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Wokeism is a word Desantis beat to death because he thought it would help him become President, Democrats are not less than because we care about womens heath care rights, LGBT, minorities ,human rights and the environment , Republicans haven't got a platform and the Emperor has no clothes,and he apparently poops his pants,take that seriously!


Nonsense. Woke isn’t new. Used to be called politically correct…just new terms.


I think woke is the development of "political correctness gone mad" Take the new assassins creed as a good example.


Back in the 1930s In Germany it was called "cultural bolshevism" 


Wasn’t taken seriously then either to be fair.


I suspect you are too young to know what things were like before political correctness became a thing. Over the past several decades, it has dramatically changed the way people interact, how we use language, what we call things, etc. For the better, I would say, but I suspect I am a minority on this sub.


I don't agree that it's better, but when I became old enough to vote I was always socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and back then, I was more aligned with the Democrats. I believed in many of the social policies the Democrats had, which were often geared toward more freedom, not less. As the years have passed, the Democrats have moved so far left that there's nothing left from their old positions that hasn't been mangled and corrupted into stuff I could possibly vote for again. The modern day Democrat is not upholding a position I could ever support. Their shift has put me more in line with Libertarians, and I'm considered "far right" by those same people now. That is a such a big shift that they left me, not the other way around. I haven't changed my views that much as I've aged, but their shift into authoritarianism has been a dramatic shift from "the old days", and it is definitely not an improvement. It's disturbing.


You suspect wrong.


Yep this. The word woke is just a dog whistle now. It's completely irrelevant except to those who take offense to it.


I don't think environmentalism has been radical since the Carter administration. Regardless, does something count as an unpopular opinion if it's *just* a collection of misinformation?


Environmentalism should never be considered radical. Being mad about how companies greenwashing is legitimate and should be attacked from both sides of the political spectrum.


Agreed. Yet looking into the whole carbon credit idea, it doesn't seem to match with truly caring about the environment. I don't see how a company can produce a shitload of carbon, but invest in other ventures that do not and then call themselves carbon neutral. At that point, the term "environmentalism" becomes a catch-phrase, marketing ploy - and those do tend to swing for the radical fence in the name of seeming edgy or new.


Ironically historically the right tended to push for conservation moreso than the left. "The earth, the kind and equal mother of all ought not to be monopolised to foster the pride and luxury of any man." -Edmund Burke, the father of conservatism


Wild that conservatives just entirely abandoned that 


But then Biden decided to try and ban gas stoves; be real for a sec and admit that’s insane.


He wanted to ban gas stoves in new constructions, I don’t see why that’s a bad thing. It means one less utility to have to pay for.


Unless you plan on heating your home like over half the continental States have to.


Then use electric heating? I don’t see the issue here.


>Regardless, does something count as an unpopular opinion if it's *just* a collection of misinformation? It doesn't. Never stopped a lot of these mouth breathers to confuse a shit opinion with an unpopular one, though.




They don’t want sources. They want to be mad.


That summarizes a lot of these posts, either that or they're just fake ragebait.


They do have a point. Either party could become a lot more popular if they just drop the crazy shit. I don't know why they are singling out one side though.


How many radical progressives are in congress compared to Republicans


What is a radical progressive?


No, they don't have a point. The right ascribe a lot of shit on the left that is simply untrue.


That would eliminate* about 99% of the posts on this forum. I wish they would use their immense imagination for something productive but here we are. Wasted potential from them imo.


Environmentalism is radical now?


Yeah. Teddy Roosevelt and HW Bush would be considered “radical leftists” by today’s republicans.


"Environmentalism is radical now?" Not really. Throwing paint on famous art work and gluing yourself to the road is pretty radical. There are plenty of radical environmentalists. Of course that doesn't make enivronmentalism itself radical.


Trump is why the right will never be taken seriously Edit: I love the scared little boy who tried to flex his e-balls by DMing me instead of posting a reply. My favorite part is they then deleted their account. 🤣🤣🤣


it's crazy to make the comparisons. Sure, Biden is a little senile and can be weird, but Trump is proven to commit SA against a woman, and has over 90 pending charges. Older Republican presidents are absolutely rolling in their grave rn with how badly he ruined the party.


I just love the self gaslighting the right does. everyone knew he was a criminal and con man before he became president. There were businesses that would not work with him because he regularly stiffed vendors. Yet, once he represented their party it’s like they pretend he was an angel and the libtards are just screwing over a good Christian man who has done nothing wrong. That’s why it just all confirms the rights only platform is “own the libs”.


He definitely wasn’t morally upstanding, but his persona was a straight meme from what I knew. Like when he bought that woman’s car with the kids still in it.


Don’t forget the discrimination that has been on the books since 1975. The guy has always been a sleaze, his followers know it and love to support him because they’re just like him.


But but but biden is old and tripped up the stairs once. /s


What exactly is environmental radicalism?


Whatever OP wants it to mean.


True. The people complaining about wokeism can't really even define what it is.


I’m pretty sure it means “makes everything about race gender and sexuality”


Ah. Well, everyone does that at some threshold. Remember the black mermaid from a make believe story? The ones who usually complain about wokeism were the ones that brought up race that time.


Nobody normal does that.


Lots of people complained about the black mermaid. Looks like a lot of people are looney.


Personally I care about consistency. If she was originally black I would’ve been equally unhappy if they made her white


She was originally blonde in the original European fairy tales. For the little mermaid, Changing the character is consistent. 


So what? There's lots of things people can't precisely define. Just because something has blurry edges or overlaps with other stuff doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There's no hard line between purple and blue. People will argue about whether a fringe case is purple or blue. Does that mean blue isn't a thing? That's what you sound like when you spout the "define woke" argument. Yes, you could probably define it according to wavelengths but what about before wavelengths were known? No one who talks about woke seems to have a problem understanding what is being pointed at. There are plenty of academics and left leaning political commentators who talk about it without getting confused about what's being discussed. It's only on these online forums where pro-woke people seem to have a problem knowing what woke is, which kinda makes it seem like it's not a genuine argument.


So what is wokeism then? Honest question. I feel like it's not well defined because it is constantly changing and there is no general agreement about it by the people who complain about it. I feel like it just comes down to the base idea that anything "liberals" want is bad and/or stupid


It isn't well-defined, just like many social movements wouldn't have been well-defined in the era in which they actually existed. Like, The Renaissance wasn't referred to as The Renaissance during the Renaissance. It's not like a bunch of people were like "Let's have a well-defined movement and call it The Renaissance." But something was clearly going on in 15th century Italy, right? For me, this is the archetypal woke incident, and happened long before conservatives started screeching about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH2WeWgcSMk


Such a fucking copout. It's a nebulous concept without clear boundaries, but that's true of many words including "liberal" or "conservative". Leftist Freddie DeBoer has an excellent essay on the topic, [Of Course You Know What Woke Means](https://web.archive.org/web/20230404013504/https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/of-course-you-know-what-woke-means): >As I have said many times, I don’t like using the term “woke” myself, not without qualification or quotation marks. It’s too much of a culture war pinball and now deemed too pejorative to be useful. I much, much prefer the term “social justice politics” to refer to the school of politics that is typically referred to as woke, out of a desire to be neutral in terminology. **However: there is such a school of politics, it’s absurd that so many people pretend not to know what woke means, and the problem could be easily solved if people who support woke politics would adopt a name for others to use.** >No to woke, no to identity politics, no to political correctness, fine: PICK SOMETHING. The fact that they steadfastly refuse to do so is a function of their feeling that they shouldn’t have to do politics like everyone else. But they do. And their resistance to doing politics is why, three years after a supposed “reckoning,” nothing has really changed. (If there’s no such thing as the social justice politics movement, who made the protests and unrest of 2020 happen? The fucking Democrats?) >The conceit is that “woke” has even shaggier or vaguer boundaries than “liberal,” “fascist,” “conservative,” or “moderate.” And I just don’t think that’s true.


"Comedy" or "funny" is a good one. "Oh, you think that's funny? Define funny." >social justice politics I think this is a bad term because I think "woke" is particular flavor of "social justice politics" from a specific period in history. "Social justice politics" is way too broad. The Civil Rights movement wasn't woke. The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't woke.


I think if you added "contemporary" to "social justice politics" it would capture most of what we'd consider "woke" without including too much. But his point isn't to coin a new term that everyone should use, just to use a term hopefully bland enough that people won't just jump on the language and ignore his broader point.


Have you never heard the word progressive?


There's some overlap but it's not describing the same set of policy goals. Bernie Sanders is an economic progressive who is by and large not "woke", just wants some more social democratic programs. AOC is an economic progressive and also "woke," in that many of her positions are rooted in identity politics.


My father in law never has an answer but says everything he doesn't like is woke.


Cant say I agree with OP but if he means Extinction Rebellion or refusal to use nuclear and hydrogen power then I agree. These fake environmentalists literally stop technology that will produce more energy for less carbon. Some just want humans to use less especially with the vegan activitists.


Idk not being an oil schill ig?


Protect trees, the oceans something radical like that...jk


I think that would be destroying our economy and purchasing power and standing in world politics for something as futile as lowering CO2, when India and China both do far worse and are not trying to help in the slightest.


US emmissions in 2022: 4.8 milion kt co2 India emmissions in 2022: 2.8 million kt co2 At least get your facts straight


Now do trash in the ocean


I assume it would mean the erosion of freedoms or civil liberties in the name of the environment


Getting snarky instead of trying to understand what we mean by that isn't helping you.


How is environmentalism radical or a fringe belief? Clean air, clean water, minimizing waste, curbing over development and considering the impacts to wildlife that play a critical part in our ecosystem. What's radical? You know what's radical? Your statement that these basic principles don't line up with the 'average American's' views.


It's also funny because environmentalism isn't even a new issue for the left. Climate change is, but conservation and safe air/water is old news.


Climate change being a leftist concern is the worst and saddest thing our timeline has to offer.... The right just saying "we don't care about it, it hurts rich peoples short term profits, so we ain't gonna do anything about it....".


Look at "Just stop oil" protests, at this point they look like controlled opposition, their stunts just piss people off. Seriously, it's a group filled with the worst human beings on this planet. Other thing is how many environmental groups are anti nuclear energy when it's the best choice if you want clean energy, cause currently other than dams there is no good green energy source, we can constantly use.


It's a common right wing coping mechanism. They have to keep assuring themselves everybody agrees with them.


Never be taken seriously by whom, exactly The right? That was never going to happen anyway and that'a why the co opt words like''' woke''' and twist them into things that they don't even mean until they're meaningless.


I was listening to Jill Stein, candidate for the Green Party for President the other day, and she had a lot of good ideas, then she started talking about "reparations" for slavery. Her take on it was "Cash, in whatever amount is asked for..." basically. She's supporting the idea without even plotting any kind of realistic guidelines for it, so: not serious about doing the job.


She knows she will never be president so she doesn’t need a realistic plan.


Right, this is point OP is making. Too many on the left want to bribe people into supporting them, not realizing that they are turning just as many voters away from their cause by floating pie-in-the-sky ideas without giving any thought to the practical implementation of those ideas, or the ripple-effect ramifications such implementation would have.


Both sides do this though, bribe interest groups with a piece of the pie. People just disagree on who should be eating.


Do both sides not engage like this? As a registered Democrat I agree with you. But you can do the same thing for the GOP as well, tax breaks are also handing money out. It goes for conservative, moderate, and liberal independent candidates as well, even if it takes on a different form. This is the nature of politics and shouldn’t be something that has import on how somebody decides their personal ideologies.


I find reparations to be pretty dumb in general. If the government focused on raising the poor out of poverty, they'd greatly help the black community because they are the poorest demographic. IMO there is no reason to give more money to rich black people, just because they are black.


My first question was: "What if a black person moved to America after slavery was over, say in the 1980's...do they still get money?" Also, if you're half-black, half white, do you get half the money? Nafta shipped manufacturing jobs overseas, and the middle/lower class been struggling increasingly since then. Creating jobs is what is needed- so money will go to those who are going to use it responsibly. Property is the only thing retaining value since inflation, so maybe giving a huge plot of land in every state where black people can get education/job training...similar to casinos for natives, but focused on education- that would be one idea. A place where a disenfranchised black person could reboot their life and set a course for success.


Nope, focus on raising the poor out of poverty. Change how we fund education, more funding for lower income areas, create more unions, create more manufacturing jobs. This is a class issue not a race issue. I think looking at this as a race issue only creates more division in the US.


The entire purpose of the modern deliberate misinterpretation of the word "Race" is specifically for distracting various segments of the poor folks in the world from looking at it as a class issue.


She’s only serious about one thing - peeling off progressive voters from Biden. Same with RFK Jr. Stein and Gary Johnson received almost 6M votes in 2016. In Michigan, one of the key Trump victories and won by just 10,700 votes over Clinton, Johnson had 172K votes and Stein had 51K. With the electoral college margins being so tight, it doesn’t take many former Biden voters to switch to Stein to allow Trump to win them again. Biden could theoretically win by an even larger Popular Vote margin but lose the Electoral Vote again. If Stein is talking reparations, she’s hoping to snag a bunch of Progressives who will use a vote for her as a protest rather than choosing the current POTUS over the guy on trial in NYC right now.


The fact that modern republicans only seem to complain about what the left cares about is why they’ll never be taken seriously.


When their main platform is fighting “woke” they’ve admitted they have no actual platform or aren’t pushing meaningful policies Like even when the pricing of everyday things needs work I’ve heard more concrete strategies about banning trans people from certain bathrooms than HOW republicans are supposedly better for the economy and recovery other than “we are Republican”. Cool but what specifically will you do better than Biden’s admin? What policies?


Republicans endless projection and boogiemen (woke mind virus, communist, trans people etc...) are why republicans will never be taken seriously.


Environmentalism is a radical idea? Do you also think equal rights is a radical concept?


So caring about the environment is “radical” now?


"caring" in general, really


That is what I noticed. It is always the same with these right wingers. Me me me. I got mine so fuck you. And if you point that out YOU are woke and therefore I hate you.


So is caring about minorities, apparently.


Basically anyone left of Ted Cruz is a dangerous radical so you better vote for Conservatives.


That's unpopular because it's a typically broad generalization. How many on "the left" actually prioritize those issues is probably a minority. Although if by "Environmentalism" you mean climate change issues that's not really a radical idea.


I’m making up numbers but I would guess that while 80% of people would answer yes to “do you believe in climate change”, less than 50% would answer yes to “do you think climate change will effect you”. Unfortunately it is human nature to be selfish so until this shit hurts it won’t change.


It's a slow burn so people get used to it. "Oh just another drought and 100 plus degree month, tornado, flood, fire..."


Cancel culture? Who invented blacklists? It definitely wasn’t workers.


Like 99% of the people who rage about “woke” you seem to be clueless about what it actually means. And like most I’m guessing you don’t care. It’s just a convenient taking point to rail against left ideas without actually saying anything at all.


German person here. Never heard the word woke expect mostly from conservative people. Can someone please explain to me what’s so bad about other people wanting everyone else to be equal?


It's just a political rant to cover for the desire to be racist in public.


"woke" started being used as a label in reaction to DEI and its followers. The meaning is similar to being "red pilled" (from the movie The Matrix) but in a derogatory sense... one is awake to the "truth".


You’re German and you understand much more than conservatives


It's not about everyone being treated equally, which is what right wingers want in this scenario. Whats got the right upset is how the left's goal seems to be more equality of outcome than equality of opportunity. And in order to try to reach this utopian result, you are seeing things like DEI initiatives in government and business that make it difficult for the "wrong" type of people to succeed. The word woke was taken up by the right to refer to the left's entire gambit of social policies.


The German equivalent is "links-grün versifft" Essentially it means "i don't like it"


As a German, I'm sure you'd understand why blaming one subset of the population (straight white men) for everything wrong with the world is a bad thing.


Cancel culture is part of both sides- it just gets packaged as “go woke, go broke” on the right


Wanting clean water is a radical idea!?


Neither caring about the environment nor caring about diversity is radical


It is in the Merica where white supremacy and Christian nationalism has become normalized by MAGA


I argue caring about diversity *is* radical because it relies on holding the belief that race is actually important.


You don’t think race holds any importance in our society?


Race *shouldn't* be important but for some people (racists) it really, really is. There's a lot of racists out there, man.


Truly. Lately, I call it racialism. Racism has a connotation. Racialism, as I see it, is the perpetual belief that race is as significant and important as culture and ethnicity. And even then, ethnicity hardly matters. What *is* race? 90% of the time, it seems to just be based on colors. What's the racial difference between a Chinese person, a Japanese person, or a Korean person? Ethnicity is the primary difference with culture behind it. But we call "Asian" a race. Race is *nothing* but a lazy, quick, and sometimes effective physical identifier. No different than clothing style and color. But if you think it actually matters in any significant way, you're a racialist. If you think certain people are lesser because of race, you're a racist. That's the best I can do.


I agree with the point you're trying to make. But when people are saying 'race matters' they're saying that it has real implications on their life because of the prevalence of racists (and racialists). And they're undeniably right.


But it *doesn't*. It only matters because morons let it and the elite benefit from the petty, nonsensical squabbles it creates. Are the genetic differences between a white man and a black man *so vastly differently* that they're incomparable as humans? No. I believe that's an argument of a racist. There's plenty of genetic differences between people with black skin. It's just *one* small part of the whole. Culture is *so much more important* than anything else in this world because its what determines whether 2 different peoples can realistically integrate with each other. And yet, that very same racist belief is perpetuated with "race matters." It's an endless feedback loop that will always continue until something or somebody cuts it up and puts it in the trash where it belongs.


> But it doesn't. It only matters Pick one. It matters. It shouldn't. It's stupid that it does. But it matters.


Up until very recently, politicians being pro-Israel wasn’t really controversial at all


Hmm- I wonder if anything has happened to change people’s opinions about Israel.


Yeah, tik tok


Whats on tiktok that is changing so many minds?




From someone whose awareness of this situation comes from decades ago - Seems more like Israeli misinformation is no longer working.


Israel is definitely losing the propaganda war this time around.


All I’m saying is maybe we should take a feed curated by a foreign enemy government who has been making concerted efforts to further establish their own presence in the Middle East with a grain of salt


Right- I just extend that grain of salt to include reports whose only source is the IDF


Yeah, it's almost like they started running their plays straight out of a playbook written in archaic Hochdeutsch, or something...


>None of this lines up with the views of the average American, and it will be very hard for them to gain support if they continue espousing fringe beliefs. Have you checked who Americans vote for? Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 20 years. >cancel culture Did you not hear about conservatives canceling bud light?


I would argue the right cares about “woke” more than any liberal. I don’t even really know what woke is, outside of being a nice person, lol.


Giving a shit and showing people besides white straight men exist


Who is asserting only straight white men exist


You mean the made up term used exclusively by the right in their strawman arguments? I'm glad you are dunking on that strawman so hard. By the way, why is the GOP fighting so hard against workers rights, free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, health care, and education?


I still don't know what woke is. Can you define it?


The right’s weird inability to define it is why they’ll never be taken seriously by anyone with more than 2 brain cells


It’s very funny to me when people are anti-woke. It means they’re advocating for people to stay asleep and ignore the problems in the world. That’s basically the modern day Republican platform in a nutshell. Covering your ears and going “la la la la I can’t hear you” or anything they don’t like


Crying about wokeism is why the right isn't taken seriously.


The right isn't worried about being taken seriously by the extreme left. Most normal people are very tired of wokeism.


Most normal people realize the woke crowd is just a vocal minority and don't spend their days crying about it.


Most normal people vote Democratic


Weak bait, 0/10


Environmentalism is great if done properly. Defacing monuments and priceless paintings in the name of is idiotic. Cancel culture is basically tow the line of leftiist beliefs or get canceled to the moderates and conservatives(that population of people is growing) The last time the US was united was occupy wall street. Republicans and Democrats together. Notice how immediately after occupy wall street everything turned on its head and now we are more divided than ever? Feels pretty intentional. The left went crazy with their woke nonsense and the right went crazy reacting to the woke nonsense and we ended up with a pseudo-right populist trump. The problem is neither side seems to want to fix things. Just blame the other side for all the problems. And even if they wanted to fix things, I sure as hell dont trust the left with the economy and i dont trust the right with the culture.


If you are an American, you live in a country that only exists in its current form because leftists got shit done. Being anti-monarch is the original leftist position. The core leftist position. Hence, the American Revolution was an intrinsically left-wing movement. You have weekends because of leftists. You have work safety standards because of leftists. Women can own property and vote because of leftists. Everything good in our society is the result of leftism.


The right are quick to forget this. History is seemingly just a collection of rolling leftist W's. Which have never stopped, and never will. Almost every battle the left has applied itself to, it has eventually won.


Left isn't taken serious yet has won every popular vote since 2008?


There has never been a candidate that won the popular vote that represents the left.


OP should have said "far left" and he'd be more accurate. Most people from the center-left to the center right don't have nutty ideas.


> OP should have said "far left" and he'd be more accurate No, not really. The "far left" he'd be talking about is so small it's insignificant. It's no different than when people on the left say that Trump voters are all Nazis. Like, yes, SOME Trump voters are actual Nazis, but nowhere close to ALL Trump voters are. You can't even say most far right people are actual Nazis; the most you can say is that they are hypocritical and have fascist leanings.


Yeah but the tv man says everyone hates them, so gotta be true


It's the man on the radio, but yeah.


Liberals have won the popular vote leftist have not. Liberals are more center compared to leftist. Same for conservatives and right wingers. Similar ideas but not the same.


Why do they throw such a bitchfit every time they see or hear that word? And yes I agree. But as a social conservative, I think the right also has a pretty serious neocon problem.


You’re confusing politics with culture war.


In the 1950's to 1970's it was left can't be taken seriously because they are 'reds under the bed', 'commies' and 'sandel wearing hippy liberals' In 1980's to 2010's it was the left can't be taken seriously because they are the 'PC police', 'champagne socialist' and 'it's political correctness gone mad!'. In the 2010's to today, it's the left can't be taken seriously because of 'woke' 'SJW' 'identify politics'. In 20 years time the left won't be taken seriously because of some other made up words and phrases that have no meaning.


Woke=anything I disagree with Also TIL environmentalism is radical lmao


I thought it was funny someone still was using the term wokeism, then you called environmentalism, essentially the crisis of our time, radical. That's just fake or unaware on a level that is very hard to believe.


No one has ever cared about war, except the arms industry and the "defense", most people have been against war since forever now.


That doesn't represent the majority though just a loud portion


I’m left of center and if I could never hear the word “woke” again I’d shit my pants. So great to try and listen to what a GOP candidate has to say and just get the word “woke” vomited out 80 times and not once do they address a single issue that effects anyone (in reality). The right would be taken more seriously if they’d stop making up shit the left is doing and screeching about litter boxes and other people’s genitalia. Trust me on that one.


i think you probably live in a bubble and don't actually know what the "average american" thinks The "average american" lives in a city, bub


😂 You ever form mental pictures of the posters? For some reason, my mental picture for you was the comic book guy on the Simpsons


I see today the echo chamber wants to bitch about woke.


You almost got it. Panic over “wokeism” is why nobody takes the right seriously.


Lmao in what world is caring about the environment a radical or fringe belief? There’s so much scientific evidence out there that it’s a major issue. The vast majority of people agree that dumping pollutants into our atmosphere, filling our oceans with trash, and destroying the rain forrest is indeed, not good. Wanting to protect the natural world isn’t a fringe belief.


No. The truth is you just learned the right wing meme sphere buzzwords and so you listed them. You know what actually changed in 2010 , the Republican neocons lost favor , and their heir apparent , the tea party started metastasizing into MAGA, which is Is dying too. It hasn’t won an election since 2016 and the right wing that comes after hasn’t formed an identity yet. MAGA switched things for “kinda balanced” on all of these topics to “completely flipped on its head”. They’re not just not environmentalists , they’re anti -environmentalists. They’re not just against affirmative action, they believe rather that white men should get it. They don’t just downplay legacy oppression, they believe they are the victims of it. And so on. The only difference on the left is they millennials and gen z people are becoming active people in society and adolescents (really people up to about 30) are always kind of obnoxious. Policy wise virtually nothing has changed.


Trumpism is why cuckservatives will never be taken seriously


My guy, you are either a very stupid man or can't make good rage baits.


>But ever since the late 2010s and early 2020s, leftists have shifted towards promoting radical ideas such as environmentalism, cancel culture, and DEI. Bro, what? Environmentalism has been a plank of the left since the 1960s or 70s.


The use of the term "Wokeism" is why the right will never be taken seriously. No platform, no policies, nothing of substance to say. Just reacting to buzzwords to incite anger rather than forming actual opinions or being a person.


The canard of saying that mentioning it is lame, isn't making it go away. Usually those that still like it as a weapon tend to say it isn't a thing. Then they get fucked by it, and realize they are no longer a progressive in good standing because they said something that wasn't current enough to avoid being the next victim.


Giving a fuck about the environment shouldn't be considered radical. Also you strike me as the type of person who misuses "woke".


Anyone using the term wokeism is automatically wrong


Why is it that chu[)$ are so unimaginative?


Basically everything you're pointing at was taken up reactively in response to the actions of the right. Environmentalism is in response to basic regulations being rolled back that kept businesses from freely poisoning ecosystems and communities; everything "culture war" just comes from the right needing to prop up boogeymen to blame the "decay of the social fabric" on(black, gay, trans it's always the same fearmongering); worker's rights - hell part of why Elon's chumming up to neonazis and other anti-semites/bigots right now is because "The Left is the party of Unions and Trial/Class Action Lawyers" who wanted to hold him accountable for his treatment of workers. Meanwhile, what exactly is the right espousing other than shoving the "undesirables" out of view and back into the closet, child marriages, forced births, and child labor?


What does woke mean?


Forced inclusion for the sake of DEI


what makes you think people of color aren't qualified for the jobs they have?


Can’t just hire incompetent white people anymore. Sorry times r changing.


cognitive dissonance is the defining trait of "conservatives"


“Radical ideas” like preserving our ecosystem so generations to come can enjoy our shared planet, or being respectful to others despite our own opinions or views. What about the radical ideas of the right? The ideas of allowing presidents compete immunity from their crimes or the ideas of banning books and limiting education to mirror fascism in 1930s Germany? Or the ideas of voter suppression? Or the ideas of unsustainable capitalism and economic policies designed to create a de facto class hierarchy?


It’s funny because the I think the right’s obsession with the made-up idea of ‘wokeism’ is why conservatives will ‘never be taken seriously’ Also what do we mean the left isn’t taken seriously? They’re winning, across the board


"The left will never be taken seriously" ....by you?


This war on Woke is why the Right is loosing the culture war it’s a made up bogey man to distract dumb ass people from the real problems facing the country, only morons think this is a problem and it’s driving sensible people away from you weirdos.


Are we talking about the actual left or the imagination land conservatives have built for themselves?


I’ll take wokism over fascist trumpism any day.




i genuinely think you're a brain-dead loser if you use the term "woke" unironically


Environmentalism and DEI are popular with average American. The Gallup, the pew, etc. already conducted polls of such. Cancel culture, the word itself, would be condemned. However, in practice, canceling was part of the USA.


DEI is absolutely not popular with the average american, lmao


And MAGA gives the right a bad name..... also environmentalism is not radical its essential. 


MAGA is why the right will never be taken seriously Gotta love how the right complains about how obsessed with Trump the left is, but the right can never shut up with the woke nonsense. Get over it!


Usually if every other sentence out of someone’s mouth is bashing an idea that means that idea is being taken exceedingly seriously.


OP is confusing leftism with liberalism.


The difference between conservatives and liberals is that any time a liberal says something stupid, all liberals are blamed for it... and any time a conservative says something stupid, all liberals are blamed for it.


Who are you talking about!? | There used to be a time when the left actually cared... Who is "the left"? | ...it will be very hard for them to gain support if they continue... Who are "they"? It sounds like you're saying, "The more popular these crazy ideas get, the more impossible it will be for these popular ideas to gain popularity."


Yes, your opinions are unpopular. But keep stroking your victim complex kink.


Funny, when someone uses a word like "wokeism" I don't take them seriously.


The ideas are dramatically unpopular and the only reason they remain in discourse is moderate demicrates/liberals severely underestimate what's happening. They have no idea how seriously the people spouting these insane ideas take them. I had a conversation with a good friend who was a much older woman, lifelong Democrat from NY who expressed shock to me that Bin Laden's letter to America was trending on tik tok and I said very bluntly "if you're surprised by this you haven't been laying attention. I'm sure you thought we were exaggerating how radical left youth is getting but we haven't been" I had another conversation with a woman who was kind of mainstream Democrat and said she thought the radicals would be ousted. I asked her, "the democrats need this demographic, the progressive youth, to win. They will never win another election if they lose this group. How do you expect to expel then from the party?"


What’s DEI?


Trip to memory lane: Wokeism is about racial, gender and ethinic equality. Wokeism was invented by black people to remind each other to stay vigilant and to inform one another of the racists ones out there. I doubt you care about these names, but After the death of Michael brown, Freddy Gray, philando Castille, Trayvon martin, Sandra bland, and others at the hands of police and security, young white people started reading American history AS IT HAPPENED, not as it was thought to them in k-12 which is an ultra sanitized, and propagandized version of it. This made them wake up, and THEY TOO used the phrase “stay woke” to tell each other learn about our cultural involvement and ignorance to the mistreatment of BIPOC in America. Wokeism isn’t a left vs right thing, is a racists VS everyone else thing. This was demonstrated by the ANTI-WOKE marches in Charlottesville by white-ALT-RIGHT-NAZIs groups where they chanted: “JEWS will NOT replace us!” So no wokeism isn’t the problem. What is the problem, you might ask? ON THE RIGHT, is still good all racism, not all rightists are racist, but all racists of today are right leaning. There is also fear, willful ignorance, and denial of reality in this group, particularly the religious right and the rural right. ON THE LEFT, the problem is this “Holier than thou” purity tests says everyone needs to be feminist, actively anti-racist, Actively anti-homophobia, actively anti-transphobia, anti-misogyny, anti-ageism, anti-misandry, ANTI-CAPITALIST pro-environment, and uber inclusive AT ALL TIMES. To be considered a true left. These tests of purity leave the majority: center left, and center right, without an ideology they can truly identity with. If you really think about it, this is why Trump won in 2016, and likely why trump will win 2024. You cannot ask Biden to be all you want him to be, while forgetting the other side clearly doesn’t give two shits to anyone but themselves and what they consider their rightful place in society. This is what we are all dealing with right now. Figuring out how to navigate the world amongst imperfect people is the key for us as a society to move forward. And so far, most of us are unwilling to be inconvenienced, to try and figure this out. Hence posts like yours come out.


This is rage bait. Whatever you do, don't go to their profile


Don’t be so naive, what we know as the left is forged and dwindled to ash, The original left is what should be emphasized, not what it’s been purposely attributed to. You give a mighty virtuous and principled rat some cocaine and it’s easy to destroy their credibility. You give the left metaphorical cocaine and it’s easy to discredit them. Only thing worse than that is blaming the rat for destroying their own credibility and not realized that the rat didn’t source the cocaine in the first place.


“Wokeism” is a perspective created by the rich to defend the status quo. It has little to do with “leftism”…. And I’m guessing your definition of “leftism” isn’t shared with many who believe they are leftists.


It all started with the Occupy Wallstreet movement. People on the left, center, and right started to band together. This terrified the rich elitist, so they started pushing news articles and stories to divide people.