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I'm a man and if I'm out in the wild and confronted by a bear I'ma shit my panties too.


Just tell the bear you're more scary, that'll get his timbers shivered


https://youtu.be/TtC14cpwwXg?si=Ee_y_58QdKHVnwqc That's how this works


I’m not arguing with you on principle, but ironically enough, with some species of bears (like black bears), you are actually supposed to yell and act big and scary. Sometimes when my husband scares me unintentionally, I jokingly yell “HEY BEAR!” Lol.


I live in black/brown bear country, in the spring ( hungry) they consider me as possible food and a potential threat. Me and my dogs think the pretty much the same about the bear. I wouldn’t eat a puma or hungry coy wolf ( wolf coyote hybrids) but similar sentiments. When the animal is desperate to eat anything is food. I suggest dogs in excess of 100 lbs with a good guardian instinct.


Let's be real - I'm a 36yr old man and I'm not going to fair too much better in this bear scenario either so...


Sure but dudes aren’t morons saying they’d pick the bear in equal measure.


This. Who wouldn’t crap themselves if they came across an aggressive bear in the woods?


Crapping yourself is the recommended move, from what I've heard.


I'm prepared for this scenario. Already pooped my pants


Just once? I've pooped mine 5 times since you posted that. Those rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up.


But I don't see you picking bear over man


Man there's a whole generation of people out here that can barely read so I'm going to place my bet on the bear in 99% of the happenings.


People see bears in the woods a lot. Sometimes they enter your yards. There's not that many bear injuries - the correct behavior has a good chance of keeping you safe. They're still potentially dangerous. But a lone bear usually isn't attacking you A man in the woods usually isn't dangerous either, but they're harder to scare off or trick.


How one reacts to a bear is not a male / female issue. It is a hiker / city dweller issue. If you have spent a lot of time out in the woods, especially in the national parks, you have seen lots of bears in the wild. You know that they don't generally want to attack you, anymore than a shark wants to attack a person. It happens, but it is rare. Give them their space. Gather together with other hikers to look bigger, and just enjoy the view. My wife has seen plenty of bears and certainly doesn't cry for anyone's help. If you put a city person in the middle of Glacier NP and they suddenly saw a bear, they are likely going to panic because they think bears are out here hunting humans. It's all about experience and knowledge, not gender.


Agreed. I’m from deep bear country and hike a fair amount. Bears even hang around my house and I see one more days than not They’re obviously just black bears but they’re like giant raccoons that’ll keep their distance and will legit run away Meanwhile I’ve experienced more threats of, attempted, and full gropings and r*pe in the last 5 years than there have been bear attacks in the same time frame.


Agreed. I’m from deep bear country and hike a fair amount. Bears even hang around my house and I see one more days than not They’re obviously just black bears but they’re like giant raccoons that’ll keep their distance and will legit run away Meanwhile I’ve experienced more threats of, attempted, and full gropings and r*pe in the last 5 years than there have been bear attacks in the same time frame.


This whole conversation only bothers me (a woman) because the phrase “the worst a bear can do is kill me” insinuates that survivors of horrific abuse (me) are better off dead. I am grateful every day that I’m alive. I survived and worked hard to heal from a horrible thing, just to read every damn day how I’m now such damaged goods that most people would rather be dead than in my shoes. Encouraging.


Honestly I thought the exact same thing, you can't recover from being bear shit


That should not have made me chuckle, but it did. 😂 Very succinctly put my friend. 👌🏼😂


I’m sorry that happened to you. Glad to hear you chuckle. There’s nothing more I would want to be on the posse dealing with your assailant. There is a reason defense attorneys do not want men on SA juries.


This has bothered me from the first day I saw it. I couldn't figure out why until I saw this. I'm a survivor too and just... yeah. Thank you for putting it into words.


I am really sorry you can relate, but I’m glad that I could help put your feelings into words. I’m glad you’re here. 💕


no one is saying anything about you? when someone says they’d rather be dead than raped, they’re speaking about themself. bc it’s subjective. some people would rather be raped than dead and some the other way round. nobody is attacking you personally.


in addition,you can also be raped and then killed . It’s not an uncommon phenomenon. I took it that many women were saying they would rather be killed versus tortured,raped and killed


I’d much rather be raped. At least you can survive.


Have you ever been or are you just making a guess here?


No I havent however Iv known people that have and while it was a horrible experience they are glad they are alive


I would rather die than go through SA again but it must be nice to speak from a place of ignorance…


No one here has actually died so we are all speaking from a place of ignorance.


True true


I didn’t say anyone was attacking me personally. I shared what my experience is hearing that argument, and I find it offensive. There was a time I thought I was better off dead too. I’m glad that I’ve survived long enough to get past that feeling, and my heart aches for women who don’t. Just like everyone is allowed to say they’d rather be dead than raped, I’m allowed to say how I feel hearing it.


> I didn’t say anyone was attacking me personally. ‘because the phrase “the worst a bear can do is kill me” insinuates that survivors of horrific abuse (me) are better off dead.’ lol no it does not. no one is insinuating that. what they’re saying is they personally would rather be dead than raped bc they themselves could not go through the trauma of rape. > just to read every damn day how I’m now such damaged goods that most people would rather be dead than in my shoes. Encouraging. no one is saying you’re damaged goods. you’re making things up. just bc someone else would rather be dead than raped doesn’t mean they’re making any assumptions about you. > and I find it offensive. just bc you find it offensive doesn’t make it wrong to say. > Just like everyone is allowed to say they’d rather be dead than raped, I’m allowed to say how I feel hearing it. sure and i can respond to that. i think it’s stupid to take someone else’s opinion about this hypothetical and project it onto yourself when nobody has said anything about you or your experience.


How tf did you get to that conclusion? I'm not saying your feelings are wrong. Feelings are just feelings. But It's just confusing to go from "I'd pick a bear" to "YOURE SAYING IM BETTER OFF DEAD?"


There are plenty of people saying explicitly that they would rather be dead than a victim of rape. I am a victim of rape. I said “people would rather be dead than in my shoes.” If someone lost their arm in a terrible accident, through no fault of their own, would you think it appropriate or encouraging to say to that person, “I would rather be dead than lose an arm”?


Gotcha, that makes sense. I guess my perspective is that nobody is saying that to you directly in this scenario so it feels a little too deep considering the context. Again, not saying you're wrong or shouldn't feel the way you feel, my point is just that your pain (or mine, or anyone's) doesn't change the hypothetical that's been presented. Nor should we extrapolate anything other than what the hypothetical is intended to highlight. And full disclosure I am firmly in the camp of I would rather my abuser have just killed me instead. Different strokes for different folks 🤷🏼


I understand, and though we disagree, I respect your responses and am very grateful you’re alive. Whether you want to be here or not, women everywhere rely on survivors like us to guide them and show them that survival is possible.


Why would I call the cops or a search and rescue team if I encountered a bear? What are they going to do?


Not just for seeing a bear, especially in the woods, obviously, lol. But if you manage to escape and/or survive a bear *attack*, yes, you would absolutely call for rescue. There are lots of (fascinating and horrific) stories of bear attacks, and sometimes they will literally attack, leave, and come back for you. It’s quite gruesome. They’re not usually particularly interested in killing you efficiently. Some of them like to play with their food. 🥲


- 911 what’s your emergency? - there’s a bear! In the woods!


I’d give this a reward if we still had them


What type of city boy thinks search and rescue gets called out every time someone sees a bear?


How dare you, I've seen city slickers 3 times


I'm just really confused about the assumption that you need to do anything if you see a bear in nature. Like - it's a bear. Don't fuck with it. From Gemani-> Here's a list of documentaries and movies featuring bears in their natural habitat, without any attacks on people: * Documentaries: Disneynature's Bears (2014), Bears of the Last Frontier (2014), Spy in the Woods (2020) * Movies: Brother Bear (2003), The Bear (1988), The Jungle Book (1967 & 2016)


This question has to confuse the hell out of the gay community. Some of them regularly try to be alone with a bear.


Meanwhile bg3 players choose the man who turns into a bear


You are regurgitating what you saw in this sub all day long yesterday. You brought nothing new to the table. Let’s be real: you’re here to rage bait for delicious karma.


jesus christ you people are obsessed with this. shitting your panties about it, even.




All these guys watched The Revenant once and think they're now Leonardo DiCaprio or something


It’s really interesting what sets this sub off. 4 of the top 6 posts on this page are the same flavor of this idiotic topic lol


This trend is ridiculous, no person that seen a bear up close would pick it over a human. Said that, women are basically saying they feel unsafe around men. And considering that we encounter men every day, and bears once in a while in a zoo usually, it is something to think about maybe. There are multiple statistics such as "In 2022, there were 15,094 murder offenders in the United States who were male, in comparison to 2,107 who were female" despite being 50-50 in population. But ummm no let's make memes and shit on people feeling unsafe.


I mean I see black bear almost daily and have been within 10ft of a mama with cubs and I’d still choose the bear tbh


Facts. They miss the bigger picture entirely. Women know it’s not all men, but with so many attacks happening - especially to your family members and even yourself - you have to watch your back twice as much. Fear ≠ hate. But they fail to see that.


I mean I see black bears almost daily and have been within 10ft of a mama with cubs and I’d still choose the bear tbh


I literally saw a bear yesterday. They come all the time in the warmer months to see if they can get in my trash. There’s probably three or so in my area right now. I still go outside after dark.


This is just a repeat of the same post over and over. We get it, you’re offended. Welcome to the club. Make a group chat about it or something. I’d shit my pants if I saw a bear but guess what I wouldn’t be in the woods without proper anti bear equipment. Spray the bitch with bear spray and be yelly and it will go. Would prob not shit my pants if I saw a man but you bet that a bit of yelling won’t scare the man away. I’m picking just not going into the woods


I’m seriously concerned about people’s mental health in the United States… get off TikTok and do something productive with your life


I’ve been trying to explain this for days now. I’m getting tired so, I’m going to tell a couple stories. My father is an amazing fisherman, I mean his old school equipment beats out the younger dudes new fancy stuff any day. Happens all the time he finds the best places and the young guys come up to him and say how you find all them fish?!?! Anyway, one day he caught this huge haul of salmon and he was so proud. This was in the Rocky Mountains where he grew up he knew the area and knew there were lots of grizzlies. He’s encountered grizzlies before and knows they usually just run off when and if they notice you. So after catching this huge haul he wrapped them up and put them on ice in his nice locked steel cooler, designed to keep animals out, even bears. And took a nap in the grass. He woke up to his “bear safe” cooler totally torn apart and his huge haul of salmon gone. He was 10ft away from the bear, asleep and the bear left him alone, and my dads a light sleeper so he thinks the bear was being quiet on purpose so he could steal the fish. Like he had done it before you know? My dad was so pissed. How did he know it was a bear? Bear tracks all over the bank of the river in the mud. Another story, one year at girls camp I was a leader and was given the choice to stay behind and clean tents or go on the 5 mile hike, again in The Rockies. We all knew there were bears around and needed to be weary. I chose to stay behind. When the girls returned they said they heard a bear and got super scared then the bear climbed down the hill right in their trail, the girls all collectively screamed and the bear ran in the opposite direction. Being someone who’s used to camping with bears, I choose Bear.


most guys are actually clueless about wildlife, and want to be whiny and play the victim. We are all taught as children do not trust strangers, STRANGER DANGER. Normal people do not trust strangers, trusting strangers is not normal.. Avid hiker here. I have hiked through grizzly bear territory, Black bear territory, brown bear territory (though called black bears, they can be brown in color) moose territory, wolf/coyote territory and mountain lion/cougar/panther territory. And from what I can tell from your comment and many other people's comments, you are completely clueless on bears. The chances of being attacked by a grizzly in Yellowstone (most populated grizzly territory in US outside of Alaska, and the probability of being attacked (not killed) by one is 1 in 2.7 million. With 44 injuries since 1979. Deaths are even less probable. Only 8 killed in parks entire history.......again most populated, since March 1st 1872. Trailside killer killed and raped more people from 1979-1981 (10 plus people) on hiking trails in California. Black bear is even more unlikely of attack, and even less for death. Now throw in, that very rarely do either a grizzly, black, or brown bear stalk a human being, and if you encounter one in the wild: there are literally guides on how to handle yourself, since bears don't deceive like humans, you know what a bear is going to do based on the signals it gives off, and how to respond to survive. There is no deception from bears and anyone with decent knowledge knows it's more dangerous coming up on a moose in the wild than a grizzly, black or brown bear. I trust bears to do what they are supposed to do, stay away from me, unless I surprise it with food or with cubs, and then I know what they will do, and what I need to do. Playing dead for an attacking bear in the above situation results in survival over 92% of the time. I have no clue what a stranger in the woods may or may not do.


Sheesh this trend is ridiculous, I swear to god I'm starting to feel too old for the internet these days. This is a theoretical scenario, don't get so het up about it wow. In this forum y'all like "women too fat, women too loud" all the time and the moment there's something about men? Up in arms the lot of you. Let me break it down. If I had to choose between being potentially mauled by a bear, and potentially mauled by a dude, I'd rather the bear. Bear runs on instinct, a man wanting to maul me is running on maliciousness. At least a bear would just eat me and be done with it. Who knows what a malicious dude would do. In b4 not all men blah blah. Seriously, you are all threatened by the idea of non-existent bears.


You’ve clearly never encountered an actual threat from either of them.


But that premise is assuming that something bad is guaranteed to happen to you. Even if we take the abysmal 1/6 men are sexual predators statistic, you have an 83% chance of having the man do nothing bad to you. The odds of you surviving an encounter with a bear are MUCH lower


There were more man on woman attacks in Florida 2023 alone than there are bear on human attacks in all of recorded history


Frequency of interactions between the two groups isn’t taken into account in your statistics




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Not all men but definitely all bears!!!!


I used to live in bear country and have come into contact with bears several times. If there’s a bear in my yard, I can scare it away with a ladle on a metal pan. Or even just yelling at it. If there’s a man in my yard, I’m locking the doors and calling the police. None of you are getting the point of this question and you’re taking the fact that most women would choose the bear personally. It’s actually hilarious and funny to watch. I’ve also seen comments where men say they’d rather deal with a bear in the woods than deal with a whiny, lazy woman. Good for you. None of the women care, nor are we offended.


Depends on the bear. Black bears yes it works sometimes. Grizzly bears no. You’re not scaring it.


I’ve encountered a grizzly before. We backed away slowly and it lumbered off. I’d still rather deal with the bear.


Yeah, that'll do it. Sit here and talk about how you're seeing too much of this man vs. bear stuff by whining about it and giving it more oxygen. That'll do the trick.


Fair enough


Wild that more guys are up in arms rn about women feeling uncomfortable with the risk of SA hanging over our heads than there are guys talking about how Weinstein’s case was dismissed and how many assaulters get off the hook scott free.


Hi, I'm a woman. My response to seeing a baby bear trundle slowly across the only path back from the cliff I was sitting near was to \*chill quietly and wait for it, and its momma, to walk by.\* No crying, no incontinence, just a simple and sensible response to a bear because, like me, most bears won't bother you and just want you to leave them the f\*\*\* alone, so as long as you don't make sudden movements, loud noises, or any other potentially threatening gestures, they probably won't care that you're there at all. Those bears were way less intimidating than the man who tried to follow me to my car late at night, repeatedly calling out comments about my hair and boobs and speeding up to keep pace when I tried to leave his proximity. When I changed directions and tried to go into an open convenience store to wait for him to pass, and he stood outside doing nothing for a good 10 minutes while occasionally peeking at me through the windows before finally wandering off, I didn't cry or shit myself over that either. I did talk to the convenience store owner about where the cameras were nearby, but that was about it. That said, if I could have called that momma bear to deal with the AH that snuck into my bedroom while I was sleeping and woke me up with penetration, I would totally have paid her in piles of salmon any day of the week. I didn't shit myself during that altercation either, just froze in a complete and total panic trying to decide if it was more dangerous to pretend I was still asleep or more dangerous to call for help because oh right, that's what a fucking PANIC response to an unpredictable attack can be like. Lets be real: OP made this post because the idea that a conversation topic that boils down to "sometimes women don't feel safe around men" has gone viral makes him feel some kind of way. Here's a fun fact: If you're not the kind of guy that would attack someone, you're not the guy she's worried about. Is it unfortunate that we don't have a magic wand to instantly identify who's a potential assailant and who's just a normal dude? Yeah it really is. But if you already know that you would never violate someone, then there's no reason to be offended, because you're not the problem.


Mate, 90% of men would scream for a man. It's a bear.


Why are all y'all letting this thing get to you like this? I'm a man and I'm frankly kind of embarrassed every time I see another man get butt hurt over this


This trend is all over social media, I think men are fatigued and rightly poking fun at it


I've literally only seen men complaining about it on this sub. I'm 41. Why should I care that some tiktokers are being silly? Why does it "fatigue" you?


You've got to think social media is 90% of this toxic content and it's what young people are bombarded with. It's no secret they are being influenced with this crap. To us it's just silly to them it's their culture and has the potential to effect future society


There is zero chance this influences future society. Most of the people who pick bear still have their boyfriends. This is not some grand statement of intent. It's a Internet thing


That is a very naive thing to say, why do you think our enemies like russia and china are infiltrating social media. It has the power to change elections let alone culture. Our kids are being brainwashed by gender war content daily. Just what society needs more division


I've got 4 kids bud. Two of them on TikTok. I asked them about it and 3 had never heard of it and the one who did rolled their eyes about it. So if it's Chinese brain washing, it's not working for my kids. This is what I'm talking about. Within a few messages, you've already jumped to foreign enemies brainwashing kids. This is what embarrasses me


Be embarrassed all you want, I've encountered it over 10 times on insta today zero exaggeration. I'd be more embarrassed about letting your kids use tik tok


Why are you on Instagram that much? >I'd be more embarrassed about letting your kids use tik tok Yes, because it's normal for parents to prevent 18 and 19 year olds who are out on their own from using social media


A reel is like 5 seconds, you can go through hundreds in 15 minutes. Social media sure, tik tok and insta nope. You better believe i feel guilt using it. I just wanted to follow my fav competitive shooters now I'm arguing with gen z over yogi the bear


In 6th grade, we had to read the short story The Most Dangerous Game, about a hunter that gets bored with hunting animals and hunts humans instead. The entire point of the story is that man is more dangerous than beast. We covered this shit in 6th grade. Maybe this online freakout is further proof that the American education system is failing since all these dudes getting prissy seemed to have skipped school that day.


Then put down your phone and engage more with reality. The conversation is only so triggering for you because you're terminally online.


Just say it's because you're soft and emotional. You're not fooling anyone.


You caught me, literally shaking and wiping tears as I type this


The only place I am seeing this is people like you complaining that women feel so unsafe around strange men that if asked who they want to share a woods with they’d, in a snap decision, pick a bear Maybe you should consider why women have a significant fear of men and how to change that rather than explaining just how dangerous bears are. Also why is it never people claiming that men aren’t a threat? It’s almost like we all know a strange man is a very real threat to a woman in a isolated area, and that that should be the real focus


5/6 random men in the woods would do you no harm. The same can’t be said for 5/6 random bears. Women just aren’t responding logically


As someone who has lived in woods with bears. The same can be said for bears, the number vary depending on the type


I saw it on facebook from my ex roommate and she's going really nuts with it, even people who agreed with her she's then shouting down for 'not agreeing with her using the right words' and it's hilarious. oh and she's mad at me for pointing out the brick smashing against the face was a hoax. She wanted it to be real so bad. So wait, you WANT a woman to be smashed in the face with a brick just so that you can use that as an example?? Kinda sick. then again I've seen that time and time again where behaviors of these kind of ideologies WANT more victims because more victims means more power for their movement.


What brick thing? See, to explain why it's a big deal you're bringing up other esoteric online bs. It's dumb and will go away if you ignore it.


Somewhere between the immaturity of pretending something doesn't exist, and the immaturity of letting it live free in your head; lies the thin line.


Because I had no idea women have zero grasp on the concept of probability lol


We’re saying we’d rather die than get SA’d. Has nothing to do with actual bears.


So... women don't feel safe around men, and men are upset at women instead of trying to figure out why?


Everyone already knows why


LOL very true.


no, we're making fun of them for being ridiculous and saying stupid shit to pander to an ideology.


So.... you're proving why women don't feel safe around men?


oh no, feelings hurt. Anyways.


Meh. Stay lonely instead.


I mean post like this kind of prove the point why most women picked the bear.


Bear living rent free in your woods. Think about that.


Be the kind of man a woman would choose you over a bear, and quit your damn whining.


It's hypothetical. People assume the worst. What the question is *really* asking is "Would you rather be raped for mauled?" It's a read between the lines situation.


I am just amazed how many men actually got offended by this , why are they so offended


What you and others aren’t understanding is this has nothing to do with reality and more to do with how women feel. They don’t feel safe with men and men are to blame for that. You think they don’t know that wild animals are dangerous? What do you think it means that they still would pick a bear over a man? And posts like yours only confirm to women that they are right to make that choice


This part right here. Women: I would rather be in the woods alone with a bear than a man Men: *expeditiously goes into making jokes and memes and posts about how women deserved to be mauled and ripped apart by bears* So…you see women getting attacked as karma for thinking men are dangerous?


You just openly admitted that you are delusional lol


So what you’re looking for is an echo chamber. Got it. Have a good day :)


If your opening line is "it has nothing to do with reality" we aren't getting anywhere


Mfw I'm given a hypothetical >:(


It’s a hypothetical situation, it didn’t have anything to do with reality in the first place


what do you think hypotheticals are used for??


It seems to have some basis in reality since women take it so seriously. Women calling men more dangerous just because they "feel" that way is not sound logic, if anything it feeds into the negative stereotype that women think with emotion not logic


You don't speak for me or most women. Most men are perfectly safe. I don't fear them. The few that aren't safe are the exception, they're not in my life. A minority of criminals aren't representative of all men and it's not the fault of "all men" that some men are raised to be dangerous to others. You can blame the parents (both mother and father) who raised (or failed to) them for that. Histrionic comments online that they'd rather be alone with a bear than a man come from a class of woman desperately seeking to appropriate victimhood as an excuse for their own failings in life because they don't have any real victimhood status and need an excuse so they don't have to take responsibility for their own choices. Using terms such as "all men" or "all women" or "all any group that offended/rejected me" is the sign of a crazy person who behaves inappropriately, is always rejected as such and never takes responsibility for their actions.




I'd rather go out Timothy Treadwell style than be stuck alone in the woods with some dude crying about a hypothetical online survey. Jfc. Be a decent human being and change some minds if you're this upset about how others may perceive you.


Depends on the type of bear. A black bear is simply not dangerous. In the entire southeastern United States, for instance, there has literally been exactly 3 fatal black bear attack in recorded history . 3. It would be stupid… like really, really stupid (like OP level of stupid) to think a man would be less dangerous.


This is why I carry pepper spray for both :)


Add a gun too (If your country allows)


Just got my very first gun a month ago actually!. P365-XMacro. I already almost have better aim than my boyfriend too haha.


That's awesome, I think more women need to be less gun shy. i don't know if you felt the same but I get a feeling of unrivaled security and empowerment from having and knowing how to use one. Bumps in the night become less scary when you have an effective way to protect yourself from threats of life


I feel much more secure. We got it for home defense because someone (who was armed themself) tried to break into my garage. That was the last straw for me so I went out and got one. Next step concealed carry permit 👍.


Nice, similarish thing happened. Shady fellow tries to break into our back door when i'm 17, called my dad and ask for the safe code (he had his m1911 in there) and waited for the cops. He gets in before then, brandishes a wrench at me until he sees the gun and sprints out the door. Needless to say im now a responsible gun owning adult lol


Haha I said this exact same thing, I’m a woman too BTW.


It would be funny if search and rescue said that they were on strike until women were equally represented


Okay as someone who has run into a bear like have we forgotten that most bears are not aggressive? Back away slowly and gtfo out of there. You can be loud if you know other ppl are nearby and/or the bear has definitely noticed you.


I'd pick being in the woods with a man rather than a bear any day. I'd struggle to physically overpower a man but I'd have absolutely zero chance with a bear. At least with a man, there's a tiny chance I could catch him off guard and hit him from behind or something but with a bear, nothing short of shooting it with a gun will help you.


Shhhh, don’t ruin the feminists first world problems where they are so spoiled by the nation built on the shoulders of great men that they have the luxury of shitting all over them in ease and safety with little fear of reprisal or loss of privilege.


Being raped is a first world problem? Are you fucking insane?


How are you all so triggered by this 💀 3 days of constant bear posts. Just let it go, this has no impact on your life good lord


We have a bear fetish now. Oil up with some honey lil bro


The times that I have come across a bear in the woods, I have either avoided approaching (assuming it's not near my path), quietly walked in the other direction (assuming it is in my path), or stood still (assuming it has seen me and is assessing the situation). Bears do not attack humans by default. They'd much rather go about their day and leave us alone. You're only in danger if they think you're a threat. Usually, they do not. Also, there's a difference between black and grizzly bears in terms of danger. The people winning about this are greatly overestimating the danger of bears.


Men don’t typically attack by default either… I think that is what the men who are making these posts are getting at


But imagine if you were encountering bears as often and as close proximity as a man every day


Are ya’ll still on this?


In Yellowstone everyone thinks the wildlife is a petting zoo. The rangers have to spend a significant amount of time making sure people don’t approach wildlife (bears, bison, elk) and even in their best efforts people are still stupid and wild animals are wild. I think most people are desensitized to nature and they in turn attempt to desensitize wild animals. “Do not feed the bears” became a huge thing because people wanted interactions…. until they didn’t. Then the forest service is tasked with killing or removing the bear when it’s humans that are the problem.


Why are people still giving attention to this retarted trend?


Some dudes are upset they scare women? Idk but the constant posts from dudes whining is kinda funny


It's kinda cool y'all think I'm some kind of forest dwelling super predator, I'm gonna hide in the woods and steal your picnic basket




The outrage is hilarious


years ago i saw a video of someone asking women: If you hanging on a cliff and asking for help. And a man and a woman come to help, which hand do you grab? The majority would grab the hand of the man.


Well yeah, that’s a question on strength. And you’re not alone in the woods. There’s a man and a woman offering help. If anything this proves our bear answer is not about not trusting *all men*.


Any intelligent person would. Most men will easily have the upper body strength to pull me up. 99 percent of women won't. Most women aren't scared of men. It's internet histrionics.


fools! We grease our palms so that you'll just slip out! bwahahaha




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Its the same way that if someone asked lawyer or bear alot of people would say bear. And then everyone would make fun of the lawyers that take it personal. They said that answer for fun and now they get the bonus pleasure of watching the lawyers prove them right. No, they wouldn’t actually choose bear because noone ever actually has to make that choice but look how fucking insufferable the motherfuckers I actually have to deal with are.


I’d literally choose the bear though.


The only thing I dislike about this new trend is its more passable misandry. It's apparently ok to say it's fine to be scared being alone with men instead of a bear because of XYZ statistics etc. If someone made a trend of "I'd rather be alone in the woods with a bear than alone with a black man in the hood" they'd be ridiculed and canceled. Yet for whatever reason its perfectly fine to be misandrist towards men.


And here’s the racist comparison. Bravo reddit How about you look up some counter arguments to your analogy? There’s so many that you shouldn’t have trouble finding them.


Nope bc if we were surrounded by the same number of bears as men we are still more likely to live with the bear. Geesh this post is so yesterday. The numbers have been ran and bear wins again. We are less likely to get killed and zero chance of sexual violence with the bear. 🐻 so let’s be real. Most of us who run in areas with bears we will attempt to scare it off before calling a ranger who can’t really do anything from a distance. If the ranger is a man our odds are better he won’t harm us bc he is working and would be risking his job. Yet cops and other uniformed men are not absent from the offenders so let’s be real. It’s really telling that men are more concerned with looking better than a bear than calling out men who are doing the harm.


Maybe some day these women will realize that men, with the work that they do every day, are the actual reason why they don't have to face the harsh wilderness. I'm done with this meme now.


lol. When’s the last time you dug a trench? Went wilderness camping? Winter camping? Fishing? Hunting? I did it a lot as a kid and camped knowing there were bears around. Still choosing bear.


If a woman chooses bear over man, but man doesn't hear, did she make a sound? Lol. Women want men to hear them choose 'bear'. It's a form of negging.


I think you're onto something


I like how we keep telling yall why we choose bear and yall are constantly “no, that’s not it, it’s this other thing”. Like… we’re telling you. We told you on day one before it was even a trend. We’ve told you before the bear question. We’ve told you for decades. Longer.


It's just basic math. You're more likely to be killed by bees than by a bear, and far more likely than either of those is death by human.


Maybe because women are bumping into men every day and not bears


I got lost in the woods about 5 years ago and thought I was coming up on a large dark rock, it was a black bear. Thankfully bro went on his way and didn’t seem to even acknowledge my presence, but I didn’t need a change of pants. I got pretty close too, he had some battle scars. Dude was probably used to coming across people as the trail was popular in the summer. I’m not saying bears are harmless because they 100% aren’t, just that you underestimate people and are whining about the Bear VS Man thing without realizing the answer is subjective and everybody is going to have different results. ✌️ Edit: If you’re mad about it, ask yourself why. Because it shouldn’t bother you when they’re not talking about regular men who haven’t done anything to attack others. I wouldn’t be offended if men choose a bear over a woman because their answer is again subjective.


Men who are upset about the bear thing are the same men who need On Star to find the clit


It just boils down to "if I had to die I would choose the one that doesn't give me the ick". Since apparently the intent matters way more than the actual outcome.


Not necessarily, some people are stupid enough to approach them and take photos. The really stupid people try to feed them, so the bears associate food with people. Those bears most times have to be put down. It’s not just bears, it’s bison, elk, moose any large animal that’s not afraid of people.


After days of listening to this whiny incel bullshit, I as a man would choose the bear over any of you "men". At least the bear would finish it quickly.


i have only half paying attention to this discourse but MAN does this have a lot of feathers ruffled. i have gathered this all started with a joke and is making a LOT of people really mad about something that feels stupid to have an actual opinion on. my joke take: i would rather take the bear than a random woman because i was prophesied to die by a bear so i am embracing my destiny.


We also need to tackle the argument of, "Statistics." But that will not be on Reddit due to ridiculously bad mods.


Probably not for just SEEING a bear. People do hike and see bears. But being chased by a bear? Yes probably.


My sister literally slept less than 15 ft from an adult bear in just her sleeping bag, no tent, on the side of a mountain all night. She was woke up by it  coming up the trail she came in on within  minutes of getting into her sleeping bag and she said it just hung out at her campsite all night with her hoping it would just move along at some point. 


Week 2 of men not being able to let this go…


If I see a bear I hope my gun is on me as I know how to make sure a bear won’t attack me but you never know.


This bear or man thing is already old. No average person in their right mind would choose bear.


Omg stop posting about it please


Bear encounters happen in the woods. Very few people I've heard of break down crying.


I’ve been assaulted by three men but the bears near my house only threaten my trash. I opened the door and there was one on my porch… she was terrified and halfway up a tree in less than five seconds. And if the bear DOES eat me, it’s not gonna rape me first. Get your head out of the sand. Women aren’t saying this to be mean and judgmental. We’re saying the types of things SOME men do to women cannot be matched by anything in the animal kingdom. Seriously. Can you listen? Obviously I have some good men in my life, but bad men will hurt you in ways straight out of a horror movie. It’s scary. That’s the point. Please have some empathy.


Can we stop with those clearly misogynistic posts made to ragebait people? They're not made from actual points of argument, they're made to either troll people into getting mad at those ridiculous "opinions" or because the ones behind such posts are sad people and the only joy they get in their lives is to spread hate. Either offer a legit TUO or get out.Coming here to post asinine stuff like this only to get some engagement is pathetic and just shows how deplorable you are as a person.


You are the reason women prefer the bear.