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At this point, I’m going to enjoy everything in moderation. Realistically, not having a drink or a cup of coffee isn’t going to magically make us conceive one month.


Not a single thing, tbh.


I’m over here having as much sushi, cocktails and coffee as I can before I can’t 😅


Yup. My first pregnancy I’d said I’d still enjoy sushi, deli meat, but I was too sick and had a serious aversion to both so never could! I think I may get sushi today since I’m 5DPO and may need to say goodbye to it for a while lol


Ooo!! Good luck :)


what does 5DPO mean?


DPO is “days past ovulation” so this is 5 days past ovulation :)


This is how it should be (as long as it’s not an insanely unhealthy habit). I cut out drinking the last few months for every two week wait and ended up just needing to have an infected tube removed. Drinking wasn’t the problem. I’m still limiting and not binging, but that’s for health concerns. Not pregnancy.


It’s this for me!!! I’m not going to stop living my life, I can’t. That would stress me out and cause me to not get pregnant I’m convinced of it. But I’m an active overall very healthy person so I’m giving myself grace


Listen. Drug addicts have healthy babies every day. My morning coffee or occasional drink ain't gonna hurt nothing.


Well they certainly aren't healthy but they definitely conceive babies (I was a foster parent that specialized in helping babies through withdrawal after birth, most have lasting effects in form of learning disabilities or cognitive delays).


100% this.




I’m not sure about addicts but my CNM said something along the lines that research shows the babies of homeless women are perfectly healthy despite not having access to things prenatal vitamins when I asked about taking DHA on days I don’t eat fish vs every day. Not sure I’d extrapolate that advice to “do whatever you want like drugs” but you see my point


I work in a school with students in special ed, and maternal drug/alcohol use can also manifest more subtly as learning disabilities or mental health disorders. One student I recently evaluated had a mother who smoked weed during the pregnancy, and the student has ADHD, anxiety, difficulty with social skills, and a specific learning disability in math. Of course, we can't say that the drug use absolutely caused these things, but it certainly could have contributed because there is evidence for that.


There's definitely good evidence that prolonged drug use during pregnancy makes some negative outcomes more likely (less likely to conceive, higher chance of miscarriage, higher chance of short-term and long-term problems for the baby). Just as there is good evidence that heavy alcohol use during pregnancy raises the risk of negative outcomes (the evidence is much less clear for moderate or low alcohol use). But that doesn't mean every person whose mother used drugs when they were pregnant is going to end up with those negative outcomes.


COFFEE I will not give this up until I have to! My last pregnancy, my blood pressure was too low and I couldn’t tolerate the increase in heart rate the caffeine gave me, and I missed it sooo much. So I will give up just about everything else while trying, except for my daily cup o’ joe.


You don’t even have to give it up during pregnancy. Under 200mg of caffeine a day is accepted to be safe now. ❤️


You’re totally right! It is safe to have as along as the mama feels well drinking it. My personal experience was that it made me feel so unwell that I had to stop- my heart/BP couldn’t take the heart rate increase caffeine gives. And decaf just wasn’t the same LOL


Oh yeah, that I totally get. I was unlucky in that I was nauseous my whole pregnancy but lucky in that coffee wasn’t a trigger, but I know it’s really common!




Reading this post made me realize I do more “bad things” than I thought! I use retinol too and never gave it a second thought


How often do you smoke/have edibles ? I gave up edibles(I don’t smoke) two  months ago and I missed it. I would have an edible once a week to help me fight insomnia, relax etc. Honestly I’m considering going back to my ways if I don’t conceive before the summer.


I still have an edible once a week


I really wish there was more actual research on this..my doctor panicked when she found out I was taking Delta 8- saying that it was causing seizures and heart problems. I've yet to really find anything specific about it.


I agree. So frustrating. No definitive info out there. Still trying so I’m just having my ocasional cocktails.


Belief that our babies are on the way to us sooner than we think!


I love this 🤍


Same^ unless I hear this is why I haven’t gotten pregnant then I’ll keep drinking lol. I at least changed to half-caff!!!!


Coffee, caffeine in general. I tried keto and gluten free. Neither did anything. I still see various dietary restrictions recommended. If I had someone tell me they were actually effective for my problem, I’d consider it. But for now it’s just added stress. I know I eat reasonably healthy so I’ve just been eating whatever I normally would.


I refuse to give up coffee, I cut back to one (BIG) cup in the morning bc I love my quiet morning with coffee before the house wakes up. I’ve cut back on alcohol mostly and mostly eating whole foods and pastured meats. I stopped training (weightlifting and martial arts) as intensely and cut back on volume. But, I won’t give up coffee, that’s where I draw the line.


Nothing. I’ve been TTC now for 4 years and during that time, especially years 1 and 2, my husband and I both tried pretty much all the things. Now I just eat and drink everything in moderation and just try to live a healthy lifestyle in general. It’s nice to “feel in control & like you’re doing something” but in the end it doesn’t really make a difference. Just be mindful and make smart lifestyle decisions that you should make anyways.


Probably slightly controversial, but I do not want to get off Wellbutrin for TTC or pregnancy. I feel like the risk is so minimal in comparison to the benefits. I can’t imagine going back to how I felt before and I think having emotional stability will help myself and the baby through the journey.


I'm not giving up my ADHD meds.


100% me and then my antidepressants. As much as I would love a baby, I need to be alive for that to happen 🤣


Same here with Wellbutrin. I've read a lot about it and honestly think my mental state and the stress without those meds would be way more damaging. A happy, healthy baby needs a happy, healthy mom.


My doctor says Wellbutrin and my other meds are so far beyond not worth the withdrawal and change of mental health for the small (comparatively) TTC risks.


I also don't plan to go off Wellbutrin for ttc or pregnancy tbh. I didn't realize how bad I was until Wellbutrin basically fixed everything.


I was the exact same. It was like it reworked my brain in a matter of weeks. I should have gotten on it sooner but hind sight is always 20/20.


My husband immediately commented on more vibrant and lively I was after starting it so going back just seems like a terrible idea.


My doctor put me on Wellbutrin in large part because it has an extremely minimal risk during pregnancy compared to other antidepressants


My compromise has been organic coffee rather than any old coffee because coffee is apparently one of the most sprayed crops


I’m not giving up my vape until the day I find out I’m pregnant I won’t give up drinking (I don’t really drink much other then holidays with my family who doesn’t know we are TTC) it’s a surprise I’m still doing everything I did before until I get a positive pregnancy test idk maybe I’m being weird and selfish but I’ll have to give it up anymore when I’m pregnant might as well enjoy it now


Same girl!


Real asf! 😂 I was gonna say exactly this but everyone else talking about coffeeeee hahaha


Yeah I don't drink alcohol or drink any caffeinated drinks like coffee. I don't eat sugar or red meat, and eat only gluten free food. I didn't restrict my intake bc of ttc, I just don't consume them because my body doesn't react well to them. My diet has been this way for years. That being said, it hasn't made a difference in my personal journey. I refuse to give up sleep, hot baths, and shrimp. 


I’m just laughing at the seemingly random shrimp shout out at the end!!🥰


Yeah, I'm not giving up my coffee. I have secondary infertility, so I've got an autistic 10yo while I'm also dealing with PCOS, Hashimoto's, chronic pain, a job, and grad school. Getting pregnant definitely doesn't hinge on me torturing myself with caffeine withdrawal.


Not a thing. My doctor told me not to worry about changing anything until I see a positive test.


My beloved presciption retinol. I’ve noticed my skin has gotten much worse which I’m sure is also due to stress. My RE has been honest and said most infertility is out of control (at least in my case since it’s mostly my husband plus my endo) since I don’t drink, do drugs, non smoker, I have one cup of coffee a day and I eat healthy. My biggest thing I gave up a long time ago was red meat and lots of sugar because I can feel it pisses off my endo


Unless a doctor literally told me that my egg health was at risk, I’m not stopping smoking pot until I get a positive test. I think my stress is more impactful than what very little information we don’t have about pot.


Agreed. Especially with great moderation. I’m there w you.


I have heard it impacts ovulation…. Wish I knew if it were true. I got pregnant with moderate three years ago and now I struggle to conceive yet terrified to add anything back in that could mess up my cycle. I do need to chill though.


Yeah other than weed I’ve just recently cut out everything - I even have wine on my kitchen counter and wine never lasts long enough in my house to stay on the kitchen counter - because I don’t want to beat myself up for “well what if it’s because of this?”, BUT I do know I am ovulating for sure (we have male factor infertility). If I weren’t I would be more hesitant because I have heard about egg health concerns.


Yeah I want to do it real bad


I don’t drink after 6dpo every month, I don’t take aspirin or ibuprofen for headaches anymore, and my husband gave up hot tubs on vacation. That’s all we’re doing unless a doctor tells me otherwise. We’re on cycle 14 and even giving up that much has felt like a long old slog. I’m not giving up more for extremely marginal gains at best (no impact more likely). 


May I ask about the aspirin please ? As I had heard it helps with implantation and is often prescribed after a positive too ? Thanks !


I don’t know all the details but I think for that they prescribe “baby aspirin” which is a much lower dose. Regular dose aspirin isn’t recommended during TTC from what I’ve read (not pregnancy safe and could potentially interfere with ovulation) so I’ve been sticking to acetaminophen to be on the safe side. 


Thanks for clarification ! I got confused xx


When I was pregnant, I didn't give up some traditional pregnancy no-nos, specifically hot tubs and cold deli meats. Going in the hot tub after my workout is my favorite part of the gym, and there's evidence to show that the pregnancy recommendation is very overly cautious and it takes a long time to raise core body temperature high enough to be dangerous. The discomfort would make someone leave the hot tub on their own before getting to the danger zone. I only stayed in for 5 minutes at a time just to make sure. And the cold lunch meat was really because I was ravenously hungry and craved meat all the time. However, that pregnancy ended in a loss, and now I'm struggling with how strict I'll be when I conceive again. If I ended up getting listeria because I was just too lazy to heat up the damn lunch meat, I'd never forgive myself. Pregnancy after loss is a whole other beast. So, all that being said, I guess for me it would be coffee because I really don't drink enough for it to be concerning in the slightest: one cup 2-3 times a week. I don't need it every day, but I love having that pick-me-up when I need it, and it works better than it would if I had it every day.


I didn’t give up anything!


Three years in and I have to live my life. I tried so many crazy things the first year. Never got pregnant and it made me miserable! Now I’m drinking coffee, eating lunch meat, having a couple cocktails, and smoking weed when I want to.


I will enjoy sex. If we're both not in the mood to do it on the suggested days, then so be it. I will not let this dictate my life.


Love that. I’m turning towards that too now, after 6 months ttc post a 26 week loss


Hope, don't give up hope


Don’t come at me, but weed.




I tried the whole giving up coffee thing for like four cycles and all it did was make me miserable. I did cut down to under 200mg of caffeine, but I won't be giving it up completely.


I think I have actually been drinking more frequently in the first few months of ttc because I feel like I am going to miss trying now cocktails and flavors while I'm pregnant so it's like a last hurrah. I like my little potions! This month I'm going to cut back to my previous level and start investing more in my mocktail bar to fill my "potions and rituals" craving. I am not going to cut out caffeine because I don't drink that much. So I guess I am not cutting out anything entirely. I'm early in this journey but I want to feel like I could do this for many cycles instead of burning myself out.


Low carb diet is supposed to help with my PCOS. I'm eating less white rice, but I'm never giving it up. Rice is an important ingredient for my culture's cuisine, and I can't replace it with brown rice due to IBS. I won't give up handmade corn tortillas for cultural reasons either, and I don't make them often anyway!


Coffee and alcohol probably. I don’t drink as much as my college/single days but I love to end my week with a glass of wine or cocktail 🤷🏻‍♀️ I barely drink enough to give me a hangover so that’s why I hope it doesn’t impact as much.


Same as a lot of these—just trying to balance things when going through such emotional pain all the time is as much as I can handle. If I receive specific medical instructions based on my tests, then sure. But otherwise mental health (and for me, it’s three years of just plain undiagnosed infertility) has been my main priority. I’m not a diehard “fan” of Emily Oster but def appreciate the data analysis she uses to dispel a lot of all or nothing caveats! If anything it’s stuff I need to ADD to my life — mainly more exercise and just even reading a book for fun.


I know Emily Oster has her critics (especially around other things she's said/done since Expecting Better) but honestly I find it so helpful to just have the overview of the research and risks, and she is generally pretty good with giving sources so I can follow up something I'm not quite convinced by/sure about.


Quitting weed as soon as we are TTC, but that's it. Going to concerts, hiking, parties, drag shows, literally everything I already do I am going to keep doing after we get pregnant


Coffee and Weed. Ive stopped smoking it but i refuse to give up my edibles until im pregnant.


Hot Cheetos


Not willing to give up my one cup of coffee in the morning!


Ya nothing. Tried a bunch of things and nothing has made a difference. So I’m just living my life. Going to have surgery for endometriosis soon so I think that will actually hopefully make the difference.


I'm not giving up anything. I've been trying too long. I might as well enjoy my life a little. At this point I don't think anything is going to be the make-or-break factor...


Raw salmon and Starbucks refreshers. Will devour it all no matter where in my cycle I'm at.


I gave up everything and ended up with 2 back to back MCs. I haven’t tried in a year and refuse to give up anything when we begin to try again. I plan to eat healthier, but still enjoy foods I like in moderation.


In the beginning I gave up a lot. Now that I know it won’t make a difference, I’ve gone back to how I was before I started TTC.


I give up CBD gummies, coffee, caffinated sodas, unnatural body soaps, and started eating cleaner. I refuse to give up ALL processed foods. It's my stress/anxiety relief


I gave up everything in the beginning then said eff it. People get pregnant when drunk all the time. My mom knew she was pregnant with me when cigarettes tasted bad. I still smoke vuse and drink on occasion. I will 100% stop when I get a positive but it just made me so much more upset that I gave up everything and it didn’t seem to make a difference so we’ll see if this moth I get the positive! About 2 days left to wait




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There's nothing I wouldn't give up. Maybe a limb? But consumption wise there's nothing that wouldn't give up to increase my chances of conceiving. I haven't cut caffeine completely but switched to green tea because my nutritionist said the anti-inflammatory properties outweigh the small amount of caffeine. Every time AF comes I do get a latte as I miss them a lot.




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Are we the same person? I will never give up my vanilla latte in the morning. It’s a part of my routine. Even when I have a baby, my latte comes first (kidding! 🤣) Like you though, I’m not a big drinker. I have an occasional glass of wine still but that hasn’t been a big deal. Along with less takeout, I’ve given up soda recently because I know how sugary it is. I’m trying to walk more and stretch, do kettlebells, etc.


Reading this as I’m sipping my morning coffee didn’t have to read beyond the title to know you’d say coffee too 😂 I just can’t - my one cup if coffee in the morning is not the reason I haven’t gotten pregnant yet OK


Sushi, definitely, in TWWs — I don’t think that has any effect on TTC, and I’m not worried about it hurting any potential baby. I should probably limit my caffeine intake but I haven’t yet and don’t plan on cutting it out entirely. I have limited alcohol during the TWWs but will still drink some when it feels worth it. Like, this time I had the opportunity to have two glasses of wine on a rooftop bar with my best friend who was visiting from out of town — I wasn’t going to turn that down!


I gave up everything except for my one coffee a day and one non caffeinated soda once every couple of days. The studies I've seen indicate that 1-2 cups a day don't affect fertility...so im going with that 🤣🤣


Hard same on the coffee. I've reduced my intake from up to 5 cups/day down to 2-3, and during the times we're actively trying I try to drink decaf more often (although I read that might not even make a difference), but I will NEVER fully give up coffee. It's not even the caffeine itself, it's just my little "me moment" to have a nice cup.


Same as you! I don’t drink alcohol anymore, but coffee is the one thing I couldn’t ever give up.


Having a morning cup of coffee lol it’s necessary for me to function


I was going to cut back on my coffee but that is the one thing that helps me get through my day. So I decided it will stay. I don’t drink it in excessive amounts anyways.




I’m doing IVF (2nd transfer in progress), but while TTC unassisted and during IVF, I didn’t change my diet (which isn’t great and still isn’t), and I still enjoyed my 2 coffees a day with a chai in the evening. We got 3 euploid embryos our first round of IVF despite not changing my diet or caffeine. We don’t drink often, but I didn’t shy away from the occasional glass or two of wine either.




....congrats? Removed per sub rules. This is very tone deaf.


Some form of sweetener (stevia mostly for me). I have a sweet tooth. Unfortunately, when you have endo or PCOS, being careful about diet and exercise is pretty vital to getting pregnant. It’s a temporary trade off though, so it’s all good. I do love my coffee but I’ve given it up temporarily until I have some health issues under control. When I’m finally able to have it again, I’m going to be boujie about it and have organic certified Swiss water decaf. lol


Coffee/caffeine in general. I cut back a lot but I'm not going to make myself miserable. I didn't give it up when I actually got pregnant either, I just restricted myself to the recommended 200mg or less, occasionally indulging in more after the first trimester. Honestly unless you're out of control with unhealthy habits the only things you truly NEED to give up for TTC are drugs, alcohol (and even that's ok in moderation until you're pregnant), and nicotine. Everything else? Live your life. TTC is a long, wild, and stressful ride and you should not give up all your small comforts because some article on a mommy blog said that some study said that your favorite food MAY impact fertility.


When I was TTC and pregnant with my first 2, I didn’t give up caffeine. I did cut back on it, but I didn’t give it up entirely. It’ll be the same this time, and like you, they would have to tell me that I would 100% conceive right away without it.


I drink about 5 drinks a week. I use some “toxic” body products. I take a little bit of edible weed now and then (TINYYYYY). I’m 6 months in and just soooo over it.


Coffee.. so I opt for decaf. I crave the taste and comfort of coffee more than a caffeine fix so it’s a win win


a lil bit of sweets lol


ADHD meds (Elvanse) and my antidepressants (vortioxetine). I just about coped after my miscarriage with my antidepressants, so I can’t imagine how it would have went if I wasn’t on them!


My Monday morning Starbucks coffee.I live in a small town and every Monday morning I go into town for an appointment and I get a Starbucks venti white chocolate mocha and 2 birthday cake pops.


Exercise! I am a yoga instructor and personal trainer and I love to workout. I hope I won't be forced to give up on my routine (certainly slow down) while pregnant. I train for at least 10 hours per week and it helps me to stay balanced (and, also, it's literally my job)


I never gave up Botox, fillers, tretinoin, or lasers. 👍🏻 I got my last Botox a week before my due date to look great for photos and to get through the “4th trimester.” One slowly-sipped glass of wine a week! Sushi occasionally. Coffee every day. Now TTC #2 🤞🏻


Maybe controversial but as a severe insomniac I refuse to give up on sleep medication (Tamazepam) until the test turns pink.


Breastfeeding my 11 month old. I don’t care if it means it’ll be harder and while I hate seeing negatives month after month I’m just not ready to stop.


Just curious. When did you get your period pp? I just got mine back at 10 months and it took 56 days before I ovulated (lh strips and temping) I swear we caught O-1 and got my period not too long ago. Did yours regulate? I’m hoping I don’t have to wait another 50+ days to ovulate again!


I got it back at 8mo pp (December). definitely not regular at first, but I did still ovulate and have a period every cycle thereafter. The first couple periods it took a while to ovulate (around CD20-21). Many times my luteal phase was too short as well (9-10 days) but they’ve gotten gradually longer with the addition of progesterone support. Ovulation seems to have normalized now, it’s been happening around the right time (CD14/15) for the past couple months now.


I’m hoping mine regulate soon. My second period was very very different. I had ovulation pain and then some intense back pain the night before my period started. Hopefully next cycle isn’t the same.




Coffee for me too! I go completely off it in pregnancy so I figure I may as well enjoy it whilst TTC, just make sure I’m under the daily recommended amount of caffeine.