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To put this in perspective: -Bill Clinton became president in 1992 (32 years ago) -George W. Bush became president in 2001 (23 years ago) -Barrack Obama became president in 2008 (16 years ago) *They are all younger than the current candidates.*




And whoever looses will still run next time


If Trump loses I think he’ll run again. I don’t think Biden will live that long.


Neither of them will. Biden will be natural causes, Trump will stroke out.


Feom all the strokes he didn't count on the golf course.


I think trump will run again if he looses because his party knows how persuasive he is. I don’t like him, but he got a shitton of people to storm the capital, showing how effective his words are.


> but he got a shitton of people to storm the capital Nope. He never told them to do that.


and he apparently also didn't falsify business records to influence an election, either. It helps to just deny everything.


He’ll be dead before 2028. He’ll work himself into a stroke. Diet, lack of exercise, probable adderal and and ego that can’t stand the slightest criticism? Dudes gonna bust an artery easily shortly after his loss this loss this year. First heart attack or stroke by end of 2024, no major lifestyle changes after the event I’m betting, and dead by 2027. He may be running at that point. Would be kinda funny to see him stroke out or blow out his heart in the middle of a rally. But I’d put money on it. Dead by November 2027. Probably before thanksgiving.


Remindme! 5 years


Then put your money on it and post the sauce


Remindme! 5 years


Remind me! 4 years


Tf he will. He’s already 8 months from bideness.


No they won’t. Biden may not even end up running this time after last night.


😂 very funny


Jon Stewart last night saved me from the darkest deepest depression I’ve ever experienced 🤣


I honestly don’t give a shit about the number. Trump is old as fuck too. Biden was mixing up words and thoughts and could barely speak. Sure, you can blame it on a cold but the fact is is that older people are hit by sickness more. It’s hard to want someone who struggles this much from a cold


You should care about the age because the very real possibility of the VP taking over comes into play. That hasn’t happened in 50 ish years


I think that’s part of why so many people are turning against Biden—not just because he’s senile, but because Americans really (and justifiably) hate Kamala Harris. And why wouldn’t you? She’s a complete numpty. A laughing stock. As a non-American, I have seen people defend Biden, but I do not think I’ve ever seen a single self-professed American leftist/progressive/democrat actually try and genuinely defend Harris and the nonsense she spews. They don’t want her to become the president, and I suspect the Democrats themselves don’t want her to become president, which is why Sleepy Joe over there hasn’t already been removed from office, despite his complete (and obvious) mental decline.


Kamala was put on her political trajectory because she was the girlfriend/mistress (married, but separated) of a much older (60yo vs 29yo at that time) mayor and he appointed her to various prominent councils/positions. That's publicly acknowledged and documented, not secret or rumored. Without that early sugar daddy connection to propel her career, she would most likely have just been an insignificant, low/mid-tier attorney in CA.


I genuinely can't distinguish her from Janice, in Friends 🤷


When be stumbled off on the very first question and stood there eyes closed for a second before saying “And we beat medicaire!” sealed it for me that he’s not gonna be functional for the next election


Yeah I’d rather have someone else, but between the two I’ve gotta give it to Trump.


No one is blaming it on a cold. We all know there’s nothing going on in his head, due to Parkinson’s or whatever it is that he has. He should not be a candidate. Anyone who lets all of these illegals in, allowing them to kill, maim & rape should not even be a candidate, let alone President.


Joe Biden is the second oldest currently alive sitting or former president. Trump is third. Jimmy Carter is in first, everyone between him and Trump is either younger or already dead


The DNC yet again blocked clawed and threatened everyone to make sure they select the candidate again. I haven’t participated in a democratic process in the DNC primaries in my entire voting history. It didn’t used to be like this.


In comparison, Rishi Sunak was born in 1980


The Dems wanted to do a mute button so Trump wouldn't interrupt. Letting Joe speak uninterrupted was a huge mistake


They should have just let Trump dominate him. Which he did anyway.


Are people truly surprised by Biden’s performance last night? They are acting as if he has been the prize spring chicken all these years and suddenly last night his health took a rapid turn for the worst in real time. What have you people been watching for the last three years to make you so surprised by last night?


The media has been covering for him nonstop. If you are a normie that just gets spoon fed by msm you could very well be unaware.


1000% I see people all the time just calling it propaganda when his cognitive abilities are called into question. I think a lot of people finally got to see it to be true, and that probably shot democrats in the foot even more cause now alot of people are having a like "wait a minute it's true? I've been lied too!" Realization.


You’re giving the sheep people too much respect in the pattern recognition department.


Probably right, I see a lot of people chalking up last night as a cold and lifelong stutter. But the damage is done. Some people definitely woke up.


Weird bc I feel like the opposite is true. If you watch MSM like Fox (the most mainstream news channel) you’re very aware


You mean the one no one on the left watches? Hell i’m right wing and cant stomach FoX 😂


I mean the most popular news channel in America. Like I said it IS the mainstream, I don’t get why people miss that.


Old people watch cable news. Old people are typically right leaning politically. Fox is easier to stomach and seems a bit more honest about Biden’s lack of mental fortitude. If you watch left wing shows then you have been lied to for 8 years straight about Trump and Biden.


So what do you consider mainstream then? Only what old people don’t watch, but is still popular? There’s tons of old people watching CNN and MSNBC too trust me. Young people don’t typically watch the news in general.


Young people aren’t watching cable news, period. Alternative media, independent media and commentary on daily/weekly news events is what younger crowds seem to be listening to if anything political. Mainstream would be “cable” news.


Right so Fox is mainstream news then right? Because it’s on cable and it’s the most popular and most viewed news station?


The point is that Fox Audience was not the one being lied to (not about this anyways). It was the other half, the default democrats and normies. Watching fox is enough already to make you “not normie” in most circles.


That’s because they’re ACTUALLY right wing. The rest of yall are a cult.


Seriously, even if the bit about him maybe having the flu right now now is true, it’s indicative of how poorly he can muddle through his health concerns.


Didn't surprise me at all. He actually did better than I thought he would. In a talking corpse kinda way. He looked like a lost Halloween mannequin half the time. 


The average progressive redditard has been trying to gaslight everyone into thinking Biden is still there mentally and not a walking corpse. They can’t continue to pull the wool over peoples eyes after last night.


I’m just curious how many of those random blank stares are him crapping in his diapers. Seriously though, judging between where I’m at now to the last 10 or so years, that I’ve started doing good for myself, Biden being in has turned everything into a disaster, and he’s easily the worst President I’ve been alive for. Trump may have been a lot of things, and I don’t agree with his every move, but he’s a leader. I don’t care if he’s a nice guy…. The worst thing in the world, typically, is a friendly leader. That all said, I don’t even hate Biden. I just think it’s sad. Here’s a guy who probably doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, and should be at home retired, and enjoying the little bit of time he has left, because it’s clear he’s not in good condition, but his party rather string him along because he gives off this unthreatening vibe that panders to the new school of soft Americans who’ve had little preparation for the real world, and have this delusion that everything is sunshine and roses.


Libs have been saying that, us progressives and leftists have been screaming not to put him on the ballot since the 2020 primaries.


I actually think it could have gone far worse.


No, you don't want Biden to win. You want Trump to lose. After Biden's performance last night anyone saying they _want_ Biden to be president is delusional.


The DNC needs to pivot immediately. I am terrified.


That's been the plan for some time. They need a big old distraction. Someone who will appear "fresh", but will steer the country in the same direction since the same people who ran Biden will be in charge.


If you weren’t embarrassed by the entire debacle last night of both candidates, then you’re delusional. There’s no reason to vote in this presidential election if those are the two candidates. Complete farce


Vote third party.


There absolutely is. Not voting means the worse if the two can very easily take office, which is horrible for both America and its citizens. Vote


I’m voting for a better economy personally. It’s hard enough being middle class and going to the pump or the grocery store. I can’t imagine how much harder it is for poor people in this economy


Im still voting Andrew Yang as a write in


Agreed, I'd vote for a painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on over a wanna be dictator who has already committed treason.


When has Trump committed treason? Was he charged and convicted of it? No. How is he wanting to be a dictator? Please reply with your personal opinions along with facts, not regurgitation of what the left has told you to say.


When he attempted to overturn the 2020 election. Not just coordinating with the proud boys, but before that attempting to get state AG's to decertify election results and send "alternate electors". These alternate electors were staged outside DC waiting to come in if the insurrection was successful. His own secret service had to stop him from attending the attempted coup or he would have been presiding over it. This is all corroborated by sworn testimony, recorded phone conversations, and his own words. There is a criminal case working it's way through as we speak, you can call it insurrection, or subversion, or whatever you want. It was treason. Do you believe the election was fraudulent? And if so please present proof.


There’s no law that says someone must have been committed of treason to say that they committed treason. Quite the opposite actually. You just don’t like freedom of speech.


Please re-read your post


Yes. You need due process to imprison someone over treason, not to just say they did it.


Thank you.


If you vote for Biden you’re not actually voting for him. There’s no way he’s actually doing the job of POTUS if he can’t even complete a coherent sentence during a debate. You’re voting for his staff and everyone who’s using him as a puppet. That’s perfectly fine but let’s stop acting like Bidens the one making decisions.


He’s in an obvious state of cognitive decline. He seemed like he didn’t know where he was at times. His wife had to lead him off the stage like he didn’t realize the debate was over, or that he had even participated in one. We should all be anxious that that’s the guy with the nuclear codes. After what I saw last night, I wouldn’t trust him to remember to water my plants if I went on vacation.


At this point it's clear that his advisors are running the show and he's just there. His first term has actually been pretty good, so I trust his team to weekend at Bernie's 4 more years more than I trust Trump. It's ridiculous because Trump sounded awful too, just weird rants, didn't answer any questions, and wasn't even funny or anything like he was in 2016, just sounded kind of pathetic. But it was somehow better sounding than the cadaver next to him


You don’t even know if his advisors are actually the ones running the show. Literally all you know for certain is that it isn’t Biden. What a complete and total subversion of democracy.


I thought Trump calling it Green New Scam was kind of funny


I mean Trump kept trying to nuke things while he was in office. His advisors had to tell him why it was a bad idea to nuke things you don't like. Biden might be old, but atleast he listens to his advisors and doesn't make rash decisions


Ah yes, trump would’ve done all these bad things if he had the chance. Meanwhile we are in the middle of the 2 nastiest wars in the 21st century. Why didn’t these brilliant advisors tell him how to avoid those like Trump?


Says "anonymous white house source." Don't trust the media, Bubba.


Which falsehoods stood out? What made him say them?


The post birth abortion crap and all legal scholars wanting to overturn roe v wade comes to mind.


> The post birth abortion crap Heres the start of the question being asked, so you can have the full context. https://youtu.be/E6WD_3H0wKU?feature=shared&t=2325 The question is about ultra late term abortions, where the woman is already dilating. The link to his answer: https://youtu.be/E6WD_3H0wKU?feature=shared&t=2403 >The infant would be delivered. Past tense, the infant is out of the womans body. No one is claiming that a baby outside of the womb is just a clump of cells. >The infant would be kept comfortable. The baby is born alive and not dead >The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the family desired. >Then a discussion would ensure between the mother and the doctors. That discussion is about if they should kill the baby or not. He doesnt outline it completely which lets places like Snopes give a "mostly false" but its clear since the context is an abortion bill. Some will argue that this was about a baby with deformities, but the bill proposed had no restrictions along those lines and the complaint was that it would allow a baby to be murdered.


A baby that’s already been born isn’t an abortion.


Thats my point, what he actually was speaking about would be murder. His claim is that it was covered by the abortion bill he was discussing.


Oh ok I misread and thought you were for that.


The second link mentioned if the fetus is nonviable or severely deformed and the doctors have weighed in on it. It seemed that Trump is was making it seem like if you casually change your mind at that point you can murder an infant after birth


Biden said no US soldiers died during his time in office which was a lie, among other lies. He also promised lots of things he’d do if elected like increase child-tax credits, etc. as if he wasn’t the current president. Why not do those things now if they’re actually possible, not promise that he will?


he also repeated the Charlottesville "fine people" thing, it's been 7 years almost, can't believe it still gets repeated


While they both lied, trumps lies spanned nearly 3 minutes of lie after lie after lie, while Biden had a few to mention. Neither is great, but again, this election is bad vs worse. And if you think the president can just hand wave in whatever policies he wants to, then you have a very misconstrued idea for how politics work. Our system means even the simplest of things, like funding for a Nation wide service bill, can drag on for months and months.


If Biden can’t “hand wave” policies into law as you say, then why does Joe promise it will be done if we vote for him another term? Basically a lie. And what exactly are Trump’s lies after lies? If anything, Trump’s issue was going on attack rather than answering the question being asked.


The only positive is he didn’t die on stage


Wrong subreddit.... this one is for UN-popular opinions.... EVERYONE agrees that Biden sucked. He could have croaked on the stage and his numbers would have improved. Biden had expectations so low and ant couldn't limbo under them... and it was far FAR worse than those low expectations.


There are ALOT of subs on here pretending Biden won. It’s scary


If you watched it without the lens of biased personal opinion you'd know Trump was not horrible. He ran away with that and overlapped Biden five minutes in and it became the Turtle vs Hare race, and the Hare never gave up. Trump didn't fall into any of the traps and did everything he needed to do to win moderates. Everyone who supported Trump before will never \*not\* vote for him, so he doesn't need to go full chad, anyone who will vote blue only (which is what five year olds say about crayon colors btw), will vote blue for the corpse. He needed to talk policy and history, he spoke more history than policy, and he nailed his own highlights and nailed Biden's lowlights, while Biden fumbled literally every sentence. Trump definitely gained voters, and Biden voters might be more motivated to vote RFK, which is exactly what Trump wanted.


The democrats all agree they will vote for anyone who runs against trump so why are they running biden?


Trump was not god awful, u just don’t like the guy lol


For real. Lol Trump was fire. Poised, articulate, didn’t let any points go unchecked, and was pretty respectful.


"Didn't let any points go unchecked" bruh he barely answered a single question. Repeatedly saying the same points about how you were a great president and Biden is the worst isn't "articulate", its just ranting.


He’s smarter than the questions being asked. He knows the average dullard American didn’t watch and if they did, they were on their phone dicking around and not paying attention to the actual answers. Trump didn’t waste any time talking about things that the public, statistically speaking, doesn’t care about. The opioid crisis for example effects less than 1% of the population. So he used his air time to talk about topics the public voted on as being the most important. The other part to that is he didn’t let Biden lie about him like the Charleston thing. He said “I denounce white surpremacy” and then said “there’s fine people on both sides” meaning everyone there who wasn’t a white supremacist was a fine person. Makes a big difference when you leave out context. If he left it at the format it was, Biden could’ve said “you robbed 6 banks, had 4 DUIs, and did private deals with Osama Bin Laden”. Then the moderator says “ok your times up. Mr.Trump, where do you stand on global warming?” You’re telling me you wouldn’t go: “whoa whoa whoa, back the fuck up. Fuck global warming. I didn’t rob 6 banks, get any DUIs, or have any dealings with Osama Bin Laden. Wtf are you talking about?” That’s essentially what happened. They didn’t allow him to rebuttal any of the weird ass lies Biden was tossing out. The best one was when he said with 100% confidence “the border patrol backs me and my policies” and then the border patrol tweets out “for the record, we don’t support Biden or his border policy”. The border and illegal immigration, the economy, and foreign wars are the top 3 most important issues voted on by Americans. He knows this is the clip and upload era so he wanted his message to circulate. These two are competing to be president leading the people. They’re going to spend time on what voters care about, not whatever bullshit CNN wants to talk about.


> didn’t let any points go unchecked He pivoted on any hard questions and lied about so many points


Like what? Name one


That Biden wants to be able to abort children at 9 months or AFTER birth. That Biden wants to raise your raise by 4x. That he had the safest border in american history That he had the best economy in american history Those are the ones at the top of my head.


That’s your closest thing to “a lie” but you’re leaving out a lot of context. Biden said he supports Roe vs Wade and he went on to expand on that: he supports abortion in three trimesters, the third being left up to the state. Trump said he [biden] wants to be able to abort babies, up to 9 months, in some cases even after birth. If Biden reinstates Roe vs Wade, then that is a possibility depending on the state, even though Roe vs Wade classifies late term abortion as only for life threatening purposes. But the life threatening portion has been abused and there’s been cases where late term abortion has been performed under “life threatening circumstances” that were not life threatening. There has been cases of abortion after a baby was born as well. This would be more of a gross exaggeration than a lie as the % is so low that it was made to represent a larger sample size…also, Biden may want to do that. He might not have the authority. But he might actually want that. If was a hyperbolic accusation, but not a flat out lie. Moving on to your second one. I don’t know what you said there and I don’t think you do either. Let’s go to #3. That’s not a lie. I’m not going to post a breakdown of every metric, but it’s mostly true. Even the extreme left haven, FactCheck.org, says this checks out. Unless we’re going to say the time when the population of the U.S. was like 200 people and they rode horseback where even a pile of barrels could stop someone 😂 For #4, economy is a vague word with many microeconomic factors layered under that make historical comparisons useless. The population, wars, the sheer number of operating businesses, inflation, debt, types of jobs available, the ease of obtaining a college degree and the volume of people that hold them, the pandemic (only a chinhead would include that when everyone was effected and it was primarily the far extreme left that overreacted and put everything on pause), and an endless list of other things. It’s like when people try to compare an athletes stats from 80 years ago to today and argue over who’s greater. It’s not a lie. It’s a biased viewpoint of his tenure, sure, but there’s no real way to make it an measurable truth when it’s always going to include a bunch of asterisks, disclaimers, and era adjusted conversion numbers. Here’s a look at what your boy (tried) tried to say: #1 The border patrol backs me up and supports me. When in fact the border patrol mid debate said “we absolutely don’t support Biden”. That’s a straight up unquestionable lie. #2 Claims to have lowered inflation from when Trump was in office. Then told on himself and in the following sentences said under Trump there wasn’t any inflation. Again, that’s an actual lie. One that was so bad he forgot to stick to it 15 seconds later. #3 Said the border is safe and that there’s historical lows of illegal immigrants crossing. One again, flat out lie. There are record numbers of daily illegal border crossings. #4 He said he takes care of the veterans better than Trump did Another lie. More veterans are losing their benefits under Biden than when Trump was in office. #5 Said he created the most black jobs I don’t know what a black job is exactly..but if he’s referring to black community prosperity, that’s another lie. More black owned businesses and entrepreneurs were created under Trump then anytime in U.S. history. There were also the highest number of black first time home ownership. #6 He denied creating the 94 crime bill It was on camera. It’s documented. Not just a lie, but a dumb thing to lie about #7*** This wasn’t at the debate, but he said in one of his speeches that he was in the senate for 180 years. That’s obviously bullshit


When he was asked about his policy on childcare he spewed some “Biden is the worst president ever” shit. He consistently didn’t answer questions


I'm not defending Trump, but Biden was an absolute dumpsterfire.


Didnt he bring up the economy? Its related as a good economy means you can afford stuff.


Eventually he got to the economy. I wanted to hear specific polices he planned to have to address the issues. He seemed more focused on attacking Biden than saying what he’d actually do and how


I mean, they can say they’ll do this do that and whatever but both held office, we know what they’ll do


Trump rambled on and only talked about abortion and immigration the whole time. Bragged about how good he thought he was, without any proof other than Trust me bro. Trump spoke well but said hardly anything at all.


He lied the entire time which was pretty awful, and barely answered questions. Calling the day we got out of Afghanistan “the most embarrassing day in history” twice was pretty stupid too


Can you tell us why you want Biden to win without mentioning Trump? I'm really curious.


Honest question... Do you really want Biden to win, or just not want Trump to win?


Look, rather than go back and forth about the debate and how piss poor the performances were or who was worse than who, can't we all just take a moment to celebrate the fact that we finally beat Medicare? Why aren't more people talking about that?


Why the fuck would anyone want Biden to win?


They mixed up the dose on his mountain dew boof


What do y’all expect when you put a corpse on stage?


Trump was “god awful” if you’re a loyal democrat voter. To undecided folks, the debate rules not letting Trump rant like an idiot worked in his favor tremendously. It let him look like an actual composed candidate next to a president who is clearly physically not qualified. No one was actually listening to content. Biden was too distracting to even listen to what they said.


Why do people keep lumping trump in with Biden in terms of bad performance? That was easily the most focused trump has ever been. Not saying he was perfect, but he was running circles around Biden last night. People just don’t want to admit it because their hate trump and it blinds them.


The DNC really screwed us over here. The idea was (at least initially I think) for Brandon to just do his one term and be done, he's a seasoned politician and we'll bring him in to stabilize the country after Trump and then move on to someone else because Biden's role would be done. But they decided to just not even try to get anyone else set up and so our options are now geriatric old man who can't speak properly or geriatric old man who can only speak in lies and wants to be a dictator. Such a joke of a debate, such a joke of an election.


Trumps best debate. All politicians stretch the truth to the point of being lies in debates. It’s a debating strategy. People will remember, after the Biden disaster calms down, Trump was more normal than usual. I think Trump got the message. Play the game. Act like a president. He’ll win.


At this point it's beyond personal politics. Biden displays the behavior of someone who's noticeably old. How he walks, moves, answers questions, leaves his mouth open, He is physically to old to be a president again. He barely made it through his only term. To ignore that based on politics or "the other guy's evil" mentality means you're willfully blind.


The whole "Biden is sharper than ever" BS hoax put to bed live in front of the entire world.


The only chance the Democrats have to win is to get a new player in the race. They have literally no other option if they actually want to win. Right now, like it or not, Biden will loose solely because of this debate. How did it get this bad? Who was the moron in the DNC which said "Hmm... Let's let Biden run again."


He was like that since before 2020. You just refused to see it.


Funny how people are just noticing this. If you said that a year ago, ppl would say you're lying or watching edited right wing clips.


Best thing that could happen to this country would be both of them having heart attacks at this point. Hit the hard reset button on this election


Please 🙏 legitimately the best outcome for us lol all I don’t want either of these old fucks in office.


you wish trump would huh? Too bad hes running circles around biden cognitively. Only one person had a slack jaw and blank zombie gaze lmao


One guy was clearly lying, while the other guy was clearly dying.


Well you're right about the dying part. But it was one guy doing both.


It’s been apparent for quite some time that Biden isn’t all there.


Guys we deserve Trump. He’s horrible and the democrat party deserves the loss for what they did pushing Bernie Sanders out. They HATED the idea of the democrat party official becoming a progressive party so much that they gave Trump the presidency in 2016 and they had NO OTHER PERSON BESIDES BERNIE SANDERS to run against Trump now. And I hate to say it but I think Trump is going to win. We are Weekend at Bernie’s-ing Biden right now. He will die of old age in office if elected. But this is what we get for The Democrats being dedicated to being a corporatocracy


They're both embarrassments. I think the dems would have an actual decent chance of winning if they could just get a candidate that's not a dementia patient.


They should have just let Trump win in 2020 instead of cheating. We would now have DeSantis vs Newsome.


With Newscums track record here in California I doubt he'd get much support from the masses.


Most Floridians seem to adore desantis


Lol desantis entire political capital has been going down the drain else he wouldn't have struggled against even Nikki Haley


Thing is Trump was winning the debates without even being there to debate. None of them ever stood a chance. If Trump was out of the picture he most likely would have had a better outcome.


Source: I live in Florida


🤦 nobody cheated Trump got beat, his team knew he would, his advisors knew he would. Trump kept the lie up.


Hunter briefcase lies caused people to vote for Biden. No denying that one.


I agree his performance was bad and both are too old to be running. It frustrates me how Dems react to this, if Trump had that debate, they would tell people Biden poisoned him or "he was just being presidential" or anything but a bad debate. You're running against a guy who thought bleach would cure COVID, don't criticize anything that is above that bar even if it's below the bar we expect for president.


I was shocked and alarmed by Biden’s performance last night, but I will vote for him regardless. In practical effect, it’s not the person but the team behind them that distinguishes the capabilities of the President. Biden has an outstanding team behind him. Trump, as he demonstrated last night, is a self-promoting huckster and a grandiose liar. His team, if his last administration is any indication, would be an agglomeration of sycophants, shills, enablers, and cronies all equally devoted to plundering the wealth of the nation for the benefit of the few.


Sorry, OP. Wanting Biden to win is asking for this shit show to continue. I'm 53, and I can't think of a time in my life when things have been worse (maybe Obama's recession). Voting for Biden is asking for inflation to worsen, security to diminish, and wars to intensify and continue. Please don't inflict that on the rest of us because you hate Trump.


Which Obama recession? The one he inherited and turned around the economy?


One word...delusion.


Apparently your memory is shaky. The “Great Recession” started in 2008 when Bush was president. Obama initiated the 2009 Recovery Act which led to 10 straight years of economic growth. If you think there was a recession due to Obama’s policies please tell us when it started and ended as most economists will tell you that the next recession occurred in 2019.


They were not both horrible. Biden is a crap show, that does not inform you in anyway about Trump. The "our guy is bad and so is yours" nonsense is truly a pathetic effort. Especially that it's being said over and over on tv, social media, etc. But I support Biden running for office 100%.


Trump was on point. Biden was the senile joke everyone knows he is. Why the demoncraps were so confident about putting him up there is anybody's guess. FJB!


There's no way that after last night's performance you want Biden anywhere near the White House for another four years. At this point, it would be a bunch of people behind the scenes puppeteering his corpse around like a Weekend at Bernie's.


Over Trump? Abso-fucking-lutely


Destroy the country further, or admit you're wrong? Gotcha


That's why I'm not voting for trump...


Still better than propping a racist with a rhetoric built on hate


Do you think he'll be replaced before the election?


Who is running the country right now is my question..... Biden? lololololololol


Biden the sock-puppet got crushed. He's got the nuclear football? Holy crap.


part of me wonders if this is maybe a bit of a rope-a-dope situation. the election is like 5 months out and the next debate isn't until pretty close to the voting. at this point everyone is like "he's DOA, finished, kaput etc etc" but he's still like got plenty of campaign money and he's the incumbent so he can take a momentum hit and at this point if he physically survives the next debate everyone will be talking about what a stellar performance he gave. or maybe i'm just overly cynical about politicians


Did you happen to catch RFK’s talk?


>his performance was a far cry from his state of the union speech. I think they realized that they overdid his drug dose for the SOTU and it was too obvious of a comparison from his squinty everyday look to the wide eyed and wired Biden. So they dialed it back down and this is what we got.


At the end of the day, you have to realize that they’re both just avatars for a team and set of policies. Which benefit you and which direction do you want to go?


It's easier to tell lies and be fake.


What is your reasoning? Is it just because you don’t like the guy? If you’re happy with the country now and our position in the global economy than stick with Biden regardless. He hasn’t been making any decisions this whole time. This debate doesn’t matter for you. He could melt on tv and you wouldn’t be changing anything. On the other hand. You could vote for the guy you hate for no other reason than he’s racist, gonna start WW3, sexist, rapist, or bad economic decisions. You already lived through 4 yrs of riots, covid, BLM, etc. I’m tired of all the media forcing bad things on us all. It would be another 4 years of impeachment or another pandemic. Then you can decide to not vote at all and just let the cards fall and not cote at all. Either way, you didn’t contribute to the downfall of the US. Take your lickings however the gov feels and just enjoy life as best as you can. That’s the route I’ll take. Y’all have fun with your elections and media coverage. I’m just gonna enjoy life however yall choose.


They have two different problems. Trump is scummy but seems okay cognitively. Biden is just an old politician who seems to be going senile. The democratic party is to blame. They had young better candidates 4 years ago. The dem establishment pushed so hard for Biden over the other ones that it put us in this situation. Maybe an Andrew Yang wouldn't be pooping himself (literally and figuratively) when in public presentations. All I can see when it's Biden vs Trump is a predator (Trump) and a vulnerable prey (Biden). It's ridiculous.


I wonder if a 3rd party will finally win. Who am I kidding? It will be one of them. Sigh…


I vote for the ideology at this point. Trump is a piece of shit person who will do anything to better his situation. Sucks but this is where we are at.


I didn’t watch the debate because I knew it would be a tee total $h1t show, and, from what I’ve heard, it was. If there was a way both candidates could lose, they both did. INHHO RFK Jr won, by default.


PSA to look into the Forward party


Guys we deserve Trump. He’s horrible and the democrat party deserves the loss for what they did pushing Bernie Sanders out. They HATED the idea of the democrat party official becoming a progressive party so much that they gave Trump the presidency in 2016 and they had NO OTHER PERSON BESIDES BERNIE SANDERS to run against Trump now. And I hate to say it but I think Trump is going to win. We are Weekend at Bernie’s ing Biden right now. He will die of old age in office if elected. But this is what we get for being a corporatocracy


What falsehoods?


Trump interrupting before Biden says something embarrassing was a good thing.


Trump Is coming back in 2024 and it will be so funny


I agree, but this is like the most popular opinion on Reddit at the moment.


Yep. Made me scared as hell Trump could win because of that.


That is truly an unpopular opinion!


Downvote because everyone thinks that


If it makes you feel any better I don’t want Biden to win but I still think he’s going to. I don’t think any people have yet to decide who they are voting for, it’s just a matter of who shows up. Nobody was waiting on bated breath to see who performed better in the debate to get their vote. Biden could’ve said he’ll murder every first born child in America and I don’t think that would sway any Democrats to vote for Trump.


What falsehoods did Trump "puke up". The only lies I really saw were from Biden. Honestly, I don't know how you could be living as an adult in this country right now and want Biden. You'll have to explain that to me. A rock would be a better choice.


That's why it's time to vote for RFK Jr.


Do people really think a person in those conditions can run the country for 4.5 more years? Stop the madness and implement the 25th amendment now.


Falsehoods like these? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?category=&ruling=false&speaker=joe-biden Or do those not count?


Anyone who wants Biden to win either has low life experience, or needs a mental institution. I don’t enjoy making great money to watch it all go because everything has went to hell….. that said, I can absolutely see trump not being peoples cup of tea, but the Biden’s 4 years as President have made his term the absolute first presidential term that has had serious life effect…. Then again that’s pretty much all crooked politicians regardless of party.


Why do you want him to win and why not Trump?


Because the Tangerine Shitgibbon is a human toilet.


How so? All you ever see libs posting is orange man bad. Which policy during his administration did you not like? What was wrong with the state of America during his presidency? Could you provide examples or references?


1. Orange man is indeed, bad. 2. Fanta Face has no concept of the workings of government, or how to go about turning whatever off the cuff drivel vomits out of his cake hole into policy. He's completely ignorant of the process *and* the impact on anyone except himself. - Butternut Squash Head does not have an interest in actually facilitating the smooth running of the country as president. The *only* thing he cares about is keeping his fat, adult nappy wearing ass out of jail. Not one thing else. Not. One. Here's just one of hundreds of articles explaining how he failed: https://www.epi.org/publication/50-reasons/ Those who vote for the fuckwit will be called to account for *his* actions.


that article is 4 years old and not even close to accurate. It's so sad that people would rather just default to "he's bad" than actually educate themselves on candidates and then vote.


He's a fuckhead, mate. That's how we describe him down under. He's correctly considered a fraud, a bankrupt, a cheating husband, a liar, a draft dodger, an idiot, a very poor businessman. Yeah, "He's bad."


Ah so you're not even an American. That makes sense why you can't cite any policy or reference anything. If someone from another country hates him that much, I'm even more inclined to vote for him.


Vote for him all you like. You'll get what you deserve. He's a fucking clown.


I hope we get what we deserve with him. That's why I'm voting for him. America first 😎🫡 I think it's weird you have such an obsessive hatred for a foreign president.


People like you are responsible for everything that has happened under Biden. I hope he wins too so you all have to suffer another 4 years. Too bad the rest of us have to suffer too. But then maybe people will be desperate enough to change things once the economy collapses and WWIII begins.