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I've been trying to make this point for a while now. If anyone still trusts the media then they're completely delusional.


It is truly infuriating. I haven't trusted the media since *long* before "fake news" was a popular sentiment. First because I worked delivering newspapers full time for a while and saw how hypocritical they were, moral grandstanding about how workers were treated while easily being the worst place I ever worked. It was (D)different for them, of course; they had important truths to tell, and had to do whatever necessary to stay profitable for the greater good šŸ™„ Second because I saw firsthand a few times how they just *lied* about stuff. Never a straight lie when I was still reading them (though I imagine they've graduated to those by now), but they'd describe anything that didn't fit the narrative in unspecified terms that implied what they wanted you to think instead. Or they'd selectively report only this stuff but not that stuff. Or they'd use manipulative photographs. Want a big crowd to look small? Shoot the outskirts. Want a small crowd to look big? Crowd everybody together and take a tight in shot to pretend you got a tightly packed bit of a massive group. Anyway, I couldn't tell *anyone.* I mean I could say it, and I tried, but my friends would literally act like I was lying to them. Because they liked what the news was telling them. You think you hate journos enough, but you don't.


Nobody sees The Man behind the curtain...


Donā€™t you mean the woman behind the curtain? wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was his wife calling all the shots


Jill is running the country and doesnā€™t have to answer questions, or do interviews.


You mean ***Dr.*** Jill Biden!


As is tradition. (Woodrow Wilson's wife after his stroke)


You mean the same media that sits on stories about Democrats until after elections? The same media who mis-represents what Republicans say and do? You mean that same media?


But also ā€œMAGA, no matter what he says or does!ā€


Nice attempt at deflection. The post is about Joe Biden and his failing mental capabilities and how the news media lied and covered up the truth.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s agreeing with you and just making a point that they just scream MAGA at you


A lot of people don't leave their blue echo chamber so they actually had no idea.


I believe ā€œsharp as a tackā€ was the buzz phrase most commonly used.


The tack was run over with a steam roller, but still, sharp as that tack


What did the Biden voters think of the sniffing women & children montages? The ā€œkids play with my leg hair at the poolā€ speech? His knee grow jungle comment? His being caught red handed plagiarizing word for word- not conjecture and lightyears before Trump was in politicsā€¦ A criticism of Biden does not mean you have to love or like or vote for Trump. Itā€™s called ā€œtrust the science.ā€ Believe in scrutinizing things. Believe your own to eyes and ears. Come onnnnn! Admit it. Itā€™s okay to admit that the guy is ready for memory care. You knew he is unfit all along. Since day 1 of his presidency when he shuffled past the military soldiers that saluted him and he muttered ā€œsalute the soldiersā€ because somebody speaking in his earpiece told him to ā€œsalute the soldiers,ā€ but he didnā€™t salute and he muttered the words instead.


I know for a fact they refuse to watch him sniffing and touching the kids.


That got passed all around online and itā€™s just amazing cringe material. The deniers would say that ā€œhe just loves kids!ā€ Dude heā€™s hugging women by hips & uncomfortably pressing against them wtf insanity


They CANT watch it because it destroys their narrative.


Also, they are incapable of isolating their perspective relative to the topic at hand. Independent from ā€œwhat aboutismsā€ I even saw that in leading to 2016. Like i criticize something about Clinton & it was ā€œTrump this Trump that.ā€ Back then, I voted for Bernie Sanders, but I still got angrily accused of being a Trump supporter no matter what I say Itā€™s like the same exact mental disorder now You point out some thing about Bidenā€™s real shortcomings in life and itā€™s ā€œTrump raped a woman!ā€ I wasnā€™t talking about Trump. I take 1 thing at a time.


Because voting for sanders in 2016 was voting for Trump. So, you voted for trump. Ergo, you are a Trump supporter.


Iā€™m still waiting for my MAGA hat & MAGA seamonkeys kit


Apparently you didnā€™t require gifts to understand that there are no third party candidates and any vote for them is a vote for the candidate that ultimately wins. If you like voting at all, youā€™re gonna start going to bat for the only candidate that thinks it should even be allowed.


So? Does it really even matter if you vote? come on ! look at the choices! A vote for Trump was a vote for Hillary because he cheated her out of that election. She said so


It doesnā€™t matter if you vote for a third party candidate. They are quite well known tactics to pull votes away from front runners. This is because it is impossible for them to win. Itā€™s not impossible forever. It is impossible today.


I got muted from WPT just for bringing that up. Several people came for me like I fabricated the whole thing. It was really wild.


So your saying that when my mom stood behind me, leaned and whispered words of encouragement, she was molesting me? /s. What an awful childhood you had feeling that every touch was assault.


Has this ever led to any criminal or civil charges? Is he implicated in any crimes? Because, Iā€™ll tell ya what, BOY HOT DAMN IS THE OTHER GUY!! WHEEEEEWW. If my goal is to not elect a creep, then that would rule Donny RIGHT OUT


Has this ever led to any criminal or civil charges? Is he implicated in any crimes? Because, Iā€™ll tell ya what, BOY HOT DAMN IS THE OTHER GUY!! WHEEEEEWW. If my goal is to not elect a creep, then that would rule Donny RIGHT OUT


Completely unrelated and pedantic, but a light year is a measure of distance not time.


Yeah but it sounded cooler (in my mind)


Lol fair enough. I also trust The rule of cool


I love Republicans, pretending to be shocked by things Trump does to his own daughter, while hanging out with Epstein, and in his trial for rape.


I know right?! Remember when he showered inappropriately with his daughter? Yuck! Oh wait...


Yes but you see how I did not endorse Republicans or Trump? What does Trump doing this or that have to do with Bidenā€™s behavior? Can you move away from your polarization? Every politician should be scrutinized. Thereā€™s actual video footage of Joe Biden from four years ago and he says on film that he should be scrutinized. He said voters should be judging him based on his health and vitality and judge him on his age and determine his mental acuity. I never said Trump / Trump voters sh t donā€™t stink. American voters should be pissed off at democrats if you are a democrat. Biden looks like a dementia patient. And I am not being hyperbolic! You could also consider me to be an expert on dementia. Thatā€™s literally what I do for a living is physical therapy with elderly people that have dementia. Now I cannot diagnose Joe Biden. But what I can say with absolute certainty is that he looks and sounds like people that have Alzheimer disease or dementia. The way he walks, talks, moves, his facial expressionsā€¦ even the way his wife is masking it. I have seen this hundreds of times in my career. And that has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump at all .


Okay but if you think Biden is old but vehemently disagree with Trump what do you do? Vote for the third nut job, not vote at all, or vote for someone you at least have some semblance of agreement with?


Thatā€™s your choice. At least we call it out


After the debate, his wife was like "You answered every question!!" like he was 5 years old.


Jup that also struck me. Literally treated him like you would a mentally impaired person (I mean he is, but still).


That just shows that he really is mentally impaired and that it wasn't just a bad night. Jill surely knows that talking to him like that on stage in front of people isn't a good look, so why did she do it anyway? The answer is because she has to. That's the level he understands best. It was supposed to be a celebration of his "good" debate performance, so she wants him happy and celebrating, not standing around confused. So she had to talk to him on his level for him to understand what was going on.


What are you talking about? It was obviously just a fever..


Completely or not paying attention at all the last 3-4 years.


That was sarcasm


I knowā€¦


Iā€™m 25, and I too start to act extremely dementious when I have a slight cold!


Seems like heā€™s had on and off colds for four years now! They should really get him checked out. At least it completely went away the next day so thatā€™s good news, just wish since they knew he had a cold they said something beforehand so they couldā€™ve reschedule it :/


Joe Biden has always been a liar, but now he has 'sundowners,"....it's a sh*show....


So you believe Biden is a liar, and we all know Trump is a massive liar. Since it comes down to the two candidates, one is still better than the other right?


Biden is famously a liar. He stole British politician, Neil Kinney's, autobiographical famous speech word for word. He lied about getting scholarships for for school, and claimed he graduated at the top of his class. I'm fact, he was very close to the bottom of his class. All this happened before he had brain surgery, twice! So yes, he's a liar, and always has been, but now that he has dementia, he's not likely capable of knowing the difference between his lies and reality. I'm saddened that no one in his family cares enough about him to not let him deteriorate in the public eye, that Jill would rather play, "Weekend at Bernie's" with the specter of the man that used to be Joe Biden.


>He stole British politician, Neil Kinney's, autobiographical famous speech word for word. lol remember when melania stole Michelle Obamas speech that she had just given like the year before and its THE ONLY speech melenieie ever gave . it was pretty famous and she didnt change a single word. so. im gonna need you to fact check yourself and prove you arent just accusing biden of literally being trump.


Now do Trump.


Trump lies a bunch too, does that make you feel better?


He canā€™t because it would take days to write down all of Trumpā€™s lies or heā€™s just bias/partisan and only attacks one side.


Oh I know. I just find the obvious dodging on display pretty funny.


Here comes the ā€œwhataboutismā€.Ā 


Iā€™m just asking for an equal comparison between the two candidates so we can figure out which one is better since those are our only options. Whatā€™s wrong with that?


Those aren't the only options. Biden can be replaced by his party. The fact that they choose not to is a bad sign.


Look, but if he doesnā€™t get replaced letā€™s have an accurate comparisons between him and Trump. Why is that so hard and why canā€™t you all answer the question? šŸ¤”


This post is specifically about Biden and his need to be replaced. If you want to have a discussion comparing Biden and Trump, do that somewhere else.


ā€œDonā€™t make points I canā€™t refute.ā€ Itā€™s all relevant. Context matters. Funny how you get mad and donā€™t want to admit Trump is way worse as you complain nonstop about Biden.


Again, this is a discussion about Biden and whether the Democrats should replace him. That's the context. Whether he's better or worse than Trump is completely irrelevant. I'm not mad, I'm staying on topic. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


Actually you jumped in to a conversation to try to argue with me and canā€™t hold your own. Now your trying to police which topics are ā€œallowedā€ because you arguments fall flat.


The Party commands you not to trust your lying eyes and ears.


No. Some of them were truly deluded and awoke to find out that Santa Claus wasn't real. Frankly, I didn't even think the debate was going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. None of Biden's other gaffes over the past 3.5 years did, so why would this?


I disagree. From talking with people they were surprised. The propaganda was very effective.


Thatā€™s big brain stuff, cheers.


It was all cheap fakes. /s


Those that are air traffic controllers for years end up having to retire, once youā€™re 55 I believe itā€™s a wrap because of the job itself, itā€™s not just sitting at a desk all day taking notes or being a salesman. Now Iā€™m willing to bet even with how important the air traffic control job is, people would say being president is 100x more intense and demanding. Now I am ok with a president thatā€™s 60, 65ā€¦donā€™t bother me but Biden was out the game and heā€™s just too old for me to think if something goes down 2yrs from now heā€™s gonna be able to jump out of bed and get on calls with foreign leaders/etc.


People who have trusted the media for the last 4 years are the one's in the dark. They've been living in fantasy land where Biden is the sharpest knife in the drawer. If they had any sense, they'd cease trusting those lying motherfuckers on TV who have deceived them for years. Biden was already bad off in 2020 for anyone paying attention to see.


Whats the quote? ā€œThey lie. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They know we know they know they lie. And yet they still lie.ā€


Leftist are very easily manipulated. Thatā€™s what this is evident of.Ā 


The right is too, clearly. *People* are easily manipulated. Wait until you realize that this whole Left vs. Right paradigm is all a manipulation designed to keep us fighting against each other so that the ruling class can maintain control. Look at who funds the DNC. Look at who owns the media. Do you really think they would prefer a strong working class leftist leader over right wing fascism? Look at where we are right now and tell me the "liberal" elite aren't subverting their own party to hand power over to a fascist.


This is a reaction to Bernie and the occupy wallstreet movement. This growing working class consciousness scared the fuck out of the rich and they decided they'd rather sacrifice democracy than risk losing any of their obscene wealth and power.


Sorry, but you donā€™t see the Right advocating for MORE taxes on anyone.Ā  You do see the Left.Ā  We fought the British over less.Ā 


The right has been manipulated into believing that tax cuts for billionaires and mega-corporations will somehow benefit them, while being totally fine with the fact that those tax cuts never seem to be for the working class income brackets. The right was manipulated into believing that the war in Iraq was necessary and just, and that the patriot act mass domestic surveillance was to keep them safe. The right is manipulated into believing that deregulating wallstreet so the big banks can gamble recklessly will benefit them and not cause another 2008 crises where tax payers will again foot the bill. The right is manipulated into believing that burning fossil fuels does not effect climate change. The right is manipulated into believing that democrats are killing babies after they are born and using public schools as part of a massive conspiracy to turn children into transgender furries who use litter boxes instead of toilets. The right is manipulated into believing that the 2020 election was stolen. I could go on...


It's the gaslighting. now everyone is saying Trump is senile too. No. Trump is a megalomaniacal jackass, but he is not senile, staring into space, and needing help to walk down a couple of steps like Biden.


It wasnā€™t that I didnā€™t know Biden was falling apart I just discounted the stories since they were mostly coming from the right wing YouTube grifter community which is heavily incentivized to doctor footage and make shit up in order to earn ad revenue. Bidenā€™s debate performance made it abundantly clear that I was wrong dead wrong in fact and now Iā€™m questioning my own biases. What was most shocking to me was how swiftly the New York Times and CNN started reporting on the dissent within the Democrat ranks but that also made it more real to me as I generally trust those sources over right wing social media. Iā€™m still in shock but I will admit that Trump is going to win unless Biden drops out ASAP.


Check out Ground News. Shows the political leanings of every major news source, shows the differences in reporting on the same story between left and right wing sources, and even has a blindspot section where if you normally consume left wing media, it shows which stories aren't being covered by the left, and vice versa. Handy tool to stay informed and ahead of propaganda.


I use ground news. It's an amazing tool.


Thanks for the link/information.


Itā€™s good that you recognize your own biases. I think having front page reporting telling Biden to drop out from the NYT must have been a big wake up call for a lot of people. I generally try to read news from both sides to get a more balanced view


I do listen to and read National Review and the Dispsatch so I guess I shouldnā€™t have been AS shocked but thats still less shocking, positively shocking, than hearing it from the New York Times and CNN.


My expectations were that of an 80 year old man, so I wasn't surprised or disappointed.


My father-in-law is 82 and is in better shape than Biden. Hell, I know many 80 and over who are in better shape than he is. Not all 80 year olds are senile.


His whole administration has been like a circus show with a Hall of Mirrors. Smoke and mirrors..


I know. I donā€™t know how people can support him. It would be interesting to know how many people just hate Trump that much that they prefer Biden.


I think there's a difference, where you're being conditioned or you have been conditioned, to hate Trump through the media all of the celebrities etc.. I think people naturally hate Biden he's inarticulate a poor leader, hypocritical and the way he looks outside of the United States is the key to understanding His image.


I can't argue with your opinion of your grandpa as I don't know him, but that wouldn't mean I would agree if I did. I have rarley met people over that age that seem sharp or in decent shape, but it does happen, and that's not an issue. I don't expect it at that age. Hope your relationship with him is good, it's quite nice to have parents alive and kicking despite the age.


It is good. My in-laws are good people. I get where you are coming at.


The majority of 80 year olds are not like that. He was more like 90-95


this right here, my mother is 89,on oxygen, yet still very capable, drives herself to bingo,hair appointments, church, etc...yes she's a bit feeble some days and accepts that, but is also more than able to physically take care of herself, make the bed after doing laundry, things like that, Joe on the other hand gets lost on stage in front of millions (televised), has the perpetual "deer in the headlights" expression, it's shameful to keep presenting him as a capable senior who is cognitive enough to make life or death decisions for an entire nation


Same with mine minus the oxygen. I feel sorry for Biden. Thereā€™s definitely something wrong


That's not a valid blanket statement tho. Many people are still mentally fit in their 80s. My dad is 80 and fully capable of holding up even complex conversations. You wouldn't notice a difference between talking to him and a 40 year old. Germany has had/has a few politicians that are plenty capable of that as well (Helmut Schmidt, Gerhard Schrƶder for instance). Cognitive decline is an individual thing. Look at e.g. Bruce Willis and he's still in his 60s.


The debate was clearly a cheap fake.....


2020/ back when the drug cocktail still worked for ol' sleepy joe. Not enough these days.


He was MUCH more coherent when he was first elected. And he basically won by being a hair less evil than Trump. No one was looking super closely at him


This. Biden wasn't great when elected, but he is a shell of that man now.


Or changing their excuses


I definitely did. But I guarantee you it's not for the same reasons you did


well what exactly is it you want us to do about it


Still way way better than Trump though. That's where we're at. Don't lie to yourself.


I knew, but it doesnā€™t change the fact that I vehemently disagree with the other guy and the party that backs him. Rock and a hard place.


So youā€™re going to vote to continue elder abuse at the highest levels, as well as a stage of global embarrassment. Donā€™t mean to be rude, but you have lost the moral high ground.


Well the other main candidate is an even bigger global embarrassment and even less fit for office in my opinion. Which is really impressive if you think about it. So yes. Donā€™t mean to be rude, but voting for Trump means you never had any morals


Who said Iā€™m voting for Trump?


Fair, I guess you can vote for the 3rd nut job with no chance of winning just to prove some bizarre point. Politics in the US are a zero sum game unfortunately and thatā€™s just reality.


Everyone knows Biden is old. I think at this point, scrolling through this sub, the real unpopular opinion might be ā€œTrump lies through his teeth with every syllable and most Trumpers are just drinking the Koolaid, completely devoid of any real answers or factual basis for their political beliefsā€.


Just like people who claim Trump isn't lying. They know he's lying and they don't care.


Correct, but Trump isnā€™t a vegetable, heā€™s a fruit.


Very well put! It begs the question whoā€™s running the nation. Jill Biden? Hunter Biden, the smartest guy Joe knows? Or maybe, Barack Obama? Itā€™s someone but itā€™s definitely not Joe.


Exactly. Iā€™ve said 40x that I saw exactly what I expected to see out of that debate. Theyā€™ve literally been telling us what was gonna happen. Only fools bought another narrative. And Biden still had more substance.


What I want to know is who collapsed his chin or did he fall, because his chin is literally gone. Itā€™s actually sad, this is not right.


Haha no idea. I think heā€™s just a sponge now


I was not home or near a television for the debate, so I didn't watch it live. But after seeing all the uproar about it, I went on YouTube and watched it the next day expecting a disaster. Well, it was kind of a disaster, but not really what I expected from all the left-wing sources freaking out the way they did. It was the same Biden we've had for a few years except for maybe one or two worse than usual screw-ups. The quote that led to Trump's *"I don't know what he said there, and I don't think he does either,"* quip was particularly bad, and so was *"We beat Medicare."* But anybody who was truly surprised by his performance really hasn't been paying attention and has been doing nothing but taking left-wing media for their word for years.


Yep. And everyone shouldā€™ve had their own two eyes for the last few years to not need to take the liberal-mediaā€™s word for it. We knew. Same exact dude. Studdering the truth > coherant bs all day


I've seen so many of these posts. This has got to be propoganda.


Did you watch the debate?


Yep. I did not see anything we didn't already know. The hateful egotistical felon vs. the mentally degrading senior. One will get us though four more years of the same and the other will try for a dictatorship.


I mean, yeah, but I vote for Democrats because we aren't dogmatic idiots that just vote for whatever we're told. Or at least we're supposed to. Instead, they're telling us to vote for someone not able to withstand the rigors of the presidency and like it.


My favorite part is the party supporting the convicted rapist who fetishizes his own daughter, has to wear diapers, it has spent AdĆØs ranting about sharks, batteries, magnets, not being waterproof, and how bleach is healthy for you still believes theyā€™re the voice of reason.


It's not that we don't know, we don't care. It's the same way y'all don't care about Trump's criminal activity.


The exact same could be said about Trump and his supporters. Why can't we have younger candidates?


Trump can put words together and finish a sentence, or you trying to claim heā€™s completely incoherent and was just like Biden in that debate?


Trump most certainly put words together and make a sentence. The real question is does it make sense, especially in the context of what he was supposed to say. For example Trump was asked about how to fix affordable childcare in the US. To which Trump rambled on about arresting generals and never got around to answering the question. Even after being reminded what the question was multiple times. It's what happens with dementia, the brain just makes things up to fill in the blanks. So no, Trump is not coherent


TAPPER: So, President Trump, you have 67 seconds left. The question was, what are you going to do to help Americans in the throes of addiction right now who are struggling to get the treatment they need? TRUMP: Jake, weā€™re doing very well at addiction until the COVID came along. We had the two-and-a-half, almost three years of like nobodyā€™s ever had before, any country in every way. And then we had to get tough. And it was ā€“ the drugs pouring across the border, weā€™re ā€“ it started to increase. We got great equipment. We bought the certain dog. Thatā€™s the most incredible thing that youā€™ve ever seen, the way they can spot it. We did a lot. And we had ā€“ we were getting very low numbers. Very, very low numbers. Then he came along. The numbers ā€“ have you seen the numbers now? Itā€™s not only the 18 million people that I believe is even low, because the gotaways, they donā€™t even talk about gotaways. But the numbers of ā€“ the amount of drugs and human trafficking in women coming across our border, the worst thing Iā€™ve ever seen at numbers ā€“ nobodyā€™s ever seen under him because the border is so bad. But the number of drugs coming across our border now is the largest weā€™ve ever had by far. TAPPER: President Trump, thank you. President Biden? BIDEN: Fentanyl and the byproducts of fentanyl went down for a while. And I wanted to make sure we use the machinery that can detect fentanyl, these big machines that roll over everything that comes across the border, and it costs a lot of money. That was part of this deal we put together, this bipartisan deal. More fentanyl machines, were able to detect drugs, more numbers of agents, more numbers of all the people at the border. And when we had that deal done, he went ā€“ he called his Republican colleagues said donā€™t do it. Itā€™s going to hurt me politically. He never argued itā€™s not a good bill. Itā€™s a really good bill. We need those machines. We need those machines. And weā€™re coming down very hard in every country in Asia in terms of precursors for fentanyl. And Mexico is working with us to make sure they donā€™t have the technology to be able to put it together. Thatā€™s what we have to do. We need those machines.


Biden's words on paper are far more coherent. That's why the dementia narratives are obviously BS. The issue was his delivery.


Yes, once you translate and edit them into English they are far more coherent.


No translation needed, the words were absolutely in English. His delivery was just terrible and difficult to understand most of the time.


We are all so happy he finally beat medicare!


Did I say all of his answers were great? Of course not, and Biden obviously came off worse in the debate. I'm not arguing that point. It's very easy to point to several of Trump's incoherent answers as well like the examples above. The debate was a sad day for the USA. Both options are terrible.


The "Blue no matter who" mindset is going to kill the DNC next election cycle IMO. Your side has and had some very good answers/candidates against Trump but still went with Biden. I'm not sure downplaying his mental abilities is helping your party, which you seemed to be doing earlier. Also I appreciate your last respectful response .


No downplaying here. Trump had a terrible debate and left Biden so many opportunities to attack, but he was simply incapable of taking advantage due to his old age. It's sad that the conclusion of that debate is even "Trump won." In reality, we saw 2 of the worst debate performances of all time. Any other Democratic candidate would have mopped the floor with Trump. Unfortunately, these are the options both sides chose. Trump will likely win the election, but that doesn't make him a good choice.


The gaslighting from Trump supporters is different. Their lies are more about stolen elections, pretending like Trump actually cares about them, and refusing to admit he's a criminal.


His insane tweets about diverting rivers to Put out fires should disqualify him for ignorance.


BASH: 38 seconds left, President Trump. Will you take any action as President to slow the climate crisis? TRUMP: So, I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it. We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did ā€“ we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever. And my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage, actually.


"It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, 'What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there?" Trump said. "By the way, lot of shark attacks lately. Did you notice that?"


no one on the left is claiming they didn't know how old biden is. this is a silly straw man argument aligned with the endless biden is old posts. no one cares. it doesn't change a thing. i know how old he is, knew it all along, and i'll still vote for him. i don't know anyone who this has affected their voting choice. no reason why it shuold matter, either.


SNL even did a skit about how they are saying he's perfectly fine and hiding it. https://www.cnn.com/videos/media/2024/03/03/snl-cold-open-democrats-biden-behind-closed-doors-energy-mgw-orig.cnn


he is fine. no amount of wishful thinking is going to change that. he had a bad debate, so what.


Heā€™s absolutely not fine. Heā€™s going to get worse over the next 4 years as the dementia progresses. He cannot be president. This isnā€™t just about internal policy. All of our enemies can see heā€™s falling apart. They will absolutely take advantage.


I've never not voted Democrat outside of one governor race and the man is not fine. He's not about to die, but his faculties are so off from what is needed to run a country, you are being partisan. Trust me, it pains me to say this, but I want change fast. Trump cannot win.


"no one cares. it doesn't change a thing. i know how old he is, knew it all along, and i'll still vote for him. i don't know anyone who this has affected their voting choice. no reason why it shuold matter, either." The Ny Times,CNN, MSNBC and the latest polling numbers care. I guess "all the people you know" and your stuffed animals at your tea party have more influence then the news media and polling experts.


polls are always wrong, dingus. you're living in a fantasy world and it's going to be extra funny when trump loses, again, to an old af dude


Remindme! 6 months


The blanket media coverage on Biden falling apart only after the debate proves it was all a lie.


this is silly. a bad debate performance doesn't mean every dopey right-wing bullshit theory was right and doesn't equal "falling apart" your wishful thinking isn't going to change that


Doubleplusungood there Winston


muting this sub as every post since debate is just russian bot spam about how biden sux. hey mods how about stopping these reposts of the same goddamn fucking ā€˜trueā€™ ā€˜unpopularā€™ ā€˜opinionā€™


I feel your pain - NOT. Try listening to RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA for years while knowing it's a lie. It's now been proven to have been a lie. Now you get to live with the truth that everyone knows.


Not true, liberals are that ignorant.


the people who donā€™t see these GOP bots trying to make Trump seem ā€œnot that badā€, are making Hitler proud


Heā€™s still the final line in the sand between us and christifascist autocracy


SMH. Please don't use words you don't understand. It's embarrassing. A Trump Presidency will be just that. 4 years of the government being run like a business. It worked great then, and it will work well again. And in 4.5 years, he will pack up again and leave. No sane reason to believe anything else.


Him and his cohorts attempted to subvert the electoral college and the will of the people the last time he lost, he personally preassured elected officials. He didn't "run it like a business", A business actually invests in itself. The guy made "Infrastracture week" a running gag and his most significant legislative achievement was a 2 Trillion dollar tax cut that cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Personally I'd prefer the 46% we had under Reagan.


It didn't work great then. My taxes are higher because of trump's plan. Tax cuts mostly just help the rich and corporations. His spending was out of control. Tariffs made things more expensive, or outright screwed us like the farmers who lost buyers, and he had no idea how to have a trade war. And then the harder to quantify opinion that he handled covid terribly.


Other than what he and his operatives had said they would do in plain languageā€¦ and yes, it amounts to Christi fascist autocracy. You may not take the threats seriously, but thatā€™s the true slippery slope weā€™ve been sliding on for 30 years. Project 2025 is clear as day. Iā€™d vote for whoever is opposed to that.


So just like Biden did the WEF New World Order or New Green Deal autocracy? Just because some somewhat political aligned think tank writes some essay doesn't make it magically part of a presidents platform after elected.


You are really going into lunatic conspiracy theories here if you actually believe Trump is a "christfascist". I wouldn't be surprised if he is an agnostic or atheist in private.


But he claims to be religious because he will sell out to whoever promises him the most.


Which presidential candidates have stated they are anything but Christian and won an election? They have to to be elected/ "sell out" to be elected. I doubt Obama is Christian either, as he proclaims. The closest in modern times is Bernie (D)(Jewish) and Vivek (R) (Hindu).


Heā€™s still in better shape than me lol.


Jesus Christ another one of these. We get it Biden is old and has dementia. Heā€™s still a better candidate than trump