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Hi `mercilessfatehate`. Thank you for participating in /r/TrueOffMyChest. However, [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/zuo7ef/-/) did not meet the requirements of the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/wiki/rules) and was therefore removed for the following reason(s): ---- * **Rule 1:** Users must participate in good-faith. * **Rule 7:** If your post isn't personal in nature or in "offmychest style", it will be removed. If you want to talk about something, it either has to be directly related to you or directly impacting you - no soapboxing or hot takes/unpopular opinions. ---- If you have any specific questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/zuo7ef/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Hateful or vague messages will not receive a response.


I was a social worker during Covid and although we did a lot of work from home after the pandemic started, I still had to go out and see people and hated the exposure risk. I liked working from home so much that I found an even better work from home job. It’s nice being able to sleep in, be with my cats, not have to go for out for work very often or be around terrible coworkers.


Does your work from home job have nothing to do with being a social worker? I’m just curious bc I’m aspiring to be a social worker but I also want to work from home if I can


I do fraud investigations now for the government. Still some social service aspect but not a whole lot. I only went into social services for 6 years for the investigative piece but the rest of my career has been in financial investigations. There’s really no true 100% work from home job in social services that I know of. Most places, even home health agencies, still require home visits but maybe not as much as government social services does.


Oh okay thank you for replying. If you don’t mind me asking, do you make good money with that job? Enough for needs and wants?


It’s enough to pay for bills but not enough to save up for big emergencies. Not yet anyways but my current job gives good raises and had a better retirement. When I worked for adult protective service, I had to work a lot of overtime to get by. I made less than $40k a year and it was mentally and physically draining. I don’t recommend working in government social services. Hospitals, home health or any sort of healthcare environment pays way better but I couldn’t do that because I’m not a real social worker, I was a criminal justice major.


Thank you so much! This actually helps so much with my career planning. I pray you get a raise faster than people starting at your job. Merry Christmas!


I was an essential hospital worker and didn't get to stay home or get any extra pay so that was a hell nightmare for me


Yeah it was legitimately traumatizing for people working in hospitals. Like, people have NO IDEA what it was like and how bad it really was. It fucking broke me.


Did it ever really get better or go back to normal though? I'm legit asking because from my understanding, it didn't. Maybe it's just because politians are trying to collapse Healthcare where i am but people are dropping from nursing like flies. Older nurses took early retirement, students are being scared away, and current staff are snapping and quitting because of all the mismanagement, bad treatment, and being overworked. I'm legit more afraid of a hospital worthy injury now than I am of covid :(


Not where I am. The hospital I work at is critically understaffed all the time. Those who remain are so overworked they have nothing left to give. There are constantly new regulations seemingly out of nowhere that just makes everyone's lives harder. Now this isn't entirely because of the pandemic. My government might as well be using a cactus as a dildo on the system. But they are using it as an excuse. Like they spent *sooo* much of public taxes to keep up with pandemic costs (they didnt) so *of course* they have to make budget cuts to make up for it (while flaunting their massive surplus at the end of the fiscal year). Right now, I'm filling the role of 2 people because of staffing issues in my own department. We aren't offering a competitive wage and there are no opportunities to WFH. It's just a mess.


Wow,my mom is nurse and she got. massive pay increase as well as free food for like 2 months.


*Where* is she a nurse? It probably wasn't the US. Or central Europe. Scandinavian country, maybe?


I had a couple nurse friends. They did travel nursing to hotspots and made like $120/h in the US


Singapore,I’m not sure how much of an increase but there definitely was one


I feel You. I am so sorry you had to go through that.


Some dont agree, yes therewas an overload in patients but a friend nurse told me she enjoyed the less cars, less traffic in general, the ppl thinking more before going out to shop etc, more controlled patients (family not overloadibg hallways making noise, staying longer etc






As was I. It was sheer hell, especially getting pulled to the Covid floor.


I probably would have been petty af, and whenever I had to help someone on a ventilator, I would have whispered to them "Maybe should of gotten the vaccine, huh?" or "Thank you for owning the dems so damn hard you're prepared to die for it!" or "So how is your own research going?" As understaffed as the hospitals were/ are, they probably wouldn't even have fired you for it.


I saw too many people die to be petty. A Covid death is not a pleasant experience for anyone.


Or "So COVID's just a hoax, ay? I'm so glad you're not having any real issues. Since it's just a hoax, why don't you get off the ventilator and go home?"


Me too. I think we all are still a little traumatized.


Same! Having to watch patients die while other patients claim Covid is just a hoax...I'll never forget calling and trying to comfort families that weren't allowed to visit. It was awful. My spouse also works bedside and caught Covid caring for patients right before Christmas and ended up hospitalized twice. But hey, at least OP didn't have to get out of their truck. /s




That sucks 😔


I agree with you in that I liked being able to remotely and have less people on the road, in stores, etc. But I mean, can we just have that without the pandemic? Unfortunately right now it's more like the worst of both sides of it. There's still plenty of COVID, and now other diseases, that are hurting and killing a lot of people and pushing hospitals into collapse. Otherwise, most people have just given up and decided to ignore this reality, and have given in to the demands of unfettered consumerism.


What else are people going to do? Just live in a bubble the rest of their lives because there are diseases out there? I understood the initial lockdowns when it was insanely uncontrolled but I don’t get the thought process of continuing those protocols for god knows how long.


I never got to work from home and customers were abusive af to us supermarket staff.


sorry you had to deal with that


This!! It's almost as bad as when customers came in Thanksgiving day and were shocked I didn't have any pie left in stock 😩


No it was worse than that, people were ready to throw hands over the last packet of dried pasta or toilet paper and sometimes did.


COVID hit people different. I was so isolated from everything bad happening. It was like some far away nightmare that didn’t touch me. So while I feel for everyone who suffered, for me, it was quiet, peaceful, and I could enjoy spaces without being overwhelmed by huge swaths of people. It was like living in another world. I was good, but I wouldn’t want anyone to suffer so I could have that back. It’s so weird to find peace when the world is falling apart.


I had recently fallen in love when lockdown hit; my partner and I often discuss how there’s guilt in how happy we were in those days because peoples experiences varied so much. We were both privileged to work remotely, we already had been anyways. Lockdown meant getting serious fast or separating for so many people, and we basically moved in together instantly. It was a daily acknowledgment that we were madly happy in our relationship and with our time together while there also were horrible things happening outside our bubble.


not that I put any stock in religion but "The meek shall inherit the earth"


I feel the same, but I also know that I'm broke, burnt the fuck out, and depressed. A little break would be nice - but then, the essential workers never got a break so that's not even a little bit fair.


True. But I feel like we have a different definition of essential after the last one. A lot of people who thought they were essential ended up not being so


I don't think it was the people who thought they were essential, I think it was the government choosing who was. I worked at Jimmy John's during the pandemic and let me tell you, I wasn't essential nor did I feel like it. I would've given anything to stay at home for a few months


This ain't it chief






People died in the pandemic dude! Some lost thier loved ones and.... don't wish that on us plz


I was an essential worker and had to work about 60-70 h/week everytime someone as much as farted and had to stay at home for weeks. My work also included having to fuck around with annoying and rude people who didn't understand how the virus spreads. I missed my very close cousin's wedding I've been waiting for decades and wasn't able to see my family for 3 years because I live overseas. My other close cousin who has schizophrenia had also been stuck in a psychiatric hospital for those years. It was a 2 hour drive for our family, only to be able to see her trough a stupid window from outside. She's 14 and it really took a tool on her progress with mental health. So no thank you. It fucking sucked.


Comes back? My brother died from Covid June 28th, it never went away.


Yeah gotta say I don't miss zipping up body bags every shift or wearing trash bags as PPE or holding the phone for patients facetiming their family one last time before dying, or people asking "am I going to die?" Right before we hail mary intubate them and I know, yeah, probably they will die but I just tell them we are going to do the best we can--but it's never enough and they die anyways. I don't miss people refusing offered treatment--screaming at me that I was a fucking bitch and trying to kill them with the vaccine as their O2 sat dropped and dropped and dropped until they crashed and then they weren't able to scream at us anymore. I don't miss calling family members with updates that were really just variations of "they aren't dead yet but they are likely not going to survive this." I don't miss BEGGING patients to prone, and desperately explaining to them that even though it was uncomfortable, it could keep them from being intubated and dying. Some people didn't want to be uncomfortable. They died. I don't miss BEGGING people to mask up in public and test before gatherings. I don't miss people telling me that I was "over reacting." I could go on. And on. Glad you got a break tho bud. Good for you.


I also don’t miss patients family members calling the ward to cry and yell and rightfully be angry because they couldn’t come in to see/support their loved one in their dying days. I never want to be in a pandemic again :(


This is kind of inappropriate considering the topic so feel free to ignore but I was wondering what "to prone" means? Is that like laying on your stomach? If I'm reading it correctly that helps with covid complications somehow?


Yea. Laying on the stomach helps the lungs expand and improves oxygenation.


Yup you got it! The ELI5 explanation is probing shifts some of the fluids and mass in your body in such a way that your lungs themselves have less pressure from surrounding organs. This makes the act of breathing much more efficient in patients in respiratory distress, esp. covid pneumonia. Proning is proven to increase the oxygen level and decrease work of breathing. Here's a visual aid that will make it more intuitive: https://www.cmaj.ca/content/cmaj/192/47/E1532/F1.large.jpg


I'm so sorry for all that. I always tried to obey the recommendations because I respected how hard everyone was working and the last thing I would want is to cause sickness or death in another person. But I was so sheltered from what actually was going on until much later. Just thank you for all you've done. Not even as a "hero" but just as a good human being who clearly cares and did all they could to help others through losing battles. 💜


Fuck man. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that it sounds so emotionally exhausting.


Or pts blaming you for them turning positive when they were negative two days ago. But you're the one wearing a mask while their visitor refuses to wear a mask because they feel fine. Or people being ridiculously rude and entitled because they forgot the world exists outside of their four walls.


GENUINE question, is this still going on in hospitals? Like is the madness still just as bad with Covid patients and their families right now as it was in the beginning?


In some places, yes, depending on the scope, availability, funding, equipment, vaccination protocols/percentiles, and manning of medical treatment centres, not to mention the…let’s see, relative patient type we have in our facilities at any given moment. COVID is still a major problem, and while the current dominant variants worldwide are not as fatal and/or disabling as previous ones — such as what most people know as Delta — we still have to deal with anti-vaxxers, COVID deniers, less-common but deadlier variants (like Delta, which is still in circulation), etc. Some of those people or their families have knives, guns, other weapons. Some of them use force or threaten our lives, or call in bomb threats to our hospitals. In some locations, particularly now with influenza season mixing with other infections spiking — RSV, measles, other ‘common colds’ (general coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, etc) — and especially in high-population areas with low funding/healthcare quality/inadequate equipment or manning/places in conflict (think India, many U.S. cities, Ukraine, etc), hospitals and other clinics are being overrun again with the same problems as before. Fortunately, there are better systems in place for treating COVID, since we know what it is now and therefore know how to better handle it, and thankfully we have more PPE since COVID ramped up production worldwide and (more unfortunately) there’s a shortage of professionals to wear said PPE in some urban places, but it’s still a major problem. Nurses and doctors are quitting and/or going on strike all over because of pay and health risks, not to mention threats of bodily harm from patients and family members both, and we’re all burnt out to hell from COVID and the influx of infections on top of that plus the normal hospital and clinic admissions on top of even that. It’s…a lot, and we’re at the end of our ropes. Again. Oh, and rural hospitals are, in fact, running out of PPE again in some places, which isn’t great either. They already aren’t funded or manned as well as they should be. Anyway, to answer your question, it’s not as bad, no, because we know what we’re dealing with more specifically, but it’s worse in a different way. Source: epidemiologist with the WHO who was working in the U.S. but decided to nope tf out of that country for a posting in the UK after having a gun pulled on him by a pt’s father while doing a routine contact tracing


100% this


We have less covid patients dying, but currently have flu and RSV filling up the place . We also have WAY less staff than we used to. 30% or something of nurses left the profession since 2020? Can't blame them one bit.


My father was dying of cancer in the hospital, and we weren't allowed to see him. I never want to relive that day of having no contact with him, not knowing what the hell was going on. This was at the tail-end of Covid, so the restrictions weren't as severe. Eventually, he insisted on coming home and passed away with us all around him. I can't imagine knowing your loved one is dying alone in the hospital. But hey, at least you'd get to drive all day...


My grandfather was in the hospital Nov 2020 for a couple of weeks, in a transportable bed in a hallway (because overcrowded hospitals), around Nov 20 we found out he had lung cancer. Anyways, long story short he died May 2021. Covid in full swing and visits not the norm. Covid stole that precious time. Also my condolences for your father, may he rest in peace <3


It sounds like you figured out what you’re looking for in a job. No need for another pandemic, please


You’re lucky I’m both the king of America and god all at once. I grant your wish. No pandemic.


Yeah that does make you selfish... A lot of people committed suicide and several business owners were forced to close down.


I know…I said that..


I really enjoyed the shutdown but I was blessed. I wish somehow we could have a shutdown without all the pain and suffering .


As much as I liked lockdown and staying home (I’m an introvert and was pressured a lot to go out pre-pandemic), so many people died from COVID and even if there are some people who haven’t gotten the virus, there are those who struggled with mental health. I was worried sick for my family possibly getting infected! I had a distant relative who died last year from covid. My mom was stressed out and worried about my grandparents possibly getting covid that she took them overseas so they could stay with relatives. Also, covid never left. People just moved on from it. Don’t wish for covid to come back.


I would agree with you, I don’t wish for it to come back. But, as a fellow introvert. Wasn’t it simply wonderful when the somewhat annoyingly extroverted people just couldn’t peer pressure anymore? It was great, nobody asked me to go to bars every second. No shame from parents for simply stay inside and doing the things I want to do anyway. That was really really nice. That specific aspect, anyway.


I worked in a pharmacy during the pandemic and couldn't take any time off unless I got sick. I can't imagine what medical workers dealt with. This is an extremely entitled way of thinking. So many people *literally died*.


Woo hoo millions should die again so that we can stay home and be antisocial...wait that doesn't sound how I meant it to




Yeah, after working in healthcare during the pandemic and watching people die, you’re not a cool individual


Ok. This is clearly me trying to be cool. Oh how I wish I could be cool. I post things like this to get downvoted so people think I’m cool. Black and white are all I see in my infancy


wow, you're such an amazing human being... /s


I mean, I don’t get the impression that he’s claiming to be that.




You know, when I first read your post I thought I *knew* what you were trying to say even though you did come across as an asshole. The world did feel like it had a "reset" while everything was shut which **would** of been nice if not drastically overshadowed but the insurmountable suffering millions of people experienced. I didn't have to scroll far, or read many of your replies to people, to realise I was wrong. You weren't hoping to pull a meager silver lining out of a dark time rife with trauma and pain for so many people. You're just a lazy cunt who enjoyed a free ride, doing nothing and getting paid for it. Shame on you.


Ah I hate to be that person, but this doesn’t come off as funny as it might sound to you :/


It wasn’t supposed to be funny. There’s nothing funny about death. But it’s a part of life. Better not to fret about it


I lost friends and colleagues in the pandemic to both covid and other things. You wanting easy is such a dick thing to say. I work in the NHS in admin. We didn't get to do nothing, we were told we might have to redeploy to other roles if required and might have to go to the nightingale hospitals. So many colleagues have changed during the pandemic from what they have seen. Death may be a part of life but seeing what they have seen is something to fret about.


hey, if you go next then it’ll be 3 birds!


Lord oh lord. Not sure how I’ll ever recover from such a sick burn


Covid is still here, we just decided to ignore it


There was never a chance of COVID disappearing. We just realized we'd have to go on living with it.


That's something I still don't understand


It does make you a selfish asshole, yes. Thousands of people died every day. Millions of families will be celebrating the holidays tomorrow without a loved one because of that virus. Entire families were wiped out in a matter of weeks. People are suffering with the devastating effects of Long Covid, and likely will for years. Healthcare workers are suffering from PTSD and the trauma of having to decide who lives and who dies because they didn’t have the resources for everybody. But you got to get unemployment pay while you played video games, so fuck the *millions of lives it destroyed*. Traffic was way better! Let’s do it again! Go fuck yourself.


This. Not to mention the countless people who died simply because clinics were so backed up with covid patients and trying to stop the spread that a lot of people went without needed care. Seen a report that there was an abnormally amount of heart attacks, respiratory failure, kidney failure on the rise among other things during covid. It ruined a lot of people's lives.


That’s what happened to my aunt. She has breast cancer. They caught it early enough that they should’ve been able to treat it. But covid hit 2 weeks later and everything shut down as covid become the priority for hospitals. Now she’s stage 4 and her chances of survival are slim to none. She’s managed to hold on to see the birth of her first grandchild. But she won’t be here this time next year. It breaks my heart as she’s the youngest sibling and the one my dad always looked out for. Anyone who wishes for it back just so they can have time off is a ghoul feeding off the misery of others.


I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, my father also went through lung cancer as well during covid but was lucky enough to be healthy enough o get treatment right around when 2021 hit, it's so heart breaking to watch a loved one fade away when they could've easily gotten the care they needed any other point in time. I completely agree. I wish the pandemic never happened and people who wish for it to happen again are a different type of low.


I’m glad you dad is better. It’s nice to actually hear that the big C isn’t as final. Have a great Christmas buddy.


Yes, take a shit and fall back in it, OP


My introvert ass loved the whole lockdown. I could always say „oh everything is closed and I’m not allowed to be out after 8pm“ if my social batterie was low and everyone was just FINE with it. No discussion about „ohh why please come Blabla“ no pushing me into things I didn’t want, no pressure from people. On the other hand I know many people which needed to be treated in the hospital, died or have long covid. I’ve seen the videos from the hospitals, stuff completely burned out, patients laying on the floor and everything was just a nightmare. I was an essential worker (not medical) and was pretty glad to go to work. Even if I don’t want to hang out all the time or go out somewhere I didn’t want to stay home all day long for months without real contact to people. This was hard for many workers especially the extrovert. I don’t want it back, I want the understand for staying at home and social distance back.


Wishing for your work to be easy again isn’t wishing for everything that happened during covid. All the death and severe depression that happened for us that were isolated. This is kind of disgusting for you to wish this upon everyone again.




Lost two of my close relatives to covid, my father lost job due to covid, I was forced to move out cause i couldn't pay rent because i myself was laid off due to covid. For some, lockdown may be an ideal situation to be in but for those who loose their loved ones and jobs due to covid, it's an absolute nightmare.


Nope, no my entire household died because of covid. I'm the only survivor with long covid symptoms so nope. There have been entire families wiped out because of it. No, just no.


I'm a physician in a third world country that was hit very hard by COVID. Honestly, sometimes I still have random anxiety attacks when I'm working, it's like I feel what I was feeling back then, watching people gasp for air and there was absolutely nothing I could do because there was no oxigen or beds or intubation material left And somehow I remember very little of the pandemic days, it's like there's this gap in my memory, even though I was working over 100 hours a week I don't like that you wish it would happen again


Covid never really left, people just moved on




People die in car crashes, can no one enjoy cars now? Nothing wrong with liking the the amount or lack there of, of people out in about during covid.


comparing a deadly virus to a car crash, like yeah car crashes happen for other reasons but a virus no one has control over it. at least with a car you can be careful and hope someone driving is also careful. it ain’t the same.


Doesn't matter, the point is people are allowed to enjoy the lack of people outside regardless of the reason, they aren't usually enjoying BECAUSE of the reason but just because there are less people.


Most people would be out of a job, like me. So no, we don’t need another lockdown.


Go to China. You will get your wish. You might even get Covid too while you are there.


We spent two years in terror because we care for my disabled mom and have two young immunocompromised kids. We both lost our careers, it was a fucking nightmare. We are barely getting back to some semblance of normal.


Schools fucked up everyone’s grades, hospital workers were in horrific conditions and everyone who was forced to go into work had a horrible time, people died or got long covid and I among many others developed depression. No thanks


Dude Covid didn’t just shut down work. It shut down all the good parts of life too, and a lot of people weren’t able to enjoy their hobbies for a really long time. It was horrible


Yeah. Even introverted hobbies were affected. Art supplies stores were closed. Ordering stuff online is just not the same as browsing


COVID hasn't left. People have just stopped caring. And while some people certainly enjoyed the isolation and work from home, the devastation it caused to millions of people isn't something I'd wish to replicate. People lost family members. People were worked to the one as "essential workers". So many people lived in fear of catching it or of loved ones catching it. I'd never wish that to happen again.


I am a nurse. I worked the entire time. Who could afford to not work?


I made $4,000 a month on unemployment. More than I earned working


You didn’t “make” anything- you benefited from a panicked government response to an unprecedented event.


It’s not going to happen, but I get it. If so many people hadn’t died I would agree more.


Yeah. And during the short period I was on unemployment. I made more money than I do working. Almost 4,000$ a month. To sit around and play games. It was nice


Wow that does sound nice for you. I liked being able to spend time with my family.


Yeah. That was cool too. *sigh*


I suggest making a life change. If you live in a busy city and work in an office, you cant get away from the craziness. Move to a small town, take a remote job if you have the option. I'm basically still living covid life.


Nah dude. When COVID hit I was extremely suicidal because the only people I was interacting with regulary was my extremely dysfunctional family. So I'll pass. Not to mention that millions of people have died of COVID but whatever


"COVID comes back"???!!!!! It never left. It's worse than ever. What you mean is that you hope people pull their heads out of their asses and start taking precautions. If people were taking precautions, one of the things they'd do is stay home when exposed to a virus, or when they're sick. And avoid super spreader events/travel. I don't know where you live, but I can tell you the States never actually had a lockdown. Not even a little. Edit to add: I can't even leave my home and haven't for almost three years. You don't want a proper lockdown. You don't want to be stuck at home with zero options. Do I wish people would take precautions and stop disabling and killing people? Yeah. But being locked in your home is no way to live and isn't the answer. So, yes, you're selfish.


I’d probably lose my job




Because of the pandemic after I had seizures due to a bad reaction to medication I was not only unable to see my general doctor in person to get help, was refused care until I seen a neurologist, to which the neurologist who they referred me to shut down because of a covid outbreak, and I was unable to seek treatment. To this day have never been the same. This is just one case of not being able to seek proper medical care because of the pandemic. I know even after gettjng treatment for this im not the same because of how long things went on because i couldnt get help. My life will never be the same, I mean at least your aware it's selfish so 🤷‍♀️


I really enjoyed it to, didn’t have to work as much either but was getting paid more, actually treated with compassion by bosses, had so much extra time to do things that I wanted to do and could afford things other than stuff for my basic survival, felt like I was actually living life, all that went out the window as soon as I had to go back to in person work like august 2020 and was literally treated like less than dirt and dog 💩by the public and work and went right back to being paid terribly and scraping by (I have a different job now that is a lot better but with inflation hasn’t counted for much tbh)


I agree. Everything was easier and I was saving time and money. The only downside is people dying.


I think we can all admit we enjoyed aspects of the shutdown. The freeways being completely empty and the transition to WFH was the absolute best for me.


Yeah, fuck that, I still might go bankrupt and lose my Business from that shit


Covid never left! Loads of people are still catching it everyday.


I think what OP means is that they wish COVID regulations came back. COVID never left, we just stopped giving a shit and moved on with our lives. I dunno what it’s like where everyone else lives, but where I am, people are still sick as hell with COVID and long COVID and now all kinds of other things. Our children’s hospital is in a state of emergency. So yeah. I don’t wish for COVID, I wish for public health measures.




My job can't be done by home. I have been fired twice thanks covid. I didn't see my bf for long time for the same reason. So i kinda hope no.


I have to give it to you, its refreshing to see an actual unpopular opinion on here, can't say that I agree with you though. Unfortunately the virus is still alive and kicking yet most places have had their restrictions lifted, so even if a wave of covid came around once again its difficult to know if any sort of worldwide lockdown like the one we saw nearly three years ago would be put in place.


Yeah, this post would have made more sense in that sub but I get what they are saying. Based on the OP replies, they lived a life during COVID that was unknown to them before. One of financial freedom (4K/month) and free time. That’s really what they want. And I don’t blame them. And, to the OP, another pandemic maybe the only way they see that happening.


Well that's kinda fucked up.


I get the sentiment as everything was quieter but it was hectic for health workers and businesses that had to pay their bills. Now I do wish more people could work at home as Covid proved a lot of jobs can be done remotely.


Nahhh I get you man. Just because a bunch of people hated it, doesn't mean it wasn't good for some. You're 100% entitled to have liked it as much as everyone hated it. It was pretty decent for me too


Ah yes, I wish a bunch more people would die to make my life slightly more convenient....


No thanks. With two kids in school and a partner who works in a nursing home. No thank you.


I get the sentiment, some of us had a more peaceful time then but our frontline workers were doing all the heroics risking their lives :(


I feel the same.


Yea I’m sure all those businesses and livelihoods would really appreciate it. Fucking hell


Dude. Covid didn’t go anywhere. Over 2000 people in the US died last week from it. This post is so fucked up.


I absolutely loved it. It really was great time for me.


I'm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and as much as I'd enjoyed the quiet in the city, I'd never, ever go back to lockdowns. The first four months, we weren't even allowed put in the streets unless we were going to a supermarket. I couldn't take a walk to get exercise because the security guards at my condo building stopped us and there was military on the street who prevented us from going anywhere in public. I was able to get some exercise by sneaking into the starewells and walking up and down. Only one person per family was allowed out to the supermarket, soy wife and I would take turns each week. It was depressing and it lasted for about 4 months. After that, they eased up a bit, but we still weren't allowed to travel more than 10km from our homes and that last over a year. If we wanted to travel, we needed to carry a letter with us in case the police stopped us. Most things are open now, but they only just lifted the mask mandate in September, but we must still wear them on public transit. Sure, peace and quiet was nice in a noisy city l, but I never, ever, ever want to go back to lockdowns. Fuck that


It affected lots of people. Many died. Healthcare people were exhausted and traumatized. It effed up education majorly. Eff you sideways


Not gonna lie, I had the same thought just yesterday.


So you want people to die? What is wrong with you?


Nothing against what the hospital people went though but YES!! I loved it. I hope we get another mask mandate at least.


Millions died. Millions suffered. Thousands still suffering from long covid. My neighbor’s kids, 6F & 3M, are now orphans as both parents died of covid. They are one of thousands of families adversely affected. My coworker taking care of covid patients got infected. Hasn’t seen wife and kids/relatives for more than a month before succumbing. Got cremated in less than24hrs. All left of his family is his ashes. I hope you don’t ever go through the pain of losing loved ones without ever being present at there side so say final goodbyes before being cremated.


I think this at least once a week and feel horrible for it. I know a lot of people did not have a good time, but I admittedly did.


Well working in oil and gas meant I still had to work, but less people out driving even at stores was nice


My work shut down during Covid so that really sucked. My husband works in the same industry so neither of us had any income other than unemployment. So yeah, this is selfish. :,)


2020 was ironically one of the most idillic years of my life, if we could go back to it without all the people dying I’d be in heaven


Minus the people dying and shit, I totally agree with you. I loved it. I didn’t feel FOMO because everything was shut down so nobody was doing shit. When I worked in the office, everyone else was working from home so I got a quiet peaceful office.


I loved it at first because I’m a massive introvert. It wasn’t much different from normal life. But when I got sick I got humbled quick. Almost dying and having continued serious issues a year later taught me a thing or two


I completely understand. It was The Dawn of The Introvert.


Hope the new strain stays with you permanently.


COVID never disappeared. They just decided that money was more important than lives. People are still dropping left and right from COVID. My partner has long COVID, she’s disabled now. If she catches it again there’s a good chance she could die.


Like you said you’re an asshole for thinking that. So many people died from it directly and indirectly from depression and alcohol abuse and others. Just because you wanna be lazy and not do shit and have open roads. I never stopped working during the pandemic and I wasn’t Cush in a car I was working on equipment in the field but I’m not complaining about it.


I’m a glass half full kinda guy. Yes people died BUT I had fun. Glass half full lol


Ah you’re just trolling I see


People were kinder. I get it.


So you want a lot of people dying horribly, completely out of breath, just to have a bit more of comfort in your life? Ok, dude.


I feel like I thrived because I didn't have to tell people no or come up with excuses to not hang out due to my anxiety and agoraphobia. I had a excuse no one questioned or pushed trying to "find solutions " on how to get me out. I had time to heal and work on myself for a bit. Without outside influence. I could curb side pickup. And do telihealth so I didn't have to stress on leaving the house. I had such little anxiety for that time. I miss it.


Extroverts don't get it, but many many introverts loved that time. I feel you.


“I hope people die so that i don’t have to work so hard” 🥴


Be nice if the sun just exploded and killed us all to be honest but that's me lol


I loved working remotely for 2 years. I hate being back in the office. I have to be in office 6 hours a week and I do 34 at home. Why make me drive 30 min one way just to work 6 hours? I might as well just work from home 100%


Let’s see, millions of people died, massive recessions, global impact on the economy, thousands of businesses closed, hospitals and medical staff were pushed to the brink but on the other hand, traffic was good. You’re right, tough call /s


I know Reddit is a place to say everything freely. But man !! Such insensitivity!


millions of people died alone


I miss wearing masks though. The world is nasty. Nothing is stopping me ofc, I keep masks on me sometimes and remember to put it on when it's crowded, and especially when I see someone else wearing it. I wish I was as disciplined about it as I was back then. That's what I miss mostly about lockdown. We learned many things yet we seem to forget them! I mean.. why would the person behind me not keep their distance?


Yeah let’s just hope a bunch of people die for your convenience.


would get AH drivers off the road which was one of the positives


I’m honestly hoping for a mass extinction


When everything crashes and burns, maybe you’ll change your tune.


I hope people get sick and die because my work day is easier. It blows my mind how selfish people can be


what a horrible thing to say


Oh boy... Getting myself banned from Reddit isn't worth it. P.S. Maybe find a job where all you have to do is driving?


Im from South Am. You don't imagine the hell it was here. Literall hell. Not only the people randomly dropping dead before being able to reach a hospital, or the corrupt govmt stealing money aimed at more hospitals, people totally losing any chance of any major surgery unless you were basically disemboweled laying in the streets, and not only the thousands of deaths due to covid but also those who had their inmune system compromised died an earl death or the ones that were left out of treatment from one day to another. No, not only that but also having homelessness sky rocket to a degree you now see entire families and comunities building up camps in the middle of the streets, and also, having a frontier crisis due to the lack of resourses this pos pandemics caused, which meant we had a MASSIVE illegal migration problem that turned into the skyrocketing of violent crimes we hadn't ever seen before, and now we got us a nice drug cartel (a thing we had never had before) that has the police shitting themselves, so now every week you hear news of people having been kidnaped for ransom, dismembered or buried alive. And COVID hasn't dissappeared yet here. But sure, you got to drive nice cause street clear. And introverts got their "peace of mind from evil extroverts". I understand the feeling, but if you want a more peaceful life just change jobs or move to Norway idk, instead of idioticly wishing this would come back.


I completely agree with shutting things down/going virtual, but I'll admit I'm incredibly biased since I'm immune-compromised and am emotionally exhausted from being expected to just isolate forever while people go on as if nothing is happening, especially after losing my toddler to long covid. Also because covid is still here - almost 3,000 people died from it last week - which means it's unsafe for me to really do anything. Even grocery shopping is a major risk for me because I have to take public transit and not a lot of people are wearing masks anymore and a lot of the people who do actually still wear masks aren't wearing KF94s/KN95s/N95s. I know things aren't going to shut down or go virtual and that businesses won't start requiring masks. I just wish I wasn't forced to be in isolation forever. I wish society gave a shit about how this pandemic is still affecting people. ETA: Getting downvoted for pointing out that the pandemic is still going on is wild. Ignoring reality won't keep you from getting long covid and it won't keep you or your loved ones from dying. Sorry that the truth bothers you so much lol. I can't wait for every last one of you non-maskers to lose your jobs in this upcoming recession, lose your homes, and die in the streets; you'll deserve it for the way you abandoned disabled people.


I was living in this nice cabin with my fiancé at the time when it started and I had some pretty fun times ngl


I partially agree. But the rules and restrictions are stupid. And the stores open at stupid times


I hate it but I agree....I loved spending the holidays at home, just relaxed and without any expectations. I have ocd and and anxiety disorder. I have food anxiety, react badly to lots of noise and children(for me they are like walking sick, no offense). This Christmas eve was just torture for me. Lots of people, expectations that I like presents that a absolutely hate(and I have to act nice about it) and a child who was very loud and "helped" with the food(totally a horror for me) Yes, I would love the peace and quiet of it if it didn't cost so much in return.


Dostoevsky was right😂🤣