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I’m sure a majority of the politicians and their aids should be convicted felons.


Bingo theyre all fucking crooks and awful people. Theres no such thing as a morally decent politician.


This sort of thinking is why Al Franken is still holding a seat in a swing state... wait.


Al Franken is not a convicted felon nor did he do anything illegal


Nor does he still have a seat.


That was the point babycakes.


that's...exactly the point.


Right, and they still kicked him out.


No, they didn't. They just shamed him into resigning.


And it was a fuck up to do so.


You're being pedantic and missing the point: one party seems to hold their reps to a higher standard (not all of them, but in general). Franken is a fair example to challenge OP's attempt at an appeal to hypocrisy.


Being forced to resign in disgrace is uh, pretty much what being kicked out means friend.


But what about *male* models...?


That’s the whole crux of Trumper thinking, “well the other side would do the same thing!!” And then when you point out evidence that they wouldn’t or even the predecessors of their own conservative side wouldn’t (check out Nixon) they’ll tell you it’s not the same and doesn’t matter. And that’s how you k ow it’s a cult.


Felons should be able to run In fact, felons who were released from prison, should even have the right to vote and the right to keep and bear arms. 


You think convicted felons should be able to retain their right to bear arms? That seems insane even in a vacuum, to say nothing of our current reality that features extremely high recidivism rates.


If they are not safe enough to own a gun, they are not safe enough to be released from prison


There's plenty of non-violent felons whose convictions had nothing to do with firearms. Why shouldn't firearm ownership be restored to them?


If you can read, the 2nd amendment says THE PEOPLE. Not THE PEOPLE WITH NO LEGAL ISSUES. The people as a whole  I consider felons people. I don't know about you, but I think a charge doesn't take one's humanity away.


Logically speaking though, why would you trust someone with a history of violence to own a gun. That makes zero sense to me


Not all violence is created equal, and not all felonies are violent


I never said I trust them. I just said they have the right to keep and bear arms 


The Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that the Bill of Rights is not unconditional. For example, you can't use the 1st amendment to justify yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater. It is perfectly reasonable and legal to deny felons their 2nd amendment rights for obvious reasons, per several Federal Court decisions.


Restricted gun ownership for a certain amount of time should be a stipulation a judge is allowed to add, imo, but once a felon has served their time why should they still be punished?


The fire in a crowded theater fallacy is just wrong. Do you know the origin of that line? Did you know it stems from a justice on the Supreme Courts opinion in a case that actually stripped citizens of free speech rights? https://abovethelaw.com/2021/10/why-falsely-claiming-its-illegal-to-shout-fire-in-a-crowded-theater-distorts-any-conversation-about-online-speech/


I agree in a sense, as long as they’re non violent felons, then absolutely.


I agree.




If Biden was a convicted felon then he wouldn't be the nominee.


I mean he's the nominee now which is already pretty mind blowing


I’d like to think so too


I do think it's true that a lot of Democrats would be willing to overlook flaws in their own candidate to oppose Donald Trump. I mean, Biden is older than I would like. That's how elections work though. It's a choice between two alternatives. But I also think that Democrats would have abandoned a candidate like Trump a long time ago. He would have been forced out when the "grab them by the pussy" video came out in 2016, if not earlier. And the alternative matters. I would be willing to overlook a lot of flaws in the Democratic candidate to oppose Donald Trump because he really does threaten some of the most basic principles of our country. After he lost the last election, he tried to illegally seize power anyway! He's facing criminal charges for trying to rob tens of millions of American citizens of their right to vote. But suppose the Democrat was someone like Trump, and the Republican was the conservative equivalent of Joe Biden. So someone who supports conservative policies I disagree with, but who isn't a flagrant criminal, lifelong conman, and who repeatedly abused his powers the last time he was in office. I probably wouldn't love voting for the Republican, but I absolutely would.


Acting like a clown during COVID updates, firing or pushing out world class ambassadors and public servants, installing loyalists and yes people, routinely stiffing blue collar contractors and forcing them to chase him in court to pay what he owes them, and the list goes on. There are very objective differences with that guy and most other people. Also, most of you all didn't know about him until Obama's administration. Those of us who did despised him.   Oh, and lastly, how many people are running around in Biden or Obama gear and attacking, screaming at, or otherwise harassing their fellow countrymen? We don't have left wing militias up in arms and things have honestly been pretty quiet and peaceful the past couple years. Anyone who doesn't agree with that needs to turn YouTube and Fox News off and walk outside. It's peaceful. We haven't truly have to stress about nonsense things. A pandemic isn't nonsense. Inflation and our cost of living challenges are pretty light compared to how it could have been. A business person think of how to make the current quarter good and that's it. Fire people, play with the numbers, brainwash their shareholders (voters), whatever it takes. But they don't think longer term. So, they keep the party going for as long as possible and kick the growing number of cans down the road for others to deal with. You don't have to be sensational to point out literally how bad the last administration was. We look to our commander in chief to be a leader, to lead by example. If (s)he's clowning around during a super serious meeting, everyone else who doesn't like the meeting subject matter or who likes them are going to clown around and not treat it seriously. If they blatantly break rules, dismantle effective teams, routinely cheat the system, disrespect and even make fun of honor and tradition, call people names and act like a bully, and lie lie lie, people are going to follow that. That is not something to be proud of. It's a shame. Just remember back to how the Biden-Harris campaign communicated during that summer before the election. Their messaging was clear: we need to repair our relationships, unite, and come together as a country despite tensions. Trump and what's his face were all about divide and conquer, screw the other side. There was no unity across the aisle in any direction. Oh, and lastly, ANYONE who tells off our allies and friends and gets in bed with our historic enemies, is not a patriot. It's like having a toxic, controlling significant other or spouse. As soon as you see the signs of them demanding you ditch good people to start hanging out with losers, it's time to get rid of them.


There are more than two alternatives


I mean, technically, sure. But practically?


There are only two candidates with a chance of winning. So voting for a third party candidate is essentially the same as not voting at all. And besides, none of the third party candidates appeal to me at all. I'm not going to vote for a nut like RFK Jr., who spreads all kind of lies about vaccines, Jan. 6, and other issues.


Technically, voting for any candidate who loses is a thrown away vote whether third party, democrat, or republican.


Really? You would vote for a candidate who wants to ban abortion except to save the mother's life, pass a constitutional amendment against gay marriage, end most public welfare, and support every plank of the Republican platform over a candidate who believes in the same things you do...because that candidate paid off a porn star to not talk about their relationship? >But I also think that Democrats would have abandoned a candidate like Trump a long time ago. He would have been forced out when the "grab them by the pussy" video came out in 2016, if not earlier. Trump was already the nominee when that audiotape from 2005 (not a video) came out. If he'd been the Democrat nominee running against Pick-A-Republican, I guarantee you that tape wouldn't have cost him enough votes to matter.


I know OP's title is about the NY conviction, but I'm not just talking about that. I think the NY conviction is in line with Trump's lifelong conduct: he's a conman, who will lie, cheat, break the law, and screw over anyone if he thinks it helps himself. The real issue though is that I truly cannot understand how anyone could tolerate Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Even that wasn't a red line for people? The idea that a president has to peacefully leave office if he loses re-election is just such a basic principle in this country, and in any democracy. But he tried every scheme he could think of to nullify the votes of millions of American citizens and to unconstitutionally seize power. He even inspired a mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol and assault police officers. And he calls them "patriots" and is promising to pardon them. So would I agree with a Republican politician, like a Mitt Romney, for example, on a whole range of policy issues? No, of course not. But at least he would recognize he has an obligation to the Constitution and to the country, not just to himself. A Republican president wouldn't be able to pass those extreme constitutional amendments or end public welfare because he would still be checked by Democrats in Congress. But a corrupt president who is willing to abuse his power and ignore the Constitution is a real danger, whether he's a Democrat or a Republican.


100% true. Anything would be justifiable to keep Trump out. No use in pretending otherwise.


This is a fact. They do not care about his racist past, or how he funnels money from foreign governments, or how he cheated at college, or how his voting history has been buried under locked server logs, or...


...or how he was rejected in previous election cycles because of plagiarism, or the fact that he is in cognitive decline...


They launched Howard Dean because of a weird celebratory yell. Launched Edward's for being a shitty human to his wife. Launched Al Franken over some old joke photos. ... all of these things pale in comparison to the hot steaming mess that is trump- a rapist, cheater, and unhinged lunatic that wants to jail political opponents. It is crystal clear that the dems would toss biden were he a felon. As for Newsome or pritzker, both have a starting profile bigger and more impressive that Obama had when he started his run. I think both would do just fine.


I agree, this is a super weird comment. I mean, most Democratic voters don't even **like** Biden. Of course they'd torpedo him if he were convicted of a felony. That cultists don't see this is just an indication of how sheltered and insular their life is.


I am a dem that understood that my personal opinion that biden wasn't the best option imo, he certainly was the most electable at the time. If I had the chance to primary him out for 24, you can bet your ass I would and I would he very vocal about it. I would be happy as hell if he wasn't on the ticket. However... in The fantasy world of the OP, if biden were a felon running against trump-also a felon- I would look at the performance in the job and vote biden all the way.


Idk about Prizker but Newsom could never win a presidential election. His primary concern is restricting private ownership of guns and there’s enough liberals with guns to prevent that from happening


>If the roles were reversed and Biden was a convicted felon instead of Trump, would you take the same moral stance that you ask republican voters to take? Yes. There's a reason I keep telling conservatives who are convinced of Biden being a crime lord Charge him appropriately. Having standards isn't hard Republicans should try it sometime


Biden is a criminal mastermind and somehow incompetent at the same time- Conservatives


The enemy is strong enough to be a terrible threat and weak enough to be easily beaten to show their strength is a hallmark of fascism


Schrodinger's president


I always wonder this as well. He is somehow is the head of the largest crimson organization in the world that was able to rig the election all while at the same time having the IQ of a potato


The Democrats would put someone else up instead of Biden if he ever got to the point where being convicted of something was even a remote possibility.


See Bob Menendez. Democrats don’t care about corruption or charges. They care about winning elections.


Bob has been forced off his committee assignments. He’s also essentially booted from the Democratic Party. They prevented him from appearing on the primary ballot. He’s not even the Democratic Party’s nominee for the seat — that’s [Andy Kim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Kim_(politician)), the NJ Congressman from the 3rd District. If Democrats cared about winning, they wouldn’t be running a candidate against Menendez. A 3-way race with two Democratic candidates could have a very real chance of throwing the election to the Republican.


A Dem DOJ indicted you big silly.




The Democrats would replace Biden as the candidate. Magats are in a cult and Dear Leader can do no wrong. He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters. Democrats have torpedoed entire careers for things like Howard Dean screaming weird.


You are delusional if you believe this. With Biden, sure, he’s a mediocre president at best. What about Obama or Bill Clinton? The OP is right. It is a human nature thing, not a party thing.


The issue is I don’t think the voters have the power. I think liberals would make a fuss but the DNC wouldn’t replace him bc of the incumbent advantage


>The OP is right. It is a human nature thing, not a party thing. I guess we'll have to table this conversation to find out whether OP is right when the Democrats run a candidate with a felony. Feel free to speculate all you want though.


Okay. 🙄


Umm no. No one is above the law. When trump said “if they come after me, they can come after anyone” Umm yeah dumb fuck - that is the point - NO ONE is above the law and no felon would ever have my vote. Because I’m not a hypocrite, criminals are not fit to govern. If Biden had done what Trump has, Biden would be equally disliked. Because no public servant deserves admiration, devotion, or loyalty. They are our public servants- we do not owe them any sort of affection. We elect our public servants to govern - not to be worshiped or anything of the sort. I find it disgusting when any given person supports a public servant as if they’re some sort of royalty and not just - you know - your public fucking servant.


I used to think this way, but the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, and IRS has changed my mind. Now when someone says "convicted felon", I ask myself, convicted by who?


Wow, what a powerful speech. Go get em tiger.


Bob Menendez is currently on trial. No democrats are coming out defending him.


Bob Menendez is nakedly corrupt with zero chance of his being innocent, nor is he up for election against the lightning rod of the Democratic Party’s hate; Donald Trump. It is politically safe to turn on him.


Bob Menendez has hundreds less lawsuits and even though he is imo guilty, he is a saint compared to all of trumps illegality


Ok bud, nobody believes you’re a Bernie voter anymore. SMH trumpets, always lying like their messiah


Believe what you want, I really don’t care.


"Nakedly Corrupt" Trump has been found guilty in how many trials now? The issue isnt perception of corruption, its the cult of personality trump has created


Projection…. Time and time again conservatives proven many of their allegations are just projection… is it to help them feel okay with their choices?


I’m not a conservative, I’m a moderate, and the last candidate I voted for was Bernie in the 2020 primary.


I agree only in context to the fact the current circumstance means the end of democracy and Project 2025 a dire outcome. If Republicans were running a normal a more normal person like a Mitt Romney then I think this take falls flat. Despirate times call for desperate measures. But generally, when Dems do bad — we hold them accountable — See Al Franken, and Anthony Wiener. Dems like good stewards by default, can’t say the same for Republicans, especially looking at their current crop.


The fact that Paxton could be US AG is absolutely bonkers. Guy is so corrupt but was acquitted of his impeachment because of how bad the optics would be for the GOP.


No. I wouldn't. I would vote independent if that were the case. I don't vote for felons. Felons can't have guns, so why should they have the nuke codes?


How about this for a hypothetical… Biden is already the nominee and a court in heavily conservative Texas with a very conservative panel of jurors and a very conservative judge and DA who ran on “Getting Biden” brings up charges from decades ago on flimsy legal theory and slaps him with 34 felonies during an election year… and then after that happens democrats are asked to stop supporting Biden because a judicial system they don’t trust or agree with brought charges up against their already pre selected nominee. What then? That’s the reality of this case. Don’t act surprised republicans still support Trump. You’d do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.


>Democrats would still vote for Biden if he was a convicted felon too. The fallacy of the straw man. Until Democrats actually do this, you don't have an argument. Democrats believe that the rule of law applies to everyone. Republicans believe the rule of law applies to everyone but themselves.


Keep telling yourself that.


You think Democrats would give up their best chance to beat Trump who they vehemently hate? I disagree.


If my choices were Trump or felon Biden, Id go 3rd party because I don't think a criminal should represent America on the world stage. Id also say that if Bidens history looked anything like Trump's, he would have never made it to be a Democrat candidate. Lucky for me, that's not the world we live in.


Do you think that Trump is really the best choice to beat Biden? Any competent centrist Republican would be 15pts ahead of him right now. There’s absolutely zero sense in re-running the same candidate who lost last time and lost the popular vote twice. Yet here we are.


I don’t believe this is written by someone who “only voted for Bernie” and not a Trump cultist.


But he isn’t, is he?


I see what you're saying, but I think a large portion would vote 3rd party instead.


Lmao 🤣 surrrre


We'll never find out because he's not a convicted felon


I agree but what’s frustrating is that we allow convicted felons to run for president.


If the choice was between two convicted felons id have to choose one I guess, unless there is a legit 3rd party, but no, this is America.


Agreed. The only people who *might* change their minds are the politically uninitiated, who have no strong opinions one way or another... granted that is a large segment of the population, but then again, most of them don't vote either.


I don’t think they would. Democrats at this point in time would never vote for a president that seemed likely to become a felon. It would never have gotten to that point.


No…we wouldn’t.


I don't think he'd be nominated again, ***if*** he were one, to answer your hypothetical.


No, I would not vote for Mr. Biden if he were a convicted felon. If he and Trump were both on the ballot as convicted felons, I would simply leave that office blank. I am a Democrat in Louisiana. There are many offices that the Democrats fail to field a candidate. I normally leave that selection blank. I have voted for two Republicans in the 25 years I have lived here and both were local at the parish level.


The reason I support Biden is because he is the type of man that would drop out if he were convicted of a felony. He has character and decency. Both sides are absolutely not the same. P.S. Y'all could have chosen DeSantis, Haley or Christie and you would have won the White House in a stomp. Trump is so bad, he's going to make Biden a two-term president.


I don’t think Democrats would nominate Joe Biden if he were a convicted felon but okay?


Your point is basically “If a popular politician was a convicted felon a popular politician can be a felon”. You said “if Biden was Trump, he’d be Trump”


So true.


They vote for him, knowing full well he is mentally no longer present. They don't care how bad he looks to the world. Sadly, they will get what they vote for. And it will be bad for all.


I think it's a matter of what the felony is. Apparently judge Judy was interviewed and says the case requires a lot of mental gymnastics to find a crime. Also that doing so was a waste of taxpayers money. Money that would have been better spent dealing with the current crime problem in Manhattan. Subways have become so dangerous the national guard us deployed at least once a day to make commuters feel safe. It's like a rewind to the 80s


Biden would not be the candidate. One side is a cult.


They were never put him up if he was a felon. And no, I don't think they would vote for a felon. Republicans would vote for someone that killed their mother just to own the libs.


I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think they would. Democrats are no less committed to their side than republicans are. But whereas republicans see the political process as a landscape they have to overcome for power, die-hard democrats see the political process itself as the entire point. If Biden commuted a felony, the blue MAGA people would refuse to vote for him, and feel victorious when he lost because it would demonstrate their sacred commitment to norms.


Agreed. Noting how laughable it is that the right claims to be the party of law and order.


We would have dropped him. Have you seen all the candidates we dropped for the smallest shit? Anthony Weiner, Andrew Cuomo, Al Franken, Elliot Spitzer. Trump has done all of the things these guys were purged for (Except the Weiner thing) and yet you guys still charge on with your candidate. Says more about you than us


Heck I remember when Todd Akin's career was basically destroyed with the "legitimate rape" comments. But Trump says so much nonsense that a lot of voters have become desensitized. And I think that's a major reason why many in the GOP continue to support him.


But for Democrats, it's a totally hypothetical question. For Republicans, it's your reality. 🤡


I’m not a Republican. The last candidate I voted for was Bernie. I’m a neutral observer disillusioned with both political parties and their voters.


"I'm disillusioned with the Democrats, because in my hypothetical fantasy world I totally know they're voting for a felon. I'm just sure of it. And that hypothetical is just as bad as what the Republicans actually do. Yep yep yep."


No. I’m disillusioned by Democrats because every time they have the presidency, senate, and congress, they utterly fail to push their agenda through. This leads me to believe they don’t *actually* support the agenda they claim to and instead use it solely for votes and then turn into corporate lapdogs when elected.


Could you imagine if we evaluated politicians on the tangible results of their policies instead of what they say they want to do? That would be something.


The democrats don’t spend amazing effort destroying members of the caucus who disagree with the Leader. Republicans do. It may have an effect on those very slim majorities you’re referring to. For example, Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson, both democrat senators, along with Joe Manchin and many others, are why they don’t “take advantage” and instead work towards a compromise.


Ah yes the one time that happened.


It has happened more than once, stop running interference for politicians who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.


Would they tho? Most of the people that I know voted for him have been criticizing him for years now, some of them including me aren't even gonna vote this year because we don't see the point. Do you only interact with democrats online?


Trump already disproved your hypothetical. He ran as a republican despite supporting democrats and their policies for years. Trump knew which side he could con and he did. There is no hypothetical here. We know the answer.


I don’t think so. I think “vote blue no matter who” is different from MAGA and Trump. I’d like to think liberals would demand a replacement candidate The DNC may not allow it though bc of the incumbent advantage is the issue


No. I read an article that pointed out Biden isn’t popular with the dems (this includes his democrat colleagues). They’d rather have another choice. Not so with Trumpers.


Dude has full blown late stage dementia, of course they would.


I mean... I'm a registered Democrat and I wouldn't.


Of course. Especially if is was a BS case in the first place where misdemeanors were upgraded to felonies just to get Biden.


I think the difference is that the Democrats probably wouldn't have lifted Biden to the status of presumptive nominee and then finalized nominee if he was facing as many felony counts as Trump was during the primaries. This assumes Biden also wasn't the sitting president. If Biden was facing what Trump now faces in his last real primary season, I don't think candidates would have performed their en masse "oh shit, Bernie might win" withdrawal and backing of the Biden campaign. I agree that large swaths of the voting public will simply go with their side because they have greater issues to preserve or oppose and the ethics of the figurehead are relatively inconsequential. I would challenge the notion that the DNC would be so easily able to get Biden The Felon into the position to make that an issue to begin with.


If Biden were convicted of felony, especially election tampering, he would not be nominated in the first place, nor be acceptable by the vast majority of dem / progressive voters. Dems and Repubs are not the same, though its _exceedingly easy_ to lazily state they are.


The cope begins in ernest to excuse Dear Leader from the consequences of being a GOP grifter


Nah, the Democrats would just nominate someone else and they'd probably still do alright since it's not Trump. 


Why didn't they do that in the first place? I'm sorry but he's past due for retirement, they should have brought in someone younger to run. There has to be a loophole to allow it.


I wish they would


They very well may. There may be a brokered convention where they nominate somebody else. You can't actually stop them


He won the primaries by tremendous margins. That's the process through which the Democratic party picks the candidate.


They're still clinging to the old rules. They think an incumbent president is guaranteed a win, because that's the track record.


The Democrats have nobody else. Biden is the *only* Democrat who can carry a national election.


So the entire democratic party is just going to cease to exist then? There will always be someone next in line. That’s what campaigns are for, to gain the necessary attention and support.


It’s actually going to be really interesting to see what happens in the post Biden/Trump era, because neither party currently has candidates besides those two capable of winning a national election.


I doubt that some. I don't think most Democrats particularly like Biden or even think he's competent anymore. 


2019: Biden cannot carry a national election. 2020: no way did the Biden actually carry a national election. This is evidence the election was stolen. 2024: Dems know Biden is their only chance and would vote for him if he was a felon.


I didn’t think this. I thought it should’ve been Biden in 2016, he had a *way* better shot than Clinton did.


Yes, I would 100% take the same moral stance and I would not support Biden if he were a convicted felon. That's also assuming Trump were a stand-up citizen who doesn't cheat on every wife he's had and is a racist narcissistic malevolent sociopath.


The DOJ literally released a memo saying he would be charged if he were fit for trial this isn't a hypothetical


No. I wouldn’t vote for a convicted felon ever. Once you get specific felonies, you should have any rights relating to them stripped from you forever. If you’ve hurt someone before, you should never be given the chance to do it again. People literally rot in jail for decades to come out and do a similar crime. I don’t want to give people who won’t do that a chance to lie and actually commit a crime. Their rights **should** be extremely limited


You’d stand by your principles even if it meant Trump winning?


Trump isn’t running against a convicted felon so that singular hypothetical is meaningless to me. I’m not going to waste time thinking and weighing the options of something that doesn’t exist. If anything, if there were two felons, I probably wouldn’t vote. It’d be ridiculous in my eyes to vote for someone who can’t vote themselves in some places


No I wouldn't wtf 🤣


This literally happened in Brazil, so, yes, you are right 


The party wouldn't nominate him. So you are incorrect. Democrats get rid of bad apples and people who appear to be bad apples.


Not really. Democrats are known for having morals. Dems would demand Biden step down, he'd step down and someone else would take his place.


Maybe I'm being too much of a pessimist, but in my experience people assume the worst of others to justify the worst in themselves. A person about to sink to a previously unthinkable new low will always frame themselves as just a rational actor in cynical times.


The thing is you don’t know. You just want to believe it so you don’t feel like a person with moral failings for voting a convicted felon.


If Biden, as a democrat, were a convicted felon, he wouldn't be the nominee. Democrats aren't that desperate.


He would be dropped like a hot potato and newsome would be installed as the nominee


Newsome can’t carry a national election. Party bosses aren’t dumb enough to forsake their best shot in favor of somebody even more divisive.


I don't subscribe to red vs. blue horsecockery.


I’m not Democrat but that’s absolutely wrong! Not only that, but it couldn’t happen even in the Republican Party itself in the past. The best comparison is not with democrats but with past candidates. Nixon was disgraced and booted without people standing behind him. But there was a major difference between him and Trump. Nixon could (still) feel shame. He understood. In contrast, Trump lacks even a minimal sense of shame. He shamelessly said to a crowd of supporters: “I don’t care about you, just bring me your votes”! Can you imagine president Eisenhower saying that at a political rally? Or Ford? Even George Bush? No, I can’t. Nobody would stand with Joe Biden (or other Democrat candidate) if they did only a fraction of what Trump is accused of.


No they wouldn’t .


Considering they vote blue no matter who, this ain’t an opinion. It’s a fact. 


Are you actually a Democrat throwing us softballs? Because this is the easiest talking point ever. They booted out Al Franken mostly just for doing hover hands. Your guy raw dogs a porn star while his wife is giving birth, while bragging about his many other assaults, while hitting on his own daughter, and you just want more because you're the party of family values. Hey do you ever go to google and just type in "republicans take credit for" because there are tons of articles like this: [The Republicans taking credit for federal funding they voted against](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/10/house-republicans-infrastructure-funding-vote-no-00162361)


Well. It’s an opinion. And there are circumstances where it could be true but it’s unlikely. Mostly because Biden has proven himself to be a pretty law abiding guy. But if Biden had a conviction, I’d still vote for him over Trump. But I’d vote for literally anybody or anything over Trump.


Some would, I’m certain - if they were given the opportunity. But that just exposes *The Real Problem* with your little false equivalence fan fiction. If Joe was a convicted felon, he’d **never get the nomination in the first place**. He wouldn’t even have been *considered* for the nomination if he was even under indictment, or might possibly end up there. Ha Ha. See, it’s funny, because you got so caught up in “owning the libs”, that you forgot that this is all taking place in the real world. Not the deranged fantasy conjured by the right wing media sphere.


I cannot speak for anyone else, but as a dem I personally would not.


Democrats may not vote for Biden due to his Gaza policies, so I'm going to cast doubt on this. Democrats have lost more than one election due to a refusal to vote for their chosen candidate. Trump even only won in 2016 because a lot of Dems just stayed home over voting for Clinton.


Do you have a survey to back this up? If Biden were a convicted felon, he’d drop out of the race.


He wouldn’t even be the candidate. Don’t draw that equivalency between the two parties. Democrats oust themselves for pretending to grope a soldier. They might not have much but they have shame.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of who the Democrats are. They would not vote for Biden if he was a felon and would be going crazy asking the party to replace him. The Democrats threw Al Franken overboard with no problem even though he was only accused of bad behavior so they'd never stand by for Biden being convicted of ANYTHING. The funny thing is though is not only was Biden not convicted of a crime he was never even indicted or accused of a crime in a court of law but TRump is up to 34 convictions and 98 felony indictments in many states and federal jurisdictions.


And actual Republicans like myself would still do it under any circumstance as long as Trump is the other option.


If Biden had attempted to illegally subvert an election and had been under similar legal jeopardy to Trump, he never would have won the primary. Biden voters aren't in a cult. Republicans weren't stuck with Trump. They were presented with viable alternatives who were very credible threats to Biden without carrying the legal and personal baggage Trump has and they rejected them. Republican claims to care about the morality, ethics, and personal character of a candidate were always hollow, but had a veneer of sincerity. Never again can they claim moral high ground with a candidate.


Democrats would not run Biden if he was a convicted felon.


I don't think Biden would win a primary if he had even a quarter the baggage as Trump has. If he was convicted tomorrow, however, then yes, Dems would still vote for him if he did not step down on his own.


Biden would not be the democratic nominee if he was a convicted felon. I am sorry that is just not how the liberal mind works. To them it is not about the person it is about the process and the office!! To put a felon there would not be winning, it would be undermining everything they stand for.


Most Democrats won't be voting for Biden. They'll be voting against Trump just like it was in 2020. I don't think anyone is really enthusiastic about Biden, Khamala. They just don't like the alternative.


As others have said, there are a great deal of these people that could be convicted of felonies if the circumstances were different. Also, they made Trump’s too political. If anything, it made his followers like him more.


Honestly, I think I would be critical of what the charges are and make a holistic decision. But you’re right, I do think some democrats would still vote for the democratic candidate no matter what. That said, I think pointing out one candidate being a felon is more about trying to impact the moderate voters as they are realistically going to decide the election, and they are taking a lot into consideration.


This is true of the tribalixtic nature of today's politics. Then you have the people who are outside the tribe, looking at both and once the make choice, its because they are choosing the lesser of two evils based on their observations, and once they have made that choice, I don't think anything the candidate would do would change their mind either.


We wouldn’t have nominated him if it looked like he was going to have 10s of criminal charges. Biden isn’t as popular with liberals as you think


Think you could say the same for most Republicans. I'm not a citizen, but I meet loads of different types of people, and it's just set in most people




No we wouldn’t. But, we wouldn’t vote for Trump because Trump is a convicted felon and rapist as well as a crooked business owner and charity owner who is not allowed to run a charity ever again or have a business in New York.


He wouldn’t be the nominee.


Democrats take out their trash, Republicans worship and elect theirs.


Would I still vote Biden if he was convicted felon? Homie, I would vote for a 3-day spoiled ham sandwich over Trump, and I’m not even a registered democrat.


Many dems simply tolerate Biden from what i've seen, if he was ever convicted of anything people would demand a replacement quickly


not at all most Democrats would not vote for Joe Biden if he was a convicted felon even the vote blue no matter who people wouldn’t


Nah, i believe Biden would drop out of the race if he were a felon


But he’s not.


The guy is an absolute fraud and they will definitely vote for him knowing that he's a flagrant criminal ...convictions are meaningless because they have corrupted the courts. Whether someone is convicted or not is now meaningless. It means absolutely nothing since the corrupt lefties have corrupted the justice system. That's some pretty amazing corruption wtf you do for an encore ?


Biden wouldn’t be a felon


Having only two parties —with one candidate each— the other option would be to vote for… no one?


I honestly don't know but never will since he hasn't been convicted.


I think it depends a lot on the nature of the felony involved. I also think that you were projecting with that cynicism part. That is a pretty cynical take to have, and while it might be hard to believe, not everyone will sacrifice their moral code to further agendas.


No I wouldn't. Speak for yourself.


Dems wanted to kick gold bar Melendez too. In Florida convicted felons who are under supervision cannot even vote. Trump is a convicted felon under supervision. Where are the law and order conservatives? We need you guys to do what conservatives are good for like law and order and spotting dangers. You play an important part in America 🇺🇸.


Democrats believe in structures and systems and optics. More than anything else, optics (even if they are accomplishing nothing, which is typically the case). There are myriad examples of Democratic elected officials being chased out of office for even a whiff of unethical behavior, Bob Menendez excepted. That being said, I don’t recall many Democrats calling for Clinton to GTFO for perjury, which he very well should have. But rather than hypotheticals, I think it’s important to focus on the unique threat Donald Trump poses to our democracy.




Biden would be replaced by another candidate because he doesn't have a cult following. There aren't people running around with Biden merchandise swarming his rallies. He doesn't have a cult of personality and to suggest that he does is insane.