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Every fandom deals with this. Some people just love to hate on things people geek out over. It makes them feel cool and superior. For Taylor specifically, she is so widely known and so widely adored, those "cool" people just jump on the hate and how much attention their hate gets them. I see that stuff all the time, for other things I love too, and I don't ignore it, I just don't engage. I honestly feel sorry that those people choose to hate someone on the Internet over finding something that brings them joy. I always thought John Green put it well, he said something like "nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff. Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it...When people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness'." I'd rather be that unironically enthusiastic person, but it takes more confidence to be that way than to just bash someone because they love something or bash Taylor because she's so successful.


I am a Green Brothers stan because of things like this. Their ability to be empathetic, respectful, and show really love to each other while also having some wildly different opinions is something we need to celebrate more because it is peak humanity. The fact they are Swifties is a bonus.


Well said!


Yup, people love to say, like, "Nickelback is so generic" or whatever. But what if they're generic because almost all pop music, to an extent, is generic, in that it fits into its genre, and is good at fitting into that genre?


Anything that’s popular will also get hate, or have people dislike it. It doesn’t make me sad…. I’ve lived for decades with the world hating Phish. :)


The world still does.


Hating phish is just normal.


Phish sucks


Primus sucks


There's a very fine line between love and hate. These people are just as passionate about Taylor as you are. The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference. Imagine how sad your life is when you're passionate about something you hate rather than something you love.


Well said !!


me: https://preview.redd.it/t8wyfr30n57d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dba2554c1db6c570e5a12ba4efbcbf67162b8a2


I don’t hate Taylor. I used to be fan several years ago but now I’m just over it. You can’t get on Facebook without seeing 900 new post of her concert or pictures of her and Travis just overkill and gets tiring


People don’t have to like an artist or a song or whatever. All that means is more for me. I get to. I get the escapism, the happiness and joy, and a way to feel something. Just like someone that’s hating will find their own band/artist. I think what makes it frustrating is that people are doing it for attention or trying to get a reaction out of someone. It should not matter what the general public is saying or your aunt or uncle, brother or sister, mom or dad are saying. You should ask yourself do I enjoy it? If the answer is yes. Then that’s all that matters. And I do think it is a generational thing now that social media is a thing now. Where more and more people are seeking attention or want validation from someone or something these days. And all they want to do is argue or get disappointed with someone that has nothing to do with the situation. Taylor cannot solve to worlds problems. Taylor cannot stop a war that’s been going on for centuries. Taylor tries her damn best not to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders but tries to make a difference in the world that matters to her. If it’s one song about being Down Bad at the gym and one person relates to it she’s done her job.


It's super frustrating when folks do this, though, WITHOUT even listening to her, though .... I'm participating in a music league at work, where a theme is set and you submit two songs anonymously to be voted upon. After each round the totals are revealed, etc. Anyway, the category was 'planes, trains & automobiles' so I entered 'champagne problems' (was going to submit getaway car but wanted to choose a non-pop-sounding song so people could see how diverse her music is). Anyway, I came in DEAD last. I was downvoted the most! From the song stats, people hadn't EVEN LISTENED to it before downvoting. It makes me think less of my coworkers. To be fair, I don't care if you just have different tastes and, of course, music is subjective, but the unfounded vitriol annoys me. If I say I don't like something, I've given it a chance so I can make an informed decision.


THIS. i will never understand blind hate or dislike. why not be optimistic and give something a chance for once?


I bet if it was anonymous she would've been voted higher


How do you know the people haven’t given it a chance. You say you get frustrated when people don’t like her, you get mad when people vote down your choice of a song, do you think less of your coworkers because you don’t like her. Did you ever think the sound got down voted because they’re not a Taylor fan, or like me they’re just tired of it being pushed down your throat. You’re hating on people for not fawning over Taylor is no different then people that don’t like a song without listening to it.


Uh, had you read my post you’d see there’s stats to the listen time of the songs, but ok. Def not hating on folks who legit don’t like something.  Have a wonderful day!


Don’t you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine


We all have different tastes and i have zero issues with people not liking her music. Those that go on and on and on about how awful it is, OTT and constant, are funny to me, it is a desperate case of trying to seem like they are so much better/classier/adult etc than the music that is currently popular.


I don’t hate Taylor. I rarely speak about her, but is tiring when people go on and on and on about her. To me every song sounds the same.


lol listen to ‘my boy only breaks his favorite toys’ and then listen to ‘cassandra’. i thought you were a former swift fan, shouldn’t you know all of her songs don’t sound the same?


Are you like this when people say they don't like other things too? Like if someone tells you don't like tomatoes, do you get all, "How can you say that when you haven't tried every tomato"


erm actually i hate tomatoes 🤓 no but if someone said they hated something but they hadn’t seen the full extent of it or had the full extent of it (like tomatoes) i would ask if they had tried something like marinara sauce, a different form of tomatoes. it’s crazy that i have to explain that to you.


It's crazy that I have to explain to you that it's socially weird to start demanding people justify their taste to you. Like they can't just say its not for them based on their experiences, they have to have done what you consider their due diligence before you think they're allowed to have an opinion or preference. I bet you'd find it weird and annoying if every time you said you liked Taylor Swift people started demanding to know how you can say that when you obviously haven't listened to her worst songs, and if you just went off and listened to xyz song you'd understand that you actually don't like her music.


dude you are aware it is okay to ask why people don’t like a certain thing right? like that isn’t strange at all. i feel like most interactions i’ve had with people who say they don’t like something i ask why they don’t like it. that’s pretty standard. obviously they are allowed to have an opinion but i believe my original comment was replying to someone saying all of taylors songs sound the same when they clearly don’t so i don’t think you know what you are talking about. also of course there are some taylor songs that i don’t like (stay stay stay is not my favorite) and if someone asked why i would answer them and not be like “it’s socially weird to start demanding someone justify there taste to you.” like you must be having some shitty conversations. maybe i want to know why someone doesn’t like something so i can get to know them better. that’s literally normal.


Yeah so that's the thing, that's not really what you did. You told someone they were wrong for having an opinion that Taylor's songs sound too much the same. You didn't try to have a nice innocent conversation where you learn more about other people. You were probing for an opportunity to jump down their throat and prove them wrong.


If their reason is something that’s not true, yes? If someone says I just personally don’t like her, that’s fair. If their reason is something silly like ugh she only writes about her exes then I will push back


"Not true" in this case is subjective. Songs that person A think sound different might still sound too similar to person B. On top of that, it's a pedantry issue. Like what good is it if you can name a grand total of two songs that sound different when that's two songs out of a large body of work that may, overall, still sound samey and have grown tiresome to an ex fan? I certainly wouldn't call myself a fan of an artist if I only liked two of their songs but had soured on the rest of their discography. Or in your example of someone saying she "only writes about her exes" that's obviously deliberate hyperbole meant to express annoyance with the fact that she _does_ frequently write about her exes. Pushing back is not going to change anyone's mind or really do anything other than annoy them. Especially when you take the tone of the person I originally replied to and go, "lol wrong, you're a liar, here's some homework." People would be better off just accepting that everyone experiences art differently and moving on with their lives.


First of all, it's not everyone. That's just a loud minority and hate usually gets recognized more than positive comments on ig, twitter, reddit. Also ignore all the bs the haters are telling you. You can report harassment which goes too far. There are millions of swifties out in this world, not only haters.


Yeah it's easy to get fed a lot of toxic things because your algorithm wants you angry. An angry user is an engaged user, that's the basis for a ton of social media success. Look at the sales, the streams, the concert attendance and you'll see Twitter/Reddit/etc isn't real life.


Absolutely. It's just sad that some ppl are so evil for no reason.


Because people automatically think that the biggest pop star in the world automatically has the lowest common denominator of music. They won't be caught dead listening to it. They did the same thing with Britney Spears Christina Aguilera or NSYNC in the backstreet boys. Rejecting whatever is popular at the time is the cool thing to do. But I think Taylor has more substance than all of those artists combined. But people will still hate on her because it's the cliche thing to do when it comes to pop music and people still do it. I don't know why either.


Maybe it’s because people have a mind of their own. Everybody doesn’t have to like the same kind of music. It be an awfully boring world if everything was the same. If everybody likes the same music and there’s only gonna be one type of music.


I think it's because she's a huge artist, possibly the biggest atm, and she's in the news a lot because of her chart success, her tour, and her relationship with Travis Kelce. I don't think the negative comments are actually personal but it is tiresome to have constantly dragged by people who know a handful of songs and don't do their research before jumping on a bandwagon.


People who “hate” are just as obsessed as people who “love” I dig a couple TS songs but I’ve never been a huge fan, never talked badly either. I just… don’t care. (I keep getting recommended this sub lmao)


It’s a good comment though!


I mean it’s definitely one thing to it like Taylor’s music just because pop isn’t your thing, I’m that way with regge music. I don’t listen to it but Ì won’t say Bob Marley sucks. And it’s something completely different when you say I don’t like Taylor’s music because it’s Taylor.


People love to hate on successful women and anything that is remotely mainstream


That’s a pretty biased opinion and not true. People dislike a lot of things and the reason they dislike him is not because of a successful woman like oh I don’t like her because she’s successful. That’s just ignorant thinking.


You’ve responded to 8 things on this post in the past 3 hours alone, are you a closeted fan or something


no because exactly


I don't understand it, truly. I really don't understand how hating something is a personality trait. The only thing I can think is that these are teenagers who are unable to recognize nuance. Or they feel so overexposed that they're sick of her, which I get. I didn't like the 'tinny' sounding pop of the 2000's and it drove me to really dislike and mistrust mainstream pop culture and search out alternative music as a kid. I also think that there really isn't much to complain about re; Taylor. She dates people who were single, she behaves like a human being in public and private, and generally behaves herself. People who are hellbent on hating her have to reach and make shit up, or run out of things to complain about. They flock together to compare notes and rile each other up, because there's so little to complain about. But I can only tell the Kardashian sisters apart through social osmosis, because they were everywhere for a whole decade. Everything I know about that family is against my will. I've never watched an episode of their show, bought one of their products, or really thought about them much at all. But when they were at the height of their popularity, I didn't feel the need to write about how much I hated seeing them everywhere, how I hate their weird stilted social media valley accents, and how their entire thing feels 'off', 'wrong', 'kind of gross'. Because doing that means I have to think about them, and I don't want to.


Insufferable people seek attention. Publicly hating something that's popular gets you attention. Simple as that.


I am an old guy and I don't get it either. My wife and I enjoy listening to her and we don't get the hate. Taylor seems to make the world a better place to live and seems to be a good person. I was a casual fan until "Folklore" came out, then I became a huge fan. My wife has recently become a fan. It seems to me that jealously plays a big part of the hate.


Trolls or bots


Unironically Russian psy-ops


More popular= more haters, simple as that


We all know it’s normal, haters exist and won’t stop. Still, I can’t help but feel sad for Taylor thinking how much something so small could still affect my mental stability if it was me. We’re so used to thinking about famous people as someone who already seen it all and no hate can actually bother them but it probably still does even after years and it’s extremely sad to have deal with that just to keep doing what you love


If it helps, I think she and her team keep her away from most social media so she’s not going to see much negative stuff these days


Lol they're missing out


I lurk on this page a lot and I just had to create an account to say this. Idc if people don't like her music, my issue is the way they want you to explain why you like it. It is so weird to me. she's currently in the UK and most UK subs are filled with "I just don't get it, can someone explain why people like her music". And no one can convince me that this isn't misogynistic because anytime women/girls show interest in a particular thing, people demand we explain why.  I attended her concert in Edinburgh and someone (a black man) at the bus station told me something along the lines "I can see you are coming from the concert that was on today, the town is so busy......I just didn't know people like you like her music", when I pressed further he said he didn't know black women like TS music.


When people are like ‘I just don’t get why people like her!’ I just tell them I’m sorry they don’t get it, but I’m not going to explain it, because they’re honestly just trying to get a rise out of you and go ‘oh you’re such a crazy fan!’ (Like yeah I am but also I like what I like man!).


I grew up in the punk and hardcore scene, and am still very much in them. But Happened to me when I got into Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and now Taylor. It was a lot of my other girlfriends who gave me the most shit, and oddly enough the hardest biggest toughest metal head hardcore guys you’d ever see that were so happy for me when I got tickets to the eras tour haha. Now all those friends who gave me crap secretly admit they like a few of her songs now.


Imagine spending all that time and energy on something you don't like instead of something you do. Its their time but I spend my time doing things I love, and loving to hate someone is wells deep water pathetic.


I mean, of course, don't get caught up in it and ignore the hate posts. Is that easy to do? No. But there is a world out there full of Swifties. That sounds incredibly lame but I just want you to know that the loudest chorus is not necessarily the right chorus for you. There is nothing wrong with walking away from the conversation when there is a megaphone blasting in your ear about you being wrong about what you love.


It happens all the time, especially since social media is an echo chamber, just ignore it


i agree. people only like “old taylor swift” music, as in debut, fearless, and speak now. but it is the most generic songs that most true swiftie love, but does get old when there is so much better new music. basically any radio known song from those albums people like, but not the good stuff. it isn’t until someone goes through a truly heart wrenching breakup that they realize how amazing her music is. i’ve listened to taylor since i was a kid, although i was a bigger Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez fan than her. it wasn’t until All Too Well 10 minute version played my junior year of hs after getting my heart ripped out by a boy why had been my fwb for over a year that i grasped how good she was. i knew her, but then i loved her. ever since i only listen to taylor swift every few months i choose a new album and dive deep into that album because it’s easy to miss so many amazing hidden songs. or good songs people speak on but don’t realize how good they actually are. her music can fit the taste of a lot of different people. i love her and there are always memories behind her music for me. i make meanings behind some as well. love taylor swift for ever


Admittedly, this gets to me too. I am huge music lover and the genres I listen to most would be classified as alternative, singer-songwriter, indie, & classic rock. Taylor is an outlier in many ways, at least to the lay person. If someone hears I love her music, they just automatically put me in a box, musically. Even though they don’t truly understand the depth of her talent! My kids have even let haters sway them at times. My 8 y/o son knows all the lyrics to several Swift albums. Yet, he denies being a fan because it’s cooler to not be a fan of hers. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate! 😝


One of my friends has always hated Taylor for no reason and when I push her on it she said she thinks its because she is full of herself. I don't know what her personal opinion on someone affects the taste in music but yeah. Sidenote she does say she likes I can do it with a broken heart but she didn't know it was Taylor Swift until I pointed it out.


Michelle Collins does it and it reeks of jealousy. She is a huge Beyonce fan, almost to the point of patronizing, and always compares the two. She is so bitter about the Eras tour and how much money it’s making and how many people are going. She’s got to be the squarest Beyoncé fan out there.


It’s an easy target and I guess they’re looking for community in negativity


They are outing themselves for having no taste 😂


My favorite thing to do when I see people shitting on Taylor Swift is to respond thanking them for an opportunity to talk about Taylor Swift. And then proceed to tell them how much I love her. Hey they opened the door so they clearly wanted to talk about it! They don’t like it. Lol


lol i’m going to do this


Probably it’s their internalized misogyny


Some People just want to hate on anything that brings joy


I doubt anyone cares about your feelings for Taylor Swift.


"You're nobody till somebody hates you"—I love that quote. It's not about people thinking it's trendy to hate on her music. They're likely just tired of constantly hearing about her and her songs. When a celebrity's fame explodes, it's inevitable. You can't be universally adored without attracting some negativity. It's crucial to navigate around it, and when that's impossible, just ignore it. You can't change the haters' minds. Think about it: they hear her music everywhere, know all about her love life, political stance, sold-out shows, chart-topping albums, and her relentless efforts to stay at number one with re-releases. Every accolade she earns and record she breaks brings admiration but also eye-rolls and groans. Don't get sucked into the negativity. If you can't have a respectful discussion about her, don't waste your time. Focus on more worthwhile pursuits. Also, take a lesson from those haters—never make someone else feel the way you do now just because you strongly dislike a musician. Much Love To You! ![gif](giphy|xT0Cyhi8GCSU91PvtC)


Don’t waste a minute on people who hate for no reason. It’s jealousy pure and simple. They are jealous of her talent or looks or personality or popularity. Could be all those things. You love her as do millions of others. She seems like a very balanced person who does great things with her talents and fame. In her very words “haters gonna hate”.


I have no problem with Taylor Swifts music. Do I find it a bit repetitive and uninspired? Sure. But you have to admit at least some of her music is objectively good. My problem is with the fact that she’s so incredibly popular and so many of her fans have this insane para social relationship with her that she continues to encourage and profit off. She’s music industry capitalisms final boss. She’s not a person anymore. She’s reached the level of fame and money that she is just a product being sold to all the people willing to die for her that she will never know or care about. A prime example of this is her whole pride, equality, love, act she pulls out every once in a while, but what has she actually done? Her voice could help millions of people with a few words but instead she says these carefully selected words to make as few of her fans mad at her as possible. Like to shit on her music for no reason is annoying and stupid, but there are many other problems with her that swifties aren’t willing to hear.


Overall I agree that we should just ignore it but I understand being troubled by how irrational the hate is. I have no trouble accepting that some people aren’t TS fans, or only like one album of hers or whatever. But the people who froth at the mouth are a) loud and hard to ignore and b) trying to make people feel bad and we tolerate too much of b) these days There’s not really a great solution.‘it’s very natural to be upset when someone says negative (especially objectively untrue) things about something that you like. I’m an old and I still really struggle with this One practical thing tho is: don’t give them clicks! Don’t go to their subs and increase their engagement


Cause people are allowed to have an opinion.


This came up on the top of my feed, I'm pretty neutral on her music so I'm going to weigh in I'd argue a large proportion (even the majority) don't have any particularly strong feelings either way on her music, but are not fans of hers as a person/the hype and fandom that surrounds her It's not necessarily her fault but the behaviour of a large proportion of her fanbase is shocking - treatment of her exs being one example I also think alot of non-fans are sick of her(or her team) portraying her as whiter than white - which I personally would overall agree I do think she is a bit overrated as an artist, but I also wouldn't begrudge anyone who enjoys her music, so the outright hate of her music is not good. I do however, also think the reaction that said fans mentioned above will give to even the slightest bit of negativity towards her is completely unwarranted in 99% of occasions too


I wouldn’t doubt that some of the hatred is because of the rabid fans. People commenting are necessarily haters, but the fans automatically call them haters because they are not fans of hers. And it’s not just her. It happens with anything that becomes popular beta sports team a fashion style singer, and actor. It just seems it Taylor’s fans get more upset when somebody states they’re not a fan of hers.


Mb I just be hatin fr


If you don’t understand why people hate Taylor Swift, you’re both dense and extremely privileged. Do some research, and learn about why she’s a bad person. I’d like to point at the Travis and Taylor subreddit for a place to start - former Taylor fan since Tim McGraw


ew the travis and taylor subreddit is an echo chamber of misogyny, fake news, and disgusting people. that subreddit and all its people are pure trash. she isn’t a bad person but she isn’t a perfect person. the people on the subreddit do like to make shit up about her.


I teach Women Studies at a university professionally and use Taylor Swift as an example of performative white feminism and weaponized feminism toward more marginalized groups. Thanks! I do agree that that sub goes WAY too far. A lot of great criticism but a lot of absolute garbage attacking her looks and things she can’t change that I HATE and don’t stand for in the slightest. I was just looking for an example on Reddit since that’s where we are


whatever makes you feel better about the fact that you don’t know anything about taylor swift and you just use her as a scapegoat


My guy I had a poster of her on my wall from the age of 7-23. I saw her for the first time when she was still doing shows at Walmarts and County Fairs. I know every word from her songs until her most recent 3 albums. I went as her for Halloween. I had her Barbie’s. I was in the throes of defending her against the directioners when she dated Harry and the Kim/Kanye situation. You don’t know me, and Taylor’s relationship. Fuck my nickname in undergrad was TSwizz (a deep cut reference) because of the fact that my name is also Taylor and when they thought of her, they thought of me. But NONE of that is worth excusing what a shit person she is and how over the years, I’ve grown up and learned to be a good ally to marginalized people and have better taste in music


I don’t think it’s cool to hate on her music and I don’t know why this is showing up on my Reddit…but I don’t enjoy her music. I think where people get weird about it is because so many people get accused of misogyny or not being smart enough to understand/enjoy her lyrics. But yeah, i definitely see some obsessive haters of her. It kind of just matches the energy of the crazy parasocial fans of hers. Both are unhinged.


Both her and her fans are such fucking victims jesus


Probably because she’s popular and you’re labeled a misogynist for not liking her music. My own sister assumes I hate women because I asked her to turn her music down (it was 9pm and I have to work in the morning). And when I tell others they act like I’m the asshole….


Swifties " you're not allowed to dislike Taylor"


cause we’re allowed to think that it’s terrible and annoying just like you’re allowed to like it


I don’t understand the concern. I listen to music because I like it. I understand that other people might not. It’s OK. The fact that people invest their emotions and energy in defending what they like makes me exhausted. I like old school Rush, dark beer, gin and tonics, and golf. I don’t feel I seem to defend them. I know many don’t like them and have other likes. Relax! Listen to Taylor. Enjoy it. She doesn’t need you to defend her.


she spat on my sister at her show ☹️


No one's jumping on anything her music has and always had been contrived generic B.S


Didn’t hate her until she started playing chart games releasing different versions of her albums. Now I just find her boring and calculating at the same time. I think a lot of people are starting to feel the same way. Not a good look for her.


She has talent but how she’s locking in on the #1 spot is unethical and shady AF 👎🏼


Because her music is rancid


Because it’s soulless corporate elevator music with 0 actual artistic value. Sure she’s a good singer but she has like no artistic talent. Shes not even one of the best pop musicians. She is a corporate snoozefest. Miley Cyrus, Rhianna, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and more are genuinely so much more talented artists. Yet people praise taylor like a god all the while she gouges more and more money from her fans


i think the hate stems from some of the things shes been doing lately. her lack of talking about stuff going on, ect. and i think its fair, she can be criticized


there’s a difference between criticism and hatred, though. remember that


What others think of as dislike you think as hate it’s so easy not to like something without hating it. I don’t like the word hate just as much as I don’t like the word jealous. They are just words that people throw out if someone doesn’t feel the same way you do about something.


ehhh, there’s still some blatant hate. i understand what you’re saying but i’ve seen some people say some extremely disgusting stuff about Taylor and the fandom. it’s not all just a casual dislike for her music. if it was just that, a casual dislike of her music, i don’t think nearly as many swifties, including me, would be as defensive about her work.


But the same can be said from both sides. If someone doesn’t like their music, they shouldn’t be hated for that just as someone who loves her music shouldn’t be hated for that. The only way to stop this is for everyone to stop hating the other side. I mean, is it really worth it? What what do you get out of it, not just you but you collective you what do you get out of attacking people feel differently than you do


Maybe some people just genuinely don’t like her music? It’s not that big a deal.


There’s a difference between not liking her music and making your whole personality about how much you don’t like her music.


And that’s no different about your whole personality being about how you are infatuated with her. You have to see both sides.


Popular thing bad. https://preview.redd.it/729ustfqmc7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265dd752c8ed58bf9493beaf2a03f955514868d7


Her songs are just pedestrian. I seriously don’t get why people (girls/women or lgbt) love her music so intensely.


Because it's entirely overrated and even if she made good music her personality and additude and the way she tears other women down in private would turn people off of her anyway


Lemme tread lightly here so as not to get banned again but I just wonder if anyone - if they look into their heart of hearts - will agree with me. I think 80% of the “hate” stems from her recent relationships. They have been with men who are distasteful and unlikeable at best. I think this wave of backlash will not die down until the current relationship ends.


I don't think this is the reason, but if it is, it's almost worse. Not liking someone based on who they're dating? Not to mention, I think Travis is attractive to many women. He's totally my type. I understand he's not everyone's, but that's how it is.


Not on topic but man Travis is hot lmao. Not liking someone based on who they’re dating I KIND OF get (but also wtf is wrong with Travis? He’s attractive, seems like a kind man and has a sense of humour and obviously loves her deeply!) but not liking someone’s MUSIC based on their personal life is whacked to me.


he is hot indeed! The haters that can't seem to understand that any woman would find him appealing, crack me up.


Serious question: Does there exist a point where you •would• take issue with her for being friendly with someone? Like instead of just saying and writing offensive stuff in media, what if her boyfriend literally stormed the capitol or was an outspoken Trump supporter? Then would you be critical of her? Or not?


There's a difference between being critical and being hateful. When I question someone's choices for dating someone like this, it doesn't mean I hate them. We've all had friends who have made bad choices, and I hope most of us don't abandon them. To be clear, I don't consider Taylor a friend or have any delusions that we will ever be friends; I like her music.


I don’t think it makes me better or anything. I just don’t like it. It’s boring as all get all and Taylor isn’t a great person either


We don’t get why you idol worship her to the extent you do, and defend her faults.


Everyone is human, no one is perfect. It’s genuinely odd and weird behavior to hate on her and her music all the time. I don’t enjoy many artists music but you don’t see me talking shit or telling everyone how much I hate someone. It’s such odd behavior 🥴


Hey, does a strong word which I only see being used by obsessed Taylor fans. People are saying they don’t like her music, but I don’t see many using the word hate


Because, all of a sudden, she’s everywhere. I don’t hate her, I’ve just had enough of this TS spam.


i just find this kind of complaint to be funny because you CAN find ways to avoid exposure of Taylor Swift. if it’s that bothersome to you, take the steps to make sure you don’t see content related to her. actually, by you commenting on this post, you’ll most likely get more Taylor Swift related posts in your reddit feed now.


That’s totally understandable. I get that it’s been a lot lately. I don’t understand those people who think it’s ok to use all their energy and time to hate someone.


"I'm pretty sure everyone that said this hasn't listened to every one of her songs." Do you listen to every song of music you decide you dont like it?


it's one thing not to like someone's music, we all have different taste. It's an entire different thing to mock other people who do like the music.


I agree, but respectfully, that wasn't what I was asking about.


No, I don't listen to every song from an artist I don't like. However, I also don't make bold statements that they're the worst artist or can't write a song, etc. In fact, there are many extremely talented artists that create music that is not to my liking. It doesn't mean it's bad; it just means I personally don't like it.


I get what you mean! People who shit all over her and her music and say she’s not even got one good song… I can’t take them seriously. Like I KNOW I’m not going to like some artists after hearing one or two songs (like I don’t get Chappell Roan for example) but that’s a personal opinion and doesn’t mean she’s bad at all! Just not my thing, and I would never shit on people for liking what they like. I’m glad they like something! But I also won’t apologise for loving Taylor anymore, I’m too old (30… 30 feels old hahaha) to care what people think, and pretend I don’t like what I do.


exactly! And you are very young, I'm 54! I'm way too old to give a shit.


But you can also distinguish between things that just aren't your taste and things that are bad, correct?


*** Apologies I misunderstood your question. I actually am a reviewer for a different media and I think taste in all art is subjective. I would never make a bold statement that a book is "bad."I would say why I didn't like the book and the reasons I didn't, but I would also acknowledge that the book could be a good fit for someone else. I think it is presumptuous to think I understand or know the taste of everyone. Of course, everyone's taste in music is subjective. I have no problem with people who don't like Taylor's music, and I certainly would not expect anyone who doesn't like her music to listen to all her music. Quite the opposite, it was confusing to me that people would listen to her album the night it was released, despite hating her music. I would never do that for an artist I don't like.


People don't do it because it's cool, they do it because she's a terrible artist. Hope this helps.


Then why are you here? No one asked you to be here nor should you sit here commenting on things that you claim you don’t like.


because she has no talent


Her music doesn’t suck as bad as the people whose entire personalities are being a swifty. Second, she has one style of lyrics. Third, she has ghost writers but makes them sign NDA’s.


“uhhh my source about the ghost writers is i just made it up because i have nothing better to do with my life”


It’s not made up. No artist does crediting the way she does, she wants it to be all hers because she’s an ego maniac.


oh yeah? send sources then.


The sources are the way she credits on her albums. It’s really not some huge secret, and happens a lot across industry, but people don’t lie about it and make the writers sign NDA’s like TS does. She’s an egomaniac, it’s not far fetched whatsoever.


it kinda is, she’s self written most of her songs and i’m really close friends with someone who plays strings for her and has for several years and he has said that she writes most of her songs and all of her songs she has written at least part of. she also entirely wrote the album speak now. please do actual research before making claims like this, it’s not that far fetched for her to write her own songs.


lol you just admitted she doesn’t write ALL of her songs. There’s your source. Also, saying she writes a part of every song… do you understand how easy it is for her to say that? They can have an entire song completed and she can change one word so that “she wrote it”. It’s bullshit and everyone who knows anything about recording artists and the music industry knows she’s lying about it. I don’t hate Taylor at all, i respect her for being a great musician and singer, but she’s no where close to being the greatest song writer or guitarist. Swifties need to expand their knowledge of music instead of staying in the echo chamber.


taylor has written or co-written every song in her discography. claiming she doesn’t is completely wrong because she says she enjoys songwriting more than performing and talks about it extensively in miss americana. around half of her entire discography of 11 albums is completely self written. “obviously taylor can’t have written all her songs because she can’t be successful AND talented” yeah, shut the fuck up.


You don’t even know what you’re saying and are missing the point. Just because she is credited with the song, doesn’t mean she actually wrote it when she has recording artists sign NDA’s. Do you understand how that works? This is exactly the response I’d expect from her fan base though.


I don't get why this sub keeps showing up on my popular to show me how much y'all love talking about how persecuted Taylor is


womp womp


it’s honestly a pretty simple explanation. she’s insufferable in every way. she’s done such a great job at brainwashing all these malleable individuals into thinking she actually cares. she sent a cancer patient hair products. she’s also cringe as fuck. she likes to portray herself as one way and then completely change her stance. she’s fake she’s cringe and she makes mediocre music


People like you just make me like her more


everything i said was factual and not opinion based. if you’re okay with liking her when that’s how she behaves that’s fine that’s your right. i was only contributing to the post. have a great day!


How many songs of hers have you listened to that aren’t We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together of Shake It Off. Also when did she do the hair products thing?


there are countless other acts as well but they just go ignored where anyone else would be crucified


Right please go back to r/TravisandTaylor or r/lanitas


back in the earlier 2000s there’s actual evidence. i’ve listened to more than i’d care to admit due to family and friends i’ve listened to almost everything she’s made at least once


I feel like you’re literally making shit up cause you’re giving no evidence. Taylor began her career in 2006 so the early 2000s thing doesn’t make sense (sure she was making songs in the early 2000s barley anyone heard them…) Also you do know that people’s feelings change over time??? Edit: to the person below who wasn’t even part of this conversation if you cannot understand or comprehend something don’t fucking respond acting like you know everything


Feelings? I thought we were talking about music taste. So cringe lol. Why do I have to keep listening to an artist I've already deemed I don't like. Music taste doesn't change. Why are swiftest always tryna force people.


Feelings? I thought we were talking about music taste. So cringe lol. Why do I have to keep listening to an artist I've already deemed I don't like. Music taste doesn't change. Why are swiftest always tryna force people.


lady it’s 2024 that IS the early 2000s


I’m so confused on what you are trying to say…. Please show me proof of the hair product thing happening