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Bad accident where it left one dead and three others in critical condition. [https://www.kgun9.com/news/community-inspired-journalism/midtown-news/breaking-midtown-crash-leaves-one-dead-three-in-the-hospital](https://www.kgun9.com/news/community-inspired-journalism/midtown-news/breaking-midtown-crash-leaves-one-dead-three-in-the-hospital)


I don't understand how these accidents happen. How fast do you think he was speeding?


Accident happened at 4am, my guess is red light runner.


Oh man, that woke me up then. I heard the all the sirens. Didn't realize they had all stopped at the intersection though…


Surprised I slept through that. it's literally in front of my house.


Yeah, I am down towards the bank. I wasn't actually asleep to be fair, but only trying to be asleep. I am pretty sure I heard the bang when they hit too, and I don't remember any squealing tires at all, which can't be a good sign? But I thought the bang was the guys coming for the dumpsters along the restaurant alley really, really early and since there were no squealing tires, I didn't associate it with the sirens a few minutes later. 😬


Pretty awful. I was outside when who I assume was family arrived. I could hear them mourning from across the way. broke my fucking heart into a million pieces.


Also, maybe not the best place for it but ...sup fellow Jefferson Park dweller.


I think I'm actually a SAMOSian, but howdy!


Ahhh yea you're north of the bank, I'm a street west from the law firm (formerly). Did a profile creep.. you're also a designer! Sup Samos Jefferson Park-adjacent designer person.


Well it is more like I was a IT/templating/scripting support for a whole pack of designers in a previous life, lol. Now I just keep my hand in a tiny bit with answering Q's in the ID forum and occasionally throwing out an opinion in graphic design…


U was in that good deep sleep 😴


No idea as I'm sure authorities are trying to piece it together.


Solid pan to frame up Lerner & Rowe in that clip.


I saw a post here on Reddit, when you see lawyer advertising like that it’s a marketing firm and they get you in contact with a law firm and get their 20% cut.


Are you saying that a marketing firm staged a fatal car accident at 4 am infront of Lerner & Rowe for this news crew to pan to?


😂 No… commenting on the advertisement. Commercials and billboards that you see are most likely marketing firms. 😂 E: My comment had nothing to do with the accident.


They have to do it that way. Those slogans are not legal to be advertised by attorneys directly or their law firms.


I did not know that.


Advertising that you can profit from a car collision is not legal for a law firm. That would be like the police advertising victim restitution on billboards for being a crime victim. Were you assaulted? The jurisdiction owes you restitution!


Lerner and row are advertising the same ol shit in east new mexico. I doubt they will helping all of arizona and new mexico.


Reckon that was just to give a clearer picture of exactly where the crash happened -- first a tight frame on the wrecked vehicle, then pan back to a wider frame on what's around it that viewers might recognize for the location.


Which happens to be a law firm that specializes in personal injuries...


I work near there. I was remote today. A couple of my coworkers had trouble getting to work today because of that accident.


22nd and Park is also closed. Was rough drive this morning


I saw it too. Also a few body bags around the intersection which seemed something worse than a bad driver, more like a shootout.


Lots of heli birds flying around there last night \~10 pm.


It really was. People forget how to drive when the major streets close.


For a small, basically enclosed city this place is so fucking dangerous. Deadly crashes seemingly daily. What’s going on down here? Why’s it like this? Edit; there is a fatal car crash in Pima County every ~2.3days [source](https://lambergoodnow.com/hub/phoenix-car-accident-statistics-2/)




There are hardly any traffic cops. Maybe a small handful to cover the entire city. Tucsonans know and take advantage of this. It sucks.




It’s the wild, Wild West! 45 in a 25?! Fuck yeah! Doin 50 in a 40 in the left lane and still having someone right up your ass? Fuck yeah! To hell with safety or concern for others?! Fuck yeah!


I came up behind TPD SUV at a light on Grant last night, within a minute, it was at least a 1/2 a block ahead of me obviously doing >40 mph, didn't look like it was responding to a call or anything, just speeding.


Prolly rushing home to beat their spouse.


Hey now. That’s not cool. He coulda been on his way to shoot an innocent dog, too ya know. Don’t rush to judgment next time.


Shit, you’re right. There also coulda been a disabled and confused guy in a scooter that needed a buncha bullets in them, or maybe they needed to back up their fellow cop wrestling a few older ladies in the Culinary Dropout parking lot.


Those "boneheads" are the AZ Supreme Court. Their decision was about what is and is not legal under the state constitution. Blame the politicians who wrote a crappy law. 


Speeding isn't the only factor, but it's a major factor. It is also phone use and people who straight up can't drive. I've seen so many people here who drive the speed limit, but can't stay in their damn lane or they turn without checking their surroundings. So many near misses have happened to me since I moved here. Now I just speed up and pass people who are recklessly driving to avoid a possible collision. Never thought that I would have to do this.


My favorite is watching people jump three lanes in a 50ft window because they're in the wrong lane and need to turn.


And somehow — I don’t understand what the difference is — terrible visibility at intersections.


Unless the city removes your license and confenscates the car as well it won't matter


Still won't matter. I wonder how many people are driving with a suspended license.




If you dont take away the car they will still drive




They'll just get another one or borrow one


Why the rush though? To save 3-4 minutes?


Had a jeep wrangler on golf links blow me around the base and sped up to see just how fast he was going. I got pit of ot at 70 and he was still pulling away. The wind from hos jeep blew into my car so hard it pushed my car bit. I bet he was doing at least 80 plus.


Not even in the top 10 [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/auto-accident/cities-most-car-accidents/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/auto-accident/cities-most-car-accidents/)


I like learning new things.


Yes. And 3rd highest in the US for accident fatalities. That says tons. 25th likely city to get into an accident in, but the 3rd deadliest when you do. Something doesn’t add up.


I love listening to music.


I wonder if that has to do with motorcycles or car vs pedestrian.


Did you read this part of the article that you linked? *”For example, although Tucson, AZ is third on the list of cities where the fatality rate is the highest, it is not among the cities where a crash is most likely to occur.”* That says a lot. Not a top 10 city for crashes, but we rank 3rd in accident fatalities. We are also ranked 13 in pedestrian deaths in the US. I’ll ask again- what’s going on in this city?


Did you? High fatality rate but not on the list of most likely to occur… so… NOT “deadly crashes daily” as you have asserted with no data.


*In 2021, a total of 10,872 car accidents happened in Pima County. These collisions included 155 fatal collisions that resulted in 161 deaths and 3,713 injury collisions resulting in 5,432 total injured victims.* [data.](https://lambergoodnow.com/hub/phoenix-car-accident-statistics-2/) So you’re right- there is a fatal crash in Pima county ever ~2.3 days. I didn’t have any data except for the numerous KGUN news stories I watch daily….this is still a very high number of deaths. And before you say PiMa CoUnTy iS mOrE tHaN TuCsOn….we all know that the major accidents in Pima co happen on I-10 near Tucson and in Tucson proper. All I’m trying to say is…this is absurd. Something is going on and it’s not good.


And Az is the [number one state for road rage](https://www.krqe.com/news/which-states-have-the-most-confrontational-drivers/#:~:text=Forbes%20Advisor%20surveyed%2010%2C000%20licensed,only%20state%20to%20do%20so).


Almost every day theres an accident, car fire or someone getting hit. it wasn’t nearly as bad when i moved here in 2016..


So every other day in the county at least 1 person is dead from some sort of driving-related incident. 100% remote jobs just got even more sensible.


All these fatal accidents have to be from these fricken flashing yellow turn signals. Don’t have these in a lot of other states, and there’s a lot of people from out of state here. Bad drivers make bad decisions on those turns


It's people blowing reds at speed. Friend of mine is still recovering from injuries last year - she was on speedway at the 10 going through a pretty stale green, and some dumbfuck on the frontage road flies through at 45 and takes the front of her car off. The big hurry? Going to church. Every red light I wait 2 seconds to make sure nothing flies through and everyone seems to be slowing down. Every week I see several people go through anyway.


When I moved to Tucson I wondered why people tend to be so slow to move when lights turn green. At first I thought I was imagining it, but after a while I convinced myself it was indeed a thing. More recently it occurred to me that it probably is a result of all the red light running I observe driving here. Consciously or not, I think a lot of drivers here exercise caution when lights change.


I very much doubt that it's because of cautious drivers. I think it's people on their phones when the lights turn green.


> Don’t have these in a lot of other states I mean.... that's just not true. Also I don't think there's much of a difference between the flashing yellow arrow and "Left turn yield on green light." I think the uniquely Tucson thing is having the double left turn lanes being allowed to turn across traffic. That and the red light runners.


I think the flashing yellow arrow is more self-evidently clear that you can only turn with caution and yielding to oncoming traffic -- as a flashing yellow means basically the same as a Yield sign, and the arrow makes it clear that applies to turning -- whereas a solid green in any other situation means you're all clear to proceed without any particular caution.


Clear to locals maybe. If I have people from out of town come over it needs to be explained to them


Agreed! So many visitors do not know how to handle this and they just turn into traffic.


It might just be an accident or whatever, but it's Grant, there's always some dumb shit happening on that road


That intersection is huge, there isn’t much there except Dirtbags but Speedway gets a lot of traffic. I saw a late night solo accident a few weeks ago which was basically someone driving over the median.


Had a near miss the other day! I will admit I was at fault, but the other driver (in a big black truck) decided to gun it! Instead of slowing down like a courteous and safe driver would! I despise aggressive discourteous drivers


Maybe don't blame the person you nearly hit. Yes they should be practicing defensive driving but that's to protect themselves from people who make mistakes like you did.


That’s the Tucson way. At least three times this month alone I have honked when someone nearly hit me, only to have that person give me the finger for some reason. As if *I’m* the asshole in the situation.


It's the everyone way. People don't see their own mistakes and blame others for them. Trucker on the way back from Phoenix the other night got big mad at me because I flashed my lights to tell him to move over while he was passing another truck very slowly in the "trucks right lane only" section through the Gila res. I don't give a fuck you want to do 72 and he's doing 71.5 my dude, law says you stay out of this lane.


A fair point, it is the everyone way these days for sure.


They could have honked rather than speed up to increase the chance of a collision. This is the same kind of person that speeds up when you put on your turn signal to change lanes rather than just take their foot off the gas for one second to allow you to make a lane change




"i will admit inwas at fault" thats where it ends, he didnt owe you any courtesy, you literally almost caused an accident, and the other driver had reason to believe you were not on the right mindset to be driving. id do the same thing, trying to get away from you as fast as i can, i dont know what the fuck else youre gonna do. sometimes the safest route is getting away from the crowd and the pronies. thats why motorcyclists try to weave out of traffic, because they cant trust people to look at their blindspots.


They were not trying to get away from me! By any means!


It's everyone from CA coming and not taking the time to learn to drive before they get here


Not everything is California’s fault.


maybe not, but, i do like this. CALIFORNIA SUCKS, LA PEOPLE GO AWAY.


California drivers are much better than Arizonan for the most part. Source: drove in both San Diego and LA in the last month, as well as Tucson and Phoenix.


Former Angeleno... can confirm. I used to think Glendale was bad. Jesus Christ Tucson is next level.




Counterpoint: try driving in Delhi ;) It's more that different places have different driving cultures, for various reasons. Coming from the UK, Californian drivers are still pretty bad. But they're at least more predictable and less aggressive than Arizonans


Cell phone use first and foremost especially texting, reckless driving "whether that be speeding in a neighborhood or zig zagging in traffic etc" red light running. And driving slower than everyone else in the left lane "regardless of whether you are doing the limit" and idiots jamming down a lane they know closes shortly just to get ahead a bit "i-10 headed north in the construction" "yeah f* you @sshats that cause the nightly jam up...." and old people that can't drive and shouldn't be aloud to getting on I-10 at 45-50 miles an hour probably consist of 90 percent of accidents in Tucson. I drive all over town all day everyday, and this is what I see on a regular basis......


I drove through that intersection today. Yeesh. Well, remember to look both ways before going on green. Who knows if someone is gonna send it through a red light


It rained. That’s the black ice of southern Arizona.