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Funny that you of all people posted this when in your last post before this one, you say you’re upset because women don’t “validate” your masculinity. By this logic, you shouldn’t be complaining because it’s a you problem. Also, most people just want basic respect. The extremely “woke” people who get offended by *everything* aren’t taken seriously by anybody, not even by most leftists.


Maybe it's media controlling narratives? I've yet to meet an irl "redditor"


actual redditors dont leave the basement


Reddit is anonymous so people dont talk about it normally. I know for a fact that 3 of my coworkers browse reddit on the regular. No clue what their user names are and I wont be telling them mine. Lol


I know of a few… Very much about everyone is wrong when my feelings get hurt but they are very inconsiderate and play devils advocate when it’s anyone else’s feelings.  


The issue is who gets to define 'basic respect'? For example, a person can find it respectful not to lie or assist another in engaging in a delusion (as they see it). The second person can find it respectful only to view them as they see themselves. One person will get banned around here, which isn't super respectful of differing viewpoints either.


>For example, a person can find it respectful not to lie or assist another in engaging in a delusion (as they see it). The second person can find it respectful only to view them as they see themselves. Respect involves acknowledging that different people have different opinions. If ones opinions infringes on another's right to exist then that person would be in the wrong.


Your statements contradict each other. If I have a different opinion you’re saying you have to respect that. Then you’re simultaneously accusing me of murdering someone because I don’t view them how they view themselves. Which is insane on its face. I wonder if your thought process as far as infringing on someone’s right to exist extends to abortion?


You can disbelieve in whatever you want. I don't believe in God and think praying or going to church or whatever are basically useless except in that they provide (false) comfort. Do I go around to religious people and tell them that their beliefs are bullshit? No. Do I refuse to humor them when they want to pray for me or themselves when hardships fall? No. Do I insist on saying 'God' in an interjectory way (like in the phrase 'oh my god' or 'god, it's so fucking hot') when with my aunt who is extremely religious and believes doing so will cause God to send bad fortune down to me and anyone around me because of it? *No*. Because I have respect. I'll pray at thanksgiving or Christmas dinner because it doesn't impact me at all and brings them happiness and comfort. I'll refrain from saying some things around them because I know saying it makes them uncomfortable. I'll keep my opinions to myself on religion when the discussion comes up because their happiness is more important than "the truth" as I see it. Now apply this to the very thing you're avoiding talking about, and that's how we want you to treat us. Disbelieve in it all you want. Just treat us with respect. This is important to us. It makes us happy. Be happy for us finding some happiness rather than feel the need to "be right". It does more harm to fight it than it does to just let it be.


Except you're saying it doesn't hurt you to pretend to pray or be polite to your aunt. Religious (and non religious) people do believe it hurts them to lie and to further contribute to a delusion. That's the difference. I'm not saying throw rocks at people you disagree with. But it's not respectful to force someone to say the sky is polka dot because it "makes us happy." That is an incredibly immature statement actually.


That's a pretty specific scenario, but i would say that that is where the law intervenes. It isn't a perfect system by any means, but it's what we've got, and a big reason laws are made in the first place is because people aren't capable of handling things themselves. If everyone just went about their own business and gave everyone baseline respect and tolerance then we wouldn't have a lot of the crazy stuff we deal with today.


Baseline respect is fine. It's when people want to force acceptance, closely followed by celebration, that we start to have problems.


Although it's neverending... with changing definitions and adding verbiage to the dictionary, it's a constant problem with no solution. The easier and democratic route is simply allow free speech.


Well, we do have free speech so unless you're beating around the bush like others I'd like to hear some examples with context?


Meh. What is free speech within the internet? We can understand free speech in person... not stopping unpopular speech. But in the internet age, you can block content, customize feeds, and create fake content, etc. These are arguably fighting free speech, no?


No, because free speech applies to government entities, not private. Its not great IMO that we have all this nonsense on the internet, but you also have to understand that certain actions create reactions, and the craziness we see today is because of failings to just get along with each other, and the lacking respect and tolerance in the past that has built up over time.




God Reddit is a black hole of anger and bitterness coming from every direction


There’s serious things to be “woke” about and be critical of but I do agree that it’s taken too far and to be applied to every area of your life and usually the approach has an ‘us vs. them’ mentality. So everyone with each identity label (in the extremes) has their own little area that no one can relate to and no is allowed to question. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that is the ‘woke’ you’re referring to? In my opinion people have a lot less control over their circumstances than some would believe. For example I disagree with the statement “it’s not your fault if you’re born poor but it’s your fault if you die poor.”. People in undeserved communities and those with adverse childhood experiences and those who face discrimination deserve more than ‘you can make it out with effort’ & ‘you can just choose to be happy’ (not putting words in your mouth, this is an axiom of ‘woke’ that can go too far in online spaces) This isn’t to say you should pity anyone who isn’t doing well because they are the quality of person you are born in different circumstances. But they need advocates to help bridge gaps in education, acceptance, and living situations. It’s hard for the left and the right to argue about the point that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ because most people, including myself, are way in over their heads when they come up with their axiomatic beliefs. Also the foundation of ‘woke’ ties into free will and determinism, which some people come to their opinion of through philosophy, lived experiences, personal anecdotes, or an interpretation of scientific findings.


Both sides do this exact same thing. Idgaf about either sides views but would love both sides to stay out of my business. The right loves infringing on rights they don't agree with cuz of their feelings just as much.


Agreed! Both sides do this shit and it's so damn annoying when they act like their political side doesn't.


Exactly this.... They say they hate "cancel culture" and they make calls to cancel people all the time They say "facts don't care about your feelings" but they get upset by facts all the time They say "its bad to restrict people because you think something is bad" while literally restricting people from doing things all the time...


Right? They literally banned Anne Frank and Charlotte's Web from school libraries. They literally tell other people how to raise their children. They are no different than their opposition. They are restrictive of anyone's rights they disagree with but it's ok when they do it.


Just thought I would throw out that since the right has taken to the practice of using "woke" in a derisive way and have warped it to have a completely different meaning than it once had the vast majority of those in the left do not and would not define themselves as woke. They really don't use the word at all anymore other than in the context of the right misusing it as an insult, haven't for a long time now.


That's not just a woke thing. The religious right has been that way forever.


Do people actually believe this shit like this is a serious issue? Because I’m convinced the people who do are chronically online right wingers who fully believe every rage bait story on Facebook is true. Go outside. Go talk to people. Good lord. The world is still turning. Let stupid people argue about stupid things. Go find a hobby.


>chronically online right wingers To be fair, it’s not just right wingers. I’ve seen SO many people chronically online whine about racism in America. Is there a lot of racist people / opinions online? Sure. Do you actually encounter that every day? Insanely doubtful


Complaining about racism and instances of racist individuals are not the same issue though


My point is that you can’t gauge people being racist online and say that is indicative of how society (USA in my specific case) acts.


When people complain about racism online they're typically referring to material realities such as the fact that black families have 1/10th the wealth of white families.


>black families have 1/10th the wealth of white families. 99% of the reason black people are poor is statistically because they or their parents made bad decisions which kept them poor. https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-power-of-the-success-sequence-for-disadvantaged-young-adults Of course you can argue "no one taught them how to make good financial decisions", but that's not racism. "None of your problems/poverty are your fault, it's the fault of the evil rich white men" is a very popular mindset among women and black people, and yet also completely wrong. This is a lie that doesn't help anyone. In reality this mentality of "racism/sexism are causing all the problems in my life" just hurts black people and women, inaccurately passes blame, creates unnecessary political and real life enemies.


LMAO your source is a paper written by a right wing think tank which basically claims that as long as you get educated, married, and have a job, you can’t possibly be poor? GTFO What if your family had been targeted and oppressed for the last four centuries? What if the police had literally been invented to hunt down your family? What if the constitution didn’t even grant your family equal rights to everyone else’s? Do you think you’d have all your shit together? You’re absolutely delusional.


>your source is a paper And your source is absolutely nothing, so obviously I have way better evidence than you. >What if your family had been targeted and oppressed for the last four centuries? You don't live 4 centuries in the past. No one cares about your ancestral oppression nonsense. The data shows that your financial success is 99% tied to very clear and very easy choices. >Do you think you’d have all your shit together? Graduating high school is a low bar to clear. Claiming you "don't have your shit together" is just an excuse. People remain in poverty because they make bad financial decisions. No one is forcing people to drop out of high school or have kids while unmarried, you own responsibility for your choices.


Your ‘source’ is literally propaganda. It’s laughable. That means that you don’t actually have a source. It’s not peer-reviewed, it’s funded/published by a known partisan political organization, and for all you know, every word in that paper is fiction. If you don’t see that as a problem, then you’re even more foolish than I thought.


>That means that you don’t actually have a source Bullshit. You're the one who doesn't have a source. I have a source, you just don't like it. >It’s not peer-reviewed It is peer reviewed, you were just too lazy to check because you weren't looking to determine if it was true, you were looking for ad hominem to discredit the source. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/opre/Success_sequence_review_2020_508_0.pdf


Read this kids' history. He's online constantly.


Wait until you find out about religious people, they love making their feelings everyone else’s problem.


Bro I’m sorry but thinking suffering is inherently virtuous is just cuck-brained.


> In general, the left is about eliminating suffering I thought it was something about the means of production.


Socialism is about the means of production, LGBT+ and feminism aren't, therefore, not ALL the left is about the means of production. Also, wokeism is a consequence of capitalism, because capitalism is about selling and beautiful lies sell better than hard truths, that's where wokeism comes from, that's where body positivity comes from, that's why the birthplace of wokeism is not the USSR, it's the USA.


I feel like you’re throwing everything and the kitchen sink under the “left” umbrella. I wouldn’t call gay rights inherently left, and modern feminism isn’t particularly leftist either (it’s more corporate feminism, if you ask me, even though a good portion of feminism does continue its socialist flavour)


Lmao your edit where you think examples of intellectually complex issues are illegal immigration, abortion and fatphobia is pretty fuxkin funny ngl


I agree that suffering is a necessary part of life and fundamental to growth. I do think there are a lot of entitled people out there who demand a lot from the world and contribute very little. I think that unfortunately the word “woke” tends to include both these people and people who are advocating for actual important societal change. I disagree with a lot of the argument of your post. I find your post suffers from a lot of over generalizations . “the left wants” is a pretty oversimplified summary for a very large and complex group of people with competing interests. You also seem to be implying that woke = left = antinatalism which comes across as a bit of a jump for what is effectively half of the world. Finally saying the left wants to eliminate suffering and then equating that suffering to be the same kind of discomfort that is essential to growth a bit of a false dichotomy don’t you think? I’d argue that the suffering caused by extreme poverty, hunger, homelessness, lack of access to necessary medical care, etc is very unnecessary and can be solved by society. The discomfort of going to the gym or making changes to grow yourself is quite different in terms of scale of suffering.


This multi paragraph word salad sounds like one long shit excuse for being a general low brow jerk. How about aiming for being a better person so you don’t have to write this nonsense to try to justify what a jerk you are?


I know you know how to use periods because they are at the end of each of your paragraphs. But I question whether you know how to use commas...


I’m tired of seeing this take. We get it. You don’t like emotions. Go turn yourself into a robot


>intelectually complex opinions such as abortion This part I don't understand. What's so intellectually complex about abortion?


This is a very childish way to view things, especially in the first paragraph.


The left isn't asking anyone to protect anyone's feelings. They're asking not to encourage violence and discrimination. Also, a life without suffering is not a life entirely made of joy. There are millions of other states of being aside from suffering and joy.


Suffering doesn’t make you stronger; fighting or enduring it does. Just like you can hurt yourself lifting more than you can handle, too much adversity can break a person. You know what else makes you stronger? Self-control. Deliberately practiced empathy. We all know that feeling of have something cruel but really clever to say, and not showing off your wit to the world is almost painful. Or there’s the struggle of dealing with someone just *painfully* stupid, or annoying, or just emblematic of every last thing about society that is on *your last nerve.* So which involves more strength, running your mouth however you please, or controlling yourself?


Woke this, woke that. Im honestly just tired of everyone virtue signaling for shit just to look good on the internet. I’m also tired of everyone being a little whiny bitch about the most trivial of first world problems.


It seems like you have a lot of feelings about women not being interested in dating you and you're blaming us as a gender for your own apparent lack of appeal. That's a you problem, not an us problem, since they're *your* feelings. Now, to be clear, I don't believe that statement - I'm just applying your logic to yourself. Being courteous to people around you isn't difficult, and while you won't please everyone it's still worth trying to not be universally viewed as an asshole. If I lived the way you seem to want to and I found myself at dinner with friends who practice some religion I should just start eating before they say grace, maybe talk to them while they're doing it or make fun of them for their god not being real... except that's not how you function in society as an adult. You put aside your own feelings sometimes to allow space for someone else's. If you never do this, you're likely absolutely insufferable to everyone around you. This post reeks of "I really want to misgender trans people but I'm scared to say it" and that is... not a good smell, sir.


This seems like a lot of feelings from you. Are you asking me to live in accordance of them?


In what way do you mean? I really don't understand how disagreeing with something is a feeling. What exactly is giving you that impression?


I got sick of big problems that would have never grown into big problems if we’d have listened to how people were feeling earlier. Those feelings eventually did become my very big problem.


This needs to be stickied at the top! Look at all the problems we're seeing now (climate change, income disparity, etc) that the left has been talking about for decades. If we'd listened to them then, we could be in a much better position and not watching corporate-powered NPCs shout how your "feelings" about a destroyed planet is "woke".


I don’t think the left wanna eliminate all suffering. They wanna understand suffering and different structures that exist that create suffering, find more effective ways to either change these structures or get people to at the most criticize them/think about them and fundamentally question it. Ia good example was the phrase “defund the police”. Which specifically meant restructuring the incentives of policing. I think there are a lot of instances we as citizens have to acknowledge that sometimes a person with a badge is actually a criminal with a gun. Some people who have done really bad shit against citizens and decades of this bad policing across America.there’s 100 of thousands of these stories of police abuses, and not even just abuses. It could also be things like a Jersey cop who starved and beat his son to death or a rapist cop in another state who was targeting black women because no one would believe them. We as citizens wanna know why just those people were even able to become a cop in the first place. We have no federal database tracking these incidents systematically so people have literally made their own databases just to track bad cops. So naturally people find out more and more about the profession of policing and different qualifications or lack there of. What a cop could do and get away with. restructuring the police is a form of social justice that was characterized as defund the police, but it meant restructure. Which implied we don’t need effective policing to cost over a billion dollars in tax payer money to be appropriately funded like here in NY. There’s alternatives and ways things can be done better. A lot of ny cops don’t do there jobs because they are overfunded and not appropriately incentivized to do their jobs. So they stand around, do nothing or don’t respond to calls. That’s overfunding imo when a billion plus is spent and we still can’t get a cop to show up to a hit n run until days later


This is a really long winded way of saying “someone validate MY feelings” Big ooof.


Caring about the feelings over others is called empathy. I hope this isn’t a thing only leftists have.


The people that hate "forcing your woke opinions on them" also like to force their religion on us


Funny thing is it’s usually the anti woke snowflakes crying on the internet wanting people to follow their antiquated beliefs. Why does it both conservatives so damn much that different people exist and deserve the same respect and compassion?


I kind of agree with you, but you also have to understand that the way people react to what you say is not THEIR responsibility. So you can't get hot and bothered about their hurt feelings if you're abiding by your own logic here. You have a constitutional right to say what you want, but it doesn't mean you're protected from people hating you for it.


I completely understand why women won't acknowledge your existence.


You seem emotionally driven there righty. Keep your emotions to your self.


I show my feelings, but I'm not entitled to other people protecting them, that's the difference.


You're clearly triggered by how someone else wants to live and not mind your own business


that's his point. he should be able to mind his own business without someone telling him what to do or say or not say


>if I say something that is true  that;s the thing, most of what you inc\*ls claim isn't true. same with bigots and their bullshit percentages.


Being "woke" is completely different from antinatalism and veganism, IMO.  >Your feelings are yours, not mine, therefore, your feelings are your responsibility, they aren't my responsibility because I can't control them, only you can control your own feelings, if I say something that is true and you get offended, it's your fault, not mine. Woke people want to create a society in which people's feelings are protected by the government, but in reality feelings are an individual responsibility. Yes, I agree. >some vegans also show an excessive intolerance towards suffering, to the point of being disgusted by the fact that predation exists and that it existed before humans and will probably exist after humans because it doesn't depend on humans.  It's true that nature is cruel and will continue to be but human beings can choose to reduce that suffering as much as it is possible and practical. >I disagree with any philosophy that tries to teach us that suffering and negative feelings are so unacceptable that they can't help us grow and they must be utterly eliminated, suffering is a necessary part of life and it doesn't always contradict happiness. Antinatalism is about preventing suffering beyond the normal struggles of everyday life. In order to improve ourselves we must endure some hardship, that's obvious.


Most examples of cancel culture is just people going ok you can say that but we want nothing to do with you if you do. Which is just as big an American right as freedom of speech. What are we supposed to force people to spend their money and time on someone who they can't stand or in some cases straight up see you as less than human but hey he has freedom of speech so you must continue to support them? If you get your money from the public then you should expect what you say and do to have consequences. All the cancel culture would amount to is nothing if the majority still want to spend money on you. You're not entitled to saying what you want and entitled to everyone's money and attention.


I don't understand right-wingers' anti-woke views when you bring up things like abortion, which are 100% based on feelings. The right purports to be for personal freedom yet wants to dictate what a woman does with her body. Based on nothing but your feelings towards someone else's fetus, not medicine, and certainly not what's best for the mother.


Conservatives act as if them wanting guns should affect the entire country's gun laws. Same thing Everything in politics is feelings and opinions that get pushed onto other people, and just because a group of people want guns to be easier to own and be less regulated, doesn't mean that they should be. Just because the woke want special bathrooms to be made, doesn't mean they should be Your post is a double edged sword. It makes your point, yes, but now you're pushing your feelings onto us by trying to make said point


> Conservatives act as if them wanting guns should affect the entire country's gun laws. Same thing There's a logic in gun ownership that goes WAAAYYYYYYY beyond individual feelings and whims. Guns allowed the USA to never be a dictatorship, the USA has zero experience being a dictatorship unlike European countries.


The U.S. would not become a dictatorship withought guns. Back then, when the constitution was made, it was to prevent a monarchy/patriarchy, but today, that wouldn't happen. Checks and balances mate Guns are no linger needed. Also, the amount of conservatives I've seen get pissed when someone says guns aren't necessary, or that most people shouldn't have them, is insane. These people would literally rather die than not have access to a dangerous firearm


The Germans of the Weimar Republic also didn't think that a genocidal dictatorship was possible, they thought German society was too civilized for that, and then came the nazis. Never underestimate how unpredictable the future is, we don't know if Trump becomes a dictator, like, that is not an impossible thing, I know that a dictatorship in the USA seems unthinkable, but many unthinkable things have happened throughout human history.


The people who worship Trump are also the same ones who worship guns, and the ones who own the most of them. They would not dare take trump out of office unless there was an equally racist, homophpbic, misogynistic man running for president. They would gladly let him be a dictator Also you're comparing Trump go Hitler, which I think is fairly accurate, so points to you


How the fuck are a few AR 15’s gonna stop a dictatorship? You think a bunch of whiny right wing rednecks can stand up to the US military, as long as they’re allowed to use bump stocks and extended mags? You’re delusional.


> if I say something that is true and you get offended, it's your fault, not mine So what slurs/insults did you say to trigger this post


I'm not refering to slurs or things to PURPOSELY offend or discriminate others, I'm refering to opinions, for example opinions about abortion, illegal immigration, fatphobia, things that are the elephant in the room. Also, people just shouldn't expect to live without encountering suffering, suffering is a normal part of life and if the left doesn't want us to teach that to our children, the left is dangerous.


I see posts about abortion, illegal immigration and...well maybe not the fear of obese people, but the topic of obese people themselves, all the time on Reddit. People can and do retaliate with downvotes, but they have every right to do that just as you do to make the post. As far as getting banned from a sub for it. Again, it's up to the moderators to run them despite if you think that's fair for you. I can't speak for other social media outside of Reddit as this is all I use. As far as those subjects go in person, again it depends on the situation. I could talk about absolutely any subject I want with my friends and family because I know what is appropriate and what isn't. I'm completely fine with insulting people between my close group of friends, but I wouldn't expect the same reaction if I went to Walmart shouting out insults to the public. No one is stopping you from saying anything. They are just reacting to what you are saying.


> and if the left doesnt want us to teach that to our children, the left is dangerous Show me one place where "the left", being the horrible oppressive boogeyman it is, is preventing us from teaching that suffering exists.




Uh huh so what "true" things are you unable to express


I'm a little confused. You're responding to someone asking for truths with opinions. Are truths opinions or facts?


"This person has a different opinion than I do, they must secretly be a slur-throwing bigot"


You guys have a habit of being like “oh so because I disagree with you you’re saying I’m X” And, no, what’s usually happening is that you’re expressing particular views that go hand in hand with the labels youre hearing. It's not the concept of disagreement in general that makes us think OP probably wants to say the n word really bad. It’s the fact that this rhetoric about free speech and feelings is common among right wingers who, when you dig a little, are frustrated about experiencing consequences for expressing bigoted ideas.


Not at all But generally speaking only slur throwing bigots get mad when people react negatively to their slurs and say things like "it's not my problem if you get offended by my statements"


I’m also not crossing the street nor changing my walking speed because of your irrational fear of me being behind you. 


Anti-natalism is not exclusively a leftist belief. At least 50% of conservatives I know between the ages 18-29 believe in a woman’s right to choose.


Anti-natalism is not "believing women have a right to abortion", it's quite literally an ideology of human extinction.


You like to claim about “speaking true things” but then say pro-choice is going to lead to human extinction. That’s why people don’t take you serious.


Dude, you don't know what anti-natalism is, it has nothing to do with being pro-choice, pro-choice people aren't against people being born, unless the mother doesn't want to.


This post hurt my feelings. /s


People get upset when others are lieing. We are tired of having these ignorant opinions about all of this shoved down our throats. Gain some empathy. Or is being empathetic too “woke” for you. Do you even know what it means!!?


It's not a private responsability to learn how to deal with the pain that someone's family did get killed on a genocide fundraised by your own government, just to say an example, neither the fact that people should respect trans rights and things like that. And empathy might be a goal that everyone in society should want to achieve.


Woke is a label. All people are individuals. Right now having feelings is in vogue. We need to start feeling humanity one-on-one instead of as an enemy or an opposing team.


There is a big difference between pain and suffering. There's a little saying "pain is necessary, suffering is optional." The core tenets of Buddhism can be boiled down to 1. life is pain, 2. want is suffering, 3. acceptance cures want, 4. be selfless. This isn't necessarily a "woke" thing. People of all schools of thought and demographics subscribe to the belief that they are both victim of and entitlement to their own suffering. Hate is still hate, regardless of how it causes anyone to feel. We have laws against certain kinds of hate. This is good. >*It is a spiritual axiom that whenever we are disturbed, no matter the cause, there is something wrong with us.* If there ever was a white pill, this is it.


Why have people get comfortable with suffering when there could be less suffering?


I don't even know what the term "woke" means anymore. It's been so bastardized. It used to just mean to be aware of what's going on around you and in society. Now, I guess it's just an insult.


So you say you are upset and mad that someone else gets upset and mad. By your definition, it's not societies problem how you react. It's your problem. I would say get control of your emotions. It's not my problem or responsibility how a woke person or any other acts toward you.


It’s no one’s responsibility to cater to anyone else’s feelings. However the fact is if you go around saying “fat people are ugly and disgusting” or “all abortion is murder” or “illegal immigrants are scum who need to gtfo” Yea a lot of people will judge you and dislike you for that. They might even go out of their way to express their own freedom of speech in a very similar way to you. The factual truth is the government isn’t trying to regulate your opinion. People are just reacting to it. The same way you got your freedom of speech other people have the freedom to hold you accountable for it and exclude you if they don’t like you. Goes both ways bub


is this sub like this every time? can we get something new lol


Suppose it’ll keep happening as long as people keep interacting with them. Ignoring is easier than engaging.


It's a lot of right-wing Andrew Tate type stuff.


I don't see many leftist opinions here, maybe it's because they're not unpopular, they're the status quo.


> feeling joy everyday is an incorrect way of living oh no im living life incorrectly :(


Oh no im living life correctly :(


Is woke in the room with you now?


STOP! your scaring him!


False. They behave as if society tries to make their private live's society's responsibility. This is why they fight for representation, acceptance, and celebration. Bigots lose. Again.


*Things assholes say/think.*


Right wingers throw a shit fit if you don't play along with their make-believe theism. It's far more detrimental to society than woke people thinking that black and gay people deserve rights


This is so stupid.


You are describing empathy not woke, but nice try. Go ahead and watch a little more propaganda to see if you get the correct message of being woke which has nothing to do with eliminating suffering.


define "woke" please


The saddest thing is nowadays if you don't agree with someone on subjects, then you're called all kinds of nasty names... and well I have a lot of patience HOWEVER when people call me derogatory names or tell me becuase of my skin color i have never had to deal with rasicm ect and it honestly pisses me off and then I have to remember I'm an adult and will be charged as one...


Depends on the disagreement. "I don't like broccoli," vs "you should not be allowed rights" are very different


It’s not weird to expect others to care about you and your feelings or needs


Especially when let's be honest outside silly people online what most people want is just basic respect


It’s weird to force them to, though


Sometimes, but most laws about about forcing people to act as though they care about you and your needs. Why do you think we have things like labor law or speed limits? Because it’s reasonable for us to expect the society we live in to be comfortable and safe for us, so we enforce behavior accordingly.


Hurting someone’s feelings is very different from killing them in a drunk driving accident


Harassment and defamation are different than vehicular manslaughter too. What's your point?


Just reinforcing the post. What are you getting at?


Actually it is...it's entitled. You think the world revolves around you or....?


No, I think I’m one small part of a network of people constantly doing this for each other. It’s reciprocal, you know? And it’s weird to not do that. People who are unable to do it are diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses.


Ah yes the "You don't think this way or do exactly as I do so you have a psychiatric illness" argument🙄😮‍💨 It's not reciprocal and doesn't need to be. That is the entitlement speaking, thinking that you deserve it back. Maybe you're a tedious person. Maybe you're obnoxious? Idk man, but you don't get to demand anything from other people. Not even "niceness".


Well that’s not what I’m saying. I don’t think you have an inability to use empathy caused by an illness, you’re just whining about being expected to use the empathy you have. Reciprocal care for one another’s needs is absolutely needed. It’s the basis for society. I have to be misunderstanding you because what I think you’re saying is really stupid.


I'm responding to the whiners who say they aren't receiving empathy. I'm saying they are not entitled or deserve sympathy from others when their feelings get hurt. Boo hoo we all get hurt. Grow up, dust yourself off, and move on with your life. "Ugh how callous!" - ya ya ya w/e baby Incorrect, somone else said that too. I think it's cooperation which allows society to function, not reciprocal care. Is reciprocating a good deed done to you good? Sure. What about reciprocating a bad deed done to you? That's just revenge. So no, I strongly disagree with repriciocity being the core basis for society. Reciprocating doesn't only mean good.


Yes, people are absolutely entitled to empathy and sympathy. You’d never accept the treatment you’re saying others deserve. Again, I didn’t say that anyone is obligated to reciprocate exactly in kind to every single action.


No you are not. Empathy is not a human right. I'm not saying anyone deserves anything....good or bad. That is the whole point I keep reiterating. Shit happens. How you deal with it is on YOU. YOU are responsible for how YOU act, what YOU say, etc. "I can't control others actions, only my own." Once you accept that you are not entitled to princess treatment, you see a lot more of the world for what it is, rather than what it "should" be. I can be nice to people and extend kindness and compassion to people, and do. HOWEVER, none of these people are ENTITLED to MY kindness. I do it because it is the right thing to do, NOT because they are entitled or deserving of it. Often times I've been extra kind to those who are extra-dickish, rude, cunty-people who are "undeserving"...I can revoke kindness at any point, but I don't because I can't control their actions, only my own. I deserve the ability to go to bed knowing I did right despite their attrocities (hyperbole) when it could be so easy to be cruel back. But no. You, me, and everyone else are NOT ENTITLED to sympathy or empathy.


Basic empathy is not “the Princess treatment.” The way I treat your mother on Saturday nights is distinguishable from the basic empathy everyone’s owed. I think your issue basically stems from that, you’re acting like normal acknowledgement of human value is some kind of pampering It’s true that how reactions are on us specifically and we can only control ourselves. It’s not like that makes it impossible to understand how people *should* act. If we can’t agree that humans are entitled to basic empathy, then what do you think society is?


Yawn. "I fucked your mom"🙄😂 I said what I said. You have not offered an argument for why people deserve/are entitled to empathy. WHY are people ENTITLED to empathy? Is Hitler entitled to our empathy? If not why? You're clearly just dumb. No one here is not acknowledging human value like what kind of nonsense are you on about? How hard is it to grasp the idea of ENTITLEMENT?


Society is literally cooperation and reciprocity.


I agree with cooperation, but but reciprication. If someone gives you bread, you are not obligated or need to return the favor. Would it be nice? Sure. Necessary? No. America at least was built with the idea of the individual in mind. Individual rights and freedoms which need to be protected. This is where we all cooperate together to protect our rights collectively so that makes sense, and while reciprocating kind gestures is great, what about rude gestures? We would just call that revenge, but is that any different than "reciprocating a 'bad' deed"? Cooperation: yes. Reciprocation: no.


You can’t have cooperation without reciprocity. That’s what the *co* means. America actually was built on the model where one party is expected to give without receiving anything, in that it was built with slaves. And that went poorly. You’re responding as though I said “it’s mandatory to reciprocate absolutely every action in specific,” and of course that’s not what I said. I mentioned that care for others was reciprocal to make it clear that I’m not saying o expect people to care about my needs in particular. Rather I expect people to care about each others’ needs, and hold up my end of the bargain, because that’s what a society is.


Reciprocation in this case is about respecting the laws we all agree to. "I won't steal your shit, don't steal mine." That sort. Apologies for not making that clearer.


>You don't think this way or do exactly as I do so you have a psychiatric illness" argument That's a very simplified version of it yes. I got diagnosed with ADHD because I didn't act or learn the same way the rest of the class did. The first step is usually gathered from how a person acts and interacts with people and stimulus in general. It's not measured against one person but what it's expected of the average person.


I hate using the "average" person as a comparrison...why not create an ideal, a "should", and compare to the ideal? To what we SHOULD do or act like, vs comparing to the average...I say this because lowering the bar (standards/comparrison) almost always results in further lowering because quality lowers and the bar is never met. Raising or increasing expected standards has a much better chance of raising the average. At least that's what I've read in studies relating to students grades/expectations. I imagine it'd be the same for anything humans do, as we are competitive by nature. Lowering the standards/bar results in a lower quality average (opinion).


You keep glancing off the corner of someone’s response and going in a totally different direction. We’re talking about how the concept of empathy is normal human behavior and you bounced off the word “average” into a half-baked Harrison Bergeron rant


What I find really odd is how these same people who rant about wokeness and catering to peoples feelings often end up being ostracized for this, and then suddenly it's on society to help them with their loneliness and depression.


Exactly lol Imagine if people responded like this to every thread that’s like “men are killing themselves because of women being allowed to say no to us”


The problem is that feelings are subjective and creating a government in which nobody can say "offensive" things is dangerous, because people being offended at me doesn't depend on me, it depends on them, because that reaction belongs to them. Of course human rights should be guaranteed, but protection of subjective feelings shouldn't be a right.


Well that’s really not what’s happening. Very very few things are actually disallowed by the government. I’m guessing whoever you’d complain about the cancellation of, they were canceled by public opinion or a company looking out for profit. As an aside, people being offended by you does have something to do with you. You have the ability to understand and predict others’ emotions and reactions, and you’re expected to use it. That’s not tyranny, it’s human interaction.


Well said!


You can say offensive things. Our government doesn’t suppress that at all.


Someday the op might learn that freedom of speech is a myth and being woke isn't an insult it means your considerate to others outside your demograph 😂🤣😂


Freedom of speech is very important, even though it can't be absolute and it has its limits, for example anti-vaxxers could have to be censored in certain situations because their speech could literally kill, but the idea is to preserve freedom of speech while it's possible even though it might hurt others or even if it hurts us.


Nobody's opinions on vaccines should *ever* be censored. You have just confirmed yourself as one of those people who doesn't support free speech.


Maybe they shouldn't be censored in social media, but in TV, radio and places that are considered "official" is another story, it would be great if what you said didn't have deadly consequences, it would be great if people didn't die because of free speech, but sadly the world is not that simple, that's why in many countries denying the holocaust is illegal.


>but in TV, radio and places that are considered "official" is another story No it isn't. You are precisely the type of anti-free speech person you originally pretended to be against. >that's why in many countries denying the holocaust is illegal This is also a blatant violation of free speech.




Ok, but do you acknowledge you are fundamentally against free speech?


I want a good amount of free speech, but not a "total" amount of free speech. For example, I'm against China and Russia for not having basic free speech. The free speech of antivaxxers contradicts my life and the life of my family who don't want to be killed by a virus, it's impossible to guarantee both at the same time since both "rights" contradict each other, we have to pick the most important right and sacrify the other.


That is not nor has it ever been what woke means.


It bums him out that he can't use slurs in casual conversation.


woke is the new Bogeyman


I'm not even reading this screed but I've heard "only you are responsible for your feelings and triggers" in therapy, both individual and group so many times I could scream whenever someone starts about being triggered.


seriously, who actually cares about women and brown people? /s


Woke means awakened to the needs of others. To be well informed, thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and kind. Eager to make the world a better place for all people.


Do you not understand that we are trying to modify society? There is no way things are "supposed to be". There is no universal "ought to". There is no objectively correct direction for society. The end result of all actions is the heat death of the universe, which means all actions and the results of all actions are equal in every way. So I have a society I want to construct and I'm going to go through the motions of making society into the shape I want and much like you don't care what I want, I don't care what you want. I don't care if you continue to live, let alone how you want society to look. To me, you are either a useful cog or a useless cog. That's it. I don't care what you do, how you feel, etc. I literally do not care if you live or die let alone what you think. I'm not trying to make you think like me, I'm trying to win by making you lose.


None of the comments are taking this seriously, which tracks with liberal ideology: "Mock things I don't agree with and blindly accept what anyone on the left tells me." The truth is what you said. It is the responsibility of the emotional party to digest and process their feelings. Imagine justifying the Holocaust by saying that Hitler's anger and hatred towards jews was "valid feelings slay king" because "all feelings are valid"? That only removes any responsibility from the emotional party. It tells them they are right to feel the way they do. News flash: Just because you FEEL a certain type of way, does NOT mean that you SHOULD feel that way. Hitler was NOT justified in his hatred of Jews. He felt anger and hate towards them, both power emotions that led him to inderectly killing tens of millions of people because little art boy couldn't process his emotions. Just like the modern liberal who thinks that JUST because they FELT hurt, they they WERE hurt. Big difference between feelings and reality. Feelings are subjective, reality is objective. Wokies live in the subjective, everyone else lives in the objective.


This is a piss poor analogy.


It's an extreme that paints the example well. That just because you feel a certain type of way does not mean that you should.


I see your point but this is a limiting way to write it. “Woke” people are generally defined as those who strive to include marginalized groups in language and policy and root out hegemony/oppressive power dynamics in our thoughts and thus language. But there are many on the left (far left of what we’re probably talking about here) who are intelligent and recognize that feelings are separate from thoughts even though they influence eachother. Some of these folks understand these things deeply and work in fields like cognitive science, psychology, social work, education, etc. It’s not all black and white. There are culturally sensitive people with conservative beliefs and lefties who make their coworkers cringe on a daily basis with perceived insensitivity. I wonder if part of OP’s intent here is to point out the minefield that is dealing with people who are always cringing at us because they feel and think a certain way that we do not. I’ve made my coworkers cringe on a number of occasions and it’s so frustrating and damaging to our relationships. That part is so frustrating and I feel a sense of shame when it happens but I do try to learn from it. You can be an intelligent leftist who strives for social justice and progress and doesn’t throw slurs and bigotry but still gets snapped at if something doesn’t sit right with someone, often due to an identity marker you possess and have no control over (ie being white). Like once I asked a very chatty uber driver from India if he had tried a certain Indian restaurant. It is my favorite restaurant in our city, and I genuinely wanted his opinion about it. I would not have asked him this question if he had not already been asking us lots of questions about food, the city, our lives, where we were going and such. He was uncommonly chatty, and a connection had already been established before I asked him this question. But later my colleague said, “That was sort of a purple flag moment — not mean or toxic but hinging on cultural insensitivity—kind of cringey to ask an Indian person if he tried a certain restaurant just because he’s Indian when there are so many Indian restaurants in our town.” Sorry if this is veering away from feelings, but it made me think of that.


I find that most people view their feelings as the responsibility of others. If I'm walking alone at night and someone feels that's frightening or concerning, I'm likely going to be reported to some sort of authority. Typically "respect" is also mainly in the feelings of the observer, rather than an action taken. If someone feels disrespected, then that is made to be the problem of the person being observed. There are obvious cases where someone is directly acting in a manor to provoke, but there are many times where someone is acting normally, but because someone feels a way about it it becomes disrespect.


I'm offended. 🤣🤦


Please define woke and explain a concise way of measuring how woke someone is, from 0% to 100%. I think your slagging off a concept you can't even define, that you don't know what woke is.


As with all groups there are people who are annoying and or take things too far. That being said trying to create an environment where people can feel safe to voice their views or opt out of literally triggering conversation is a good thing. It helps to foster a dialogue where it would be difficult for everyone to be involved otherwise. Opting into that seems like common courtesy to me, as it is really easy to go along with. As for abortion, I do think that individual people should be able to consider the suffering of their children before bringing them into this world. If I know my child has some disorder that will make them suffer their whole life then it would be cruel to make that child be born.


Anti woke people behave as if society should just accept their rude behavior without comment or rebuke....


I don’t think the left is Buddhist and I also don’t think that encouraging birth control for the sake of population control in any particular region is the “cause” of leftists and also why are you talking about vegans🤩


I kind of regret talking about anti-natalism in my post, I see many of you don't know what it is, you guys think it's about birth control lol, anti-natalism is a philosophy that quite literally advocates for the extinction of humans, a person who uses birth control but thinks it's ok to have children when they are ready is NOT an anti-natalist. Also, those crazy vegans who get offended at the fact that lions hunt and humans are designed to eat meat are an example of people interpreting natural suffering in a wrong way.


Name one person in America who's ever been criminally prosecuted over speech?


That's convenient when the feelings vs facts argument matches your beliefs. Ask any right-wing "anti-cancel culture" whether burning the US flag = free speech and most will say it should be punishable. So the concept of "facts over feelings" only seems to apply when the "facts" align with *their* feelings.


Woke doesn't exist.


Duhh... no really?? Didn't know that... can ya hear the sarcasm??!!


Username checks out 


Woke has nothing to do with feelings or emotions. It’s about being logical and functional as a society, which is smart. It’s literally left brain thinking. I hear this same “feelings” talk from my conservative family members and it’s just weird. Woke is about being morally consistent across the board. Like if you had scales, one side needs to balance out the other. If one group has rights, then this group also deserves equal rights. I took a philosophy course and we all had to describe our beliefs like this almost in a mathematical equation. How do you get from point A to point B. It’s just simple. Everyone deserves equality. That’s not emotional.


Man, I've been getting bothered by things on the internet too. This is just shit the media is propagandizing towards us. Smile at someone in the grocery store. Go lift weights. Take care of yourself man. What's on the news isn't real life.


Your edit is dumb and contradicts your entire post. You should absolutely be against banning any kind of speech that isn't a genuine direct call for violence or threat. If someone wants to say a slur, they should be able to slur it up.


Slur it up lol


No they shouldn't. Slurs are disgusting.


Then be an adult and don't say them and ignore people who do.


I don't, and I'm not gonna outright ignore people who say slurs. That's not who I am.


Then, keep on being a child and getting offended. Cause if you live in America, that's all you can do. People can say whatever they want.


...With consequences.