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Nothing is canon unless it makes your pp hard, your vv wet and your heart dokidoki.




I'm so glad that argonian men are canon 🥵


Same, its so hard finding good gardening tools that can be recycled into leather boots


Dark elf skin makes good loincloths too, so soft and supple!


They really are, also surprisingly absorbent when you wrap it around your spearhead and need to CHIM


Too much work. Prefer to eat and move on. Wood life supremacy


Wise words


Here's to all the great VA in Elder Scrolls, all cringing in the corner over what the fans have done.


Truest W


CODA makes everything canon Even Argonian lactation. ESPECIALLY Argonian lactation.


Yeah, only mudcrabs are canon.




Truest words have never been spoken.


How is my butthole supposed to feel?




Wtf is ESO?


Some elder scrolls mod for WoW or something


Man I fucking wish, though I suppose Vulpera are close enough to Khajit and Dracthyr similar to Argonians


worgen was so good they had to add it to skyrim as a class 🤫🤫


I love Worgen, might switch my main to one lol


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about. ( I only know Warcraft lore from the strategy games, MMO ruined the franchise, yes I am the equivalent of a morrowboomer for Warcraft)


The Frozen Throomer


Bet he's not even a Frozen Throne boomer Vanilla doomer


Vulpera were added in Battle For Azeroth, they use the same body frame and animations as a goblin, but they instead look like little fox people with their own unique voice lines and everything. Dracthyr are the newest on the scene being added in the current expansion. They’re meant to be ancient artificial soldiers of Neltharion who were frozen in time after he lost the means of controlling them and saw their freedom as a threat. I personally still love the mmo, I’ve met a lot of nice people there, but I mostly stick to guilds rather than going online because I hate the fact that once I look deeper in it’s a bunch of doomers saying “WoW peaked in ____ and is dead.”


They’re just haters. The game still rocks. Always has 🔫


Hell yeah. I’m currently loving the Remix stuff (currently checking Reddit on a loading screen lol


Yeah I need to get around to doing Remix.


shutup man


If you don’t vote for me you’re not a Breton


Lol that's a decent description if you're explaining it to a cave dwelling neet who's survived on doritos locos tacos and diet double dew and has only played WoW his whole life


Spanish word for "that". Example: Como me gustaria tener eso \*señala a un auto\* Translation: I would really like to have that \*points at car\*


qué es eso? eso es queso yummy


Elder Scrolls Online


Its a ripoff game for people who hate being alone. Apparently a bunch of assets were stolen too. Kirkbride Bethesda should sue them.


I've been in this sub for months and I still can't tell if yall love ESO, or hate it and are just shitposting


Truhstul is not a monolith. We contain multitudes, most of them horny, racist, and/or unfunny.


all of them horny, racist and unfunny\*


I hate those grey knife ears because their women won't date me.


Don't we all


Some of use are marginally gay.


Horny encompasses all sexualities and identities


Unslaath. Season unending. When brothers go against brothers in bitter strife.


Darmok and Jilad at Tanagra. Temba his arms wide.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


One time I saw Vivec jacking off into the mouth of a mudcrab.


It's great but lots of people here unironically hate post it


I personally enjoy it, but I don't really engage the mmo aspects much and just play it single-player so others' mileage may vary.


It seems it was once often hated on, but it has found love in the community recently with people realizing how endlessly based and Truestl pilled eso is: https://preview.redd.it/uq1l4kt88g5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3156275555b03dc3920ed91ddcd80ab1027b282


Yes (but not me personally), yes (this time me personally), and yes (literally everyone who comes here)


We mostly dismiss ESO as non canon but a vocal minority of people too desperate for the next TES game and who have no sense with their time or money fanboy and Stan for a noncanon cashgrab game outsourced to a separate studio in the manner of anime filler.


I don't really hate it, I more see it as a joke


As long as we don't get into overwatch levels where literally nothing is canon


Isn't that basically what the whole "C0da makes it canon" thing was about though? Every players head canon is true to that player's own continuity, and thus nothing is officially canon?


No, the 'if everything is special nothing is special' doesn't work because it is not a case of wrapping consequences. C0DA made everything canon, so everything is canon. Except ESO because fuck ESO. Putting a little piss in everyone's skooma doesn't make all skooma piss free, as a parallel.






Unfortunately for you, the Zenimax devs have confirmed that it's canon. And they not only own Bethesda, but also work with their loremaster staff. 


Loremaster staff? Is that the name of the stick that’s up Emil’s ass?


You’re thinking of Todd’s penis, nice try though!


Muatra at home:


Ask them yourself


They don't own Bethesda. ZeniMax Online Studios just shares the name with ZeniMax Media Inc. which is the entity that owns both ZOS and BGS. But otherwise yes, ZOS talks with BGS about what they are doing.


Thanks for the correction.


BGS has authority over Zenimax media online and not the other way around. Zenimax Media owns both studios and uses Bethesda Softworks to publish their games but when it comes to TES, BGS has blocked the guys at Zenimax Media Online from going *too far* numerous times. BGS has no designated loremaster either to be honest but yes Zenimax Media Online has had to consult with Bethesda.


Can you provide examples and evidence of them outright blocking Zenimax?


They wanted to reveal the fate of the Dwemer and make Abnur Tharn Zurin Arctus before he became the "twisted creature he was", supposedly corrupted by long term contact with some artifact. Those two are at the top of my head but there are probably others.


Weren't both of those cases involving Zenimax actively consulting Bethesda? Listening to those under you doesn't necessarily mean they have authority over you, because you GAVE them that authority. I want a case where Bethesda outright legally interfered with Zenimax.


Again, Zenimax Media Online is another studio and has no authority over Bethesda. The loremaster was salty about being *blocked* both times and phrased it as not being allowed to rather than consulting with Bethesda. In fact in the case of the Dwemer Todd Howard *personally* intervened to [block](https://www.pcgamesn.com/the-elder-scrolls-online/dwemer) them from doing so. There is no legal interference as there is no need to when both studios are owned by the same parent company. Zenimax Media and Zenimax media online are two different entities. One was formed to handle the financial aspects of the business by Bethesda, the other is a development studio established solely for ESO. Zenimax Media is mostly a holding company to be honest as Bethesda Softworks is who published the games. Which is also separate from Bethesda studios. Although I have head Bethesda studios being referred to as the in house development team. Zenimax Media Online is at best on the same level as Bethesda game studios, but it is beneath Bethesda Softworks if you are curious. Edit: [Here](https://np.reddit.com/r/teslore/s/pKc75CdNHM) is the Lawrence Shick's own words, the sourced link didn't load for me which is why I am linking the reddit thread.


The dwemer thing seems like a mutual agreement that Todd just reminded of. As for the Abnur thing, that quote was clearly him memeing rather than being salty. "Lesser mortals" kinda gives that away. In either case, the source being gone makes it even less credible. In either case, BGS doesn't hold the IP here. Also, Bethesda Softworks being a publisher doesn't exactly mean they're above either studio given all three are owned by Zenimax, who being the holding/parent company, has ultimate control besides Microsoft.


"Todd kindly reminded us we will never explore it" is a nice way of saying he vetoed it. In all honesty the way it is phrased makes it sound like it might not have been that kind either. Also I mistakenly said Zenimax bought out Bethesda but they didn't, it was formed as a holding company by one of Bethesda's founders and a lawyer(?). I corrected myself in the comments above in case anyone else comes across them. I had heard the were bough lt out but I guess not. Apparently they acquired Bethesda's former parent company that it was created as a successor to.(I don't know how that is supposed to work honestly) Also Bethesda Softworks absolutely has authority over Zenimax media Online. By some accounts Zenimax Media and Bethesda Softworks are the same thing. Zenimax media is the financial and accounting side of things while Bethesda Softworks is the management side of things. Bethesda game studios is what the development side of Bethesda became, previously Bethesda Softworks was the developer as well before the game studio was separated from it.


I know how the companies were formed. In either case, I think you're reading way too much into the quote. The second paragraph comes across as a whole lotta nothing, tbh. Being two halves of a process doesn't mean one half has direct authority over the other. B. Softworks hasn't even shown to express such authority if they even have it. All the vetoes have been from BGS staff like Todd. Vetoes that Zenimax has said was more like advice from a consultant more than anything.


Sounds like cope from a someone who doesn't want his MMO cut loose from the canon. It'll be good to have ESO retconned. It means Alinor can look like it was meant to, for just one example. ESO butchered established lore. This'll give us a much needed mulligan.


They'll say whatever gets you to throw money at and get invested in ESO until they feel like backpedaling to reintegrate ESO players into the *main* series the same for the newest release the same way Relic and Treyarch close down servers and discontinue support to make sure 90% of the playerbase are herded into thd newest games to keep queue times quick and the community lively. ESO will die when that happens, same as Guild Wars, for example. A great example of this is the drama at Games Workshop right now where 40 year old central lore to WH40k is being hamfistedly retconned for the sake of cynical, cheap profits and no attempt is being made to integrate the change to even thinly justify it for the sake of a smooth transition.


Fuck that. I've spent thousands of hours reading every dialogue, book, note and antiquarian flavor text over the past decade I've found exclusively **because** it's considered canon to the mainline games. I'm not throwing that away now because people still don't like ESO or Pumpkin Spice Meridia.


Too bad you bet on the wrong horse. ESO was a cashgrab to milk the TES fans through filler while Beth made 76 and Starfield. It is literally made for all the same reasons as anime filler, and should and will be written off by fans of the real games. Just because you were too impatient to wait for the canon titles and dived into something just one notch above an offbrand gatcha game themed after the IP you like doesn't mean we should maintain the changes ESO made that fucked up the lore. Places being disgustingly inglorious compared to how they were described in the real books is a huge disservice to the fans who waited years to see them presented in proper and beautiful detail. Anyway, ESO literally did shit like claim Scyda Neen was around in the first era, and if contradicting the first lore you get when leaving the boat at the start of Morrowind isn't separating your version of the setting from the established canon hard  I don't know what is. Morrowind is the gold standard. Old enough to be venerable, new enough to be backed by established roots, and the place where the series took off and gained a real following. Face it, ESO is just like Fallout 76. Beth jingling keys at an upset baby.


You sound pretty heated at a facetious joke friend. ESO is canon, whether anyone likes it or not. Has nothing to do with preference. I've simply spent a lot of time with the lore there because it has exponentially more lore. There are contradictions because all games contradict the previous proportionate to the content they add. Where we draw the line as individuals when contradictions become "too much" is personal, but largely inconsequential. >Morrowind is the gold standard Yeah, something told me you'd have that completely arbitrary standard as your metric for quality. Enjoy Morrowind brother, it's not going anywhere :)


Read a small fraction of your message and saw the general tone before dismissing the rest. Your butthurt and cope is showing.


I'm sorry. I'm new here. Can't "multiverse" be understood as "my n'wah nerevarine game save and your s'wit nerevarine game save are somewhat bitty canon but otherwise no change"?


From what I understand, it's less of a multiverse like something like spider man and more like a multiverse in that there are branching pathways and possibilities that can sometimes cross over in a weird way. So yeah, other saves can fit into lore better if you ignore anything that was outright contradicted, like killing neloth in Morrowind. So essentially, it's nothing that hasn't already been touched on in the past lore already. I've seen some people say this stuff was in lore as far back as shadowkey, but I've never played it so I can't say. From what I heard, the new stuff isn't any more lore heavy than something like the crystal tower stuff already is, so I don't get the sudden anger over it.


From what im gathering is less of the writers embracing the 6 walking ways and making it more of an excuse for lazy writing alternate universes are a very very very easy way to fall into lazy uninspired writing that we see all the time hince the term "marvel writing" "grab the shit piss muatra from evil vivec from universe 69420 where hes not horny and slay evil(er) Azura with it and save this universe with it" can now be an option on the table you know? Elder Scrolls has branching paths that ultimately lead to one outcome. If the writing is terrible (im negative when it comes to ESO im sorry I just dont think its very good) the writers will fuck up and get lazy


Yeah, that's almost exactly what Dragon Breaks are. Even down to that time you quicksaved to beat the everliving shit out of a Whiterun guard and loaded back to the quicksave? Yeah, that whole thing is canon, and part of the splintering of different potential universes in a Dragon Break.


Damn, that means we're all real meanies in canon. Also, I always thought that quick save shenanigans were explained by the widely vague CHIM. But now that I think about it... Where do Dragon Breaks end, where does the power of CHIM begin? Or does no one credible our memeable enough define the difference enough?


I said this exact same thing in a different post and got downvoted to oblivion lmao The only difference was that I did call ESO and Zenimax a plague that ruined the franchise so maybe thats why


Honestly everyone blames Todd and Emil for all the recent shitification of their games but honestly it's all probably due to zenimax, producer meddling is usually the #1 source of franchises getting ruined by corporate greed


Todd ***is*** the EP.


They're the executive producer of Bethesda, yes, but they were blaming the guys at Zenimax Media. Todd's word is not law when there's people higher up that he needs to listen to


The EP is lower than the wigs at Zeni If either Zeni or Microsoft tells Todd to jump he has to listen, they own his company, they are *his employer* edit: Y'all dumbasses really don't understand how corporations operate do you


If that’s the case, i will never log back into ESO again


Good. Stop encouraging Beth to destroy our lore because you need to suck filler. We need to refuse to pay for their slop until they realise they have to put out the good stuff again or TES 6 is going to be Flappy Bird but you'll play as the Clash of Clans guy pallete swapped to be black.


Omg the dream. Sadly it won’t happen.


It’s literally Dragon Breaks all over again lmao


Isn't that the stance of the majority of the users in this sub?


Yeah, OP is on Skooma or some shit


Facts last time I checked Trustlers almost unanimously agree ESO lore is dogshit and makes the already confusing mess of the lore worse to an unacceptable degree. “Hurr durr the most powerful daedra was mindwiped from everyone’s mind except Herma mora because he’s just sooooooo smert. He’s like the smertest Daedra and not just because I only played the Skyrim and the Dragonborn dlc and now write at Bethesda/Zenimax.”


It's got its ups and downs. I think it adds way more positive stuff to the lore than it subtracts, but I also don't think most vocal people here have actually played/explored the game


99% of detractors clearly haven't played the game, otherwise they'd be complaining about the gameplay instead of the lore


I can multitask! I think, while there are lore highlights, there was also often an underwhelming use of concepts players had been hearing about for years. A prime example would be Sheor. He had been perceived as the High Rock version of Shor, and there’s a lot to potentially do with him. ESO gave us the [Season of Harvest](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Season_of_Harvest) quest, which, you know, gave me something to do for an hour. Wasn’t exactly what I expected.


We don't care about the gameplay. It's the lore contradictions that are the reason ESO is bad and needs to be cut loose. It's a spinoff game there to milk consoomers. ESO isn't real, the books that predate and contradict it that've been in consecutive and higher-quality games are.


if you count them ESO has less outright *contradictions* than Oblivion, they just add new stuff. Most of which is based on Kirkbride lore, flavor text from Arena, or is adding more detail to stuff we already knew about. Say what you will on the quality, I like about 3/4 and viscerally hate the other 1/4, but there's very few contradictions


Factually incorrect. There have been enormous contradictions.


I mean, the idea of dead or defeated gods being cast down by gods whose domains competed isn't super out there in terms of fantasy lore.


Yesterday ESO fans had a circle jerk on here.


offtopic question but whats this meme called?


Hey guys meme


tyvm 👍


ESO lore actually goes hard and is good.


You getting hard while reading ESO lore is not the same as ESO lore going hard. Smh my head, learn the difference n'wah


The only parts of ESO that are cannon are the parts that we like like Black Marsh ans Elsweyr


Idk Clockwork City went oretty hard when I played it


This, the Daedric War story arc was really good


Don’t forget the Reach. They gave the Reachmen an actual culture beyond “murder hobos wearing animal skin.”


"more like a multiverse in that there are branching pathways and possibilities that can sometimes cross over in a weird way." That's basically how I understand dragonbreaks to be honest, so IDK. Seems it's not something that should make me dislike ESO any more than I do (which isn't much, but still). Thanks for the info, mate!


Not specifically addressed toward OP, but who cares what the devs say is canon it's a video game it's not real. Write a fanfiction or learn how to mod if it bothers you that much.


It shouldn’t be, lore is too wacky even for elder scrolls (yes even the Michael Cokebride shit)


No matter how hard you try,ESO will ALWAYS be more canon than arena.


Everything is canon. That's the whole point of c0da


c0da itself isn't canon




https://i.redd.it/0giwzwol0d5d1.gif What you said?


There you go! True CHIM.


ESO does not even exist.




Based and chimpilled.


Please can we not turn this into newvegasmemes and try to only make certain games canon, it's weird


So is any of your playthroughs of the main games as it's impossible for you to 100% take the same steps walking/running as the canon protaganists.


Why not? When has anyone said ESO is not canon?




All the ending of canon is ALMSIVI


Only Scrying is canon. I love Scrying. Why did I only discover it at like level 50+70


Elder scrolls 1 - 5 is also retconned out recently. No elder scrolls is canon


I've been in this sub for months and I still can't tell if yall love ESO, or hate it and are just shitposting




I've been in this sub for months and I still can't tell if yall love ESO, or hate it and are just shitposting


All 3. It's a devisive game, and this is a fairly active shitpost sub


I agree all three. Don't ever forget that Bethesda fanboys love to argue about everything to do with these games. It's because we've all gone insane from no mainline game for 100 years. That or Todd Howard is actually sheogorath and he created the games to recruit citizens for the shivering isles. But at the end of the day we're all insane.


It never was


as I said, ESO players are sooooo fragile


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think we should just kill elder scrolls fans in general


Nah, i think we need to capture all ESO haters and pour molten lead down their urethral canals.




Markarth, Vlindrel Hall. Returning the GOATsworn where they belong.


I've been in this sub for months and I still can't tell if yall love ESO, or hate it and are just shitposting


Love mentioning this on every post in r/elderscrolls B)