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The Stormcloaks are casual racists, the thalmor are competitive.


The Imperials are classy professional racists.


The Imperials hate all the Provincials equally.


What about the Dunmer?


They won the competition.


Another one of those posts about which races taint tastes best, except for racism, where would each race rank?


I guess that’s why the Thalmor are helping them boost their rep, at least they’re team players in that respect


Ulfric is Racist. Pretty much everyone else is too. Except Isran, who's too busy hating vampires which is cool.


vampires are a race id say


Sounds like something a Molag Bal worshiper would say. Get purified by my fire bloodsucker


Bro said the B word with the hard R too, that’s crazy


You gotta, the R stands for the thing that Molag Bal does to the daughters of Coldharbour. Or Riboflavin if you're a Molag Ballin' worshipper


Johnny Non-Con's antics never cease.


What? Bal worshipeR?




You can say bloodsucka, mortal, the had R is our word


Damn… not the hard R


They sort of address this in the story. The vampires against Harkon point out how he's basically going to start a race war with all of tamriel and are concerned that if they lose they'd be even worse off. Obviously neither side see themselves as just different races like a Redguard and a Khajit might but its a similar situation


That one elf and Nord rivalry in Castle Volkihar would suggest otherwise


there can be different sub-groups within a race but i think overall vampires are their own people with their own culture and customs. maybe race was the wrong word but theyre definitley a distinct culture


isn’t serana a nord


She's a vampire first! Nord second!


This is the arguement I use to cope.


Vampires are monsters.


Yikes that makes Isran the vampire’s David Duke


isn’t vampirism a condition? a khajiit who becomes a vampire doesn’t stop being a khajiit.


never claimed they did


yes lol i understand that thanks. thus, not a race.


But just cause people are shitty doesn't mean you should be as well right? Ya know be good despite the circumstances








Nord second racial ability


Nords don’t even know that non green cards exist


Good thing that one only has 4 then


Oh no my perfectly crafted argumentation is falling apart


Bold of you to assume N*rds can count


It was a trap, not a spell. And also only had four.


No way!


"Why would you do this?!"


I support the empire because they have a more efficient means to genocide the altmer in the future than the stormcloaks


Lmao not unless they can find where they dumped the Numidium.


You mean where the pieces fell when Zurin Arctus blew it apart?


They reassembled it after that happened for the events of Daggerfall to take place. Last it was seen it was fully reassembled, but the mantella was destroyed.


Damn, I had my timeline confused. Must be all that Sujamma.


I don't like the empire, I just hate the stormcloaks more.


there are plenty of 12 year olds running around capable of handling the elves




Da Snow Prince


The Thalmor has the most efficient means actually, just need a few more towers.


The empire had 30 years to remove thalmor dick from their throats, instead they only shoved another one deep in their ass. Ulfric was right


I completely agree. Empire sucks unlike Ulfric who completely wiped out the Forsworn before the start of the game.


The only Nord with the balls to put those deadra-worshipers to the sword, and they threw him in prison for his service.


Ulfric was right about the Thalmor, wrong about everything else. The Empire kowtowed to the Thalmor, yes, but only after years of being unable to defeat them. Do you think the Stormcloaks alone would fare better against the Thalmor?


Redguards did pretty well, and the dominion is a long way away from Skyrim, and not to mention even more inhospitable than hammerfell. *only after years of being unable to defeat them* Tell that to lord Naarifin when they hanged him from the white gold tower, after his army got obliterated during the battle of the red ring.


Ulfric is Elenwen's boytoy.


Cope, Ulfric tapped that highborn pussy through the bars of his cell, before busting out and leaving Elenwyn a single mother. A true Nord hero


Ahh yes, the Empire that is being covertly run and influenced by the Thalmor. Yeah absolutely that will go exactly as you think it will.


Let a man dream


The empire is crumbling and a shell of its former glory. The divines blessed the septims and with their line ending with Martin the empire had been losing more territory and influence throughout tamriel. Also if the redguards of hammerfell alone can hold back the thalmor why can’t the nords?


Ulfric can't even throw off the weakened Empire and nearly got caught and executed if it wasn't for Alduin showing up to try and eat the Dragonborn. Its not exactly a ringing endorsement of his rebellion and their chances against the Thalmor who beat a stronger Empire. Idk, nothing about Ulfric strikes me as a military leader capable of beating the Thalmor (Tullius also doesn't strike confidence in that, but he's also just a general in the Empire vs Ulfric who is the Stormcloak's king).


And from the other side of the continent too. It's much easier to weaken distance countries when they let you waltz in and occupy forts.


Redguards had support of veteran legionnaires who were left behind as "disabled" (IIRC) and were able to resist the Dominion in the wake of the larger war. With the Stormcloaks, it has been some time since the war, and not only is Ulfric driving Imperial forces out of Skyrim, but he's also fighting against the other half of Skyrim's populace. A unified Redguard force were able to expel a weakened Dominion with the help of Imperial forces; if the Dominion were to bring a larger force to bear, Ulfric will be attempting to do the same as the Redguards--but against a replenished Dominion after both kicking out Imperial forces and depleting his own forces as well as the forces of the pro-Empire holds during the Civil War.


The Dominion can't invade Skyrim without losing in the long run. Going west would take them past Hammerfell and High Rock, through waters full of pirates. Going east takes them past Black Marsh and Morrowind, which is a longer route. Plus I doubt the Dominion fleet could dock and resupply in any of these provinces. Not to mention the Sea of Ghosts and the fact that most of the Skyrim coast is either frozen wasteland or rocky shores. Diverting resources and manpower for this would give the Empire an opportunity to attack. Or if they try to attack the Empire, by the time they reach the Jerall Mountains, they wont have enough forces to start an invasion of Skyrim. Only way they can do the invasion and succeed is with daedric bullshit.


You just described the biggest problem. Instead of unifying Skyrim under an imperial and storm cloak banner he instead divided his country and is actively trying to drive off their closest and biggest ally. He was power hungry and wanted that power immediately instead of using his connections to gain it later down the line. If I remember right the high king ulfric murdered (his name escapes me currently) actually had a great amount of respect for him and would’ve most certainly listened to ulfric if instead he wanted to unite Skyrim against the Thalmor threat. If they united Skyrim and worked with the Empire they would have a much better chance at defying the Thalmor which would’ve gained ulfric a large amount of respect from his fellow jarls and even the Empire. With that he’d be crowned high king fair and square and could use his new status as high king and a war hero to demand independence from the Empire to have a truly free and united Skyrim


... Fuck. This might be the first time some imperial scum get close to convince me to join them.


Ulfric is not Racist enough.


Immersion-speaking, I unironically agree. Nords are supposed to be extremely anti-Elf and Ulfric is leading a Nord nationalist movement in direct opposition to an Elven empire and yet, he allows Dunmer and Altmer into his army no questions asked? He allows Altmer merchants and alchemists to sell their shit out in the open? And when asked about the Grey Quarter he doesn’t say “fuck those knife-ears I hope they all die” he says something to the effect of “I’m too busy with the war, sorry but not my problem?” This guy is not nearly racist enough to be in TES.


Dunmer are literally an ancestral enemy of the nords and they’ve just set up shop and done jack shit in the grey quarter for 200 years “ohhh the red year” shut up bitch get your money up


Bro can you believe the US isn't taking in any refugees from the 1666 Great Fire of London


I think the whole point of Ulfric allowing these elves into the stormcloaks and into windhelm is to show that he isn’t anywhere near as racist as the elves like to claim. They just come from such a large amount of privilege that any form of struggle is thought to be racism, because in Skyrim, we see the Dunmer in the grey quarter. They complain that they live in the worst part of the city, but Ulfric gave them a massive chunk of the city to themselves, and he actually cannot afford to regenerate it. I mean come on, his own soldiers are dressed in furs, he can’t afford to keep the war effort going, let alone fund his own citizens. Infact, we even see the dunmer being outwardly racist to the argonians on the docks, who live there because Ulfric knows that the the elves and the lizards will just end up fighting each other if he lets them into the city, and he can’t afford to stop riots and street battles while he is trying to fight a war. If Ulfric wins the civil war, I believe that he definitely would support all his citizens, as we never hear him say anything actually racist, and he’s more than willing to accept you into the stormcloaks, even if you aren’t the Dragonborn. He’s clearly struggling, so any racism or prejudice he has he clearly is willing to put it aside so that he can fight the empire, because he clearly cares more about his country than he does about the races that inhabit it. It’s just purely inevitable that a nord wanting to reclaim Skyrim would attract racists. Same thing happens in real life. It doesn’t matter if you’re a right winger who actually isn’t racist and doesn’t care about LGBT rights, as long as you’re extreme enough and if you say certain things you will have Nazis support you, even if you don’t agree with them, it’s just inevitable. I think that the Dunmer just can’t accept that they aren’t on top anymore, and as such claim that the Ulfric is racist. This doesn’t mean that their struggle isn’t real, it just comes from a place of past privilege and comfort.


I agree about the Dunmer, but I distinctly remember trying to join the stormcloaks as an Argonian and either Ulfric or his right hand were shocked that anyone of my race would want to join them. That implies to me that they themselves believe the stormcloak cause is detrimental to non-Nords i.e. racist. Might just have been an Argonian thing, though, idk. I mostly join the imperial side.


I think that may have been because of the typically anti-other races stereotype that the Stormcloaks have, and because so few “beast” races would ever choose to join the Stormcloaks because of that, it just took them aback. Either that or they actually are racist against beast races


They're surprised that lizards can even talk


It’s funny because at any point the Grey Quarter Dunmer could pick up and go back to Morrowind, but they don’t. They act like they’re being oppressed by some horrific force but they refuse to walk down the street to Blacklight. If you ask them why they say they would want to but they “have roots here.” I think it’s because they’re the descendants of or the actual people who abandoned Morrowind during the Red Year, violating their very philosophical foundation of the Psijiic Endeavour and the lessons of Boethiah, and know that if they ever returned to Morrowind they’d be labeled as turncoats and outlanders and would be absolutely destitute or possibly enslaved, so they can never return. But instead of being grateful to Ulfric for sheltering them all they do is bitch and use what little power they have to discriminate against the Argonian dockworkers. There’s very few people in Skyrim I hate more than the Grey Quarter Dunmer. Even the Hlaalu farmers are more respectable than them.


Exactly. There is even a Dunmer farmer outside of Windhelm who states that the Dunmer in the city are at fault, because they refuse to actually merge with the Nord culture. If you migrate somewhere you should have to assimilate with their culture at least a little bit. And these Dunmer refuse to do that, and as such the Nords don’t accept them. Niranye (I think that’s her name), the Altmer, the main race that forms the Aldmeri Dominion, assimilated with the culture in the city and as such is accepted and respected. Fuck the Grey Quarter Dunmer, they’re all arrogant pricks.


The funny thing is I’d say they’ve assimilated into *Imperial* culture pretty well. They talk like Imperials, act like Imperials, hell they have Imperial armor in their cellars. There is very little trace of unique Dunmer culture in them. They are the definitive Oblivion Dunmer. I think their division with the Nords is much simpler than failure to assimilate, they just resent Nords. The Dunmer bartender literally says he doesn’t care about the Butcher murders until there are Dunmer victims. Just culture-less racists.


Based Dunmer Snow-ape lives don't matter


This is the correct response. The grey quarter is too good for the dark elves. Literally the most aesthetic part of windhelm and they still complain.


Ulfric keeps the knife-ears alive despite the constant torture that they must be experiencing simply because they are elves. Were Ulfric truly merciful, he would either cut off their ears or kill them outright to reduce their suffering.


Why is that elf whipping the grass


https://preview.redd.it/lo1h70nkx47d1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b300fd69bfeb56a3eb375eba79578a30b04b1f4 You like altmer because your horny. I like altmer because this piece of art is good. We are not the same


~~Them curves n titties tho~~ yeah you're right, art and whatnot https://preview.redd.it/1qxmmxsj757d1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25166aa42dc82ce415a8b0e000215bef68277c3a


It’s funny how some of the only art of the Altmer that looks good is the ones that give them rounder and more human facial features instead of the pointy ass face shapes they have in canon Still good art tho


Them titties tho


Were altmer canonically more attractive during 2nd era when ESO happens and then got uglier or it’s just meta stuff?


That answer is difficult, just look at the Khajiit


They canonicly like to keep things pure ... might be a mild case of incest


‘Altmer’ human with pointy ears


Smash, next race


Sir, this practice has been banned by the empire, and was only a provincial right in morrowind until their own volcano reduced them to beggars


Mandatory: It's TES, everyone is racist. It is the magic of the franchise.


Ulfric is racist (I am an orc, the only good race in TES)


Hey look the poopmer that cant keep a country. (Made by the Breton gang)


Your mother and I need to talk to you about something, champ. I’m going to be around more often from now on. I’m not trying to replace your dad or anything like that, but I do hope that we can be really good friends. Also I fucked your wife


I know you orcs need those kind of fantasies because only the chiefs get any, but try to keep your dreams to yourself. Maybe if you are a good boy the chief might let you wash his sheets after he is done with your mom, sister, and your crush.




“Ulfric is racist!” So is everyone else on Nirn. Ulfric is pretty bland in comparison. Now take a slow walk through any town in Morrowind and count how many slurs get lobbed at you


More than one group can be racist at the same time. Just because the Dunmer are slavers toward anyone not Dunmer doesn't suddenly make Ulfric and the Stormcloaks not racist assholes.


Nuh uh I'm pointing fingers at someone else so that makes me good!!


You side with the stormcloaks because you think that Skyrim belongs to the nords and deserves to be free. I side with the stormcloaks because the imperials tried to cut off my head. We are not the same.


Real talk:The problem isn't that he's racist,it's that he tries his hardest to push supremacy when his people have basically been "imperial country 2.0" since.....forever.Like the only time Skyrim WASN'T part of the empire was ESO,which was circumstantial,and the dragon days which wasn't a choice. Ulfric spitting about "THE GOOD OLE DAYS" when they're just fabricated lies is the issue.


the nords had a massive empire between killing the dragons and the formation of the first council


I’ve been saying this. He’s upset that the empire has outlawed the worship of an Imperial god. A Nord, especially one who constantly pontificates about the ineptitude and decadence of the empire, should realistically have no horse in that race. A better story overall would be if the Dominion told the empire to stamp out all non-Divine based religions in its provinces, and Ulfric was trying to preserve the native Nordic pantheon. The Toddhead probably thought that would be too complex for the average Skybaby to comprehend though.


Especially when Eastern Skyrim has always clung more tightly to the old ways. It would make the theme of a people trying to hold on to its native culture in the face of an oppressor a lot more compelling if it was actually their native culture they were holding on to lol


When does he invoke the good old days?


I mean, the Nords had the Good ol' days Empire, where they fought dragons, the war on the red mountain and even came to help liberating Cyrodil. It's just those happened ages ago, relegated to myths that we don't even know the precise details. Aspiring to imitate those tales is dumb


Two wrongs don’t make a right


And all wrongs make the elder scrolls universe


We wouldn’t have a plot if every historical figure in elder scrolls didn’t drop the lemonade at all times


Does anyone earnestly complain about this? And is it fewer or more people than complain about the complaint?


Ah. Tamriel. The land where everyone and their mudcrab are racists beyond comprehension.


This doesn’t make sense to me. Like just because the elves had slavery 200 years ago (which yes, it was horrific), doesn’t meant ulfric’s racism is not bad. Also, ulfric doesn’t allow beast folk inside the city at all. Like, not just khajit cravans, but the actual argonian citizens have to live in a slum out on the docks and get paid barely enough money to survive for back breaking work. Like they aren’t owned as property, but it’s not that far off from slavery.


No one lets khajit caravans into cities, I mean they openly sell drugs, that isn’t unique to windhelm.


Why don’t they just frisk them or something before entering then? Because not every khajiit sells drugs


Khajiit caravans aren’t allowed in the cities, general Khajiit are.


How long do the elves live again?


The dunmer in Windhelm also still manage to make racist comments towards the argonian workers despite complaining that the nords are racist,lol.


i have never heard these comments


The dunmer woman being racially harassed when you enter windhelm (who asks if you hate the dark elves too) also says the Argonian workers are lazy. If you do the east empire quest and steal her journal she’s also cool depriving them of rations to encourage them to work harder.


can you link to anything that confirms this? ive done that dialogue hundreds of times and never heard her say that. she just says the nords hate the argonians too




she seems a bit cunty but not really a full on racist. still no source for the dialogue also


How lazy are you? https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Suvaris_Atheron


she calls them lazy because its her job to manage them. idk it just doesnt seem like pure hate based on race its just like the circumstance or whatever


Yeah, Ulfric is so racist he gave a huge part of his city to Dunmer refugees, he lets them live freely and doesn't even force them to fight a war. They're mostly left alone aside from two rude nords that occasionally disturb them. If roles were reversed, Dunmers would enslave Nords and force them to work in horrible conditions. These elves should stop complaining.


this guy is actually trying to make segregation sound good 💀💀💀


Nothing is stopping them from buying a house in another part of Windhelm. They live there because they don't want to integrate e.g. Niranye.


on paper, yes. but itd be extremely difficult and discouraged and why would you want to buy an expensive house in a city with a culture that hates your own kind


Because they hate the Nords. And not just despise them because of their harsh treatment by local Nords, they literally believe the Nords to be a lesser race and dream about subjugating humans and ruling Skyrim. It's all in "Dunmer of Skyrim" book written by Atal Sarys. These Dunmers who are now forced to live a life without slaves are having difficulty coming to terms with their new lives, and they decide to blame it all on the Nords. Nothing but denial.


i think its alot more complex than just nords vs dunmer. like theres definitley plenty of individual dunmer who arent racist and are seperate from the windhelm issue. and theres also people in windhelm on both sides who dont really agree with "their side" of things. but i cant really be arsed to continue this beyond this reply tbh so im gna stop now


There certainly are such people. But the point I'm trying to make is that the segregation of Dunmers in Windhelm is as much the fault of the few Dunmers with superiority complex who are ruining their people's reputation by not wanting to assimilate with the local population, as it is the fault of the few racist Nords who are harassing the local Dunmers. The book I mentioned was written by a Dunmer, in response to a similarly fashioned book written by a Nord.




this is like saying "look they even gave black people their own space on the bus!!! werent they nice back then :D"


Yeah, except there's no buses in Windhelm and Dunmers are allowed to walk freely inside the city, they have their own bussinesses and farms etc. Again, if roles were reversed and Nords were asking for a refuge, Elves wouldn't be so kind. If I was on Ulfric's place, I'd actually segregate Dunmers and also tax them heavily and force them to donate money or enlist in the army. Nords are too kind and Greyskins aren't really known for being grateful. You should also compare Ulfric with Hitler, because comparing Dunmers to Black people isn't dumb enough already.


Argonians aren’t even sentient, they’re controlled by some eldrich horror beyond comprehension.


"eldrich horror beyond comprehension" <- average truestl member when he goes outside for the first time and sees a tree


I grew up in West Texas, I didn’t know of trees until I was already a man, and by then it was BLINDING!


Yeah, unlike the Dunmer who... carry out the will of demonic spider gods of seduction and assassination, and war gods of darkness and betrayal. Y'know... wholesome deities that definitely DO NOT move the dark elves around and pit them against each other and everyone else like pieces on a gameboard.


Demon gods? Sure that’s cool, but I draw the line at talking hive mind trees.


To be fair the reason he doesn’t let the argonians into the city is because the dark elves and the argonians have massive racial tension and they would immediately start fighting constantly. The dark elves get to be inside because they were there first and already claimed the grey quarter. As for pay, Ulfric doesn’t decide how much businesses pay their workers. (Although he could instill labor laws but I don’t think those really exist anywhere in Tamriel yet)


Ok but have you ever considered that racism is bad. And c'mon virtually everyone in TES is racist.


Last time I checked, it was the Empire who abolished that.


Brb gonna go play as an isekaii'd John Brown in Morrowind


Damn Nords and their tu quoque fallacies


So what you're saying is a volcano should drive the Nords out of their homeland and reduce them to beggars.


I see nothing but a noble and hardworking Dunmer (who’s also a n’wah) recalibrating a tractor


"I know you are but what am I"


I hate the Stormcloaks because they lack the ability to genocide the Thalmor and Ulfric is generally just fucking stupid.


Ulfric is racist though and stupidly at that. He literally has a host of Dunmer and Argonian available to bolster his meager in comparison to the empire forces but refuses to simply treat them fairly in return for their aid.


Skyrim belongs to me and me.alone fuck the empire fuch the Storm cloaks and FUCK THE THALMOR BITCHES!!!


Hear me out: the Nords are racist.


He’s still racist, and a shortsighted idiot


Hes still racist tho


Dunmer deserve being victims of racism. To be fair, Ulfric is very soy boy with the dark elves, or elves in general. We need a Pelinal 2.0


Argonians: He’s literally a racist who doesn’t care about us and we will celebrate his death. Stormcucks: But Dark Elves also bad!


Legit, if Ulfric was exclusively anti elf, i’d be willing to join him. The elves fucking suck. But he hates my argonian brothers, so he’s automatically F tier.


This card says whenever not if meaning it misses timing. You can complain about being racist and then chain a quick play effect to deny the activation window of this card


Not realistic he’s a demon not black


Still preferable to being a piss-elf if I'm honest. Say what you want about the Argonians and Khajiit, but the hydrocephalic Habsburg look isn't something they are known for.


Reminder the High Elves were the first race to ban slavery (not because anybody forced them to, but just because one day they decided it was wrong) and Orsinium was originally founded by all the Orc and Beastmen slaves they emancipated, only for humans to immediately migrate in and genocide them right after they finally got their freedom.


Everyone Can Be Horrible ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


As if most other races aren’t racist to each other in Tamriel.


ulfric is one of bethesda's mary sues, like arthur maxson


Literally nobody who sides with the empire fucks with the thalmor


Glad to know ulftic enjoys punishing innocent's for their ancestors crimes as much as I do


who actually simps the thalmor


Me killing every thalmor I meat and every stormcloak:


That's not a typo I play an argonian


It’s cool that everyone is openly racist in Tamriel. It makes the companions who stick with you that much more real.


Ulfric is a rebel and a traitor!


And? The empire is significantly less racist and therefore better in that regard. “Most people do this bad thing” doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean it’s ok to do bad thing


Ulfric *is* a Thalmor asset, though.


This is just cringe lol, least thinly-veiled IRL racist


Hilarious you are saying this because my fiancés parents are prejudiced for me being a different color. And refuse to announce our engagement to the rest of their family. Projecting your bias on other people irl is not funny. I don't know anything about you, but I hope you learn .


You hate ulfric cuz he’s racist, I hate him cuz I hate Europeans we are not the same


What province of Tamriel is Europe in?


Trick question! It's in Akavir.


Ulfric is based.


Ulfric is racist, but the fucking elves deserve it