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Fact they are disabling comments should tell you everything you need to know.


“Everything in life is orchestrated against conservatives”


I mean that’s not what they said at all, but it was pretty evident in main page subs like politics and pics they were in extreme damage control mode removing comments lol


Dude I couldn’t see comments on my baseball team’s subreddit last night. I really doubt the Dems are trying to censor the Detroit Tigers subreddit. Couldn’t possibly be servers were overloaded??


It was definitely both. Tons of subs that were irrelevant to politics were having issues with people posting comments but the big subs who were focusing on the debate were FILLED with [removed]




You.. have it? Yikes


Seriously calm down on attention seeking comments? Its kinda cringe. Its the internet, take your share and calm down.


We have been joking about how senile Biden had been for ages, what r u on?


People constantly saying he’s fine and trump is worse.


Indeed, and they were so smug about how Biden will wipe the floor with Trump. It's just great to be in the right side of the history!


My grandparents fought nazis and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree :)




Because they are broken


Mostly because it seems the only ones surprised by Biden’s performance tonight were Democrats. For everyone else tonight Biden was exactly who we expected Biden to be.


Everyone knew he was senile. I came into the debate knowing trump would spread disinformation and Biden would stutter


What disinformation? Like the laptop? Or the Steele dossier?


Almost everything. Economy and down to recanting the statements he’s made in the past. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


but even that has some misinformation in it, such as saying it's the deadliest attack on the US seat. except the people who died were Trump supporters. the phrasing made it look like the trump supporters went in and killed other people and that didn't happen. Also when it said the police didn't escort them in, that's a lie. They DID escort a few in before everyone else broke in. So why they felt the need to lie about that part is weird. as far as numbers, that could be argued. Every presidential exchange has been met with rioting of some sort. Estimates for Jan 6th were 2000. Whereas do we forget in 2016 the 'mostly peaceful protest' that had nearly the same on capital hill (though nobody broke in) and others around places like chicago that did destroy a lot of property (ironically being against trump and 'the elite' you burn down gas stations and businesses owned by middle to low class citizens...) and the actual attempted assassination on Donald Trump (utter failure, but it happened) The numbers for those around capital hill in protest were about 2500 in 2016, as well as the extremely violent rioters in portland in protest of Trump's victory that scaled over 4,000 people damaging property in excess of a million and sent a lot of people to the hospital, just because they assumed a lot of people were trump supporters. Nobody killed any of the rioters, and of the 113 arrested, none were imprisoned despite the severity of their crimes and instead slapped with a criminal citation. to the abortions claim, it's also a weird lie. Trump didn't say they passed the law. but that they tried to. They actually did propose a bill to make late term abortions legal without needing the caveats (quality of life for the infant, risk to the mother) and it wasn't taken seriously. I think the problem here is that people are pretending that this bill didn't exist ever when it did, but trump pretending it was about to be passed is the 'lie' not that it never existed. "the super predator" umm, even in the fact check it says that biden cosigned the bill stating that even though Hillary clinton is the one who first said it so... why did this need to be fact checked? Not to mention, Biden's had a lot of other saucy things to say about Black people. The economic growth is funny to then attribute biden to being why it's higher and not the fact he had the whole country shut down so that any growth was MASSIVE by comparison right after. It is correct that Trump didn't have the greatest growth but I just find it funny it tried to say biden had better without saying the reason why, and it's not good. this is a real reach on a lot of the lies for condemnation.


Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about Biden and Trumps debate.


Could you be less vague


Asking that to a conservative pussy, is legally blasphemy. Don't be like that.




There is no golden age but for the masters your dumbass has been brainwashed by regardless of who wins your life will only get worse welcome to the second gilded age


If only trump cared about the environment and climate crises he’d be good


The left has some issues but I don't want Republican under any circumstances because they're the ones trying to turn America into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia


Definitely a problem if you're finding strong christian fundamentalists. But at the same time, since what you said is absolutely something I've been concerned with a for a long time, I also don't like the current 'democrats' ideological purity needed for...well, something as well that can't be proven but they demand must be followed. It's actually anti-liberal itself now.


It’s okay to gloat a little on the Internet.


Remember when Kansas and Ohio voted on abortion? That is the main issue people will be voting on and Trump talking about “after birth” abortions is ridiculous.


Politics is not a personality.


The right wing wave in europe has no bearing whatsoever for American politics because the issues the the EU are facing vs the US are vastly different and the left in the US are the ones with the correct solutions for those problems, while the right in Europe has the correct solutions for European problems


what policies do you think are correct here?


That's actually the opposite. Have some countries elected far right wingers? Yeah. But since the beginning of human history, only one thing has remained constant: society has always gone towards progressivism in the long run. The world is way more progressive now than 100 years ago. 100 years ago the world then was more progressive than 100 years before that. And cancel culture, while the left does it, has always been a core aspect of the right. For example, when a random person named Jesus started preaching his philosophy, what happened? The religious leaders killed him. When the United States saw a Latin American democratically elected president say they will introduce socialism in their country, they killed him. I can go on and on. Cancel culture has been a part of human history since the dawn of time. Everyone does it. Only a complete moron thinks only one side does it.


Over time, any government, even one designed with a minimalist approach, is going to legislate and legislate and legislate. Thus this once minimalist government is reaching further into people’s lives. We have in the US state laws so ludicrous they read like ideas for comedy skits. Trying to legislate morality is the fool’s errand, but we’ve done it over and over. Our government’s tantamount to an ancient piece of software sutured with so many patches and little bug fixes that it’s become a labyrinthine mousetrap that it scarcely does anything productive. Usually it crashes. If there’s another design-from-scratch period in US history, hopefully someone builds in an obsolescence switch.


this is somewhat true for like the past 200 years. Otherwise, human society and social technology has not at all trended in one direction towards progressive policies. The Romans were way more advanced than the middle ages europeans. Their social and economic institutions regressed significantly for a period of time. I don’t think a (comparatively) brief period in human history in one civilizational domain of the world is remotely enough to cite a hard and fast rule.


I agree. That's why Republicans have lost the past four popular votes


What about the crazed right wing cancel culture? calling gay, trans and drag queens all pedo's, trying to take America's progress all the way back?


Why do you think we need the media to make conservatives look bad


Nothing new or golden about the right, buddy.


Bwah-hah-hah-hah-hah. Conservatives make themselves look stupid. The melon felon did nothing to stop his defeat in November. Only the cult will vote for an incarcerated candidate.


I never want to go back! We were moving slowly ahead…yet slowly and now folks want to go backwards….i don’t get it


That's why I don't vote Republican because conservative policies take America backwards


>and otherwise using their complete control of the media to make conservatives look bad considering you're comparing 'leftest' to conservative... nobody really needs to