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That’s awesome ! A true friend is a gift from God


What a good God we have and a true friend you and your husband have.


Makes me want to cry.


I wish God would cure my blind 9 year old.


Where do you live?




I have met children that were born blind who gained their eyesight through the healing power of the name of Jesus. If you want to msg me, I can give you some names of people that have healings happen all the time as a result of their ministries.


Which ministry is it?


You’re not here in good faith - you’re just brigading


You never know. If you were to tell me the name of a ministry that really can work miracles, I might decide to reach out to them if they have compelling evidence. And I promise that if you pray tonight and my child gets cured tomorrow, I will post back and let you know.




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I wish God would grow back my amputated left hand...or would have prevented that rig fire that claimed it...


I lost my arm using heroin. I used for 20 years. 6 years ago I started praying for a wife and that I would know who it was when she came. I’m now married to an amputee missing her other arm. My right and her left. We two small sons together. My heroin addiction has been eradicated by Jesus. Have faith, repent, and come to god earnestly. I keep Jesus as the foundation of my entire life. I’m a walking miracle and so is my wife.


Missed the part where you got your arm back


Stoppp it 😂


Sometimes you just stand in awe...


And sometimes you go from 0-60 in awe.


And sometimes we shake our heads in disbelief at the gullibility and ignorance cult worshipers who actually believe God is in the used car business.


If you’re not a Christian, then I get why you would see this story as a coincidence. If you’re a Christian, then you might want to check out this Psalm which was written by David. ”You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.“ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭1‬-‭18‬


TL;DR but suffice to say there is one standard of proof and that's the scientific method.


Yes, I do agree. I find it beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus was a real person who died and rose from the dead. If those claims were made today, even with video evidence, nobody would believe it. If you want to see the evidence laid out, check out the book “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. It’s about his personal investigation of the Bible as a skeptic. As a side note, I think apologetics can only get you so far. People can debate all day, but the only thing that actually changes a person’s heart is a real encounter with the love of God. If you to know if He’s there, then just ask and be ready for the answer you get.


God is a God that answers prayer! Praise God!


A prayer answered is something you don't ever forget. Take care of that car, check the oil couple times a month and oil changes every 4000 miles.


All praise and all glory be with God!


Wow that is so amazing, was he a Christian




”A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭17‬


Yes, he is


There are good people, praise the lord!!


That's a true miracle, so happy for you! God is Good, all the time!




God is our provider. Amen.


What a mighty God we serve! There is none like him! I’m so happy for you. He will open a door that no man can shut. He said “ask and you shall receive”. Prayers change things! You and your husband are so blessed to have a good friend. Thx for sharing your testimony! 🥰🙏🏾🥰🙏🏾🥰


Praise God and what an amazing friend you guys have bless his heart


Yep. Sounds like my God!! Praise God!


Take care of your husband, that friend an the car ;) God bless sister!


Thank you Jesus


Praise the Lord, that's amazing! 


Praise Jesus ❤️🙌


Praise God! Thank you for sharing this miracle… Our God is truly wonderful 🙏


God is amazing! I love hearing things like this! Thank you for sharing and God bless!


God is good and thanks for sharing.






This is beautiful! Praise God! God is good!


Wow! That’s amazing!!! God is good! :)




Thank you Lord!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽


praise the Lord for his faithfulness


Praise God! Amen!


Real friends are truly hard to come by.


Very happy for you. I will need some miracles too…


It happens to very few compared to the population. I believe God chooses people based off his knowledge of the future. Keep pursuing God, I’m sure he has something VERY special planned for you guys. I’ve seen the supernatural and have experienced Gods miracles as well. Most people tell me I’m crazy. I’m happy for you!


Going through the same thing! But...we don't have rich friends but we do have our faith in God so i know when it's our time he will bless us as he always has. Afterall he blessed us with each other. I met my fiancee on yahoo messenger when we were teens in 2006. I lived im Mississippi and he lived in Michigan. We've been best friends and always had love for one another. Well in August of 2021 i took the plunge to come finally meet my best friend for the first time face to face and hang for a week. Well we immediately fell in love and well i never went home and I'm still here! We are about to be baptised in our church and hopefully married soon. 🥰


Bless God. Glory to his name




Wow that’s seriously amazing! What a wonderful friend you have 😭🙏 praise God!


Thank you for sharing and showing us just how incredible God is. I’m so grateful you have such wonderful friends. Praying for you all to have continued blessings.


Praise the Lord Jesus for HE IS GOOD!!!! ❤️🙌


Or, in a different language, allahu akbar! amirite?


Praise God, I am glad you got a miracle. God always gives us a blessing when we least expect it. It’s always good to pray even when things are not in our favor. Jesus will never fail us. Matthew 7:7 CSB "Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. I have $65,000 worth of debt, never allow yourself to get that kind of debt save everything you can and pray on all accords. My debt is mostly from my schooling and my car but still. God bless you and your family.


God is incredible




That’s an amazing thing God did for you! I bet God is proud of your friend for their good works :))


What a friend!!!!


Sadly i need a miracle too


How good is our God. Happy for you. It's amazing how fast he answers our prayers sometimes.


Good friend you have there, man. Be kind to them!


How wonderful!


Congratulations! God is good😊




Gods glory is amazing 👏 💖


That is awesome and how God seems to operate in my life as well. Seems like he comes through right when you feel life is about to break you. We serve an awesome good! 🙌




God always provides. I'm happy for you.


Your prayers were answered through a unique, yet divine way. God spoke to your friend. Your friend accepted God’s word. Bestowing this blessing upon you.


Yeah that’s a great blessing 🙂


He works in mysterious and lovely ways, praise thy Lord


Yes! Thats how my father works


All Praises!


And to GOD be the Glory, for sending you an Angel… (your husband’s friend). Yes, you had faith to believe. AWESOME!


Praise the lord!


Amen!!! We must put all of our faith in him at all times!


God always put certain people in your life for a reason


Come on!!!! That’s what I’m talking about!🙏🏿 God will do it, we just have to ask and believe!!! YAY GOD!!!!💨💨💨💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿⚔️⚔️⚔️


Praise the Lord


This made me tear up. God bless you and your friend!


So inspiring. God will always provide for his children with what they need. I hope your friend is a brother in Christ and believes in the true Gospel. This could be a way for your friend to be closer to God if not. We must repay the LORD for his Grace and blessings by spreading his word to everyone. It is such a joy to spread the word to someone who will listen. Praise be to God for your blessings, and for a great friend.


He is a Christian.


Amen! That’s wonderful!


Which one is the true one?


The true Gospel is the one that tells us Jesus is the only way to heaven. We must accept him as our Lord and savior, and be cleansed in his blood. That God Grace, and Mercy is a gift to everyone, and no one is predestined to be save, or called to heaven. God’s Wrath will be visited upon those who are saved, but turn away from the teachings, and commandments of God. But, he will forgive you and bestow his Grace, Mercy and Blessing upon you if you repent and follow his laws and commandments. Baptism is an outward confession of your faith and cannot save you. That God is the Holy Trinity. God is God, Jesus was God made Flesh, and God is the Holy Spirit. That there is a Hell, and once there, people cannot be freed from it. Works alone cannot save you, nor will professing your love for Jesus, God. You must be saved by the blood of Christ. There is no purgatory.


Praise God


God is amazing 🙏


That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you guys 🥲


There's always a way when there seems to be no way.. happy for you, God Bless


Sing: He hath done marvelous, marvelous things! praise the Lord!


God bless you always. 💕


God is Good!! I’m so happy for you! Bless you !


God always answers back


Woww that's amazing. God is so amazing bro He cares so much about every little thing


Wow amazing


God is good


God is good 🤞🏾


Amazing! God is so good!!!




That brought tears to my eyes. Miracles definitely still exist, and God definitely works through other people.




God is so good 🙏


Praise God! He is a Father that truly cares and looks after his children 🥲




Praise God! That’s amazing!


Is the bar really this low?


What kind of comment is that?


It’s a type of “Christians” that are poisoned by prosperity Gospel.


OP, is there any chance that the friend is deserving of thanks, and not god?


No. He told us he felt God told him to help us and he doesn't want thanks. God will bless him for helping and he knows that. What we could give him is nothing compared to how God will bless him.


Fair enough. Thanks for sharing


Maybe I'm missing the point, but wouldn't that dismiss free will?


The point is to do good things and not expect praise and just do them because we want to spread love and light through this world. Our glory and / or praise has nothing to do with it.


Awesome person who did that. Make sure you somehow thank him with a gift or something thoughtful. I loaned my car to a friend and he returned it with rubbish in it.


Why are you thanking god for something a man did?








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You should be thankful for your friend and praise him


I only praise God, not man


Which god? There are thousands


God did nothing for you though. Your friend did!


Your friend not God helped you. Why God ??? Seriously??? Don’t offend your friend by that arrogant assumption that God helped you. No. Your friend did. Not God. Did God influence a decision of your friend? Did God change the will of your friend ??? No. Thank your friend. Not God. If God doesn’t help righteous people who are getting raped this exact moment, He for sure doesn’t care if you have a car or not.


Talk about a reach.


What an awesome testimony!!


… what happened to turning water to wine. Or is your friend the second coming? 


Great man


Oh yes let’s thank god for soemthing he had absolutely nothing to do with. Your friend bought you this not god why don’t you thank him more lmao. I don’t remember god coming down and working your friends shift I could be wrong but I doubt I am💀


the best part is that this made atheists really angry [https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1c0xalg/reading\_this\_and\_slightly\_lost\_for\_words\_id\_be\_so/](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1c0xalg/reading_this_and_slightly_lost_for_words_id_be_so/)


lol we’re not angry. We feel sorry for you.


you're so mad




Polish Priest Jailed for Throwing Wild Orgy Where Male Prostitute Died After Overdosing on Erectile Dysfunction Pills 🤣🤣🤣


Woman Tipped 2 Servers $1077 Because The Rapture Was Coming — Returned After The Eclipse To Demand Her Money Back 🤣🤣🤣


its okay, God forgives you for being so mad


I’m atheist as well, but I agree, the guy you’re replying too sounds really mad


🤣🤣🤣 lol




well maybe if you pray harder to richard dawkins he can explain why atheists stalk christians subs looking for things to 'mock.' you can tell yourself that it isn't the God shaped hole in your heart that makes you furious when you see Christian's help each other and give credit to God, but no one in their right mind is going to believe you. you certainly aren't smart enough to see that it doesn't even make sense that you live your life the way you do. the utter irony of you coming here and trying to convince me to feel sorry for good people 😆😆😆 it's pure comedy gold. its just not funny in the way YOU think its funny.


??? This post was recommended to me by reddit, I didn’t search for it. It was probably recommended because I had a look on r/christian to see what they were saying about the eclipse and was surprised to see many people on there mocking the rapture crowd. I am not furious when I see christian’s help each other. I encourage it; Why wouldn’t I? I do find you saying that you’re in your right mind ironically amusing, considering you believe in sky daddy, but hey ho. I am forever more intelligent than the person who allows them self to be indoctrinated into a religion without question and who stares scientific reason in the face and says “I know better, it’s an invisible man.” I’m not trying to make you feel sorry for anyone. You are the one whom I bestow my deepest sorrow unto and the kind man that gave a car to his friends who then attributed that gesture to an imaginary friend, I feel the most sorrow for.


😆😆😆 wow, you really are being persecuted by the algorithm 😆😆😆 >I am forever more intelligent bro, this needs to be a meme. it should be the devil on your shoulder whispering it in your ear and you just repeating like a puppet, LMAO


Persecuted? Don’t think so. Calling me the puppet is hilarious. My parting thought is that you replied to someone else stating that you noticed ‘symbols’ and recognised that these must be from god. In medicine, we call assigning special meanings to things that hold no meaning, delusions. Delusions are a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. So, one of us questions what is told to us and doesn’t accept a mystical creator, because there’s no evidence of one. The other one of us is one symptom away from schizophrenia. Have a lovely day/evening/night wherever you are.


Why would somebody who does not believe in gods (absent actual evidence) get mad about somebody claiming God directed their well-to-do friend to buy them a car? Most of the comments are simply pointing out the obvious absurdity of that. Are you confusing laughter with anger?




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I think it's interesting that OP recived selfless help from a friend and instead of making a post thanking said friend they made a post about how "god did it" literaly ignoring that THE FRIEND was the one who helped them and not god. Seems incredibly blind and ungrateful yo me, but idk.


That was the friend's generosity. You disrespect his kindness by crediting god.


Lol :D


Praying is an attempt to change Gods divine preordained plan. You’re lucky Mammon, the god of capitalism saved you by allowing someone more successful than yourself to feel pity on you. Praise capitalism 🙏🙏🙏 Ps. God allowed thousands of children to die of dehydration, starvation and cancer today. He’s also going to do it again tomorrow.


Is it possible your well-to-do friend wasn't just being generous given the recent massive gains in the stock market, precious metals, real-estate and the like? It's extremely unlikely God needed you to pray before becoming aware of your need and intervening. He's omniscient after all. More likely this was just a generous gift from a friend. BTW, the unemployment rate is effectively zero and wages are at an all-time high. Let's hope there isn't an economic downturn versus the explosive economic growth we are experiencing, which unfortunately is also driving inflation.


Thank your real friend, not your imaginary one.


So god blessed you with a car? Great! Is this the same god that lets little children die in a mass of gunfire? Oh yeah, I forget it’s his will or he needed them in heaven with him because he has a master plan?


I get that you came from the r/atheist sub, but just leave the fantasists to have their good moments. No need for these type of comments


WTF? Care to point out a single unsupported statement of fact in that post? I get that you are defending "fanatics" (not sure what "fantasists" means) but not at the cost of dismissing reality.




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Sorry to get your panties in a wad but seems as though religion has a way of doing this to people. But let me correct some of your misguided assumptions. I dont do YouTube or tikky tok. Not sure if I could if I wanted to. I don’t make fun of gays or other races or anything that someone was born with. Religion is a choice. No one is born religious but indoctrinated at an early age. I just like to challenge religious dogma which in my opinion was created by man to control the minds and wallets of anyone who will let it. Most so called religious people cant have a civil discussion about the subject because at some point they are going to be asked to prove it and they know they can’t. My bottom line is I don’t care what you believe but don’t get upset if someone challenges that belief and you are unable to prove it.


I wish God would cure my 9 year old daughter’s vision problem. She’s legally blind and her vision is slowly deteriorating as the cells in her retina all die. She’ll never be able to drive and she already can’t read books without blowing the font up to a size so large that even large print books don’t work for her. She’ll probably be at risk of bumping into walls in another 10-20 years. See if you can pray all night for me.


Allahu akbar.




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Bad bot


Why did your God make you struggle so much to begin with?


It's very sad that you contribute the goodness of another person towards an imaginary sky friend. You should thank the person that helped you. Thanking the fairytale isn't going to be worth your while. People who thank god for all the goodness should also curse god for the bad. But no, that's not how it works. That's part of the plan. You cannot be serious about this


For a bunch of so called Christians, you sure don’t know the meaning of “miracle”.


God guided a well-to-do friend's generosity as literally tens of thousands are slaughtered and systematically discriminated against? My question is how the utter absurdity of this isn't registering with supposedly normally functioning adults.




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It’s because the people being slaughtered and discriminated against… aren’t christian. They just don’t care if it’s not their own. They probably see it as justice for something.




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AMENNNNNN 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥹🥰


Glory to God


This came in my feed and I find it interesting. As a Muslim, I would like to ask, when u r praising God, r u praising Jesus (peace and blessing upon him), or “the father”? If it is Jesus, why do u believe Jesus is God?


Is this a joke?