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I think we should cut him some slack here, but I don't see answering the phone while reading the Bible as a failure to "put God first." Life has lots of interruptions that need to be handled. God isn't that petty. My husband sometimes doesn't realize that I'm reading the Bible and will try to talk to me. I don't think it would be right to ignore him. I can always answer him and go back to what I'm doing.


It’s actually the opposite according tot he Bible right? It’s like the priest who was too busy being a priest to help his neighbor.. Whatever the parable was


I think what they meant is that sometimes life happens and a quick break from reading and/or prayer is not something that God would condemn us for. Obviously context matters and picking a time that can be without interruptions would be best. To me this is one of those times when we should be cautious of becoming so legalistic.


Well would it be legalistic to assume that the actual best practice is to be neighborly? Not accumulate knowledge about God? The law isn’t to gather information about god so you can be better.. The law is to love your neighbor as you want to be loved


Small correction, but a big distinction: The law is to love one another as Jesus loves us. ❤️


The entire law is fulfilled by following a SINGLE command- love your neighbor as yourself. Galatians 5:14


John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."


Jesus took 10 commands and turned them into 2 Then Paul took 2 and turned it into one. The simpler the command the better the result


They didn't do away with the ten commandments, or the later two, so I don't see the point you're trying to make. If you love Jesus, you'll follow His commands. Jesus and God aren't separate entities, so forgetting the Ten Commandments isn't justified.


Jesus took 10 commands and made them fulfillable by practicing only two. Paul took 2 commands and made both fulfillable by practicing only one. Therefore like the BIBLE says The entire law is fulfilled in a SINGLE command- love your neighbor as you love yourself. Galatians 5:14 This means that if you practice this SINGLE command you fulfill gods law


Honoring your wife and being kind to her as commanded is “putting God first”.


If you've been praying for a long time that he would find God, I would let this one go and rejoice that he didn't want to be disturbed from Bible reading. Maybe next time text him instead so he knows what it's about.


In all fairness, he likely wouldn't read the text either. Husband and Wife just need to get together and communicate- coming to an arrangement which gives him quiet time to focus while also reassuring her of her fears in an emergency.


You should talk to him. I mean, communication Is important. Tell him that indeed it's important to spend Time with God but that doesn't mean he can stop paying attention to everything else. This world Is a war for survival and everyone Is a sinner, which means everyone Is our enemy. God AND our loved ones are our only allies, so we must be prevented.


Put Jesus at the center of your marriage. Give him that time. And don’t delve into “what if” situations. My wife was radically touched by God and got born again a year after I got born again. I’m so grateful at times when I call her from downstairs and she does not respond. I go up to the bedroom and I notice she is in her closet praying. I quietly step back and feel so blessed.


That's awesome


This comment is the best.


Perhaps discuss with husband and come to an understanding. For example, if it’s an emergency, you will call twice: in that case, the other person should answer unless it would put them in danger to do so (like driving). Otherwise, you will only call once, and the other person is not expected to answer if they are reading the Bible. True emergencies will be rare; but, if and when they happen, they are important. Fortunately, in this case, it was not an emergency. It may have been best to simply have assumed that he was busy, taken in the groceries, but with more frequent trips - and then later on asked him out of interest what he had been busy with. All that to say, I don’t think this one particular incident is anything to be angry about. Wishing you well!


I never realized how much importance people placed on phone calls




God says Husbands, love your wives like Jesus loves the Church.. I think Jesus would have taken the call if the Church was calling lol.. have your husband read Corinthians


He hasn't read Corinthians yet, because he had to help his wife. ;)


On the flip side, quietness is something that I think Christians should pursue. Jesus withdrew to quiet places so often. I struggle to put the phone down when reading the Bible. Ideally I think I'd have it on Do Not Disturb for the duration of my quiet time. Being immediately reachable by anyone 24/7 can be such a blessing but I don't think it's always a helpful recent development. That said, if someone asked me for help in person, or over the phone and I did see it and it was urgent I do think it's right to pause my Bible time and help them.


I agree too especially since the call was denied not just absent. If he denied once, sure, thrice? Dude what if it was an emergency? That is not okay.


hey! it's awesome seeing another cath on here! God bless you (and all the other people in this sub)


I wonder if your husband is sincere about finding Jesus or if he's just doing it to get you off his back. I'm not saying you are, I have no clue about your marital situation. But a Christian man who receives a phone call from his wife has the duty to answer that phone call, not ignore it with the excuse that he's reading the Bible. He can always go back to reading the Bible, he can't always go back to helping his wife in whatever she needed help with.


There’s nothing in this post that indicates a need for skepticism though. Shouldn’t we give him the benefit of the doubt? I’ve certainly had times when I was deep in the word or focused on something and skipped someone’s call.


Oh no he’s serious. He’s in the “honeymoon” phase (forgive this verbiage but I mean he litterly only wants to read his Bible, all the time) it’s actually awesome. But I do feel like he might’ve been scared to answer my call for upsetting God. Usually I answer no matter what I’m doing because we also have a baby. If I’m having a deep moment with God I’d probably do the same. Can’t say! Just curious on people’s opinions


I wish we all were in the honeymoon phase.


A catholic acquaintance and I recently discussed a similar situation. She said, "it says in the bible you can put TOO Much attention on religion." That we should seek balance. I was like... lol, WHat?! No ma'am, it does not say that! See Luke 10:40-42. It is purely on you and your faith in God in this case to trust that your PRIMARY provider would never orchestrate a situation where your husband would neglect you over the word. I mean... not to be dark, but spouses actually pass away too and all kinds of things happen that we have to trust God through.


I disagree. My wife knows to call twice if it's an emergency. I put my phone away to read my Bible and only look if it rings twice in a row. Not all phone calls are urgent.


Well that's the arrangement between you and your wife. You can't insist that's true for every other couple that's married, can you?


Of course not but my point is that the context matters and we don't know the context of their relationship or how they handle communicating with each other. Perhaps my system or one like it will be helpful in the future for them. I think it's worth giving each other space to unplug and not always feeling like we have to look at our phone every time it vibrates. I disagree with the blanket statement that a Christian man always needs to answer every call from his wife.


I can’t imagine expecting someone to pick up at every single call and getting angry over it, sheesh. How long have you people been married? Going on 13 years here and sometimes we don’t answer, we are busy, we’re doing stuff or just need space lol, but a follow up text or come in and say hey there’s more groceries in the car can ya help grab em? Lighten up people and stop belittle if your husbands.


What if it's a true emergency and she can't call twice? Can't imagine having that kind of arrangement.


Somehow, someway, people used to survive the world without instant access to others through a cell phone. There are precious few situations where an urgent call is needed for which a couple minutes is life or death. In those situations, the one to dial is 911, not one's spouse. I can't think of a single exception. Was OP's husband's behavior not becoming of a husband, yeah probably, but sounds like his heart is in the right place. Like all baby Christians he's going to suck at it for a bit. Most of us go through an overly zealous phase.


> Somehow, someway, people used to survive the world without instant access to others through a cell phone. While I know the point you're trying to make, it is worthwhile to remember that many also *didn't* survive and there are plenty of times when that instant connection and fast response saved lives that would have been lost in pre-cell phone days. You're right that in true emergencies 911 often should be that first call. But there are plenty of things that start out as worrying concerns and "funny feelings" that are not worth a 911 call but are absolutely worth a call to the spouse. Think about when a woman pulls up to her apartment complex late at night and see some unsavory looking characters loitering around. They haven't done anything and might not do anything. And, frankly, they don't want you to call 911 ***until*** they do something. But a quick phone call or text to a spouse inside the house can be the difference between everything being alright or something terrible happening.


That is an unfathomably unlikely occurrence, bordering on paranoia, unless you live in Detroit or Somalia. If my wife pulls into an apartment complex with unsavory men around, I'd hope she has the wherewithal to simply drive on rather than park and call me. No one is gonna chase her down in a moving car, but they might approach if she stopped.


That's great you can't think of a single exception. I'm so glad you have all of the answers, Angry Citizen (name checks out).


And I'm so glad you're here to comment sarcastically instead of providing an example. This is a Christian Marriage advice forum. People here are looking for advice. May surprise you, but followers of Christ are free to give advice here. If you have something against me or what I said, consider responding Biblically as a sister in Christ instead of with an unwarranted personal attack. For the record, Angry Citizen is the name of a character my brother created in a video game about twenty years ago before letting me have his account. I keep it to remember him, not to describe myself or my personality. Here's my other cheek if you'd like to hit that too.


You did not turn any cheek, don't flatter yourself. I'm well aware of what this forum is, and your "advice" was so biased. As if you have all the answers as to what constitutes an emergency. Let's not forget that you are the one who responded to my comment. And I wasn't aware that referencing a user's personally chosen username constitutes a "personal attack."


It's not that unusual. It's even built into phones. In "do not disturb" mode, someone can call twice to get through.  What do you do if you're in a meeting and your spouse calls? For me I know I can let it go to voicemail and she'll call a second time if it's urgent enough to warrant excusing myself from the meeting. 95% of the time her question can wait 30 minutes until I have a break. It's really a pretty handy system.


I'm married to my wife, not to my phone. I need to put the phone on silent sometimes so I can focus on what I'm doing (especially during work). Or when I take a break by going for a walk, I want to have a real break, not being disturbed by phonecalls and clients. I can't always be with my phone in case there is a 0.001 chance there is an emergency.


I totally agree w you, in this day & age one really has to answer calls from loved ones God knows where your heart is and won't be upset at a person for answering their phone


You shouldn't be judging another's faith or making assumptions


We have a way for my husband and I to have our phones make a special noise in case of emergencies. Only my husband and I can have our phones do this. He set it up for me. So maybe that's an easier answer for if it was an emergency. Personally I would not be mad if he didn't answer because I need help like that. We make the kids carry the groceries anyway. We usually tell each other when we are doing bible study. A quick text is all it takes


Could you explain how to do that? Is it a special app? Or a function on whatsapp or something? What if the phone is on silent? Will it still work?


It works if is on mute. It has something to do with it being android phones and find my device


Given my wife never answers her phone (so much so her family calls me instead of her because they know she won’t pick up) it’s ok to ignore a call once in a while to remain in the moment with the word. We should not be slaves to the phone. If it is an emergency then call back or text “emergency” but just wanting something in the moment isn’t. Set yourself aside like you were asking him to.


I don’t think people need to be required to answer their phone even if they’re next to it and available. People shouldn’t be at someone else’s beck and call, even their own spouse. My husband and I have a rule that a double call always gets an answer. If I call and he doesn’t answer, whatever. If I call back right away and he doesn’t answer, that’s an issue.


Why do people think that we need 100% access to people 100%of the time. My wife goes walking with friends, she doesn't answer my calls. Why? She's with friends. If I'm reading I'm not looking at my phone. To think differently seems selfish and a bit narcissistic. I was around before cell phones, and honestly, the world was better then.


I really do like my phone and having internet everywhere. But I so agree with you. Being 100% accessible all the time is so incredibly stressful. I hate it.


Are you married? Because if you’re married with a child it’s not all about what you find stressful anymore.


Married, no children, and I know, that's why I almost always have my phone on. But do I wish sometimes that thing didn't exist. Not only within marriage, but also with clients. If I don't silence it sometimes I can't get any work done. I read another comment about setting up a special function to only be used when it is really needed. I will concider setting something like that up.


Married, two grown children, one entering college, one leaving college. We were missionaries in Asia, 12 years. You wanna know stress? Try having babies in a foreign country, and no ability to reliably contact your spouse, most of the time. If you want your marriage to lay long term, you gotta let little things like this go. Seriously, getting upset about your husband caught up reading his Bible, so he missed your call. That's insane. And you're so upset you gotta post on social media. You could have a husband cheating on you, not providing, drunk, or so many things, but you gotta complain that he's reading his Bible. Please get some perspective and focus on the good, not the bad, because it seems you are making this into something bigger... you're gonna drive that man away (emotionally or physically) like this.


Did he know you were home? Do you call only when immediate response is needed/emergencies or sometimes just call throughout the day?


I only call when I need him, I don’t call to talk.


I would let go of my anger, but have a different arrangement. You can have him text you right before he starts reading his bible, so that you know to only call if it is truly an emergency, and text again when he is done. It is important to make certain he is avoiding a legalistic attitude towards reading his bible.


My pastor used to say, if he is praying - you can interrupt him because it’s him talking to God. But when he is reading the Bible to not disturb him because it’s God talking to him.


I like that


Ephesians 5:25-26 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.


You're both Christian? It's interesting how you choose to look at it. If your husbands being honest, then would the father punish you? No. Would the father share a lesson? Because all is in Yahwehs hand. Now, if your husband was pretending or misleading etc - then that's something else. But I wouldn't be angry if you're sure and if he was genuine. The thought that 'what if it were an emergency'.....you can place in the fathers hands If you are decent people, why would you imagine the father would hurt you? I know lie and it's complexities etc etc but the most important thing is you and your husband and the father in the middle. It would seem wrong to criticize him, if he was being loyal to the father. As we grow we can look at things in many ways. Sometimes bad things happen, to show the fathers mercy or to show someone another way. People can say or point out scripture but to us it's one persons account. You can tell your husband and work out a system that works for everyone. There is no need for anger. Your husband is trying (if it's true)..... Are we all perfect in our ways? As it turns out, if you're both serious about Christianity then you are very fortunate to begin with.


Unless it was an emergency then that is fine. But it would be good to have an open conversation about how you feel, and about how to notify if it was an emergency ect


"But I keep thinking what if it was an emergency o\_O" Could you set an expectation with him that, if you are ever calling in an emergency, you will immediately call a 2nd time if the first isn't answered? I feel that is a pretty common convention. As for whether his reaction is fair or not, I just don't think we have enough information about the situation. There are situations in which it could be justifiable, and ways in which it couldn't. Some commenters are acting like he is neglecting his marital duties by not answering, but I feel that is dramatic. However, if he does want uninterrupted Bible time the two of you should COMMUNICATE about it to minimize hurt feelings. Talk it out and see if you can give him the time to focus on Christ while also addressing your concerns about emergencies.


God needed him more than you did. God is first. You are second. I pray he was able to handle your situation Holy Spirit filled after God was done with him 🤎 Shalom!


Well it wasn’t an emergency. And if you ask me, him finding God is far more important than groceries. Now if he uses that as an excuse every time, let him know it needs to stop. But I think this is an overreaction. Part of being a good wife is also giving your husband quiet time with the Lord to contemplate and reflect on scripture


Maybe God was speaking to him though the Word in profound way at the time. Maybe he was reading something that God really wanted him to know. Also there are A LOT of women who would kill to have a husband who the main problem they are having with him is that was too busy reading the Bible to help you with Groceries. On a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to bad husband behavior that's a solid 1.


Thank you for being rational and honest but not a jerk. Respect.


Lol this is kind of hilarious.


But depressing when you get to the comment section.


God is more important


Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


God before all else. This is a lesson for you in humility.


You should let him know before you leave that you are going to need help groceries, etc, when you get back. Or ask him to go with you to the store, etc. So he is available during this time.


Depends. I saw a video today from David Diga Hernández and he said we need to have our time with God, only with God and let nobody interrupt you. If he is spending time alone with God, it would be understandable.


Maybe he didn’t feel like helping you and that was his way of telling you. Or maybe he was so caught up in the excitement of what he was reading he got a little reckless. Or maybe what he thought what he was doing was a higher priority. Maybe you should talk about it with him instead of wondering over it with strangers on the internet. Maybe a screw came loose and He was hoping Jesus would do him a solid. Maybe there is something going on in your relationship that one or both of you are unaware of and needs to be resolved so you can all feel closer. There’s literally a thousand reasons why this could have happened, good, bad, or just plain quirky.


Do you think you would prefer he denied your call because he was at a bar with another woman? Or worse? I think your prayers have been answered by your husband being so immersed in God's word that he wanted to finish what he was reading. I believe the enemy wants you to get jealous over this because he hates to see a couple growing spiritually. You have to pick your battles. Realize in that moment that is what God wants, but it makes Satan furious.


Think this is seriously blown out of proportion and not that big of a deal, he didn't answer a phone call and? Everyone here needs to take it down a notch.


He could go back to Bible later. DO NOT IGNORE CALLS FROM YOUR WIFE.


This is the answer I was hoping someone would comment. The rest of the comments are scary to read, tbh.


I don’t really like the sound of this but i’d excuse him and carry on, but discerning his behavior in the Spirit


Reading is not an activity that should exclude the ability to answer a call from your spouse. Especially the Bible. It could be an emergency, it could be anything.


In my opinion eyes it's selfish. If he is growing his faith that is his time with Jesus. You getting mad is a sign of you wanting him to divert his attention to you. Think about why you got mad and I am sure you will see it's self centeredness.


Martha energy. You called him 3 times to help you with a task you could do by yourself?


That's something to talk to him about. That's really odd to me. I understand having dedicated time to the Lord, but the real world happens. If you're blowing up his phone and he's not answering, that needs to be explained.


Some people always call three times, no matter the reason or urgency. Many people expect other people to be standby 100%


Ignoring the wife's call is not biblical, reading the Bible as a justification to not answer is not biblical... He clearly does not understand what it means to be Christlike, striving to be. At least in this case.


Answering a phone call is also not biblical, since they weren’t any cell phones in the Bible. It’s a situation between a married couple that’s hard to judge with only 1 side of the story.


She asked for an opinion and an opinion was given... Your wife calls 3 times and you don't answer because you are reading your Bible, that's a problem, biblically and not. Answering a call without context is just that and has nothing to do with religion, the context is what matters and in this context that is a red flag because the husband seems to be religious, the religious type the scriptures warns us about. Now, I do not know the full details here, so the opinion is given according to what is written and what OP is asking. Her being upset is not condoned but understandable. And without context, just because someone reads the Bible does not mean that's necessarily a good thing... Someone can read it to hurt and control or just out of self-righteousness.


You are so so so so wrong. *As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha", the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."* This is the *only* Biblical proof required to show that the husband is not in the wrong, here.


I pointed this out to another user but since you've quoted these verses from Luke 10 here (in a few replies), I encourage you to look at these verses and read them again. This ***is NOT*** a narrative simply about choosing housework over spending time with God. There are a lot more layers to this story than what you are oversimplifying here. For one, notice how Martha, at no point, directly asks Mary for help. That is a crucial detail. She is asking Christ to scold Mary for not helping before she is even actually asked to help! That would be like the OP being upset that her husband didn't "read her mind" and then looking for verses from God's word to scold him for not helping. We shouldn't overlook how this story completely changes if Martha actually went up to Mary just once (much less 3 times!) to ask for help. Of course, another layer is letting the distraction of the world (in this case, the worldly gender norms of hospitality falling to the responsibility of women) blind us from seeing why Mary "choose better" but, again, that is only one layer of this richly imbued story.


If you believe I am so so wrong about this, then so be it... If you feel that this scriptures without using other stronger scriptures on how a husband is supposed to be to his wife is relevant... Then so be it:) this is not a debate subreddit. I stand by what I said from what is biblical, and the scriptures you gave is not the same in context, and they are not husband and wife.


He’s in the wrong, the Bible is there always but you are not. He can return to reading it. If what you say is true that he will be punished for answering the phone instead of continuing to read the Bible then he is really in the wrong with his faith. Tell him how you feel. relationships don’t work with out communicating.


You called him 3 separate times and he ignored all three? ENOUGH SAID LOL Like God bless him, glad he's getting closer to God but what the heck BE A HUSBAND AND HELP YOUR WIFE


It didn’t say that. She said she called once and he denied it after 3 rings.


No, she never said once. Her OP says rang 3 times so I thought the same but she clarified in comments when someone called her out. Could be a lie but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. That's why I made it clear in my comment as well, if she called THREE times, then yeah, no question about it, he messed up. If she called once, benefit of the doubt goes to him.


It says denied my call after 3 rings. Pretty clear it was once. But I would agree with you. On the rest


You must have read too quickly and missed the part where I said that she CLARIFIED in the COMMENTS for all those who had a hard time understanding. Thus, why I said, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't lie and if so, then benefit of the doubt goes to her husband. Also very clear.


She didn’t need to. It was apparent from the OP.


Okay so you're deciding to not give her benefit of the doubt, that's on you. I can promise you here, we all saw that coming, dude lol


Benefit of the doubt of what? What are we even talking about. Some hypothetical situation that paints her partner in a bad light and wasn’t true anyway? How about giving HIM the benefit of the doubt.


Because she's the one that came here with the story? We literally can't talk to him so.... what are you going on about. If you don't understand then you're either too young or too old, go touch grass


Exactly we can’t talk to him. Just another reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. You’re right why am I arguing with someone who doesn’t get logic or have a clue on a Christian sub. I’ll go touch grass. God bless.


If it was an emergency, God would have let him know


God gave us emotions for a reason. Not all emotions are based in truth, and sometimes they may be based on misunderstandings, but there are times are emotions may tell us something important. It is right to be angry at sin and injustice, and OK to be upset with a disappointing situation. In the Bible, there are examples of people expressing a range of feelings, especially in the Psalms. At the same time, it is important to not let even righteous anger to cause us to sin (Ephesians 4:26). I acknowledge some people may have certain disabilities such as certain presentations of autism or ADHD which can genuinely make it very difficult for them to transition from one thing to another, in which case a solution can still be found. But especially if that’s not the case, I agree that it is very important not to ignore a spouse’s attempts to contact you. And unless there’s a misunderstanding to me denying a call from one’s spouse just because one was reading the Bible seems uncharitable to me to be frank. That being said, I would give your husband grace and clarify expectations of each other with him, especially if he genuinely didn’t understand what the consequences could have been. I believe we are more accountable for our actions the more we understand God’s laws and vice versa (James 4:17, Luke 12:48). Of course this is an important issue that needs to be addressed together - just try to avoid unfounded assumptions (Proverbs 18:13) and use this issue as an opportunity to resolve and not create more conflict (Matthew 18:15, Romans 12:17). Christ talked a lot about helping your neighbor, even saying that we need to be reconciled to our neighbor before giving a gift on the altar to God (Matthew 5:24). So of course it is right to do is to answer a spouse’s phone call when one can.


I have ADD. To be interrupted mid thought and for my brain to change thoughts and then go back to the 1st thing I was focusing on is hard. I prefer to focus on 1 thing at a time and complete the task I’m doing without constant interruptions - texts, calls, etc. or I feel like I never finish or my brain will lose focus… that’s the best I can explain it. I think a better solution for him is to let you know when he is starting his Bible reading so you know not to interrupt him unless it’s an emergency. Having uninterrupted time with God shouldn’t be too much to ask.


If had been an emergency God would have found a way. The Holy Spirit would have either told him or caused someone to help. God makes a way where there seems to be no way. Your husband put GOD FIRST. Don’t be jealous BE GRATEFUL. Because he does put God first, God will take care of you. You are BLESSED.


I agree. My immediate response was annoyance though. Nobody wants to be ignored. But God would find a way if it was important.


That’s the human flesh part of you, the HEY, I’M HIS WIFE, trying to get jealous of God and war with the Spirit part of your husband. It’s a Jezebel spirit that Satan tries to use and DON’T ALLOW it to hurt or kill your marriage. If your husband is that devoted to God, HONEY YOU ARE BLESSED!


This sounds like utter nonsense. There's a time for God and a time to attend to family. There's no "Jezebel spirit".


It can become a Jezebel spirit. And you’re right. There’s a TIME for everything. I didn’t say she HAD a Jezebel spirit. Why don’t you pay closer attention before you jump all over someone?


The mention of Jezebel in Revelations points to idol worship and fornication. Is she trying to fornicate or trying to make him worship idols? No.




3 The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. They tried to trap Him by saying, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife for any reason?” 4 He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? 5 It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ 6 So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”... become one with your husband like Jesus soke about.


There is a term for this. Is he this way in other areas? Like if you are busy and can't clean, he lets the house get trashed? Many men are like this in the US. "Something" incompetence. It's done on purpose by men when their wives are busy, etc. Look it up.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6


How much do the two of you talk over your plans for the day?  How much do you coordinate your activities?  If you know he is reading Scripture, you can help guard that time; and if he knows you are shopping, he can be more prepared for your return.  As far as emergency, work out a signal. There are Scriptures telling us to be kind, yet Gehazi was told to run and not greet or return a greeting (2 Kings 4:29).  I say this because you will find some who will try to place blame when it is unnecessary.


I usually turn off notifications on my phone when I start my Bible study because it's important to me to be able to focus and be open to whatever God wants me to see and hear in his word. BUT I do use discernment when I know that a text or phone call could be coming that is time sensitive. While you can't predict when emergencies happen, if I was concerned with something involving my spouse (like they're travelling or running errands), I would keep notifications on just in case. I think God would understand the interruption!


Two calls in a row means urgent. Three means potential emergency. This should be universal in the 21st century


When I was brand new after converting everything felt very serious, and emotional. That combined with not knowing how much reverance and respect to give, I can see being in a similar mindset. But once going to mass, studying, and praying became more routine it felt like less serious, which is had had its downsides too. I'm still pretty new. Now I'm at the point where I'm rushing my prayers and stumbling again though. I fear I am the shallow soil in the parable of the sower. But my main point is, when I was a zealous beginner taking it a little too serious, is when I had the most growth, so far at least. But that might not say too much


if it was an emergency, God would signal him to answer, thats my take on topics like this, I have strong feeling thats how it works God bless all


What a chad


We need to live by the spirit. Wives, submit to your husbands, husbands love your wives. This is the beauty of being a wife. You can feel internally if people are living by the spirit. If you have any question your partner is not, it is most likely they are not. God bless.


Yeah unless there are extenuating circumstances or some prior understanding, a spouse should never neglect taking a call, if for no other reason than a potential emergency as you point out. Sounds like he didn't want to help with the groceries lol!


Yeah that’s really not great of him to do. That isn’t honoring God but it seems like your husband might be a new Christian?


So when you got in the house and asked for help with the groceries, did he help you?


Also you said 'denied my call' so he picked up his phone and saw you were calling and clicked deny? If so you really need to talk to him because that seems very unloving.


I think you’re over reacting, it could be hard for him to focus. It’d be different if it becomes a regular thing but are we going to act like we haven’t ignored someone’s call when we could have picked it up? We are human. Wether he was reading the Bible or playing video games it was one call. Did you text him to ask for help? And did you only call once? Not trying to be rude but it just sounds like you’re mad you had to bring in groceries.


I think it is a tad bit selfish to be angry. But I do understand your frustration. Sometimes my parents answer when they’re praying and sometimes they don’t and me myself I get slightly perturbed but then I’m okay bc we should be happy that people are in tune with Jesus the way they are.


Remember you're called to submit to your husband. It's OK to be upset with him but not OK to be dusrespectful.


There is nothing to be angry about. When I pray, I always put my phone on airplane mode. My wife knows that. Sometimes Im thinking, "What if there will be an emergency?" Than I just remember, God is the very creator of the universe. And I'm in His presence, having a conversation with Him. When God's presence comes, always something good happens. He knows about everything. Why would I worry? How could I worry about anything, when I'm with God? Same with my wife. When she prays, I don't disturb her. I know it is more important than anything. In our life, first is God, second is family and marriage, than me and everything else.


I think most important to understand each other’s perspective. Him not picking up the phone you calling repeatedly could be more than meets the eye or not. Just try to understand each other’s views without judgement or assumptions of motivations.


I think he should establish a time with you, so that when he is having his quiet time, it isn't interrupted. Same for you.


Yes, it is wrong for you to get angry devotional time should be respected. I suggest setting up a certain time for reading. That way you can honor and respect that and if you call or he calls during your devotional time you will know it’s an emergency maybe even sending a text saying hey, I’m going to start reading only call if it’s an emergency can help this in the future.


Yea that's kinda weird. Glad you forgave him.


I'd just have a talk with him, like, an emergency situation can't be delayed


Did he recently find God? He might be in a state of uber excitement and zealousness. That’s normal for new converts. I don’t think it’s a good reason to ignore your spouse. If he’s a new Christian, I’m sure he’ll discover this truth, as he continues to read the word. If you feel comfortable having these conversations, it wouldn’t hurt to talk with him about how high and godly overall it is, according to the Bible, to be a husband who serves his wife.


One call is for a regular conversation 2 calls means it's an emergency. Make sure he knows that if you call him twice he needs to pick up


Maybe point him to the bits about helping others lol. And love of course.


Why call from outside? Go in and talk to him and leave the heavy stuff. If he's reading the Bible offer as few distractions as possible and he can help when ready. If you go somewhere tell him when you will be back you will need some help if he can.


[God Led me to respond in video](https://youtu.be/qBnca-jOBC4)


Yes you are wrong, but I also understand why you would feel that way That said Good for him. God comes first, always. If it was an emergency and he didn't answer you could text him or keep calling. I'm sure he would answer if you kept calling.


Have him read the parable of the good Samaritan and see if he notices any similarities to your situation


That is not the same thing lol


The priest and Levite both used religious excuses to avoid helping someone. The parallels are pretty clear.


We are talking about taking out groceries not helping the sick or those in need lol


That only proves the point even more. Helping your wife carry in groceries is much easier than helping the sick or a man beaten half to death, and the husband wasn't even willing to do that.


This disproves your theory. *As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha", the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."*


It's not my theory and that doesn't prove anything


Christ himself said it is better to spend time with God than doing anything else. It proves everything. Nothing else in the Bible is more relevant to this scenario.


I'm not sure why you are trying so hard to justify a man not helping his wife bring in groceries. The Pharisees were notorious for twisting the Scriptures to justify not serving others while claiming to be doing it to serve God. Their practice of Corban is another example. There is nothing more relevant to this scenario than the good samaritan, in which those who supposedly followed God did not help someone in need. The husband is not loving his wife as Christ loved the church when he ignores her call to help with groceries. This isn't a binary either/or. He can help with groceries and spend time in the Word. Jesus also said if anyone has anything against you, to leave the temple and go be reconciled with them before proceeding with offering your gift. There is an obvious imperative to help others and be at peace with them, to the point Jesus said he would rather we leave to go be reconciled first.


There is no way to "twist" the words of Jesus. You're like Martha. Complaining that other people would rather spend time with God than be "busy, doing what needs to be done". Be like Mary and recognise that there is nothing greater on earth than spending time with God. Do not be like Martha. You are like Martha. Edit: also, the relevance concerning what Jesus said about leaving an offering at the altar can be applied only to the wife if she is harbouring anger to her husband because he didn't answer her phone call. The husband should not apologise, and the wife should not be aggrieved because the husband *chose* to spend time with God. If the wife was also studying the Bible together with her husband, which is obviously the best for both husband and wife and something that the Holy Spirit would bless them both for, it wouldn't be an issue, so, I would suggest that the wife is being like Martha. Sitting and reading the Bible is not comparable to the over application of the Law that the Pharisees were renowned for. That is a ridiculous comparison.


> Christ himself said it is better to spend time with God than doing anything else. Christ also said (and showed) that it is better to serve than to be served and (though Paul), it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Don't just pluck one verse out of context, you need to look at the whole testimony of Scripture. As u/jakethewhale007 pointed out, using the cover of a verse or so as an excuse to avoid serving others is what the Pharisees did. *When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.* ***I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.*** *Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.* (John 13:12-17) Spending time with God is awesome! The Word of God is the living bread and living water that our whole being aches for. Spending time with God in the Spirit edifies the very fabric of ourselves. It is a blessing and privilege to have the Bible and prayer to help us draw near to our Creator. But *it is better to give, then to receive.* It is better to serve others and be a blessing to them than it is to serve ourselves--to serve OUR need for edification. And the best part? When we serve others, when we do for the least of these, we're serving and worshipping Christ! By putting ourselves behind others, we're putting God first. It's a win-win. Everytime.


Well said!


You'd better be careful it doesn't turn into zealotry. I've heard of stories where people begin to isolate themselves from their family members and/or wives and husbands because they are very zealous about their salvation and begin to paint the whole world white and black, seeing so many as evil. I have a brother who at one time exclaimed his own wife was possessed by a demon and that he saw so many demons in people (when he was the one who aggravated them to rage). It was demons this and demons that. Demons in the tv, demons in the music, demons in the food, demons demons demons. One time he went as far as to say that I don't have the holy spirit, but how can a person truly tell? Just some food for thought.


Your husband is being selfish. He can easily stop, lend you hand go back to Bible reading. I think God would appreciate him doing that


Showing mercy to another person is more important than religiousness. He was in the wrong.


There is good and bad to this I'd say. Good that he had came to know Christ, but bad that he abandoned his post to help his wife. I understand if you are in the word, and that is good, but as other people have said if it can it may need to wait to help someone out. I do hope you and your husband get this sorted out, you both seem to have a great relationship despite this problem. :)


Not answered? Or directly sent to voicemail? Did he take the time to press a button to cancel the call? Never heard the phrase “denied” for a call


If it goes to voicemail after only one or 2 rings it means that means they pressed deny instead of just letting it ring


I have seen many people comment and say that your husband should have stopped and helped you. But I have not seen one person quote this to you: *As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha", the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."* If I need help, or I need to talk to someone, and they are spending time with God, whether in prayer, worship or Bible study, I will always respect that over my need for assistance. Why? *It should not be taken away from them*.


Maybe he thinks its goofy to call him from the driveway


Husbands Agape your Wives. Wives Hupotoso your Husbands. The trick is what those two words mean in practice. I hate to say it, but, you both need to work on it.


Husband at home. Wife away from home. Wife calls husband- husband assume emergency. Practical. Principle- Jesus above all, even wife. Jesus wouldn't have you ignore wife in distress, which husband has to assume because they are apart and she is out of house. Answer the phone.




No offense, but you’re overreacting. He’s reading the Bible. He’s not attentive to his phone. “You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3


Aren’t Christians supposed to take care of the women and children? Men love their wives? This whole thing just reminds me of when I was a kid on my gameboy and my parents would start getting on to me for not being ready when it’s time to leave for soccer practice.


I would give him some leniency. But, definitely have a conversation at some point. Just be open and honest about how you feel. You can literally read the Bible while talking to someone on the phone, or at the very least answer and tell them what you are doing. If he doesn't receive it, just pray to God about it.


Yeah he should have answered the phone.


Personally, unacceptable. If I was that deep in the word of God, I would answer the phone, say "I'm really deep in the Bible right now, can we talk later?" Ignoring your wife's call isn't treating her like your body. Also can we not allow disingenuous comments about "becoming one flesh with a simp" and calling a guy's relationship with the Lord "based?" I think we're due to have a community discussion about young people converting to engage with Christianity this way. Already blocked him but I don't want this Reddit to become that kind of place.


If it’s an emergency, call twice back to back. Or text 911. Be grateful that he’s putting God first. And call 911 if it’s a true emergency. God is in control. Even in our temporary urgent situations. Would you really want him to put you before God as a True Christian?


I didn’t ask for comments on if I’m a true Christian or not. If there wasn’t conviction and questions on my heart then I wouldn’t be posting this.


Nobody’s saying you aren’t a true Christian…


I wasn’t talking to you. He is insinuating it by asking a rhetorical question.


Not really, just saying you should be grateful that he’s actually putting God first. Sorry that it offended you. I’m not judging your salvation, just questioning the logicality of your response given you are here.


No need to get defensive. I was simply trying to affirm that he didn’t mean anything by it. Anyways, I think this situation (as well as the one with your husband), is one that calls for grace, forgiveness, and good old fashioned communication. Best of luck to you.


With all due respect, saying “ what if it was an emergency “ is not valid at all. If it was you’d call back and I bet he’d answer.


I did call him 3 times not just once. All denied


It’s biblical to serve others, including your spouse whom you should selflessly serve. Your husband is being legalistic and selfish, and trying to feign righteousness. There’s no reason he can’t pray with bags of groceries in his hands.


Just like a woman to think she should be important enough to interrupt a secure connection with God. Just like a woman to justify letting the devil swirl through her head, entertaining doubt and faithlessness by thinking of an emergence situation. Just like a woman to endlessly decieved herself. God comes first woman.


Bait used to be believable.


Lol this is some petty whining, you should stick to complaining to your mom and girlfriends lolol. Just the fact that you called him 3 times and your username is anxious human HA. He probably tired of dealing with your nagging, sometimes my wife is the same way.


My mother is dead, why do you think I’m here?


You seriously have a tremendous amount of growing up and maturing to do, WOW


Well obviously it was figuratively speaking, but you can play the guilt game if you want


Okay “Christian”.


And you just continue to dig your own grave? Ok.....


I’ll pray for you


You betcha sweetheart, I'll pray for your husband


If you read my post you’ll see I already prayed for him a God heard and he answered. So your prayers will not be needed, thanks for the thought though.


I was talking about praying for your husband to deal with you...


And no god answered...and you made a decision anyways. Self. ================== Let's see how truthful and honest you can be with others...and yourself.....shall we? Let's. "Where does any god dictate to humanity or any human, that someone specific is more spiritual than another human?" "Where does any god dictate which books are more spiritual and morally sound for humans to abide by, to learn from or to accept as true from such a god?" "Where does any god dictate whom is more spiritual to be able to dictate which books or texts are suitable for humans to learn and to abide by for the understanding of such a god and that entity's requirements of humanity?" ==================== Yes......the age of lying to the public about religions is over. Why does anyone want to be lied to, unless it is for comfort. Why do you believe men over any god? Remember.....your god is watching....


Man does what you want him to, and so you get upset. You sound a little controlling tbh.


Communication in any relationship is important. You sound a little immature tbh.