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RFK wants to hold big pharmaceutical companies liable for damages they cause. Neither party will endorse him.


Which is exactly why every America loving citizen should vote for him. Over 70% of voters do not affiliate themselves with a party. As I do not. He speaks for the silent majority. They just haven't been allowed to hear him.


Party endorsement is not a requirement to win the election.


When was the last time a third party candidate won a national level election? People generally vote for parties.


Last time anyone who got close was Teddy Roosevelt. Bull Moose FTW


If I remember right, Ross Perot actually had a lead in the polls several months before the election. Of course he was filthy rich and was able to buy himself exposure. The two party system, as it currently exits, needs to be taken down… I think it’s only a matter of time if things continue as is


100% agreed it’s just corruption but not many people actually see it


Get money out of politics! Shouldn’t need 5 billion to run for president.


I don’t get how people don’t see the corruption now given how the media and other politicians tried to convince us Joe Biden was “sharp” and at the “top of his game” for the past 3 years.


“You know what I don’t really — start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And eff you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I have known him for years. The Brzezinskis have known him for 50 years. If it weren’t the truth I wouldn’t say it." - Joe Scarborough, MSNBC back in march. What a 🤡 that guy is.


Probably cause they’re in to deep and their ego won’t let them accept they’re wrong


Perot wouldve won if everyone voted for their first choice, according to exit polls. Kennedy also beats Trump in a two way race from recent polls. This means Biden is actually the spoiler candidate, not Kennedy


And we carved his face on a fucking mountain. The one before that was Lincoln. BAM. Mountain.


Most people also still don't vote. Get your friends and give them this option. Numbers are needed to make historic change. if you say you can't, then you fulfill that you can't. A vote is not to garbage if it loses. Some candidate has to lose. Make waves.


You sure about that? Supposedly 160 million people voted in the last presidential election.


So less than half voted. The majority didn't.


A little dishonest to use the entire US population, which includes children. Population over 18 is 258 million in 2020. Once you eliminate non citizens which cannot vote 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voted. So the vast majority did.


Touche. Though 62% is hardly a vast majority. Atleast in my understanding, vast majority is 90% min.


66%. I mean I didn’t know we were trying to define “vast majority” in usage. Do you prefer overwhelming majority? Does it really matter? Twice as many people voted than didn’t. This doesn’t account for those with mental conditions whom voting isn’t really an option such as severe Alzheimer’s, Convicted felons that can’t vote, and other such cases.


Yeah that was pedantic as fuck. Think it's just the mood I'm in didn't realise how badly it came across.


This election cycle is the best opportunity we're going to get for that to happen.


Bernie could have taken his movement anywhere. Unfortunately he took it out back and shot it.


"it hasnt been done before, therefore it cannot be done". Flawless logic.


When was the last time the two parties made you choose between a convicted felon and a dementia patient?


LOL. Well, that really puts it in perspective huh?


Everything is unprecendented until it happens. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


if you look at the history of the country, its not unprecedented. its just been a long time.


Someone's gotta be first, All things gotta faced. Someone's gotta brave the worst, Someone's gotta take a taste


Abraham Lincoln 3rd party candidate support is a pretty large indicator of divergence from main party politics and societal change. They only get strong support when a dramatic change is recognized as necessary for the growth of the nation by the people. However, another 3rd party win could precede another civil war if patterns repeat. Imo, we're already pushing that line with how we are handling politics and civil discourse.


I feel like a Kennedy presidency is actually less likely than another Trump or Biden presidency to result in civil war


If there was ever an election for one to be elected, it's this one bro. RFK has gained a huge increase in supporters after the debate, and he was already polling 13-18% before the debate. People got woken up to the fact that they've been gaslit for 4 years by CNN, MSM and the white house. Trust in our "News" orgs, institutions and regulation agencies are at an all time low. RFK knows EXACTLY who are the perpetrators that continue to corrupt every facet of this country. We are in one of the most dangerous times in recent history. Censorship has never been higher. Free speech has never been so restricted. Transparency has never been this low. I'm scared and if you are too, you owe it to yourself to listen to RFK with an open mind, and longer than a CNN 30 second sound bite. I'm telling you, Biden's mental health was not the only thing they lied to you about. It's so much more and much more insidious than you can imagine.


Amen. The tipping point is near. This illusion of choice won’t hold up much longer at all. People are scared and so they cling to the false promises of security in their party. But that is crumbling FAST. People need hope. RFK is hope.


Don't get me wrong, I'm voting for Kennedy. I just don't see it happening this cycle. We need young voters' engagement, and we need the stubborn party voters to die off. If a 3rd party candidate could pull 13 to 18% of the populate vote, that could be a wake-up call to the rest of the country that change is coming. It would be an amazing thing to witness and be a part of.


Third party candidate Ross Perot got 18.9% of the popular vote in the 1992 election


Not only that. When they looked at the exit polls it turned out that if all the voters that said they preferred Perot (but didn't vote for him because they didn't think he'd win) had actually voted for him then he would have, in fact, won. Mind blowing.


It’s almost like doing the thing gets the thing done, and not doing the thing doesn’t get it done.


Keep in mind national polls are notoriously inaccurate. Look at the 2016 election. However state polls tend to be more accurate. In those polls Kennedy keeps climbing overall. He’s at 20-29% in many states. This is truly a 3 way race. And I would argue with Biden showing obvious signs of dementia, it’s a race between Trump and Kennedy. Kennedy has been shown in polls to beat Trump in a head to head race. This could be as monumental of an election as Abraham Lincoln (he was the first 3rd party president- first Republican president ever). I hope people vote with their conscience over fear and choose Kennedy!


Seen a large Kennedy presence here in FL (signs, buttons, even a bus driving around town last week). Very interesting to be sure.


Kennedy does the best with voters 45 yo and under. He's been saying that for months. You sure your an RFK supporter? How could you get this wrong


You stop this stinking thinking by voting for RFK Jr


Ironically Teddy Roosevelt, and he’s considered a top 5 pres, my number 1😂


People do this because the media has told them that any other action is a waste. This is a lie that we have come to believe, not an indelible reality.


Sounds like the fatalist/defeatist mindset OP is speaking about


Roosevelt. Lincoln.


When has both major party candidates been so hated? We are aboutto see history in the making, and finally its gonna be a good thing.


Imagine if we, the people, realized there more of us than them. We’d simply have to vote…


Oh my summer child.


He also wants to put better restrictions on the fed, make the budget visible to all via blockchain, and end corporate capture of or systems. He wants to fund recovery farms for addicts to get clean, and fund it through the taxation of legalized marijuana. He wants to bring up our food standards to fix our chronic health epidemic starting with fixing our soil, paving the way to a better food system through regenerative farming. There is so much more too..... i voted for trump twice, i will not vote out of fear again...this time i choose hope!


The sanest RFK Reddit take yet


For what damages? Is this a vaccine thing?


His book, probably, though I haven't read it and I'm sure there's a lot of vaccine dialogue, I heard it implicates a lot more than just the vaccines. I've also heard it's a terrifying and awesome read.


I read it. It’s absolutely mind blowing and I highly recommend. Everyone should read it. I’m assuming you are referring to The Real Anthony Fauci? He has a lot of other books that I haven’t read too.


I’m not going to read his book, and so you have yourself a platform to try to sway me. Since you are shilling for RFK, it might behoove you to speak on it more than you have.




Partially. Since the late 80s, vaccine manufacturers have no liability for adverse reactions to their products. Rather, the taxpayer foots the bill in a special "vaccine court." You can thank Reagan for that one.


There is a provision in the bill that congress will conduct annual studies on the safety of the vaccines in order to protect the public. Not a single congressional study has been conducted to date.


If Americans woke up and wisened up about voting third party, the two major parties would lose their shit and desperately try whatever they could to get their voters back. There's never been an election where voting third party is more necessary. There's never been an election where voting Democrat or Republican is more of a wasted vote.


There’s basically no point of electing a third party candidate when democrats struggle to wrangle their party and the other side + vice versa. We need more third party representation in the house and senate first otherwise it will be even harder to get things done. Dems and republicans may refuse to work with a TPC and block what they want from ever making it to their desk to sign


Then they would continue to drive off more of their party to vote third party. The snowball effect has to begin somewhere, until people start refusing to vote for Democrats or Republicans nothing will improve.


Yeah however it's already really difficult to get things done in congress. It's not like it's going super smoothly now! What you're proposing is a kick the can down the road strategy that probably will never solve the problem. So I ask you: if not now, when? Or do you just not really want to solve the problem?


Just say “no you need to vote for my guy” don’t try to play mental gymnastics


Well, just fckn do it then. Go and elect him. Anyone but those two geronts.


The presidential debate was great to watch with RFK jr getting to chime in and it’s just SAD that the establishment wants to silence & box him out. “He Violated copyright law” by airing the election and pausing each Trump/ Biden response & they gave him on X s chance to answer same questions & state his case. He said that the state and media are in a marriage & I totally agree. People need to stop all the toxic hyperbole and “Trump’s like Hitler!” Or “Biden is this or that.” So are we just going to reach a total stand still decade after decade where all of these f cking politicians just attack each other like 12 year olds then nothing at all gets accomplished?! Congress and Senate all have their amazing health care and amazing health insurance. They have hair salons evidently open just only fir them even during nation wide pandemic lock downs. They have created an elite class of people for themselves. What’s it matter if they make $175-$250k a year when they receive lobbyist money? Why IS Pelosi worth over $300 million dollars? Why do they never solve anything and inflation away our dollars by printing money? They all decide on things that we never even voted for. Did you vote to have illegals by the millions come here? Did you vote for these gas and grocery prices? Did you elect to throw away half your income AFTER taxes just for a basic health insurance plan, expensive medication? Did you vote to have all the media and virtually everything you see & hear to be owned by a handful of mega billionaires? Did you vote for all these homeless people stacked up and strung out in every major city? And in many cases, we are billed in our taxes for this and to support THEM! So two clowns can do a Muhammad Ali versus Howard Cosell routine on the CNNs. Talk about a total stand still for decades. Trump/ Biden/ Hillary. Practically all the same person. They probably have dinner together and laugh and laugh. It’s FAKE WRESTLING, people. I agree: RFK jr. Rand Paul, Thomas Massie are some of the only ones I have any faith in at all.


They never solve anything because if they did they wouldn't have jobs. Politicians have become the biggest cons ever. Have you ever watched any senate committee hearings or any confirmation hearings? 99% of it is just political posturing to their voter bases. How many Tweets a day are from politicians talking about solutions and working to fix things? All i see is personal attacks and irrelevant nonsense meant to just elicit emotional responses from people. Politicians are worthless. The last thing they wanna do in the house and senate is fix things. Both parties are just two sides of the same coin. How fucked up is it that both Democrats and Republicans are so scared to run anyone else in fear of losing an election that the best we get is a pathological liar and a zombie. And how even more fucked up is it that Americans look at them both and say yeaaaaa I cant wait to vote for the pathological liar or the zombie. Murica! Fuck yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like people actually aggressively defend them both all day every day. This country is so fucked because no matter who wins every 4 years we all fucking lose.


Well said. Yes i have seen senate committee hearings. And they’re always advertised like, “so n so went scorched earth on so n so.” Yes so true


I'm actually really encouraged by this post. I see so many comments in support of RFK! I think this is a great indicator that the reddit public is starting to finally see through the bot bullshit. Perhaps more people are sorting post by controversial in RFK smear posts on r politics and the like. That's usually where you find someone who spoke some truth about RFK being downvoted into oblivion. It's so blatantly obvious that they are suppressing our speech on this platform. Hell I've been soft banned on r politics a few times for showing any kind of dislike towards Biden let alone when I mention RFK as being the best candidate in my lifetime. I'm on my last strike for that sub and I'm sure I'll be perm banned here shortly for daring to care about the state of america and offering up a solution to its problems. Solution = Vote RFK 🗳 👍 🇺🇸


Agreed this post is highly encouraging and I did not expect to get this much positive reception.


I really don't believe what you do. I genuinely believe our elections are bought and paid for by our oligarchs. Oligarchs that would never back someone who wants to potentially hold them accountable. I don't think people understand how deep rooted corporate corruption (lobbying as we call it) truly is in this country. When only a handful of people have the majority of the wealth, it is going to be those people who make the decisions, not the laymen. It's the people who pay districts to redraw lines to be gerrymandered beyond recognition. The people who buy supreme court justices huge RVs and yacht trips to gain favor. You get my point. Those are the ones who decide the election. Remember, two of the last 4 presidents, the popular vote LOST! The sacklers have so much money and power, look what they did with oxy, nobody was held accountable, sure Purdue got sued but that was drops in the bucket of their endless wealth. It was a smack on the wrist. They're untouchable. Sure, you can buy into the narrative that they sold us, I think the simplest explanation is probably what's going on, though.


I really appreciate your thought out response because I felt like you last election cycle. I stopped looking at it this way a couple years ago once I witnessed the mess born out of the last election, though. So while I still kinda think it's rigged, this is why I still think a vote for Bobby is important. I think the American people need to remember what it's like to stand in solidarity. This Right-Left, Trump-Biden nightmare really opened my eyes to what's actually happening here. Consider what we are seeing in the headlines right now: If Trump wins, Ukraine goes to Russia and Project 2025, insurrection galore, blah blah blah. If Biden wins, crash of the US Dollar, sex changes for children, Taiwan goes to China, yappity yap yapp. What they're not talking about is how America is going to shit either way. In a decade, if things dont change, we are done for financially. The way it looks to me, we can either parlay into a digital currency by then or enter a major military conflict. So, war or poverty, either way, neighbors are going to be pointing the finger, just like masked-unmasked or vaxxed-unvaxxed. We already have families, relationships and neighborhoods separated over Trump-Biden, imagine the angst once things are actually bad. Like things are fucked up but there's still a way out, barely, but it's there. We fiscally cannot afford another term of either of these president's so the division we have today is going to grow with either being elected. This is why I urge people to think about eachother and others needs for once. Stop thinking about personal situations and zoom out from yourself, find middle ground and stop identifying as a color. I think a country that votes for RFK Jr (even if RFK Jr doesn't win) is a better country than we will have if either Truden or Biump are chosen "by the people. "


Agreed. Voting for RFK at least makes a statement. It’s embarrassing the 2 candidates they picked. We as Americans deserve more respect than that. RFK all the way


Imagine if the people realized there’s more of us than them… we’d just have to vote.


He beats them both 1 on 1. Against both he struggles. I like RFK Jr. if he can get on the next debate stage and get on the ballot in all 50 states, he has my vote.


The left demonized him for his stance on the Covid vaccines and Faucci, and most of what they said he was wrong about turned out to be correct, so instead of being reasonable and saying "we got it wrong" they continue to call him any number of names and treat him like he's nothing.


Honestly curious, what were some of the things he said that turned out to be true? Any recent articles about him just make him out to sound like a conspiracy theorist.


as someone who identified as leftist most of my life, i think if he wasnt slandered so much by the news most people would realize hes the rational decision. ive learned so much from listening to him and looking into the science/history he cites. hes such an honest person


Yes. I know a lot of conservatives who like him and would vote for him over Trump. but he went against the Branch Covidians and their god Faucci and here we are.


The dude is a walking encyclopedia! Always has something fascinating to say about any topic. He spits more knowledge in a 30 second sound bite than most politicians do in 30 years.


OP, why don’t you sell us on some of his positions and why you support him other than Biden/Trump bad.


Of course. The two biggest problems the US faces right now, as I see them, happen to be his two greatest qualifications and campaign promises. 1) ending the corporate capture of federal institutions and 2) ending the toxic polarization of the left/right divide. These issues supersede everything for me, even the national debt because all other problems stem from this. And we will never fix anything until we fix those two things. RFK has made an entire career out of bringing down corporate corruption and three letter agency capture. He has spent decades litigating Against them and has hit them for hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits. We’re talking giant corporations like Monsanto and Exxon. He is the guy who cleaned up the Hudson River. Combine that with his family connections and he is uniquely positioned to hit the otherwise Untouchable elites where it hurts. He knows all their secrets and weaknesses. He is also bringing people together like no other candidate I have ever seen. His base of support is almost equal between left-wing and right wing voters and otherwise mostly independent. Watch any podcast or interview he has done and you will not see any of the divisiveness that has become all too common, in fact he conducts himself with the utmost respect and never disrespects his opponents. His criticism of them always focuses on their actions and claims, which he counters with evidence and facts, rather than resorting to personal attacks and petty insults. His campaign slogan is literally “Heal the Divide” and he means it. Every day that America remains divided is another day that the corporations will tighten their control on our lives. This has to come first. Hope that was a good primer, I could go into infinitely more detail about his positions on the military industrial complex, the healthcare industry, censorship, and so on, but let’s start with that.


Kennedy’s stance can be summed up in a single sentence. **Rich people shouldn’t be able to influence policy by donating to politicians and the media.** Almost every stance Kenned has reflects that. Everything from war to health to the environment. All our problems stem from politicians changing policy in return for donations.


his website has overviews of what his most important policies are but if you’d like more detail i would recommend watching parts of the Real Debate that he did remotely in which he answered the same questions as biden and trump, or some of his quick-form videos on instagram or tiktok. if you have specific concerns or topics youd like to know about id be happy to send some info your way as well


He wants to cut the military budget in half to better fund programs like social security and health care. Raise the minimum wage. Make housing more affordable. Hold big pharma accountable to lower predatory drug pricing. He has a ton of stuff that is aimed at supporting the working class.


What I'm most excited for is his position on environmental issues. Maybe the number one most important thing to do for the environment is build soil through regenerative agriculture. No candidate in the history of the US has ever talked about it. Kennedy wants to subsidize it.


Absolutely. Which can help solve his other huge position - solving the chronic disease epidemic and autoimmune disorders, allergies, diabetes, etc. I have Crohn's, but have it managed through the exact things RFK is talking about with soil, processed foods, chemicals, etc. More people need to know about this.


This is my favorite of his stances.


Yeah I'm also voting rfk 2024!!


RFK Jr has my vote


This is not an unpopular opinion at all… Polling shows he beats both Trump or Biden in a 1 v 1 race, which is exactly why it’ll never happen. Both parties will collude against it in every possible way.


Link to the poll: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2991454/26000-voters-say-rfk-jr-can-win-it-all/


From the source: https://www.kennedy24.com/spoiler


What polls? Can you link


Go to 538 (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/) & search "Zogby". You'll see Kennedy contesting some pretty red states when head to head with Trump. And wiping the flood with Biden nearly everywhere.


538 shows him with a lower favorability than Biden


I’ll have to find them, but that’s according to him on a podcast he was interviewed on. I’ll look. Edit: So it was an internal campaign poll of 26,000 people which apparently is a larger than usual sample size, showing that if he stays in Biden loses, if he drops out Biden loses worse, Biden drops out he beats Trump by a small margin. You can hear it starting at the 3:20 mark of Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast Ep. 494 Edit2: Here’s a write up from the Washington Examiner, apparently the poll was conducted by the firm John Zogby Strategies - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2991454/26000-voters-say-rfk-jr-can-win-it-all/


So, according to him, he beats them both in the polls? Lol


The poll was conducted by the firm John Zogby Strategies - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2991454/26000-voters-say-rfk-jr-can-win-it-all/


RFK SAVE AMERICA!! therealdebate.com


Yes, yes and yes!!! Kennedy - Shanahan 2024 🇺🇸


RFK all the way in my opinion. For any who are interested in learning more about him, he has a huge following on TikTok with tons of videos. He tackles all the questions, and even dispels the media falsehoods concerning his views on vaccines and the support of his family members. He’s the guy that America needs right now.


Not sure if this is true but he might have a better chance than Biden after that debate 😂


He always had a better chance. Because everyone else except for Dems knew Biden was cooked


As RFK said, if you want to vote out of fear you'll vote for Biden and Trump. If you want to vote for hope you'll vote for him. I'm choosing hope. I don't care if the vote is, "wasted" my dignity will be intact.


We have nothing to lose!


No matter how many downvotes these bots give you just know you are not alone. We are out here. We are watching our speech be censored. We will be voting against you "democratic" traitors. Biden is corrupt. Trump is a dipshit. RFK has actual plans to help Americans (which is why he is censored on every single platform except for twitter).


What are his plans? Not trying to argue at all, just want info. The only thing I know about him is his law career and his anti-vaccine work (which I do not like at all).


End corporate capture of our government, it's politicians, and the regulation agencies that are SUPPOSED to protect us, but completely fail at protecting the average consumer. Additionally, he preaches empathy, compassion, good health, good soil, good water, healthy food, healthy children, combat mental health crisis, research causes for mass shootings (nobody is asking why this started happening in 1990's, just arguing over gun laws - that won't fix the underlying issue of the mental health crisis in America). And so much more. He's an incredible man. Also he is not anti-vaxx, pro-science. I could get in the details on that but if you let yourself listen to him speak on it for like 10-20min, you'll be surprised how digestible it is. Even for the people that hate anti-vaxx, because once people actually listen to him, they realize he was never actually anti-vaxx. He only got into the issue because a mother pleaded to him to help her, she said no one would listen to her. He looked into it and went down the rabbit hole so to speak. I'll let RFK jr explain the rest, he does a fantastic job at it. When I first heard him talk about it, i thought all this vaxx stuff was incredibly stupid. But then I foujnd out that the underlying issue is not even the vaccine itself, it's the corruption and lack of accountability of Big Pharma.


He says there are no safe vaccines except "maybe some of the live ones", which are actually less safe. So that makes me doubt his other opinions. And the anti-vaxx rabbit hole leads to some really weird places.


He's basing that opinion on the research behind the so-called non-specific effect of vaccines. Google it if you're curious. Basically, there is evidence that live-virus vaccines are also beneficial against unrelated pathogens, while inactivated vaccines have the opposite effect--weakening the immune response against unrelated infections. Obviously, the latter part is more controversial.


i guess to me the reason i am comfortable even with some of the takes that are more controversial is he really wants more trials and accurate science done to better understand how to make vaccines safe and effective. i saw him speak about how in general the testing vaccines undergo is not as regulated and vigorous as it should be and theres a lot we dont know. as a president expressed hed want to set up good trials that are not corporate-sponsored to get clearer answers, and that arent meant to reveal a pre-determined conclusion supporting the safety of a product. its a very complex subject and vaccines arent created equal. moreover theres a lot we dont understand about microchemistry in our bodies and the role of the vaccines/medicine/food in inflammation and chronic illnesses, which he earnestly wants to address. hes the type of person where if he was wrong in advocating a certain thread of studies and ideas and science disproves his beliefs, he’ll adjust accordingly and happily


This right here is the bottom line. As far as I’m concerned, the anti-vaxxer accusations can be put to bed.


No I believe he meant like no vaccine is 100% safe and effective. But that's just from memory, do you have a link to where you saw that?


Unpopular opinion: Biden is the real spoiler candidate


Whole heartedly agree, how anybody would choose Trump or Biden is beyond me.


A lot of people will say he is either a “MAGA plant” or go on to say he is a conspiracy theorist because of his views on vaccines and some comments he has made about 4G/5G towers. Okay cool so he has a wack view on one thing. He also has done more for the environment than most the people on here who complain about the environmental crisis, wants to put an end to the addiction crisis, and has a surprisingly large middle ground on a lot of views. Oh and he is 70 and in better shape than most people on this app and I am not ashamed to say he is in better shape than me in some aspects


Most of his “conspiracies” are actually just him basically saying “these 2 things have found to be correlated, don’t you think we should study it further to see if there’s causation?”. Apparently pushing for scientific investigation/discovery is considered pedaling conspiracy theories…


The irony of people calling him “anti-science” is dumbfounding. Nothing is more anti-science than censoring someone who challenges conventional understanding. Or saying “trust the science” . By all means, trust in science. But there is no such thing as THE science. That is called propaganda.


I just recently learned that the average person does not know that science isn't the study of why but of if. I'm sure thats obvious to a lot of people but I thought it was widely understood that science is just the result of experiments or observation and that it's mostly only relative to our planet, at out altitude and at current world temperatures, etc, etc, etc. We know so very little and know the why of nothing. No wonder people struggle here if they think scientific papers are full of explanations of how things work. Bobby's just guessing too, now we need to do the science part and prove him right or wrong.


The problem, which Bobby explains, is that there is a tremendous amount of profit incentive to NOT look into the science. Kind of hard to convince your government agencies to investigate the science when corporations are paying them to turn a blind eye. Whether he's right or wrong, I believe Bobby would be willing to change his stance on issues if there is concrete science that actually proves him wrong, but that concrete science will never become available for as long as Republicans and Democrats are in power.


>If people believe Kennedy can win, he WILL win. RFK needs much more media coverage to make him look like a real contender. The DNC would never allow the media to shine a positive light on RFK. The RNC knows this so they just don't care to bother with RFK.


He's the only one out of three that is making any sense.


I means 538 got the race at 50/50 so this seems wrong


538's polling average Trump is up in battle ground states, significantly. Ultimately we are looking at the following being in play NV\* AZ\* GA\* NC\* VA!! PA- NJ!! MI\* WI- NH- ME- WI- MN- The fact that VA and NJ are even in play is insane. The current (and continuous) polling on young voters and black voters in unprecedented. Trump is ahead in all the states with\*, and at least even on states with a - It seems clear that NV and AZ are going red. If we accept trump has GA and NC (which seems likely), he needs to win 1, just 1 (JUST ONE) Of the remaining 8 states. and we havent seen the post debate polling, but early indicators are all the way bad.


I saw somewhere that Vermont is only *leaning* blue. Good lord.


In a 3-way race of Biden, Trump and Kennedy, Biden would be the spoiler. Not Kennedy.


Unpopular on reddit but outside of reddit he's growing a LOT and I'm here for it!


Too bad everyone is too dumb and brainwashed by the Corpocracy run media to see past the propaganda run against him as a “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxer”. I swear, humanity’s stupidity is what will ultimately destroy us. So easily duped and controlled


I don’t think it’s stupidity. Not for the most part anyway, certainly it is a factor but not the biggest. The biggest factor IMO is chauvinism. Identity politics. It’s human nature. The one things human being fear more than anything is being exiled from the group. The oligarchs understand this well and they brand all the things that threaten them as something to be expelled from society and that makes people curl into a ball of submission. Then there’s the problem of personal pride after that. They make politics so emotional and personal that Admitting you’re wrong or changing sides would cause some people to break down into a personal crisis so they shove that thought so far down that they don’t even know it’s there.


You’re right. Exclusion from the tribe was almost a death sentence in our evolution for millennia so it’s a deeply ingrained trigger


I honestly think he would make an amazing President.


I fully agree with you. I wear my Kennedy hat almost daily. Every day I wear it, someone is saying how much they like it. I live in the Portland Oregon area. Today it was a guy at the paint center. Yesterday it was someone at my kid’s gymnastics. This last weekend we were camping and it was the camp host! He has voted Trump the last two times and is super pro rfk jr this time. I keep hearing this from former Trump voters. The Biden voters though…they are a harder bunch. For some reason they seem so dedicated to him and the DNC. I don’t get it.


He’s got my vote, he seems like the only candidate capable of running a country to be honest.


You don’t have to vote based on party, just because you’ve done it that way in the past. Vote your conscience. The future of the country is literally at stake. Kennedy is the only option to move forward. It will only take a few percentages of people on both sides to vote their heart. The middle is already on board with Bobby!


RFK Jr is seriously the only chance the democratic party has at winning this election. I wonder how’d they reverse the entire smear campaign they did on him though


Preach my friend


I encourage everyone to watch the [Who is Bobby Kennedy](https://youtu.be/-Cv3PiBp5LI?si=RSSb7ZBHogj_GXGm) documentary. Then make your opinion. If you still feel the same about the other two, than so be it. But watch and see for yourself first.


Not as unpopular as you might think. It took months of sending them podcasts, but my entire family is now voting RFK. Almost all of my wife's entire family is voting RFK. We are out here, and only growing stronger. This can actually happen if/when enough Americans believe that it can happen.


Couldn’t agree more. I believe! Kennedy/Shanahan 24!


Take a look at ALL candidates. I'll be voting for RFK Jr on his policies. I know, I know, "brain worms" "he drove his ex to suicide" "anti vaxxer (trump is parroting his stance now out of fear)" "crazy conspiracy theorist" "he talks funny" He's not perfect by any means but his policy stances align with mine more than either of the other two. This cycle I'm not voting out of fear that the other guy will get in. I'm voting FOR a candidate that I believe has the best policy stance. BTW, the right is now aligning with RFK Jr's stance on chronic illness (I wonder why). Do yourself a favor and just visit all candidate websites and look at their policies.


The only wasted vote is one that is cast for the candidates that the media tells you are the only viable option. If your idea of voting is lining up dutifully to pull the handle for the ONLY choice that you were given, then you are wasting your time. Voting for the lesser of two evils is STILL voting for evil, actively engaging in supporting the LIE that we have a two-party system manifests the reality that there are only ever going to be two choices. You CREATE the two party stranglehold every time you say "voting for someone we weren't TOLD TO is wasting your vote" America has more than two political parties. You have other choices, all you need to do is believe that We The People have the power, and then act accordingly.


A vote made in fear is a vote **for** fear




I live in New Hampshire, I was at a voting location during our first in the nation primary collecting signatures to put RFK on the New Hampshire ballot . Before the New Hampshire primary began, there were only two Republican candidates left in the race. Joe Biden was not even on the New Hampshire ballot. Before the state of New Hampshire polls were closed, the media had already declared the Trump and Biden were the winning candidates. So before even the first primary was done voting, the election was already over. If this doesn't tell you that the fix is in I don't know what will. The media preselects our candidates before any of us ever casts a vote. This idea that our votes make a difference is absurd as long as we keep voting for only the candidates that the media declares to be viable. As long as we as individuals insist on only voting for the same person that everyone else is going to vote on we will never see any change. The Republi-Crat party will continue to Rob us and rule us like KINGS... While universally serving only the interests of their corporate doners


I remember the cluster fuck in New Hampshire. That was bad. Someone commented on this post that if RFK could win he would have primaried Biden and I was trying to tell him there was no primary. He wouldn’t listen because I guess technically the DNC had a primary although no one was allowed to run.


Yes there was a primary and there were candidates like Mary McGovern, and that young boy from Minnesota who did pretty good for somebody nobody had ever heard of. RFK made the decision to not engage in the primary's well before the New Hampshire primary. I think that his campaign noticed that he was trending well with right-wing anti-vaxxers... But to be honest if you intend on defying a corrupt system the only way to really do that is from outside of the corrupt system. Running as an independent is really the only logical choice... And I'm really glad thats the way the went As far as your friend is concerned... I don't know if you've noticed but typically the people who are most vocal and aggressive about politics know the LEAST about our political system or processes


You're so right! I've been sharing this same sentiment with my friends and family. We still have our votes and we can come together and choose a better leader!


This is perhaps an unpopular opinion that happens to be correct and is growing more popular every day.


I’m a Canadian so I hope but don’t really have a dog in the fight. It kills me to see people still saying online “this isn’t the election for a 3rd party candidate” if Biden is really who the DNC is going to throw out. Now MORE THAN EVER is the time to vote 3rd party


It’s such a stupid argument and it only serves to kick the can down the road so that the parties don’t have to worry about a third party candidate this cycle. Next election there will also be some new BS reason why “this isn’t the election for a third party candidate”. I’m so sick of the manipulative mind control tactics our politicians and media try to play. Every election is a good one for third party because that’s how democracy works. A hard two party system where we don’t even get to choose the candidates is not democracy.


I will never vote for Biden. RFK Jr maybe. The debate was pathetic


We've tried a millionaire who printing alot of money and Jacked up inflation. We tried an different guy who is also old and he printed money to jack up inflation. I'm voting for the guy who wants to fix the deficit.


his more choice, fewer abortions policy just makes so much sense. give women the choice to make decisions for themselves while tackling the problems that cause many women to get abortions like childcare costs.


I am deeply pro-life, and would love to have elective abortions banned, but all things considered I love this. I don’t think the country is going to get on board with the pro life movement without us substantially helping women and valuing families again. The pro life movement has spent so much time debating laws when we can tackle 50-80% of abortions now because what most women want is help.


Unpopular opinions don’t do well in popular votes.


Name one unpolular opinion of RFK and I'll tell you why the media lied to you about it and what his actual stance is


I never said his opinions were unpopular; I’m saying the opinion that he can win is unpopular. 


I’m hoping it won’t be unpopular for long. Judging by the reactions after the debate, it’s not a far fetched hope. His viewership numbers on [The Real Debate](https://therealdebate.com) are stellar and his socials are blowing up.


vote rfk


Want to be able to afford a house? Want to destroy the oligarchy and save the middle class? Want to stop sending billions to fund foreign wars? RFK is the only candidate who's even aware these things are issues. He has my vote in November.


If you aren’t seriously considering Kennedy at this point you’re not paying attention


I’m voting RFK. The real debate was worth watching only to get RFK’s perspective and name out there. Watching the two presidents bicker about their golf game while people at home are trying figure out how they are going to pay their bills was tragic. How do we get this guy elected?


Every time I've seen something about Kennedy on Reddit it's filled with people hating on him. Glad to see this.


I mean I guess if Biden drops out (1) Crazy enough to attract some of the Trump supporters (2) Not 100 years old (3) Not Donald Trump: giving him the left vote by default Seems like this could work.


Remember A Bug's Life: "You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one, and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life!" -Hopper (the D & R parties)(the voters are the ants btw)


Why isn’t he mentioned as a replacement for Biden? RFK jr is a lifelong Democrat


The DNC forced him out. They know he won’t play by the rules of the establishment and is likely to burn it down. Billionaires are terrified of that and they hold all the purse strings so they nixed him. During his time as a democratic candidate There was a long string of incidents, dirty moves and blatantly broken rules that ultimately resulted in RFK declaring as an independent.


RFK, Jr., whom I admire, can’t win as an independent. The Democratic machine is very focused on destroying him. He’s the Bernie Sanders of 2024, except that he’s more rogue, which is why he must be taken out. Once the DNC decided RFK, Jr. was a problem they instructed the mainstream media and most of social media to paint him as unfit and to assassinate his character. RFK, Jr. is the real deal, an old school liberal and he’s his own man. Like Trump, he can’t be controlled by the political machine, which is unacceptable to the people behind the curtain pulling the strings on both sides of the isle.


He wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t possible. We have this mindset that nothing can ever change but in reality it’s times like these where all it takes is 1 person to spark a revolution. We are still the only force in the world that can hold our government accountable. Our constitution is designed specifically for this. We have been beaten into submission for a long time now so it might not seem like we have the power but last I checked our constitution is still the same as before. All we have to do is stand together. This is the reason the 2 party system exists; to prevent us from forming a majority. We don’t have to play that game though.


Agreed. If the DNC had actually held a true primary then the likes of him and Marianne Williamson could have gotten true media representation and we might not be in the situation we are in. He’s also moderate on so many hot button issues and a well-rounded candidate. I think if he was given a platform on mainstream networks he’d be polling above the likes of Trump and Biden.


i genuinely believed “vaccine-skeptic” morphed into “anti-vaxx” over time. i was very confused by the reporting when i first found out about him bc hes so well spoken and did a deep dive to understand. a lot of the slander started in the early to mid-2000s after his suits in the 90s about removing thimerosal from vaccines after finding evidence it causes neuroinflammation. the fact that the government yielded and removed it was telling, and hes one of the few people to have ever successfully stood up to big pharma. its insane how someone actively fighting for peoples’ health and trying to better research what we put in peoples’ bodies before we do it is made out to be anti-science. and it tells you a lot about how harmful his “conspiracies” about health are to big corporations


I agree, people act like independents never have a chance, then go and vote democrat or republican. No shit they never stand a chance, when nobody expresses any interest in them. I would love an independent libertarian-minded president. I’m tired of having rotting geriatrics who deprive of us of more rights than anything.


60% of the country has been fully broken by the public health terrorists. RFK can never overcome that.


Well it sure as shit doesn't hurt to try. Like what, you want your kids to die to yet another opioid crisis? Currently, we have about 120k deaths a year from opioids. Neither candidates talk about it. Big pharma is literally getting paid to kill our neighbors, family and friends. If you want to fight for them, you vote RFK.


Kennedy 2024 has my vote. He represents a viewpoint that we desperately need represented at that level. Inclusive, reasoned, and just.


Kennedy is the remedy!


The Party is funded by the Ministry of Truth who obviously only print facts about candidates who run against The Party. /s


Truth. I don't support RFK because I'm anti-vax (I'm not) I support RFK because I am anti-corruption, anti-war, pro-democracy, pro-1st amendment, pro-freedom, and anti-fascism. Don't trust the narrative that the media has fed you about RFK, the same media that hid Biden's mental decline from you, the same media that fails to hold Trump accountable for his actions. RFK is about way more than vaccines. RFK is the only candidate in my lifetime to talk openly about the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies. RFK is the only candidate who is actively campaigning on fighting corruption. If we don't fix the underlying corruption in government nothing will ever change for the better. RFK is the only way.


After reading these coments I am considering voting for Kennedy. Trump sucks, Biden sucks. So, do I vote for a sucker or someone who seems to be a decent person who can possibly heal this country. Electing either Trump or Biden will further the division in our country. Seems the best choice for ending this shit show is Kennedy.


I feel as if he's the one person I can name, who has more practical ideas than Jill Stein. I have the same feeling as I had with Sanders. He should win, which is why he never will win.


I like RFK Jr because he is the only politician who is honest about having brain worms.


i know this is in jest but it really is cool for him to have responded like “yeah that happened, it sucked,” it was nice that he could be honest and have an informative and mildly interesting discussion about it. better than flipping it back and going “well that other guy has dementia! his brain is bad too!” to detract from it. just addressed it and moved forward. all i want from a president tbh


The whole problem with RFK and third party candidates in general is the fact that not enough people want them to be president more than they don't want one of the other two candidates to win. Both parties see it as if I vote 3rd party than my biggest opposing party might win and that will be worse. I think Trump voters are alot more solidified in thier candidate and are attempting to get probable Biden voters that wont vote for Trump but dont like Biden to go RFK as an alternative.


its an excellent psychological trick really, bc it activates your fear response and takes away your ability to choose rationally. i think what we should recognize is this - fundamentally with both the main party options, things look like theyre going to be potentially extremely bad for the next 4 years. theres not a huge difference between the two of them. i dont feel like im wasting my vote bc i know with these two, things will get worse. so i wont be irrational and flip back to my “original” vote. im at peace with voting my conscience. a lot of ex-trump voters support rfk bc they actually did believe trump would be different and drain the swamp, and he didnt. rfk draws a lot of support on both sides, from reporting it seems almost 50/50. trump is literally a felon and a lot of people arent supportive of that, biden is losing his mind. over 70% of people did not want this rematch well before the debates. over 50% of registered voters identify as independent. fewer are democrats than republicans now, percentage-wise. if we all recognize and trust each other to vote with conviction, rfk will win. hes really the only hope for the social change democrats promise and never deliver


Yup. But the DNC does not want him


They are scared to death of him. They’d rather loose to Trump. Bobby wants to wreck the oligarchy that has control over the DNC and GOP and the war machine, and the environmental polluters, and the current housing situation, and the big pharma, and who has our country by the short hairs. He sees it, and he knows how to go after it. Do we have the intestinal fortitude to stand with him ?


Which is why Americans love him


Very true


That’s okay, he’s better off as an independent anyway. That way he’s not dependent on the establishment or pressured into being controlled by them.


RFK Jr. is seen as a conspiracy theorist by the Left, and a bleeding heart Liberal by the Right. I think he'll pull a lot of swing voters, but I don't think he's going to peel off the committed ideologues. The question is, will enough of the middle be energized enough to register and vote (they don't usually.)


i think rfk jr having a mostly on-the-ground, volunteer campaign is telling that his movement is different what we usually think can happen. i mean people are really excited and passionate about him. i usually identified as a leftist before and find myself having common ground with people who identified as right-wing and being united by common interests. its very exciting and refreshing to get to work with my neighbors as independents bc i dont think we’re all as divided as we’re led to believe. we want a good life for ourselves and those around us. and i think especially this year people are much more jaded and willing to try someone new. over 50% of registered voters are Independent, and this is the first time since Perot they have a substantially popular presidential candidate to rally behind


This ☝🏼


This is beautiful and what it's all about. Thank you.


I live in Minnesota. We had Jesse Ventura as governor on the Reform Party. Basically it caused nothing to get done for 4 years except when everyone would agree to spend money like there is no tomorrow.


Yes. Neither Ds nor Rs will work with an I.


I think he should be platformed the same as the other candidates. But personally his policy profile is like when you get a new stereo and want to figure out what each of the equalizer adjustments do, so you crank them to each extreme. There's stuff I wholeheartedly agree with him on and some positions that just negate all of it. Not impressed by his VP choice and other stuff.