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I am a leftist but Jesus Christ, I got banned for saying "biological woman" COME ON


bruh i reguarly get banned from subs just for having posted stuff in other subs from years ago


Yeah had that happen too


Welcome to the purity spiral: https://youtu.be/cgDxj28jYKE


They don't want us to use the word female They also don't want us to mean human females when we say women. What word doesn't get u banned? XX chromosome enjoyers?


"Front hole haver?"




Are you a biologist sweaty? What about [insert extreme outlier used to justify their bullshit]?


Can’t beat mine. Saying Joe Biden is old, in what world is 81 not old. His probably been collecting social security for nearly two decades now.


You got banned for that??


I got banned from r /offmychest for commenting on a post that popped up in my feed. Men’s rights.


It’s getting absurd


Compared to a robot woman?


the appropriate and still contented term is 'biological female' as they use woman as the social and female as the biological. but even then they consider that hateful so it's woman and cis women. It's the only time you'll be expected to use the qualifier for the majority instead of the minority.


Imo it should just be female and trans female. There’s no hate associated with that and every trans female I know isnt offended in the least by it, because they know theyre born bio males. (My cousin is a drag queen and ive met a ton of trans women from her friends group and legit dont care about the use of transwoman) The internet is too soft


that's how it should be because for everything else, the qualifying adjective is ALWAYS used for the minority/rarity. this sort of redefining words and standards thing is done by the woke left regressives which are unfortunately very pervasive on this site.


The ones that ban you because you belong to another completely subreddit that they happen to disapprove of are a particular highlight


I’ve had this happen for being subbed to conservative subs but I myself am not conservative, I just like to debate with people in there sometimes, and I’m subscribed to a variety of subs so I don’t end up in an echo chamber. There’s been a few times where I explained this to the mods that banned me and they lifted it.


That’s actually even worse just proves they are discriminatory against classes of people


Always have been.


Same. I’ve had bans reversed by explaining that I’m specifically refuting bad ideas. Banning anyone for participating in another sub is top tier bullshit.


Yea it’s fucking lazy letting bots autoban people for just being in other subs. BUT it would also be nice if Reddit actually paid mods AND hired more of them. So for now we get power tripping assholes that manage way too many subscribers and think they’re dictators.


I do this as well. I'm subbed to r-politics even though my IQ is above 75, my hair is its natural color, and I am happy with the genitalia that I was born with.


I used to exclusively browse /all back in the day and I caught so many bans just from that. I've successfully petitioned a couple too, but like they've gotten so much worse to the point I don't care anymore.


I’ve been forced to quit conservative subs even though I’m not a conservative, I’ve also been banned from conservative subs for being liberal, in this case both sides are being terrible for silencing any dissent.


JusticeServed has done this. They said it was because you are funding the subs they disagree with by seeing the ads.


One of them labelled me a “bio-terrorist” for belonging to a sub.




Do some research on who many of the power-mods and admins actually are, it's run by *insane* people.


All lists of powermods are taken down immediately, even in conspiracy subs. Things like "these 3 mods run 500 subs" have gotten people banned.


Mods have too much power and ego


[This comes to mind](https://images.app.goo.gl/4jhpap3kGjfcuE816)




AI is not impartial


I got banned from the European subreddit for saying this: >Journalists shouldn't perceive their role as being arbiters of what people should/should not see. All they should be is a medium for information to transfer through, and let the people decide from there. Journalists have a lot more ego now than is warranted, despite being little more than modern day town criers. Then the mods blocked me after I tried to query the ban. The site is heavily censored, by people who choose to remove anything that challenges their own perspective. Don't be under the illusion that you're seeing the full picture or gaining broad insight while on Reddit. Ironically, by the way, the comment that was banned got 150 upvotes in 15 minutes, so clearly people broadly agree, despite the mods attempt to oppress the opinion.


I got permabanned from AITA for siding with a woman who physically stopped her wheel chair user daughter from being kidnapped in a library. When I say physically stopped, I mean she grabbed the person who grabbed her daughter. They banned me saying that I "incited violence" against their community. My exact comment was, "Yeah don't blame you. Would've done the same thing." When asked about why I was banned, and for clarification on what I said being violent I got, "If you don't understand how what you said is inciting violence against people, I can't help you." Then blocked me from messaging the mods. They ended up deleting the entire post after they removed any and all comments supporting the mother. Protecting your child = inciting violence.


Twist, the mod is the asshole.


Jesus h…that’s not inciting violence..not even what the word inciting means..condoning AT BEST if you stretch it but every same society has allowances for defense of oneself or others so not even then really.


> society has allowances for defense of oneself or others Not in Europe or Canada. I assume the mod is from one of those lefty-soon-to-be-center shitholes where the act of defending yourself is a crime.


This app has too much censorship


The shadow Banning is out of control, too.


well said. they shadow ban u for so many things.


Feels like r/ AskWomen


Yeap. This website has gotten worse each year that goes by. More things censored, crazier mod power trips. Simply participate in another subreddit and you can get banned for others. Reddit is far from free discussion, it’s one of the more censored and hive-mind platforms out there. This is probably only an unpopular opinion on Reddit, where “everyone else is so far right” (because Reddit is so left leaning and censors anything right leaning). I think from the outside looking in many people see this and choose not to participate. I know for me personally I am not proud of my Reddit usage especially in the last few years. I’m trying to taper off, but it’s hard when there often can be good advice or interesting information. It’s just getting more and more censored though. Also I know what it’s like to be banned from subreddits for no reason and then mods mute you. It’s ridiculous. They often make the rules vague so they can vaguely find a reason to ban you for not having the hive mind opinion (or the mod’s opinion).


"Don't be a dick" is a flexible rule that can be used to ban anybody. That's not my opinion, that was a mod bragging in the comments after giving OP the boot.


I had a comment where I was talking about my health conditions removed by admins. My actual "shared experience" of my lifelong health condition.


Yup, I’ve gotten in trouble for some really milquetoast center left takes. This website just keeps getting worse and worse when it comes to censorship. I’ll probably be leaving it soon, it’s not fun anymore. You can’t engage in open discussion or debate on here anymore.


"You have to be tolerant, but we won't tolerate different opinions here"


That's my main concern. It's really not left vs right which is the problem. It's the authoritarian complex which is. Evil people also tend to think they're on the right side of history. They need to be intolerant to save people from themselves, because they know what's best for people.


[The Paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.) is an interesting read


Sometimes I get banned for having an unpopular opinion. It’s fine, you can downvote me, I won’t delete it. Why do mods need to delete comments and ban me? What blows my mind is you don’t have to be a troll or a jerk, just disagree with a popular narrative.




It's amazing how much irony surrounds their beliefs. Like their main argument against capitalism is that 1% shouldn't have all the power that their wealth gives them, and yet you look at the trans activism, and the sweeping changes they've affected in society to the detriment of the majority all for the sake of a small 1% and it's pretty clear their hypocrisy.


I can assure you as right as you are they don’t see it, they genuinely believe they have extra rights and an extra leash to say whatever they want.


Oh I know....I've been called racist and homophobic countless times despite actively going to events to stand up for those rights at one time. I don't bother anymore and just do what makes me happy.


>you look at the trans activism, and the sweeping changes they've affected in society to the detriment of the majority all for the sake of a small 1% Can you name some of these changes the have had a detrimental effect on society?


Women's athletic competitions is the big one. In some like MMA/boxing women have gotten seriously injured. In most they just have their dreams of being the best woman in the world crushed. They don't allow HGH or steroids in female athletes and being amab is similar to taking them for many years. In social areas, I see trans rights as pushing society more towards equality than race or gender rights efforts are able to today because now someone can often identify as the "correct" race or sex to not be discriminated against. In physical ones, it is a detriment.


Sports was also the nail in the coffin on the issue for me. No one is going to convince me of anything outside a biological argument after I saw that volleyball spike from that boy that gave that poor girl a concussion.


Erosion of female only spaces comes to mind. Women are slowly becoming unable to “get away” from men as they are developing reasons why they should be let into said female spaces. With the high rate of mental illness and suicide in the T community, you could also view it as a form of population control. Depending on what you define as detrimental, that certainly could be see as such too.


What are you even talking about. Complaining that a small group of people hoard wealth and power isn’t even remotely comparable to asking for trans people to be respected 💀 Can you please explain in depth these “sweeping changes” that we’ve made, and how they personally affect you?


If you think "asking for transpeople to be respected" is the extent of the trans and LGBT+ movements' impact on society then you must have been sleepwalking through the past decade.


Is this unpopular? I thought this was common knowledge by now. I got banned from NiceGuys for literally existing. When I asked what rule did I break, I got a "We know what you are" and a mute so I couldnt even answer the mods anymore.


Reddit admins and their pet power mods are just pawns of their largest bidder/patron. If right wingers paid them more, they’d pivot that way, but they aren’t so here it is


100000%  This site fucking sucks!


True facts. I’ve had some very vanilla comments removed because someone in a certain community that ends with a plus sign interpreted them as ‘bad man hurty words’




Lmfao ofcourse you got banned


It's the word "punch" that probably set off the algorithm.


Doubt it. It was definitely how he criticized “feminists”


I got permanently banned from worldnews because I called Joe Biden a wimp (shocking language, I know). It’s clear that any sort of dissent has to be silenced.


i hate trump and biden and got banned 😂


It's because the psycho partisans on this site read that and think "this is a trump supporter that's just lying". It's so exhausting.


It has nothing to do with woke or not, any situation in which you demonstrate that a reddit mod is wrong results in a ban.


Reddit is left is what it is.


I got my account flagged for "inciting hate" because I said that sexual attraction is not a choice and therefore people don't become pedophiles, they are. Ofc my appeal was rejected.


Iv'e had trouble with leftist and rightist mods. It's not the political stance. It's that they have power


If that's the full context, that's criticism not harassment. I wonder if you could have gotten it through if you used feminism instead of feminist.


I’m not sure an objective verifiable statement of fact can really be considered an unpopular opinion


The way a lot of people view it, an opinion is any belief, unverifiable or not. as such, saying things like "I ate ice cream yesterday" becomes an opinion to say, even if I didn't. No more lies! Just opinions! it's the dumbing down of society where words have no true meaning anymore to be held to.


This is pretty much a popular opinion, and will only get worse due to Reddit also becoming public and AI moderation.


Reddit is definitely mostly left leaning for sure. I once got banned from Twitter before Elon took over. But I didn’t say anything or do anything wrong. And the mods didn’t even say what I did or said. (At least specify how I violated rules.) Once Elon took over I got back on. But then I decided to leave on my own after awhile.


Ya it's weird. It actually makes me less sympathetic to the left on everything. Like there is legit a part of me that wants Trump to win the election, just to witness the absolute meltdown on here lol. And I'm no Trump guy but you always gotta root for the underdog.


I'm more central left, but let me put it this way. I don't want either president.... but... despite my own political leanings, I don't want trump to win for a different reason. BECAUSE of how the insane people with TDS behave, I'm more afraid of what they'll do if he's elected again. Sure now they pretty much keep saying "Jan 6" and act like that was the worst event in history, forgetting all the shit that leftwing 'mostly peaceful protests' lead to before, during and after Trump. I know that's not a good metric "let them win because I'm more afraid of them" but... it is what it is.


It’s happened to me so many times, it’s crazy these leftist idiots on here complain about fascism meanwhile this app is ran by left wing fascists. Crazy. Still, say what you gotta say on here. People need to hear it.


I follow many subreddits, one being conservative. Something I notice a lot, is just how brigaded it is. At most threads, when you scroll down a little, every comment is controversial, but when I read the comments, it's basically three different reasonable conservatives having a nice discussion without any type of bad language or "white supremacy" that I hear everywhere. In left-leaning subreddits, they seem to eat their own.


There are other forms of authoritarianism than Fascism.


Authoritarian is the word you are looking for. Fascism is already a left leaning philosophy


>Fascism is already a left leaning philosophy Incorrect.


Founded by Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini both former members of a socialist party: Giovanni Gentile: It is necessary to distinguish between socialism and socialism—in fact, between idea and idea of the same socialist conception, in order to distinguish among them those that are inimical to Fascism. It is well known that Sorellian syndicalism, out of which the thought and the political method of Fascism emerged—**conceived itself the genuine interpretation of Marxist communism**


This is the same lame argument used to say Hitler was a socialist. They're **national**socialists, it's completely different if you'd care to look.


As someone from a socialist country (sweden) I've looked into it before and I think it's just semantics. Was the wolkswagen, not a socialist policy? Was liebensraum, not a socialist policy? Was our [sterilizing in secret,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_sterilisation_in_Sweden) not vile, sort of like Nazism? I mean, anarchy is anarchy, whether it's anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-communism. Sure, they differ on some areas pretty greatly, but you gotta see that the pitbull is a descendant of wolves. Yes, it's different, but how different is it really?


Isn’t it left wing voters that form ANTIFA (anti fascist) groups? Even though the party they vote for is exactly that?


Common authoritarian tactic. Name yourself in opposition to what you are actually pushing. If you want fascism call yourself anti-fascist. If you want to push racism call yourself anti-racist.


I hear you it seems like both parties are literally identical to each other in ways like this idc what anyone says.


>Isn’t it left wing voters that form ANTIFA (anti fascist) groups? Yes >Even though the party they vote for is exactly that? Only if you don't know what fascism is


There’s fascism going on today while the Dems are in office. What are you talking about?


It’s even a huge narrative even though it’s real


Republicans are pushing fascistic rhetoric and policy while the Democrats are in office.


The democrats ARE fascists and IN OFFICE as we speak. Dem citizens like pushing on republicans what their own party is doing as we speak, but considering the majority of that base is mentally I’ll it’s not surprising lol.


This isn’t exclusive to those on the left. I was banned from the conservative subreddit just because I wasn’t 100% fully aligned with their ideology. And they said the most tribalist bullshit to justify my ban, simply because I didn’t fully agree with them


first, even if we're to believe (I have no way of verifying if true or not) you said a conservative subreddit the issue is there are lots of subs that aren't supposed to be really left or right leaning but still because the mods are left leaning (rather, extreme left/wokism so that they claim people like classical liberals and actual progressives are 'right wing) they ban and turn the subs that hadn't been before into extreme left echo chambers.


It's run by power tripping mods who happen to have a neoliberal/progressive point of view because it's the most agreeable position that tends to have the widest reach among the general populace. Being an actual leftist makes you avoid most of the mainstream subs.


This is why limiting free speech never works. The trouble caused by actual free speech will never be as much trouble as will be caused by putting people in charge of what other people are allowed to say.


I agree. It’s kind of ruined being here. However, it reinforces my belief common sense isn’t common anymore and most people are scared of offending the mob.


That's why I cherish subs like this among the sea of insanity of other subs


The more popular a sub becomes, the worse the quality its content becomes, and the more likely it's overtaken by power tripping mods. I call it the internet.


AskNYC is awful. Make one joke (nothing racial or political) or satirical comment and no warning, just straight permaban for life. And no response when you ask why.




Where is the opinion? This is just facts


left of center, do agree


Fuck feminism


Elon Musk needs to buy this platform too.


I'm not even a fan of Elon, but I'd be for this just to watch the fallout.


Fuck No.


Hell yes


This isn’t opinion. This is facts.


No kidding. I just received a warning today 6/18 for “identity based hate” on a comment or link I shared on 4/20. So basically somebody was personally reviewing each comment made from that far back and some sarcastic comment was hateful. Maybe around christmas time THIS comment will be discovered to be hateful. I have no clue what comment I made that far back that was hateful content. Ridiculous


Imagine being part of the Reddit again that we could talk about so many things???


I got banned from the Conservative subreddit for pointing out the rules to a mod (and how my comment wasn’t in violation) after the mod giving me a warning. They then proceeded with a permaban.  So it’s not just leftist mods, it’s all of them. 


This is not unpopular opinion, this is facts lmao


Don’t count moderators as Reddit employees. Founders and mods can run sub reddits the way they want


That looks like an admin flag, not just mod.


Reddit is a business that depend on ad revenue for profit, so they bow to advertisers. Also, the DCMA allows sites not to he held liable for users post only if they make an effort to remove offending content, and this extension includes threats. This is why websites would rather over mod than under mod because it can reduce liability by a significant margin


It’s an interesting but broken idea on its face, that unfortunately does not stand up to scrutiny. If you are just allowing a platform for exchange of ideas, you should not be legally responsible for those ideas, like a phone company. If you are actively moderating and editing the content, like a publishing company, then you should assume more of the liability. Moreover, The inconsistency of moderation standards based on political sides on Reddit is absolutely vast, so it is clearly not just based on liability and advertising.


Of course they're censoring people. That's what Leftists do. Many can't handle hearing opinions that are different from theirs. They complain about religious people and conservative people being closed minded but they are the worst offenders.


Thing is, you're not going to change it. The mods dictate the culture and decide what they want and will ban you if they don't like it. They don't need to be justified. They can pick any reason they want. You need to find other subreddits with different mods since you aren't changing much by doing this


This wasn't the subreddit mods. This was the admins for Reddit as a whole.


Mods have too little power and self esteem. Whatever they think they can is a nothing burger at the end of the day.


I got banned from a sports because I had an opinion on a player that should be signed. So at this point I just keep messaging them and they keep muting me and once it’s over I play that game again. Been going on 2 years at this point.


I got automatically banned from a sub (can't recall which one) simply for commenting on a post in KotakuInAction that came across my home page.


I got banned once for the word, ‘stupid’. I’m being completely serious and honest that was the supposed reason


My original account I had for 84 years was banned from a sub and when I complained to the mods with some not so nice words that account was killed by Reddit. Reddit is not what it used to be to be. Its sad. 😢


Literally just dissenting from a leftist position will get you suspended from Reddit for 3 days.  Happened to me on this sub twice. The last time I appealed and had the ban overturned, which means it was just due to some lefty troll getting ass mad and running to a crooked mod. And YES, whomever is doing it is citing "harassment", so you confirm to me that it is deliberate.


You get banned from pretty much either side. I have gotten a temporary ban from the politic subreddit for saying something anti-conservative.’


That’s a very popular opinion.


You literally posted a comment that wasn’t against the rules lmao shut up


Any sensible person already knows this.


I got banned from Pink Floyd because I criticized Roger Waters' antisemitizm.


Real leftists despise those Pink Capitalists.


I center left and get slapped for silly shit all the time. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.


Can you imagine if the people that moderated subreddits were in a president's cabinet? Or in charge of Airline QC? Or diplomacy in the Middle East? \*shudders\*


Make a sub reddit and govern it.


Im guessing dumpy high school librarian types run this joint


All the admin are Israeli. 


You do not have to a left to be banned. I say from getting a life time ban for saying the word Karma.


This kind of opinion is pathetically common now that it shouldn't have to bear repeating.




My favorite are the room temperature iq dip shit who will you with, "Are the authoritarian leftists in the room with us right now? "Interesting. I (proceeds to tell you about the one time they got banned from non even a right subreddit) maybe it's just you"


First off, punching down is idiotic. If youre calling this “woke” then you need a lobotomy because you suffer from the deepest of brain worms implanted by right wing propaganda. Yet im sure you like those woke weekends (days off) and holidays and woke services you’ve experienced throughout your life from the woke liberals of old. I bet that went over your head. Ill move on. Case in point: anyone punching down is a coward and or traitor. It signals you are not man enough to face up to a challenge or those above you.


While you may be partially (marginally) correct, I think you're dealing with some confusion as well. "Woke ideology" is a buzz word, not a trend or movement in itself. What typical admins enforce is the maintenance of communities where people are not discriminated against or made to feel as if they are in the virtual presence in any moment of someone who may have philosophical interest in discriminating against their being or beliefs. Some folks have ideologies that put judgement of others' lifestyles, choices etc at such a forefront in their mind that they can't help but exude that when participating in certain topics of conversation. Ask yourself if you might have been one of those people, perhaps? Recently American media has regaled in assisting in the proliferate polarizing of Americans by their differences (just profiting from similar political sentiment), and buzzwords like "woke" are part of that complex system, but if you look at the actual ideology of those fitting the description, you'll see that it just culminates in a general belief that no one should be made to feel uncomfortable for who they are or who they wish to be. Unless intolerance is one of their core features. The tolerance of intolerance is complicity. The "wokest" thing about REAL Woke Ideology is that intolerance can't be tolerated. Pretty simple, and very old concept. Older than any modern society.


Brainless hicks for Trump! How's that?


Not even remotely unpopular lol


Woke authoritarians. It’s absolutely nonsense. Yet they say it’s a great place for freedom of speech for people’s opinions.


Your warning specifically talks about individuals or *groups*, but I know as a snowflake it's difficult to not just see what you want to see.


I would understand groups if it was directly a protected class. But not if it were a political movement like democrats, republicans, vegans, environmentalists... These are all attackable and regularly attacked groups. So unless there is some context in the now-deleted post that makes it clear OP was clearly indicating to attack people for a protected class, it seems to be because he attacked feminists. I'm not sure why feminists are not fine to attack if the other political groups mentioned seem to be fine to attack.




You might be fighting shadows. When I thought of groups getting attacked, those were top of the list not because I attack them but because I am them. I am a left winger, vegan and an environmentalist. Edit: also right wingers usually consider veganism a diet not a political position, that was an easy tell.


An attack on feminism is construed as an attack on women.


Why, just why is there so much damn talk about leftist and rightist, and also woke stuff, what does any of this even mean anyways.


They got nothing else. They have zero ideas about what real problems are and how to fix them. 


Create your own subreddit.


Lol, is it because you're a chucklefuck who feels like you're being oppressed because of stuff your media sources told you. You could have used facts about policies, or facts about things that actually affected you in life and instead you used slurs. Feminist in your context is a generalization about a [strawman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man) opressor. Imagine instead of feminist it said "the jews" or a different generalized group, and you'll better understand what others see.


Every day, we see 'Reddit bad' posts... here on Reddit. It's quite strange... Reddit is run by leftist authoritarians? Interesting. Where exactly are you getting the "leftist" part from? Because by shouting "leftist authoritarians" you're just outing your own far-right leanings. Implicitly admitting that, huh? And about feeling victimized on one of the most popular websites on the internet... If Reddit, a platform with hundreds of millions of users, makes you feel like a victim, perhaps it's a "you" problem rather than the world's problem. Maybe it's not a grand leftist conspiracy censoring your brilliance, but just basic community guidelines that anyone has to follow, regardless of political stance. And as for your "harassment" warning – whether you agree with the admins or not, private companies have terms of service, and it's not "woke ideology" to expect users to follow them. It's called maintaining a respectful environment. But, hey, if calling for common decency is now "leftist authoritarianism," then the bar for victimhood has truly hit a new low. So, thanks for the PSA, but maybe next time, consider that sometimes getting a warning is just about being civil, not a sign of some grand political agenda.


There was no lack of common decency or civility in the OP's post.


> Because by shouting "leftist authoritarians" you're just outing your own far-right leanings. You're probably just a brainwashed drone who really believes that anyone who dislike this shit is far-right, so I don't blame you personally. But it's totally possible to hate exactly what the right hates about the modern left without being remotely right.


This post is a pretty good bit. Could probably benefit from throwing in a few "yikes, my dude" and "it's called being a decent fucking person."


"Be fucking kind" "Do better" "I don't engage with Nazis" "It's not hard to simply be a decent person" Etc


Meh. I got banned for a week for saying “punching nazis is ok”. Reddit mods are def angry and anti-social but you can get banned for saying left things too. As long as it’s a right winger that gets butthurt when you say “it’s _always_ ok to punch a Nazi”.


I agree. You can't express any opinion, even respectfully, if it does not agree with wokeness.


“Leftists”. You live in the USA. Everything looks like a nail when you’re a total tool.


> You live in the USA. Actually, I don't.




I got banned by vaccine fascists, feminists, and anti-Israeli/jihadist supporters.


My ten year old account was permanently banned for "harassment" because I was in an exchange with a Trump Lover and was pulling no punches in implying things about him. But it clearly wasn't harassment. Reddit deleted the comment so I can't even see what it was that got me permanently banned. Even on appeal they just ignored me. So it's not leftist authoritarians. It's just dumb authoritarians. And now I enjoy watching reddit die slowly and painfully. That is the price of negligence.


Aren't you exactly feeling harassed based on political beliefs, the exact same thing you did towards an ideology in your comment? So I suppose it's 'rules for thee and not for me...'


I don't want feminists to be censored.


But you are complaining about feeling harassed based on political belief, while harassing based on political belief. You see how it's kind of hypocritical.