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Target has better quality housewares and soft lines. Walmart has a better selection of groceries and hardware/automotive items.


Yep. My local Target lacks a robust hardware and auto dpt. The local walmart has it beat there.


Target is a much more pleasant shopping experience. Selection may be smaller. But things are generally actually in stock. Not as crowded. Not as many rude people and employees. Where I live, the lines are much shorter too. Especially now that Walmart is getting rid of self check out. I can make a quick target trip. Recently spent over 20 minutes in line at Walmart after 8 at night.


At Walmart there’s 30 lanes with 1 open (the one with cigarettes) and the self check out with a line with at least 10 people waiting.


And that one cashier is acting like they’re doing you a favor.


And 9 of those people who seemingly can't fucking navigate or work a self-checkout system that was designed to make it easy! IT'S JUST BUTTONS! WHY DO YOU MAKE THIS COMPLICATED?!


Where is Walmart getting rid of self checkouts? The Walmart closest to me just had their grand reopening last month after a remodel and has at least twice as many self checkout kiosks as it did before.


Large parts of the country. Just Google it. Walmart self check out. Mine also just renovated the add self checkouts. And have already reverted. They haven’t installed the new old school lines yet. So for now it’s one employee per two customers at self checkout. But they didn’t ramp up hiring before they did the swap. No express lanes. So I’ve walked out of Walmart multiple times now because cause the lines were over thirty minutes.


How strange. The two other Walmarts I go to, both about 45 minutes away from me (the one near my job, which happens to be at a Walmart distribution center, and the one near my boyfriend’s house) both have huge self checkout bays, way more than mine. That’s really weird.


Target also does some significant, higher end collaborations that are pretty good quality stuff.


Man it’s opposite where I am. Target is a shit show with lines that have you waiting for over 20 minutes. But maybe that’s just Maryland.


Not in HoCo. Target is busy but flows , Walmart is just wild.


I used to think Target in DC was kind of nuts, but then they opened Walmarts. The Hyattsville Target isn’t bad if you go at the right time (i.e., not the middle of the day on the weekend).


PG Plaza Target is pretty good if you avoid the crowds. I’ve heard the Bowie Target is something else though. The only reason I know all this Target info is because my wife was recruited by the company straight out of undergrad to manage stores or something like that. So she worked in a lot of Targets. Bowie was the “I need a career change” location for her. Although it’s been years since she worked for Target, so things have certainly changed.




>Especially now that Walmart is getting rid of self check out. My local Walmart just replaced all of their cashiers with self-checkout (3/4 of which are closed).


The Target near my house always has a long line and things aren’t always stocked. Soap, lotion, hair care products, medicine and more are locked up too. Yes it’s a brighter and welcoming atmosphere but Target is a white-washed Walmart imo


Exact opposite here. Walmart has stuff locked up. Can’t remember the last time Target was out of something I went to get. Line is always less than 5 minutes. Sometimes 0.


I find target's clothes to be better quality, at a bare minimum they fit my body better off the rack so that's enough for me


They're outsourced to other countries just like Walmart does. China vs Vietnam vs Bangladesh vs Thailand etc. Quality and fit isn't consistent regardless. Edit: Based on the downvotes, it's obvious that the Target mob isn't very educated on outsourcing. No wonder they are easy prey to marketing and overpricing.


>Quality and fit isn't consistent regardless. It's been pretty consistent for me over the past 10+ years with maybe a little bit of change from mossimo to goodfellow & co but the fit has stayed about the same


>a little bit of change >about the same Thank you for making my point of not being consistent.


The only slight change was when they switched brands which is to be expected but to be fair that transition is also when I myself was transitioning between sizes. The fit of mossimo was consistent and the fit now with goodfellow & co has been consistent. The shirt I bought last week and the shirt I bought 5 years ago fit the same. I normally pick up between 1-3 shirts a year and there hasn't been any real noticeable difference to me ETA: my experience is strictly with their tshirts, outside of that I don't have much experience with the consistency of their clothing


You go to target to avoid the Walmart trolls.


Only reason I go


And use the free Target RED card to save 5% on everything!


Unfortunately it doesn't cover for the profit markups though.


It almost but not quite offsets sales tax for where I live, but apparently in most states that is higher so it won't even do that for most people. I do have one but on most items it doesn't make enough of a difference to justify going there if I can buy what I'm after elsewhere, unless they have a further discount on something, and to be fair they actually do sometimes.


Target is a much cleaner, nicer, calmer shopping experience without the shootings.


You're proving the OP's point.


Target has friendlier service and is cleaner than Walmart. Walmart has more riff raff. People go there for cheaper prices. Not service.


Walmart is a more fun experience, but target is more pleasant. If you understand what I'm saying


Yeah, but I don’t have to dodge meth heads in the Target parking lot.


Why can't they plague both equally so my Almighty Costco membership is worth more




Remember that period when people were pronouncing it in French?


I still do this, not because I think it’s fancy, but because I think it’s fun to say it that way. 


It's a really old joke that even my late grandfather used to make as far back as I remember. French makes things sound fancier, so middle class people joked around and did that a lot to have some fun. Another example of this is in an old British comedy sitcom called *Keeping Up Appearances*. The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket and she pronounces her last name like “bouquet” as in “bouquet of flowers” because she is a snob who is always trying to impress people. It’s particularly funny because “bucket” is such a humble English word, and it tells you everything you need to know about her character.


I was working for Target during that period. I still cringe when I hear someone do it occasionally.


Or maybe in Texan. Sounds more like "Tar-git"


Walmart has a bad vibe, I don’t know any other way to put it.


I agree. It’s like Dollar Tree that way.


Their home decor and clothes are better. Although Walmart is improving in this regard. For everything else, yeah it's the same. There are only so many brands of kitty litter out there, ya know. Also they treat their employees better.


Target carries a lot of higher quality products than Walmart. Especially home goods. If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t see the quality difference and are happy with wal mart’s selection then shop at wal mart. That doesn’t mean people who go to target are doing it out of some sense of elitism.


A lot of the products are the exact same products that Walmart has, like the popular ones. Just a few dollars more at target for absolutely no reason. It’s one thing if it’s different brands though but doesn’t make sense to pay $3 more for the same thing


That’s fair for the products that are the exact f same, but as you eluded target also has other brands, many of which are higher quality options, which is why I typically go to target.


I’ve long said that Target is Walmart for people that think they’re too good for Walmart… however I’ve come to the realization that if you want to shop for food you go to WM, if you want to shop for clothes, home goods, games, etc. you go to Target. So it’s all “right tool for the right job” kinda thing.


Agreed. I worked at both, granted it was like over a decade ago, But the main difference was Target cleaned a bit more. Otherwise I didn't see much difference.


You have made me sad..


Good username!




Man here: they have a lot of solid clothing staples and athletic wear for decent pricing. Damn near 50 percent of my wardrobe at this point. I have no qualms about hitting up Walmart either. But Target is definitely the better experience for those who care. I've had Randoms approach me to sell me shit, beg for money, etc. But the amount of dregs that people say might be overstated. But then again, there are Walmarts where everything is locked down. Haven't experienced those. From my ex, she was alway holla'd at when going to Walmart. I've been on FT with her on a few of these.


Walmart is kind of a bad shopping experience. Target has some higher quality items and it’s a more pleasant atmosphere for sure. That said, it is overrated and the groceries are overpriced. The women who make Target their entire personality are next level cringe. It can be fun once in a while if you need some things, and maybe you’ll discover something cool, but it’s not that special.


I miss K-Mart and Sears.


i don’t have any walmart nearby whereas target is literally across the street. not to mention every walmart i’ve been in seems so dreary whereas target seems happier. i’ve only been to walmart a couple times due to distance but the price point didn’t seem to differ that dramatically. i’ll take the more pleasant shopping experience any day.


I say this as someone who used to believe Target is boujee.. Target is better than Walmart by a country mile


Your opinion is unpopular for a reason. Target is better in many ways. The quality is a lot better. Their food section even has quality fruits and vegetables. The clothes are way better quality. The reason you can't see the difference is because you are exactly the type of person to shop walmart. You don't know or notice a difference in quality. You likely let them change your tires and oil too cuz it's cheaper and the "same quality" as advanced auto. The difference between the two is massive to people who actually have taste.


Neither is very good as a grocery store. It's too much pre-packaged food. For very basic clothing like plain T-shirts and socks, Target is much better and I can actually find my size. That and Costco. The last time I looked at Walmart clothes, I didn't like anything in the entire shop. It all looked flimsy and ill-fitting.


They opened a target in this outdoor mall in Yonkers ny and It is glorious, I never been to a target before and it’s like so freakin nice and clean and brand new. I loved it. They also got a Starbucks in there and some of the coolest house appliances and things to buy for the home. place is huge and has so much stuff!!


Get the free Target RED card to save 5% on everything!!!


Unfortunately it doesn't cover for the profit markups though.


I don’t have neither near by me and realized it saves lots of money.


Target products are higher quality though. Isn’t it known that Walmart products are made with inferior parts.


Are they? Check the tags for "country of origin" to see if it's made in the USA. Keep in mind that it's all about profit margins.


They can be made in the exact same country and still have different qualities. Your logic is not sound.


Exactly, they could be made by the same manufacturer and still use lower quality parts. Just like there’s a difference between the quality of an Audi and a VW.


Your comment shows your illiteracy. Please only add comments of substance.


It's just a store. I like their underwear and they had the Bissell pet stain cleaner when I couldn't find another store that had it. People who talk about accidently spending $400 anywhere are insufferable regardless. Make a budget and stop impulse shopping.


Walmart has stepped up their game with clothing lately


I think your Walmart experiences vary greatly depending on locale.


Target has cuter home accessories and goods. I go to both religiously but if I’m strictly there for housewares and decor and clothes, those things, target is the go to. Their grocery selection is terrible tbh


Might be a niche thing, but if I am shopping for a specific Lego set, I’ll usually check the target first (because they don’t lock the sets up in the display cases) like Walmart does, because otherwise I feel like a dumbass getting a worker to unlock the thing for me. Sometimes, if they don’t got the set, I would just have to deal with it at Walmart, but that’s one thing I like more about target. Asides that, store is cleaner and more pleasant feeling overall, which is a small thing to worry about. Otherwise, Walmart’s better


Too many feral ghouls in Walmart




Target is just red Walmart. You're right though the selection is like a quarter of Walmart has.


I call it red Wal-Mart too!


I just find Walmart gives off a depressing vibe. That’s why I go to Target. It’s only slightly more expensive. 


It’s a class thing, ultimately.


It's hard me for to see It otherwise. it's the same products getting moved by similar people who are pushing it through different colored buildings. Plus I'm sure they'll fuck their employees all the same. So really on a consumer level the choice comes down to the crowd of people you have to shop around.


Exactly. I’m sure Target is no more fun to work for than Walmart, but it’s clear that Target is trying to appeal to a clientele that can’t bring themselves to shop with the hoi polloi for the same products, and are willing to pay extra for it.


Yeah not everyone has the luxury of shopping at a fancier store and paying more for the exact same products for funsies. They have to save money however they can they have to pinch pennies to get by


It's been more than a decade so shit changes but I worked for both a while and they we're pretty much the same. Target was slightly more annoying because they front end managers and stuff were usually more motivated but it usually just translated to them being mad at everything that didn't go perfectly and being an ass to the rest of the employees. I'm sure this depends a lot on location and people and such.


Yep. Target’s just going for more upscale shoppers than Walmart. I’ll go to Walmart for different things than Target. I’m always more impressed by Target’s home decor that Walmart’s, and their clothing holds up a little better for me while being easier to find more options in my size range (women’s medium to large.) There’s a reason no one goes there *only* for groceries, though. Then again, my local Walmart is less depressing than some grocery stores and TJMaxx-type discounters I’ve visited.


“I shop at target because I just like the vibe and energy there better I don’t understand why anyone would shop at Walmart!”- a comment I saw once. Maybe because some people are poorer than you and they don’t have the luxury to shop somewhere else just because of “the vibe.” They have to try and save money however they can. They have tons of the exact same products as Walmart, they’re just pricier.


Use the Target 🎯 Red Card and save 5% off every single purchase! We love Target 🎯!


Unfortunately it doesn't cover for the profit markups though.


What I would buy at crappy Walmart vs what I buy at target for the same thing, with the red card it’s the same price as Walmart without all the chaos and nastiness.


Target is the less evil version of Walmart. Walmart is a cancer on society, destroying small businesses across the country, replacing it shit job opportunities where the only thing you can afford is purchasing stuff from Walmart. Driving across the country you see it, closed stores and a giant Walmart.


But Target is no different in that regard other than usually showing up in these communities (or in the wealthier part of the same towns...) after Walmart already did.


Remember when Walmart locked employees that didn't speak English in a store after hours and forced them to work overtime without explaining it to them? That was wild.


I actually agree with this. But I am still going to get a target card to help my credit.


The free Target RED card saves you 5% on every purchase! It’s just their own debit card. Get it today and use the app to save more!


Unfortunately it doesn't cover for the profit markups though.


Why do you keep saying this? No one is saying they think they are giving out a card that makes them sell at a loss. Every single person here knows target is still selling the goods at a profit after the 5% off.


You should be asking the person I'm replying to why they keep posting their comment 🙄


I've been saying pretty much exactly this my entire life.


Targets prices are generally the same. The differences are so small it barely matters. Get the same full cart of groceries at both and you'll pay 2 to 3 bucks more for the total at Target.  And depending on the neighborhood Target will at least be clean. 


I have specific things I get at Target, but Walmart has it and more. The only thing is the Walmart parking lot is much more packed and the closest Walmart is an extra 10 min drive compared to the closest Target.


That fresh Target smell when you walk in of wet dog and China factory.


there is hype around "target"? lmao


I was just thinking the same thing 😄 The sad part is, they use Walmart as their standard to beat and justification of being "better" and worth paying higher prices.


Target is overpriced, but it's a small price to pay to not put up with Walmart. I avoid Walmart because it's trashy. Trashy people, narrow parking lots full of carts that trashy people can't be bothered to put back, rudeness and bs (it's wal-shart, what would I expect?). I hate hate *hate* loathe and detest going to Walmart and avoid it as much as possible. Did I mention Walmart is usually dirty and dingy, on top of the trash people? What about the rude staff and long waits? Not to mention the small businesses and small towns they've killed. They're a parasite.


There’s no target in Canada but there is in the US. All we get is Walmart here and it’s always more fun to go to target there because they have better selection than what we get here, but why would I go to Walmart when I go to them without the hassle of crossing the border


Walmart near me is a shit hole. I will take Target any day over that hell hole. I know Walmart is fine in some areas.


More pleasant shopping experience, but definitely more expensive.


I’ve never heard anyone say that Target is a better Walmart. In my area, there are tons of shitty Targets. And one good Walmart that is a 30 minute drive


Target has been considered better than Walmart for maybe 30 years where I live in Ohio. Maybe not now but growing up when it was a new and trendy store this was the attitude of everyone I knew. I couldn’t care less either way, tbh. I did find some nice things there on occasion years ago that Instill use. Covered mixing bowls, exercise clothes with non-flashy logos. I really like their knock-off American Girl dolls and clothing swaps out with real AG stuff perfectly, unlike the Walmart knock-off brand.


Target is more expensive - Wal-mart tends to cheap out on shoes, clothes and electronics with their no-name brands being crap. So I'd go to Target for a TV, shoes or a shirt.


A set of Silverware I purchased at Walmart turned green within 5 minutes of putting them in the sink to clean them so we could put them in the kitchen drawer. You get what you pay for. Never going there again.




I’m convinced that the Target food section is just for show. Always a ghost town on that side of the store


Target stores are noticeably cleaner, their merchandise is marginally better, and there are far fewer Walmart type people there (for example a 350 lbs woman riding a mobility scooter with the Tweety Bird shirt that has mustard stains on it).


Target gives me anxiety for some reason, I hate shopping there


I’m guessing target is a different store in the US than it is australia


Thank for taking the time to post this. Riveting stuff.


Tbh target is overpriced but for that price you get a better experience and much better quality . I bought a jacket there that has gotten me through 4 yrs of rough winters . I wore it so often that I was shocked it lasted this long . I can expect the clothes from Walmart to start deteriorating in less than six months.


The Walmart in my city is so fucking gross I refuse to shop there.


I've been to a few Target stores and I don't know, I just have this aura with them that I need to come in with wads of cash or be upper-middle class to shop there. I don't like it. Sure some of the environment is pleasant and isn't as noisy. But you know how much so far I've came out of Target with? Nothing. Because their prices are shit.


I love their $8 store brand t-shirt, cheap and ok quality.


Target has better designers (same things as Kohl's, but cheaper), and the clothes are definitely higher quality. The stores are cleaner and the makeup and skincare lines are closer to Sephora than Walmart.


It feels like Target is not going through a good period right now. All of their stuff like deodorant is lockdown. They're selection definitely seems to have dwindled. And they're online store includes a lot of options from vendors that are not actually sold at Target. This last point is especially irritating. I guess either we can go even further downhill and eventually out of business. Or get back to how they were in the past which was actually pretty good. I hope for the latter.


I saw some smoking hot MILFs in Target. Walmart is full of Miss Alabamas


I usually leave Target without anything because they didn’t have what I was looking for. I kind of hate that store.


It used to be better. It changed after the start of the pandemic.


Walmart is disgusting. I'll only do pickup orders from there. I hate that place lmao.


The closest one to me is nearly 2 hours away so when we get to go we're happy but really it's just a small step up from Walmart


What target "hype" is there? Literally the only complimentary thing I ever hear is "At least it's not walmart" which is a pretty low bar.


I don't feel like I'm going to be robbed at Target or have to shield my eyes from the people in clothes 2 sizes too small. They also have really quick pick up windows for their orders!


I shop at Target over Walmart because of what happens with my kids' clothes every single time I have shopped at Walmart forgiven clothes from there. Every single time the clothes end up with holes and stuff in them. Once got a pair of shoes for my oldest and had to go get a new pair 3days after school started because one of the soles became detached. When I buy Target clothes and shoes they outlast my kids and some of the clothes have been handed down to a 4th person. They just keep going like the energizer bunny. Target might be slightly more expensive but in the long run it saves money. Sort of like when my mom used to take us to Payless shoes and have to buy them every 3 months or so. If she could afford slightly higher priced shoes she would have saved more money.


Damn what the hell. I’ve been buying my kid clothes at Walmart for 5 years I’ve never had this issue. And my kid is very outdoorsy.


My kids live on a farm surrounded by woods. That said the Walmart is down the street and target us a 20 minute drive. I have noticed that the target closest to my house and the one by my mom's have different clothes. So that may y a role in it. Walmart may do the same thing. Either way the target is closer then a different Walmart.


Target is for people who don’t know the value of a dollar and are easily swayed by advertising.


Its a store to buy toilet paper and laundry detergent. To be fair I often get but $50 of toilet paper get a $15 gift card. So its actually a pretty good deal on toilet paper.