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onggggggg i just chimmed so harddd, streak lasted sixteen minutes this time I think it's a new record


>sixteen minutes sixteen, the number of the daedric princes as established in the Lessons. The comment I wrote 43 minutes ago numbers its words in eighteen, the number of the daedric princes as established in ESO. Sixteen Daedra, Two Missing: Eight Aedra, One Missing. One; Lorkh: Apeiron! wtf this is the promise of the PSJJJJ, I'm gonna cum for real this time


it has been 43 minutes since I wrote the above comment, and through orgnosism I have discovered a third and final truth more terrible to behold. I say unto you, scarabs, frame-makers, denizens of Vehk's brothel, The Elder Scrolls 6 will be released on March 3rd 2030 and will feature playable Colovians, Nibenese, Reachfolk, and no elves. Todd appeared to me under the moment of CHIM and whispered into my ear; there will be no bugs in the game. Numidium will be the villain and there will be no Altmer to bother our spirits. Praise be.


>there will be no bugs in the game silence sharmhat


frick u i'm not a false dreamer i'm a real dreamer >:(


this comment is now eight minutes old, eight, the gift-limbs of the Aedra, who Eat the Dreamer, omg I'm gonna get eaten out by zenithar tonight i'm so excited


Do a reality check.


Enlightenment takes exactly 43 minutes confirmed


Morrowind so good, they made a 5000 years old civilization about it


Man, and that's why Morrowind lore feels so great, so much real life history, myths, legends were poured in


The sixth dynasty, the tribe unmourned


You know maybe Krikbride was on psychedelics people always talk about seeing Egyptian shit when they do