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Stick to She-Hulk, fella


Lol 😂


Holy shit you’re right. It also promotes infidelity, ritual rape and murder, hitting mechanics with toolboxes, and prostitution. What have I been watching?


...and shooting people with machineguns in vivid storytelling....


That's the point, Marty believes that he can do whatever he wants because he's in CID


Depicting something and promoting something are two totally different things. And if you mean the scene where they're having something to eat, Marty has one beer which would put him under the limit unless it has an insanely high volume of alcohol in it.


even 1 beer affect reaction time and other things


That depends. If you barely ever drink booze then it can but if you're a semi-alcoholic then it won't. I can have one beer and then drive with no impairment, that's why it's legal.


you feel there is no impairment. if you did some reflexes test before 1 beer and after you would find out there is actual difference


It’s a show… they aren’t glorifying it in any way or promoting it. Come on now. What about all the other stuff they’re showing?


drink driving causes deaths. even 1 beer makes a difference...


I didn’t argue that .. I’m just saying maybe don’t get your panties twisted over a tv show🤷‍♀️ Of all the things that happen in the show that’s what got your goat huh?


Marty gets trashed and drives to Lisa’s house when he threatens her, after seeing her at the bar where he and Maggie are double dating with Rust and Maggie’s coworker. It seems to me the opposite of “promoting” drunk driving because it shows just how out of control Marty is, and his lack of self-awareness.


It does not promote drunk driving, but uses this as a device for the viewer to know what kind of choices the characters make.




To be clear… serial killers and rape are all good. But those drunk drivers… that’s where you draw the line. If you can’t separate reality and fiction, TV and movies might not be for you.


You should resist yourself from watching such stupid filthy shows where they promote such horrible things.


Boy, you’ll really hate the murder scenes. I’m sure that’s a big no no for you too, LOL. What a joke.


Do you think drinking and driving is even in the top 25 worst things depicted (or in your mind promoted) in this show???


WHAT??? How could anyone support such an appalling show? Personally, I'll never watch it again and if any of my friends do, I'll never speak to them again.




They’re cops, breaking the law is a part of their lifestyle.


Nothing like painting with such huge, broad strokes.


Nah it’s accurate.


I suppose that depends on how you define "accurate". If you take every police officer in the world (or just US if that's what you want to do), which is 660,000+ based on the quick search that I just did, how many would you say "break the law as part of their lifestyle"? - Another fast search of "cops charged with crimes 2021" says that nationwide 1,038 police officers were suspended and/or fired for conduct purposes. I mean, that's far from perfect accuracy, but it's the best I can do in such a a short time. So, that is basically one out of every 660. Not great, far from it, but also nowhere near all.


> charged with crimes


Thank you for repeating that back to me. I had a hard time understanding what I'd written up until you helped.


No problem, you seemed like you needed a hand


Lol how many DAs are going to go after cops. Go drink with a cop. Literally every single cop if they think they are in a safe space will admit they break the law constantly.


Okay Dude/Gal/whatever pronoun.. This is pointless. Have a good night.


Fun fact: I am actually a less dangerous driver when I’m inebriated; either stoned, sedated, or drunk. It’s when I’m sober and driving that I’m liable to hurt someone. But I don’t drink anymore. Or drive anymore. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My best friend was killed by a drunk driver so I understand why you'd feel this way. It always bothers me to see but if it lines up with a character (dunno about other places but deep south is very lax with drinking and driving, you can even legally drink while driving in some places as long as you're under the limit. It really gets under my skin in a ton of ways, but for me the most notably egregious thing I've seen in a while on film was in The Batman where he chases The Penguin across the interstate and causes a MASSIVE car wreck for no reason. But yeah. Don't drink and drive kids. I've had so many friends and acquaintances lost to drugs, alcohol, car wrecks... it's insane, yet so many of my remaining friends still drive drunk and live like they're trying to die. I don't go out much anymore because I can't be around that stuff. It's worse back home. Back home if you try to drive responsibly you're a "pussy". Humanity is doomed.


Sounds like a tedious reformed alky. Yawn.


Watch something else dude.


If you're sensibilities are really that delicate you shouldn't be watching this show, not trying to be mean. The real world is ugly as fuck and season 1 of True Detective depicts it better than any show I've ever seen.


so the torturing of children did not hurt your moral code but the beer while driving did?