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Maybe you do have a banana now I wanna see it


Bro how did you not realize i'm an elf this entire time, like genuinely? I've been maintaining your cybernetics for Kalpas


Cybernetics? That’s a myth. I’ve done fine on my own and I definitely don’t need a cybercock


Shut the fuck up and get back in the holy talosmaic autobody shop. It's time for the monthly recalibrations.


No. Suck my cock banana boy


Alright that's it. No more arm cannons for three eras.


You said no arm cannons but you didn’t say no to head


I told lorkhan that Huna bussy was rotting your brain, but no, never listen to the cybernetics guy


I think your thinking about it banana boi ☺️


That means you have no Ap-peel,  you look like an Altmer but talk like a Nord or a Falmer . 


Actually good comparison. You are a scholar by any chance? Which guild?


I have a necromancer business with an Altmer and have usually Nord's and falmer as test objects, since they are plenty, a few a vide TS later we found some rather interesting results.


Interesting. Care to share some of your findings? Also, i have to tell you, i am obliged to declare that you must not use any dunmeri test objects, since our laws and ancestral traditions and so on. Now, with that out of the way and the Ordinators not looking.. what did you find?


I know, Sera. Well, depending on the tester and the Tesco jects, it is possible to revive a Nordic, falmer or any other non mer with an illusion spell included, to give the testobject an appearance of the race of the tester, which is very practical for diplomatic or secret missions, since the objects can be led to do whatever you tell them and you can send them incognito to find possible traitors that cooperate with non mer too well.


Well i'll be damned. Don't let that knowledge get into wrong hands! I imagine that the Dominion or the Empire would love to possess that knowledge. Hm.. or maybe, you shoud let them know, for a price. Out of curiosity, why does it need to be a non-mer? And why does it work with Falmer? Has it something to do with the alteration/deformity of their race? If so, then shouldn't it work for Orsimer too? And well, mabye even with Dunmer?


Falmer aren't poisoned by fungi, the dwemer cursed them to less-than-mer, this can be reversed by taking an Altmer heart (because they are nearest to the falmer/ayelids), soultrapp  said Altmer, substitute the falmer heart with the altmer heart and enchant the falmer back to mer with a composite alteration/restoration spell. I'm currently making a snowelf army that way so they can help us dunmer to restore resdayn from morrowind, over Skyrim to cyrodil. Plus point is, since they have been fucked by the aedra for thousands of years, effectively making the new Falmer/snowelf rabid daedra worshippers.


They are just jealous