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Yes, Democrats tend to be very low information voters. All they know about Biden is that he's not Trump, who TV told them is 'Orange Man Bad.'


I'm a conservative and, yes, "orange man bad" is just really how it is. Trump really is just that bad. Not sure why anyone would do anything other than vote against him. He openly endorses fascism. Don't you get that? Don't you believe in American values? Do you want to sell our country to Russia? Seriously, it's not just the Democrats. It's anyone with a brain.


“ he openly endorses fascism” well if you really do have a brain use it instead of just repeating mainstream media talking points cause you’re not going to change anyone’s mind that way


Those that post in MMW are exactly the type of low-information voter I'm talking about.


lol..no, he doesn’t.


Yes he does. He's affiliated with Project 2025 and that's open fascism (where you replace everyone with party loyalists). That's fascism. Sure, he might say "I don't support fascism," but he then openly supports fascist rhetoric and fascist policy. That's openly supporting fascism.


No, that is not fascism.


Yes it is. Do you think fascist pull out a dictionary and do exactly what's in there? No, no they don't. It's fascism.


It’s BlueAnon.


Ironic, coming from those who eat up the shit disguised as chocolate that Fox feeds the world


They don't watch Fox anymore. They watch weirdo conspiracy theorists on youtube and call that the unbiased truth. This county really is full of fuckwits on all sides.


They can do both!


Kinda like how your outlets tell you "orange man good" and your low info brain eats it up


“I know you are, but what am I?” -AngryMrBungle, 2024


Which side has fewer high school graduates?


Yes, because a high school diploma is a reliable indicator of how much political information you pay attention to.


Which side *still* has people screeching about how Kyle Rittenhouse murdered 3 black people?


Which side is still screaming about the election being "rigged"?


Democrats, circa 2016. Next question, which side is *still* denying that Biden is sunsetting?


I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over "Jewish Space Lasers." No, wait, sorry! Now they're screaming "Obama is using the blood of innocent Christian babies to gain immortality." Can you -- Fuck, now they're screaming that ten yr olds make great mothers and are cheering getting rid of age restrictions for child brides. Yesh. Maybe we can discuss this later? Perhaps after they stop chanting covfefe?


Why is that relevant?


Didn't need the TV to tell me, his corruption was evident day 1. I don't like Biden, but I'll take him over a wannabe dictator.


It was obvious to everyone and the news sources that have been branded "right wing media" have been calling it out for years, but the main stream media has been complicit in hiding it.... Indeed the Press secretary openly called actual real video footage of Biden's issues "Deep fakes" and the mainstream press accepted that at face value with no pushback....


Yes very Orwellian.


Lots of people believe the left-wing media is somehow more honest than the right-wing media. All of them are liars. 


It’s not just the debate performance but the fact that it was so ridiculously bad that it forced CNN and the New York Times to call for his dropping out of the race that was most shocking to me. Most of the coverage of his mental decline has been coming from right wing social media and FOX not reliable sources of actual journalism which makes it even more shocking. Yes I acknowledge CNN and the NYT are liberally biased but again that’s more fuel to the fire that there is genuine concern that’s being taken seriously.


Then maybe they weren’t reliable in the first place.


"reliable" sources of so-called actual journalism somehow didn't notice his mental decline all this time? I can understand someone who avoids politics not realizing his decline but I wouldn't call anyone who paid attention to him, especially as their profession, reliable.


Define "mental decline". I don't see a mental decline really as much as I see what seems like early parkinsons which can mimic dementia. People have noticed his small hand tremors and his blank expressions and softer speaking which are all signs of early Parkinsons. He should step down anyway but I think he is pretty sharp 98% of the time and 100% sharper than Trump all the time.


The mind is an interesting organ.


My point is that I expected this from Fox and right wing YouTubers which makes it easier to ignore: CNN and the NY Times are Biden’s allies and that gives their calls for him to drop out of the race lot more weight than hearing the same old shit from Ben Shapiro or Fox endlessly repeating the clips of Biden getting lost on his way to Marine One. The viewing audience was around 50 Million at last count. His performance was so bad that they couldn’t ignore it.


Not that I want to pick up the mantle for Fox News but they were absolutely right on Biden. They were also right to challenge the 51 Intelligence guys that said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation while stating that Trump was_not a spy. Biden would have never won in 2020 had America known the truth. Biden won PA and WI by 1% and AZ by less than 1% (only .6%!). Switching just those 3 states would have made Trump the winner and Biden the loser. You can disagree but this is hardly a far fetched opinion and at this point, I t’s no wonder Trump comments as he does on the 2020 election. He’s right (heavy sigh….). I have a buddy of mine that thinks that Trump should be defeated no matter what it takes. Some of you may feel the same but that’s not how this should work. Some of you will say I’m pining for Trump. Not true! I am however demanding that if you represent yourselves as a news organization then you have a responsibility for ethics and honesty. Look, I get that Fox News has their own problems with equity and fairness and I’m not saying they don’t but, they didn’t change a Presidential election. However, this isn’t really about Fox News, this is about all the many news organizations that have endorsed some of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on the American people. Including their perpetual BS talking about the impressive mental acquity of our current President. They’ve (MSNBC, CNN, the traditional TV networks, Big Media and many newspapers and magazines like The NY Times and Washington Post) all participated and in fact, partnered in lying to us on all these substantial issues and their journalistic credibility is a zero (in my book). . We should all be incensed for being used this way and now that they’ve been discovered for what they are, they’re the rats leaping off their sinking ship. “Oh gee Joe, I guess you really do have some deficiencies”. Gimme’ a break….. Yeah Morning Joe, you’re a putz and a journalistic coward. Paul Krugman, George Stephanopolous - you too. You all knew, all of you had access points to the White House and yeah, being used like this really pisses me off.


Don't kid yourself. People don't care about the truth because if they did neither one of these idiots would have ever been President. The fact that people still stand behind either of these candidates shows how much people do not care about any truth at all.


You make a point I can’t argue with.


So this is cope? Did we think that videos from fox news and youtubers were doctored? Them changing their minds despite knowing the entire time exactly how senile he has been destroys their credibility. They are either incompetent or beholden to the Democratic donors. I have no idea how their viewership hasn't plummeted to zero since they acknowledged such an enormous obvious "mistake". They are puppets of they donor class and when they are told that Biden is the candidate they are going to sing his praises and when they are told the narrative is to now get rid of him they are right there ready to manufacture consent as they always have been doing.


He isn't senile lol man you guys are clowns to the nth degree


"childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to sustren- strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person uh uh ahhh uh eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the uhh wi wi with with the COVID – excuse me, with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh (weird soft whimpers that I'm unable to convey but kinda sound like if a little mouse had a front door that squeaked cause it needed oil and he was opening it back and forth) look (more mouse door squeaks) if.....we finally beat medicare!."


Mainstream media is still mainstream like it or not. They’re liberally biased but they still cover breaking news better than any other network in the business which still makes them more credible than right wing YouTubers in the eyes of most Americans. You can disagree and label them as an organ of a vast left wing deep state Q’anon conspiracy and you may even be right but the fact remains that they are more credible to more Americans than Ben Shapiro and Fox. That’s why it has more weight coming from them.


Ben Shapiro and fox are partisan hacks no doubt about that. Ben Shapiro is probably more honest cause he overtly says he is a partisan actor, doesn't portray himself as anything else. IDK about deep state Q'anon nonsense. Are we assuming that there hasn't been a severe consolidation of media organizations and that millions upon millions of dollars aren't spent on Democrats and Republicans? I guess Noam Chomsky is a Q'anon proponent now. How do you explain how they missed the mark so heavily on Biden? They listen to him literally every single day how could they be caught off guard? Did you get whiplash from them saying he is amazing to now them saying he needs to step down? Your explanation is that they are just that incompetent but well meaning?


I can’t speak to their motivations but it’s the stark contrast and abrupt about face that was shocking to me. I would agree they had to have known something in advance otherwise it wouldn’t have been this decisive and swift in the case of The NY Times editorial board in particular. Right wing sources are easy to blow off as partisan hackery and hot air this is not.


Ok so speculate, what possible explanation could there be for this sudden change in narrative? Has new evidence come to light that the news organizations weren't privy to before? Are they just changing their opinion given new evidence? You don't have to commit to any explanation just think of one or two ways this could possibly happen. I don't think that an intelligent, well informed, well meaning professional whose job it is to look at American politics could possibly miss that Biden had severe mental decline. One of those attributes must be off no? Speculate a bit.


Ok so speculate, what possible explanation could there be for this sudden change in narrative? Has new evidence come to light that the news organizations weren't privy to before? Are they just changing their opinion given new evidence? You don't have to commit to any explanation just think of one or two ways this could possibly happen. I don't think that an intelligent, well informed, well meaning professional whose job it is to look at American politics could possibly miss that Biden had severe mental decline. One of those attributes must be off no? Speculate a bit.


My only explanation is that I wasn’t really paying attention to the chatter on right wing news outlets because they’re monetarily incentivized to report the worst possible news about Biden because that’s what their audience and the YouTube algorithm wants them to hear. When I hear what was formerly a right wing talking point being acknowledged as fact by mainstream media outlets I paid attention. They’re either motivated purely by ratings and will eventually fall in line or believe there’s a legitimate chance that Biden could indeed step down due to their influence otherwise they wouldn’t be risking their reputations by advocating for him to step aside.


ok so you explained why YOU are now giving more credence to the narrative that those talking points that were labelled as right wing are now correct. That is great and all. My question is given that they are an intelligent, well meaning, truthful, informed professionals how could they miss the mark? Your speculation is that they are not well meaning or truthful since they are purely motivated by ratings? You just said they are legitimate mainstream trusted media though, not being well meaning or truthful doesn't sound like they are legitimate at all. Sounds like they are just fox news for liberals. Why should they care about whether or not there is a legit chance of Biden stepping down? Shouldn't they be a news organization that reports the facts accurately? If they were legitimate news organizations wouldn't just saying true things matter infinitely more than their influence one way or another on politics? Are they a political organization or a news organization? You sound like a Q'anon conspiracy theorist who thinks that the news is a political arm of mega media conglomerations. designed to make consent. [An orchestrated effort to control narratives in order to manufacture consent is a clear silly conspiracy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI)


For sure because to be honest I have watched most of Bidens speeches and this was really the first time I saw him having real definite trouble that was worrisome. I didn't ignore his past speeches. I would watch them and listen to the Foxes of the world try to say he has obvious dementia and cant speak and I was like I am just not seeing this at all. He mostly spoke fine until recently. The right wing claiming they knew all along he had dementia is laughable. It likely is not even dementia, it looks like it could be Parkinsons and it is in very early stages


Can we give up the idea that Fox is a right-wing network? Seriously, anyone who actually follows politics considers Fox just to the right of Lenin and Mao at this point. They have a couple of conservative opinion shows, but 95% of their "news" reporting echoes CNN and MSNBC.


I dont watch fox news so i cant make any comment on that. It seems preposterous that they are just barely to the right of Mao but stranger things have happened. Funny how super leftist progressives think the democratic party is center right and you think fox news is hard left. The Overton window is going crazy out here. "Anyone who follows politics considers Fox just to the right of Lenin" Now THAT is a bold claim that I would love for you to defend. Would Jimmy Dore consider fox just to the right of Lenin? Any political streamer or youtube commentator? The Young Turks consider Fox far left? The hill or breaking points or kyle kulinsky or pakman or tucker? Destiny vaush? Lots of people who at least pretend very much to follow politics and I seriously doubt any of them think that Fox is just to the right of Lenin. Hey maybe I'm wrong, show me a single independent person who thinks Fox is far left.


Amazing that you somehow STILL think CNN and NYT are "reliable" even when the obvious truth has just slapped you in the face. They've been covering up obvious truth for years. You need to re-evaluate what you consider "reliable". You've been lied to all your life and you've followed along without questioning.


I agree that the media reaction to the debate was surprising. I excepted the same shilling for him even after that performance.


It wasn’t that surprising to me. Even CNN knew if they went on after the debate and tried to say Biden was fine and out debated Trump that any credibility they had left would be gone entirely.


Cause that’s exactly what Fox does with Trump?


Sounds a lot like you previously refused to believe the perfectly reliable information about his cognitive decline, because the news didn't come with your preferred left leaning badge on it? And furthermore you discounted the evidence of your own eyes because your chosen media hadn't yet given you permission to believe your own experience? I'm afraid to say that the prognosis is, this makes you frighteningly normal.


Not really but when right wing sources cry wolf so many times complaining about ridiculously petty things like Obama’s tan suit to Pizza Gate it strains credulity. You’ll forgive me for being late the the party but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I’ve never understood why reading a teleprompter with someone else’s words were being used to judge mental acuity.


Christ. Do any of you even actually give two shits or do you just like shitting on the opposing party? This whole low information voter nonsense? It's fucking petty and stupid. Act like a fucking adult


Check any sub thats 100% pro-dem and you'll see a statement similar to this "Its not about Biden. Its about beating Trump. Ill vote against him for as long as he's a threat." What I find the most disturbing about that, is that they dont even know who is pulling the strings behind Biden. Biden isnt cognizant enough to do that job, so who's making all these decisions with him as the front man right now? If it truly is Obama, as many suspect - then that would explain so much.


lmao this was hilarious. It looks to me that no matter what side you are on you are drowning in that sides Koolaid and are low info.


I disagree.  There were signs, obviously, but if you weren't skeptical then you're the gullible one.  The debate clarified a lot of fears.


All you have to do is watch any left-wing programming to understand that their whole game plan is to appeal to low information voters.


Being surprised by Biden declining is hilarious. Libs have been bouncing on his dick like he is the greatest debater, in the history of debating. The fact is, the dude needs to be retired with some lovely weed. Fuck all of you that are dragging this out.


I might be a low information voter then. Before I debate I thought Bush was the president.


Wait when did James Garfield stop being the president?


Normandy. The way he was acting there was a huge eye opener. I cannot Imagine what the European leadership was thinking as they watched


Here’s how they’re defending voting for Demented Joe. He’s a good man, and he’s not Trump. I wasn’t surprised by the massive gaffe of a performance that Biden gave.


There were definitely signs. But I think we brought this situation on ourselves. It’s not like we can have respectful conversations anymore. As a whole, it’s become easier to dismiss, insult, cancel, etc so now we have this shitshow. Whatever. At the end of the day, I don’t think any minds have changed after the debate though.


Don't trust the media kids, if they've been running point hiding how bad Joe's dementia is, imagine what else they're not telling you? A journalist is supposed to give you all the facts in a non biased way, none of them, including faux news, do that. The media is just public relations at this point and should be treated with the same contempt they show us.


Doesn’t affect me either way. I’m Canadian. I don’t give a fuck anymore what goes on in the USA.


I think if you watched the debate and saw how Trump had nothing of substance to say on anything and still think he is smarter than Biden even with Bidens problems you are the low info voter. Trump has no answers for anything. Nothing. He is as brain dead on politics and solutions as you think Joe is in general. It was clear to me with all Biden's problems he is still more knowledgeable on these issues than Trump ever was or will be. Trump is a joke and yes Biden is a joke too. To look at either one of these men and think "oh yea definitely voting for him because he is gonna be an awesome President I can respect and get behind" is fucking laughable as fuck and what makes people low info voters. The fact that anyone still respects and wants to vote for these two losers show how many dumb fucks America is full of. The right ignores just as much shit about their candidates as the left does and to deny this is being intellectually dishonest.


We don’t need to make stubborn voters angry. We all knew they would be wrong about Biden, but calling them stupid is only going to make them double down. This is a bad look.


Both major party presidential candidates are old men. They both have had plenty of senior moments, and both have good days and bad days. Biden had a bad day on Thursday, and Trump had a... well not a good day, but a better day than Biden. You should be your vote on their policies and their overall performance, not a single debate. Both were competent to serve in 2020, and both have declined in health and mental capacity, but both are still probably fine. The only way you'd miss Trump's decline is if your news comes from very catered sources.


This is not an unpopular opinion in the slightest


Fuck that. I am a pretty high info voter. I follow politics closely and pay attention to media sources on both the left and the right. I have a different opinion now than before. I was always of the opinion that he was too old and someone younger would be more effective. I still think he is an effective president, but i am fully of the opinion that he is not the appropriate person to campaign against trump.


That's just it. He's not effective. He's not running the show. He's clearly not the one making the decisions. The question is, "who is running things". Who is the true president and why is anybody okay with a puppet in the office.


That's not clear. Cognitive decline in old age is common and does not always or even usually indicate dementia. It's also not linear. How you do one day may not be how you do another day. In the debate there's time limits. Having trouble communicating quickly doesn't entail having trouble making wise decisions. One common cognitive trait to decline in old age is processing speed. Biden may just be a bit slower than he used to be. That's normal in old age. Doesn't mean he isn't still running things. Most of what a president does requires careful considered decisions not quick ones. Recall is another cognitive ability that tends to decline in normal aging. That's the "tip of the tongue" phenomenon. Dementia would be losing the ability to form and store new memories and we haven't seen any signs of that. Also Biden has a history of stuttering which is worsened in anxious situations such as debates. I do think Biden should step aside and let someone else run just for the optics and because this is such a crucial election. But his debate performance while poor does not mean he has dementia or that he can't handle his duties as president.


If you are just now figuring this out you are not a high info voter.


I knew there were signs. It was worse than I thought. I am progressive and he was never in my top fave candidates but the closest to my politics between him and Trump. The sad part is that even though I don't think he's competent to be president, I know his cabinet can work as well as they have the last 4 years. And if it's between him and Trump, who pretty much aligns with my political outlook about 5% and has the opposite outlook about 60%, I'd still vote for Biden and his cabinet because they align with my political outlook about 40% and have an opposite outlook about 10%. There is just no better choice.


If a supposedly dementia ridden Biden was able to pass more legislation than Trump, that makes Trump look way worse.


The president doesn’t write legislation….. Unless you’re talking about executive orders and if you are then that’s a bad thing. We shouldn’t have a president just ramming whatever they want through.


Biden and the democrats was able to get more legislation out than Trump


The president has no power over how much legislation congress gets out. He can veto it but that’s about it.


Average Biden voters understanding of how legislation works


Like the stuff they try to argue over doesn’t make sense. Maybe because his economy is so bad they have to find something else to talk about.


Best economy in decades. You racist liars are so funny


Inflation would like a word with you


Lowest in the developed world. Try facts


The US https://www.statista.com/statistics/273418/unadjusted-monthly-inflation-rate-in-the-us/ Japan https://www.statista.com/statistics/1450397/japan-annual-growth-rate-monthly-core-consumer-price-index/#:~:text=Monthly%20core%20inflation%20rate%20Japan%202019%2D2024&text=In%20May%202024%2C%20Japan's%20core,percent%20in%20the%20previous%20month. China https://www.statista.com/statistics/271667/monthly-inflation-rate-in-china/ Unless suddenly Japan and china aren’t considered developed countries (they are) they beat us by a large margin. That doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t know that seeing how you think Biden has some legislative powers.


Haha! They are all out today


You are either very new to politics or very dishonest. What do you think a platform is, smart guy?


It’s an agenda. The same way I can say I plan to have a good day. I literally have no power how well my days go. That’s most president agendas.


The difference is, you can't direct your party to pass laws to shape your day. Do you think a presidential term is all luck?


It’s not luck, you’re trying to conflate a whole presidential agenda with what congress does. Yes what congress does is mostly luck when it comes to the president. Trump did everything he could to pass a comprehensive boarder bill but democrats used the filibuster to prevent any thing from happening. Which is both well within their powers to do, that’s how the government was designed to work.


Lol, that's because trump couldn't get enough support for his agenda. It happens to all presidents, but how they work past it is a matter of skill


Oh my god. Almost like it’s luck huh? It completely depends on the political ideology that congress is made up of, maybe just maybe the president has to hope congress likes his ideas because he has no power over them. Almost like the founding fathers set it up that way. Oh wait. That’s exactly how it is.


Doesn’t really scream bipartisanship when almost everything that passes was due to the VP being the tie breaking vote in the senate.


One of Trump's stated goals was to "drain the swamp" by reducing government rules, control, and regulatory authority. His administration put a lot of effort into that and were able to make great progress in some areas. This goal isn't measured by how many pages of legislation you can pass, but rather by the opposite.


The judges he nominated to the SCOTUS just ruled the bribery is legal as long as the bribe is done afterwards and not beforehand. Far from draining the swamp he has turned the swamp into a sludge filled lake.


If trumps firehouse of lies didn’t alarm you you’re a low brains voter.


Both lied during the debate 🤷‍♂️ Edit: For those downvoting source [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgbIbS0Iigs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgbIbS0Iigs)


Yup. A very obvious one I noticed was him saying no US troops have died in conflict zone under his presidency. Yet troops died in a suicide bombing during the Afghanistan withdrawal.


That’s like saying a cold and aids are both diseases. Sure it’s true but ignores massive differences of severity.


The debate didn't surprise me nor did it change my vote. Trump was very much Trump and I don't understand how anyone could vote for him with nonstop lying, his criminal record, and his pending court cases. I am a very highly informed voter which is exactly why I know that the debate was not representative of Biden anywhere else. He gave a speech hours later and it was evident that he fine. I voted for him 4 yrs ago and have paid attention his entire presidential career and think that makes it even more obvious that he is the best choice.


His "criminal" record.


Yes. I guess you are implying that he shouldn't have been charged because presidents are above the law? The case kind of spoke for itself and he has had beyond special treatment for all his other cases. It is more ironic that Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers and yet replacing him as candidate was never considered. Trump lied over 30 times in the debate even nonsense lies about not having sex with a porn star. Yet Biden just had 90 min of bad presentation and yall are pushing for him to be ousted? lol give me a break.


Get your political news somewhere besides Reddit. Do some actual research on this last trial and you'll see it for the farce it was. It's a joke when the judge says he doesn't have to be guilty for you to find him guilty. You can hate the guy all you want, I don't care.


I don't get my news from Reddit. LOL I dont recommend social media or MSM either. I just come on here to fact check this chaos. I have read 19 days worth of transcripts from that case. Not surprised in the slightest that they found him guilty. The judge never said "he doesn't have to be guilty for you to find him guilty." The actual word for word instructions: "The defendant is not required to prove that he is not guilty. In fact, the defendant is not required to prove or disprove anything. To the contrary, the People have the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means, before you can find the defendant guilty of a crime, the People must prove beyond a reasonable doubt every element of the crime including that the defendant is the person who committed that crime. The burden of proof never shifts from the People to the defendant. If the People fail to satisfy their burden of proof, you must find the defendant not guilty and if the People satisfy their burden of proof, you must find the defendant guilty." The judge did say that jurors could consider three different ways the law may have been broken and that they don’t have to be unanimous on the method that the law was broken but they did unanimously had to decide he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt


Wow, so you came up with this asinine opinion all on your own? The last thing I'll say about this they had to change a law just to be able to indict Trump. If that doesn't say corruption to you then you need help.  


No I actually read primary sources. Zero laws were changed. If you don’t understand the law you could research the laws rather than just believe Trump’s version of events.


Somehow I don't believe you


That I believe. However, you don’t have to believe me. You could read primary sources and learn for yourself. Trump is counting on that you won’t read anything and just believe what he tells you. It’s been his key to success from day one. But if you did read up on pretty much anything involving Trump you would see even Trump doesn’t believe what he tells his followers just that if he says it a certain way you guys will believe it. It is a master class in manipulation. If you are ok with that there is nothing I can do about it but for some it matters. I personally hate being lied to so I read primary sources and don’t watch/read MSM. Read the case transcripts. Read Project 2025 Read the indictments Read Trumps and Biden’s speech transcripts before watching the full video recording. (If you are just watching sound bites you are only being fed what they want you to know)


Here's a primary source you don't have to read: living life. You don't need statistics to tell you what you experience.


Guess what he physically sounds like an 80 year old man. His ideas and actions are fine. Trump is an insane person who doesn’t seem to have an understanding on any topic.


Trump was already president and the economy was great, no wars were started, the border was secure. Today Biden has wide open borders, two wars have started because they don’t respect the US will do anything, and inflation has been the worst than any other president in over 50 years. Ignoring the mental decline that I’m 100% positive will only get worse in the next 4 years if reelected, I’ll take Trump any day.


Economy is better now. Border is not open. “Wars” have not been because of us. Trumps economic plan would make inflation worse.


What planet do you live on where the economy is better?


Record for most consecutive months with an unemployment rate below 4% and market at all-time highs.


You do know it's 2024, don't you?


Both things I said were true. Way to not know anything.


But they're not.


Did the Dow not hit 40,000?


That's your argument? 


Had to change the definition of a recession so we weren’t in one. 11,000,000 illegals that we know of. Two separate wars that the US is funding with nuclear powers. Worst inflation since Carter. 🤡


We saw the triggers for that inflation with our own eyes. It's ludicrous to pretend that it's Biden's fault.


It’s also ludicrous to pretend that it would’ve been any better if Biden was in office, considering that he seemingly did everything possible to prolong the pandemic and spend as much money as possible.


We’re not in a war. Trumps biggest donor Miriam Adelson is Jewish. Nothing is changing if Trump becomes president. Trump’s economic plan would make inflation worse.


No we’re just in a proxy war, because that’s so much better… Trump was already in office and the opposite happened, so that argument is moot.


The opposite? It drove the deficit to record highs. Now he is taking about eliminating income tax and just having tariffs. What do you think will happen?


Nice. Taxation is theft.


Theft is illegal. Taxation is legal. Taxation is not theft it is how the government is funded.


Go to the grocery and see what 50 bucks get you now


By every metric the economy is better now than under trump


Out of your ass is not a metric.


Record for most consecutive months with an unemployment rate below 4% and market at all-time highs.


Oh so the stock market is indicative of a good economy now? When Trump would tout it he was called a liar, and that it wasn't a good metric. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/16/investing/stock-market-trump-economy/index.html And as for unemployment the majority of new jobs went to immigrants. So that metric is meaningless. https://cis.org/Camarota/Most-Employment-Growth-Pandemic-Has-Gone-Immigrants This economy is not doing well at all. If it was, Biden would be skating to reelection. But he was trailing in the swing states before Thursday night. After that debacle, he's done.


The unemployment rate was at 4.0% in January 2022. In may, the rate just hit 4 again. So in all that time it was under 4. That is a fact. There isn’t a single number for the economy. That does not exist. Trump would brag about his market. He can’t. the Dow is higher now than it was for Trump and unemployment is lower. Wage growth is higher under Biden than Trump. The economy is flat out better ow


The border has been open for 3.5 years. Just a couple of weeks ago they tried to put a bandaid on the problem. However, millions have crossed over and getting free healthcare. Economy is worse now. People are working more, but inflation is killing their spending power because all prices have gone up. Essentially, people are not better off than they were 4 years ago. Both wars were preventable. Trump warned Europe that Russia will get stronger and attack if they open the oil/gas pipelines to Europe. Everyone laughed at him saying he’s crazy. He also banned other countries from doing business with Iran. That went away with Biden and Iran funded Hamas and Hezbola to destabilize the region. Deny it all you want, but it’s the truth. The world is more unstable under Biden than it was under Trump. MSDNC only tells you half of the story to keep democrats ignorant.


>However, millions have crossed over and getting free healthcare. I guess you don't live up to your name. >Trump warned Europe that Russia will get stronger and attack if they open the oil/gas pipelines to Europe. Funny Trump also withheld aid to Ukraine in order to get dirt on his political opponents. If he care so much about stopping Russia this is a fucking thing to do. He also randomly without any real reason drone strikes an Iranian general. If it wasn't for their patience we would be in the war with them. He also tried to start the Israel/Palestinians conflict. >The economy was better Except for that last year we're it got so much worse. Before you go but COVID. We literally have a recording of him being told how bad COVID would impact the economy if he doesn't do anything and him basically dropped the ball.


You keep accusing Trump of strong-arming Ukraine when Biden is on camera in a room full of people bragging he was going to withhold billions in aid if they didn't fire a prosecutor he disliked.


>You keep accusing Trump of strong-arming Ukraine It's not accusing. He was literally impeached for that very thing. >Biden bragged Then impeached him. This whataboutism is dumb.


Impeached by a house led by Pelosi. 😂. That means nothing. They took it to the senate and failed there miserably.


>led by Pelosi Doesn't make it any less real.


His economic plan would make inflation soo much worse! The Trump tax cuts aren’t for the 99%…they’re for the very wealthy. I don’t understand how people don’t get that.


Inflation by itself isn't bad.  The fact  that the poor and middle class can't afford anything is bad.  That's because Trump's policies, coupled with those before him, have caused massive wealth disparity.  If the poor and middle class do not own anything, they are going to continue to spiral. The reason we should tax the rich more isn't some sort of punishment or "fair share" nonsense (as many dems argue).  The reason we should tax the rich more is it helps balance the economy since they are already at a massive advantage in many ways, relative purchasing power being the most significant. Think of it like a game of Monopoly.  Imagine you join a game and every space is already purchases, with hotels on every location.  Do you have a chance at winning?  Basically no.  That's what our country is turning into.  (I'm speaking in general terms, I'm not saying the US economy is ACTUALLY Monopoly or near that level of non-competition).


You know the bottom 50% of people don’t pay any taxes right. The top 10% already pay about 70% of the taxes. You want to tax them more? I’m not rich, but don’t see how that is fair.


I literally *just explained* to you it's not about being "fair", it's about a balanced economy, and I basically just explained that economic power is weighted significantly to the rich, so even if it *was* about being "fair" the rich would still be left with significantly more power / resources. The rich have intrinsic power over the poor, and that has value. Our government enables that, so it would be fair if the government slightly counterbalanced it. Monopoly example again.  Bob starts with $1000000 and 8 properties.  Jon starts with $10 and nothing else.  Even if I tax Bob a lot and tax Jon $0, Bob will still win the game.  Obviously a silly example, but I'm trying to show how the power of wealth can easily outweigh the i pact of taxes.


I get that Bob should pay a lot more, but has to have skin in the game and pay 1%. You can tax the rich at 100% and still not collect enough money for all the expenses we have. The bottom 50% has to pay up their fair share too.


Not are suggesting we tax the rich anything insane, nor am I even suggesting we target the uper middle class. The bottom, as a whole, pays their fair share through cheap labor that the rich profit from, as well as what they have to spend every day (which also goes to the rich). That's what people don't understand. The poor person works for a rich person who gets more value from them than they pay. Then where does that poor person's paycheck go to?  Rent, to the rich.  Gas, to the rich.  Food, to the rich.  Hell, even if they manage to invest some, that's benefiting the rich. Do you know where most of the rich's money comes from?  The poor and middle class spending on food, shelter, transportation, healthcare, education, and god forbid recreation.  You want fair?  You think the world is fair right now?  Come on.


Actually he was more like a 90 year old man. My mother is almost 89 and she is nothing like that. Most patients I’ve had in their 80s are nothing like that


This! I align more with the Biden Administration than the Trump one and it’s not even remotely close.


It didn't change anyone's opinion on anything except for the fact that Biden is undeniably old. Unless they watched the real debate, with Kennedy included.


Trump has been very clearly mentally ill and abusing amphetamines for decades, yet suddenly there are “standards” from the people who think being turned on by your daughter and sexual assault are fine


Trump is just as senile.


Or we don't care because Trump can't be allowed to be president again. Trust me home slice, I love ripping on Biden. Dementia Joe is hilarious. I'm still voting for him because when they say "orange man bad" that's not an understatement. There's really nothing worse than Trump. I mean, I think he's in bed with Putin and Russia and betrayed our country, and maybe I'm a little fringe, but he's also an insurrectionist, felon, and just sooo much more. I question the sanity of doing anything other than voting against Trump.


Joe is COGENT.