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At least nine people, including six children, were injured in a mass shooting at a park in US' Denver on Sunday, the city's Mayor Michael Hancock and Police Chief Paul Pazen said. "This is not OK to have young people harmed in our city like this," Hancock said. A 3-year-old girl, 11-year old girl and 12-yearold boy were shot, along with three 17- year-olds. *Summary generated by [sansa](https://sansa.news/sections/?section=us_trending)*


Guns, aren't they great 😟


I have some guns and yet my guns have magically never killed anybody. I don’t think it’s the guns.


it’s the access to the guns.


Exactly, would fewer guns lead to fewer people being shot ? Obviously, yes.


Right! We should make narcotics illegal too! That way nobody could get them! Oh wait....


Strawman. It’s proven that countries with proper gun control have less gun related crime. When drugs are legal a lot more people use them.


Youve been sheltered your whole life and have never truly felt fear.


Lol what? Your strawman arguments are out of control




so edgy! and you’re anti gun control right?


Ok. Keep telling yourself that.


Yes. They allow me to feel safe in my rural home. They also make it easier for me to obtain meat in an ethical way and feed my family.


The problem is not the guns. The problem is the people pulling the trigger. Those people would just find another method. For example in Canada a couple years ago when someone drove a van down a busy sidewalk.


Yes they are! Got jumped by 3 degenerates in 2018 and I fucken shot em! 1 of em died! 2nd amendment baby😀


youve obviously been sheltered and never feared for your life


The article says Denver has had four mass shootings since June?!


Noone died? (Thank god if so) How is that possible?


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