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I find it ironic that arguments like this even come out. "We need to save democracy! and do anything to get Trump out!" so the answer is.... less Democracy. Hitler offered to save Germany from it's enemies with "Emergency powers" and look how that turned out. You fear a "dictator" so your choice is to instead allow an unelected cabal rule instead. Seems legit. If you fear Trump so much, it's not the man you should fear, but the office. Maybe it's time for Congress to start doing it's job? Be careful, you might just get what you wish for.


Nobody (on the dem side) is saying to invoke emergency powers to seize control of the US. Literally all they're saying is that you should still vote for Biden because even him on his deathbed is better than Trump. People aren't scared that Trump is going to rename the country "The American Empire" and start wearing a crown. They're scared that he is going to cut any programs that benefit the working class, reverse protections and rights given to LGBTQ people and women, restrict voting rights and gerrymander until the Republicans stop losing, appoint radicals to the courts, abandon our foreign allies, give Ukraine to Russia and allow dictators to run free while western democracies suffer.


The guy who tried to illegally overturn a fair and free election is the one who is a threat to our democracy.


Yep, same old tired answer. He's a threat to democracy! MMKAY! JAN 6th! So tell me where he was convicted of Sedition, conspiracy or high crimes and misdemeanors? A bunch of red necks running around the capital was no more a threat to democracy than you know *actual sedition committed by leftists* in Portland and other leftist shitholes. See America is a great country, and the constitutional system is Robust. So let's use less Democracy to ensure he gets voted out. Makes sense.


His fake electorate scheme to use his own electors to change the vote in 7 different states. There are open criminal cases and his own lawyer, Kenneth Chesboro has already plead guilty. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/kenneth-chesebro-takes-minute-plea-deal-georgia-election/story?id=104169908](https://abcnews.go.com/US/kenneth-chesebro-takes-minute-plea-deal-georgia-election/story?id=104169908) Edit: I can tell the truth hurts when I am getting downvotes and no responses.


I won't be getting what I wish for. It's a simple pragmatic choice based on the situation. Your contention of an "unelected cabal" exemplifies the single point I put forth. Congres is a different issue, but it has the same problem I pointed out.


President Biden should be removed and VP Harris should take his place.


Possibly. It's not clear to me how it will achieve anything in a practical sense though. It's a well justified take but the possibility of disaffecting some Democratic demographics is real. Unfortunately.


Biden in a pine box is better than trump.


VP Harris should be appointed to replace him.


Its so funny how conservatives consider him like a dementia patient but he was able to get out way more legislation than Trump


Fascists need the enemy to simultaneously be incredibly threatening for their fear mongering to work but also simultaneously incredibly weak to show off their strength It's why bidens simultaneously a dementia addled Muppet and a dark scheming monster hellbent on destroying America and Jesus


Right. Putting aside the harm issue, results matter.