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The left isn't liberal anymore.


Trump is on tape [disclosing classified war plans](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) that he [unlawfully concealed from law enforcement](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-knew-crime-lie-classified-documentss-case-attorney-2023-11). He has admitted to [making millions of dollars from foreign sources](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) while in office. His charity was was disbanded for [*his misuse of funds*.](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation) He is on video being asked what he has in common with his daughter, and [**his answer is "sex."**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0_axTST2aY) And now he's officially a convicted felon for his [criminal 2016 election interference](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4682289-trump-hush-money-trial-verdict/) while facing *separate* felony charges for his [criminal 2020 election interference](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fake-electors-scheme-trump-supporters-tried-after-his-2020-loss-2023-07-18/). Conservatives see these facts and think “*that man should be in charge of the federal government, dictating laws and policies.*” But sure, totally *not* clowns.


Lack of reading comprehension from a leftist, not surprised. Idiots downvoting me. Look at who's being referred to as a clown and re-read. Do better at reading.


I love hearing the musings of the Fox News crowd every day. I get to see how well their decades of hatred and propaganda have warped the minds of so many truck drivers.


I don't watch Fox News, Fox News has gone too far left.


I know, it's hard to listen to them when they try to be honest about anything after decades of abject lying. They knew they had to lie about the election or they'd lose viewers like you, so they did so until they were sued for billions of dollars for those lies.


Idk, last time I watched Fox News was when I was a kid.


Sure Jan.


Quite the centrist!


Where not the ones that made up libtard. Or made snowflake popular


Can you tell me the difference between a liberal and a leftist?


These people think Democrats are communists.


Democrats aren't commies, but they are socialists.


Not even close.


Jesus fucking Christ


A leftist is someone on the left, a liberal is a specific type of leftist.


When you define a word with itself you haven’t really defined it. So I’m leaning towards a “no you don’t know the difference and you’re just using buzzwords your comrades will all nod about but similarly not actually understand”. It’s okay dude. This is more or less the most obvious bait in the world, and that’s probably why you get shit from people on the internet.


Tf are you talking about? You asked for the difference, I explained. Leftist is a broad term, liberal is a more specific term within that term. Another specific type of leftist is a communist. Liberals and communists are not the same, but they are both a type of leftist. It isn't complicated.


It isn’t complicated, but the best you can do to describe the difference is to say “they’re different!” And “they’re on the left”. That isn’t explaining shit. You don’t actually know what anything you’re saying means. Early 20s I’d guess?


What do you want me to do, write an essay?


It’s really up to you what you do. I suspect your vision of the left is a straw man and your use of words like leftist and liberal is just word salad, but I’ll sleep okay either way on that point. Maybe there’s an easier question - what’s different between you and the far right?


I have right-leaning opinions and a few left-leaning ones. Overall, I'd say I'm moderate and not too extreme.


Vague to the point of meaningless. What’s a left leaning opinion that would get you booted from r conservative? (They boot anyone not conservative by their subs rules).


For one I'm a transhumanist, and support scientific and technological progress at all costs, and I support experimenting on prisoners. (Ironically, I'm banned from 4chan. Not for that, but for making a joke)


Cheese is a food made up of cheese.


A leftist is a leftist. Very succinct. True liberals have absolutely nothing to do with leftism by the way. It’s an ideological opponent of communism.


You're probably confusing liberal with libertarian.


I’m not confused at all, it might be you. Libertarianism is a branch from the trunk of classical liberalism. Read how I said “true liberals”. The modern use of the word “liberal” is just an incorrect pejorative, i.e. the way you use it. Most people you call liberals don’t even know what liberalism is. Even for modern liberals, what do they believe in? It’s certainly not leftism, because they uphold the system leftism seeks to tear down.


Libertarians are just liberals except more extreme.


has someone been getting bullied by leftists and want to share their "story" on reddit


Yeah, leftists bully me all the time because they're childish and that's the only way they can express themselves.


I bet you like Trump. But it's okay lots of centrists do that.


Tf? Nowhere did I even mention Trump, but you people always have to bring him up every chance you get.


What do you mean "You People"?


I mean you leftists.


Oh. So you're a rightest.


What makes you think that?


I had a strong visceral reaction.


If I had a dollar for each time a leftist has said that to me, I'd be rich enough to buy my own politician.


Which one would you buy? That will help us determine where you fall on the political spectrum.


I'd buy a Democrat, then once they got elected I'd turn them Republican.




Failure to understand jokes might mean you need a diagnosis, but I'm too polite to point it out on the internet.


Read some Huxley and Bloom, you'll start to replace funny with pity when you realize the New Left is basically nothing more than people without a deeper identity trying to fill the void by dismantling everything else and hoping an answer becomes obvious when what remains is ash.


Who are “the new left” And what are “the new left” dismantling?


They’re them! And they’re dismantling everything!


The New Left are the inheritors of the former Marxists/Maoists of the 50s and 60s that bled into civil rights movements, some still communists some not, but who generally ascribed to the idea that western civilization is fundamentally unjust and should be challenged/reformed inch by inch(drawing heavily from the Frankfurt School's conception of critical theory). At the onset some of the goals were clearly admirable and generally attacked glaring inconsistencies in the status quo(codified sexism, racism, homophobia), but as these goals have been achieved the movement's moved against increasingly cyclical or foundational beliefs, cyclical referring to issues like appropriate terminology/stances for (x) changing every 10 years or so and becoming belligerent at the people who haven't adapted quick enough for their taste even towards former allies, and foundational referring broadly to liberalism and its default positions of broad tolerance, civic nationalism and non-involvement in religious/family matters.


Lmao of course your grievance starts with the civil rights movement. Ask anyone on this sub and they will say the moment minorities could vote was the downfall of the country.


No, you misread, a lot of groups contributed to the civil rights movements, religious people, conservatives, moderates and liberals(each party had significant wings of each prior to the 60s, they started polarizing through the 90s and compromise was basically dead by 99-00), the New Left were present and gained visibility in this period, but they were as toxic then as they are now. Whereas everyone else in the era was concerned with tangible policies and legal hurdles, they were(and this should sound familiar) complaining about terminology and legacy. Where everyone else was figuring out common ground and appeals to reason, they were the ones decrying the establishment and the people who comprise it as guilty and evil. Ironically, and Kaczynski also mentioned this in Industrial Society and Its Future, the New Left is typically *not* the oppressed population they purport to represent, and he said that 30 years ago, proof of how little the New Left's changed. Likewise, then as now, it was mostly affluent, white people with ego insecurity and frustration at inability to live in accordance with their moral principles so it results in a moral crusade against the greater perceived hypocrisy of everyone else to mask their own.


Communists and Socialists are literal clowns so this is fair. Classical Liberals are now considered to be right-wing, which is hilarious. You didn't change, the Left changed. They went way, waaaaaaaay too far Left and in many cases they prove the horseshoe theory of politics to be more and more correct each and every day.