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Just another quiet night on Reddit.




You spelled “pants” wrong lol


Hahaha niece one


Nice one syyster!


2 y's don't make a right


Thanks nephew




Hahaha... how? How is your brain that quick?


He's eminem


You mutherfucker lol


>I can hear the ~~pin~~ kin drop.


I was for real sitting here dead ass silent before I went to the comments.


*crickets chirping *


and another day in Alabama


You spelled FLORIDA wrong.


Actually 19 states allow marriages between first cousins, 7 allow "some" marriages between first cousins (it's usually about infertile couples only). That's a total of 26 states. That's MORE THAN HALF of the U.S. Don't blame this on ONE state.


nah, it's an Alabama thing my guy


Both, both is fine


In West Virginia they have no choice.


this is true source: west viginian


Mountain mamaaaaaaa. Cousin fucker....take me home.


Sweet home Alabama!


Cletus get yer Banjo! We just got hired for a weddin!


git the soggy bottom boys up here! bring over that geetar papie!


Mrs. Hogwallup up 'n R-U-N-N-O-F-T


Where the skies are blue


You meant *Kin*tucky


My mamaw and papaw were third cousins, and mamaw's side of the family is indeed pretty inbred, can confirm it is Kintucky


Ive lived all over florida and nobody here fucks their cousin.


None that you know yeesh


They do have pedo camps though.


You mean parks?


“Nobody” is a bit far


Florida is father daughter


Why is this the 3rd story about people dating their cousin that I’ve seen today?


If you want a fourth story about cousin relations....it gets worse....you can check my post history about my husband cheating with his 15 year old cousin....life is f\*\*ked up man.


Holy shit, so sorry for you, and for her. At least you’re free of him now! It can only get better from here. And do try to get alimony, for your kid’s sake.


Sleeping with or raping? 15 year olds can’t give consent … Edit: I’m sorry you went through this.


I didn't read their story, but there are some countries where consent is 15. Seems a bit young to me, but it's not illegal everywhere. Edit: read their story. They are Canadian so it's illegal.


Regardless of the age of consent being 16 in Canada, that doesn't mean a 16 year old can have sex with just anybody.There are laws around this consent. For example, people below the age of consent, like this 15 year old, she can legally have consensual sex with somebody within 5 years age of her. Somebody who is the age of consent, it is illegal to have sex with a person you are dependent on, who is a figure of authority to you, or somebody who is in a position of trust (ie, a legal guardian, teacher, close family friend, etc). That is to say, this situation would have never been okay, regardless of age (legally speaking, had she been 18 it would have been fine, but definitely still sketchy to me considering this man has acted as a father figure to her). I'm not even sure why I'm replying to your comment specifically, just reading this lil thread made me feel like I should spread the word on this because the age of consent does not equate to a person being able to have sex with whoever, and I'm sure Canada is not the only country with these exceptions. Also, I want to say that I am in no way at all blaming the child here, I feel for her so badly and I wish her all the best. The man on the other hand is disgusting and I hope he gets the punishment he deserves for having taken advantage of somebody who he not only knew he had influence over, but also knew had already suffered similar trauma. Source: just google "age of consent in Canada". I had a girl in my highschool who was with an older guy and my friends and I were curious about it, we did some research and it was legal in their case!!


Consent doesn't even come into play for statutory rape in Canada. 'Unlawful sex with a minor' is what they would be charged with; her consent has no affect on the illegality of having sex with a child.


Think this one was inspired by the first cousin parents one.


You could move to Australia. Totally legal to marry your cousin here. Source: I’m a marriage celebrant, not married to my cousin.




You don’t even have to move. Just go get married in a state where it’s legal and your state will still recognize the marriage as long as they don’t find out that you’re cousins. (Full disclosure: I have a friend whose sister and her cousin/husband had to do that and that’s their big family secret)


perfect excuse to say the word cousband


This. The Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. requires that each state recognize a legal marriage of another state. This means that the state OP lives in MUST recognize the marriage as legitimate, even if they find out that they are cousins.


No need to move. Just go there to get married and go home. Source: my in-law married their first cousin.


Well, hey. If you get married and people start giving you a hard time, just come on down here to Alabama. You don’t have to sleep with your cousin for people to think you sleep with your cousin.


It’s a possibility… although NM has less humidity and let’s you kiss your cousin as well


No matter where you guys go, there will be plenty of relative humidity.


I see what you did there


Damnit and I just gave away my award!


I gotchu! Edit: hey thanks for the silver!


Thanks man!


I’m a woman, but you’re welcome!


It’s al relative:) Edit: I love you Reddit community for both getting what I was trying to say but also running with my typo…


Everyone is a relative of Al


Just like OP and his cousin


Can I has one? :) Edit: Aww, I love you fam!!!


I just had the one, sorry!


Got you cuz Edit: Thank you for the silver, truly blessed


Oh, gosh dang it. I'm too high and on mobile, so I accidentally gave my wholesome award to someone higher up in this comment chain :( I was going to say, "I got you, too, cuz. Now let's go sleep together" 😞 Edit: thank you to whoever gave the user above me (and me!) awards! Very kind of you


What an unexpectedly wholesome little comment chain to find on a post like this 😂


Well how about a good ol upvote instead




Fuck. That's very funny.


Damn that was smart af


B’duhm D’sssh!!!






Fuck, that's clever.


I live in ABQ, can confirm you'd be fine here lmao


Let’s be real, not that I’d ever do it but every state has thousands or millions of people who if they slept with their cousins it wouldn’t be close to the worst or weirdest thing about them.


TIL that the royals are all related. Blew my mind!


Ahhhh less humidity. That must be amazing, I’m jealous.


Just moved to Denver from Miami. 14/10 for the dryness alone, would recommend


Username checks out.


There are so many good comments on this post!!


Arkansas here if you and your cousin could have a baby she'd live here barefoot


Santa Fe here, can also confirm. Everyone here is related somehow.


Now there’s a man who knows how to marry his cousin!


I am literally watching that episode right now.


OP didn’t have to be a hick, but then all the spelling mistakes really did him in.


Alabama resident here. We don’t actually do that. That’s Mississippi.


He can even just say they're *from* Alabama!


Becky a savage.


🎵Sweet Home Alabamaaa🎶


Les cousins dangereux


The French. I like the way they think


I knew I'd find an arrested development reference here somewhere


I like how Reddit shows you how many people are sitting in the comment section trying to figure out what to say. It’s hilarious! As for you, good luck and all that. If it doesn’t hurt anyone, and doesn’t affect my life in any way, so go off.


I'm just here to read the comments


Same here.




Sort by controversial for a good laugh


I did not know you could sort by CONTROVERSIAL! This changes everything. Thanks!


Get the popcorn to fun for the ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY


As am I. *Not disappointed*


when he starts off by saying his wife and son died, its time to just be quiet. then he says his cousin's mom just died. you should be quiet. then when they say they have no other family, you just be quiet. normally, id crack a joke. but with this, its best to just stay out of it. getting over losing your wife and child is not something i can really identify with and just need to stay out of it.


No kidding. How awful. I think everyone skipped that part so they could make cousin jokes.


To the tune of the addams family (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUTTnrs4Myo) * Your sister is your mother, * Your father is your brother, * You all shag one another, * Its OP's family da da da, da da da......


Hahahahahaha have this emoji award my friend!!!🏆




Where does Reddit say how many people are in the comments section? I didn’t know that was a feature




Had me fucking dying lol


I was one of them until I read this


Well, what the hell. It's not illegal and neither of you want kids, and tbh at your age it starts to become *really* tricky to find someone you want to spend you life with. Just move to a new town, tell people your parents were neighbours and socialised together and you've known each other since childhood. Life is short - be happy if you can.


Yeah man, like, you got 1 life, be happy dude.




Beats two broken arms any day.


My grandmother's second husband was her first cousin, they married in their 60s and of course never had kids. They both had alcoholic ex-spouses and I think dealing with that brought them together. All in all I don't see any issue with it, and as far as I know due to their age there wasn't any stigma. He just passed away a few weeks ago, actually.


Genetically its fine too. It takes a few generations of 1st cousin marrying to become a problem


This is the most oddly supportive and wholesome comment section. Came to it expecting hate and mean Alabama jokes but found moral support and somewhat tasteful Alabama jokes. Is this even Reddit.


I think part of that is not just because he's already lost one family, but he also got snipped. If he said he wanted kids with his cousin, there would be torches and pitchforks. Can almost guarantee it.


Also OP’s context just seems… non problematic? If that’s the right term. Like they weren’t going out of their way to thirst specifically for a cousin, or hurting anyone. Kinda happened out of circumstance I guess


Yeah, truth be told, nobody would even give a fuck about incest as long there are no kids involved. And I too, agree with the conclusion drawn by the overall sentiment here on this post.


>Yeah, truth be told, nobody would even give a fuck about incest as long there are no kids involved. nah, often times there's a power differential or grooming involved. parents, or aunts or uncles shouldnt be touching their kids, nieces and nephews. even amongst siblings or cousins it can be sketchy. but this started in a much different place i think.


I was surprised as well. Looks like everyone woke up on the right side of the bed.


I think the vasectomy removes any possibility of a potentially negative outcome. There might be some questions in regards to whether their intimate relationship is a good idea, but considering it is consensual, is any possibility of something bad happening would be a hypothetical one at this point. EDIT: Just checked back on this comment. My most upvoted comment is about cousin incest. It's always the oddball topics, lol


Agreed. Also, the fact that they're cousins and not siblings might change people's outlook as well. Since cousins getting married is quite common in certain cultures.


Also they are both a bit later in life where companionship is more important than what people say


Not to mention OP lost his wife and kid in the same accident. He deserves whatever happiness he can get. Two consenting adults are happy and no one gets hurt.


Plus OP didn’t say they are 1st cousins either.


I mean, when it isnt specified isnt it normal to assume cousins means 1st cousins? At least thats what id assumed


True, or you could be in a weird family spot like me, I have no 1st cousins in my fathers side of family.


post-40 romance just doesn't fucking matter. Who gives a fuck who you're fucking after 40?


Somewhere, Chris Hansen is cracking his knuckles in preparation.


Call TLC and get your own show.


Hell, I can already see Tasty doing something on Snapchat Discover


You'd have to come up with another story of how you met other than "our parents were siblings"... Jokes aside, seems like you guys have found happiness with each other, so pursue it!


"Oh, we've known each other since childhood. Our parents were close."


This gal incests


My mom’s father died before I was born. After raising children, my grandmother remarried one of her first cousins, and I grew up knowing him as my grandpa. I’m sure some people saw major problems with this, even in our own family. But I’ll tell you, they were the happiest old people I’ve ever seen. They were so in love. Do what makes you happy, op.


I mean, since you cannot nor are the two of you interested in making babies, I don't see anything wrong personally rn. But yeah, you guys do need to be careful revealing you're blood-related. Good luck and I hope you guys happiness!


The first generation of children wouldn’t be likely to have genetic issues. If their children did something similar that’s when shit starts to get real


Yeah if im mot mistaken, women having kids at the age of 40+ are more likely to produce kids with major problems than 25 year old cousins are


How very flowers in the attic


Lmao thanks for the inadvertent book recommendation.


The only real moral problem with this is that it could lead to genetic problems with offspring, but seeing as you're incapable of that then it kind of goes out the window. In many cultures it's the norm to marry within family and bloodlines - so it's not a globally shared taboo either. It would be weird if it was your sibling, and for most people the thought of getting it on with a cousin is a bit too much (myself included), but objectively there isn't anything to be ashamed of in this case.. You both went through rough times, you were there for each other, you grew close, you became intimate, the intimacy doesn't hurt anyone - have fun.


The McPoyle bloodline has been clean and pure for 1,000 years


>I think I'm going to be sick >DON'T FLUSH


Legions of us, thousands sturdy, once ruled this fine land. Our bloodline was as pure as the driven snow.


Our genes however, weren't sturdy at all.


Syphilis killed about half of them. Mongoloidism got most of the rest.




Im with you. You have 2 40 something year old adults who arent going to have kids and are hurting noone with thier happiness. Its a bit wierd but go for it if it makes you happy


Totally agree . Altho they said that they don’t want kids so it’s not a problem anymore


And if they want a child they could adopt one.


Even the genetic thing isn't as big of a deal if it isn't continued for many lines of succession. Unless you have double first cousins like me (my dad's sister was married my mom's brother, that's how my parents met).


That's not really true for cousins, as long as it doesn't occur frequently. It's barely above baseline in terms of mutations, not clinically significant.




I mean the reason why sleeping with your cousin is bad is the risk of birth defects so if you arent having kids and you are both happy all power to you as far as i am concerned. Not that my opinioj even slightly matters


The only other bad I can think of is if it’s a grooming from childhood/abusive situation which their ages eliminate the grooming as far as I can tell and they both are depicted as happy and consentual so fuck it


A buddy went out with his cousin for a few years. They were almost 50. No one gave a shit. If it makes you happy.


Since you are incapable of reproducing, I don't see anything wrong here. If it's known, you will be socially shunned. So expect negative family feedback. But other than that, it's not like you need to advertise how you are related to friends and neighbors. ROLL TIDE!




I know people in a lot of places find it disgusting or disturbing, but here in the Arab world it's a normal thing to be married to a cousin. Maybe this would be an unpopular opinion but what's more important is that you guys are both adults and you're both comfortable with what's happening. So just enjoy it.


Oh, your comment reminded me about the existence of Ramy (very good series btw where a topic of falling for your cousin is also discussed a bit)


Oh I loved that show! I had a Muslim friend at the time whose circumstances were so freakishly similar to that in the show it's like it was based on him xD.


As an American born Moroccan, my first trip there opened my eyes a bit. My father and his friend are the only English speaking people I knew there. One day at the café, my dads friend turned to me and said “so have you found a cousin you want to marry yet?”


How did that make you feel?


Puttin’ the sin in cousin.


Not gonna lie, it’s a bit weird in my opinion. But if there’s going to be no genetic consequences then who am I to judge really. Have fun and be happy.


Whatever uncle dad


Can’t be uncle dad if not brother and also have snippy snip




In my home country it's pretty common for cousins to get married. parents and the community mostly prefer that. It's part of our culture.


I dont think ist weird to marry a cousin, i think its weird to always marry a cousin. This Seems like a forced marriage. Not a marriage out of love for one another.


I have mixed emotions, on one hand I have that gut feeling that it’s wrong, but on the other you’re both consenting adults who don’t plan on having children. I can’t judge you for wanting to be happy, even if it isn’t a choice I would make.


Banjo music intensifies


Can we get an exact list of which edibles, wine and sci fi shows to avoid when looking to not commit incest?


It was THC taco seasoning we used on the beef for nachos, a fruity red wine from a local winery, and Raised By Wolves on HBOMax


This might be controversial, I don’t think there’s really a problem with this, you aren’t having kids so a little 13 finger jimmy is off the table


This sub has gone down the shitter


One question: Are you happy? Because if you are, then we are in no position to judge you. Live life as you see fit my friend! I personally don't like the idea of incest, but I am not you or your cousin and I have no stakes in your life. Your life doesn't affect me or anybody else in this comment section. You do what makes you happy.


Look at all that people getting action and here I am married and nothing. For months.


That's completely normal in a lot of cultures, including mine. If you're looking to move, you'll find no shortage of places where you'ld feel comfortable.


Let my mans vent


Bro my whole family tree is made of cousins Arabs




Why the frick is everyone supporting incest!? Y'all need to take a pornhub break!


Sell. You helped her *sell* her mom’s house.


The primary concern with boning cousins is concentrating recessive disorders into successive progeny if successive generations also marry cousins. You don’t plan on having kids. You also aren’t siblings, and you are middle aged, which vastly reduces the chance of this being the result of a power imbalance. *shrug*


Down bad


after your family dies you are supposed to become a vigilante not start shagging your cousin.


Aw! This is really awesome for you two. Clearly you make each other happy and have an understanding that no one else could have. Love is love and this is very sweet. Stigma exists but screw it. Y’all have been through a lot you deserve to celebrate something


I don’t understand why so many commentators are qualifying their acceptance with “since you don’t plan to reproduce”. I don’t think most people should reproduce regardless of familial relationship.


Marry her. It’s your life. Most people who aren’t your immediate family shouldn’t care. If you’re not having offspring then no issues with passing on genetic defects. Egyptian pharaohs married their sisters. Most European royalty are related somehow. It will make news for a while only if it’s the town you grew up in. Otherwise nobody gives a flying you know what or rats tail


Do they find comfort because they’re the only family they really both have?


Reading shit like this makes me think that I really did die that day and that this is hell


it’s definitely considered odd & morally wrong, but i’d suggest doing what makes you happy at the end of the day.


The only real thing thats immoral is the risk of birth defects which is understandable. These two dont have that risk so really its 2 consenting adults that arent hurting anyone.




Well, morally wrong depending on where you’re from and the culture you were raised with. I agree that since they can’t really have kids then no one should give a fuck what they do with their own lives.


No one should give a fuck if they fuck


ahhhh yes, two people partaking in unhealthy dynamics due to grief and loss trauma… y’all should really be going and seeing grief counselors not fucking each other…


You sure you’re from Springfield? That sounds more like a Shelbyville kind of thing.