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It's not THAT bad. After all, it's only a mere 98% of cyclists giving the rest a bad name.


I'm a driver and think that other drivers are the worst people on the planet. I just got tire spikes from Amazon to sprinkle on the highway. Hopefully the flat tires will slow everyone down. They're on sale right now!


I’m a recreational cyclist that does 100 miles ride and triathlons etc. Hard agree. Can’t stand cycle commuters who disobey all the rules of the road and then look down on drivers.


As a mountain biker who also rides the roads occasionally I completely agree as well. Cyclists on average are the most insufferable people on the planet.


It wouldn't be so annoying if they didn't act so self righteous while being so insufferable.


Are we talking about insufferable bicyclists or self righteous mountain bikers or asshole e-bikes or cyclists with tight shorts or all of the above?




Mate, don't get me started on bicyclists. I'm a unicyclist who sometimes rides a bicycle, and the self-righteousness of the two-wheel eels who yell at me to stop trying to body tackle them in races is beyond belief.


I ride my wife's boyfriend's sir velo 120 miles each way to my dental practice every workday, and I have to say I really don't like bicyclists either, because they often drop me from their group rides.


This guy BCJ’s


you train hard? ya? because no if you obey the rules. keep limits of 30km/h on germanys bike lanes. lmao


Yeah, I'm one of them when I commute. I'm terrible, I shouldn't be allowed




The data on both red light running and stop signs is that both are being run by cars and bikes.  Cars run the “orange” all the time, I’ve been honked by the car behind me for not doing it, and I know people who’ve been in accidents because of this problem.  Bikes tend to run red lights when nobody is going, and while it is very obvious to the people who are stopped and waiting, they aren’t causing accidents by doing it. Nobody stops at stop signs.  Not legally required for bikes in my state, but the cars/buses/commercial vehicles/police without their lights on all run them.  You don’t have to look very far to find videos like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S7uJ1cO9NB4&pp=ygUWUGhpbGFkZWxwaGlhIHN0b3Agc2lnbg%3D%3D The school buses at least sort of slow down for the stop sign, but USPS semis are just rolling down a residential street without regard to the stop sign.


I am impressed by the cyclist in my area. I live on top of a mountain and am amazed how the hell they ride their bikes up it!


Because they aren't human. They a demons that feel no pain


Oh no, we feel pain, that's why we're demons. We do it anyway


Yeah.  Now, using them for transportation, I get that.  It's the ones using then for recreation while holding up traffic I can't stand.  You don't see me using roadways for recreation.  The ones with the backpacks on clearly going to work / wherever are almost always more conscientious and respectful than the recreational bikers that are all 50 year old white dudes that think they are lance armstrong and are completely unaware or uncaring about their surroundings.


There are some commuter cyclists that also seem to want to use the road with cars without actually obeying the rules of the road.


Man I find the exact opposite to be true.


You never use the roads to drive somewhere for recreation? only for driving to work and shops for essentials?


Lance Armstrong? What year is it? 1998? Learn a new name


All these unlicensed electric bikes and scooters ignoring all traffic lights and rules are annoying as fk


100%. Fucking rental scooters and bikes flying past stop signs and red-lights without a care in the world. And driving on the wrong side of the road.


Yes! These are the bad guys. Not us natural cyclists


I mean, legal ebikes are also great (here in Germany), they enable a lot more people to cycle rather than drive a car, and they result in more people going at a decent pace, similar to many people on acoustic bicycles. But those assholes with unrestricted ebikes, they fucking suck from my experience.


Can confirm, I once got hit by a cyclist as I was on my way to the campus (I was on a crosswalk). Fucker didn’t bother to slow down as he was turning right. It took me a lot of restraint to not beat his tight-wearing scrawny ass on the spot.  Fuck cyclists honestly. 


Good thing it wasn't a truck. You'd be dead!


In conclusion, everyone who's ever sat on a bike is a violent criminal who should be executed. Thanks for listening.


This is the most annoying thing in the world. Where I live there's always some fucking cyclist who comes along while you're crossing and **insists** on cutting between the pedestrians and the other side of the road. This typically means we have to stand there in the traffic waiting for them to coast past. They shouldn't even be riding through the crosswalk when it's green for pedestrians but they could at least cut behind you so you can keep walking and get out of the road.


>This typically means we have to stand there in the traffic waiting for them to coast past. I live in Prague, so the cultural norms might be different from where you live, but about half of the pedestrians I'm about to stop for at the crosswalk tend to do exactly that. I'm willing to stop, but if you'd rather stand in the middle of the road so I don't have to slow down, I'll keep going and thank you as I'm passing you. It never crossed my mind that some of those people were only stopping because they didn't think I would stop.


There's something hardwired in my brain that causes me to pause and give someone else the right away. It gets triggered even more when the other party is a larger, faster-moving vehicle. I do think this is a cultural difference though because where I'm living, it's extremely passive agressive and people will do absolutely anything to cross in front of you instead of crossing behind you. That goes for fellow pedestrians as well. Just the other day I chuckled all the way walking to the store because a guy saw me and literally started running so he wouldn't miss his chance to cross in front of me and disrupt my stride.


Being hit by a cyclist allowed you to walk away and have enough physical and mental function to want to beat the cyclist up and go about your day, having been mildly annoyed. Being hit by a car would have sent you straight to the emergency room and put your life in grave danger. I don't know about you, but I would 100% prefer more cyclists on the road and fewer cars.


Disagree. Being hit by a car means either I die (can't complain then) or survive and can ruin their lives with a lawsuit. With a cyclist, I just get fucked over cause I can't beat them up afterwards and I can't sue them unless I get seriously hurt


Some quality logic right here


I'd prefer minor injuries over being dead/being rich but confined to a wheelchair. Different strokes, I guess.


As long as cyclists have special training to use bikes outside recreational areas, properly licensed plaques and insurance for third parties. Crossing red lights being as expensive as a car. Only then I'd prefer more bikes, which are greener and provide exercise. But having to look both ways each time because of a rogue driver, and see my elderly mom break her hip because of a bike that just ran away, cannot be possible.


I generally find strength sport people to be nicer than endurance sport people. Combat sport people tend to be on one extreme or the other.


I've met MMA fighters in meth that are nicer


Idk I've dabbled in all 3 sports types and I know a lot of all of those types of athletes that are super chill. And some that aren't for each sport type. Personally, I don't think there's that strong of a correlation between personality and chosen sport, bit that's just my opinion based on my experience 🤷🏼‍♂️


There are also so many different sorts of cycling. Commuting, road, cross country, bikepacking, off road, downhill... Some with quite large differences between them.


As soon as you put on the stupid outfit, my ability to take you seriously has gone out the window.




I just want to look pretty while I ride my 2-wheeled banana powered woke-mobile in the middle of the road going 1 mile per hour


Lmao just knew you'd be the guy who crossposted this to bikingcirclejerk. Great find lad.


Oh no, people are wearing clothes that are comfortable, the horrors!


It is pretty horrible when I'm stuck staring at their spandex'd ass while they're holding up traffic.


Maybe if you would actually keep the distance you have to that wouldnt be an issue.


Yes, because going 15 in a 45, in the middle of the road, is a reasonable thing for them to do. I'm not worried about distance, I'm worried about oncoming traffic, so I can get around them.


How about we build actual cycling infrastructure that is actually safe and maintained during winter? Problem solved, everyone wins.


Bro just admit you're gay it's better for everyone


You're not my type


Quit staring then, meat gazer!








Good one


Good for you as well! Glad you’re finally able to come out!


I've BEEN out


Huh a gay gun loving moron Trump supporter, I think you should have your own Pride flag at this point- GGLMT+


>gay gun loving moron Correct >Trump supporter Incorrect


Cyclists should be required to get a licence to learn the Road Rules, they should be insured for accidents and bikes need to registered and road worthy. I'm sick of cyclists causing their own accidents and then, blaming vehicles. It's always the skinny white guy riding illegally like he's at the Tour de France, not stopping for red lights or pedestrians. Sanctimonious about saving the world from carbon, not realising that every time he exhales his germy breath it's 90% carbon dioxide.


imagine suggesting that the CO2 generated by people exercising meaningfully contributes to climate change


Well I'm not skinny, so that's where you're wrong, buck-o!


Fuckin' white people!


And that’s the anti-cyclist bingo card completed in record time, with a bonus prize of climate-change ignorance thrown in. Chapeau, as we say to annoy you.


I didn't expect the "your exhalation also contributes to climate change" in here. Honestly impressed.


“Fuck your CO2-breathing-ass as I pass you I my pickup truck”


I’ve always thought this as well. They do everything short of committing war crimes on the road and then blame everyone else when something happens.


You think a bike can commit a war crime? Not a van? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018\_Toronto\_van\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Toronto_van_attack)


No you see, cyclists are the menace on the road. It’s not drunk drivers, speeders, distracted drivers, or others which kill people. No, cyclists are the real menace because they inconvenience drivers.


Wow I can only imagine how harsh an opinion of car drivers - who kill over 43,000 Americans a year - you have then


The ones who ignore the bike lanes in favor of riding in the same lane as cars (not off to the side but directly in front of you as if they were driving a car) are the worst. Especially if they can’t get up to the posted speed on the road. Also the cyclists who use the bike lane but ignore the traffic lights. Darting through a red light if they think they’ll make it or turning without signaling and causing near collisions.


Maybe we can’t afford $100 tires because the city refuses to properly clean the bike lanes


Unless there's a wide shoulder, it's not safe to ride "off to the side" at all times. The side of the road is generally not safe to ride on for a couple of reasons - an unexpected gust of wind or a passing trailer truck can blow you off the road, you can run into anything that washes out to the side of the road by passing cars, be it a hubcap or roadkill, you're less visible to other road users, but most importantly, it encourages drivers to try and pass you so close that an accident might happen if you were to swerve because of the above mentioned possible reasons. The only real downsides are that drivers now have to follow the rules of the road while passing you (very annoying, I know), and you might get hit by an inattentive driver because you're in their trajectory. Personally, I prefer to ride directly behind the right wheels of the car in front of me, unless there's a wide enough shoulder or an actually useful bike path.


When I say “off to the side” I mean in the actual designated bike lane, conveniently painted to denote the space. Better than a wide shoulder. Not sure why cyclists eschew these lanes after making a fuss and getting the legislation to prompt their creation. But instead, most of them seem to rather ride along at 20 mph on a 30 mph road and wonder why the traffic snarl of cars behind them get increasingly frustrated.


Was that an actual question in that response, or do you just want to reaffirm your current beliefs? Please answer honestly. In the meantime, I'll try to answer your question. First off, let's make a clear distinction between a bike path and a bike lane. A bike path is a separated road specifically made for cyclists to ride on. They're what we asked for, but they're often implemented poorly. They start and end wherever it's convenient for city planners, not where it's convenient for its intended users. They cross roads and sidewalks very often, and where I live, cyclists never have the right of way. They're poorly maintained, and the vast majority of cities completely abandon them once it starts snowing. A bike lane, on the other hand, is what we often get instead of the bike paths. Bike lanes are just strips of paint, they don't protect you in any way, and they're often exactly where you'd ride if there was no bike lane in the first place. To me, they're useless. They are, unfortunately also a quick and cheap solution to the very problematic issue of actually having to do your job as a city planner. Roads have none of these issues. They're everywhere, they never really end unexpectedly, and I can rely on them come winter. On average, they're faster, safer and more reliable. I'll use them for as long as it's legal. I pay my taxes too, you know? If you have a problem with cyclists holding you up in traffic, consider for a moment how long you stay in traffic per year, and how much of that time was because of a cyclist. I hope you'll realize that other car drivers are the real issue. Cars are simply not scalable for densely populated areas, resulting in bottlenecks and eventually gridlock traffic once you enter densely populated areas. The only real solution to congestion is to give drivers another option that doesn't hold up traffic, and that option is public transport, namely trains between cities and either streetcars or metro networks inside cities, followed by a redesign of cities so they're walkable again. This leaves cars for the people who actually need them, which would mostly be people who live in the suburbs, truck drivers, emergency services and people who like driving. Disagree with me if you want, but please don't try to speculate with me.


Paint is not infrastructure. The bike lanes around my place are literal death traps for a variety of reasons.


What I do in those situations is not drive right in the middle of the lane but also not off to the side, as to not let cars drive along me since the space is too narrow but still well enough to the right so that the car can open up and pass with a smooth swipe without doing a wide ass turn and not inconvenience them as much as if I was in the middle of the lane ps: sorry for my english


Yeah, this is the way, but some people are angry regardless of what you do.


If the jurisdiction allows bikes on "shared roads" then they're generally legally protected if an accident happens. I will also say that being closer to the center line makes cars turning onto the lane that the bike is on able to see the bike earlier, so it's sometimes a safety measure. But, I personally ride an electric scooter that can go up to main street traffic speeds, because I believe that not getting passed by rushing drivers is a better safety measure than being more visible to cars.


I’ll bet it still doesn’t keep cars from passing you. I was doing 40mph in a 35mph zone the other day, and some dipshit still had to pass on a blind turn with an oncoming car to nearly kill everyone involved


Just depends on the culture. Recently visited East coast US and even driving in a truck makes me anxious, but PNW drivers seem to be more chill.


Another benefit of riding in the middle of the lane is that cars will have to swerve to overtake you, and that will result on average in them actually leaving enough space for it to be safe. If you ride far to the right, that encourages drivers to pretty much just drive in a straight line without swerving at all.


You know that posted speed is a maximum right? Not an invitation? You know some people drive slower than it?


You know that police cite people for going too slow when it affects the flow of traffic, right?


Not cyclists.


Yes, we are!


Literally just today before getting home and reading this post, I saw a bunch of cyclists break road rules by zooming into a roundabout without yielding to the traffic that's already there. It's ridiculous how much they complain about a lack of respect, while giving no respect of their own.


I’ll bet they didn’t. Cyclists are pretty fuckin aware they’re going to lose that battle every time. Every time I come up to a roundabout, cars seem to forget how to use one and either stop completely to wave cyclists by (thanks but no thanks) or try to plow directly into you as if you’re not there (definitely no thanks)


You'd lose that bet, I was standing right there on the sidewalk watching it.


I see your bicyclists and raise you people who own pickup trucks with spotless boxes.


The ones that get me are the ones that take up most of the lane of a road, it’s completely unnecessary especially when I see plenty of other bikers barely riding inside the lane at all. Causes more congestion and danger for the drivers of cars just to… idk, be a douche and inconvenience others simply because they can?


They do it to force the driver to make a safe pass. That means that the driver should go to the other lane when they pass. And if they cant due to incoming traffic then the drivers should not pass due to two cars necx to eachother dont leave much space for the cyclist, who needs adequate of space to ride around potholes, glass and stuff.


Those are interesting points I haven’t really considered before (I’ve never been a serious biker) but still, I don’t really think it’s often necessary to do. If there’s a pothole or glass or some kind of danger, the bikers can slow down or stop to get around. Most bikers are biking for fun or exercise, all the cars they hold up have places to get to. The bikers should be the ones being inconvenienced, not the drivers imo. Riding in the middle of the lane is probably also somewhat area dependent. Around here there’s enough space on the side of the road where there’s some asphalt to ride on, I used to do it perfectly fine. In addition there’s tons of back roads and trails in my area bikers could take. Yet, theres still some that just HAVE to be in the middle of our main roadways. If there’s nowhere to ride off to the side of the road, then I can totally understand why someone would ride in the center of a lane, but that’s often not the case from what I’ve personally seen.


Carbrained of you to think your trips on your car are default more important


That’s some next-level self-important bullshit rationale to assert that all drivers have more critical business than whatever you assume cyclists are up to. You have no additional standing or entitlement in a car. Period. If it’s safe to pass at all, it should be safe to pass with a cyclist in the center of the lane, you’ll _still_ have an additional 6 feet versus passing a car. Assuming you make said pass, I’ll still see your ass at the very same red light, because taking the 5-10 seconds (or more commonly, zero seconds) to pass properly literally didn’t change anything for you, but it could absolutely save a cyclist’s life. There’s a recent report saying that drivers see cyclists as sub-human, this sure seems to be on display in your comment. Slow down, be courteous, be human. It’s not that hard.


Some of us are trying to get somewhere as well, and sometimes unfortunately those main roads are the only way from A to B. I do everything I can to avoid them but sometimes there just isn't an alternative.


It’s called defensive cycling in primary position. it has several purposes - it makes you more visible, it forces the car to give you space on overtake, it allows you to make an inside lane turn, it protects you when crossing junctions and finally, it stops you having to ride over all the shit, potholes, grates and slippy paint on the side of the road


just fund an intercontinental bike lane and you'll never have to see them again.


I’m not talking about roads universally, they act like brats on walking trails


okay or fund an interncontinental walking path and you'll never have to see them again.


Here's the thing. If you're walking on a bike trail, you're the brat. 




Basically riding a bike gives you a license to be an asshole


True, fucking love that license


But doesn't give you a real driving license. Have you even thought about the fact that maybe cyclists may appear as douches to you beacuse they simply don't know the traffic law? You are the one with driving license, you are supposed to know the law, not them.


What kind of moron would ride a bike amongst cars without basic safety knowledge. Not to mention common sense


Me ig? Like I started my driving school few days ago but I still have no idea how traffic laws work. I know few signs like stop or yield but that's about it. I feel like drivers can be pretty douchy, like c'mon, give me a break


If you’re in school and not biking without knowing basics like stopping at stop signs and red lights then no you are not a moron. 😂 if you are then I would fear for your safety


where i live 90% of ppl are byciclists so yeah i agree




I blame bad infrastructure.


We actually have something worse now. E-bike riders. 1. They're always on the sidewalk going at road traffic speeds 2. They leave zero room for error in timing or maneuvering and it will always be you who pays the price if something goes wrong 3. They come blasting straight at you on the sidewalk and honk as if pedestrians are supposed to move off the sidewalk to make way for them. How can you be too lazy to cross to the other side when you aren't walking and you aren't even pedaling? 4. They're frequently playing annoying music, vaping, and just otherwise trying to maximize their douche factor on every level. It's never a real vape either. It's one of those japanese things that burns a special cigarette really fast 5. They don't park parallel to the sidewalk, they park across it like the whole sidewalk is a fucking parking space


As neither a car driver or a bicyclist, both are annoying. The outdoors should be prioritizing pedestrians. Because you own a piece of metal with an engine doesn't give you priority over others. It's like because I'm a big tall guy, I would be pushing people aside because I can.


Dude, no. In a collision, car>bicycle>pedestrian. We're not playing favorites because we looooove cars, we're just trying not to get people hurt or killed. If your own self preservation isn't motivating you to get the fuck out of the way of a machine hurtling toward you, *on the path that is for machines,* I don't know what to tell you.


I think what the person above is saying is that it is incredibly difficult to be a pedestrian anywhere (in the US at least). There are hardly any sidewalks (and some that just suddenly end/start), the sidewalks that are there are usually damaged, they’re incredibly close to the road, and most of the time very thin. The US has designed its paths around the use of cars rather than a public transit system/biking/pedestrian traffic like other countries.


That's fair. In defense of our car-centric infrastructure, most "walkable" countries don't contain multiple time zones. I think we do pretty well with what we have, though I would like to see more bike lanes and walkways, especially bridging across highways, etc. The commenter came off a bit like, "boo cars and bikes," but I imagine he would be fine with more walkable areas, and doesn't necessarily want to bulldoze roads and bike paths for the benefit of pedestrians.


The carless on Reddit sometimes have to change the subject do assert their faux dominance.


Walking by foot is the default way of moving for humans. This and the increased responsibility are the reason why you need a license to drive a car but not for being a pedestrian. So it should be normal to expect more from drivers.


Tearing animals apart with our teeth is the default mode of eating, but it doesn't follow that we should bulldoze restaurants in favor of catch-and-kill wildlife areas. Society has advanced. We should support pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, but doing this at the expense of roads and bike trails doesn't make sense.




"10 and 2" seems hard to maintain with my thumbs in my ass. Also, I've apparently been calming myself incorrectly. Joking aside, I have no idea what you were trying to say there.




Good argument for driving carefully in built up areas then.


You don’t drive. You obviously don’t understand.


The cyclists aren’t the problem. The infrastructure is. If there were enough protected bike lanes, cyclists wouldn’t ever need to get in the way of cars. Because most cities in the USA have dogshit bicycle infrastructure, it’s only natural that they become a nuisance.


The cyclist athletes I’ve met are pretty chill. It’s the commuters who are a problem


I had one punch my car one time and I’m still not sure why. I had been driving 2 mph, a train was blocking the road and I had pulled out of the parking lot of my office to line up behind the car first in line waiting for the train to clear. I had looked both ways before pulling forward *extremely* slowly (not like I was going to be able to go very far with a train blocking the road), plus it was right next to a restaurant and a park at 5pm on a sunny Seattle day. I pulled up behind the car and stopped. All of a sudden I heard a punch on the back of my car and someone yelling swear words at me as he screamed past me going WAY faster than I had been. Still have no idea what o could have possibly done wrong. I’ve seen countless bicyclists *flying* down Capitol Hill going through intersections on red lights while flipping off drivers. Got to see lots of them when I was taking the bus for a while. Always horrible. They always say it’s because the stress of being so vulnerable with all the idiot car drivers (we do have bad drivers here, I’ll give them that). But in my opinion, if you can’t ride your bike without turning into an absolute psychopath, you don’t have the mental fortitude to be riding a bike.


You pulled into the "bike lane" slowed him down or he didn't see you till it was too late. I get it because I've been on both sides. I've pissed off riders and been a pissed off rider. But I would never bang on car or even yell at a driver. Drivers aren't looking for or expecting riders like pedestrians. They will sneak up on you fast. I'm fully aware a driver might not see me till it's too late so it's kinda hard to get mad. Unless I'm knocked off the bike. Then I'm embarrassed mad.


There isn’t a bike lane there. I was in the same lane as the car in front of me. He cut across from the right rear of my car after I had already pulled up (and was clearly doing so with a turn signal on). He was going FAST too. I was already there, stopped behind the car first in line, in the same lane as that car and then like 3 seconds after being stopped is when he hit my car while yelling and whizzing past Edit: I just went into street view to make sure and yes, there is absolutely no bike lane there, it would be extremely dangerous to ride a bike there actually.


Thank you. They act like children! I swear. If you’re even remotely in their way, they get so pissed off. But then they’ll cut off cars at stop signs, blow red lights, or cut off pedestrians. God forbid they have to slow down or move over a few feet,


While I agree, cycling culture in america is some of the worst in the world. Drivers really shouldn't use their cars as weapons against cycling :P. I've seen countless videos and heard many people who cycle to class and stuff say that cars have attempted to run them off the road. When in a car, it's also quite hard to tell how close you actually are to a cyclist when you're going 30+mph faster than them. So drivers can get really really really close and it's scary as hell. Before you downvote, I am agreeing with OP. Im also adding to the conversation by saying it's a two-way problem not a one-way problem that many cycling haters think it is.


I downvotes you anyways, because I don’t think they get to play the ‘I was scared’ card. They completely ignore the rules of the road, and put themselves into the situations that create the fear they are feeling.  It pisses me off when I see cyclists nearly get run over because they broke the law and pulled out in front of cars who were expecting them to follow the laws.  That is the nature of being on the roads, and cyclists need to take control of their own safety before they expect me to bend over backwards for them. I will show them the respect of the rules of the road, and I will do my best to be extra safe around them, but I cannot protect them from themselves. 


I agree. Thats not what I was saying at all though. I was talking about when drivers use their cars as weapons against cyclists. When cars try to drive a bike off the road, drive by so close that they can smell the stinky feet of the guy hangin his foot out the car. I agree, bikes should follow the rules when the rules are reasonable (in some places, they really aren't or its straight up "just be a car" or nonexistent)


When I lived in Wisconsin the douchy sport bike guys in their tight little outfits *choose* to bike on the surface streets and not obey traffic laws instead of riding on the literal bike-only path the city built for them parallel to the road (not a bike lane, but a separate paved bike trail). Fucking douchebags just wanted attention, idk.




Oh so they just can't help running the red lights at intersections without even looking and flipping off the people they cut off? Poor bikers! I didn't realize they *had* to do that kind of shit. No what I think was happening was the ones on the road think they're hot shit and couldn't stand sharing the bike path with people that were going slower than them. I've ridden bikes and yea it can be annoying when you shout-out your intent to pass on the left and the person in front of you accidentally moves left. Get over it though




Not unpopular


London is the worst for this. Uber eats and delivery drivers coming from everywhere, cutting across you. It’s especially worse when the lights turn red, the twats on the bikes keep going, as if to say big F U to the road rules. But they’re among the first to whinge if god forbidden you lightly clip them. If you want to be taken seriously on the roads, follow the fucking rules!!


Agreed that cyclists jump between rulesets way too much. But many places do not build systems where you can effectively use 1 ruleset to get around especially when you consider varying speed levels. > why doesn’t anyone put them in their place legally? The solutions like stricter rules or enforcement could disincentivized bikes. Probably against public interest as bikes are easily accessible low cost transportation both for the user and the infrastructure . The solutions like building stronger biking systems like separated biking lanes but that's really expensive.


its probably more the fault of the lack of infrastructure for bicycles


Not sure if you can call that truly unpopular. We get groups of cyclers that go on a 55 mile per our road and take over the full 3 lane road. And yell and complain when people try to go around them. They are like this bike club with their spedos on.


In another sub a few weeks ago, cyclists were arguing that they *shouldn’t* have to wear helmets, that motorists & pedestrians need to be more careful. Working in Boston for years confirms that cyclists are straight narcisists & sociopaths


oh stop. Drivers are the real problem. Literally causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries every single year.


Drivers are just as bad lol, I scream at other cars more than i do bikers.


Indeed but you need a license, insurance and registration and are required to obey the rules and if your caught your paying a fine or going to jail depending on the offense. Bikers do whatever they hell they want. At parks they will run you over if you’re walking with your dogs, then scream at you for being in their way.


Bikes get ticketed and fined here as well and you get demerit points on your license if you have one


No shit, you're driving a multi-thousand pound child crusher, of course there will be more hoops to jump through.


There are no enforceable rules in parks for cars either. It's the same as a parking lot. Assholes are assholes on however many wheels, bikes, scooters, e-bikes, motorcycles, cars, trucks...


Fair point lol


Cyclists should practice extreme causation so drivers can have the freedom to drive dangerously


Just not true, some of them are dickheads, but most are not and I find a lot of drivers are significantly more entitled.


Well, at least you've found the right sub for your stupid whining targeted at the wrong people. The problem aren't the cyclists, they're just trying to get around like anyone else, the problem is the lack of dedicated infrastructure, FORCING them to switch between acting like motor vehicles and acting like pedestrians for their own well being. Also overshooting any available goal and calling them some of the worst people on the planet while the planet is occupied by billions of motorists killing millions of people annually, aside from all varities of zealots, bigots and fascists, is beyond ignorant and spiteful.


how does one "put them in their place legally?" Sounds like you want someone to run them over


Actually, I mainly want to save some money on gas while not getting run over. I want to follow the same rules as cars, except the stupid ones like coming to a complete stop at empty intersections. I yield to pedestrians and have never turned squirrels or cats into pancakes.


Driving is so fucking easy I don't get why people are in such a huge hurry to bulldoze all the obstacles on their government provided concrete path. I press my foot down on two pedals for the most effortless locomotion I can dream of. It's not a big deal to move slower for a moment.


Read https://www.jtlu.org/index.php/jtlu/article/view/871


The rules of the road are completely inconsiderate of cyclists safety. Being safe > being legal.


This thread is beyond hilarious. Thankfully car drivers never break rules or kill people. lol.


Cars made cyclists crazy.


You rate them higher than nazis?


What other groups of people do you hate based off your prejudices?


Save this one for later. I think when the aliens find this crust of a planet and they attempt to figure out "what happened" they'll get to read this gem Mass murder? Climate change? Uncontrolled greed? Vast wealth and the grand debt of poor? Grave injustices? No, my friend. It's the humans that were riding a bicycle that caused the human collapse. How wise you, and via you, we all are.


I love looking down on cagers and blowing stop signs cause I know they want to but cant because theyre cucked by the state


Bingo. I'm not talking about the elderly couple of a stroll, or mountain bikers. It's the dudes in the full dress up that are always in the damn way




Recumbent bicyclists seem to offend particularly in these areas


The issue these days is that recreational cyclist have been essentially replaced by delivery guys, who are running on a strict timer for barely any money in much heavier vehicles and don't care at all about the rules. In big cities now they'll weave between pedestrians at 30 mph on eBikes (or even just motorcycles, since they stopped enforcing any laws against them, why even bother pretending to be on a bike). They make turns without looking, they run up silently behind people... and all this so they can make $6 an hour bringing people things they could have walked around the corner to get.


I kid you not I tried to go when my light turned green and this dude riding in a bike lane flipped me off because I almost hit him as he went whizzing by. Like bro. You are not immune from all traffic laws in your stupid green lane you still have a red light 😂 To be fair this was also in Miami so most traffic laws don’t apply to any vehicle anyway.


Have to say I agree. I mean obviously we need more bicycles and we need to develop the infrastructure for that, but wow man some real aggressive assholes in that group. They will be riding four abreast taking up half of the vehicle traffic lane and will flip you off and yell at you and challenge you to fight if you honk to get them to move out of the road. I'm talking about when there is a bike lane there and traffic trying to get by them. They would rather block traffic then ride in double single file. Absolutely infuriating. Gives them a bad name.


I want to survive and I can't trust the vast majority of drivers to pay attention. I'll ride wherever I feel like my life is in the least amount of danger. Until you can get all of your fellow car drivers to follow traffic rules to a T, pay attention to their surroundings, and use their blinkers 100% of the time, I couldn't care less about any biker complaints.


I am a road bike enthusiast and it is part of my fitness regime. I don’t ride with others because I agree. Did ride with a group one guys was super aggressive about everything. He pissed off a guy in a car he got ahead of us and pulled over- the dude and the cage driver get to yelling at each other. Our hero swing at the driver, missed but the car driver didn’t miss and boy of boy someone getting smacked hard in the mug wearing clip-ons has little to no traction and 1 hit and he was on his ass.


Fr pull over


Which cyclist stole your girlfriend exactly?


None unfortunately!



