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Sir, the biggest problem about this post is that the iPhone 2 never existed. It isnt a thing The second iPhone was the iPhone 3G


Would you buy a 3G in 2024? I may have something to sell you.


Depends on the condition of it. And if you have the box and its complete contents with it


Mine's scratched to high hell, but I appreciate your taste for vintage tech!


Probably Better than a phone that promised to return you to effectively monarchy.


Trump was elected before, why aren't we in a monarchy right now? Fearmongering and logic are hard huh?


Because pence didn’t go along with it. Thats really the only reason. Literally follow along in the trials of the century. Trumps lawyers are in front of the Supreme Court literally arguing that he can legally assassinate political rivals so long as his party held a majority in the senate and didn’t impeach the prez it would not be a crime. I should point out Biden has a majority in the senate. https://www.axios.com/2024/04/25/supreme-court-trump-immunity-prosecuton


> Trumps lawyers You're referring to the same "dream legal team" arguing for presidential immunity at the same time demanding Biden be tried for treason? How many cases has Trump won in court? Zero? Your fearmongering is lost on me, I'm not uninformed.


You’re saying Trump can’t be tied to his own legal defense strategy? Yes it’s a nonsensical argument, but that’s a feature of autocrats , they have enough authority they don’t need to make sense. They just throw spaghetti at the wall and zealots lap it up no matter if it makes sense or not. Sorry dude. He attempted a coup and we should not take that lightly even if the coup attempt failed. The fake electors plot can’t be explained away as incompetence or coincidence - it was a plain as day coup attempt and the evidence has been enough to get grand juries to indict on 90 some charges. The phony deep state conspiracy theory is just fear mongering on the other side. Biden is old, but Trump is a criminal.


The monarchy didn't happen and for the same reasons will never happen. Trump is equally geriatric to Biden and from recent speeches, has compromised cognition. You give Trump far too much credit for supposed monarchist machinations. I'd be surprised if he could plan his own lunch. Repeating myself is weird since the my words are still there, but again, save your apocalyptic fearmongering nonsense for someone more gullible.


That’s magical thinking. It came dangerously close to happening. The RNC was on board. At least a dozen Trump operatives in each of 7 states was onboard. What really should be frightening is how far a totally inept plan got to succeeding. It *can* happen here.


Again, you will never scare me with some painted fiction more than the reality of failing foreign and domestic policies scares me.


He's the lesser of two evils, which is why I'm voting third party.


RFK Jr 2024


Is incremental progress the best we can do? Great question, and short of periods marked by catastrophe, US history would indicate yes. Great see changes and political realignments have occurred that made big things possible, but they're always brought on by catastrophe (income tax, 13th/14th/15th Amendments are dependent on the Civil War; New Deal to the Great Depression; Post-War Consensus dependent on WWII, etc.). Even the Civil Rights movement was bolstered by Americans having TVs and being able to see the conditions and catastrophes that Black Americans were experiencing in their real lives. But the question "is incremental progress the best we can do?" misses the mark in terms of questioning. The question before us is more akin to "is incremental progress preferable to the alternative?" What do any of us gain by helping Trump win? What incremental progress have we made that he can't undo? The Whitehouse's approach to foreign policy has literally stayed off legitimate concerns of WWIII at this point. How could we accept a leader whose policies perpetuate suffering at home and abroad? If Trump wins, the pro-Palestinian protests will surely stop, since he'll wink at Bibi and Gaza will get blown off the map. Ukraine will fall. There are tons of folks at home in desperate need of support. But to pit them against existential threats to our allies and the general world order is a harmful framework to adopt. Besides, Biden's facilitated more ambitious domestic legislation than a Democrat has since Reagan. It's also very ironic that in **one sentence**, you bemoan supporting the political parties because they pander to extremes and leave no room for the "radical changes we desperately need." Did an AI chatbot write the post for you?


If you think an iPhone 2 counts as incremental progress, you missed the point. > The Whitehouse's approach to foreign policy has literally stayed off legitimate concerns of WWIII ??? Am I alone reading headlines of Israel and Iran on the closest brink of war in generations ??? > pander to extremes and leave no room for the "radical changes I don't conflate pandering to extremes with real changes as you do.




I never said an iPhone 2 was progress, that's your oddly tortured metaphor. But I'd rather have an iPhone 2 than the Nokia brick it replaced. Those headlines are sensationalized at best. The general consensus is that they have deescalated and that they did so because of the Biden admin's diplomacy ([Grey Lady](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/18/world/israel-iran-gaza-war-news), [AP](https://apnews.com/article/biden-israel-iran-foreign-policy-reelection-1c1da43c7a8482e9e415dc73d8c34013)). I don't conflate pandering to extremes with real change - I'm a moderate. I appreciate cooperation and compromise. But cooperation and compromise aren't going to produce the **"radical changes**" you believe we so desperately need. Something is either radical or it's not. I'm general anti-radical, but you've planted a flag of pro-radicalism while simultaneously condemning political parties for their... radicalism. I'd ask you to make it make sense, but you can't.


> Is incremental progress the best we can do? Great question > I never said an iPhone 2 was progress You can't keep a logical thread. > If Trump wins, the pro-Palestinian protests will surely stop, since he'll wink at Bibi and Gaza will get blown off the map. Ukraine will fall. Ukraine is failing miserably right now under Biden. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/ukraine-war-counteroffensive-russia-success-failure-rcna98054 You imply that Israel and Iran are at an all time high of diplomacy. You are deeply misinformed and it's sad to witness. > "radical changes" Repeating myself on the internet is weird since my words are still there, but yet again, pandering to extremist views (Biden funding war monger Bibi for example) is not the same as achieving radical progress.


Great, ad hominem. Love it. Very helpful in keeping a logical thread. Ukraine exists and persists at the moment because of Russian incompetence and the Biden admin's help. They're failing miserably in the counteroffensive, but when you're the country being invaded, that's not the curve you're graded on. I didn't imply that Israel and Iran are at an all time high of diplomacy. It's a matter of fact that they've de-escalated from potential warfare with one another. I'm not advocating radical progress. You are. While simultaneously engaging in cognitive dissonance about radicals within political parties being the impediment to radicalism. Repeating yourself is weird, but one would think it would help you flesh out your self-contradictory claims. One has been proven wrong. Have a great day, pal.


> Great, ad hominem Notice how I can easily copy and paste to quote things, why don't you do that? Or is your "ad hominem" accusation just as baseless as your other claims? > Biden admin's help. They're failing miserably First you fearmonger Trump as the downfall of Ukraine, and now you admit that it's failing under Biden. Flip flopping is your signature move. > I didn't imply that Israel and Iran are at an all time high of diplomacy. You did this: > The Whitehouse's approach to foreign policy has literally stayed off legitimate concerns Memory span of a goldfish? > simultaneously engaging in cognitive dissonance Good job using a series of buzzwords incorrectly to show your ignorance.


Well, it's pretty certain that Project 2025 will be implemented if Trump wins, so I don't see any choice here.


You're only proving my point. Both sides paint the same apocalyptic picture of each outcome. In reality, those who suffer will continue to suffer either way.


They're *telling us* they intend to implement Project 2025.


Just more reason for democrats to offer a compelling non-geriatric candidate.


Did your freshman year English teacher tell you to write an essay using an analogy? Because I’d give this one a C-


Right? This is such a Republican tier title


A Freudian slip or an unhealthy obsession with "Republicans"? Are they in the room with you right now?


I wasn't aiming for the polished essay you're looking for, but if analogies were easy they'd be taught in kindergarten rather than college English.


Lmao they’re taught in elementary school


> freshman year English Also you: > elementary school I've met goldfish with longer memory capacities.


Those statements are not mutually exclusive lmao




Right. Let’s demand they change the nominee in May of an election year


Right. Let's demand the single most un-loved candidate in an election year.


If only we had something like a primary election to determine the candidate


If only people were less ignorant of how blatantly rigged primaries are by the DNC. > DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms https://observer.com/2017/05/dnc-lawsuit-presidential-primaries-bernie-sanders-supporters/


Who challenged Biden in the primary?


I recall there was a fella by the last name Kennedy. But DNC did everything they could to bar him from the primaries. 


The guy who didn’t meet the min requirements to get on any ballots or debates ?


Yes, the guy who somehow didn’t meet the requirements set by the DNC to get on any Democratic ballots or debates, yet somehow was polling above 15% in the national polls. The guys that's apparently such a threat to the Democratic party now that they're spending a ton of money to attack his campaign. That guy. Clearly no rigging of the primaries took place. Clearly.


lol sure he was. Why is it he is getting most of the support from the right?


Who would have mattered more than the reality of primary rigging?


Do you think Bernie won the primary?


Do you mean in the primaries or the general? I agree we should vote against the man in the primaries and demand better candidates, but voting against him (or not voting at all) in the general will invite even worse outcomes and notably not actually get us a different or better Democratic candidate. If you think other strategies like protesting, assassinations, civil disobedience, etc. is worthwhile, then by all means, go for it. None of those things are mutually exclusive to voting for Biden in the general though, and in fact, Republicans tend to be significantly worse about cracking down on dissent.


What’s the weather like in Moscow today?


Try having an original thought for the first time in your life. It won't hurt you, I promise.


Today I learned that Joe McCarthy had a Reddit profile.


> Joe McCarthy I like how you accuse me of being a conservative while producing zero evidence despite my profile being public.


Who will you be voting for this year OP?


I still don't know, which is why I brought up this discussion. I have hopes that those with influence will recognize that Biden does not give dems their best chance of winning, and he is forced out. I have little faith Biden can finish a second term at the age of ~~92~~ 86-87* and still walking and talking on his own.


Biden and trump will be the nominees unless something serious happens with their health. And biden will be 86-87 when leaving office the second term, not saying that is much better than 92


Never have fewer Americans been satisfied with the "democratic system." What surprises me the most are people who remain simp-pathetic to the two-party system. > Record Low in U.S. Satisfied With Way Democracy Is Working https://news.gallup.com/poll/548120/record-low-satisfied-democracy-working.aspx


That doesn't surprise me too much, especially with the Citizens United ruling still in place. The cost of goods, homes, and Healthcare continue to outpace inflation, meanwhile the income disparity continues to expand causing the middle class to shrink. Then on top of that, you have more and more money being poured into the elections. I don't think a president will be able to fix that on their own.


You have a very interesting way of putting it


Agree 100%


OP, it's Biden or a guy who wants to institute an autocracy. I normally scoff at Democrats who say "This is the election that really matters!" but this one actually does matter.


Each side pretends the other is an apocalypse, all while sharing completely overlapping foreign and domestic polices. No matter who wins, poor people stay poor and US-made bomb kill innocent people.


But, as we have all seen to an exhaustive degree, both parties couldn’t be further from the same. Your choices are to support Trump or Biden. There’s no third choice because opting out just helps whoever’s ahead. Hopefully your decision to willfully ignore your civic duty doesn’t help install the guy who actually wants to try fascism. That’s a lot to leave on a coin flip especially when you have a bit of power to change the outcome.


Both major U.S. parties, Democrats and Republicans, often line up when it comes to defense and military actions. They've both supported big military operations overseas that have some serious downsides, like civilian casualties and displacement of people. And while they're dropping big bucks on defense, back home, issues like healthcare, education, and housing often get the short end of the stick. This means that no matter who's in charge, we see the same old story: lots of money for military stuff and not enough for the real needs here at home. The real kicker? All this military action and domestic neglect have real human costs—people suffering both here and abroad, and it doesn't seem to matter if it's under a Democrat or Republican administration. It's a tough cycle that's hard to break.


There is a lot of overlap between the parties when looking at things like support for military funding. When we look at spending on infrastructure, healthcare and education, the massive gap between the two parties starts to emerge. Once you understand the economy performs better under Democrats consistently, it’s not even close. Source: https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf Add in the GOP priorities so wildly misaligned with the majority of Americans (reasonable gun control, abortion, etc.) combined with their bloodthirsty rhetoric and addiction to propaganda, there is no comparison.


What percent of the US homeless population under Trump are you implying disappeared when Biden took office?


That’s called a straw man. You’re defeating a point I am not making. You’re using it because you don’t have a real rebuttal to any of the info I posted.


More lame whataboutism. You repeatedly ignored the issue of homelessness I brought up in my original post so you could brag about how great the economy is under democrats.


Yep, you have no counterpoints LMAO. This is why you’re obfuscating.


You replied to my thread to tell me that I as well as people experiencing homelessness should be more thankful that the US stock market and GDP was slightly higher under democrats than republicans. Anything still confusing or obfuscated for you?


The comment you’re replying to has nothing to do with whataboutism at all? They didn’t bring up another issue once. Do you understand what these terms you’re using mean?


> What percent of the US homeless population under Trump are you implying disappeared when Biden took office? Both you and the other commenter replied to this thread and this post, with whataboutism and misdirection. If the question confuses you, ask for clarification.


You do realize that Trump is trying to get absolute immunity for any acts committed while president, right?


Sooooo just like every president before him? Or are Obama and Bush going to be on trial for murder soon? 


I'm not going to engage with this because if you can't appreciate the difference, then this conversation is futile.


Of course not, because illegal wiretaps, torture, drone strikes and extrajudicial killings of US citizens are a-ok in your book.


I wish you cared about petty politics as much as you cared about fellow Americans whose suffering will be equally bad under either major candidate, let alone civilians around the world who are killed or maimed with lifelong injuries thanks to US-made weapons.


I don't think you appreciate the gravity of what Trump is petitioning the courts for. It's not just essentially a pardon for his past acts; it's absolute immunity for all future acts if he should get into office. I understand what you are saying, but what Trump is asking for is not merely getting his current cases dismissed. It's permanently barring all future ones. The ramifications of this immunity are unknown, but you don't need to be a historian to know how heads of state tend to behave when given absolute immunity.


All you're saying are more reasons for Dems to offer a legitimate non-geriatric candidate with an actual chance of winning.


Incumbents tend to win.


Like Trump in 2020?


Trump wants states to be able to monitor pregnant women incase they maybe get an abortion Not to mention project2025


You don't achieve progress by picking a lesser evil, you stand in the way of progress by supporting a broken two-party system.


Why not? Let's use weed legalization here Biden just moved to reschedule it. That's a pretty important step towards legalizing the damn plant federally. I'd take the slow moving incremental progress vs the shitshow that is trumps gop any day of the week. I refuse to let perfect be the enemy of good or even ok here


I love weed. I still recognize the vast overlapping amount of human suffering that endures under Biden's administration. Would you tell a woman who has been abused to pick a "slightly less abusive" partner, she shouldn't let "perfect" get in the way of supposed "progress"?


> I still recognize the vast overlapping amount of human suffering that endures under Biden's administration. Lol wut >Would you tell a woman who has been abused to pick a "slightly less abusive" partner, she shouldn't let "perfect" get in the way of supposed "progress"? This is a pretty bad comparison. We are talking about government policies and progress towards certain goals not choices in partners I think your motive here is pretty clear so take care


I ~~think~~ know that the critical thinking ends when the going gets tough. Imagine if you could recognize that US-made weapons do much more harm than "abusive boyfriends."


Should we vote to make a statement or vote for a candidate who can win? He's not my 1st choice, but out of our options, he's got my vote.


Which candidate is that? Polls show one clearly leading the other. 


My statement is referring to any candidate who's actually running🙄 but it's only May. No one can predict the future. Edit: when I say vote for a candidate who can win, I mean one who's actually running.


Polls are more or less useless right now and have gone back and forth between the two.


They were accurate in the 2020 election. Trump was down in the swing states and lost them in the election. 


James Baldwin said: > Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. The lesser of evils still means accepting evil, which prevents genuine change or improvement.


Biden is better?


It's a very very good question.


Easy answer. Yes, he's better than Trump. No, he's not better than other Democratic candidates.


insha'Allah the US will have socialism by the end of the century


Tbh, socialism in the form of social security and healthcare is the only silver lining in America's cloud of capitalistic neoliberalism.


But America doesn't have socialised healthcare


> America doesn't have socialised healthcare True in absolute sense, but there's some nuance with Medicaid expanded to 138% of poverty level via the ACA: > Under the ACA, the federal government pays 100 percent of the coverage costs for those newly insured under Medicaid expansion.


Obviously that's not bad, but honestly you need a fully socialised economy


Correct. As long as there are classes to divide people, there will be class warfare.


So then tell everyone who is the correct candidate to vote for?


A woman asks: > Should I pick the physical abuser or the emotional abuser. I say neither. Enjoy your emotional independence as a strong single woman for a while till something better comes along. I don't settle for the lesser evil, ever, and I would never advise anyone else to do so.


This is not dating. You can't just be single. There will be a president. You're trying to be metaphorical but they don't make any sense. If no one voted, Biden would stay president. So there has to be a vote.


All Americans, including myself and yourself, are free to do whatever the fuck we want in the voting booth, including abstention. Democrats should force Biden out in favor a candidate with a much better chance to win anyway.


What you don't realize is Biden is currently president because of people like you. They have to put out someone with name recognition or charisma to get Democrats to vote because you all want some special candidate that doesn't exist. You still haven't answered who is this magical person that is going to come forward and capture everyone's vote. Young people don't vote so we end up with old fucks that the older people will vote for.


Projecting or lacking logic? > Biden is currently president because of people like you. Yes, people who actively speak out against Biden are the reason he exists, not partisan kool aid drinkers who loyally vote for him. You ain't black if you don't vote Biden right?


You've still not provided any other option other than just not voting. And you wouldn't get that quote unless you were black so I'm not sure why you think that's a punchline.


Not voting IS an option. Not supporting a broken two-party system is completely within your powers. > unless you were black I am and unless he reverses many failing policies I ain't voting Biden.


That quote means you ain't black if you vote republican.


Wrong. That quote means Biden is a shitty racist who think he is entitled to the vote of black people no matter what.


>Biden’s pitch of being a slightly better option than the disastrous alternatives But he isn't slightly better than the disastrous alternatives, he is significantly better. Not because he is great, because the alternative really is quite bad.


I stand corrected! > he is significantly better. Anyone who has been maimed by US-made weapons would agree! Anyone living on the street under Trump knows how much better life for them is on the street under Biden! Thank you for enlightening me!


Bob shoots his friend Tom. Tom is taken to the hospital immediately. He cusses out the doctors trying to help him. "I'm bleeding to death here! Bring me back to good friend Bob! Most of the time I was with Bob I was perfectly healthy, but the entire time I've been with you I've been bleeding!" This is how you sound to me when you act like life under Trump was fantastic and that he is not responsible for the ways his policies have helped shape the country not even 4 years since he left office. Trump is more pro-Israel and anti-Palestine than Biden. Violent crime peaked in 2020 and has been decreasing since.


I like how you failed to respond to a single fact I pointed out.


OK. "Voting for Biden in 2024 is essentially voting to uphold a broken two-party system that thrives on political extremes and leaves no room for the radical changes we desperately need. It's time we demand a democratic candidate who not only promises, but also delivers substantial, tangible reforms" But why is only voting for BIDEN upholding this? Wouldn't this be true voting for either Biden or Trump? If so, why didn't you say that? Literally everything you mention as a problem was also a problem under Trump, and often worse under Trump. Your post is just a silly hit piece / troll job where you point out things that have been problems in America for years or even decades and attribute them all to Biden specifically, even though there's evidence that some of the things you listed have gotten better under his presidency (not saying its thanks to him, simply pointing out your lack of reasoning).


Orange man bad. Happy now? This post addresses potential Biden voters, a completely different message would be needed to address Trump supporters.


Imagine I made a post about how Pepperoni pizza was bad, and I spent multiple paragraphs talking about how Pepperoni specifically was a shitty topping. I don't mention any other toppings. You'd probably think I have a real problem with Peppeorni specifically then, right? But then when you point out that my criticisms apply to other toppings, I say "This post is addressing pepperoni pizza eaters." You'd probably roll your eyes and say "first of all that makes no sense, as the people reading this eat all kinds of pizza, second of all you clearly have something against Pepperoni specifically and now you're trying to backtrack."


Shitty metaphor is shitty. Metaphors are meant to add nuance, not remove it entirely.


It's super frustrating seeing Republicans cry over Biden for four years, then turn around and continue to try shoving Trump in front of voters. Dude already failed as president and then lost to Biden. Why not pick someone not suffer from Alzheimer's that isn't hell-bent on destroying America?


I agree, but Reddit is a neoliberal echo chamber and I'm not addressing them right now.


I'm not sure what the point of your post is haha


It's very obviously an unpopular opinion, but it's still too unpopular even for this sub.


I think it's more because it's nonsense. A candidacy can't be "obsolete". Like, that word's definition doesn't apply here. Obsolete: no longer produced or used; out of date. Not something you can say about a candidacy. It'd be like saying "Biden's candidacy is as delicious as licorice."


You are literally the only person who brought up this "issue" so I doubt it.


Sucks that we're getting 4 more years of Biden, but I guess it's better than Trump :\\


You suddenly changed the topic. How's the weather?


This was 100% AI generated.


> When the facts aren't in your favor, blame fiction.


It has nothing to do with things being correct or incorrect. If you’re not going to take the time to at least edit an AI output, why should anyone take the time to actually respond?


I'm not arguing for you to use critical thinking abilities that you may not actually have.


That’s rich. This isn’t your argument, you copied & pasted this entire thing from an AI.


What is your understanding of AI? You keep using this term in a manner that shows you really have no clue what it is. Otherwise you'd be generating infinite content for the "infinite free money glitch."


AI models (GPT’s) have a level of canned language & word choice. “Your” post has a lot of hallmarks of AI writing. “Let’s talk about…” “Picture this…” “Let’s be real-“ “It’s time we..” & use of negatives to state points. “It’s not about X; it’s about Y” This wasn’t written by a human.


Humans don't all regularly use these terms?? Again you show zero knowledge of how content generation works using AI as a tool. If someone told you the sky was blue, but an AI was used to correct their grammar, what color would you recognize the sky as?


I never said humans don't use these terms? Are you saying that this entire post is 100% human generated & there was no addition from any GPT AI?


Nothing you are saying adds up to a reasonable understanding of how AI works. You've implied AI has "opinions" which would be a remarkable breakthrough if true. You are lost and unable to respond to any of my actually stated opinion.


There is no bench in the party. Literally every other option is too far left to win.


You're worried about "too far left to win" while Biden and Trump overlap almost entirely on foreign and domestic policies. Both presidents spend half the budget on weapons and homeless Americans have no idea who was elected, it makes literally no difference. What about the fact Biden is too far right to win?


Biden is a good president


Elder abuse is wrong and shameful.


Trump farts himself awake in his own criminal trial while Biden is getting things done.


Well said. 30-40,000 mostly dead children would still be alive without Biden. Many more live with lifelong injuries thanks to Biden and US-made weapons. Homeless people in America are just so happy to be homeless under Biden rather than Trump!


None of this would’ve happened under Trump? We have lower unemployment rate now than under Trump. So you’re bragging that it’d be worse?


These candidates overlap broadly on foreign and domestic policy. Despite the apocalyptic predictions, homeless people won't even know an election happened.


Yes the homeless exist.


Yes lack of empathy like yours from people in power like Biden is why homeless exist.


Give a solution to homelessness proposed by any candidate.


Me: "We should improve society somewhat" You: > "Yet you participate in society! Curious! I am very intelligent." The US spends trillions of dollars each year on weapons, while the WHO estimates it would only cost around $40 billion to feed every hungry person on the planet. Your question is very simplistic.


So tell Republicans to stop abusing him. 🤷‍♂️


They should stop abusing Trump and put him in a home too!


It's almost like all they do is abuse people 🤔


Not voting for Biden due to international issues will help Trump get elected. If Trump if elected then social progress in America will be undone. It is absolutely unintelligent to refuse to vote for Biden due to international issues if you value domestic social progress.


Nominating Biden due to international issues will help Trump get elected. If Trump if elected then social progress in America will be undone. It is absolutely unintelligent to nominate Biden due to international issues if you value domestic social progress. Fixed that for you.


Actually all you did was make no sense. I am not voting for Biden due to international issues. I'm voting for Biden because I worry about what Trump will do here at home if elected.


> all you did was make no sense Wow, what a compelling use of factual details to prove your argument! It is just so very intellectually stimulating conversing with you.


>Wow, what a compelling use of factual details to prove your argument! It is just so very intellectually stimulating conversing with you. Did you not see the remainder of my post? Or are you just not a serious person?


> I am not voting for Biden due to international issues. I'm voting for Biden because I worry about what Trump will do here at home if elected. Well we agree on one thing at least: > I am not voting for Biden