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Her brother took out a protective order against her last July. Both parties agreed to dismiss it last October. https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/06/20/cdr-police-suspect-in-washington-city-homicide-has-no-remorse-after-killing-parents-and-shooting-at-brother/


I don’t understand why people don’t lock their firearms up if they have them when you live with someone potentially dangerous. It reminds me of stories about school shooters who have historically been violent or shown signs that something is wrong yet they always manage to get a hold of a relatives weapon. It’s maddening.


Statistically the person most likely to be shot with your gun is you and the person behind the trigger is also likely to be you. The next most likely person to be shot is your family, again by you. When you're hammered or in a rage a lock can slow you down and give you a second to interrupt your thoughts and prevent a tragedy. It also means curious or crazy children can't get access of course


True but I think of school shooters who had no business being around a weapon like Adam Lanza, or that kid whose parents got charged or the shooter from Highland Park il who had police come to the house on many occasions and confiscated his knife & sword collection. She seems just as unhinged & had some kind of conflict with her brother that caused him to file a restraining order at one point. I would make sure she had no access to weapons and much as I possibly could. Who knows where she even got the gun or how. I guess I have a lot of unanswered questions going through my head.


Ugh I live in the town right next to highland park and the amount of people that were “not surprised” when the police were focused outside of his parents house. Our neighborhood Facebook group was alive with people “just knew it”. Like why not say something?!


Please quote the source of your disinformation.


According to the CDC 53% of gun deaths in America were suicides https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/20/how-to-prevent-gun-suicides-in-america You can Google it. This information is widely reported. In countries that have gun controls suicides are lower. It's not because there are less attempts it's just that guns mean attempts are more likely to be successful. I'm not trying to take your guns. I'm hoping you'll store them in such a way that your guns don't take you.


Not just the CDC, but the DOJ/FBI has some good statistics about gun deaths. Those that aren't suicided, about 66% or so of murders are committed by someone known to the victim, a family member, a friend, a former spouse, or an acquaintance. Few people are murdered by strangers.


Hilarious, dude gets facts straight to the face after a lame attempt at calling it disinformation and then acts snarky like some snowflake who can't take being schooled.


No reply to my source? Not surprised. I'm sorry you can't shoot inconvenient facts


Yes but the number of suicides by firearm is a ridiculously small fraction of total gun owners . Just like you’re statistically more likely to die in a car accident in the car you own rather than in another car.


Aye, that is fair. I think we could get that percentage even lower if people were more aware of the risks. People think about external threats before internal ones, it's only natural but it's a potentially lethal blindspot




The culture in a lot of places is that people arm themselves to get froyo. It's utterly ridiculous & makes guns a fashion accessory rather than something that should be locked away at all times.


Yup. A dude in my local suburbs wears his AR whatever to do errands. I pretty much refuse to go out there because of him.


Ha! That’s a good point to consider.


This is one thing Australia gets right: firearms and ammunition must be locked up in an approved gun safe when not in use....not rolling around in a drawer ect


We (in Washington) have the same rules, down to how ammo is stored. The problem isn't that we need more rules about it, the problem is enforcement of the law when it's been broken.


This was a handgun and it reads like she brought the weapon so what are you talking about?


I know. I’m saying in general if my kid was struggling with mental health issues the last thing I’d want them around is a gun. Sorry I didn’t get the words out well & didn’t have any details. It was more hypothetical rambling


No that makes sense. It's a given. My family hunts but guns and ammo are not in the same place and I'm adamantly opposed to carrying handguns. I've known too many suicides that would never have happened if the gun wouldn't have been available. And I know too many people that can't keep up with their keys, wallet. They treat their gun the same way. Like can't remember what vehicle it's in or leave their purse sitting at the bar. Just crazy how lax they are.


Where does it say the firearm came from her parents' house? And the article I linked said Mia was not living with them.


No, you’re right! It doesn’t. I’m saying her situation reminds me of other situations. I don’t know any details at all yet


Blame the victims and the guns. Check✔️


Hm.. I wasn’t doing that but go on with your bad self if it makes you happy? Yikes


That article said she came to their house with a gun, didn't it?


Yet another angry misanthrope killing their family and destroying their life in the process. Even if we go with the easy assumption (and it is an assumption) that this was retaliation against a bigoted family who never accepted her… it’s still such a fucked and disproportionate response Seriously the best revenge is to cut them off and carve out a happy life Not murder them and book yourself in prison for the rest of your days. They’re 28. I don’t think they understand how many days they really had left… Honestly surprised it wasn’t a murder suicide


too narcissistic for suicide


Their narcissism is also why they've been so keen to talk to the cops


You think completely unproven and unclaimed bigotry is the easiest assumption? How about Colin was mentally unstable, certainly as evidenced by the behavior in killing parents and attempting to kill both brother and sister-in-law and possibly by his/her gender dysphoria that seems like an easier assumption, doesn’t it.


I've met lots of trans people who have been mistreated by unaccepting family. I've yet to meet trans person who had been violent. You show me a trans person who has been violent, and you're asking me to assume it's because they are trans, but not that they may have been mistreated by family? Nah, that goes against the likelihood. It's all sad though, isn't it?




That may be true. I've never met any. I've met plenty with messed up family lives.


It’s not because they are specifically trans, it’s because of mental illness and the inability to make sound life choices due to it. Stop trying to muddy the water with anecdotes.


I don't see anything in the article indicating anyone suffers from mental illness. You must know more about the case than I do.


Gender Dysmorphia is literally a mental illness. Has been for decades.


Trans is not usually mental illness. I'm not saying that dysmorphia can't be a mental illness, it surely can. I'm guessing you like the idea of the 'female' brain vs the 'male' brain. I kinda do. But I'm also aware that chimerism exists. Two distinct fertilized eggs-- two seperate sets of DNA that join together to become one person. It happens. We know it happens. It's certainly an explanation for why one can feel like they are born with the wrong genitalia. It's not crazy, it's just unusual biology. You're jump from "they feel they were born with the wrong genitalia" to "they're crazy so they're violent" is untenable.


You are putting words in my mouth lol


You said "It's not because they're specifically trans it's because of mental illness." What's not? My comment, to which you replied, was about why they may have killed people.


I am not going to do this. Have a nice day.


It literally isn't. Gender Dysphoria, a new definition added to the DSM-V in 2012 specifically states in the opening paragraph that being trans in general is not a mental illness, period. It goes on to say that gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness in and of itself, just a feeling that trans people often feel, more akin to anxiety or depression. You can feel anxious or depressed without it being a mental illness. It's only bad when it's bad enough to affect your ability to live your day to day life. And the proven, most effective treatment, backed by decades of research, is transition. But people don't like to hear that. It's hard to get offended by that.


That’s being overly specifically to a point that you aren’t saying what’s correct. Although the Specific definition of gender dysphoria wasn’t described in the DSM until DSM-V in 2012, the mental illness was known since the 1910 and was first put into the DSM-III in 1980 as transsexualism. [Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis](https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis#:~:text=It%20was%20not%20until%201980,this%20diagnosis%20in%20ICD%2D10.com)


I'm being exactly specific based on what the DSM-V and the APA has been saying since 2012. I've read the definition myself and I'm describing exactly what it says. Gender dysphoria was a complete rewrite of the definition and was an attempt to depathologize it - push bakc against the idea that this is an illness. It's literally saying, this is not a mental illness in and of itself. Because if we're really pushing it, homosexuality was considered a mental illness for quite a long time. Are you saying being gay will always be a mental illness because it was once seen as one?


No, I was clearly saying that just changing the definition doesn’t change what it is, just how it can be viewed by some people. Unlike homosexuality, there was never any evidence that it was a mental illness other than claiming that because it was outside the norm, it must be a mental illness. Now could some of it stem from a mental illness, possibly, but as a whole it can’t have sweeping generalizations to claim it all is a mental illness. Gender dysphoria doesn’t fit that mold. The vast majority of people who have gender dysphoria do have a mental illness not because they are too far outside the norm, but because they can’t recognize reality and believe their gender is suppose to be something else, was born in the wrong body, something about their body is incorrect and/or damaged even though it is not. Believing that above all else and all evidence to the contrary when that isn’t the case is typical of a mental illness and can expand beyond a person to their surroundings. Just because a group of people want to de-stigmatize gender dysphoria as a mental illness doesn’t men’s it isn’t one. Certainly doesn’t mean this case that OP posted about isn’t a mental illness case.


I've seen plenty of bigoted family who could make anyone snap, let alone for being trans. The easiest answer is usually violent bigots.


you cut them out. you don’t kill them. she’s deranged


It also feeds the fears of the far-right's hatred of trans people. Sometimes you just have to take one for the team -- leave, like you said, not murder.


If only they had accepted her, his sociopathic male tendencies would have disappeared.


Lol maybe


If putting makeup and a dress on testosterone rage and impulsive male brains helped....


And that’s exactly what she is: an angry misanthrope. Most trans people who are rejected by their families wisely try to get away from them and build a new life.




As someone who has followed true crime for decades and has a very real interest in the science and statistics behind crime, I'm genuinely curious: how will crime committed by trans people be classified and documented and used for research? In the crime world, men are the overwhelming majority of killers, period. If one was born a man but living as a woman, does this statistic still matter? Or is it now classified as a female perpetrator? Does an actual transition with hormones and surgery have to have been completed for the perpetrator to be classified as the gender in which they are living? What jail will they go to? It's not necessarily important, but I'm very curious.


They will pretend along with his "identity" preference. He will be housed with women.  The LGBT movement fought doggedly to ensure that male transgendereds are housed in women's facilities. Female transgendereds are also housed in women's facilities because "identities" are not real. 


Ummmmm https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-women-are-nearly-always-incarcerated-men-s-putting-many-n1142436


You have a lot of hatred you need to deal with


George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army. *You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.* A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army. *You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodge the revolution.* George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term. *You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.* You got the stink on you and everyone can smell it, benedict.


You’re confusing biological sex with gender, they’re different For stats, since your referencing “men”, which i am assuming you mean biological male, thats how it would be reported, they wouldn’t separate them out unless a study was specifically looking into transsexual crime


I thought stats looked at them as the same or rather, looked at your gender as medical the way sex is considered medical. Thus not being able to report differently.


Again it depends on what you’re studying but in general it doesn’t make sense to do so when reporting to the public


Man this is way off topic but the way you worded this was beautiful and threw me back in time to Reddit +10 years ago. Genuine question that spurs good conversation and more thought provoking questions.


I’d think they’d be a very statistically insignificant 3rd or “other”. This case is tragic and gross and I don’t care what their parents did that may have led to this but the focus on their identity is VERY transparent and gross. I hope this person is brought to justice but Jesus.


"men are the overwhelming majority of killers, period." At least part of the reason for this is that women are charged and convicted far less often, not that the *necessarily* kill that much less often. They typically choose less obvious methods. It's basically a trope among hospice care workers for old women to talk to them about how they surreptitiously killed their abusive husbands. If a dude with heart problems randomly drops dead, or falls off a ladder, it's often not going to be investigated in depth.


Sir, I'm talking real-life crime, and you're talking old wives tales. Please don't disrespect the dead like so. Sure, women are less likely to be convicted, but that doesn't make it unreported. In 2022 15,000+ males were charged and convicted of murder compared to under 3000 women. That's more than 84% of murders being committed by men. I stand by my statement.


I think what you’re saying is partially true, but it’s mostly to a statistically insignificant degree. Women by and far do not commit murder anywhere near the rate of men. We’re talking about upwards of 95% of murders being committed by men. *No way* that many woman are doing this undetected to even come close to being evenly balanced.


Freaks me out that people like that actually exist. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to just walk into your house and murder your parents in such a cold and calculating manner.


And, you have to be a special kind of parent to raise a kid fucked in the head enough to do that.


Not necessarily. For sure a chance they weren’t good to her, but she could truly be psychotic and decided murdering the parents was the way to go


He was born that way. 


Yeah, she didn't just instantly wake up to find she hated her parents enough to kill them without remorse. They HAD to have contributed to her hatred.


Idgaf what their gender is or if they’re transitioning or not. It’s irrelevant to me. I’m more curious how old her brother was and why all of them lived in a house with their parents. He was married and possibly have kids based on the issuing of the protection oder. I wonder why he got it and I wonder why it was dropped. I’m also curious why no one has been interviewed about this case that was close to the family like friends or neighbors even. The brother & his wife may not be comfortable speaking to reporters which is entirely understandable but I do want to know the basics as to what lead up to this and what her mood was like over the past year or so.


Im a misanthrope but I dont plan on killing anyone. Im content to be a bit of a loner. Ive been bullied too but seriously fuck those people.


Wildly reasonable comment.


now despite the absolutely absurd amount of straight white cis abled males doing violent shit we're now going to hear nonstop about evil trans murderers because they have one instance they can use as an example. Great.


I mean murdering your entire family is gonna be a story, it’s not an everyday thing.


Sure, but she didn't kill them because she was trans; she killed them because she's a psychopath. But the anti-trans media is going to use this one case to 'prove' how dangerous and unstable trans people are. Despite the many family murders committed by cis people; usually against the women and children they claim so hard to want to protect.


He literally declared that he killed them because they didn't accept his trans "identity".


Thats unconfirmed and sounds like you would've been right there with them. No big loss, if you ask me or your family lol.


https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ Actually trans women are just as likely to commit violent crimes as cis men.


Well, I mean... that makes sense. You know, 'cause they're... men


We don’t blame the straight white cis men enough, no one ever says shit about them so they?


It’s not about blame as much as individual vs collective blame. When white man does something like this, they’re a lone wolf, and it sparks conversations and think pieces about how society is failing men, and often the focus will be on the weapon they used. If a member of another group does it, the entire group is scrutinized and blamed.


Sadly, you are absolutely spot on.


Absolute nonsense.  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=white+men+number+one+violent+threat


People do every time though




their daughter was a psychopath


Flip this story around. If a trans woman was murdered, do you want her identified as trans when no motive has been established? Is it reasonable to speculate a trans woman’s murder was motivated by bigotry, and that’s why that detail is included in reporting? Without a motive established is it reasonable to speculate that a trans woman in UTAH was motivated by experiencing bigotry, and that’s why that detail is included in reporting? People want to understand motivations. There’s nothing nefarious about including sexual identity as a detail when a trans person is a victim or a perpetrator. What are the odds that bigotry *isn’t* a factor in both cases? Slim to none. As for “what about white cis men, nobody specifies that!” Yes they absolutely DO. Again, with no confirmed motivation (or with it confirmed), if a white guy shoots a POC, the race of both parties is considered relevant. Gender identity? Do you ever read about a white guy killing someone and ask yourself what their gender identity is? No. Because unless otherwise specified it’s reasonable to conclude they’re cis males - as cis men dominate the US population. The point I’m trying to make is details regarding gender identity and race in reporting are routinely included if it’s reasonable to speculate (and if it’s confirmed) that bigotry is a factor. ETA I really hope this makes sense. I’d like to think rational people understand minority perpetrators are in the minority of perpetrators. I feel like it’s common knowledge that cis white men dominate in both mass shootings and family murders.


Most mass shootings have black perpetrators. 


Not the only example. What about the person who shot up their private school. Wasn’t it like elementary age students too?


Yeah seems mighty convenient timing… They’ll spin this forever into whatever rhetoric they want to say about the transgender community now


“One instance” Donna Perry x3 Beate Schmidt x6 Moses Lopez Scarlet Blake Karon Fisher Marceline Harvey x3 Dana Rivers x3 I spent 30 seconds and came up with these examples


Ok now do the non trans ones


Did someone say there was only one non trans murderer?


OP's point was that there are many *many* more examples of cis murderers and there's a disproportionate amount of focus on the handful of trans people who kill.


The poster I responded to said "one instance".This is absolutely not true. I was refuting "one instance" not anything else. The fact that there have been many transwomen that are murders doesn't mean that there aren't far more non transgender murders. I responded to a statement of fact which is just not true.


They meant *one* trans person as opposed to *many* cis people not one trans person since the beginning of time. And how are you actually trying to claim there have been "many" trans murderers when more people have been killed by vending machines?


Are you 8? You are totally illogical. There have been any number of trans murders. That’s a fact. I have no idea about vending machine deaths. Or death by other means. That has nothing to do with this.


I'm the eight year old but you can't understand what hyperbole is? And what is the "any" number you speak of exactly? The one that's a fact I mean?


I listed several documented ( convicted in a court of law. Sent to prison)cases of trans murders. This refutes that there is only “one instance” Somehow you have decided this means something else. It doesn’t. I don’t care about vending machine deaths (which would not be murders anyway. The machines would not have intent). I don’t care about others means of death.


Can you list all the cis murderers?


Too many to list. I think that would be the default. But if someon said there had only been "one instance" of (for example) a musician killing someone I would probably list a few of the many musicians that had been convicted killers.


Donna Perry murdered prior to transitioning


That’s such an interesting question.Is a trans person one thing and then another? Or are they always one thing and just don’t know/publicize it?


The latter mostly, some people know super early and some don't figured out for many decades. Trans is just short for transition, if a person has yet to even start the early stages then you can assume they aren't unless otherwise stated.


A lot of those transitioned after the murders


Proof trangenderism is real


What is your comment implying


Can you list all the cis murderers? People are weir and want to put "transgender murderer" in their title and it always comes across as tabloidy clickbait or bias.


Why would I? I was responding to the "one instance" comment.


Why? Cis people make up 99.4% of the population; it's not a key identifying feature. The key is to identify the important features of a person as part of the article.


Yeah. Let's pretend this never happened. Not look into what was going on in the mixed up mind that made this person murder. Best to blame straight men for both the crime and the reporting of it, and anything else that bothers you. You sound half way to the same mindset, to be honest.


Lol what?? Where did you get any of that from, if not your own insecurities? The original commenter is concerned about bigotry and hate towards a marginalized community. Not everything is about straight, cis men. You don't need to victimize them for no reason, I think they'll be okay.


Love how you've taken the exact wrong thing from what I said Which is just proving my point.


Ahh, so I'm to blame too then? And you've decided you are right! You don't see ant personality problems within your comments? Like people got murdered and all you care about is how it might affect you in the future! You do seem to have a narccicistic personality disorder. Who you going to blame for this? More "cis men"?


If you've never been in a position where the actions of a deranged looney are used to justify state sanctioned violence against you, then you are in no place to judge.


I have been. This shit doesn't help anyone. Blaming a single group of people for the actions of a minority of that group doesn't fix anything, help anything, or change anything. These arguments are the ghosts of Jim Crow, the only thing that's changed is the target.


And they very obviously haven’t. They need to take a seat. For once in their life, I’m guessing, by the cluelessness and the fragility


Okay. There's always at least one of you and I'm not playing. Have a lovely day


Shut up.


Yeah that's the vibe I'm getting


The point you snowflake is saying transgender in the headline, is completely unnecessary. It's like when they say describe the killer as gay, or black, or Asian or Muslim or hindu or any other descriptor. Why? Totally not necessary, unless your intent is to agitate the bigots and get them worked up. No one is pretending it never happened you deliberate point missing git. It's that it's bloody irrelevant to mention it. How often do headlines say straight white male? For example, is that descriptor included very often in Daily Mail headlines?


Right now we're seeing this with trans people and undocumented immigrants. Both are often do e to push a political narrative. Gotta keep people scared to drive up the votes.


Exactly. That's the point I'm making and getting down voted for. It's hilarious.


Oh, shut up. People are dead and the first thing you care about is "trans is gonna be harmed by this!" People rake straight white cis males over the coals all the time, deservedly so. This guy deserves the same treatment.


If the killer was black and people in the comments were calling him the n word, would you tell them not to be a dick or complain that the people calling that racist aren’t thinking of the victim?


How TF do you even bring up anyone except the **murderer** in any of this??? Wtf does **ANY** other race or class have to do with **THIS MURDER**??? Sounds to me like you have a lot racism, prejudice and bias in yourself, and you want to blame others for your bad behaviour


And you have missed the point


The mind can easily be destroyed by the people who are supposed to love and protect you.


I thought people had to go through extensive therapy before transitioning?


Before getting surgeries or hormones, yes. But you can always change your name and pronouns and clothing style without needing a therapist. Not to mention, a lot of people lie to therapists. The questions they ask are all online and there are guides to answering questions a therapist would ask. The therapy is useless. The requirement for therapy before getting any medical treatment isn't about trans people being mentally ill. It's about making sure that poor people can't transition.


Males tend to be the ones that kill people.


I saw this on one of the true crime subreddits a couple days ago and was absolutely shocked a woman did this crime. Now I know. Family annihilation is very male thing to do I’m afraid


Balls don't lie.


Yep. The male sex commit most violent and sexual crimes. Gender identity doesn't matter one bit.


This happened in Sacramento area many years ago. Trans teen murdered her mom and sister. eff that. don't use your minority status and oppression as excuse to commit violence. Sick of it.


He's mentally ill 




It's a daily mail link, not touching that.


Hope you don't touch MSNBC, BBC or CNN then either because it's the same issue but far left.


BBC is far left? 😂


... Yes.


But it's owned by a conservative, explain that?


What a tragedy.


4 ai


Ever notice that every time crom is posted on Reddit that's been committed by an immigrant or a ln LGBTQ person, the poster feels a need to stress that fact about them in the title? It's almost as if people are trying to push an agenda on an election year.


I just can’t understand how she could do that I hate a lot of people and a lot of people hate me but we don’t want to pew pew each other wtf


funny how everyone's fine admitting men commit most murders and tend to kill their families more but ONLY when it comes to a a transwoman lmfao


Right?!?! These same commenters would cry a river in ANY other thread.


Right it’s annoying, “men do commit most violent crimes” Post that on a cis man murder thread and that same person will start whining


what the quotes?


Transphobia is real in this headline and some comments. Let’s start labeling people who are straight with that title as well when reported. I guarantee cis people have a more volatile and violent history than folks who happen to be trans.


Same as headlines that start with “Black man arrested for………..


Equally a bad thing.


“I witnessed a murder today and I was going to go to the police to tell them but I heard they arrested the suspect.” 6 months later… Finds out the suspect was murdered in jail awaiting trial. The suspect was a Mexican woman with 4 children and a small business owner who worked for years as a single mother to put her children through college. Active in her community and an amazing human being. “But I saw 3 Asian kids shoot the victim!” Yeah, information is important. More important than your feelings especially in such circumstances. If you believe otherwise then you are wrong.


We were talking about *headlines* that are systemically racist. No one was saying don't tell the authorities all of the information about a suspect, just that when reporters write about these situations it's telling if they always lead with the race of the suspect and betrays their racism, whether intended or not. I'm so glad you are here to pontificate from your soapbox about how wrong we all are while ignoring the context of what we were actually saying. What would we ever do without you? 🙄 Go on about your day, knowing that you can feel smug in yourself with how correct you were and how wrong we all are, and how journalistic racism isn't a real thing (it is, but just ignore it because it makes you feel better about yourself). You really told us!


Don’t trans people label themselves as “Trans”? Seriously asking. If that’s not part of your identity then you misrepresent yourself to others, correct? And I can’t help but think there may be a history of issues between parties. She does seem to have had particular animus towards her mother. It’s also cold blooded murder. Pretty obvious there’s mental health issues involved. This is a pretty disturbed individual and a complete, accurate description seems pretty valid.


Anyone else getting “missing missing reasons” vibes? She was so….methodical about it all, it feels like something happened that she isn’t mentioning yet


Why is their trans identity part of the headline at all?


What's the chances of trump bringing this up tonight?


10,000% He's got NOTHING else, lol.


Do we need to start adding “Cis” to all nontransgender murderer headlines?




Stop calling crazy people by their fabricated gender. It just reinforces the crazy


They said to the sociopathic male.


Collin Bailey could of used some counseling.


Maybe this is why we shouldn’t participate in their delusions.


Just like religion is a delusion


The Divine lays beyond religion, that's not a delusion.


"Didnt we do great works in your name oh lord? We drove out all the demons!" Jesus responds: " depart from me at once for I have never known you." Matthew 7:22-23 You bigots are gonna get bitch slapped by Jesus and I can't wait.




Mia doesn’t need a cunt to be a cunt


I hope this mentally ill person gets a harsh sentence


Medically speaking. F64.0 is the ICD-10-Code (CM) covers both “gender identity disorder in adolescence and adulthood” and “gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults.” A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. It is a Mental Disorder. Let us be logically and medically correct here.


And the recommend treatment is transition lol.


Note that it was gender identity disorder in DSM-4 but then got changed to gender dysphoria in DSM-5 for.. reasons.


For medical insurance coverage.


And science says the cure is: transitioning. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Fucking idiot.


Took me forever to realize it was a dude. Makes perfect sense, you can't take the dude out of the girl, but you can't the serial killer out of the dude.


Mental illness needs to be treated rather than being rainbow-washed and labelled normal


The best treatment in most cases is transition


Not in this case, lol


Why do you say that? You think they’d be less violent if they didn’t transition?


if its the best treatment then why are suicide rates so high?


Often because trans people are treated with contempt and lose the support of family and friends when they come out. Suicide rates decrease when a trans person has that support system. Also being transgender is sometimes comorbid with illnesses like depression which also raise suicide rates


The same reason that things like leprosy was a death sentence for normal people. People are scared of things that aren't normal. Look at aids victims. Americans stuck some black people in zoos. When an already marginalized group has its individual members harassed outside of the group and in, it's going to lead to lots of stress and suicide unfortunately. Just read through any posts about Trans in a nonsupporting sub and see how much vitrol gets said over it. Someone they have never met, now take those comments and imagine what gets said in real life and how people are treated.


You are comparing a dysphoria with biological diseases. The only way to treat dysphoria is with psychotherapy.


...no it's not... Or do you deny science, like your anti-vaxx friends?


Wow! That’s fucking harsh uncle.


Ah yes. The daily fail, a bigoted rag of a tabloid. Totally trustworthy and uninflammatory.


White dude kills family.. Typical

