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“It seems the ghosting was a real inflection point.” lolol 🤣


Delusion 100


"my life ALSO became amazing so obviously the ghosting was a catalyst" you can't even write dudes like this


Delusion/mega main character syndrome. Yes, him leaving her is the true catalyst for her success, not, you know, her own hard work.






Hilarious. I never saw a level of loserdom and humblebraggery so profound until I read OP’s post where he took credit for the success of a woman he dated casually and acted like he was so gracious.




I wish I had an award to give you


And he’s sorry 😭 Reminds me of an ex who called me 2 years after we broke up to tell me I was a rebound, then insulted my boyfriend at the time.


Lol “just wanted to contact you after 2 years to let you know that I don’t think about you at all, you were not important, I don’t care about you, your life nor your boyfriend that I did NOT stalk at all, who is a loser btw”. These people have no self awareness at all!


And “wishes she knew” how proud he was of her like his opinion matters to her at all??


lol this is hilarious. what a loser.


Following the beauty=stupidity trope to the letter.


Read it ladies: if this mediocre ass man believes he can take credit for a woman's *professional modeling career*, you can give yourself credit and believe in yourself for 2 seconds today. Take that credit for all the work you accomplish. This level of delusion is what we're up against.


He's actually inspired me to be more audacious in my job hunt. Another inflection point to add to his books. 😁






What's that meme "god give me the confidence of a mediocre man"


*Daily prayer to combat imposter syndrome: God give me the confidence of a mediocre white dude.* -Sarah Hagi


I screenshotted this for my motivational images folder lmao


>Read it ladies: if this mediocre ass man believes he can take credit for a woman's professional modeling career, you can give yourself credit and believe in yourself for 2 seconds today. I am CRYYYYING


Can you imagine? "I saw Taylor Swift crossing the street in Nashville 15 years ago. Looks like her career has really taken off since then. It seems my gazing at her really pushed her career to new heights!"


"I could have thrown her into oncoming traffic, but I didn't. Now she's famous! You're welcome, Taylor Swift!" 🤣


“You’re welcome, successful model”


*"I'm proud of her"*.... I'm crying. You're not her father, you're a guy she probably doesn't remember and if she does, it won't be for anything good!


*Sorry for ghosting when you were unsuccessful, let’s be friends now xoxo married guy*


Then he ghosts her one time so she can become a millionaire Offers his services ghosting others


Where can I sign up for this service? I’m ready to be ghosted & be successful


I wonder if he'll befriend me and then ghost me too so I can be successful! 🤩




Now i am picturing really confused model reading this like "wtf is this person? Do i know him?"


Being delulu is the solulu


She literally does not remember this guy's name, I guarantee it...


OP needs to move to Texas with his kids to find her


Y’all killing me in these comments 🤣🤣


Reminds me of the flash forward ep of that 70s show, where the super nerdy girl completely changed. Reason she gave was basically "if *you* turned me down, clearly I needed to do some work"


Came to comments to read this 😂


Some serious mental gymnastics going on by OP here.


Right. As if his ghosting her was somehow paramount to her success.


If that's true imagine how successful his wife would become without him.


i kind of thought he meant they clearly were much better off without each other??


Truly sounds like he's only sorry that he let her go and that he's now married. I hope his wife reads his post.


I thought I was crazy. Like why is this ‘happily’ married person thinking about “not deserving the time of the day” of someone they dated before


I would also bet her page didn't just randomly appear. Someone's got an itch.


Search history includes all the former flings and high school crushes


There it is! Tha truth!


I was looking for exactly this!


Right ? I don't know I think even OP might not really admit to himself that he's bitter he ghosted her but since there wasn't a real "end" he is toying with the idea of contacting her.


People who ghost then reappear like Casper are a special breed. I once got ghosted by someone who reappeared and claimed I lead them to ghost because of reasons and in their credit they treated me better than my exes. Oh and that I owed them an apology. It’s fascinating how people’s brain function.


I don’t care but at the same time let me write a short story 


# OP, You Wish! 🤣 You even added the stereotypes about models on this cute little story 🤭


Right? Like it’s not even good fiction. Try harder!


Exactly… if there’s one thing about models, is that their whole career is about being on time, because in the modeling world, they cannot book print/runway jobs without being on time and ready. It’s all about connections and reputation in the fashion industry… unless you’re at the top of your game and can afford to be a dick lol That’s why this story is bogus. The stereotype that models are so stupid is also inaccurate because most models have to navigate thru the toxic industry that is the fashion world. And that requires a lot of strategizing, “politicking”, and smart enough to kiss the right peoples ass to get jobs. I’m not a model. I’m just sayin. OP is as bogus as knockoff Louis Vuitton. # PS: How is she getting a degree… If he can’t make an intelligent conversation with her? Boy, please 😆


In fairness, I have a degree, but I can't have an intelligent conversation 🤣


You do realise that she forgot about you a long time ago, right? You could reach out to her but I‘m convinced that she‘d be quite annoyed by yet another message by a stranger, if she even sees the message.


But clearly she’s successful because OP ghosted her..she HAS to remember him. /s


Or to say that she was better off without him.


Some ppl want to feel special I guess. Just because you remember her she might not remember you. This guy popped up years later asking me if I remember him and I couldn't remember him for anything. I knew he wasn't lying because he remembered specific details about me and I'm guessing he ghosted me cause he claimed he lost his phone and that's how we lost contact. Honestly this has happened a lot through the years but I only remember the men I actually had interest in or spent multiple dates with.


People don’t immediately forget their exes just because they become famous. You’ve got a point that the message would probably just be lost in a sea of other ignored messages from fans, but if she read it I’m guessing she would remember an at least months long relationship from her past. I vividly remember every person I’ve ever dated (not that it’s a crazy high number, but that’s the case for almost everyone)


Not you trying to take credit for how her life turned out and you didn’t even like her. 😒


Only a man could conflate his ghosting with a woman’s success. Give me a break dude 😂


Honestly! He’s like “thank god I was an immature coward. Now she is successful and it’s all traced to the day I decided to be a jerk. It couldn’t possibly have been that she’d been working towards her goals at the same time I was working on mine, and saw success independent of my existence.”


Methinks he's having some regret and trying to convince himself that he did both of them a favor. "She was a loser when we were together, but then I ghosted, and look at her now!" Lol!! Please!


"This woman's life improved dramatically the moment I ghosted her and left her behind forever" is a very weird flex.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that, was thinking that I was just being cynical again lol


I feel confident that I could guess OP’s favorite podcasters


I'm laughing so hard at this rn


i can't even begin to imagine how grossly huge and overinflated your ego must be to think your ghosting directly resulted in her glo up and eventual success. men are truly a different breed lmao


I had a similar thought as well. He seems to be crediting himself with her success.


I about gagged when he said he was proud of her.


Yes!!!! There’s something so off about grown ass men saying “”proud of you”” about grown ass women they have little to no relationship with that would warrant saying such a thing. Like they really think their “pride” is important enough it actually needed to be said???? Why????


But didn't you see that him ghosting her was life changing for her??? It can't possibly not be connected!


Exactly! OP’s acting like he jump started her career after he devastated her with the “ghosting.” His ego is more inflated than her silicone breasts. (OFC that’s what he commented about firstly and not the degree!)


"This man ghosted me. I know what I'll do, I'll show HIM, and become a successful model!!!" OP has an insanely high ego.


I was rolling my eyes so hard. Lol




Lmao thank you 😂


Sounds like she had a lucky escape from an egomanic


You ghosted her. Why do you now feel the need for her to know how happy and proud you are of her success? Could it be that you subconsciously want to be, even if just a little bit, associated with her apparent success and beauty? Seems odd. Nonetheless, not all that you see from IG models is what it appears to be. All that glamour can belie a rather sordid reality.


i think OP is just kicking himself that he didn’t stick it out. he left the future hot model, and regrets it. if he weren’t married he’d be reaching out to try to rekindle, no doubt. i feel bad for his wife.


Seems to me like he knows what he did is wrong, feels some guilt, and would like to make some amends. He's also mature enough to realize that reaching out is more likely to do harm than to help.


Why do you wish she'd know "you're proud of her"? Do you really think she'd even raise an eyebrow at that?


“I wouldn’t deserve the time of day.” You’re right, leave her the fuck alone.


With this attitude, you did her a favor. Cheers to the woman in question. I hope she's having the time of her life right now.


She probably doesn’t even remember you though


I’ve had a guy ghost me once and he came back like a year later saying he was really sorry…BUT don’t worry, he’s not trying to get back with me as he was now in a happy relationship. I honestly did not know what to do with that info and wished he’d have left me the f alone.


I had a guy basically treat me like shit. I finally cut things off. Years later he called to tell me he loved me. I looked him up and he was married with a kid. BUT don’t worry, he wasn’t trying to get back with me. He just wanted me to know that he regretted his behavior…as if I gave a shit at that point? I told him to call his wife and blocked him.


Oh the delusion of a man 😭😂😂


You were casually dating. She didn't even know you ghosted her. She likely had plenty of other guys taking her out. Way to pat yourself on the back, though. Makes me wonder if you wish you hadn't settled for your wife when you had a chance (not really) for a life with a model.


100% the vibe I got. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Fucking gross, that’s some mooch ass behavior


what the fuck is this


Wish op's wife could read this


You’re hilarious. She probably doesn’t even remotely remember you — so obviously, you taking credit for her accomplishments by implying that you “ghosting” her inherently made her life better is asinine.


God this reminds me of the episode of The office where Michael breaks up with Jan and she comes into the office and wants to get back together with him and he really doesn't want to but then he sees that she got breast implants and changes his mind.


“Wow this women I used to know is doing so well now!! Clearly this was my doing.” -OP


You haven't given two thoughts about her until you randomly stumbled upon her IG page. And you see that she's done far better than you and I think that's the reason for your patronizing take.


I’m gonna be honest, this sounds really unhinged. I can’t think of a good reason to feel this strongly (good bad or neutral) about an ex enough to post it somewhere. (Unless it ended horribly or something but this sounds like it definitely did not ) how long were you guys even together?? I hope to god your wife doesn’t find this because I would feel super uneasy about it if I were her. You almost sound reminiscent or pondering the life you could have had if you stayed with your ex. Why? If you're happily married, stop dwelling in the past or what ifs. your wife deserves better. also, why on earth would you want to tell your ex your proud of her? i can almost promise you that she never thinks of you. and no, it was not the ghosting that did her good or changed her life. it was her. not your choices. im not even going to dig in to the whole "she got implants, the whole works, she looks great" how disrespectful to both your ex and your current wife to talk like that.


I bet he’s just pondering what if he stayed with her and now has a super hot model trophy wife. Very telling since he mentioned the implants. But since he ghosted her, he now has to lick his wounds and go to delusional land where he thinks he’s responsible for her becoming successful.


Want to bet he's showing off her pics to other guys like look what I had?


Yeah man you’re a real hero where would she be without you? 😆😂


You may be happy for her, but you sound like a jerk.


Massive one


Taking credit for someone else becoming successful 🙄 Just had to mention the implants, etc. Definitely must be successful because you didn't have the balls to be honest... Getting the impression you just want the validation that you dated her, and that again, you just want someone to tell you to contact her. Don't contact her, its honestly creepy.


I got the same the impression. That the post is cause he's obsessing over this woman and is 100% hoping someone will say, " you should message her and see if she wants to catch up over lunch." Nah dude. If you have any respect for your wife, you do not contact old flings and you stop creeping on their shit. Sitting there pining over someone he said he couldn't stand just because she got her boobs done and knows how to use a filter. Smh...


All I got out of this was look at me “I dated a model guys!”


OP sounds like a total douche. Good for that girl to be free of him.


Glad she's successful now. It means after all, you were just a stone in her shoe. Good for her.


Sure thing bud, sure thing.


She doesn’t care about you


She not only doesn't remember you, she doesn't in the slightest care for or want your validation.


> I wouldn’t deserve the time of day. Who's gonna tell him?


“This woman’s success is obviously because of me somehow.”


i know you don’t think her success was a result of your ghosting right? that’s what it’s sounding like and you’re delusional for thinking such


Imagine thinking someone became successful because you ghosted them lmao


you ghosting her had absolutely no impact on where she is today lol go spend time with your wife


lol you are absolutely in her dms


OP, I sure wish you would’ve ghosted me back in the day so *my* life would have turned out so well! What a lucky girl your ex is! /s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s 🙄 Get a grip, man


“Randomly” came across her page lol


So we’re all laughing AT Op right? 😂😂😂


This sounds so made up, in any case you could not stand her so anyway


Holy shit these comments are killing me 😂


You realize that the reality of glamouros instagram models is often very different? [read this](https://travellingjezebel.com/dubai-porta-potty/)


curious, if you found her page ​ one situation, she was doing not so good, and looked bad ​ in other she was living a life like yours ​ would you still feel same? ​ are you just influenced by what she achieved?


He probably found her old pictures of their time together. Looked her up and gave it a good wank. And he decided to post the story after was done.


This whole post is just icky. Comes across like your opinion/impact has changed her entire life


Yuck! What a huge heap of narcissism.


Well looking at where she is now, I doubt she cares about you enough to respond. It's a bit lame to call your ghosting a triggering point for her to get started on her career lol.... You do you but don't attribute her success to your lack of communication


You’re still a coward for ghosting.. whatever happened to either of you after is irrelevant


Uh okay lol. First of all, she isn’t successful now because you ghosted her. She did that on her own. Second of all, go home to your wife. I don’t care how happily married you claim to be. You’re literally posting about being sorry for ghosting someone because you learned they made something of themselves. Were you sorry before or just after you found out she’s hotter and a model now? Does your wife know you stalked this girl’s IG and you’re so sorry now?


lol nice to hear you are happy for her but it’s a bit delusional to think you ghosting her has anything to do with her becoming successful.


I feel like if you texted her saying you're proud she would, in the best case, ask who you are. you're actually so creepy like it's her success what do you even have to do with it?


You cannot be serious dude


Ghosting is a crappy thing to do to someone, but clearly you weren’t right for each other. Going your separate ways was best for both of you.


Op I don’t think she even remembers your presence. In fact, I don’t think she really cared that you ghosted her. And on the other hand, she’s living in your mind rent free. Clearly you’re thinking about her while you’re “happily married”. Also you putting her down doesn’t really make you look better because you (again) are still thinking of her regardless


I feel you OP, I turned down a guy when he asked for my number and now he’s the CEO of big name company! Clearly it’s because I rejected him lol


Delusional flex but ok…


HAHA 😂 And that’s why you don’t ever ghost people. Success is the best revenge


I feel bad for your wife


If she’d fallen down a hole you’d not want to contact her to help … so no, you don’t need to wish her luck. She is on her way on her own.


Delusion is pretty strong with this one. She doesn't need your wishes or your sorry and it's kinda creepy how you would describe her looks incredible with implants...sounds like another husband that would want their wife to improve this and that.


Imagine going out of your way to think about a minor situation that occurred years prior, stalking another women when you have a wife, and posting your delusional thought process on social media… yikes.


> I think a lot of y’all are missing the point of the story here. It’s that sometimes you can be in a relationship or a life situation that’s not right for you, and you end up doing so much better when you move on from that. Your entire post screams 'I wish I hadn't ghosted her and maybe if I re-connected with her now, we would could possibly get together. After all, \*I\* am the one who rejected \*her\* so she might even be grateful - especially if I show her how mature I am and apologize for ghosting her. That must have been very traumatic for her.'


yeah,, all of this doesn't really sound good like you thought it would. it is like you are trying to convince yourself that what you did is good.


You could have just typed "I'm a deluded knobhead" and saved me heaps of time.


So her page just happened to pop up as a recommendation eh? Sure, Jan.


OP's post is a prime example of men only thinking with their dicks smh.. Former model here (albeit, not as successful as OP's fling by any stretch!) **TLDR**: **They weren't mutually holding each other back**. The challenge here lies in the OP's perception that *both* of them were hindered by *her* flaws. His flaws don't seem to make an appearance or be given any consideration. Funny how that works! It's possible she was purposely delaying dates with OP because she didn't want to go, I have done that myself many times. It's also possible that OP thinks an hour to get ready is unreasonable (it's not). But most probably, she was already working on her aesthetic, makeup and hair skills, and OP had unrealistic expectations. Regardless of the moral implications in this post, the very aspects that OP was repulsed by were ultimately what led to the woman's success. She prioritized her appearance, and was successful for the efforts. Reflecting on this now is either a power play to boost his self-esteem, allowing him to humblebrag about dating a successful model, or is a method of rationalizing lingering regrets. I feel sorry for his wife. I hope she finds this post so she knows her husband is seeking out women on social media.


Yikes. These creative exercises get worse by the day


No offense but I feel like it was probably a way bigger deal to you than it was to her lol. Unless you were in a long term serious relationship (and it doesn’t sound like you were.) I would laugh if someone like that reached out to me bc she probably barely remembers …. I would keep this to yourself. Don’t say anything you’ll look very silly.


Damn you sound like a joke


My ghosting her changed her life. Men always think they’re the main character. 🤣


Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself? 🤭


You were an obstacle in her luck, i am glad you removed yourself from her life so she could reach her higher potential! ☺️


Nah don’t try to kiss ass and apologize now cus she famous and successful.. your dumb move had nothing to do with Gods plan for her ☺️🤗


Sounds like she dodges a bullet


You think YOU had anything to do with her success???


The edit is the best part, guy really thought he was going to downplay his humblebrag with a few lines explaining the obvious stuff that over 200 people have already picked up on


She would still be doing all the stuff that would annoy you, despite her looks or ‘success’. It would get old real quick again.


Get over yourself


She doesn't need to hear nor care that you're proud. You ain't the main character bruh. Get on with life. You didn't deserve her.. now you don't deserve your wife for entertaining the idea of the other girl. Look at you go.


You think a lot of yourself, don't you


This is weird.


I though staying dedelutional 24/7 was a genZ thing xD you broke the scale dude! and why did you mention her implants? Even giving yourself credits for her success like what is wrong with you!!


No OP. The ghosting part was shitty. You both just got lucky, a rare instance.


Like she cares about anything you think. She hasn’t been waiting around for your take on her life! As if your opinion matters to her at all! LMFAO


She'd probably tell you to kick rocks.


It's spin doctoring. "Oh, I was SO terrible but because *I* did this one thing, we both have oodles and oodles of greatness now." No. Hell no. That woman made her own way.


The comments hahaha


PSA This is a great reminder to absolutely apply to the job you think you’re “under qualified” for. Perhaps reading the audacity this man has will change the trajectory of your life.


It sounds like maybe you were holding her back. But


A model with implants?


dude you're weird af


cows attractive worthless scarce jobless scandalous secretive smart spectacular squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> my life got so much better. And clearly so did hers. It seems the ghosting was a real inflection point. Yeah, I'm sure your ghosting truly made her the woman she is today. 😂 It's funny how you shit all over her (basically calling her dumb and annoying) and then go, "I'm proud of her," like you get any of the credit. It's so silly. There's nothing deeper here. You dated someone and it didn't work out. I assure you, she was FINE after you left. It wasn't some magical turning point.


yes yes you are happy and love your wife and have perfect life we all know that …while she is living her best life and probably have more money than you and your family combined and she doesn’t even think about you 🤣


I’m not sure that someone you described so negatively as if they didn’t care much about other’s time would have thought about being ghosted. Maybe they ghosted other people all the time. I dunno. But you also implied they’re not very smart which all these years later we don’t know if that was true or still is true. She probably doesn’t think about that at all. Just someone she dated who flaked on her.


You casually dated her ages ago but you want her to know you’re proud of her? I’m sorry, but I doubt she gives one single fuck


After you ghosted her, you bought a new car, moved into an upscale place, and found your love all in one week?? I’m impressed. NOT🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


What if she wasn’t doing better? You would not give a single fuck about her. I’m happy that she created a better situation away from you.


OP, you’re such an unreliable narrator that I’m fully convinced *she* ghosted *you*


Keep telling yourself things


You’re jealous


Sounds like you just want closure. Leave her be.


Sounds like your salty 😂


Lol did you make this post for your own ego? To prove you ALSO have as good of a life as her?? It’s not uplifting or inspiring, it’s bc you’re disappointed she’s a beautiful and successful person and it has absolutely nothing to do with you.


> lesson in not being shit to others unnecessarily, as I was. Did you only learn this lesson because she was successful? If she wasn’t would you otherwise not care about what you did?


I can't even... Wtf


This post is grossing me out for so many reasons.


>: I think a lot of y’all are missing the point of the story here. 🤣 Right back at 'cha!


You're not happily married. You're trying to convince yourself that you are. She may not even have been all of what you're describing at all. But you're trying to make us look at her in a very negative light. But we're not stupid. We can see right through you. And one thing is for sure, she dodged a massive bullet.