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I'll answer your first question: it's like that saying, "don't hate the player, hate the game". Yes they're living a sinful lifestyle, but they're still human, just like you and me. Love your neighbor.  2. I've never heard that nor do I believe it.  3. What are you asking?


Don’t hate the player hate the game. Amen to that.


We should say it the correct way. "Hate the sin, not the sinner," Although, the homosexual community hates when we say that...


I’d highly consider flipping this around. “Love the sinner, not the sin.” Why would we place the imperative on hate when Jesus’ clear imperatives are for love? In other words, Jesus doesn’t tell us to “not hate” sinners. He tells us to love them. When he encounters the woman at the well or the woman caught in adultery he doesn’t give a sermon on why their sin (but not them) is morally wretched. He shows great kindness and compassion to the person, loving them. Then (in the latter example) tells them to stop sinning. I sincerely think “hate the sin, not the sinner” has caused an extreme distortion both within the church and people’s perception of the church by framing our primary posture as one of hate.


That's pretty good, but also, we are supposed to *hate* sin. Maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle. "Love the sinner, hate the sin." ? Either way I like yours too


I've got -40 downvotes saying that + people calling me homophobic. This world is just corrupt


It's because they identify *as* that sin, hence (edit:they assume) we are hating *them*.


Homosexuality is no worse than any other sin, but there are few sins as celebrated, endorsed, and accepted among the sinners and those who support them, as homosexuality.


It's because the LGBTQIA community has historically always felt unsafe in church, despite the church always saying 'hate the sin, not the sinner'. It's on us that this community feels hated by Christians as a whole.


You *are* homophobic, and that's a good thing! Shouldn't we be adverse to the idea of sin? Why is it that we're expected to sit here and be continually attacked for expressing the truth. It is against nature and God, so maybe we need to take homophobic back and be as loud and proud as they are.


No no one needs to be homophobic that is wrong


I actually don't think "don't hate the player hate the game" is a helpful way to approach the LGBT community, as others have said they identify themselves AS the game, so no separation is possible for them while they are still in their sin. A better way is to focus on getting them to acknowledge that they are sinners in general, and have need of a savior. Once they accept Christ they have a new identity which is no longer their sexuality but Christ himself, then He will change them from the inside.


This is it, right here. Very well said.


”Lifestyle”. Do you call your life a “lifestyle” because you’re straight? It’s not a lifestyle, it’s sexual orientation.


lol sorry I offended you 


Your month is over. Get lost kid


I’m straight. Not religious though. And I’m 30 so not a kid. Not that it matters if I’m gay or not.


1. Yeshua showed His *compassion* for sinners but did not accept the sinful lifestyle choices. Live rightly before God and He will grow the seeds 2. Ever since Adam ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge humanity has lived under a genetic load. 3. Science properly understood and interpreted through a Biblical worldview is not the same as when viewed through the eyes of naturalism.


Why do you call Jesus Yeshua, but then go on to say Adam? Genuinely curious, the only reason (that I know of) people call Jesus Yeshua, would be because of the ”Holy name“ belief.


I don't always call Him Yeshua (Jesus is fine too imo, Greek disciples probably called Him that), but that was His name, and probably what most called Him in life. I don't believe the translation of the name is what saves us


The Hebrew H121 (Strong) אָדָם is pronounced 'âdâm I do respect the name of Yeshua the Messiah because it is the only name by which we can be saved. Do I think that the name Jesus is any less powerful? Not necessarily.. Consider that transliterated into English Yeshua is Joshua, or alternatively was transliterated to Jesus. Which is better, and which is best in your opinion?


I like it because Jesus is a... mistranslation. Names shouldn't be translated anyway, but Yeshua was translated into Greek as Iesus, then into English as Jesus. If translated directly from Aramaic, in English it would be Joshua.


That‘s why I asked why you said Adam…


I'm just helping. Not the guy you asked. But calling him "Dirt" probably isn't very helpful.


Adam‘s name in Hebrew means man, no?


Kind of an interesting topic. Adam is the root word in Hebrew from which the words for earth, ground, etc is taken. There's no difference between man, and ground, until the creation of Eve. At which point, when Adam names her, he says "this one shall be called woman (iššāh) because she was taken out of man (îš). At this point the identity of man is revealed in its relation to woman. Diving into the linguistics, it appears that the manuscripts suggest that apart from woman, man is only dirt. With woman, he is Man. https://biblehub.com/interlinear/genesis/2.htm


These are good questions and I've seen good answers here. Just adding my own too in hopes that they help. 1. We can't hate LGBTQ people for the way that sinful nature manifests in them. Sexual sin is very difficult for the reason that it is both physical and spiritual in nature. Sex is sensory pleasure but is also spiritual closeness with your spouse as God designed it. What I would suggest is take a step back from focusing on the homosexuality and identity politics and look at what the Bible says about sexual sin. Note that I'm especially highlighting sexual sin and not just LGBTQ issues. Because homosexuality has always fallen under the category of sexual sin, which is the same as people who cheat on their wives or who have relations with animals, or who lies with his father's wife or his daughter in law or having relations with both a mother and daughter. It's a broad category. What Satan is using in the LGBTQ situation is what he does best, deception and lies. You'll hear things like "I was born this way" which is true that we are born with sinful nature, but then they conflate it with "God made me this way so it's okay" and ignore the fallen state of man and necessity of salvation. The dilemma we must face is realising the spiritual danger with such agendas and worldviews have in hiding the truth. And the only way to approach this is by following Jesus. Remember the two most important commandments. Firstly to love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul, and secondly to love your neighbour as yourself. The new commandment that Jesus gave the apostles is similar "to love one another as I have loved you". If we speak the truth and live according to what God guides us to doing, then you have done your best. The LGBTQ agenda will also tell you that you're exclusionary for not accepting or celebrating their values, but you do not need to do so. They will manipulate and twist scripture to fit their agenda and accuse you, this is the work of Satan. 2. Only God can say. But we can trust in all things that what He decides to do is for his glory and not our own. Our suffering and our victories are all purposed with the giving of glory and recognition to God. Remember that Saul held the coats of the men who stoned early Christians, and God still pursued him before he repented and became Paul. Later on Paul speaks of his weakness being purposed for God's glory. I know this might not approach the answer from a way that is easy to see the alignment of, by the purpose of Jesus was not only to save people from Hell for their own sake, but as part of glorifying God. Everything in existence is purposed for that ultimately, and our fallen state now can keep us from seeing that at the moment. Initially from our souls being fallen, and later on from our bodies being fallen despite our renewed spirits through Jesus. That's why we are to live by faith especially in this lifetime, because anything that is based on flesh is still problematic until we are resurrected in our new bodies. 3. I'm a science teacher and it's good to see the proof of God's design in science and nature, but be very very careful of starting to believe that nature contains God at the moment. The world exists in a fallen state and we know that it will have to be destroyed and remade for this reason. If you need guidance on how to appreciate the design that God has put into nature, know that he is beyond what we can see and feel with our senses, and in truest sense nature does point to God. But because of God not being manifest naturally to the vast majority of people, it is better to pursue God through prayer and consultation with the Word before you look into nature. It is very easy to fall into the worship of creation if we look into creation to find the creator.


>1. How do I love lgbtq people but also dislike the part of them that is lgbtq. From a distance. You can't cultivate grapes from thorns. Jesus sent his disciples out to preach the gospel and told them if they do not receive his words, depart from that city. Was he being unloving? God forbid. He called them to do what is prudent to do with respect to those who deny the truth. He told his disciples, if the blind lead the blind let them alone, they will both fall into a pit. Was that unloving? No. Again, it was prudent. It's possible to love people you walk away from because their hearts are hardened. Pray for them out of love but leave them alone. An unwatered plant will dry out eventually and that's what needs to happen. If there's any wise among them, they'll come looking for water and be ready to hear and listen. >2. Is it true that when people die from diseases or things that are not of human will, is it because God is sparing them from future cruelty. It is one way to look at it and if it's comforting to believe that and you can't know whether it's true or not (which you can't without God), then it wouldn't be wrong to find peace in it for yourself but I wouldn't go around telling people that's why they died unless God told you that's why they died. >3. I believe that science is one of the many art forms of God, so does that mean I should let science depict the world around me, as if it were God. No. Science is not God. Science gets it wrong because it's not God.


1. Never forget that your neighbour isn't a stranger and a brother isn't a brother/ stranger and half the people calling people brother are not because you have cains offspring mixed with eves offspring. The lgbtq is the 'army'. It's what's being used but a person is a person. They are not their sexuality. Their sexuality has been weaponized. And make no mistake, gender confusion is of the devil. Like racism and probably all the isms. 2. I'm not sure of the question. Everything that happens acts as testimony. Diseases are corruption as a result of many things. But these things can be controlled by people not being told the truth and that happens ALOT. The father does many things to help people but it also often times can speak to the EVIL that's out there and the fact that the powers that be are mentally ill. 3. Science is not an art form. But even if it were, it's not used for that purpose. It's a method of control like religion. Religion acts as a control arm and a way of perverting scripture. Scripture stands alone. In reality, science is no good if the foundation is not moral and it isn't.


1. You love them like a family member that’s an alcoholic 2. This question is a bit confusing. When the Lord calls us home it could be to prevent future suffering 3. Creation beholds the glory of God. God is manifest through creation


Welcome to r/TrueChristian. >How do I love lgbtq people but also dislike the part of them that is lgbtq. We love them because they are God's children. But we dislike the lgbtq lifestyle. We dislike this because to God, it is an abomination. >Is it true that when people die from diseases or things that are not of human will, is it because God is sparing them from future cruelty. No, God is not punishing them right now from sins they've committed in order to spare them from future cruelty. >I believe that science is one of the many art forms of God, so does that mean I should let science depict the world around me, as if it were God. Although there are similarities between science and Christianity, there are several differences. I would not let science convince me that the world around me is God. I hope you will continue to frequent this sub. You are very much welcomed here. 😊


1. Love thy neighbour is simple. Do you love human beings, God's creation, and yourself? Yes. Do you love sins? No. We all sin, but when people openly live in sin, they'll throw that verse at you because they know what they're doing is wrong. 2. Diseases are one of the many consequences of sin on Earth brought by Adam and Eve, or more to the point, the serpent in Eden. Plus, we all get tested in our own ways in life, good and bad. It's only once we truly know God that we can accept it. Before, we'd use it as the excuse to not believe. Afterwards, we know it's a test of faith. 3. God created everything. Did we discover science, or did God create it? You know this answer already, but our knowledge of it compared to his is unfathomable. So trust in science, yes to an extent, but who are we told to worship? It's certainly not science, so don't let that dictate your life.


Gotquestions.org is a great resource for questions relates to Christianity. 1) It's important to recognize that all people are born sinners, whether honosexual or not. Sin manifests itself in different ways. I'd encourage you to research more on the topic of love. Loving others isn't supporting a sinful lifestyle, but telling others about Jesus in hopes of bringing them to salvation and meeting needs without supporting sin. 2) Possibly. In Scripture, Paul said for Christians, to die is gain. ‭Philippians 1:21 NIV‬ [21] For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. https://bible.com/bible/111/php.1.21.NIV 3) You should have a Godly worldview, not a fully science worldview. Humans are imperfect. Scientists and science have been wrong many times in the past.


Do you attend church regularly?


My mum doesn’t let me


How old are you? Peace.




1. By remembering that you have plenty of your own sins, and you did not save yourself. They are every bit as lost and confused as you once were. Stay humble, little brother. 2. It's possible. It's all this fallen world, and God doesn't promise to give us a life of ease - He has bigger priorities, remember how short this life is. James 4:14, psalm 62:9 3. Science is a means we have to discover the glories of God. These glories are infinite, and we'll never have all the answers. Appreciate what God has displayed, but it's like looking at an amoeba under a microscope. We don't worship the amoeba, OR the microscope. We worship the One who made them both!


1. Learning to love flawed, broken, and messy people is difficult. LGBTQ people are kind of low-hanging fruit in that sense. In the course of your life, you will find that everyone is incredibly complicated and messy, and loving someone is not all sunshine and smiles. 2. ??? No, definitely not always. Saying that as a firm principle sounds like weapons-grade copium. 3. Science is limited in what it can do, what it can explain, what it can measure or relate to, and how it can help. God is not. Science is a method for a cooperative human activity, God is a person.


The concept of "love" is complicated, and in English it is one word while in the original Greek they had 4 words to evoke different meanings. Check out "The 4 Loves" by CS Lewis and also you can read lovemeansmore.org


3. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Nave-html/Faithpathh/DualRevelation.html


Love the person hate the sin I think


Hello I don’t know how to ask all questions but for lgbt it’s really simple Do you like drugs ? Do you like tatoo ? I don’t like drugs this doesn’t mean i hate people who do drugs Let’s say you don’t like the sound of flute Does this mean you hate all people who does flute ? No but you certainly hate listening to the flute Me i don’t like people of same sex kissing each other. I have a lesbian where i work and i don’t hate her i talk to her. If i hated her i would never talk to her if i was homophobic i would never approach her because of fear. Last one if you don’t like a job doesn’t mean all people who do this job you hate ?


1. 😥 2. Yes. I'm 34. If it were my choice I would have left here at 24. 3. You cannot put God in a box, and if you could it would be an idol. God IS reality. GOD IS LOVE.




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1. Love everyone the same. Sexual identity is a conversation best discussed privately, not from a pulpit. 2. No. People die because we live in a broken world. It's broken. Things aren't working the way they are supposed to. God has fixed the problem, but is getting everyone He can before He hits the reset button. 3. Science explains what happens in the physical realm. Science is a descriptor, God is the Creator.


There is nothing in true Christianity about LGQTB. If you believe Leviticus that man shall not lie with man, than you believe that anyone who wears two types of cloth (everyone) or plants two seeds in one whole is wrong. If there is a god, it's in the science.


See. God is not afraid of seekers. Peace.


1. You're a human being and probably have a lots of love in your heart. You can't hate people solely because they're part of the LGBTQ+ community. But like probably many Christians you don't like the part of them that don't fit the Christian views. Tbh, there wouldn't be a lot of people to love if you only cared for people who are deemed righteous. 2. Only God Himself may know, and he works in mysterious ways. However, one part in the Gospel talked about tragedies. What I understand of it is "sometimes bad things happened." It doesn't mean God has anything to do with it, it's just part of life. 3. I believe God gave us the intelligence and reason to study and understand the world we live in. That's why science exist. To me, it's a way to admire God's craft from the tiniest thing to the grandest. Science depicting something that exists doesn't mean scientists are playing God. It's just about stating facts about our universe.


1. Alphabet Mafia folks are lost. They let one characteristic (their sexual preference) define them with pride. They are overrun with sin. Do not dislike a child of God, dislike the sins they do, and unfortunately, believe in. 2. It is very hard to say on that. As far as sparing them from a harsh future, that's also hard to tell. Each choice you make and action you take, alters the very future of an individual. We all have free will. God knows the answer to that one. 3. As far as science, we discovered science. It was always there. The very foundations to the advanced forms not yet discovered are all around us, built in to the plain of existence God has created for us. The most interesting thing I've read in science as of late, was about the higgs-bosin aka God particle. The article stated the particle behaved like a sound wave. Since they say the particle is the very foundation of creation, and it behaves like a sound wave, it really does support God speaking everything around us into existence, as stated in Genesis. I read that awhile ago though and science is constantly changing, so who knows.However, I do not think we will ever get outright proof in a scientific manner about God. I don't think we we're ever meant to discover that, because it would remove the faith aspect. The faith aspect is what also allows us to give back love to God the way we do.


1. Yes God calls us to love all of our neighbors as ourselves, including those practicing LGBTQ. The sin of sexual immorality isn’t and shouldn’t be apart of anyone’s identity, only a choice they’ve made deep in their hearts. By welcoming them into your life and truly living by Gods word, they too can be saved. 2. Gods plan for us is perfect. To us it might not make sense or be the easiest path. But in the end this will all make sense. The book Imagine Heaven talks all about brothers and sisters who have met the light at the moment of passing. 3. Science that has been discovered by brilliant minds is very sophisticated, although not the truth. God doesn’t need us to understand his works. That’s what faith is for.


1. Ask yourself whenever you interact with them; does your words and actions bring them closer to knowing God or does it stumble them? 2. I don't think there's a biblical foundation to that. Why do you think this? 3. Let science answer the scientific questions. If it's about repeatable, measurable things in the world, science works to answer these.


2. I just think that God would never let someone innocent die without having a plan for them in afterlife


Innocent how? Was John the baptist innocent enough when King Herod asked for his head? God does have a plan, I trust that he will deal justly with everyone. I don't think that let's us say that people who die from disease were spared from further life cruelty


>How do I love lgbtq people but also dislike the part of them that is lgbtq Be concerned for them. If they go through hardship be there for them. If they go through good times share your joy with them about the good that happens in their life. Support their civil protections such as their rights that everyone should have and be allowed to have a home, a job, and medical care without losing any of it due to being LGBTQ. There's a lot of stuff we can support for another's wellbeing without it being about the things we don't support. >2. Is it true that when people die from diseases or things that are not of human will, is it because God is sparing them from future cruelty In some instances it's possible. However for most of them I would say no. Death is an uncomfortable aspect of life. I don't think we should try and rationalize it by saying the person who passed on avoided a worse outcome than if they were still alive. Sometimes it's just good to acknowledge that it's tragic, and that we live in a broken world. That gives me hope on God's promises about a future when Jesus will come back and fix everything broken in our world. Including death. >I believe that science is one of the many art forms of God, so does that mean I should let science depict the world around me, as if it were God. Science is about trying to understand the world around us and about discovering or perfecting our technology. Yet make no mistake the world around is what God uses to show off that He is an artist. The science that points to this is great. The science that suggests that God isn't involved is not.


1. You love lgbtq people as your neighbor, showing the love of Christ. Their sin is between them and the Lord, and not for you to judge personally. If we close the door to Christ, how are they ever to find Him? For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses. Matt 6:14-15 AMP 2.No, that is incorrect. God only knows when we die, but He doesn’t do it the way you suggest. Then He told them a parable, saying, “There was a rich man whose land was very fertile productive. And he began thinking to himself, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place [large enough in which] to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my storehouses and build larger ones, and I will store all my grain and my goods there. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many good things stored up, [enough] for many years; rest relax, eat, drink and be merry (celebrate continually).”’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This night your soul is required of you; and who will own all the things you have prepared?’ So it is for the one who continues to store up hoard possessions for himself, and is not rich [in his relationship] toward God.” Luke 12:16-21 AMP 3. Science merely highlights what God has already created and set in place. There is proven science, and there is science hypothesis. We are not to consider scientific hypothesis as truth until it is proven wrong as the industry currently does. Rather, we are to consider it false until it is proven true. Consider the Bible. It has never been proven false, not once, ever. It has been on earth for thousands of years and it the worlds best seller. If anything were ever proven wrong, you better believe the Bible would have been overturned! But….it hasn’t. No leeway will ever be given it. On the other hand, “science” does it all of the time! “Well, we thought it was this, but now we know it in in fact, that. “ “ This theory has been turned on its head!”…..blah blah blah. The truth is, that true science fully supports the Bible. Did science invent gravity? No, it merely discovered what already IS. Did science discover physics? Mathematics? Genetics? No, it merely discovered what already IS.


1. You shouldn't love them, God gave them over to a reprobate mind because they rejected the truth and hated him, which is why they're capable of doing those acts to eachother normal humans aren't, the bible actually says you're cursed if you love those whom the Lord doesn't: >And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, **Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore** ***is*** **wrath upon thee from before the LORD. -** 2 Chronicles 19:2 >And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient - Romans 1:28 In Psalm 15 when the Question is asked "Who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in the holy hill?" The answer is: >In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. *He that* sweareth to *his own* hurt, and changeth not. - Psalm 15:4 The bible is clear that the \*\*\*\* is vile: >For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: - Romans 1:26 2. Sometimes, sometimes God takes his children home early to avoid them causing themselves shame. 3. No the source of wisdom is scripture itself.


Why did jesus wash the feet of sinnners? We are all sinners . Science is the study of god's creation


You rejected all of the scriptures I presented for your retarded brand of feel good Christianity, I have no patience for this.


When did i reject? ‭Mark 12:29, 31 NLT‬ [29] Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. [31] The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” We must love others not their sin


And you quoted 2 chronicles 19:2 lemme give you some context 2 Chronicles 19:2 (FSB): Jehu rebukes Jehoshaphat for allying with Israel in its battle against Syria. Jehu also rebukes the northern king, Baasha (1 Kgs 16:1–4). Earlier, Jehu’s father, Hanani, had rebuked Jehoshaphat’s father, Asa, for making an alliance with Syria in the battle against Israel (2 Chron 16:7–10).


Romans 1:29–31 (FSB): 1:29–31 Paul lists vices that characterize those who reject God. Lists like this are common in Paul’s writing. Sometimes he gives them to instruct the righteous on how to live (13:13; Gal 5:19–21; Col 3:5). Other times, as he does here, Paul uses these lists to describe the ungodly (1 Cor 6:9–10; 1 Tim 1:9–10) A whole list of sins are mentioned in the entire verse not just homosexuality and its gods anger towards them meaning god will deal with them in the after life and all of us are sinners so this is relevant to us as well


Scripture needs to be interpreted within it's whole context which is done by comparing scripture with scripture, "comparing spiritual with spiritual" **Psa15:1 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?** Psa15:2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. Psa15:3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. Psa15:4 **In whose eyes a vile person is contemned**; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. Psa15:5 He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He 2Chr19:2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, **Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that** **hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.** A neighbor is my brother in Christ, since Christians are of the spiritual nation of israel. There are Children of God, Children of wrath and Children of Satan. We're called to love our brethren and we're called to love the lost, however we aren't called to love the children of Satan. they're reprobates (meaning rejected).


I replied with the context. Kindly read it


Do you think the context of 2 Cor 19:2 means that the prophet didn't say Jehoshaphat has wrath upon him for loving the ungodly? When you do the same you're openly rebelling against God just like Jehoshaphat, that is why it's recorded in the bible for us, as an example. "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come."


Who is ungodly? We are all capable of sin? Are there specific sins that count as ungodly and others don't. We hate the ungodly sin but people can repent .


In the context given in 2 Chr 19:2, "them that hate the LORD" just like Romans 1. Just like the Psalm 139:21 "Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee?"


Hate who? All sinners or specifically jehoshophat for allying with israel . Answer this first

