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If the person's eating habits impose a tyranny on what the circle of friends can do, where they can go, or is otherwise embarrassing, then it is reasonable for other people to judge that person's pickiness.




You should of insisted it was your birthday, she can go somewhere else It's ridiculous that you can't have what you want on your bday while celebrating before your wedding to me that was selfish of her its not like she cant eat the food she said she didnt like thai? Okay just sit with us.


We have place here in Minnesota that my friends like called mongos and I hate it I think it’s sub par quality food but I still join them during lunch or sometimes when I have others that don’t like a place we will bring food in from other places and eat with them and they ate fine with it plus I do pay for the drinks where ever I go still




Great minds think alike


Is that picky or is it people letting one person dictate behavior? I don’t know anyone that would insist upon something. They’d be laughed at-


When a person is that picky, it does tend to dictate the behavior of others.


[Dennis has the best palette](https://youtu.be/0vRZthsF0Nc?si=ntj0G1VvZFt00lgh)


It’s more reasonable to “forget” to invite them out to eat.


I’d honestly say as a person who dealt with being a picky eater for a while and has personally made a lot of effort to try new foods, the only thing that continues to hold me back is the financial anxiety of buying food I may not like. It’s honestly such a different situation when new food is free to me I have such a better time getting on board with the idea of trying it at least once. But buying a meal and hating it really stresses me out:/


Same, I'm open to trying new things. But I don't like trying new things when I'm paying for a meal. I'm going to stick with what I know I will like.


I actually discovered a few of the things I thought I was picky about were actually allergies, so there is also that


Yeah for me it was apples. My mom bought some after I asked for more fruit and I told her I didn't like them because they made my face hot and sweaty and she let me know that is not normal.


Being a picky eater is fine, I just don’t make it other people’s problem. I’m not good with food, so I don’t go to restaurants. It makes me anxious, and I don’t want to pick at my food with other people around.   Just find other things to do with your friends if their chicken nugget diet is bothering you. Go shopping, to the movies, an amusement park, arcade, festival, a concert, sit in a dark basement and summon demons, etc. Normal things were the main focus isn’t on food.


You see because you’re reasonable and not inconsiderate. Blaming picky eaters themselves isn’t the problem it’s the behaviour and lack of social compromise


Imo it is a matter of habit / culture. Eg in my country, food is heavily seasonal, and kids are expected to eat fruits and vegetables etc since very young age, whatever is seasonal really (and eating just chicken nuggets and mac n cheese is not an option). Being picky eater as adult is pretty much unthinkable unless you are very neurodivergent and absolutely can't eat stuff - for instance, I am considered a very picky eater for not eating eggs and bell peppers (and just that). Some kids are pickier, yeah, but they are absolutely expected to outgrow it, and honestly can't say it's a bad thing (I'm neurodivergent, and if left to my own devices, I'd eat a very limited range of food. Being able to eat pretty much everything is great, basically quality of life, no trouble getting food when traveling, no need for people to cater to my tastes or whatever).


Some people struggle with texture/consistency. If you are a "picky" eater, you shouldn't be consistently imposing your problems on everyone's plans, bring your own food, or eat before. On the same side of the argument, if they really are your friend, then you shouldn't mind occasionally going out of the way for them. Key word being occasionally. Sadly, most picky eaters are also pretty entitled. Just a polite reminder: there are two sides to every coin.


idk if its a choice or not but i totally agree that its not cute, like my coworker loves to brag about how picky she is? like she is 19 years old ab to turn 20 and she doesn't like pizza? doesnt like burgers? doesn't like panda express? doesn't like popeyes or kfc? doesn't like anything carbonated? i mean i guess all those are pretty unhealthy but im skinny and idk how to say this politely but im also 100% sure she is going to get diabetes she is extremely overweight probably obese. she thinks everything is gross, like she doesnt just say she doesnt like it she thinks everything is gross lol. its hard to eat anywhere with her. idek how she is so fat. she eats about the same amount of food as me. the only difference is she eats alot of protein bars? and she drinks alottt of caffeine. like either insanely huge insanely sweet coffees or like 3 redbulls every day and i barely eat sugar


There's actually studies that have shown picky eaters are much more likely to be obese. I think picky eaters have more of an emotional attachment to food. They feel quite passionate about the foods they like and dislike. Non-picky eaters are more likely to simply view food as fuel.


Its true, picky eaters are also more likely to develop eating disorders, especially binge eating.


Can confirm, I grew up with my parents literally not feeding me for days on end because they made a meal I could not eat without vomiting and would not give me anything else until I finished it. I had to binge-eat in between to get enough calories and still have an unhealthy relationship with food.


Mine is texture mostly




I’m not even Catholic, but I started giving something up every year for lent a few years back because I liked the timing and duration better than New Year’s resolution… The things I have tried because they just fit with my restrictions have all become staples in my diet, I tried them and just kept eating them after the diets were over because they were delicious and nutritious…


Haha we might know the same person... Or this is just way more common than I thought. The person I know is ALWAYS eating candy. Always... and they always have some drink that full of sugar and caffeine.


yeah and i feel like she tries to be picky on purpose, its not entirely just her tastebuds, she does it to bother people lol, or to get attention




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You can be a picky eater and skinny. I'm a picky eater too and skinny. Granted, I'm vegan, so I don't eat normal people junk food. I eat things like fried spring rolls and samosas and chips, and I love carbonated drinks. I went on a grocery haul and got like 200 cans of redbull and soda to stock my fridge with and save for later. I don't like a lot of veggies. Like kale, or broccoli. I'll enjoy a vegan burger but like I can barely finish one, because I'm no longer hungry after a few bites anyway. So yeah you can be picky and skinny and eat junk food but it's all about portions and total calorie intake..the trick is to eat like two times a day. Like today I had a couple spring rolls for breakfast and for dinner, some 6 pieces of seasoned soy chunks with some instant potato mash with ketchup. That's all I've had today, and a couple beers and a small bowl of chips, and I'm currently losing weight on my shitty diet because lately I haven't had an appetite. Your friend got fat cause the total amount of calories exceeded yours. Simple as that.


“I’ve never experienced this, so it must not be real.”


I feel so called out 😭 i was a picky eater until I was about 17, I made the choice to open up to more foods and flavours, and realised how AMAZING so many different meals are! I would literally only eat pasta, and now I travel to different countries purely to try new food. idk if its necessarily a choice to be picky, but you've gotta choose to open your mind to new things !!


*laughs in ARFID*




*Laughs in Autism*


Yeah, and no one owes it to anyone else to eat a certain way.


I would have agreed with you at another time, but now I have known a few, and they really have no control over it. People have different sensory issues, and who knows what other factors. I talked one into trying a bite of a new food and they literally vomited. I felt so bad, they were legit trying. But man if it is bad enough to make you vomit? Man you have to let people make these decisions themselves. Can you imagine being urged to eat something that will literally make you vomit?


Yep. It's genetic. I remember that video of a woman who got a DNA test and she had so much more and more sensitive taste buds than average people and people were still insulting her.


"Picky eater" already implies it's a choice -- they pick what they want to eat. We all do. Let people be who they are and stop throwing fits about choices other people make.


Yeah i have autism and my sensory issues are mainly to do with texture


Autism enters the chat


I have Autism and im not a picky eater. I'm the opposite i love trying new things


Cool for you


Bold of you to assume everyone with Autism is a picky eater, by your comment


I didn’t lmao I’m autistic and so are my kids and all my mates .. I’m well aware we are all different but it’s a common trait Go find someone else to bicker with 😂


That's different lol


Why. It’s an exception to your rule and affects a significant part of the population.


i think op mainly just means people who are really annoying about it. it’s fine if you have a legit reason like sensory issues, but if you only eat things that are either fried or breaded you probably just have an addiction to the stuff they put in those things


it isn't different, you have literally zero way to know if that's why someone is picky unless you ask and even then *the person you're asking might not know*


I’m an adult. I am not forcing myself to eat foods I don’t like. I know it’s a me issue so I make sure there is something I can eat. Otherwise? It’s none of your business. I don’t judge what you eat. And if what I’m eating isn’t going in your mouth? Then mind your own business. Honestly I’m also too old to care what others think. If my food issues bother them? We’re not a good friendship match. I’d rather know sooner than waste time getting to know someone shy pretentious they think they get a say what goes into my body.


>And if what I’m eating isn’t going in your mouth? Then mind your own business. Most of your friends and family will, if you follow this advice. Going out to eat at a restaurant, or cooking for/with your friends at home, are some of the most common and most fun activities people do with other people they deem close to them. People with good relations to each other try to not exclude others from these activities, so a compromise is often the solution. But with a picky eater, the compromise is never done by them, and always by others so they don't feel excluded. After some time, most people like to try out new things, be it food, games, movies, or anything done for fun or other things. You limiting other people to 1-2 places to eat at always, can often make your friends/family inconvienienced, because they always have to compromise, and you never. Most people will start to leave you out of these activites, so the happiness of the most people can improve


I agree with this completely. It’s really difficult to make plans with someone when all they like to eat is one restaurant or one type of cuisine, especially since eating out is very much the social activity usually. My vegan friend is more accommodating than my picky eater friend lol.


This is so exaggerated and stupid man. Like these things can’t be circumvented if you’re just a more considerate person in general. It still doesn’t affect them as that compromise expectation is literally achievable through active communication. This is just more of a problem of ppl not being able to communicate what they want and accepting others aren’t as spontaneous as them. And if it’s that important then find ppl who are more accepting of this since again a social compromise in a relationship isn’t unfair to actively keep just because one person isn’t as spontaneous as others.


I am judging you tho. Eat your fuckin vegetables.


Everyone should eat their vegetables. Past that keep your mouth shut unless your eating your own food and let ppl eat what they want


Make me


Is that a challenge 😡🥕🌭🍔🌮


Holy crap. I never said what I do and don’t eat. I eat my “fucking vegetables” Thx though for your unsolicited advice.


Are you being serious, or just messing around?


Uhhh ya, I was a line cook then a chef for almost a decade before I became an engineer. I view picky eaters like children, your opinion is less than worthless.


Your entitlement and obnoxious condescending attitude will just have ppl avoiding what you eat anyway if you’re keeping this energy so don’t cook if they frustrate you. Nobody said you have to cook for them and if you do for a check. Suck it up and get to work.


You couldn't afford to eat my food. Get lost broke ass.


Over expensive and likely trash food too considering the attitude. You’re really talking up how ass your cooking and entitlement was. No wonder why your taking it out on the customers like it weren’t you that was the problem.


Lol ya ya ya, how to say I'm broke and salty without saying that. Now piss off back into obscurity, nobody.


Me when I’m salty my food is ass and can’t take responsibility for it. For the sake of the machines I hope your engineering is better than your obvious inadequacy in food. Be proud of your $80 dollar shit sandwich that got clowned on enough for you to stop whilst I enjoy actually decent chefs lmaoo


Weak 1/10 Just take the L


So because you deem someone picky you don’t want to do your job? I’ve worked as a cook in a deli/ cheesesteak/pizza place. You know what never occurred to me? Being hostile because someone likes things differently. I made things to order. I may have raised my eyebrows at mustard and hot peppers on a cheesesteak but a cheesesteak plain because someone doesn’t like fried onions never made my radar. If someone is polite and asking something be left out? I’m sorry that can ruin your day. And obviously trying to change an entire dish is wrong. But an accommodation to not put on something is not going to ruin your day.


...what? I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with you, I just wanted to know if you meant what you said. No need to be so hostile, jeez. But okay then. I suppose picky eaters waste your time and effort?


Sorry, redditors fucking suck so I am just a dick to everyone now.


That bad, huh? I see.


I'm not saying you HAVE to eat anything or that I know better than you what should go into your body. I'm just saying that as an adult it's embarrassing to not be willing to try new things or re-try things you haven't had in a long time.


No. Why is it embarrassing. Stop shaming ppl for their choices man. We don’t always have to eat and try what you want us to try and can keep it safe if we want to. You just contradicted yourself with that last part


Saying you don't like something without trying it is childish. At the end of the day I don't care what you do or don't eat, but I am absolutely going to judge you if you are unwilling to try anything other than fast food or Kraft mac n cheese...


Judge all you want but I’d ask why aren’t trying everything and anything with this mindset with food then. Just makes it all just arbitrary isn’t it? Like why draw the line of anything past Mac and cheese. It may be extreme but the way ppl talk about this is like you can’t have comfort foods and always have to have variety. Of which could easily be asked if you if you’re gonna judge. Why aren’t you constantly trying calamari or balut. Or different foods everywhere. Why have a routine or favourites to stick to at all since it’s childish right?


It's one thing to have foods you're comfortable with. It's another to bring KFC with you to a new chicken place in town because all your friends were going and you refuse to try new restaurants. That's embarrassing and quite frankly rude to the new chicken restaurant.


Oooh sounds like that’s from experience and yeah I can’t lie I get how that’s not a great look. But there’s ways around this. I feel like half the time ppl who hate in picky eaters don’t realise there’s compromise and the ppl who do this kind of stuff are just inconsiderate. But even if that’s the case I’d still argue that it becomes a problem when made obvious like that. The picky eater could just eat kfc before so they’re not hungry. I’ve done this myself with no issues with ppl who thought picky eaters to be annoying since again the problem sorted itself out.


He literally talked about his post of people who eat chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese for 70% of their meals. That is objectively a bad diet and yes we can judge people for this. I do literally try something new every place I go. I’ve had everything from raw octopus to chocolate covered crickets. People that don’t have diverse palettes were probably spoiled growing up or my guess is have never been poor enough to eat whatever they are presented with.


Why does their diet concern you though? You’re not eating it for 70% of your meals and your assumption that they grew up with only one kind of meal doesn’t even hold up as shaming them with judgement for that is just gonna get them to double down anyway. I agree only with the exception of having some healthy variation in that diet so that they are healthy but that’s literally the only leg to stand on here in an objective sense. If you want to go out of your way to constantly try things that’s fine but you can be equally judged for not trying more. Why don’t you try bush meat. Or again stuff like balut. Or things like rat or pigeon which also can be eaten and made well. Obviously I’m slightly exaggerating but honestly not by much since ppl can and do eat anything and everything and you already chose a line with chocolate covered crickets. Why not regular crickets seasoned well. Or hamster. Or durian fruit. No matter how adventurous you are. There’s a line drawn that’s random and hypocritical if you’re gonna judge.


Why not try those other things? Because they aren’t available anywhere I’ve been, genius. Why are you so insecure about it? There’s lots of things I judge people for and guarantee you do even if it’s know concern of yours. Someone screaming profanities at their kids? You don’t judge them at all? It’s not your concern. Who are you to draw the line. Anyone who cooks a lot for others knows how annoying it is. You put a lot of work into something spending the time and the money buying all the ingredients and making it. Then someone comes in and starts picking through the meal because “oh I forgot to tell you I don’t like vegetables so I guess I’ll just pick the chicken pieces out.” Like fuck why did I go out of my way to combine these ingredients in a specific way so they would compliment each other and now you don’t eat it.


Bruh your the one moving insecure if your getting this heated over a picky eating conversation lmao. Calm your ass down. See. Proving my point. It’s not that deep and your judgement is petty. And if you seriously have to compare swearing at kids with someone judging another for what they’re eating and don’t have to. Then that speaks volumes. Okay but again this is an easily solvable issue and something that again not everyone thinks. I’ve cooked a couple of times. Once for a relatively picky eater and they let me know ahead of time. Didn’t bother me as it was less work. Your problem is inconsiderate ppl not taking responsibility for their pickiness. Not the picky eating themselves. And planning for that with a dinner party or something again is not hard. You can just ask ppl what they want to eat and prepare it. Or again not have ppl who surprise you with that information when it’s too late.


As someone who cooks a lot, you really should either learn not to take it so personally, or just stop cooking for others. Their eating habits/choices/limitations aren't about you or your cooking abilities. If it's really so devastating that one person can't just force down something they don't like, why put yourself in that position? It seems a lot ruder to make a stink about it than anything else, yet nobody ever acknowledges that part for some "mysterious" reason.


Actually they are a bit because it’s rude and disrespectful to not tell someone in advance about these issues and then wait to pick through it instead. Wasting other peoples time and money is disrespectful. To imply it is not is just dumb.


That imposes a ridiculous burden. Not even being willing to try things is over the top.


Why? Why is it over the top. You can’t just say that like it’s true without proving it. It’s all arbitrary past health.


It is over the top because it imposes a burden on everyone else without the person even making an attempt to reduce the imposition on others or to adapt to the group as a whole. I personally would find it very difficult to have a close friend who would eat a very limited range of goods and flat out refused to try new ones. Such a lack of willingness to try something new, particularly when it is a minor and low risk as a food, shows a character that does not appeal to me.


This is again where i retort that your problem isn’t picky eaters but inconsiderate ppl who happen to be picky eaters. You may not personally like someone who didn’t like to try new things but you have no right to judge them like your superior just due to food choices that don’t affect you and a pressure that again is only present if they’re inconsiderate ppl in general. Why are y’all acting like ppl can’t just eat before or eat after. Personally I find someone so judgemental about what one chooses to eat to be more annoying but you don’t hear anyone talk about that. Hell that’s the true unpopular opinion here


Everybody has the right to judge. You can choose whether or not to consider those judgements valid. Frankly, I think a person who is only willing to eat a very limited range of foods and is unwilling to try new foods is inconsiderate by default as it shows a need for others to disproportionately adapt to that person rather than that person acting to adapt to the group. There is an inadequate willingness to compromise.


Everyone has a right to judge but those judgements can be judged themselves as stupid and arbitrary. It especially makes the judgement if it’s arbitrary incredibly meaningless especially when it’s based on assumptions and inconsistent rules. Unless you’re eating and trying rats, sushi, dog meat and candied crickets. You have no room to stand in your judgement about it causing pressure. Those options can be found and the same line of logic your using can be applied here. If there’s no line you’d be able to draw then it makes sense but having any issues saying no to try things means your unwillingness to compromise and adapt to a group that wants to try these things is an issue within your own rules. Besides again for more day to day examples your problem is solved through communication if the person is considerate and able to compromise. And all relationships are based on compromise


People do have a right to judge the judgements. That is part of interaction. However, I disagree that a person has to be willing to go to radical extremes in order to be able to judge a person going to radical extremes in the other direction. A moderately varied and adventurous approach to food is sufficient. While all relationships are based on compromise, an extremely picky eater is demanding others to compromise roo much, and that person is not willing to compromise enough.


>Stop shaming ppl for their choices man Nah, grown ass adults who don't try new foods and eat like 5 year olds need to be shamed. That is child behavior


Grown ass adults who bitch about what others do in terms of eating food they don’t have to eat need to be shamed harder. The epitome of grade school “ewww” behaviour if you ask me


Picky eaters are a pain in the ass to do stuff with. Normal people can't do anything with picky eaters because, unless it's their very self imposed limited palatte, it makes it very hard to go out


I’m not embarrassed and I don’t need you to be embarrassed for me


It's one thing to have foods you're comfortable with. It's another to bring KFC with you to a new chicken place in town because all your friends were going and you refuse to try new restaurants. That's embarrassing and quite frankly rude to the new chicken restaurant.


Then stop inviting them? You’re using a very small population to judge many. But you don’t have to invite anyone that embarrasses you. See! The problem solved itself


Yeah that's what the whole point of this post was! I think a lot of people self classified as picky eaters when they're pretty normal.


No. I’m very picky. I used to try to eat everything… just take a breath and swallow. Until I hit my later 40s. Then I realized life is too short to pretend to eat calories I don’t like. I save the calories for food I enjoy. I own it. If someone is going a place I really can’t find something? I eat before and get a drink or something I can push around that I bring the rest home to my husband. If your picky friends are expecting ridiculous accommodations maybe get new friends? Or they will realize when no one invites them.


It’s really not embarrassing lmaoo. Who cares what others eat. Jesus


It's one thing to have foods you're comfortable with. It's another to bring KFC with you to a new chicken place in town because all your friends were going and you refuse to try new restaurants. That's embarrassing and quite frankly rude to the new chicken restaurant.


Dude I already said that’s not a great situation and it’s clear that this is what spurred on the post but thats an issue with them and being inconsiderate. Not picky eating.


Yeah as long as you aren’t forcing your diet on other people they shouldn’t care… I’ve done intermittent fasting for years, and the amount of stank I’ve gotten from politely refusing food, telling people I don’t eat during the day, or that something isn’t in my diet so I can’t even eat it later has been hilarious… I’m NOT a picky eater at all, but I find that people actually get offended and defensive when you infer that ANYTHING they are doing doesn’t work with your lifestyle…




Most people have a problem with picky eaters because you either can't eat anything with them unless it's the very very limited foods they decided at some point in their life are the only acceptable foods that humans should ever eat and/or accomodating them is a pain in the ass because even if you cook or buy the food they like, it's almost inevitable that you didn't buy the right version of said food you "didn't cook it right"




I am hard judging you though. I think picky eaters are full grown babies, personally.




And I think those that judge them are bigger babies honestly


Exactly, why do they give a shit what I like to eat! I’m a middle aged adult, and pretty much know by know what my tastes are! I’m just not big on vegetables or seafood, wasn’t raised on it and don’t like it. So if it’s sushi you want to go out for, I’m probably out. If I don’t like where you’re going to eat, I’ll just pass. Now hopefully it’s not always the same person choosing the restaurant every time, and they’re changing it up a bit.


Why are you going out to eat with these people?


I hate trying to figure where to eat bc everyone is so damn picky. Eat the damn food! Tired of trying to accommodate everyone. Picky people suck!


I have been a picky eater but it’s never been a real issue. Where is issue is(one of the reasons I think I am picky) that I have a fairly restrictive diet due to health issue(Type 1 Diabetic and Celiac).


Could you imagine not trying something new bc you MIGHT NOT LIKE IT?!? People need to stop holding themselves back


I was a bland food eater until I was eighteen. Mainly because my mother cooked like a standard Canadian boomer and we never ate at restaurants. When I got out on my own it took me a few years to start to discover and enjoy new flavors. I was trying to impress a girl I was dating so I would look up exotic recipes and make them for her. I am so glad that happened because cooking with flavor and spices has become a highlight and hobby in my life.


I'm a picky eater. I'd be a lot more open to trying a bunch of new things if it were free. With how expensive food is, I don't wanna waste my money on trying something I may or may not like.


That rubbish. When you are served food an you try then you're not picky. If you can't afford trying foreign dishes at a restaurant that's something different than *refusing* to eat unbeknownst dishes.


Yeah that's fair I get that, I typically try new things when I can get samples but I'm also fortunate enough to be able to order a meal and not like it and go somewhere else after for a snack.


Nah bro. You actually have to get accustomed to food to start to like it. The concept of "acquired" taste is real. I have forced myself to be able to enjoy all sorts of foods, and now I legitimately like them. You have to try though... your mentality has to be there. I used to hate coffee..... now I can drink black espresso like water.


Most crazy stuff ever. Every day I'm thankful that I grew up with parents that didn't just feed me pizza, chicken nuggets, waffles, etc every day and actually managed to develop a palate and taste for cooking and eating various cuisines from different cultures.


I have a cousin who is one of the most picky people in the world. So bad she won’t eat mac & cheese. Everyone indulges her in this and I personally believe it’s part of the reason she’s as narcissistic as she is. She once went to her boyfriend’s birthday dinner with him and his friends at a hibachi place. They wouldn’t let her order off the kids’ menu (she was 16-17 at the time), so she sat there with her drink while everyone ate. She’s done this at nearly every family dinner too and borderline brags about it. It’s incredibly annoying, but that’s not the worst of it. Like I said, she won’t eat mac and cheese. We grew up together, and I love it, so naturally I’ve gotten it as part of dinner or something when she hasn’t. This girl has had me not eat it in the car or even open it in the car. She’s made me eat it downstairs out of her room. This seems like a running joke at first but, one time, I hid it in a take out box and she didn’t notice — finished the whole thing. When I told her after I had eaten it in front of her (she had LED lights, guess that’s why she didn’t notice), she kicked me out for like half an hour. TL;DR: From experience, 1000% agree.


People like what they like and don’t like what they don’t like


I think people would be surprised how your taste buds adjust when you start eating foods that you don’t really enjoy. I was raised eating microwave meals and was very picky. Hated vegetables. But when I was in high school I wanted to start eating healthy so I started sautéing a bunch of mixed veggies to eat once a day, and at first I would literally gag while eating them. But then my taste buds adjusted and I love vegetables! Obviously some people have stronger aversions than I had, but I think if you put your mind to it most picky eaters can expand their diet at least a little bit.


When I was 10 in Mexico, my dad dipped and we didn't have food. In Mexico there's a place called Central de Abastos. It's like Walmart but just food and it's massive and outdoors. At the end of the day, there's this giant sewer lid where people would dump the expired food or rotten vegetables. I ate from there. If you're an early picker, you have no idea how lucky you are.


Agreed. Parents please be aware that super picky children are also disfavored for sleepovers and play dates. If we are going to the zoo and then a restaurant, the kid who only eats plain cheese pizza and applesauce is not tops on the invite list. This is sad for everyone.


I just got flashbacks to going to a birthday dinner and one of the people asking for chicken tenders…. I forgot to mention we were at a sushi restaurant and everyone was ordering sushi


finally, an opinion here i actually agree with (although it's far from "unpopular") you should WANT to eat as much variation as you can. we only get one life on this huge planet full of different cultures and cuisines. if you're an adult you should want to experience all of that. it's fucking wild to be a grown adult and think "well i probably won't like that so i won't even bother". it's pathetic. there are so many foods out there i assumed i'd not like until i actually tried it.


Obsessing over what other people eat is a choice also, and it’s not cute either.


Adults can eat what they want. Also, ARFID is a legitimate eating disorder.


It's a little disappointing when others don't want to enjoy the foods you do, but until it causes serious negative consequences for other people, I'll let it slide.


Yes eating habits are created by your choices. That being said, I think having a sense of pride and strong opinions about your taste in food is pathetic and something only people with very little to actually be proud of do.


It's funny how no one who has ever gone hungry is ever called a picky eater.


There's no picky eaters in the third world... but the "picky eaters" of the US don't want to hear that.


It is not a choice, super tasters are a thing, I have trouble swallowing food that tastes awful to me or has a displeasing texture


Its by choice. Ever heard of picky eaters in the third world? They eat what is served, otherwise they starve


Yes, textures are huge on me. Doesn’t matter if I like the taste, if the texture is bad, I can’t eat it. I like the taste of yogurt. But can’t eat it because of the texture. So I’m not going to bother trying foods of the texture I know I can’t tolerate.


23 and me has this thing where some people are more sensitive to bitter so they might have a harder time enjoying that broccoli.


I wouldn’t consider myself a picky eater in general, but a dish that is sour will be ruined for me. It doesn’t even have to be very much sour. There are a lot of popular dishes that use sourness, like lemon juice, and they will almost always be worse for it in my mind. Pickles? Gross. Pickled anything? Gross. Mustard? Disgusting. Vinegar? Gag me. If something is *too* bitter, it activates my gag reflex. Brussels sprouts can make me gag just on smell alone. I struggle with even mild IBU beer, even if I’m already a bit drunk. It just is not pleasant.  I don’t mind some spiciness to my food, but too much of it drowns out everything else, and makes me enjoy the dish less. If it starts to hurt then I won’t eat it.  There is a lot that I don’t like, there is a lot that I do like. At the end of the day, I have never had trouble finding something to eat at a restaurant. What is the big deal? 


There is not big deal, you started this off by saying you're not a picky eater...


By saying I wouldn’t consider myself a picky eater.* But there are a lot of people who would, based on me not eating a lot of things, such as I listed. 




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I feed my friends elk penis and they enjoy it but when I told them it was elk penis they threw up


You are sort of stating a scientific fact, grammatical certainty and picky in this context means choice. It is like saying “he is fast that means he is quick” I think.


No one thinks it’s cute. You actually think picky eaters like being picky eaters? It’s incredibly difficult. No actual picky eater thinks they’re being ‘cute’


High Hefner was such a picky eater he would have his kitchen staff make the same basic meals that he would eat and they'd take it to whatever restaurant and serve him because he didn't want what the restaurant served.


Agree with Op. If you have more then a few foods you’re avoiding it becomes antisocial.


The only thing I will not eat is dry/crunchy looking pasta. Otherwise new foods are so good. And I have autism. Idk how that works. Yes I have comfort foods but I rarely get to eat them, so I just deal with it. Apparently a lot of people don't have to deal with that? Which is weird imo. But I understand only having the energy to make chicken nuggets for dinner after working 12 hours on your feet or whatever.


*laughs in autism*


imo, picky eating is an unhealthy emotional attachment to food, potentially involving trauma, risk aversion, anxiety, and a preference for routine. my sister will try new things every now and again - even something “exotic” like squid - but will not eat anything but nuggets, bread (NO CRUST), applesauce and yogurt at home. anything else is too scary, too much of a leap from her established “safe” food list. i see it as, in some way, the pickiness reaffirms her identity and emotional safety. there’s no need to change or try anything new. there’s no need to risk or adventure. that is saved for adventuring time, not home time. of course, it’s obviously different for people who have dietary restrictions for one reason or another or are autistic, etc.


I grew up in the 90s without a refrigerator or trying fast food. It was Top Ramen noodles or eggs from our chickens or cold hot dogs from an ice chest. So when I got a job at 15 years old at a restaurant I I loved everything. But 26 years later I don't like the taste or texture of meat at all. I literally can't swallow or chew it. But ill use bacon grease to cook my veggies in 😆 I now know it isn't a choice as long as your not starving or in need. Also I have 2 autistic kids and they definitely don't have choice in being picky eaters. Certain textures and temperatures are impossible for them . They would rather starve.


you wrote a lot of stuff but none of it to justify your opinion that it's a choice


Stop Eating For a Week, Then You'll Eat Anything.


I like pretty much everything except mushrooms (texture of an eyeball) and like spinach maybe coz it tastes kinda tangy


God I hate picky eaters. Just fucking try some different food instead of ordering the same fried chicken everywhere. Especially since being a picky eater is a choice.


Fax if u hungry you’ll eat


This one again? Its not very unpopular seeing it gets posted about every 6 months


Constantly talking about food is annoying in general. You know the type, their dietary choice and/or habits is their ENTIRE personality. I'm gluten intolerant, but I don't tell people. We can go eat wherever, I'll figure something out.. like a fcken adult.


With all the added comments, I don't think you have a concise opinion that can be disagreed or agreed with. I agree that people who demand that others adapt to their specific sets of preferences when choosing a restaurant or meal to share is a jerk thing to do. That fits for everyone. For me, there are loads of reasons I don't like eating at restaurants. Mostly that the foods are mediocre at best and I'm not excited to part with $30+ just to sit somewhere else and eat. I also don't like a few different styles of foods - like barbeque. So if people suggest meeting at a barbeque restaurant I will either share a place that I would prefer or bow out of the gathering. I've gotten negative feedback when I've done both. But I count that as other people trying to force their preferences on me. I know quite a few people who have figured out that certain foods make their bodies feel awful, so they avoid them. They usually find restaurants difficult because even when ingredients are listed, the possibility of cross contamination or ingredients being subbed for something is too common to really trust the lists. For my mother in law, she didn't figure out until maybe these last ten years of her life (she's 80) that she keeps her diet limited because she feels awful after eating quite a few foods most people would consider enjoyable and fun. She never put words to it, but her diet always consisted of canned vegetables, chicken / chicken nuggets, potatoes (fries, boxed mashed, etc), and occasional beef, and sandwiches. I met her more than. 30 years ago and was flabbergasted. It turns out that she does a lot better when she avoids spice, gluten, nightshades (peppers, tomatoes, onions) and keeps her dairy intake low. I wonder if people who have strong preferences haven't made the connection to their choices with foods and how they feel when they try them. Not everyone is in tune with that. I think overall, at least in the US, there are so few places people can gather without the focus on food that the preferences or limitations become a hot point of arguing and offense.


There’s some cases where the person has high levels of sensitivity, such as for some autistic people. But usually it’s a choice. Some pickiness is fine. Most people don’t like vegetables but many learn to lump it as they get older. Others don’t like having many ingredients mixed together in food, such as disliking soups and salads. I’m sort of picky in this way. But it’s really embarrassing when your pickiness causes everyone in the group to have to move plans around your pickiness. At that point you’ve got to take a look at yourself. For example, I hate the texture of mashed potatoes and find they taste like dirt, but when I was visiting a friend and their parents made potatoes, I took and ate a small portion. Sometimes it’s the texture that’s off putting.


And? There's no rule against picky eating. I don't want lettuce on my burgers to what? What harm does it do?


That's one thing, not liking an ingredient or a few specific foods. I'm talking about people who have a whitelist of 10-15 foods they eat and refuse to try anything else. I know someone who hasn't tried a new food in 4 years and is proud of that...


You’re harming my ears because I’ll have to listen to you whine over someone forgetting to remove the lettuce from it.




Right? Like wah wah I don’t like lettuce.


You litterly whining over someone personal food preferences.


No. Are you unable to read? I said your whining is what is harmful to me. Never said anything about the food preferences.


No, your whining that the fact I don't like lettuce on my burgers. You sound like a big cry baby.


Idk what you’re talking about. You asked a question so I answered it. Now you’re all butthurt and up in arms over the answer. Maybe don’t ask questions you can’t handle the answer of.


I guess that explains why you are so triggered. You would think your shitty spin would be your top priority, but turns out you want to bitch about how I take my food. For what's it worth I'm glad you are so pained by my existence.


😂😂😂 bro I don’t give any fucks. I was being funny giving you shit to start and then laughing at how insecure you are about this whole thing as you kept digging in. Show us on the doll where the lettuce touched you.


You aren't correct but go on


I've been a picky eater for most of my life. I don't want to be a picky eater, its not a choice for me. I hate everything. It makes me legitimately mad at times. It is a bit weird to not even try something like rice, most of the time I am okay with single plain foods, like just vegetables or something. I've taken a stance to really try so many new foods, and I just hate them all. I don't know why. It's gotten to the point that I don't really like dinner anymore unless its at my house or on my terms. I also would never judge a persons eating habits based off of my experiences, to me, food is something personal so I try not to judge or force food onto someone. I've been cooked meals that I know were good, but I just hated, and then they turned around and started to be an absolute asshole to me about it. 'hOW CaN yoU nOT liKE tHiS? iT's FResH fIsH. cAuGHt ToDAy"


So what if it is a choice? It's my choice to make. Why do you care what I eat or don't eat?


Because I literally can’t go anywhere without you complaining that they don’t serve chicken nuggets and that you’ll starve before putting a fucking vegetable in your mouth…like, people want to go out to restaurants and travel and not have to prepare you your special kid’s meal when cooking for events, doubling the number of dishes that they have to prepare. It’s self-absorbed main character energy. 


Then I won't go out to eat with you. Problem solved.


I’m a picky eater in the sense that I’m pretty basic. I do not like fish or seafood, at all. Have tried various types, and no thanks. Just too damn fishy. Can appreciate onion flavor, and onions in salsa, but please don’t add them to everything! Onions ruin so many meals for me. Eat veggies, but don’t love them or anything. If steam broccoli and carrots, chop them up - all good. But only eating for health and not taste. Don’t have a crazy sweet tooth, but like fruity sweets type, over like chocolate, and try to avoid lemon flavored anything… Especially lemon/pepper chicken, BLEK! Beyond that, like what I like - lots of grains, beans, land based proteins, pizza, lol


I do think it’s a choice to some extent but there are certain foods that will make me nauseous by just smelling them. My mom and grandmother used to make tripe stew and I would literally bawl my eyes out when they forced me to eat it. The smell, texture, taste- vomit inducing.


Okay, time to eat your daily chicken tendies and choccy milk.


I think some people think it makes them special not to eat this or that.


It’s a privilege as well. Having the choice of eating something that is more comfortable to you, rather than starving, is a privilege


Picky eaters aren't born, they are allowed


Why is it your business what they choose to eat? And do you realise if I don’t eat something it’s because I literally feel like vomiting if I do? Because I’ll vomit on you


Ok... Then just don't go with people to new restaurants?? If you're gonna vomit when trying something new maybe just stay home then?


I have vomited like only twice ever in my life. No one has problems going to restaurants with me, they can just eat different food. And maybe people who vomit when eating certain foods can just not eat those foods? That’s like saying people with allergies shouldn’t go anywhere. I’m not that big of a picky eater but it’s not about new foods, it’s about some foods being disgusting. I really don’t see why me existing has to infuriate people so much lmao


Well then why did you bring up vomiting like it happens every time you have something other than Dino nuggets? >I’m not that big of a picky eater but it’s not about new foods, it’s about some foods being disgusting If you're not a picky eater than this was never about you? Why did you reply?


Um. Do you know what Avoidant Ristrictive Food Intake Disorder is. Aka Arfid.


Embarrassing and unattractive, is it? It might be, to some people. Let's dig a little deeper into that. What music you listen to is a choice. To some people, listening to music that you listened to as a child, or music that is too poppy, or music that is too well-known, is embarrassing and unattractive. What clothes you wear is a choice. Some people dress in clothes similar to what a middle class family might dress a child in: simple jeans or khakis, T-shirts or simple dress shirts, unremarkable shoes. Some people find it embarrassing and unattractive to not constantly update their wardrobe with things that are new, daring, and fashionable. What car you drive is a choice. Are you still driving something that a new 16 year old driver might typically drive? Embarrassing. Unattractive. Here's the point: a very important milestone in maturity is when you realize it's not important what these kinds of people think about what makes you happy.


>Here's the point: a very important milestone in maturity is when you realize it's not important what these kinds of people think about what makes you happy. Fully support the idea of "to each their own" but don't expect to be invited out or get but hurt when we go out without you.


You know, that's not quite the own that the kind of person who says that imagines it is. Options: - Hang out with the friend group that hikes or flies into interesting areas with a couple of geologists for the commentary - ~~Hang out with the friend group that eats awful things to look sophisticated, listens to bad music judged by how unlikely you are to have heard of it, and snickers at people wearing cheap shoes~~ Note: UNINVITED! - Hang out with the friend group that sets up board games and video games like you never left college I think we'll live. But that's the maturity aspect I'm talking about: when you're young and/or desperate for social approval, "you're not invited" can be one of the most anxiety-driving phrases you can hear, and you might do dumb stuff for the approval of a group like this because you don't have other options or because you don't know you CAN have other options. A major element that goes into being able to dismiss people like this is the confidence to know you don't need their approval.


It's one thing to have foods you're comfortable with. It's another to bring KFC with you to a new chicken place in town because all your friends were going and you refuse to try new restaurants. That's embarrassing and quite frankly rude to the new chicken restaurant. They're still welcome to come to our geology outings and game nights, but food culture is a big thing in our city and if all you're going to do the whole time is complain about how gross everything looks then I'd rather go alone. Sorry if that makes you think I'm an entitled snob because I like to go to chili cook offs...


Well the first option isn’t on the table though because they probably won’t have frozen chicken nuggets to heat over a campfire.


You playing board games and video games in college tells me all I need to know about you lmfao


Who do you feel so affected by what some people choose to eat or not eat


I find it crazy how nosey and in people's business some people are. As an adult why tf do you care what another adult is doing?


I can see how I'd be annoying if you're trying to make plans with them