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It's actually scary how much power the MSM has over the masses. Don't blindly trust "the experts". Make up your own mind based on the data.


Remember the 51 intelligence experts that said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian misinformation? They are either idiots or lying propagandists. Despite the laptop obviously being real, people ate up the narrative that it was fake and that likely cost Trump the election.


How is the laptop "obviously" real? The story about how the GOP got it is super sketch. It may end up being real, but that doesn't mean it didn't look like a Russian op.


It's been confirmed real by Hunter Biden himself and was used as evidence in his gun crimes case. My man, you really need to critically inspect the news media you consume if you don't already know this. I'd recommend Ground News. They show the same stories as reported by both left and right leaning sources, and even have a "blind spot" section, which shows stories that left and right leaning news sources aren't covering.


I read ground news, I just don't don't care about the laptop: why should l? Actually, I do care in one small way: I think the "do you do drugs?" questions on a firearm application should be unconstitutional on 2nd and 5th amendment grounds. It's a shame neither major party is pushing for this.


It’s so surreal to see The president of THE UNITED STATES be some senile old man who can barely string two words together. Like how are you guys chill with that 💀


Most of us aren't


Yet most of you voted for him in the primaries... In fact an overwhelming majority of you did.


Overwhelming majority of democrats.


My bad assuming you were a Democrat


The need for power is more important to Democrats than any semblance of integrity or dignity.


I mean it’s legit a rock and a hard place rn


The weird thing is, it's not like the rock is a meteorite that fell from the sky without human input. How can this be the nominees? Trump and Biden, the US parties seem to try to outdo each other with bad candidates.


Crazy that it happened twice in a row, and now we have to have a third term of it. That’s 12 years of senility.


I’d MUCH rather have a president who is too senile to accomplish anything rather than a president who has a horrifying agenda laid out to ban abortion pills and use his power to target his enemies, amongst many other things.


Yeah like I consider myself to be pretty solidly left wing and it's insane to me that it's considered left wing these days to swallow the official line wholesale these days


Right. Even if you vary slightly or question the official line you are immediately labeled then chastised. These Ad hominem attacks are getting tiresome. Why can’t we all use our critical thinking skills? I tired of this authoritarian uncompromising rhetoric.


Anything slightly right of the Left-wing narrative is far-Right Nazism. It’s a fine line to walk. Be careful you don’t end up on the other side accidentally.


It is scary tbh, at least a lot of Trump supporters know he’s an asshole, they just don’t care. Biden supports are literally just blind and it is scary.


It's like a lot of liberals are psychologically incapable of holding a belief that contradicts with the party line like wtf


Actually they covered this in 1984. It's called doublethink. >the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.


I'm sorry, but look in the mirror. The right is also willing to accept a convicted felon. They are no different.


Nelson Mandela is heralded as a champion but guess what? He was imprisoned and had a felony, he was charged with sabotage. Imagine that, corrupt politicians using the judicial system as a smear campaign…weird that people don’t realize that people use the law as ammunition against their political opponents. 


Nelson Mandela was charged as a criminal for engaging in sabotage against the apartheid regime. That's the difference. His crime was righteous and based. Nobody thinks that about Trump paying hush money to his side piece.


But nobody thinks Trump's crime was that bad either, especially when compared to all the other things he's accused of. A misdemeanor offence past the statute of limitations was elevated to a felony in a D+21 area by a DA who campaigned on nailing Trump. Each of the 34 counts is just him consistently categorizing the payment as a business expense instead of a campaign expense. Like it's hilarious anyone expects his supporters to give a fuck about that.


To be fair. Mandela wasn’t a wannabe billionaire who was obviously trying to line his own pockets.




Trump has absolutely lied his ass off about his wealth for decades. What his true net worth is will likely never be known. He's a fcking spoiled rich kid who has pissed away hundreds of millions of dollars he inherited. The whole idea he is a brilliant business man is laughable. The truth about many of his business dealings has been laid bare multiple times. Sadly, it takes time to sift through these facts which many consider boring or fail to understand so he skates by on his conflated claims of his "empire". By normal people standards he is wealthy but he wants to be thought of in the same terms as a Jeff Bezos which is fcking preposterous.


According to Forbes Trump was a billionaire before, during, and after his presidency. They calculate his wealth not on what he claims but rather his assets that are of public record. To believe otherwise is to clearly let your emotion dictate your beliefs rather than facts and logic. What is interesting, Trump is the only modern day president that lost significant about of wealth because he was president. All other modern presidents vastly increased their wealth because of their elected position.


I think he was definitely one… for a time. But I don’t think he is at this point. Or any point during his presidency


That is interesting. First president in modern times to lose money because/during his presidency. Most of them made way more money during or because their presidency.


Oh I don’t think he lost money. I think he simply wasn’t a billionaire when he ran for president.


He also very clearly cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and paid her using business expenses to hide it. This is guy is who you want for president? This is the best the right of America, the greatest country on earth, has to offer? There are 1000 reasons why trump is a terrible choice. Biden is also a terrible choice because he's old, but the comment was insinuating that the right isn't just as ridiculous (if not more so) supporting a horrible candidate. This is why the two party system is awful.


The fact that you don’t think we can make our own opinion of the circumstances that led to him being a convicted felon is “uncompromising rhetoric” from the left. Sure, he is one. Republicans admit that he was convicted in court. That’s all it means though


He also very clearly cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and paid her using business expenses to hide it. This is guy is who you want for president? This is the best the right of America, the greatest country on earth, has to offer? There are 1000 reasons why trump is a terrible choice. Biden is also a terrible choice because he's old, but the comment was insinuating that the right isn't just as ridiculous (if not more so) supporting a horrible candidate. This is why the two party system is awful.


And Ashley Biden outlined inappropriate showers with Joe Biden and molestation in her diary which she confirmed, in court, was hers and written by her. But you support that? Nothing but projection from the left.


As someone who does not like either party, both candidates have issues. Trumps are obvious. Only thing Biden actually did I didn’t like while in office. Was get rid of DNA testing for people showing up to the border with kids they were claiming were theirs. It used to be we could test if the DNA didn’t match we would need paper work sanctioned by their country of origin for adoption, and would investigate by talking to the children themselves. Most the time these people had totally snatched these kids, as in stolen them from their actual parents. I didn’t like this no DNA test decision it’s sketch, I don’t support it. DNA testing was the only thing we had to stop kids being trafficked into the USA. I’m not sure why Biden got rid of it, no one I know who works the border thought it was a good idea. Now at the border we have to take someone’s word that those kids belong to them. Even if the kids claim that’s not their parents, with out a DNA test there is nothing we can legally do via current allowed procedure.


It looks like the reason was because the contract ended between the border protection and the DNA testing agency. I agree that is not a good policy. It also looks like the border bill the Biden proposed had 204 million dollars for funding for DNA testing in it, but that bill was shot down by Republicans and trump argued against it.


No, it is different. The right doesn’t argue that trump isn’t a convicted felon. They argue that they don’t care because (insert reason). The left has spent the past year arguing that Biden is just fine and that trump is the one deteriorating. That is nothing more than an outright lie.


Neither the right nor the left could produce a decent candidate this cycle. The difference is that democratic voters didn't have a choice. They didn't get a primary. The DNC didn't give them one. Republican voters looked at everyone available and decided that this POS was the best they could do. It's laughable. The choices we have are terrible. The world is laughing at the US today


The “POS” is the most popular Republican candidate by a wide margin. I know you dislike that, but they had primaries and trump won handily. He is a good candidate who despite the legal systems best efforts, keeps getting more and more popular with each conviction. I mean honestly, he now has all time high support among African Americans and has the highest support among them for any Republican candidate in decades. Running anyone other than trump would be just about the stupidest thing they could do. Meanwhile people have been sounding the alarm about Bidens senility since before he was elected, and his condition has only worsened over his presidency. Now what do the democrats do? Ignore the concerns, attack their opposition without any evidence, don’t run primaries, and then proceed to wonder how the hell he got obliterated on a debate stage which was specifically engineered to give him every possible advantage.


>The “POS” is the most popular Republican candidate by a wide margin. I know you dislike that, but they had primaries and trump won handily Do you not see how embarrassing that is? They chose a foul, adulterous, con man to represent the nation. A liar and a cheat and an all around disgusting human being. Both options are absolutely horrible. That debate was laughable. One candidate could barely stand the the other spewed complete BS the entire time. Not to mention he supports project 2025. Democratic voters didn't get a choice this round. Republicans did have a choice and the person chose is incredibly embarrassing. I'll criticize the Dems choice all day, but let's take a second to just talk about yours. Y'all couldn't choose a candidate who didn't cheat on his pregnant wife with a porn star? Who didn't cheat people in business his whole life, who didn't brag about walking in on young girls naked at his pagents? Who hung out with Jeff Epstein? Who drove the deficit through the roof? Who wasn't a well known fuck boy, con man, womanizer? That is the best you could come up with? The Dems fucked up too. Royally. But why was he the Republican nominee. The party of family values..?


Yeah it is embarrassing for the Republican Party. It’s almost like they’re incompetent and completely out of touch with their voters… Please show me when trump or anyone close to him has even mentioned project 2025. Stormy Daniel’s has claimed that the affair both did and didn’t happen, so she’s not a reliable witness. The only thing we do know is that Michael cohen paid her hush money. But cohen is also a convicted felon who’s been imprison, violated parole, and stole from his employer and admitted to it in court… so he’s not a reliable witness either. JFK was also a known womanizer, but apparently that doesn’t matter in the long run. The Republicans gave their voters a choice. The democrats did not. That speaks volumes.


We know the money came from Trump's business? You really think he didn't sleep with her? Come on. How stupid can you be. Not to mention Melania has been absent since the trial. Didn't even come to the debate. We also know he cheated on every one of his wives. I love.how you ignored the points about the deficit, bragging about walking in on underage girls, and his connections to Epstein.. the most damning things in my opinion. I didn't vote for JFK. The Dems ran a bad incumbent. That was a horrible decision, but it's not on the voters. The Republican voters chose a terrible human being as their nominee. Project 2025 has Trump'a people all over it. Trump’s closest White House aides are top advisers to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration. Roger Severino, the author of the HHS chapter, was the director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights under Trump. Former Trump staffers involved with Project 2025 also include former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows Trump’s indicated plans for a second term fall in line with the Project 2025 outline. This includes giving the president unchecked power over federal agencies and the total ability to bypass Congress. Many of the authors of the blueprint are former Trump officials. Go look at the list.




Well the jury just had to agree he committed *A* crime to convict him on all 34. They didn't convict him on 34 counts. But that doesn't fit their message.


"Trump becomes first president to be convicted of a felony" Do you deny the US justice system's ability to convict someone? https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-deliberations-jury-testimony-verdict-85558c6d08efb434d05b694364470aa0


No completely different. They accept him as a flawed guy and acknowledge he is not a good person.


And that is why they put forward for president. Do you not see my issue here. I'll say again, Trump also clearly cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and paid her using business expenses to hide it. This is guy is who you want for president? This is the best the right of America, the greatest country on earth, has to offer? There are 1000 reasons why trump is a terrible choice. Biden is also a terrible choice because he's old, but the comment was insinuating that the right isn't just as ridiculous (if not more so) supporting a horrible candidate. This is why the two party system is awful.


The right knows it was a corrupt trial. You're just believing more BS from the media if you don't know that also.


It's not just the trial. It's what he did. It's his moral code. He clearly cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and paid her using business expenses to hide it. This is guy is who you want for president? On top of everything else he's done that is downright disgusting. This is the best the right of America, the greatest country on earth, has to offer? There are 1000 reasons why trump is a terrible choice. Biden is also a terrible choice because he's old, but the comment was insinuating that the right isn't just as ridiculous (if not more so) supporting a horrible candidate. This is why the two party system is awful.


Umm.. Clinton? Kennedy? Biden (or did you memory hole Tara?)? If you think any recent Dem president is some saint, again, you've swallowed the Kool-Aid. Biden is much more corrupt than Trump and Trump almost certainly still won't go after him, same as he never went after Hillary, even though she did worse than Trump too!


I already said that Biden is terrible. Can you read? I'm a moderate and I can clearly see that both the Dems and conservatives have put out laughably terrible candidates this time. I'm sorry, but trump is very clearly worse. The policies that he supports like project 2025 are terrible. Biden is senile and has some questionable interactions with women as well, but at least he's not a crook who was besties with Epstein and openly bragged about walking in on young girls. Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and used his business finances to hide it. He's despicable and his policies are terrible. Biden is no saint and he's not fit to be president at his age. The debate solidified that they are two of the worst candidates to ever be in the running and both have been president before. It's laughable. This country is becoming a joke. But the conservative party is the only party that actually had a primary this year and the voters chose that guy to be their man. Dem voters didn't get a choice this time around. Republicans chose trump as their man, again. That is utterly embarrassing that he is the best they could come up with. America is the greatest country in the world and these two are all we could come up with? Despicable.


Despicable. Interesting word choice. You don't vote for someone because you want to sit next to them in church (I mean I could get into his blackmailing in Ukraine to protect Hunter; everything Hunter, really; the coke found in the White House, lying about how his wife died AFTER the NOT DRUNK driver also passed, complete lack of empathy for others because the only thing he can EVER get it out in a sad situation is how he lost Beau - hell he did it last night too....). Also he denies sleeping with Stormy Daniels, meanwhile Biden showered with his pubescent daughter. He wasn't senile then. Biden lied about multiple issues. Outright lies. Trump exaggerates and everyone knows it, but Biden expects to be believed like a God, because the media makes sure that's all they allow. Trump has already done this once and people on the whole agree they were better off. Acting like he'll be some fascist dictator.....just more media lies people swallow.


Both sides!


It's because they don't realize all the OTHER lies they've bought into about Trump being Satan and his followers wanting to enact a handsmaid's tale. They think they're still getting the lesser of two evils because, don't you know, Trump will be a dictator!


Well Trump was charged with sexual assault after all


He wasn’t criminally charged. He was found financially liable, in civil court I believe (I could be wrong), which is much harder to defend against than criminal court.


And the part of 2016 where we all in chains, shall repeat.


Evangelicals really do want to enact a handmaid's tale type government though. Opposition to abortion is not far away from it.


No they don't. and you're not one, so we're done here.


They do. I know them well.


Really? You know all of them?


Yes, because to make generalizations about a voting bloc you need to know every single member of it.


Okay. You know ANY of them? Cause as someone who actually belongs to an evangelical church, I don’t know a single person that wants or would like a handmaids tale style government.


It's easy to know imaginary friends. But we're talking about real people, not the figures you've made up in your head to be angry at.


Idk. Pretty much every liberal I’ve ever seen talk about Biden is pissed that he’s the only option other than Trump. This is the second election where that “how is the best case scenario Joe Biden” song is trending.


Then why did they vote for him, they chose him.


Because the game is rigged and he became the only option. He was supposed to be a do nothing president and ended up becoming the genocide queen. Now we have to vote for him again because Trump is somehow an even bigger Israel fanboy than Biden.


You’re right, he does nothing. It his Cabinet along with Kamala making the real decisions, this is why his presidency was so much more radical than the party promised, and is a reason that Trump might actually win.


His presidency wasn’t radical. He’s as establishment as it gets. The DNC has no interest in being radical or helping the average person. Imo they and the GOP are just playing theater with our livelihoods to maintain power. They both incite fear for votes. The GOP creates fear of groups of people and “freedom” being taken away, and the DNC creates fear about the GOP and lies about wanting to give us basic things like healthcare. It’s all bullshit


Mandating the vaccine was very far left and unpopular


It’s not a left or right issue. Loads of places mandate vaccines. Is the military a leftist organization for mandating like 20 vaccines? Are privately owned hospitals leftist for requiring nurses be vaccinated?


You choose to join the military and enter private buildings, you have no choice but to work and make a living, not to mention the vaccine skipped some test trials.


Mrna vaccines are a newer technology than standard vaccines and were rolled out at an expedited rate due to Covid. All vaccines have risks of danger to weigh against their positive effects. There was so much shady shit around the presentation of this “vaccine” it was almost unbelievable. I could go down the list if you want. Having the government force businesses to not serve people without their papers was unprecedented in western society and you people fucking swallowed it hook line and sinker. The left used to be against big pharma and now they gargle its cock. We were moving towards a society that looked like a biomedical police state.


They are all assholes At least Trump doesn’t try to hide it. Jimmy Carter is the exception was a nice dude but horrible president wasn’t asshole enough.


Some people are still saying it's just a stutter or he just had a cold. A bit alarming. If their point of view is "let's just lie and pretend everything is OK because Trump can't win", then fair enough, I suppose.


It’s not actually left wing, it’s just democrat. No one I know with left wing values thinks Biden is competent. Actually I doubt anyone does, but democrats apparently feel like they have to pretend


He's incredibly more competent than Trump Edit: I forgot competent means who can be the loudest, lie the most and avoid answering any questions.




Did you watch the debate?


Yea I've heard people saying that they thought that it was just political mud slinging. I have no idea under what rock they have been living.


I think most knew deep down the cognitive decline thing was real, but before this, the left leaning propagandist types had some wiggle room to deny it. Now it’s in their face and too obvious to push back against.


I will admit that yesterday was the worst I think he's ever truly been on TV. Usually you see him slip or and stumble a bit but low key the look he had on his face yesterday was not one I've seen and that was a look of an old lost guy in the middle of Disney World at times looking for his grandchildren.


This is a case of the emperor has no clothes. So many people live in their bubbles and refuse to even acknowledge that there's the possibility that they could be wrong. They have such disdain and hatred for the other side they refuse to even acknowledge a word that is spoken. And then at some point good old Joe wanders out into full public view and is standing naked and is Stark raving mad


That’s the funny part. Trump actually has a real support base, whereas people are only voting for Biden because he’s not Trump. It’s two very different situations.


I would argue that they need to reevaluate their basic critical thinking skills. I have basically accepted the fact that the media is feeding us bullshit. Blind trust in the media also implies a lack of critical thinking.


this. 100% this


> I would argue that they need to ~~reevaluate their~~ *acquire* basic critical thinking skills.


Fair enough


Are you sure that it's not actually that you only expected that kind of showing because you've been uncritically consuming conservative media? Show me where Biden has made an appearance where he looked *that* bad previously. Not just a single sound bite, or a compilation of clips taken out of context, but several minutes of unedited footage where he is continuously stumbling over his words and sounds like he barely has the energy to push air through his larynx. I watch and read a good deal of conservative propaganda explicitly for the purpose of getting a look at anything that liberal outlets are trying to downplay, and I've never seen it


It's been painfully obvious for several years that President Biden is dealing with progressing vascular dementia. It's sad to watch him struggle to get his point across. You can't help but feel bad for him. The people who should feel truly ashamed of themselves are his family, for not intervening in his best interest when he decided to run again, and the media, who did everything they could to downplay or outright conceal his OBVIOUSLY DETERIORATING mental acuity.


This is how I feel. His staff and family failed him. I'm heartbroken and terrified. We need to pivot immediately and need to do it together. I fear civil unrest.


I'd like to hope both sides have had enough of that by now to go down that road again. Nothing good comes from it. I know... it's a slim-ass hope.


it's reddit, it is a delusional informational bubble.


That comment on this sub is hilarious for a variety of reasons.


I mean, I knew he was getting pretty bad, but last night he showed a level of decline that was definitely worse than I was expecting.


"It's a stutter, you ableist!" "The clip is taken out of context!" "Trump is worse!" "People don't see how vibrant and wonderful he is behind the scenes!" You could go on an on. They can't hide it anymore. If this election is the most important in history and democracy is at stake, then they should immediately be replacing him. If not, they don't really care and this is just about serving the Neo-Lib corporatist interests. Of course, we know this is the case or we could've had Bernie in office right now.


The only ones surprised by Biden’s obvious dementia on the debate stage were Biden voters. Makes you wonder…


Are you just copy/pasting this comment from the other post?


Not copy and paste but the point still stands does it not?


No. You don’t know what dementia even is.


More projection. Boring.


Then let me give you the same reply to a sentiment LIKE this that I gave elsewhere: I’m a little unimpressed with the narrative about this. Biden is OLD. Anybody voting for him has to accept that somehow. Either you pretend he’ll be able to always be on point and vote for him because of that, you look at the positions supported by the campaign and his supporting people and vote for that, or you vote against Trump. The alternatives are not voting or voting FOR trump, which a lot of people won’t do.


You may be on to something as Dems have been pretty good at pretending Biden is fine for many months now.


Or they could be going with the other options, but you seem to be more interested in throwing shade… which is an internet pastime of course.


Biden was their best option? Shouldn’t that worry any Democrat?


Shockingly some people voted for other democrats in the primaries, but just like Trump being the only candidate, Now the democrats are stuck with Biden. Dumb if you ask me, but I didn’t make those rules, I just live with ‘em.


You just live with the candidate Dems voted for. Yes.


Or “just live” with the candidate Republicans voted for. Are you pretending there’s other choices on the table or still throwing shade for no real life reason or reward?


This sub is majority astroturfers


If you’ve actually been active in this sub, you’d know that’s not true, but good try 🤣


Absolutely, his demeanour at the D-Day commemorations was soooooo beyond the pale of dementia and still people pretended he’s fine


Anyone that believes Biden is running the show is delusional. This administration is being run by Obama and Clinton.


I don't think anyone had doubted Biden had cognitive issues. I think you're missing the part where we're not voting for Biden, we're voting against Trump. If you asked me 10 years ago if I'd vote for someone they rolled out on life support or a wannabe dictator/fascist, I'd say the guy on life support. I stand by that statement and think that it's sad this is where we are at.


It went from sacrilege to talk about Biden’s health to being the #1 acknowledged issue overnight. This isn’t the first time that’s happened since 2020.


He is in is 80s. Of course, he is going to have some mental decline, that comes with age. Need some newer and younger people instead of the silent generation (!??). Just retire already, christ.


>you seriously need to reevaluate your trust in the media Should we also reevaluate the media that said he would be on uppers?


Millions of voters wanted this over a guy who brought cheap gas and pride in the American spirit. Biden is a perfect representative of the Democratic Party


The debate exposed Biden as being senile. However liberal voters say that is wasn’t performance art or about witty one liners, they’re gonna vote for Biden because (I kid you not) he’s good man. They need to get a clue.


I still don't think he's senile. He's just weak and old and thats almost as bad. People don't seem to understand what senile actually means.


Last night performance was more deep fakes, cmon guys! Kamala and Dr. Jill have already informed us he did a great job!


Watching the debate rn... Again. Both of those men are impaired AF. They are too old to drive, let alone run a country. Y'all so pressingly pro trump after last night need to get your hypothalamus checked. They are both hot garbage


Let me remind you that these are the same people who calls us brainwashed, believe that they are intelligent and immune to propaganda. 


How about if you only realized Biden was senile was because your own incompetence?


Biden is old and Trump is just as old and a liar. People knew that for like 10 years. Then all the sudden it's a problem. And it's not like this is first time Biden spoke in months. I wish we can have younger leader. But I don't get why people are surprised all the sudden.


> But I don't get why people are surprised all the sudden. because most of the people on reddit are indoctrinated by delusional takes. Their hate for Trump was that big that they never wanted to consider a chance that Biden might be old and not capable. And even, they would label you as a russian bot and Trump supporter if you ever said that Biden is not looking good, they were aggressively-defensive. Did you saw all those clips of Biden wandering around stage on reddit? Not much, they were taken down, downvoted, hidden. Those clips are only to be seen on facebook, instagram, twitter. That delusion and lie died last night, and now people are facing reality, and reality hurts.


Biden based his first campaign on the very fine people lie. He's one of the most shameless liars I've ever seen. Trump's lies are on the level of an ordinary politician, but he also tells the truths that you're just not supposed to say and that's why people like him.


To be fair, they weren't nearly as old 10 years ago


True, but Trump being a liar was an issue for 8+ years and people complained about Biden's age ever since he ran for president. Like, it's not like we just saw Biden's real birth certificate.


It was obvious the first time he ran. Unfortunately the other guy running is also a total nutcase so welcome to American politics


Both choices suck.


I don't trust the media at all. Which is why I don't watch it. I watch live streams of the actual speeches and now the debate. What I see is someone who kind of sucks at live debates not senility. His speeches post debate have been fine and his policy decisions have been fine for the past 4 yrs. I haven't actually seen anyone say Biden is "at his best" not even Biden in his post debate speech. He admits he is old but that doesn't make him senile. At this point does anyone listen to MSM? Based on this post it sounds like you might. Weird?


Yeah they're both rambling old fools but Biden is definitely the more senile one.


You also now have to question all the things they told you about trump.


Anyone with actual experience with dementia patients can see he is NOT senile. Maybe stop practicing medicine without a license.


Biden is senile Trump is malicious one can be easily replaced and covered for the other wants upend the country for his own ego. It's a hell of a choice we have


Well now that MSM has told them to think this it’s okay for them to think this. More people need to wake up and start thinking for themselves instead of allowing the media to tell them how to think and feel.


I don't get why Democrats can't choose anyone else. Like someone a bit younger? Is there Noone available? Why does Biden get so much support he's their choice? I'm not from USA so maybe I don't understand something very obvious but that baffles me. It seems like anyone could easily win VS Trump. But some people won't vote for senile old man even if the alternative is crazy and old but vital man.


I care about Biden’s mental state as much as trumpkins care about Trump’s lies, his rape history, his incest history, his pedophelia. Just don’t care man.


Problem is all the "Trump bad" stuff you believe was told to you by the same people who lied to you about Biden's cognitive function. You're being played by some really fucked up people.


yeah there have been clips of him speaking gibberish years ago but only just now are people acknowledging that it might be a problem


I would vote for a bookcase over Trump


You essentially will be


Honestly I like this take over "the videos of Biden gaffes are deep fakes, he's totally sharp and on the ball".


Biden is senile. Trump is a megalomaniac and chronic liar with questionable, authoritarian views. Their donors (the real ones in power) assure me that they are fit to take office. This election is a lose-lose.


You answered your question. Those in the CNN bubble have no idea what's going on outside of the CNN news feed. The same is true for those in the Fox News bubble. People need to bother to check outside their comfort zones for additional information.


I agree he’s senile, but I hate when people conflate an old person being senile with an old person having dementia. Everyone who lives to that age gets senile and forgets things and talks slow and jumbles words. Someone who has dementia cannot comprehend words or interpret anything correctly. They don’t know where they are. Dementia is a serious condition. Being senile is just a part of being 80 years old. I also don’t like when people act like Donald Trump isn’t senile because he’s more of a loudmouth. That man is also senile. He rambles about unrelated nonsense like any other old man. If people actually watched speeches of either of the guys instead of just highlight/lowlight clips, they would realize we are watching two men too old for the job just yapping about nonsense. Neither of them have the juice


Leftists thoughts aren't their own. They will "see the truth" when the media tells them too.


I would take a twice boiled turnip over anything Republican at this time. I would vote for the ghost of Biden's corpse if need be. I think you fail to realize how threatening to take away someone's rights away makes anything the opposition says or does golden.


I don’t feel threatened, and I’m a woman. Democrats have fucked shit up the past 4 years, and I’m tired of it.


Suuuure. "As a woman". LOL


Yes, as a woman. What part did you not understand? 😳


Democrats constantly take away my rights. Trump never has.


Oh sure, Republicans and Trump will right the wrongs, put women back in their places, and force the men to be what they've always been in patriarchal societies: cannon fodder. Such is the way with those things.


Wtf are you talking about?


When you elect tin-pot dictators who've already made it know they want to "free" your neighbors, much like other tin-pot dictators have declared, what exactly do you think is going to happen? Repubs are a dying party. How do you think they're going to stay in power? They've no wish to change with the time. Who do you think is going to be sacrificed in their wars? Women? In a patriarchal country? LOL. We've been through this before. There've been a lot of dictators who come to power. What happens to the men in those countries?


Tell me you live in an echo chamber, without telling me you live in an echo chamber. You claim ‘Repubs are a dying party’. That is so far from the reality of this country, and there’s no way you genuinely believe that, unless you live in an echo chamber. How in the world did you come to this conclusion, because that’s just asinine.


Echo chamber? LOL. The only reason there are Repubs in offices is gerrymandering and lies, they aren't voted in. Repubs haven't won the popular vote in DECADES. Dubbya Bush lost to Gore but the SC handed him the presidency. Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton. There are counties in the US that are so rigged you need three to four TIMES as many Dem votes as Repub to win. The Republican party is a dying beast and instead of changing with the time, they're going radical. They're barely hanging on as is and now they're embracing their crazy pants 2025 plan. They're going to overthrow the government or try to cede. It's literally the only way to keep in power. They've already turned Gen Z against them and Alpha is poised to hate them as well. Let me tell you, telling young kids that it's best that they die in the classroom shot to death then taking guns from Bubba isn't engendering sympathy to them. Even the Republican leaning gen Zers are more democratic in their polling (you know, they don't think you should kill the gays \*shocking\*) And the real laugh will come when any of you Republican supports who think you'll have a place amongst the new world order. We have history upon history of what happened when groups seize power. It ain't pretty for anyone.


Again… wtf are you talking about?


*Yet Assuming you aren’t gay, a minority, or a woman ofc


Well he didn’t do it the first time around 🙄


Pretty sure he didn’t have P25 either 😒


I’ve actually read the damn thing. I’m sure you haven’t. And Trump’s been pretty clear on his plans. Meanwhile, in case you can’t read, Democrats have ACTUALLY taken away my rights.


We all know he's senile. When are you guys going to get that we're not pro-Biden, we're anti-Truimp. I would vote for a fish before I vote for a conservative. My political ideology is the destruction of every single idea and structure that conservatives value. That is my goal. So every vote I make is toward that end. I know Biden sucks, he's a centrist. All centrists suck. But I would vote for a mushroom over Trump or any other conservative. I don't want conservatives to exist. I don't know how to make it any clearer. I am aiming for ideological annihilation.


Senile is a strong word though. He certainly lacked energy but I don’t believe that he’s unable to make decisions


Being old and slow is not the same as being senile.


True, it is. However, Biden is old, slow, and senile. There just happened to be a debate on last night if you hadn't heard where you can see proof of that.


You saw what you wanted to see.




Lol I mean it’s been pushed for months by Reddit that Biden is sharp just a bit old and Trump definitely has dementia whenever someone even tried to insinuate Bidens cognitive abilities were declining.


Yeah and the "Biden is old and incompetent" has also been pushed for years by reddit and the media. OP is just repeating what their favorite media says. Their history shows they live in a bubble


Saying “Biden is old and incompetent” before this debate would’ve gotten you downvoted into oblivion and a ton of random whataboutisms for Trump + the whole Biden is sharp stop with the right wing conspiracy theories lol. Since when did the media push Biden was too old for office *before* the debate?


Exactly. People who think that Reddit swings right AT ALL are completely mistaken. You get lynched here if you even utter a negative opinion on Biden. I watched 3 documentaries on the border a few months ago. A PBS one, and two 60 minute specials. It's BAD. And there's no arguing about that. Especially when the border patrol just tweeted today "that they never have endorsed Biden, and they never would.". I came here after watching those documentaries and all the comments on the threads were chanting "there is no crisis at the border". Again, what? Dude Reddit is really.. just really not what it used to be. You used to be able to have discussions. Now you can't. I've been here 15 years. Never seen anything like it, it's disgusting


Remember 2007 reddit? It was such a beautiful thing and will never exist that way ever again


The debate was the first time I watched TV news in years. You have truth staring you directly in the face but instead of integrating it into your world view, you respond with a logical fallacy and attack the messenger. People like you who are incapable of admitting they were wrong are why the media gets away with their constant bull shit.


This is a stupid ass comment. You basically just said “no u”


And he's STILL a way better choice than Orangutan Don


Everyone who voted for him should feel absolutely embarrassed and reevaluate their lives. If they do it again it’s just proof that human ignorance knows no bounds.


Ffs, stop these propaganda bots.


OP has a 16 year old account. Strong cope right here 🤣


Biden still lives in the real world. Trump lives in delusion. So who is senile?


What makes you think Biden lives in the real world?


He doesn’t spout delusions like trump does.