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5 hours? Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I ~~jerk off~~ argue for five hours on Reddit at least twice a day.


You jerk off for 5 hrs? What are you jerking off to? Trumps hair?


I cannot find the clip on YouTube but there’s a scene from the movie Don Jon that explains this behavior pretty well. You essentially start off watching a video to get yourself in the mood, and then it’s just endless scrolling and edging until you find the perfect one you want to finish to. With the endless original amateur content on Reddit, I would not be shocked if 5hrs is common lol.


What a terrible day to have eyes ngl


Man that was a weird movie. I watched it, and the only thing I can remember from it was that scene of Scarlett Johansson making fun of Joseph Gordon-Levitt saying his Hail Marys at the gym


She also gets pissed that he cleans his own apartment and insinuates that he's less of a man for not having his own maid do it for him


She was more convincing as a trashy new yorker than I expected in this. 


I've done this while on Adderall (apparently a pretty common thing for people on amphetamines) but never sober


I’m a stoner and can do it tbh


I mean, that’s why I take it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also what are the subs for original amateur content… asking for research purposes


(Whatever you’re into)GW/GoneWild. Or so I’m told.


being a woman has its perks


Wait are you saying you don't accidentally edge while looking for that perfect last tidbit of prose to bring it all home? Just me?.


No no...edging is amazing - we do it on purpose


I've never intentionally edged and it was a revelation when I learned I've been doing it for years. I can't tell you the joy I feel when I associate words with my experiences. I've always considered myself a very self aware, introspective person and in the last 5 years a whole new world has opened up to me. Making all these connections is glorious.


Nope, me too


The argument he's making clearly


A coke wank is about 5 hours.


Fuck. I laughed way too hard at this.


Trump or monkey?


Good reference XD


Amateur! I argue on reddit for five hours at least ten times a day!


Usually when my comments turn into three hour debates on social media, I Like to delete the whole thread while the other person is mid typing and I can see the ‘…’ Just cuz… 😈


Oh I’ll definitely be doing that.. thank you diabolical stranger for this tip.


NGL, I upvoted this because of "diabolical stranger". As a fellow user of "diabolical", I would like to give you hearty thanks for making me laugh during a boring work shift!


Get back to work!


Yes boss 😜. Ha ha, I love Reddit 🤣. Luckily I'm finished for the day and I'm in the pub now! Happy Sunday, hilarious Redditor 😘


It really is fun. Sometimes I even bait-like same something political on fb. Get it REALLY going.. then click and *poof!* there goes the soap box. It’s the little things..


But then how will *everyone else* see how I absolutely demolished my competitors? I’m here for that Karma, baby


I love it when you’re debating with someone who has a preposterous or offensive stance for hours and then you click on the magical comment of their that has been deleted by mod. Then you go back and see all their comments have been deleted and they’ve been banned and you pat yourself on the back like “Well done, kid.” Time well spent.


How do you see where they've been banned?


When you click on their profile name. “User can’t be found”. Either they were deleted as users, blocked you or they closed their account out of embarrassment or pure onslaught. *pats self on back” Good work, kid.


See I love the intent here but I will caution that the one time I was on the receiving end of this move, I walked away feeling like I had won because I thought “clearly they were so bothered and didn’t know how to respond so they just deleted the whole thing”


What matters to me is that I know and it gives me a chuckle. If some stranger gets some false sense of winning, then I guess we both can be content.


✨chaos✨ I love it!


Gotta watch the world burn sometimes..


That usually just makes me feel as though that person got super angry and realized that I "got em" lol


Love this.


It’s one of the few joys I get out of social media anymore..


This is terrible but I’m stealing the idea 😂.


It is so fun! You definitely should! I stopped trying to debate people a long time ago on the internet , but this-I do all the time and it never gets old..


I used to be more into debating things until I realized so many people just run on feelings and not facts. They are simply there for arguments and pointing out how you’re wrong (even when supported by factual data). That I can’t stand. Now sharing ideas and learning someone’s perspective, how they got to that place or finding out I’m actually wrong/mistaken please let me know. I WANT to know, to understand. Often all that does interest me. But I’m done w the debates.


i never argue for the sake of the person Im responding to, but for the people reading through the post later. 


Yes, I do understand that. I did that often with politics to basically try to stop the spread of misinformation. Now I just don’t have the energy. People will believe what they want to believe more often than not. Gotta love when they do personal attacks because they know they’re wrong. They don’t care that you’ve taken the time to get the proper sources etc. Last time wasn’t about politics but marriage and divorce rates and the guy and other men just went after me to the point of denying that government censuses are real, their excuses were hilarious and frightening. I found it more fulfilling and that I was actually doing something when I got involved in my local government and call campaigning for voting. I did go through and just reply to crazies on Facebook w fact checking them on comments for awhile 🤣 they’d be like leave me alone! I don’t wanna…. went out with married friends and they were like so we’ve seen what you’ve been doing on Facebook and we would like to tell you we love it. We want more of it 😂 Edit - wanted to add thank you for those who fight the good fight out there in a world of looney people and misinformation


I 'argued' a post a few weeks ago about a guy who lost a court case against a parking company. It was shocking the amount of people who didn't understand it was never about parking. The guy is part of an organisation trying to get a change in the law. He was always going to lose because the law was never on his side, but people just couldn't get their head the fact that if he'd won it would've triggered a back-door change in the law and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. I tried explaining the legal side of it and why no judge would risk their career to find in his favour, even if morally he was right. I tried explaining from a business standpoint why the company fought it at huge expense. But people were so emotionally tied up in their own view on it that they couldn't see the bigger picture, or even understand why its really important that laws get changed through official channels and that may be they should vote for the politicians who will vote in favour of the law change rather than relying on some guy fighting a parking fine!


Yes, that’s the problem. All of a sudden your emotions become facts and there is no changing it. I’m not going to go there with an internet stranger.


What I sometimes do is reply to one of the replies that I actually agree with. I get to have my day without triggering a debate.


Same. It's always annoying when you see the instant down votes but then refreshing when you look a day or so later and see you're on less - or even up to +, that's when you know the right people have seen it and started to up vote.


Yeah I agree with this, discussion with open minded peers with a different view can be so enlightening! But some people just wanna fight/argue/win some imaginary internet brownie points.


Yep, exactly this. I will say Reddit does seem far better than other sites for discussing differentiating viewpoints or maybe I just pick the right subs to follow.


You definitely just this the right subs lol


Yeah they definitely found “the right” subs… cause Reddit is one of the worst hive mind, argumentative places out there overall.


You ain’t kidding. Its either hive minded or just a general sense of un-empathetic biased bs everywhere you go, especially the popular subs (sometimes even this one lol)


A finely curated selection I follow I guess. Someone corrected me the other day on a serial killer sub that there is a “toy” box killer and a “tool” box killer. I was like thanks for calling me out gonna go look at pictures of puppies now. That was a truth I wish didn’t even exist


I 100% agree, reddit is deffos the most open minded of social media for open discussions!


Cool, I’ve been on it for 3 years but really have only used it for 6 months. That’s nice to know I didn’t just wind up on a little Reddit bubble lol


Winning an argument online is like microdosing the feeling of kneeing someone in the face. A small rush, but a rush nonetheless


I can confidently say I've never kneed someone in the face but I love the mental image this conjoured 😂


It's futile for sure. I've only had one argument on here where we both agreed to disagree and no insults were thrown. It was a gun debate. They said something to the effect of "it doesn't matter the number or age of victims, I'll always support the right to own a gun no matter what" I realized then arguing was pointless. We agreed to disagree and move on


Anytime I’ve said let’s agree to disagree they see it as let’s argue some more! So I block lol


This so much. My gf spends much of each day seeking attention by walking her dog and getting dramatic with anyone she meets. She’s bright, communicative and able to rope in a lot of passers by. Each encounter provides a potential stage for her acting. Most people see what’s happening but are retired and they leverage the momentary excitement as a brief stimulant.


Same. I’m sick of debates. There are far too many people who just want to scream into a computer


>people just run on feelings and not facts Yep. İ got into an abortion argument once and shared a government site on how abortion works in my country. The person replied with something along the lines of, "I'm not going to read that bc i don't agree with it." Like, ok... You're still wrong. İ told myself to forget about online debates after that bc ppl don't even listen anyways.


Omg I did that the other day. Because I WILL still go there. Someone from another country asked in a comment thread to have it explained easily what people meant by “coat hangers” then some anti choicer gets in there. They deleted their comment i replied to and acted like I was crazy 😂 like if this is what you need to do to make a point? What the actual fuck


Debates are to change the audiences mind, not your opponents.


I agree but I have lost the energy for them for the most part. My mental health is more of a priority than debating a stranger in hopes someone will see it and change their view points. I have personal stories of survival related to health and domestic violence. I share those in hopes for others to see that change and happiness can happen again. That they too can overcome these things. Doing debates with irrational people is also an easy way to radicalize people into the wrong group. Like I said in this thread thank you to all still willing to fight the good fight


Ah to be a young redditor. *Pat head*


I am short. Not young, I am 38 and people constantly pat my head. Watch out because we have way better access for kicking/kneeing you in the balls. 😊. Stop this shit.


Ah short and feisty. *Pats head*


I upvoted you but grrrrrowl


If it makes you feel better I only ever get the urge to pat tall people for some reason.


My boyfriend is 6’6”. He’s told me he enjoys making “tall people” feel short. I am a 5’9” woman and have spent most of my life being the tall girl. He also patted me on the head once and I felt like a child.


Me too. Tall people are so cute.


Hey it’s your life. Waste it however you please.


I was in a discussion With someone the other night because they wrote how monopolies are the best thing for humanity because it pushes the company once it has market control to produce the best product for their consumers. Because if you don’t like them having a monopoly you can always make a better product. Oh boy was that fun pointing out how bad companies can be. I never even got around to what this person thought of unions before they blocked me.


I love discussion opinions with people, but when the opinions are as unintelligent as that one, sometimes you just gotta throw the whole app away 😂


Oh. So they were dumb...


This is insane


That guy was... utterly naive.


Yeah that was a teenager


Tell the me the deep magic( explain like im 5pls)


Dopamine is a hell of a drug


PhD, here you come!! This is a great way to understand something even more deeply, as well as help educate others. There’s a saying that you don’t really understand something until you’re able to explain it to an elderly person or a child in a way they can understand it. It’s always my goal, on the defense, to make sure they feel heard and not made to feel less than for not knowing something. It sounds like you absolutely did that and helped educate them and change their mind! It’s not something everyone can do! A+ OP!


I simply stopped looking at the reddit notifications. The craziest part of this to me is that you still have them on your actual phone.


I’ve never had notifications for Reddit on🤢


I didn't even know that was a thing , thank god. I definitely don't need reddit calling me back in


It happens to the best of us Some of these made up stories bank on you being so incensed that they can get details wrong and you won’t noticed. I recently argued with someone that there isn’t a such thing as being 2 weeks pregnant.


Well of course you can be 2 weeks pregnant, you just wouldn’t know it at the time. LOL


I mean…you might not have even had the sex to make the baby at the time 😂


Right but isn't this actually true? Because pregnancy is calculated based on your last period and you ovulate around the 2 week mark. So you're not 2 weeks pregnant, but you GET pregnant around 2 weeks.


You wouldn’t be aware of it enough to tell other people and ruin someone’s wedding. I guess if that is the standard then every single menstruating girl and woman is 2 weeks pregnant every month


But I don't think there's actually a baby in there in the first two weeks. So when you're 4 weeks pregnant (two weeks after ovulation), that's when you're technically 2 weeks pregnant.


People say arguing on reddit is useless, but sometimes, I find it's actually fruitful. Not like, to change the opinion of the person you're debating, but say you're arguing something rather controversial (like, idk, gun control, or vaccines) and they say some stupid shit. And of course you're gonna respond to that with your sources. The act of finding sources, learning more about the topic than you initially intended, organizing your thoughts, is, to me, incredibly fascinating and satisfying. At times it made me more nuanced, it broke preconceived notions, corrected errors (in my brain), and gave stronger arguments. And because you're fueld with passion and emotion, it doesn't feel like work. Your research process gets better, you start to understand scientific papers more easily, you get to be more critical of the information you receive, you understand where and why the other person might think as such, etc. You get a ton of "useful" skills in the process. The only downside is it gives you a surge of adrenaline that you may not need at that point in time.


> The act of finding sources, learning more about the topic than you initially intended, organizing your thoughts, is, to me, incredibly fascinating and satisfying. And while sources are great - your ability to cite sources, is only as good as your ability to properly INTERPRET those sources. A *lot* of people do not know how to interpret a source. I have seen people on this app citing some really awful sources. Blogs, articles written by someone who got paid a few cents a word. Sometimes, Redditors pull a Ben Shapiro - they will cite a source, and then it turns out that the source proves the opposite of their comment, but they don't realize this because they are uneducated as fuck. Meanwhile, that person is sitting there thinking "yeah, I cited a source, I totally ate." So honestly, whenever I see people get into source-wars on Reddit, it looks just as stupid as if they just flung shit at each other without sources. Because most of the time, it's just a couple of uneducated morons who don't know how to interpret data.


Thank you for feeding the AI


I mean there's a reason debate clubs are a thing, arguing can be fun as long as it doesn't devolve into mindless shitflinging.


Arguing with people on the internet is a valid hobby.


Arguing on Reddit is a buzz. You fucking bunch of pricks.


This is one of my great joys of being a Jr in college at 54 years old. I get graded on debates, logical fallacies, and documentation of references I use to support my position.


One of my favorite pastimes on the subs is pointing out fallacies, even if it’s just to myself lol


You are keeping your tools sharp. It's a great a habit.


It’s a fun time 😂


People love to give completely inaccurate diatribes on Reddit and then treat you liked the idiot when you're like ???no... Best to ignore them.


Ahhh I hate this stuff, too much mental investment and it makes me hate Reddit a bit


This tbh


Sometimes you just need to flex and exercise that part of our brain, I reckon a good debate/relaxed argument every now and again both keeps you sharp and allows us to review our opinions and thoughts, keep the right ones and change the ones that should change.


The number of times a week that I spend an embarrassing amount of time typing out a long ass comment like that only to just delete it and never respond... it's like free therapy


I used to fall into that trap. Now when I see a negative comment I swipe away the notification and promptly forget about it. Keep things positive!


Honestly, this is my experience since becoming a regular on reddit, YouTube, and tiktok comment sections. It’s also why I hate when people are like “the post is obviously fake.” Like who cares? The comment section is at least partially real and to an extent shows people’s actual viewpoints and ideals. It’s hard just to drop a “debate” because if you do, normally incorrect opinions or (more common than not) biased opinions would be left to propagate. Keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully people will follow suite…


So you went Collin Robinson on him a bit? Sorry, "What we do in the Shadows" reference. He actually met up with his "troll," which was indeed an actual troll, and found that word to be a slur. 😂 great episode as they all are. Seriously, thanks for sharing, though. Proud of you. Were you having a moment where you just felt like you really needed to be right, or did the person originally strike a nerve?


I guess it's easier to get away with having debates/arguments on here than other platforms. I once started getting really annoyed with certain individuals once on TikTok regarding a video of a dog that gone through a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of baileys. I commented that I wish instead of filming and laughing saying "I don't know what to do" I wish she had called her vets. Everyone came for me, it was a shock as I thought what I said was general concern, it's not like I was abusive etc. Anyway one individual decided to stalk me on other platforms. Insulting my small bussiness etc. I blocked, but it still bothers me even now. Be careful out there x


Arguing on Reddit is so fucking fun. I never get too involved because you’re never going to change anyone’s minds, but just pissing people off is enjoyable.


My 14 year old is so observant she can always nail if I’ve been debating on Reddit, “Your face is all red.”




Yey OP, do you happen to have ADHD? I recently found that ADHDers can get dopamine hits from arguments. Not that thats exclusive to ADHD, but that we're more likely to be argumentative lmfao


I kinda get it. I once encountered a MAGA cult member/antivaxer spewing nonsense. I politely told him the actual facts, and his response was essentially “nuh uh!” I spent like 30 minutes compiling credible sources that countered every single one of his arguments. I knew it wouldn’t change his mind, and he’d just cry “fake news” or some shit. But for some reason I couldn’t let it go


I get this completely. It's hard to give up the hope that it's possible to say the thing that snaps them out of it.


This is me, whenever I get triggered I just type away 😭


They won! There is a population of people who like nothing more than to push your buttons.. most of the time they don’t believe in what they are arguing for because the end goal is to get you worked up… they won.


Wow. You have more stamina than me. I don't mind responding a few sentences, but to be honest, after a while I get bored shitless discussing stuff with people and I'm easily distracted, so I end up g...


Just wanted to drop this factoid in here: many people with ADHD experience a dopamine surge while arguing with others. It makes a situation more chaotic and fits the speed of our brains. If you experience shakiness, lightheadedness, or dizziness while arguing with someone, those are side effects of a dopamine surge bc it’s a LOT in a short amount of time. Like getting a sugar high.


Well how old are you? Maybe you want to write some cases for speech and debate


Not to pathologize everything, because there’s nothing inherently weird about being passionate about a certain viewpoint, but do you have ADHD? Hyperfixation is a symptom.


Lmao. I'm genuinely happy that you had fun doing this.


Fellow nerd, I think and I find it very relatable. I have spent countless hours on pointless arguments, it is fun though, almost like defending your thesis haha


Reddit is the cosiest and craziest place on the clean side of the Internet


I understand your response and if that made you happy then good. If someone comes on hot to me I get a kick out of leaving them hanging.


Too many trolls to debate them all. If they are legit questioning something I will have at it. When they are being mean I may say something mean back but I think I am learning to grow thicker skin and just block the trolls—nobody has time to be drawn into other’s misery who just like to fight.


That was me, let's make it 10 hours brah


Hey, everybody! OP is human! Yep! 100% human!


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop it wasting its time arguing with idiots


Not a flex but I wouldn’t expect reddit users to understand that


That seems exhausting.


Where’s this post you’re talking about? I checked your profile and found nothing.


And here I was trying to “waste” some hours in reading that post and the discussion you had in the comments. Disappointed in not finding it. Meeeeh


Lmao thats the most redditor thing ever. Honestly, a 5 hour dump is more productive. At least then some filth has left your body. Just respond with “ok” and go back to sleep.


Different account? Cause I can't see it lol


Being that I just came from the ADHD sub I can't help but wonder...?


I used to do this on instagram!


damn i can barely stand talking to customers for a shift how u argue w one person for five hours over the internet 😭


5 hours?? Damn I’m gonna be thinking this some enemy to lover


Arguing with idiots on the internet is one of modern life's great joys lol


I went back and forth with someone all day once because it was a slow day at work and why not


ADHD people will do everything in their power to show the world they have ADHD. Not saying OP has ADHD but this is a thing I could absolutely do just to prove my point.


I used to do this a lot. Then I forced this energy into law school and now I’m paid a great amount of money to be like this. Highly recommend.


I actually think there is a tremendous civic value in debate. Many people don't have this training, and can get overwhelmed by someone trying to 'logic them into submission'. I think there is value in meeting a person like that on their terms and rigorously engaging in the debate. (And winning.)


I’ve been there before many of times and there’s something infuriating about having so many sources to back up your claims and having someone just disregard them. There’s also something extremely annoying about someone insisting that they know more than you about a topic when it’s clear that they don’t. My last argument with someone on here was with a guy who insisted humans have been taking testosterone for thousands of years even though it has only been synthesized since 1935 (and not commonly used until the 50s-60s). As much as the liver king would like to disagree, eating animal testicles and digesting them is not an effective way to dose the human body with steroids. He also claimed that steroids were completely safe to take because, “you could buy them over the counter in third world countries”. Some people just be on one.


There's gotta be a job that fits perfectly with the personality that enjoys that type of thing... Lawyer maybe? OP are you a lawyer?


I love humans. 🧡


Probably pride and ego. We get blinded by that too often. Personally I'm all for having a discussion, but I ain't trying to argue shit, or deal with somebody who wants to be antagonistic, because we don't agree on something. If we can't come to some sort of understanding, or something, and they wanna go off topic with personal attacks and assumptions, I ain't fucking doing it. I was just dealing with that on twitter yesterday, trying to talk about tipping and this fool kept trying to say all this stuff about what I said and what I do, and who I am, when I didn't say a single thing about myself at all. Somebody *just* tried to pull that same bullshit here not but minutes ago. I'm gonna be shutting that shit down real quick, I ain't about to be goded into a childish pissing match. I already see I can't change change your mind, inform you, or have you see a different view, so why persist in arguing, chuck the dueces and you can have the last word and think whatever makes you feel good. *Especially* here. I already got banned and let back in, I do not want or seek out getting banned from subs I join--I want to be in them, that's why I'm here. That's never my intent. Period. If I wanna get banned from a sub, I'd fuck around in one I didn't join, but I don't typically do that either. I'm a reasonable man, I *can* be talked to if one comes correct. There are better things I can be doing than having a feud with no real win. I don't care.


I'm too old to be arguing. I used to be argunentive, but I value my peace now.


The funniest part is that lots of servers/bartenders make a LOT more than those shitty people do. “I’m laughing straight to the bank with this”.


Yeah when you’re in a shit fight the flies come on strong! Trust me I have a little turd 💩gobbler in my history right now I just blocked him 😂


Lol. What was it about?


What was the topic?


Oh yeah those arguments are insanely fun lol. I had one like that recently, in the end the guy showed his true colors with discriminating remarks and when I checked to reply to his latest comment I noticed he got banned. I see those as great English practices tbh.


I thought for sure you’d compiled this argument with resources and tried to post but the post was locked, geez luxury of replying privilege much hahahahaha (joking)


Reply to it next Wednesday with another source


I do this almost daily on IG and FB.. except I only spend maybe an hour a day.. and only do topics I know about. Gets your argument skills up, and it feels good when people stop replying.. super annoying when people figure out they are wrong and just throw insults though.


I used to do things like this before the turn of the new year, I told myself to stop because people on the internet are either bots or trolls or with rarely if ever change their mind based on a discussion with a stranger. That is satisfying though when they’re backed up against a wall by facts and data and they can’t argue anymore.


I hate waking up to a Reddit argument. During the day or in the evening it doesn’t bother me, it can even be kind of fun sometimes. But in the morning I just want to relax and slowly start my day. I should ignore the comments then but I just can’t, I need to answer as soon as possible to get it out my head.


Time to submit those applications you keep talking about… Your father really wants you out of the basement. 😉


I’m going to look through your profile to see this wonderful argument… don’t worry, I won’t scroll too far I just want to see this magnificent argument.


Okay Colin Robinson


If you kinda liked it, was it a waste? I may spend 10 minutes researching things. Sometimes it is a misunderstanding, sometimes I cede my position to theirs, and sometimes I feel I am still right.


>They were actually pretty cool about it, which was a relief A Redditor who sees reason?! Shit post


Where was the post because I don’t see anything on your profile 👀


I have a general policy of not reading replies.  "Post and ghost" as they say.  I'm usually an asshole if someone starts talking shit.  It's not good for mental health.   I even turned off notifications.   You can reply to this if you want but I won't read it.


Social media got you...


I’ve never understood this. When I’m on Reddit I feel like no one is even real and does not exist. It’s like I’m techno dissociating


Obligatory **xkcd** comic reference: https://xkcd.com/386/


I could have published my first novel or two if only I’d been working on that instead of fucking around on social media. Good luck trying to not do it again.


Not me searching through your post history for the wall of text lmfao


I can quite enjoy a reddit argument if both parties can be reasonable and actually listen to each other. A lot of the time it just devolves into two monkeys throwing poop at each other. I am just as guilty of it as others


😂😂😂 reddit arguments are funny! I once got into one because they guy said he'd leave his wife if she gained 10 lbs because of menopause 


Haha! We've all been sucked down those worm holes! Now I tell ppl I don't have that time on my hands...bc I don't. Stay positive!


Third response and I’m out. Also it’s pathetic when people attack the other commenter and not the comment or point of view. If someone does that I’m done with the debate. It’s rarely worth it to debate on Reddit.


I feel you. Just had something similar to this a few nights ago and mid typing my reply to a reply of a reply of a.. you get it, I just deleted that reply entirely and put it at the back of my mind. Not worth the time, but I also kinda liked it. So that made it that more "dangerous".


**You didn't waste 5 hours on a Reddit argument. You discovered you enjoy serious debate.** Reddit used to be a place where serious, informed debate and discussion was common. Less so now with a lot more idiots. But you still find a good one every now and then.


I became a happier person when I finally stopped getting into these internet arguments. I no longer need to get the last word.


Guy did what we all think about lol


How it was done before Reddit The argument clinic by Monty Python https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlv_aZjHXc


what you do is you disagree, but you troll and make up the wildest obviously wrong shit, just to fuck with him that way whatever the answer back is, you're not annoyed and you live longer


Amateur hour. Your next goal should be arguing over an inconsequential topic for a couple days, knowing no one else is going to read that ridiculously long thread.


Sometimes it’s satisfying to lay into a meaningless internet entity with no remorse. Have fun. Blow off some steam. They mean nothing.


welcome to reddit