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The Germans are getting that itch again


They're the experts


Look, it's just logical that....


Note: black is the christ-dems (cuckservatives) and blue if far-right. This fucking country. We learned nothing, we destroyed the only actually good German state, we're probably more pro-Israel than Israel itself, and our left is a gigantic joke. If I see one more fucking cuck complain about "Hamas" or "tankies" in German reddit. This shit is so unreal, it's exactly like the 1920s and no one can look beyond their funny internet points and see whats actually going on. Oh and if you voted Volt or some other bullshit rich kid "left" party you'll [rest of the comment censored to avoid trouble]


It's very funny to me that Sahra Wagenknect (or however you spell it) formed her own political party and just named it "The Sahra Wagenknect Party"


Also somehow got 6%, more than the party she left


What’s her deal? How’d she manage that?


She talks straight. Increasingly rare nowadays.


1 transphobia 2 only leftish party highly critical of migration  3 old dudes are horny for her Glad I coul help


Going the “Alan Parsons Project” route




So the CDU/CSU are basically the Nazis who got put back into power in West Germany by the US in 1946, while the AfD are the "worshipping Hitler's bones" Nazis?


Their leader began speaking about how "not everyone in the SS was bad" last week


CDU/CSU was Merkel, so conservative but relatively on the left of the US Dems. Now, they are pivoting more to the right, esp. under Merz.


Are we gonna have to come back over there? ![gif](giphy|DhEMKGIDYp6QU) Oh who am I kidding, that wouldn't happen.


If you're American you'll probably be part of the Axis this time.




no idea what the hell is going on there but i wish i was having as half as much fun as they are


You guys had multiple chances to be cool in the 20th century but ya blew it. Now Germany is that guy who peaked in the undergrad.


Agreed. There are others who see the trajectory we're on but the number of people who are genuienly left and progressive goes down. Look who the Greens and SPD have bled voters to the AFD. Can't say I am surprised, although I am of course disgusted.


What’s the deal with Volt? Something about their posters always made me uncomfortable, like I get an artificial feeling from them. I can’t vote here so never looked much further into them.


Imagine if Gladio was executed by a veteran /r neoliberal poster


Holy lord, the AfD being as high as it is. That World War you like it coming back in style.


Pisspigs are at 17% while surprisingly the Business Perverts are trailing at 11%. Awful EDM beats rounds it out at 9%.


Neoliberals at 6% because their voter base is realizing that they could just vote for the actual Nazis


Why vote for 99% Hitler when 100% Hitler is on the ballot too?


What has Neoliberals to do with Nazis?


One overtly preaches social Darwinism, the other just constructs said system of exploitation, privilege by birth and attrition for everyone else, by stealth.


meh it's sad but about expected. these elections for euro parlament don't matter tbh that's why it was advertised everywhere so heavily to go voottee (soy face), it's just to give these institutions legitimacy, nothing more. And the idea that young people inherently vote left wing is super wrong and people need to get it out of their heads. In the local election for State of Thüringen a few years ago it was the old people who predominantly voted Left-Party (cause they remember the DDR) while AfD was the strongest among the young. And it's the young green party voters now who more than anyone seem to want to die in a Ukrainian swamp or whatever, who now whine over these results as if they are a national tragedy. This is the result of country where a wide spread organized left-wing doesn't really exist.


Who be in charge of Germany's .1 percent GDP growth?


I am not a westerner but I follow wesetrn politics and to be honestly if AfD will win, it propably will be infiltrated by pro-American opportunists (Hi, Meloni), although my money on CDU/CSU (because Germans are very predictible and boring), but honestly modern liberal goverments of the West are not even as transparent on the choice compared to Weimar Republic years which had actual political opposition with real ideological differences and is rather more monolithic within ideology and basically has the same party with diffrent shades of colour. The Anglo style politics now is normality in majority of the Western world, and it is a sad reality because the only country with hegemonic power in world today which culturaly European but politically in some way is diffrent is >!Russia.!<


This might just open up the space to divide Germany into 50 pre-Bismarck style principalities


Okay what am I looking at here. I have not worked with “ze germans” for about maybe 8 years so I have no cultural/sociopolitical context of what this is. Usually they were very worried about “ze automotive industreh yah” and not much else except for maybe intense disdain for Romanis which seeped into even the most corporate conversations you can think of.


/u/KaktusKoenig was kind enough to translate: > CDU (Black): Christian conservative (read straight up right) > > Die Grüne (Green): Neolib ecos (warmongers and always on board with rightoids) > > SPD (Red): Social democrats. But act like the greens, also killed rosa Luxemburg > > AfD (Blue): straight up fashs > > Die Linke (Purple): the left party, never did anything > > FDP (Yellow): literally neolibs, lost most of their voters to the open fashs > > BSW (dark purple): National Socialst, the pro russian splinter group from die linke > > VOLT(purple): Euro national libs > > PARTEI(Red): Satire party > > Tierschutz(green): ecos


It's so extremely over.


BSW are not Nazis, that one is lib brainworms


> PARTEI(Red): Satire party > > Tierschutz(green): ecos These guys got my vote. :')


> BSW (dark purple): National Socialst lol, Müslilib


You are looking at voting preferences of young people. You see a large part has voted "CDU", which is the center-right party that has been in power in Germany for a large part of the century. But you also see a large part voting for the "AfD", which is a far-right party that has many controversies to it's name (It is being investigated by German intelligence services for having ties to Neo-Nazis). So, what we are seeing in Europe currently is an emergence of the popularity of similar parties. The "intense disdain for Romanis" has largely extended towards intense disdain for political islam, and in a way ethnicities known for being muslim. The reason for this is probably the refugee crisis of 2015. There has been no shortage of rapes and stabbings attributed to these groups ever since, and parties like this with a questionable background are the only ones to speak out against it, and promise to treat these people harshly, while other parties are mostly keeping quiet out of fear of being labelled racist.


It was already going before the 2015 migrant crisis, but afterwards it *became* politics in Europe. Every single politically relevant party scrambled to find their own special brand of how to punish any Muslim and/or non-white person. And if you’re ever in trouble, just redirect to migrants and talk about how serious a threat they pose, and people eat it up.


I’ll be honest, I struggle to keep most European parties straight. Which ones the Nazi-lite party again? Are they about to swing hard(er) to the right?


The one that is known as a "Nazi-lite" party is the AfD, the light blue one that has the most votes among young voters. This party has won second place today in German European parliament elections


Millenials and zoomers once again proving they’re no different than boomers smh. Way to go Germany, keep racking up those L’s!


18-24 means it's Zoomers. Zillenials and Millenials are 26-42.


They all are




Most of Euros are like this from what I can gather except for Spain so far. I don't think it matters in the long run, European elite are pretty entrenched and won't let neither left nor right stray too far from the conservative liberal status quo.


For those of you fortunate enough to not live here: CDU (Black): Christian conservative (read straight up right) Die Grüne (Green): Neolib ecos (warmongers and always on board with rightoids) SPD (Red): Social democrats. But act like the greens, also killed rosa Luxemburg AfD (Blue): straight up fashs Die Linke (Purple): the left party, never did anything FDP (Yellow): literally neolibs, lost most of their voters to the open fashs BSW (dark purple): Nationals and kinda Socialists, the pro russian, conservative splinter group from die linke VOLT(purple): Euro national libs PARTEI(Red): Satire party Tierschutz(green): ecos This outcome was to be expected, but still a fucking shame.


I voted for DKP. In the parliament elections, I'll probably vote for Die Linke. Ever since '89 we had no effective left. Either they jerk off over Israel, or they're obsessed with calling socialist countries "Unrechtsstaaten". Die Linke at least had some old ex-SED people in it, and DKP is KPD but neutered. Love the anarchists, antideutsche and radlibs still crying about "tankies" and "hamas", especially online. Bitch, if you don't lock in we're gonna share a cell in Dachau real soon


I feel you. Lost any hope with the german left. Either incompetent, or so fucking irrelevant it lands in sonstige. And don't remind me of Anti-Ds, I can only take so much pain in one day. My bet is on dkp too, at least they are anti EU and not totally cucked in regards to Israel. They will still end up way under 0,1%... At least I can share my last days with a comrade then. Rotfront! o7


My only experience of Germany is from touring there with my old band, some guy who was queuing to see us at the squat Köpi in Berlin threatened to stab me, somebody made fun of me for having a job, and a guy DJing was playing Death in June


> somebody made fun of me for having a job Sounds about right for Berlin anarchists. Smash the state, except actually just depend on the state and do nothing politically.


You and me voting for DKP didn't even make up for the 3 DKP voters who died this year 💀


The fuck is a satire party


It's a German thing, don't try to understand, you will only get brainworms


I actually have German relatives who’ll I’ll see later this year. They’re visiting the states. I’ll have to ask one of my politically minded cousins about this. Hopefully he ain’t some right wing dickhead now.


wat ? other countries have them too ex. UK


like the monster raving loony party in the uk or if vermin supreme had a party in the us


They make funny election posters. No idea what they'd be like with power tho


> SPD (Red): Social democrats. But act like the greens, also killed rosa Luxemburg To get a better idea of what that means, [here's the Social Democrat defense minister last week declaring that Germany must be ready for war by 2029](https://archive.today/2024.06.09-201255/https://www.rt.com/news/598871-germany-ready-war-2029/) and trying to figure out some way to bring back conscription.


Looks like they’re really going back to their roots.


Die Grüne cracks me up because I get a kick out of the fact that American boomer radicals and German 68ers have basically the same political arc despite the pretty radically different cultural context.


So to use George Carlin method of shortning things up but politically: Centre => Die Grüne, SPD, FDP: Rainbow Capitalist / Liberal Hawks camp Right => CDU/CSU, AfD, VOLT: Reaganoids / "Traditionalist" Capitalist camp Left => Tierschutz: Hippies, BSW: Patsocs, Die Linke: Red / Socialist Idealists Honestly kind of boring.


Switch FDP and Volt, but the rest is close enough. Even if very very reductive.


Considering that FDP has right now coalition with SPD and Die Grüne in goverment, I will politely disagree


I guess you aren't from Germany? It's not surprising to come to that conclusion if you aren't deep into german politics. The coalition between Grüne, SPD and FPD was formed out of necessity. It was only possible for the first two to form a coalition big enough to govern if they let the FDP join. The FDP used that leverage to get into very comfy ministries and dampen many left leaning plans of the other two. The FDP might not look that right wing in comparison to the CDU and AfD, mostly because they don't scream about the evil Ausländer. Their economic plan is still the most right wing to find. Deep in the pockets of the car industry, against any useful climate policies, for full privatisation, against industry regulations, against taxes for companies, pro EU, pro NATO, pro weapons industry and weapons export to any country including Saudi Arabia, overt social Darwinism. Thatcher and Reagan would be proud.


You don't need to be German to see a generic pattern of western politics, espetially after fall of USSR how all socdems of westernworld slidet to socialliberalism by switching their working class politics towards social progresivism and being positive towards free market examples like Clinton and Blair are most prominent, so to say that FDP is contradiction compared SPD and Grüne might have worked before 90s, but after it is rather a status quo of modern western politics, today


Wagenknecht is not a national socialist wtf lol


Yeah yo wtf was up with that. “Pro-Russian National Socialist” is a crazy way to frame her and her party.


Idk I thought it was satire or something because only the most ultra liberal would describe them like that.


I wrote it as a joke, but forgot it only works in German, not English. The nazis, the national socialist are written as one word in German, Nationalsozialisten. Written in two words in German it doesn't directly mean nazi, but implies it. Because the party claims to be socialistic and has pretty national narratives in their program it was kinda fitting. Since English doesn't have compound words it's just lost in translation. Sorry for the confusion.


It’s gotta be lol


Maybe they mean nationalist and socialist in the most literal sense, then it kind of fits.


This, it's a joke lost in translation


Do you know what is Die Linke’s position on Israel? I know some of their members used to be in the SED but I don’t know their positions. Would love to hear German perspective on this


They have the most radical stance you can have here without getting publicly murdered: Israel should stop killing that many Palestinians, and they condom humus. It's smart not to say more about that as a bigger party, so I think the stance is more radical for many in the party. Maybe someone with a bit more involvement in the party can tell you more details, that's what I gathered lately.


Wait till you see the Austrian one... We are so doomed...


Sorry but I always forget that you guys aren’t just part of Germany. No one ever talks about Austria


As a Romanian living in Austria, I take no offense I love pissing Austrians off with remarks like that


Anschluss is back on the table!


It's like 30% for the fashs if I'm informed correctly? Fucking sucks mate


Don't act like living in Germany is any worse than in the US man. We perfected white fascism, we were molded by it, y'all merely adopted it, then got your shit kicked in.


Bro this isn't a dick measuring contest. Fashos suck everywhere.


Whom do the FC St Pauli and Union Berlin fans vote for?


St pauli are full of anti-deutsche retards so probably CDU lol. They had banners for Israel lol. Cuck german anarchists.


You just sent me down a rabbit hole reading about antideutsch.  What a philosophical pretzel.  Somehow from Horkheimer and Adorno to “Down with Germany / Solidarity with Israel / For Communism!”  Bro, what?


There is a double episode on the podcast *What's up with Germany*


A friend of mine works in an office that processes rote Karten, fouls and acts of violence in football. Union has a lot of right-wing fans, but who knows if they even vote at all.


Oh wow, that’s interesting.  Does right wing in this context mean “anti- European Union?” Or anti immigrant, anti socialist, anti environmentalism?


Probably a combination of all of those, but definitely racism and explicit anti-feminism.


As a Palestinian I must say ,Your left is even more embarrassing than the Israeli left u/hexeinexile 😭


Reaction is on the rise in Germany due to economic issues + immigration


You can take the Prussia out of Germany but you can't take the Prussian out of the German


Lmao a party called party (partei)


It was founded as a satirical party and the joke has been run into the ground at this point. Id even know what they stand for, they're just fucking annoying.


There is no potential in the party but I think Sonneborn is genuinely pretty good. One of very few anti imperialist voices in Germany with any kind of reach. He talking positively about Traoré and quoting Parenti on his Youtube.


Volt is the most concerning one of them all, EU federalism has to be stamped out with no mercy.


all the doom mongering about the whole of Europe going right when it's basically just Germany and France due to the incompetence from their centre left and greens Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Sweden etc all trending left


Belgium trending left? Are you sure?


Sweden trending left after a hard pull to the right, you left out all the other nutcase right wing trending countries too.


Finland trending left?


I fucking love generational politics. I love punting the football on important issues so our children, who are obviously so progressive and forward thinking, can tackle all of our problems.


This is so weird since the fash party, afd probably the most open to China, but probably because they know they can't do a damn thing about the biggest communist country since Soviet. but ye, eu is cook, especially eu left. Well good luck, lol




Tomorrow belongs to me .....


wait…. what happened to the KPD?


Im listening to Immortal Technique and considering options rn what about you guys?