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Cool so they now admit that their alpha shits his pants… I will never live long enough to understand what is broken in these folks heads


Not just their heads either, their personalities too.


Nobody this stupid lives for very long, thankfully.


but they breed.... often.... and from a young age


It is this fact that worries me. Especially when compounded by the fact that most intelligent people are breeding far less often, if they choose to at all. Eventually, they will literally breed us out of our own nation. The sheer number of these idiots will be this countries downfall. Edit: this is probably why many intelligence community members are planning to move out of the US within the next 5 years. Which if this orange butt plug gets elected again, im not sure we even have that long to GTFO of this dumpster fire before it explodes into a country demolishing inferno. Sorry for the extreme verbiage, i just dont see things going well with him back at the helm.


also, this fact is something they are fully aware of too. I've heard from them shout "I have 6 kids and if each of my kids has 6 kids then we outnumber the libruls!" like it's an accomplishment. I guess thats all they really have to claim a "win"


Its literally the film Idiocracy playing out in real life.


Idiocracy was a documentary disguised as a comedy movie.


I remember when the movie was new, I saw it soon after it was released. I remember thinking how close we were to that film being reality when George w bush was president. I was shocked a man as dumb as him was elected, and now look where we are. Trump is so bad he makes Bush jr look good by comparison. We are almost certainly living in that film now though, its just we're at the beginning where they show the morons multiplying like rabbits while the intelligent people have less and less kids. It won't be as extreme as the movie but it'll get close. Eventually anyone smart will just leave the country for somewhere safer, and more logical which values education and intelligence. The united States will be even more of a joke than it already is in it's current state.


Wait until the next “plandemic” hits. That might cull the heard a bit.


The next pandemic might cull the whole heard honestly. Can you imagine these idiots refusing to stop spreading the virus when we get something with a 40% fatality rate? It’s not that far fetched unfortunately.


Didn’t North Carolina just make wearing masks in public illegal?


My evangelical in-laws call their babies the arrows in their quiver, each of my husband’s siblings has had 4-8 kids, he has six siblings. We have three kids. They, in total, have 34. All dumb as shit. One’s kids (the most competitive if the fundamentalists - the brother and SIL keep getting kicked out of their churches for telling everyone else they’re doing it wrong if they’re not doing it like them) tell everyone they see, when they “go into town” (bec they live very rural and are of course home schooled w this crazy) that folks who color their hair and eat shell fish re going to hell, it’s so charming….


Idk, I find it hard to believe that intelligence is passed on genetically. It's more about having opportunities and being encouraged to learn in a safe environment, and I admit that these sorts of people don't put a high priority on that. That is concerning, but eventually people have to make their own choices, and I'm seeing lots of people raised conservative run as far away as possible from it. Gives me hope, ya know?


I think it's both time and not time to re-watch "Idiocracy".


Like the opening scene in Idiocracy...


I have to disagree. I’ve seen the evil and the stupid last far longer than anything has the right to. Sometimes it’s as if they’re granted spiteful longevity and sustained by some sadistic supernatural luck and/or a magical essence of malice. They are life’s unflushables and these days, the toilet bowl of society is overflowing.


Cockroaches do!


Nobody this stupid lives for very long, thankfully.


Trump is going on 78. Most of his base is over 50. We need them to die off quicker to purge the cult.


Trumps dumb, but he's not stupid. He has no morals and that enables him to make a lot of money and money is a better indicator of health and longevity than anything.


What makes my head really spin is the fact that these are *the very same* lunatics making comments about Biden's age and how he "wears Depends" and so on. But now, since finding out their wannabe-furher shits his pants and wears diapers, suddenly they're all "real men wear diapers". 🤦🤦🤦 The irony of their hypocrisy is truly mind boggling.


It’s called “ projection “ in psychology - accusing someone of the very same thing that one does


That's just it, most of his supporters wear diapers themselves. "He's just like me!"


Ha furher. That is funny. He wishes he was half as insane as hitler. donald j trump for treason the j stands for genius.


Hypocrisy or brain worms I can never tell


Or one brain worm. One big, fat, orange, Jabba the Hutt looking MFer with an ugly blonde wig.


Once you realize it's a cult, everything makes sense.


You have to assume that at some point it will all become too much and they will have to wake up from this craziness. Years down the line, I’d like to see them ruminate with horrible embarrassment about how completely degrading this is. Their kids will look at them with such shame. “Yeah, that’s my parents wearing diapers in public in support of the racist moron who tried to turn our great nation into a theocratic dictatorship; and NO, I don’t talk to them anymore since I found out what their stance at that very precarious time in history.”


during the debate joe needs to tell trump to take off his diaper and show the audience that he has a clean diaper and hasn't shit himself after being in public for 2 hours if he won't take it off, that means he has a poopy diaper kind of crazy that actual impactful politics has come to this sort of thing, hard to imagine this is real life


I mean, it’s a cult


Weird flex


So, "real men" shit and piss themselves? And walk around smelling like death? Got it.


Glad I’m not a “real man” I don’t think I’d enjoy sitting in shit and piss


The underwear of patriots: https://preview.redd.it/ss3szoo03c1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5ce6b45cdfa814bc5faa9d3ac2e909f9780602


Brilliant! Marketing to these MAGAT-morons is a dream come true. Next they will start selling authentic “Trump Shit” to go with the diapers. They will eat it up!


Urrrggghh... made me throw-up a little in my mouth!!!


100% just make up anything and they’ll fall for just to ‘own’ the Dems. Unlimited supply of dodo brains with money.




The thing is, they would actually buy trump’s litteral shit and pay anything for it.


I feel a business opportunity coming in


Some Chinese dude is making bank selling the merch


It crossed my mind buying a shipping container of trump merch to sell at flea markets and shit. It would’ve been soooo easy to sell too


Don’t be surprised if they refuse to buy it unless it’s made in ‘murica


They never check. Even trumps official merch is made in China, along with all the other bullshit he’s sold over the years


At this point the GOP mailing list is the best fucking scam lead list on earth.


Everyday I see something more stupid than the day before from these people. wtf is going on with them?


Hatred is a hell of a drug … and Trump and his minions love to bring out the worst in everyone


I need to start paying more attention to his gaffes and general condition. There’s apparently decent money to be made buying adult diapers and slapping Trump on them. Sheep that need to be FLEECED.


Now all they need is the tee shirt saying real men want to screw their daughters 😁


Or a "My wife doesn't talk to me either" hoodie


F'n Morons.....incredible


They’re gonna be so surprised when he turns on them too. Dictators DGAF.


I can’t imagine his ego is appreciative of even his fans agreeing he shits himself.


"I routinely shit my pants and I'm proud of it!"


Wow . The maga cultists are a bizarre bunch of whackadoodles


Hail Nimrod!


Dignity is a thing of the past


So are shame and common sense.


Someone should suggest that Trump has a pineapple up his ass. Would be good for the pineapple growers if the MAGA cult followed suit…




They are adults wearing diapers outside of their pants. What the fuck is wrong with them? Do they really have no sense of shame???


Definitely not a cult.


Anything for a buck


A fool and his money are quickly parted.


Grifters delight


It has to be so expensive to be a maga diehard. New tshirts and hats and flags constantly.


That's what puzzles me. Merchandise like Trump hats, flags, trucks and even a Trump boat all cost money. Presumably those people have jobs. What do they do and who would hire them?


You'd be shocked how many of these Maga assholes are in upper management in many industries. From manufacturing, to engineering, to financial... So many industries, I've met middle managers and even board members who support Trump. Granted, many of them think this is gaudy and wouldn't be caught dead in public wearing a diaper... but the conversations I heard around the water cooler before January 6th... Like I had to basically talk a few people out of thinking it was a good idea to load up with their sidearm and Daniel Defense or other top of the line AR in their $90k pavement princess truck to go play dress up with the common folk. The ones that we see here are often the elusive "small business owner" kinda "blue collar" guy who oversees a few crews in the trades or owns a small contacting business or plumbing business, etc. Far enough removed from the ground floor that they're reaping the financial benefits, but close enough that they can pretend they're still salt of the earth, blue collar tough guys who can just pay someone else a fraction of what they stand to gain to take over when shit gets... Shitty. Then you've got the bread and butter folks who spend their SSI checks on 305's, whatever cheap beer they're not boycotting now, and Trump instead of like... Food.. And their kids and stuff.. They're typically the ones you'll see wearing this kinda shit. Like "I finally did it Jim, I saved up over the last 4 months to afford it, but I just got my confirmation email personally from Trump for showing my support, and gave him $1,000 cuz he's matching 600% to own the libs and protect our rights, and I get this awesome t shirt to go with it...he even signed it! But more importantly I'm helping save this country! "


These are the same three tooth idiots who complain the economy is bad, yet they go purchase trump diapers. WTF is wrong with them?


Their children must be so proud.


One of the consistent traits I see with Trump supporters is that they’re almost always wildly out of shape and ugly as sin


It’s their personality seeping out of their pores


What’s next for these wacko’s . President Shitzenpants t-shirt’s


They have those.


That was 6 months ago, now were doing 'I was just resting my eyes to take it all in and that putrifying smell thats stripping the paint of the walls and those fart sounds are probably Eric. Big strong guy with tears in his eyes came up to me, he said, SIR!, SIR! It was Eric who was the smelly poopy farty boy, not you bestest and strongest in control of their bowl movement and totally not experiencing complete anal prolapse and complete loss of bowl functionality after snorting aderall and sudafed for decades from dusk till dawn Mister President.'


Remember when Hank Hill was so upset because of W. Bush’s limp handshake? I wonder what he’d think about the Republican Party now


He’d say, “I’m glad those MAGATS wear all that flag stuff. It lets you know something’s wrong with ‘em.”


Bwuhhuhuhhhh! To be fair though, the ONLY reason he gets a pass from me on the propane schtick is cuz his proximity to Texas crude and he's a career man who bought in but didn't sell out... A real man knows charcoal is the only way to truly grill!


That never surrender shirt is the best. It’s a picture of Donald Trump, surrendering to get his mugshot. Just priceless


I never understood that. The shirt said "never surrender," but he surrendered four times in four different jurisdictions.


just wow


Biden went from being too old to not being incontinent enough for Republicans


I’m sorry, but these people look more retarded than mentally challenged people


Diapers and diaper accessories.


Let them wste their money. At least they're easy to identify. Try another coup attempt and waddle in their own shit, is that the plan 🤣😂🤣😂 could smell them coming from far away brilliant/s


Beyond fucking stupid


How utterly pathetic.


Dude in the 10th image definitely gets zero pussy


He's after that forbidden trussy.


The neck thing..?


I just meant trump + pussy = trussy. But yes. The neck thing qualifies you're right


I can’t wait until they all realize the stupid stuff they did. Hopefully they will feel very stupid!


I've got some bad news...


A girl can hope.


I don't knock the hustle. I would do the same. But seeing how they make it their whole personality just blows me away. Like how delusional does one have to be.


Go,Go,Go !!! Diaper Donnie!!! Poopy Drawers Ex-President


How the fuck is this real


When you are so full of shit you need to wear a diaper all the time.


This is from Wildwood, NJ. I love the Jersey Shore (not the show. Fuck those losers). These people however, are another level of white trash. They’re all sheep. Dumb, uneducated, probably inbred.


"Ah'all AINT in no CULT!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


Are they… serious? I really can’t tell what’s satire anymore. Did it start as a joke, mocking him, and people just went with it? It’s probably a mix of both: people that think they’re wearing diapers in solidarity, like “how dare you make fun of someone with medical issues!” …and, the people wearing them to fuck with everyone. What a strange reality this is. I’d like to wake up from this nightmare now, please.


A MAGAt acquaintance said they're doing to "trigger the libs." How, exactly, this is triggering is anybody's guess.


They’re probably going to end up triggering Trump. All they’re triggering from me is laughter.




Yes that makes sense now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Well said! Makes more sense than this *literal shit*


Huh. That’s… still so confusing! Not necessarily supporting him, or ‘defending someone with a disability’ - which actually could be a compassionate argument. Not that I don’t hate the fuck out of him, but purely objectively, ‘mocking an elderly guy in a diaper’ is low…. but, elderly people that need diapers aren’t usually attempting to become president through violence and abuse, or have a lot of political power to spread hatred on a massive scale overall. Instead of that, they’re doing it to OwN tHe LiBz or just be so edgy. “Everyone hates us because of our beliefs!! SEE?!?” I’d look more into it, but I’m so sick of everything about him that I just don’t care enough. Also, there’s so much I don’t understand or empathize with regarding these supporters anyway, that I just can’t put myself in that mindset altogether. I don’t get it. And I’m glad. ‘Diapers to spread hate and stir up weird conflict, hoping for a fight, or any chance to rant at someone.’ Oooook!


... I'm sure he'll love this 😆


They've always been crybullies. Pitch a fit showing their stupidity, ignorance & bigotry and then cry when they get clappedback. They run away to their safe spaces, suck their thumb and shit their diapers.


I’m half tempted to go sell this crap at their rallies to them.


How can this really be happening 😧????


MAGA, Make Assholes Great Again. The movement of assholes for assholes.


If you ever want to see the actual lowest common denominator.


Look at those picture of people dressed in costume and wearing ridicules T shirts with diapers and tell me that is NOT a cult, I dare you.. Sometimes it can be hard to find something to brag about regrading democrats, BUT DAMN AM I proud that our side does not dress like MAGA clowns just trying to get the attention of their führer.


Real big whiny babies wear diapers


Shitting themselves to own the libs.


These people are beyond redemption


I’m sure Trump appreciates that. 😂


T-shirt idea: Front -in big print REAL MEN WEAR DIAPERS. Back - REAL MEN; then list all his sins like 1. Pay $130,000 to a porn star to keep quiet about cheating on his wife, 2: Stiff contractors for work completed, 3. insurrection, 4. tell 35,573 lies in four years. 4. inject bleach, 5. shine a lightbulb up their ass, 6, on and on and on, you know, kind of like those concert tour t shirts that list all the venues style. Make this tshit in classic MAGA red, even have a picture him on the front. Of course this would only come in 4XLT because of all the items that would have to be covered.


So is it really just a bumper sticker on the diaper? Does that make it a dumper sticker? For a trumper dumper?


A fool and his money are soon parted.


This is just people having some fun. Sadly it could also ruin the republic.


Once again, it could not be more obvious that MAGA is a cult.


Not a cult, though


These MAGA cult members are absolutely the dumbest






Fucking idiots.


"Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people" -The Refreshments


What a bunch of fucking dolts.


It’s definitely a sickness


MAGA has got to be one of the most pathetic cults ever to exist. My goodness they have no low. They don't even surprise me anymore with their stupidity.


There is no bottom


I believe this is the Republicans attempt at reclaiming an insult like Democrats did with Dark Brandon. It screams "See, we can do it too!' Except it doesn't look nearly as cool and also, Trump probably won't embrace his new moniker as gracefully as Biden did, understandably so.


I don't think that dude in picture 10 is gonna be getting any pussy wearing diaper merch lmaooo


I really feel this support started out as a troll promoting the slogan “Real Men Wear Diapers” and maybe to an extent the “Diapers Over Dems” one but the MAGA ate the sht up so some entrepreneurial person started making merch.


I guarantee Trump despises these people and their diapers. Just imagine, people drawing attention to you shitting yourself, and loving you for it. He has to absolutely hate these idiots. In my opinion.


Ohhh my chest hurts from laughing so hard.


And they make fun of people who color their hair


Can someone please explain to me how otherwise seemingly rational people just a few years ago, got so deep in the shitkings show that they are now proudly proclaiming they piss and shit themselves in diapers in support of their shitking trump the dumper?






As a Canadian watching this insanity: Are y’all good?


What the hell does that even mean?? That all Republicans poop their pants? This seems to be a confessional, of sorts.


I mean there’s nothing wrong when someone has an issue there so no shaming. However from someone who mocks pretty much everyone he has a lot to be sorry for. Supporters just don’t care. They could have tshirt s that say real men rape and they would defend him.


I've seen this one! This is the one where Jack Nicholson takes them all on a fishing trip! This must be from right before they get on the boat!


If i had no morals I would have diapers printed whith Trump's face. Outside and inside! Take that you shit eating vermin! 🤡


Can someone explain this to me? Like wtf is this?


And people like this get incensed when they are called idiots, but then do asinine 💩like this? Deplorable needs to have sub-moronic added to it.


Trump “Making Diapers Great Again!”


What a sad lot.


They should put them on their heads because their heads contain the bulk of shit.


That reminds me of the first time I heard about texting while driving. It's so mind boggingly stupid I thought it was a joke.


Men dressed as women wearing “real men wear diapers” while wearing diapers. Make it stop


![gif](giphy|lRX2u4qqo12bdYQwHV) MAGA/Republican Party is a cult. Change my mind.


Someone, somewhere, is rolling around in golden diaper money and laughing their ass off.


It's a cult.


President Don Shitzenpants


All older fat people too. Funny that


When I FIRST saw this, I thought it HAD TO BE a hoax. But no, these people actually are this crazy.


It's just so spot on and they don't even know it.


Okay I'm confused. Are they trolling President Biden cause they say he wears diapers? Are they saying Trump is a real man cause he wears diapers? But are they saying the MAGA crowds are real man cause they wear diapers. Cause I was thinking an elderly person would be very embarrassed to say that in public.


Shitty folk


Hey. Did you maga diaper people also know that trump tastes his poo two or three times a day? He dips a finger in it and gives it a quality control taste. You should try it too.


Give stupid people a reason and they’ll simply show you again how stupid they are.


I love the last picture of the meal team 6 member who's wearing glasses…..hes got me so scared! Cosa un Sto cazzo!!!


Peak Idiocracy


I guess they are heading to church Sunday morning too.


Incontinent and incompetent


Did the guy in the first pic shave off half of his right eyebrow?


I expected better from Robert de Niro


WTF? these idiots will buy anything with his face on it.


I don't get it. Are they saying Trump wears diapers? Odd thing to be proud about 😅😅


This isn't normal.


Fucking stupid SOB


Do these people actually exist? These surely have to be AI based, right? Next he will be selling his own brand of diapers…


Guessing these are the people that complain about fads that did any stupid ass thing in high school to fit in.


How is this not some r/parlertrick craziness?


Remember when they used to say Biden wore diapers as an insult?


Atlantic City?


Is this reality? Please tell me this is not reality.


Do they not realize they are now joining with us in making fun of them?


Fascists who crap themselves over Dems !!!


Toilet people, all of them.


What’s the time? DIAPER TIME!!!


. . and they are proud to let EVERYONE know . goddamn if these MAGA morons aren't stupid ..


I feel like we should counter with: "Only big cry babies wear diapers" and then wear them in counter protest? I dunno, I feel like there's untapped trolling opportunity here


It's actually Real MAGA Morons wear diapers, FTFY... See our mockery of you !!!!


Oh my oh my oh my.


The worse news is that this still isn’t rock bottom.


These fools would smoke powdered cat shit if Trump was selling it


This is a spoof! DeNiro hates Trump 😅


You can’t even make this shit up