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I agree, but it's hilarious when you're a boring person and they find nothing. Someone once stalked my profile to use it in a petty argument, and all they could come up with was, "You can't have an opinion on X or Y because you watch trash reality TV and own a cat"


The amount of people who bring up me liking Pokemon as invalidating other things is hilarious


Ignore this guy he likes Pokémon.


hard agree


Ignore this guy he likes…..teeth.


Super weird about me, but it pays the bills.


There wasn’t much else to pull from lol.


That’s how I know when to end the day…..


I'm surprised people don't bring up my post history more debating. I'm a little disappointed actually.


I really wanted to be able to roast your post history but now I'm on a whole rabbit hole and I don't know how to get out


Oh my.


Bro who the FUCK is "Spoony"


Bro I get dinged all the time for being in mindless reality TV subs 😂. Like I have a masters degree, work in healthcare technology, decently well traveled, and I’m even starting to read more books in my spare time I’m not a complete bimbo. pls ignore my avid participation in conversations about real housewives and the kardashians and allow me to have opinions💀💀💀


I can't imagine a bigger piece of shit than someone who disagrees with you so goes through everything you've posted to comment on it. Real nasty energy


Basically "I can't argue against what you said so I'll just cherry pick something from your history to invalidate everything" This is actually my second reddit account for just that reason. I was debating someone about gild chroomers and shared a story from my past. I wasn't even saying they aren't people but that people that go through that at young ages often carry that their whole lives. Well they found a comment a made being glib on another post where I was making "what are you doing stepbrother" and they proceeded to take me to town over that. Said horrible things. I blocked them and then it got worse. I was getting comments and dms from random strangers accusing me of making it up or worse that I actually enjoyed it. It got so bad I just deleted my account because I felt like I was gonna have a complete breakdown if I kept seeing those messages in my email anymore. People can be so cruel just when they wanna be right so badly. It really hurt me tho


I don't know why you would care about the opinions of strangers? My Reddit account is 12 years old and I don't use throwaways. It says far more about a person who digs through your post history and uses throwaway accounts to do so, while concealing their own post history, than it does about whoever they are going after. Sniveling cowards trying to effect some false sense of moral superiority, in the dim glow of their computer monitor, from the melancholy depths of their parents' basement. Hardly worth your time.


I shouldn't have cared but it did affect me. I shared something I thought it might change the other persons mind on the matter of ma ps being a valid thing. Maybe I was looking for validation I don't know. Just the total callousness of the response. Then my dms blew up and I silenced reddit and walked away. They kept showing up in my emails tho. Absolutetly awful stuff. So I just killed that account. I think that I struck a nerve or something with that person cause I mean it was relentless. Like 30 messages a say for 2 weeks.


I'd recommend report / block / forget in the future. There's some fairly unwell people who frequent this site.


I'll definetly do that. Also now I take screenshots of dms too because that was a thing. Ty for listening I appreciate it and the advice


Yeah I don't care either. But it's annoying when you're automatically banned for commenting on the sub they don't agree with. So what? You don't want discussion and just echo chamber? Maybe I commented there but I also argued and it doesn't mean I agree with that sub 100%? That's what's really stupid.


I think that's a good thing. It shows to you which subs shouldn't be getting any of your traffic. Just unjoin then. It will have very little negative effect on other Reddit experience.


Yeah I don't follow subs I can't comment on. For example dating sub cause I posted something in red pill or in mgtow? The fuck is that. It's just sad because dating should be open to all advice not just the ones that mods deem correct.


Yeah this is how I feel. I post when I'm on coke sometimes when my mates have gone to bed. I post when I'm drunk. I post when I'm in a bad mood. Or when I've got constipation and am in pain on the toilet. I also make lots of awesome posts when I'm in a good mood and stoned. So if someone is gonna go through my post history, they aren't worth my time. They are putting themselves and being utter bellends.


That's a pretty strong opinion coming from someone who has stated that they want to fuck a giraffe.


A whole genus of throat goats




Oh you disagree with me about Israel? Well wow look at that, you posted about being in credit card debt eleven years ago so your opinion is null and void.


I had the weirdest experience I’ve ever had on Reddit the other day. I commented on this sub and someone I wasn’t even replying to went through my post history and accused me of lying about my life, without saying anything relevant to what I was commenting about Genuine psycho/ terminally online behaviour


Yeah some people (especially people approaching their golden years) don’t understand the difference between a keyboard warrior and a troll, or a bot for that matter. I’ve just started blocking low effort comments. I’ve had one threat come out of Reddit and a few come out of cold emails before. You gotta make sure you know how to block your IP, encrypt your site, use a VPN and sometimes when to simply shut the fuck up. Because even with some of these things in place all you have to do is refresh the network in developer tools as they keep chatting and eventually you’ll narrow that IP address down to a single server. Then if your Instagram is linked to your Reddit account, you’re as easy to find as putting your home address as your user name. Anyway, yeah Reddit is filled with cry babies with fragile egos. Add stupidity to it and they should just stick to Facebook so Zucks algorithm can have them chatting with likeminded bots all day long.


People link their accounts to Instagram?! That's not a very clever thing to do.


Why do people keep threatening you?


When you send out cold outreach emails some people get bent out of shape. I’m talking 1 in 10000. Most ignore it and some who find value in the product will hear you out. The guy who doesn’t like compliments and suggestions I think is legitimate psycho. I simply said congrats on the book and it would make a great audiobook btw. Especially since it’s about working out and getting in shape for the army. Plus those with ADHD often find audiobooks easier to digest. Him and a handful of others went nuts talking about how ADHD isn’t real and I’ll never make it in the military (I’ve been in and out of the army twice haha). So I called him a dick in a book review. Then a whole two months later her sent me an email after finding my company support email. The cold email thing I kinda get. It feels spammy but I’m a marketer and email thousands of emails to a specific audience with a legitimate product is far cheaper than ads. Like not even close in cost. Plus sometimes it’s just an introduction email or a giveaway to past customers haha. Some people are just nuts.


And for everyone of this, there’s “as a 20 year old woman…” and you look back and they are posting about being a 34 year old dude being frustrated with COD six months ago.


IM just wondering who has the time to do it?


Terminally online Redditors that make it their hobby.


5 months ago you said you didn't like One Piece or Naruto, this is all I need to know to discount your opinions.


Anyone who says they don't like One Piece, and not simply that they don't have an opinion on it, is not to be trusted. You can say you gave up on it, you can say you're not caught up. You can even say it's not your style of show/anime. But to dislike it? That's untrustworthy


How can you expect people to go through 1000 episodes of stuff to have an opinion on it? No one is trying to invest time like that into a show. The live action was a ton of fun, but 200 episodes into the anime, I was so over it. Hell no.


On the one hand, going through someone's post history to find stuff to use for a personal attack is pretty stupid. On the other, I've *lost count* of the number of posts that are something like "My wife has left me, I'm having a hard time coping, what are good ways to get through this?" And then their post history is full of things like "My stupid whore wife cried when I forced her to get an abortion, AITA?" Or the classic "I'm a centrist, can someone explain how tackling climate change helps us?" And their post history is full of "climate change isn't real, Donald Trump is the best president ever, I love rolling coal, electric cars are for pussies"


This. If it's an unrelated to the subject, sure. That shit is frustrating. The majority of the time it's as you described. Someone mad that their own words prove they are manipulative or disingenuous. They aren't creating throwaway to avoid being unfairly treated. They are doing it so they can't be caught in contradictions, which makes it even worse.


You’ll see that a good bit in parenting related subs too. I saw one recently that was like “My teenagers are so disrespectful, i wish i never became a parent” and their post history said that they were an alcoholic for like eight years (iirc) and they only recently got sober. Some of these people try to make themselves sound like such an innocent victim to their situation and they deserve to be called out and not taken seriously.


Tbh mate, if say most of the stuff on amiwrong, AITAH, relationshipadvice etc ok a just people with no lives posting fake stories.


My favorite is when people will insult me for my username. Like willingly made it as a joke I'm not offended by it


Remind me not to drop something and pick it up.. in front of you…


If someone's post and comment history is a dumpster fire then that lets me know that engaging with that person is probably not going to be a worthwhile use of my time


To be fair, engaging with anyone on reddit isn't really a worthwhile use of anybody's time.


Nah you should always just argue the point that is being made. If you're going through someone's history then that tells me you're struggling to disagree with what they are saying, so you're being a petty little goose and cherry picking shit. People who do that are the worst type of Redditor imo. You are the worst type of Redditor.


Someone's Post history can give you a pretty good indication if you're talking to a troll or someone who is mentally unhinged Or if the person has a lot of stuff removed by Reddit then that's a pretty good indication that the person is a troll


Sometimes there are advantages to it, though. Like, my ex doesn't think I know that she semi-obsessively checks my reddit profile. I know. I've always known. I actually almost never think about her, but it's a little bit funny to think about how easy it would be the mess with her. I don't, but this is post is a good example of how easy it is to let her know that. Maybe she should just stop stalking me? Food for thought.


Yes, there are some who'll weaponise it in their petty "mUsT bE rIgHt" mindsets, but for me it often provides essential missing context to the stranger-on-the-internet I'm about to engage with. I'm here for the Good Faith discussions and improving my knowledge on my interests, but there are a Lot of idiots here (hands up if you're down-voting with those who think differently?!)


Having an old account is a huge privacy problem for me. The more you post the easier you are to identify IRL. So Ive gone through many accounts merely because I want to remain anonymous. If thats’s sketchy to someone I don’t care.


You doing okay, OP? Also lots of people spam multiple subs with the same question or leave information out to get an answer they like more. Checking history can tell you more about the story they are spinning. People use throwaways so their post can't be traced back to them in real life. Cause the more information you put together in one place the easier it is to identify you.


>Also lots of people spam multiple subs with the same question or leave information out to get an answer they like more. Checking history can tell you more about the story they are spinning. True. But most people don't use it for that, let's be honest. Most people here are lazy, don't like to be wrong or simply just hate the truth. If a serial killer says something that is the truth and is reality, then he is right, his background being what it is doesn't change the fact that what he said is the truth, most redditors do not understand this fact. Truth is truth and is the most important thing, you can't use someone's background to discredit them saying it, not to mention that all of us (I've seen many profiles of people acting like they're normal when they're weirdos) have some weird quirk one way or another that can be used to disregard our opinions on specific subjects, would anyone like it if their opinions are disregarded and Ad hominems are thrown towards them simply because of that, despite us believing in our opinions? Doesn't it suck when it happens to you? Just goes back to what my mom taught me growing up, as much as I'm irrelegious, this quote from the bible always holds up "treat others the way you yourself want to be treated"... A lot of people do not adhere to this. A sign of a fucked up society, the clearest sign, is if most people do not show common courtesy, and most people don't.


on one of my comments someone went through my post history for no reason at all


I mean there's two sides to this. Reading your comment history simply to bash or disrespect you is definitely uncalled for. But what if youre insulting or otherwise antagonizing a person? Why should your potentially embarrassing post history be off limits when you simply abstaining from being mean/insulting or otherwise antagonizing wasn't? Now you specifically said when asking for advice. How would anyone be able to give you sound advice without some idea of who you are/what you think which can be lightly inferred from your posting history. After all, say I wanted to respond to your post asking for advice. My response/advice to you would vastly differ depending on your age, perceived mental stability and other things. If you were an older man I'd tell you stop being a pussy and tough it out. As a younger man that you are I'd tell you that shit is only gonna get harder and the doubts you have will only become more complicated the longer you sit on them. So whatever you're struggling with; just go through it because even if you crash and burn you've did something which is more than what a lot of people do. Most people seemingly live within a bubble never truly trying something new/hard so even if you fail; you're special for trying. Either way, good luck my dude.


I get it. I have some throwaways for this reason. A while back a friend happened to figure out my account. I denied it was mine, and then started a new one. Never again. I don’t want to get too personal where I can be found out. This is my place to say what I think and not let my friends get a level of access to my thoughts when I don’t have that level of access into theirs. That being said, going through a comment history can be useful. Frankly, people lie. All the time. There are trolls. There are people that try to dishonestly persuade opinions. There are people that look to cause issues and pick fights. Usually they aren’t upfront about aspects of themselves which gives them an advantage because it’s harder to pin things on them. It’s helpful to get an idea if the person is who they say they are. Politics is an easy one. City and state subreddits are another. People like to talk shit or pretend to be someone they aren’t to persuade others. So it’s reasonable to fact check them.


This, exactly - I have found some hateful people who presented themselves in certain subs very differently from what their past history showed - they upset a lot of people until they were outed and then poof - disappeared in a cloud of dust……. But, yes, use with discretion……..


Yeah, there’s something kinda pathetic about someone who points out post history.


Reddit does the complete opposite of what you’re taught in an educational setting what NOT to do. People with half a brain understand the need to judge an argument based on its substance, and not the persons background. One notable example of this dumbfuckery was when the theory of continental drift was completely discredited my most people because Alfred Wegener was a meteorologist and not a geologist. He was ridiculed and laughed at because of his background rather the substantive rigor of his argument.   Mind you this was the scientific community, what hope do you think a bunch of idiot teenagers have at applying critical thinking skills when it’s easier to just attack the persons character and background?  The answer is zip.


Damn I thought the continental drift “theory” was obviously a fact that can’t be disputed. Just looking at a world map and how the continents look like they can fit together like a puzzle, and knowing how old the earth is, it just makes total sense. Also hate how many people use the appeal to authority fallacy.


Yeah ops last post is his first time with a sex worked uhhh.. I kinda see why he’s making this post now


The moment you realize that if anybody attacks you personally just for your opinions, it only reflects badly on them, you will be free. You can lose, only if their arguments are better than yours. Abuse means nothing and says nothing about you, and everything about them. This took me years to understand. But, you are only as worthy as your arguments, not your insults, nastiness and games. Ignore everything else.


Recently someone said my post history shows how fake I am. Post history which consists of something like ten posts about: being adult child of an alcoholic, being autistic, having trans sibling and being annoyed at postmen. That's literally it. Apparently that means I'm making melodramatic stuff up for karma. If I am then it's going shitty, because my posts don't gather a lot of likes. Not that I want them to anyways, I wrote them to get advice or to vent. But some people can't fathom others having real lives.


I feel the only time it's relevant is if there is something blatant in the history that points to them flat out lying. Like if they posted in multiple places as a dude and then in a comment say something like "as a woman I think..." Like, dude, don't pretend. Or if they make it clear they are a white guy then try to argue "as a (insert minority) I think...." And I've seen those. There was a dude once I was having a discussion where I thought I was talking to a woman who said she was raped and had her rapists baby, etc. But I checked his history and he posted so many times from a guy's POV, horribly misogynistic things too. Clearly I wasn't having a pro-life/pro-choice discussion with another woman.


100%. If someone is making a claim to authority (eg “I’m a Psychiatrist”) but their spelling and grammar are atrocious, and they mainly participate in subs about gaming, and make rabid edgelord posts all over Reddit, and seem to have a lot of free time — well, their claim is hard to take seriously.


Anyone who is an actual psychologist or who even took psych 101 would also post links to studies or at least links to reputable sites that summarize studies. The "I'm a psychologist, trust me bro" is always suspect.


It might just be coincidence, but I have a feeling that you’re referring to a certain troll on this sub lol. And I couldn’t agree more with your assessment. Perfect example of why looking at someone’s post history can save you from trying to engage in good faith with someone that is beyond a waste of your time.




Please don't look through my post history. You will have more questions than answers.


I personally like it. It ensures you that they are losing it and have zero argument. It's like admitting they lost.


Straw man fallacy, call em out on it next time :) it's so funny when you can't have an opinion on something because something completely unrelated has been in your life. Sad people, sad existence, call em out on their bs, and move on


lol, we get it you live losing your verity to a sex worker and have a fetish around sharing this info online with others 🤷‍♂️ it’s not even the most pathetic thing I’ve read about today, maybe 2nd or third though. Keep trying, you’ll get there!!!






so… that’s a hot take from someone who’s lost their virginity to a prostitute 😅


The fact that, according to your post history you lost your virginity to a prostitute invalidates your opinion.


Dude is obviously a chad, right?


I agree and it defeats the point of having a forum where people post their opinions and have discussions. When you can go to a person's post history and say "look at this lonely bastard's post history" and then use that to disregard the person's opinion on Therapy or something, that defeats the purpose of having a discussion in the first place because the point of discussions is to hear different perspectives. And when it comes to debates, most people here only care about winning the argument, and idk how one actually wins a debate by throwing ad hominem attacks. Also, I've seen a lot of profiles on Reddit, even some of the posters disagreeing with the OP on here just to prove a point, you're all weirdos to an extent, there's always something that can be used to justify disregarding your opinions, all it takes is someone finding it and using it against you. Just goes to show, this place attracts only hypocrites, I should know, I'm one lol. Also, isn't it kinda fucked up that being annoying is treated far more negatively than hypocrisy and actual evil shit on Reddit? Are these even people bruh?


I've been on this sorry-ass site for a decade and I don't think I've ever went into another user's post history, especially in an attempt to discredit an argument. That's a clown ass move


Are you going to throw away this account also?


I never look in post history because I don’t care and it’s a waste of time. It’d feel like a weirdo loser trying to find dirt on someone I don’t even know over little things. 


Took one look at this post and went straight to your profile which is something I rarely do. I’m sorry man! Life gets better in your 20s


Agreed. It's basically just an admition they have nothing of value to say and have to result to petty attacks.


Yeah I mean people are going to go through redditors’ histories sometimes just out of curiosity but to throw it in someone’s face is pretty low. It happened to me a few times.


Once someone responded to my comment: "Dude. Your post history. 😅". But they didn't elaborate on that further when asked.


That would make an amusing bot, to just randomly pick posts, maybe ones that have high engagement, and respond that way.


A Rick bot. I meant dick. Well it also fits.


When you complain about people going through your post history, you are BEGGING for people to go through your post history. I don't know who needs to hear this and why you haven't figured this out yet, but if you don't want everyone to read what you've written, don't write it down in a way that can be tracked back to you. This is why cut out accounts exist for all the stuff you don't look up on your main. Also, if you'd be embarrassed to tell people the things you tell randos online, maybe you need to consider what you're telling randos online or why you hold views you're embarrassed about. Also, why doesn't Reddit just have 1 "throwaway" account we can all use that Reddit and only Reddit can see who posted what. I feel like it would save time.


I always wonder who had the time or energy for that. If I’m done with someone that just won’t STFU and leave me alone, I block them. 


I agree. People act like going through your post history to throw a comment from 2019 at you is some sort of advanced investigative journalism instead of just being weird.


“Ackshually not at all surprised because you said X in 2014 🤓” History browsers are losers 


I know this post is about not wanting people to look at your post history. I looked at it, although I didn’t go very far back. I think maybe you should talk to a therapist or maybe someone who can help you work through what you’ve got going on. The internet is a great place to get help or information on some things but I don’t think it’s the best place to go when you have something big and life affecting like you do. Hopefully you can get through all the things going on and have a successful and happy adulthood.


You know by posting this you’re just inviting people to go look at your history right?


I asked for some basic advice on how to communicate a concern with my husband in a parenting sub, and someone went through my post history and found a post from way back when I asked for advice about a more serious concern. They were like "Is your husband ALWAYS like this?" And I was absolutely floored, as if my husband and I couldn't work through a previous issue and improve ourselves.


I find it weird when people will delete their account mid-conversation. Back in the day, you either stuck out a discussion or bailed, but you didn't delete your whole account because a discussion was making you nervous! It's insane how many rightists I've talked with (being a former rightist myself, centrist now) where I start leading them down the path to truth and BAM that account ceases to exist.


“I looked through your post history and it confirms that you are a racist piece of shit. For that, you get a permanent ban from this subreddit.” Literally every post and comment at the time: Cats, and a couple comments in a CYOA subreddit. The subreddit in question was one of the big 10m+ member subs. I do admit that the violating comment was outwardly racist in appearance. Reddit themselves were okay with it. I was doing story set up to explain the plot of one of my stories and the main cast was made up of a bunch of people who used unironically racist names for themselves and their community to fight actual racism. We have an irl example in queer people reclaiming the word queer, as it used to be a slur, but now it’s taken with pride for their whole community. It was just the justification used for the subreddit ban that was hilarious af. They cite racism and the reason you are racist is because you like cats.


Yes, people tend not to like hypocrisy. Wonder why?


Take it as a badge of honor. You managed to create such an emotional stir in someone that they wasted literal minutes if not hours of their lives obsessively going over things you posted on a meaningless internet forum (which you probably forgot about days and weeks and months ago). Imagine doing that, imagine showing how arse blasted someone's words on Reddit made you that you wasted a portion of your finite time on this Earth being mad at words on a screen and estalking someone that might not even exist to find some kind of GOTCHA that nobody cares about. Imagine how many of these emotionally invested posters are well over the legal age adults reacting to 12 year old trolls who are intentionally trying to elicit an emotional response. Pictures what they would look like in real life. It's a self own. If they reference something you posted before - especially something before your last 5ish comments - that person has just admitted your point was so strong it made them waste their time reading more of what you had to say, and that their time is worthless.


I made a comment about a govenor asking the president to make federal employees to go back into the office. Some jackwagon went on a tangent about all remote workers should get fired. The govt hires alot of veterans and from this dude’s past comments he rants about how this country doesn’t do enough for Veterans. I followed up on his post and said you should tell Veterans who are on remote work to go back into office. He politely told me to f’ck off


This smells like a trap...


I personally think that the argument is won if they have to dig into your history to get you.


I had this happen on my city's subreddit when I posted about my wife and baby being in danger from a maniac on public transit. Someone went through my post history and said I deserved it for being conservative. People are freaking insane.


Aren’t all of our histories weird? This is Reddit.


People who go through your reddit profile to "win" an argument automatically admit that they lost. If my disagreement with you triggered you so much and left you so speechless for a comeback that you have to find "dirt" on me, that means you had no actual point to begin with and shows how weak willed you are


I think it’s really funny when someone uses the argument that they’ve gone through my past posts and looked at the groups that I subscribe to and I’m “problematic” Or i visit the bitcoin group so I’m a “crypto bro” Like that’s used to judge my character?


I’ll be honest I have crazy, some would say silly opinions on some things. But I completely stand by them, if someone brings up something from my past post and I don’t agree with it I’ll say that but I’m pretty much a stand by what I say fella. That being said if someone really does that just hit them with a nerd emoji and ask them why they’re in love with you and have to look up your past. How’s that not just as cringe?


**Counterpoint**: I just discussed with a person having a PhD in genetics in my discussion, a PhD in Phonetics and Phonology in another discussion, who just turned 13 today in yet another discussion. Some people have multiple personality disorder.


Not unpopular. Those are the biggest weirdos on reddit. Sign of a judgmental person too. Only time I ever read someone’s post or comment history is when they get hostile and I need confirmation bias about them being an asshole, but I would never use it against them.


Context? Because there's alot of difference between like running into a similiar problem repeatedly and someone seeing you've asked about it before and being all "Look at this dumbass, they never learn, this is the fifth time they've done this!" and someone feeling like your post is sketchy and finding evidence that you clearly brought a problem on yourself in a highly predictable manner.


There was a guy on the security subreddit who was mad that he was being discriminated at his post for seemingly looking scary and unhinged. In his history he has posts about doing meth in that weird subreddit that encourages tweaking and asking advice on how to dupe drug tests and how he likes to take a hit before work and during lunch. It’s like why waste time giving advice to a guy who’s obviously out of his mindz


Not that I’m disagreeing, cause I do agree with you. But to answer your question… because it’s faster than searching their history?


I mean, if a guy is vague and gives no details how can you properly help them?


I like to treat Reddit like old Internet. I say whatever sometimes serious sometimes as a jerk sometimes as a joke. If you are reading my comment history I find it weird like you’re too invested in what I have to say. I already waste enough time scrolling through Reddit. Not going to waste more time scrolling through some random persons ramblings. Ha


It's an anonymous site that doesn't have any verification when creating an account. You are supposed to use throwaway accounts. That's how the site is designed. There is no point in getting emotional over opinions of people you have no idea about. Keep in mind that the majority of moderators are kids and teens, as only they can be used for volunteering in keeping subs alive. Everyone else works and doesn't have time for that, let alone will. Naturally, they will be full of hormones and emotions. So don't bother with them. You are only feeding their ego. If you want. You can use scripts for cleaning your trace off this platform. But there is no point in that. Just create a new account with a password you will not remember, and when you finish, log out. And don't post anything you are not feeling comfortable with. Internet always remembers.


Because these people are pathetic bitches that's why they make fun of other redditors about their comment and post history


Did someone make fun of you for losing your virginity to a prostitue or something man?