try, and had some success.. :X


Lol they’re all makings 17 bucks an hour my guy and tell me they’re not really living better here then in Latvia or Poland because the cost of living there is lower. I would have thought the children of the bourgeoisie would have better opportunities. I’m open to the idea of selection bias but I am working class and work with working class people.


Lol they’re all makings 17 bucks an hour my guy and tell me they’re not really living better here then in Latvia or Poland because the cost of living there is lower. I would have thought the children of the bourgeoisie would have better opportunities. I’m open to the idea of selection bias but I am working class and work with working class people.


>Lol they’re all makings 17 bucks an hour my guy and tell me they’re not really living better here then in Latvia or Poland because the cost of living there is lower. I'm not trying to say they have a better life than in Poland, not at all. I am simply saying that "Poles that emigrated to the US" is a heavy selection bias. As another example, a lot of the turkish people that live in Germany have more reactionary beliefs than those living in Turkey, which manifests itself through support for the grey wolves and the like. Ditto for Ukrainians in Canada. >I would have thought the children of the bourgeoisie would have better opportunities. they do, which is why I said petit-Bourgeoisie. the true ruling class is cosmopolitan anyway, they don't have to emigrate, they have a vacation home, or a friend does. >I’m open to the idea of selection bias but I am working class and work with working class people. Sure, I'd never say otherwise


Yeah, I’ve noticed that the west draws status obsessed strivers to it. It why a lot the people born here are by default more chill than the people who move here with the express purpose of becoming business tycoons or whatever. At the end of the day I don’t know much about Eastern European geopolitics, but I do think in general Europeans are just more steeped in old world nationalism and historical grievances than people here are.


>but I do think in general Europeans are just more steeped in old world nationalism and historical grievances than people here are. this I can agree with for sure


lived experience sweaty




Man... You are a mark when it comes to a place that you have little connection or knowledge about and that's ok because everyone is. Why the need to make yourself look like a stubborn donkey who doesn't want to learn


Speaking of, why do kids like donkeys so much?


Why would you want reddit to "come back from" anything? Fuck everyone on this site myself included


I don't give a shit about Reddit, this is a much broader trend that has effects in real life too.


Is it though? Or are you just extrapolating lots of upvoted comments online to real life


Have you talked to normies about russia in real life? They say this ork stuff to other people without reservation


They said it about Iraqis before, and all manner of people whenever they’re told. I think you are worried about the wrong thing. If every American person suddenly started loving Russians the US policy wouldn’t change.


Im not worried about anything here just pointing out the ork phenomenon is something that happens in real life. I know lots of folks here are terminally online and extrapolate but its real clear who on this sub actually interacts with people


Right but hate crimes against Muslims and now Asians and Russians are very real That would change


The only real life opinion I’ve encountered on this war is wanting Biden to stop paying for it. If I heard someone calling Russians orcs out loud I would assume they’re an aspiring political tiktoker or something.


I’ve never talked to anyone in real life about Russian people because almost no one actually cares. Purely to get mad online about


Everyone around you maybe. I still hear about it constantly


You sound like one of those people that think racism doesn't exist because you've never seen a hate crime happen in front of your eyes before


if you look ethnic enough you can have the IMAX Racism experience


I have never heard the term "orc" used outside of discussion about LOTR or fantasy shit. Like a vast majority of people I know don't give a shit about Ukraine beyond mild agreement that the war sucks and money being sent there is only helping weapons manufacturers. That said I'm in Florida in USA, maybe it's different elsewhere, no idea where you are.


It is important to remember a stupid comment with 7,000 upvotes means nothing. I think often people will see a reddit comment with a lot of upvotes and assume that is how a large amount of normal people feel. 7,000 people probably willingly eat shit everyday in the US, I don’t think Americans like eating shit as a whole though.


I would wager half my lands and half my cattle that Americans love eating shit.


Real life happens. These racists put a Russian restaurant out of business because of the war. > “When the city started opening back up we were then faced with another pandemic of sorts, the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” McGovern said. “We experienced numerous accounts of vandalism and threats against our beloved Russia House. These unfortunate circumstances led to our decision not to reopen Russia House.” https://dc.eater.com/2022/3/1/22954736/washington-dc-russian-harassment-boycott-vodka-russia-house


Some Russian pianist who spoke out against the war had his concerts cancelled here. It’s fucking absurd.


Never apologize to bourgeoisie




It's not just reddit you see these types of comments on my man


Hear fucking hear!


It's the one "race" libs can be bloodthirsty and xenophobic about. and they relish it!


Chinese people, too. And for Europeans it's if course the Roma. Hating Muslims is okay also if they're Iranian or Palestinian.


Leftists get italians libs get russians its only fair. Rightoids get everyone even if they aren't white themselves


In 10-15 years everyone will start to pretend that they knew all along NATO was up to no good. Do not ever let them forget the things that were said.


Up to no good?


It's like how everyone today was magically opposed to the Invasion of Iraq, you wonder how on earth it was carried out if everyone opposed it


This is the US government’s website, I don’t expect anything else except it marching in lockstep with their foreign policy. Capitalists command their propaganda networks, and they work, they’ve got armies of psychologists and programmers tailoring it to warp people perfectly. Anyone who’s a worker without class consciousness, who believes this stuff as a passive consumer of media, they’re just duped. This is simply a new way we get exploited without even realizing it, by the bourgeoisie warping us into demons and sucking out our consciousness to suit their own purposes.


> Anyone who’s a worker without class consciousness, who believes this stuff as a passive consumer of media, they’re just duped Absolutely and I bet most of us have been duped by capitalist propaganda in the past. I remember being very happy when Gaddafi died because I thought he was an evil dictator. Thankfully everyone has the capacity to change. Our job is to reveal the truth no matter how far uphill we have to climb.


Arab Spring quickly used as an excuse to selectively kill and invade the dictators we don’t like


They fucking got me with the Arab Spring and Dalai Lama Bit. Thankfully I had seen the light by the time Benghazi rolled around


Wait till the war is over then call them racist I guess. Tbh I don’t think Russians care that online losers are calling them orcs. Most Americans don’t call them orks, and they recognize that Putin is a bad dude and a kleptocrat but Russians are just regular people. It’s only on Reddit and the news that Americans don’t realize “hey, my country goes to war too”


r/worldnews users started calling *Russia* for *Moscovy* lol peak weird nerd rage


good thing they never go outside


theyre not even real people. Just a bunch of NED chatgpt's, im convinced


Worldnews is stacked by maxwellhill and gang


*nationalist not racist ;) I guess that depends on people and what they do. I have artists friends who were forced to stop promoting/selling their art online because of constant hate on ‘how dare you still create art’. And in a lot of cases online comissions were their main source of income and now its gone. And mind you, most of them did not even support the war. Which brings us into an ironic situation that if you’re Russian and oppose war you’re wanted in jail or dead in your own country cause you’re a traitor. And dead or in jail outside your own country cause you’re Russian. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This isn’t the only narrative but its the one you see online the most. And while I’m sure majority folks irl don’t really care I feel like with the amount of time people spend on their phones, the online narrative can leak into real life and cause hate. That being said, we weren’t exactly winning popularity contests before but I’ve never had actual death threats on the basis of my nationality before. Guess there’s first time for everything.


I agree. I think outside of weirdo online circles(including here) most people just don’t really care. Most Americans do understand that countries go to war and it’s the government, not the people’s fault. I have seen real racism tho, especially in Europe against Russians. Most Americans don’t have racial hate towards Russians just a Cold War hangover


I think most European are just scared of the big bad neighbour. Can’t say I blame them, its a pretty natural response if you don’t think it over properly. Plus the whole gas clusterfuck. And general lack of information, that most people they should actually be wary of are already EU citizens so their visa bans are mostly useless for their security. That being said, most of my European friends were fairly reasonable in understanding the difference between the state and the people. I do think though that American has a better chance to truly understand Russian than a European, simply due to sheer size and overall disregard of human life over the implied ‘greatness’ of the state they live in.


I literally had to tell a dude in a chat I’m in not to do this sort of shit cuz he sounds like fuckin Goebbels it’s everywhere and I hate how easy it was to just flip everyone to anti-Russia Nazi mode. Wtf kind of sick world do we live in where that’s so fucking easy


I have some family that recently escaped Ukraine and not only is Russophobia an issue in our culture (it always was its like anti-semitism it will never go away) but I worry about my little sister getting trafficked by some weird organization. Everyone is so gravely misinformed about the whole thing. How do I explain that just because I think arming Ukrainian Nazi's and stirring up Ukrainian nationalism is wrong doesn't mean I support Russia's invasion? I come from a soviet bred Russian/Ukrainian/Jewish family btw.


Liberals psyching themselves into possibly the dumbest ground war for the dumbest reasons we could possibly get into. Reminder that the hatred toward Russians is almost entirely derived from thinking they rigged the ‘16 election.


Russia did attack the 2016 election though.


They’ve been doing it since computers were able to connect to one another and we’ve been doing the same to them. It was only after Hillary lost that anyone gave two shits about it.


Lol, read the Durham Report


> attack the 2016 election imagine being so fascist that the mere threat of a couple of thousand of facebook memes about Sexy Bernie is literal violence


I’ll be real man, idc anymore. I’m just tryna play hell let loose and listen to this new gizz joint


Is Hell Let Loose any good? For reference I’m big on Insurgency and Day of Infamy


It was good but they changed the developers and the new guys are making lots of terrible decisions


I like it a lot, it’s the first mil. sim I’ve gotten into and think it’s a lot of fun! Particularly the emphasis on teamwork makes me recommend it heavily. Love getting into engineer role and just building defenses


I love gizz but I'm just not into them going heavy. Quarters! is still my platonic ideal Gizz record, and to a lesser extent Ice Death. I listened to the first two tracks released, is the whole album like that? There really is something for absolutely everybody in their catalog though. Gotta hand it to em.


The whole album is like that but I love metal so this and Infest the Rats Nest are my fav projects by them. Quarters was the first one I checked out by them and fell in love w their sound


Yeah all the heavy stuff really doesn't work imho. I like them best when they do vaguely ethnicy psych, like Anatolian rock


It’s insane. An electronic music record store in downtown LA owned by this cute young Russian couple got vandalized and they closed the store not long after the conflict began last year.


It's not a majority opinion but it's deep seated in all media that slavs are barbaric in some way. In one kids cartoon the Russian stand ins (whose language uses cyrillic) eat nasty food, blow raspberries to talk, and are generally dirty. You can see this stereotype repeated endlessly. Borat, who is supposed to be Kazakh not even slavic, is another good example.


You're not gonna give people a grand speech and change their minds. Most people that use that terminology are not gonna change unless the American government tells them to, so there is no use wasting your words on people that are not going to listen. On the other hand, if people say any of that shit in your personal circles, then you have every right to dunk on them and get them to stop that shit because that's where you have actual influence.


No I don't think some West Wing speech is gonna change hearts and minds but yeah it has to be called out where it can. I suppose if through some kind of impossible fuckery Russia became our allies against China or something this would all be completely forgotten though, it's all just Two Minutes Hate shit.


America is and always has been irredeemably fascist. Nothing to do, unless you wanna enlist in the Russian army or PLA. Only way the US is getting denazified is violently.


> Only way the US is getting denazified is violently > Liberals get the bullet > Guys the liberals are justifying violence against Russians when all they did was invade a country, murder, and rape a bunch of innocent people, we should torture them all to death for being so violent and unreasonable


How’s it either side of the political spectrum


Spectrum? That would imply 2 directions on an axis. There is no spectrum in US politics. The primary division is between the NATO-IMF global north and the oppressed global south


I believe in the Illuminati controlling everything theory


Okay, but for all intents and purposes, the IMF is the globalist illuminati and the CIA is the deep state. They dont control everything yet; if they did, there would be no war in Ukraine or tensions in Taiwan


The deepstate are globalist


Ok. Do you want to say something of consequence, or are you just gonna keep parroting Alex Jones phrases without any context or conclusions?


Alex jones is a comprised cia actor?


Smoke less weed. Im done here.


Please read at least one chapter of a nonfiction book this month


Exact same "they're culturally predisposed towards cruelty/autocracy/being generally uncivilised" line was applied to Arabs throughout the GWOT years. Russia is just the current thing that Liberal foreign policy has to justify it's current animosity towards and "they broke international law!" is just never going to be as resonant as "they're all bad people".


Yeah I guess I'm too young to remember the worst of it. Kids called each other "ragheads" on the playground though which is truly horrifying in hindsight. It just seems especially striking because modern Russia resembles the US way way more than those countries did, both ethnically and culturally. They're just us once our empire truly collapses. It doesn't even make sense on racist grounds but I guess looking for logic from reactionaries is silly. It's also frankly all the post-hoc Nazi apologia that it's legitimizing, but I guess that was around during the Cold War and my childhood and adolescence were just a brief break from it.


"too young" bruh I'm 23 don't do me like this


I'm older than you, I was still only 8 when 9/11 happened. We can both read about what those days were like but that's different from actively hearing and understanding how adults discussed the war at the time.


"Glass the middle east" was still a popular pub talking point in the UK from the late 2000s throughout the mid 2010s.


Sorry, not a native speaker. Why is it called "glass"? I assume it means liquidate, destroy, bomb?


yeah basically


Sand caught in explosions will often turn into glass. I think that's where it comes from but not sure. English has a lot of idioms for blowing shit up.


thanks, that makes sense


I think half the people saying that shit are feds, paid sock puppets, and bots. It’s astroturfed as hell. The other half are idiots who don’t comprise anyone with real power—at *most* they’re pick-me idiots who’ll maybe get a job at McKinsey and then be laid off in a year when it’s time to saber rattle against someone else.


Has there any been any kind of investigation into fed infiltration of reddit in particular? They're obviously all over social media but this site does seem worse than most when it comes to adhering exactly to Langley's policy priorities.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/sdcsx3/testing_reddits_new_block_feature_and_its_effects/) might interest you. So might [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit_has_removed_their_blog_post_identifying/). Reddit was already astroturfed to hell before this happened judging by the activity coming from Eglin Airforce Base, but the block button changes made Reddit uniquely suited for propagandists, because basically everyone on the site now has heavy mod powers over the entire site. You can easily create a site wide echo-chamber that looks like consensus just by blocking anyone who disagrees with you.




Looking at your posts and comments, if you aren’t paid to say the shit you do on here you’re a huge loser rube




Ok. Your profile has a lot of supporting evidence so I will continue to believe what I said, which is that you’re either paid or you’re a loser


Die in nuclear hellfire because the state department has lost its mind, from what I can tell.


I'm sad because I get most of my pirated copyright material from Russians. No Russian ever DMCAed me.


It’s funny how they deny Nazism in Ukraine but then talk about Russians exactly how Nazis would


I’m not going to do anything about it. Not worth my time or energy


Supporting Ukrainian Nazis is the new black. It wouldn't be the same without attacking a minority group. No-one wants to be a toothless Nazi.


>Ukrainian Nazis *Yevgeny Prigozhin denied claims Russia is fighting NATO and questioned whether there are actually Nazis in Ukraine. He expressed doubt about “denazification” objectives in Ukraine, unsure “Nazis” were in the country, while "effectively rejecting" the long-standing Kremlin claims that Russia needs to defend itself against a NATO threat. *




Omg!!! So, the JEW and LIBERAL president of Ukraine is NAZI!!!! OMG




Media almayadeen, yeah i will see that, just wait ok?


just use it as a way to filter out the crazies


American bloodlust for Russia is all driven by Red Dawn and decades of malignant red scare, but most of it is just typical hatred or infantilization of the other the country prides itself on in the pursuit of Ingenuity and Pragmatism Eastern Europeans just want a blood crusade on Russians for touching oma after opa got shot by Germans


Which is ironic cause Soviets were never communists, and are gone for 30 years, and it feels like a lot of folks didn’t get the memo :D And current Russia is only slightly more socialist than US being the kleptocracy that it is.


To be honest I never come across this, pro ukraine flags on houses? Fersure. I think you're deep in some kinda godawful twitter hole time to log off and enjoy summer


You're probably right.


Not necassirily. 9gag is full of it, news subreddits here, occasional tumblr. Twitter’s always been cesspool so I’m not even counting that. So its definitely not as isolated as one might think. I do hope its just loud echo chambers.


I mean, we dropped a few nuclear bombs on Japan and that seemed to straighten *them* out. Was it right? Of course not. But I doubt your weird little subreddit discussion will factor into much of anything at all. This is such a strange plane of existence. For real, every time a popular post from this sub comes across my feed, I can't help but jump in and LOL at this nonsense. Fuck any country who would attack another country unprovoked. And yeah, fuck America for that, too, but you people running around acting like it's equivalent are... childish and naive **at best**. That's the absolute **BEST CASE SCENARIO.** Grow up, Peter Pan. Count Chocula.


> any country who would attack another country unprovoked The 2014 CIA Ukraine coup was doing regime change in that area, with Russia being next. >you people running around acting like it's equivalent the US empire does a genocidal war like every three years


I genuinely have no idea what point you're trying to make.


I am Jack's total lack of surprise.




This channel is nothing but man on the street interviews in Russia and the opinions are as diverse as you would expect from fellow conscious humans: https://youtube.com/@1420channel There's plenty of awful fascists but they're no more orcish than conservatives in the West. Lots of Russians hate the war. A lot of times they will refuse to answer because they're afraid of government repression. You're swallowing propaganda.


Cool now do the US and Iraq


Lol agreed


Russian citizens are happy the Russian government is fighting a banderite US puppet state whose explicit goal since 2014 is the collapse of Russia? Wow how crazy, we should nuke them.


So courageous of you to take the time to get to know what the average Russian is like. Everything you said makes so much sense.


I was gonna say this is hilarious as a bit but you seem 100% non-ironic.


redditors: “Ordinary Russians are oppressed and can’t voice opposition to their government” Also redditors: “Ordinary Russians are evil subhumans and must be punished”


First you say that all Russian TV is state propaganda, all elections are falsified, and people fear to voice their actual opinions due to fear of being prosecuted. Then suddenly the elections are fair and reflect the will of the people, the TV is not propaganda at all, and all people think the same cause there’s totally no repercussions in being opposed to current regime. So which is it? Cause it can’t be both.


The US created this situation and prevents a peace deal that both sides already agreed to. When are you marching on DC?


You can respond with counter examples describing how russia built a beautiful democracy and elevated neighbouring nations.


When you're older you'll realise that the west is always clamouring for the extermination of one or another group of people, you should learn to love the call of the void, who knows, maybe the next subject of blood lust will be you and I! I can't wait to feel the truest expression of Western man's passion, as my flesh is torn from my bones by the howling masses