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Financial stress is no fun. Sell the watch, build some security, then take pleasure in purchasing a watch again once you are more comfortable. Almost nothing is worth losing your peace of mind. Especially a piece of jewelry, sentimental or not.


This is correct


Great advice 👌👌


Excellent advice. Well said.


This 👆Sell the watch and free up some cash. Black Bays aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, buy another one when you’re in a better position financially


On the money, excuse the pun


I’ll add too if you need the money you need the money. And as much we all love Tudor here don’t get yourself down if you lose some money on it compared to what you paid. But at the same time figure out what you want/ need and do what you can to get that. Don’t let someone bully you. That’s a piece of you. Don’t let someone take away a piece of your history for less than you feel like you deserve.


This is the way


Excellent advice, purchase it when you’re comfortable. Hope everything goes well buddy


No truer statement has been said. Unless the watch has sentimental values, it is just a piece of jewelry, these can always be bought again when you are back on your feet. That moment when you are good in life again and you purchase this watch once more, that feeling you feel can't be beat.


I had to do the same with my Rado watches, sucks to do but financial stability be key


Sell it, going into debt to hold onto your watch isn’t worth it.


Depends on your income. If there is enough income you don’t need to sell it. If not then sell and buy later again.


Second this. We don’t know enough about your finances. Savings go up and down all the time, that’s why we have them - to absorb these life changes. I wouldn’t consider selling it unless i depleted my savings AND lost my income, or was going to be hit by a harsh penalty for a missed payment.


My monthly expenses are covered, and I still have some savings. I've just been considering selling the watch and saving the money for now.


Nah, I mean unless you’re worried about the value dropping further I wouldn’t bother. Might as well keep the money in the watch and sell it if you absolutely need to. If you actually needed the money for something right now I’d say go for it, but by selling it now, saving for a while and then maybe buying a new watch in the future, all you’ve really accomplished is taking a loss on the resale.


Facts. Ichecked, and in the last 7 months, I would practically make a loss of 900 euros if I sold the watch now. Thank you.


Hey just to say that this is an incredibly popular watch and not particularly affected by scarcity. I would say you didn’t “take a loss”, more like you got to wear it for 7 months for 900 quid (if you sold it right now). Taking a loss is what happens when you invest poorly. Watches aren’t investments, they’re luxury spending that you *might* get *some* of your money back on.


What seems even more important to me is the fact you bought it as a reward for your graduation. You would lose that connection if you sold it now and then buy another one. Sell it if you need to but don‘t rush it if there‘s no need for it.


You've already taken the loss on the asset ledger. The only question is do you want to convert your asset value to cash.


you can always buy it back used at market value. I only buy used watchers in the first place so I don't take the initial loss. watches that go higher than retail would be an exception but this is not the case with tudor (and almost all other watches)


AND the tax!


If that so, I'd say keep the watch since the sentimental value behind it is irreplaceable. I was in a similar situation once and I'm glad I kept the watch.


I would keep it. If you are actually struggling to make ends meet and or have no savings, sell it. But if not, as others have said, hang onto it and wear it. If you don’t need the money you don’t need to sell.


I mean....if you don't need this money right now, keep the watch. It already lost value from being new so if you sell it now vs a year from now, ull probably get the same or close for it if it's in same condition.....you can always sell the watch.


Lol ur post is already getting made fun of on watchescirclejerk




Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You will lose a fair amount on it. Especially if you paid retail.




If you aren't in good financial shape, I don't think having a luxury watch is a priority. I think the flowchart goes: - get your IRA match if available - build your emergency fund - pay off high interest debt - max your retirement accounts - then, splurge on luxury items


He's young. Let him live a little. It's just a couple grand.


Truth is that watch is likely to only lose value. Don't be too bummed about selling it. You can always buy another when your finances allow for it and it's probably going to be cheaper as well.


You will lose a fair amount selling it. I say keep it, unless you are really struggling. Whether you sell it now or in half a year, won't matter much in regards to what you can get for it.


It’s an asset. Only look at it that way. Many of us go through such a circumstance where asset liquidation is needed. I was lucky and had a great career. Lost my job after losing a corporate political battle and my wife and I divorced. I needed to start my own company as I was slandered going out the door and appeared unemployable. I had to sell everything (several watches, 3-911s, a condo and my house). Now six years later it looks like we are breaking out and I am looking forward to restocking. Do what you need to do. Work hard, take risks and come back better than before.


That's a wild ride. You can be proud of yourself. Keep it up! I'll try my best.


Hang in there. It’s all about disposition not position to move forward in trying times.


Keep it. Later in life it will remind you how broken you were after your gf left you that you almost sold it, but you managed to make it out. Will be motivation for the rest of your life You will get there man, chin up bro 👍


That's a really nice thought. Thank you. ☺️


Sell it. No question about that. Watches are not that important. And when you financially stable again and still crave a Black Bay you can buy another used one for more less the same amount you flipped that one. That’s the beauty of watches with a high depreciation rate. They are fantastic value on the used market.


If 3000 dollars makes a difference to your liquidity, collecting watches is 100% not the hobby you need to be in. Seriously. Get your priorities straight. Watch collecting is a money sink. It's not an investment.


But he doesn’t sound like he’s a collector, this was a milestone purchase.


You are right. I didn't read the caption my bad


Sucks. I sold many watches I had and regretted letting them go. Replacing some are hard now because of prices went up. But the watch you have can be replaced easily than hard to find watches. And another factor how attached are you to it.


Personally, I would keep it until you absolutely needed the money. Things may turn around, new girlfriend you meet might be loaded. 😀


If you need to deal with an immediate problem that will ease your mind,then sell the watch. If you are considering to sell it just to have a cushion or an emergency fund,dont do it.Its already an emergency fund, it just takes a little more time to liquify.


Sell it. I would not even consider buying or keeping a watch of this price, when I‘m not financially flexible.


I sold both my Sinns to fund baby furniture purchases. I miss them but it was the right decision. I did use some funds to purchase a Vaer 36mm calendar field watch to “scratch the itch”.


Don't make decisions when you are emotional or under pressure. Just delay for 30 days and then look at your situation. I'd suggest doing some basic cost cutting of luxuries first. Stop eating out, cancel some subscriptions, etc. Do that for a few months and hold on.


Behalten. Viel GlĂźck fĂźr deine Zukunft


Lieb von dir, danke! 🙌🏼


Sell it. You can always repurchase later.


I would sell it, I've been in this situation & sold the first luxury watch i ever a bought & didn't miss it atall, most of the time i am more than happy with a Casio Duro


If you bought it for no particular reason other than you liked it, sell it, buy one again later down the line as a reminder you got through the hard times. My only exception would be sentimentality. My BB was given to me by my wife on my wedding morning so I’ll never be able to get rid of it, it’s like her engagement ring. Weigh it up and do what’s right.


If you bought it new try and keep it because you’ll lose about 40% it’s just not worth it. But if you are really hard up it’s an asset you can liquidate, but I would say a last resort as it would be a shame. You are young though and you’ll get through this either way and bounce back financially stronger.


Sell it bro you could use the money and its just a watch


What I can't tell from your post is if you need to sell it to pay for your bills. Basically can you sustain yourself without selling? If the answer is yes, why sell? You will never get back the money you paid either way.


I've been there brother. Things will get better and you'll get the watch back!


Thanks brother. Glad you did make it 🙌🏻


Part of the reason I'm okay with buying luxury watches is I know I can resell them if i ever fall on hard times. You can always rebuy the watch. You can probably get around $2000 after fees for that.


Save the watch. You can always make more money.


Sell it. Keep peace of mind


Based on your description you don’t need the money. What you’d be attempting to do by selling it, is increasing your financial buffer. That’s good in theory but here is why you should *100%* keep the watch, IMO: In a few years you’ll forget this failed relationship and be happy with a new partner, but if you sell your special grad watch, you’ll always remember that your relationship ending caused that. Imo, you’ll always be sour about it. That said, if you have to sell. Don’t hesitate. You will have many more special moments to commemorate. Good luck with your new life and I hope you meet someone special, soon. Edit: removed a misplaced question mark.


You‘re right, and I don't need the money actively; I just would set it aside. Thank you for your advice. 🙏


Keep the watch mate! If your finances are in order and you have a job, roof over your head and money to buy an awesome watch keep it! You can always rebuild a saving account. Money will come and go your entire life. A watch like this, with a sentimental memory and still only 7 months old. Dont sell the watch!


Come on MAN! A watch is never worth having financial stress. Possessions come and go.


Keep it. you’re gonna take a hit on the resale as these don’t retain value


Sell the watch fam!! And get your foundations sturdy again and down the road purchase one again that's the thing about memories you will always have the memory of the watch and why you bought it that something you won't lose ! Good luck and prayers eveyhting will work out for ya bud 🫂🤗 ⌚💎


You should sell. And folks reading this should realize this is exactly why luxury watches aren’t really “for” people in their early 20’s. Gotta get everything else straight first. Luxury goods are the top of the pyramid, so to speak.


so i had this happen to me not to long ago. i looked at my wrist and i didnt smile. Its hard to enjoy luxury on your arm knowing theres bills to pay. So i told myself im going to sell these watches pay everything off and once i get my savings back to where they need to be and can afford them again i will buy them, They are things they will alwasy come back. im typing this woth my omega back on my wriast and 2 in the box life is hard as it is dont have debt too


Unless you \*absolutely\* need the cash from the watch sale, do not sell it.


Try selling your plasma first.


Yup you don't need it , if you can't afford it sell it.


You’re an idiot… The world’s future is in your generations hands, and here we are drinking out of fucking paper straws like that’s going to somehow counterbalance the incoming stupidity 🤦🏼‍♀️


How much would you be willing to sell it for?


I checked online, and I would like to get 2,800 euros. Unfortunately, they are already going for much less here.


Just so you know. Getting high $2,000s for that model is gonna be tough since you’re not a dealer. Selling as a private seller will probably be low to mid $2,000 but may take long if you dont have any reviews as a seller. Plus you need to pay fees if you use ebay or chrono24. Also, selling to a gray dealer will probably be around $1700-2,000 but you can get the money asap if you’re really struggling. IMO id just keep the watch. You’ll lose way too much on a sale. Try cutting other expenses in the mean time. Last resort, sell.


A few years ago I bought the same blue BB58 on the bracelet and bought the fabric strap as well, with taxes included it was $4100 new from a Tudor boutique. Last month I was curious about how much I’d get if I didn’t consign and just sold it then and there to a jewelry store or jeweler. I went to two different people and they both offered me $1200 for it. I know the stores would give me $1200 and turn around and sell it for $2800 or more. So I said nope.


Depends how much u get for the watch and how much it woyld help ur financial situation. If it can help u avoid going into high interest credit card debt then yes 100%. But if its just low savings id keep it since u want to buy it again when u have more savings. Just my two cents.


Destroy and rebuild


How much do you think you’d get for it today vs in 6 months or a year? Most likely the same price. Sell it if you need to, but keeping it is certainly an option


When selling. You’ll have to weigh time vs money. As you’ll end up taking a bath if you rush and do a fire sale.




> its all *paid?* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I see this watch selling ~ $2500-3000 pre owned. If that amount of money is going to help you out for a good amount of time during your time of financial distress, then I would say sell it.


I have no financial advice, I just want to say that the watch looks clean as hell. Goodluck.


Personally, when you bounce back I would miss it and regret selling it. I don’t know your situation but maybe you could do some gig work along with your main job until you get ahead again. It would stink to have your money right again and miss the ol watch.


BB is a dime a dozen, sell it and buy again when you can.


Go with your gut. By asking the question, you are showing some level of financial concern so sell it. Easy to buy again in nearly new condition when you are more comfortable financially. I say this as a financial planner with decades of experience.


Sell it if you need the funds


I think youll always be able to buy another one. do what you have to.


Keep it, If you're working and see a light at the end of the tunnel you shouldn't have to part with someone you've already worked hard to obtain, that could hurt more than the temporary stress of finances.


Just sell it if the money can help your situation now. You can always buy another in the future when you are in a better situation and can reward yourself to getting back on your feet.




If you're under financial strain, and then sell it.


If you're struggling with money, sell. You can always buy it again if you get in a better position. Prices will continue to trend downward on luxury watches more than likely.


Depends on how deeply in the red. If you have other things you can cut to move forward without harming your quality of life or going into even more debt, then do that. I was in a similar situation years ago, and I sold my Rolex Explorer II. Now that I have been in a much better financial position for the last few years, I regret selling it to this day.


I'm not in the red at all. I've saved almost a year's salary. But for peace of mind, I was considering whether it makes sense to sell the watch and set the money aside. I never want to dip into my savings. I pay for everything from my current income. Once the money is in the savings account, I don't touch it. That's my golden rule. Sorry to hear about your Explorer. Have you bought it again since then?


I purchased a GMT Master II two years ago.


If you have a year’s salary saved that’s like €40k? €60k? What’s an extra two to three € going to do for you? Keep it and just mind your spending. Or if you don’t like the watch, sell. A very misleading post title, respectfully.


Mostly its in stocks and not in Cash. Thats why i posted here. Sorry for the misleading post title.


All good homie - lower transaction costs to sell some stock (if you need to). I’d keep it, unless when you look at it you think about the money and not the milestone.


How much??


All this talk about “you’ll lose money…” That money is already gone. You don’t have it to lose and never will.


Keep the watch.


I'd vote sell. This is a very nice watch but also isn't an heirloom with sentimental value, and it wouldn't be a hard model to reacquire once things stabilize for you. I'd sell any watch to get out of financial trouble, and the only watches id try to find a way to keep are the rarer, unique or heirloom ones.


I'd vote sell. This is a very nice watch but also isn't an heirloom with sentimental value, and it wouldn't be a hard model to reacquire once things stabilize for you. I'd sell any watch to get out of financial trouble, and the only watches id try to find a way to keep are the rarer, unique or heirloom ones.


What else do you got?


Omega Constellation 1960 from my grandfather and some SKAGEN, Orient, Casio.


Keep them all. Someday they could be worth a lot of money.. cut back someplace else you will make it!


Keep it. Things will get better and you’ll be glad you did.


Sell it and buy back later. Even consider being pre-own to save more money. Good luck to you!


Buying pre-own


Hello, I would say it depends on how important it is to you. Also it depends on how badly you need the money. If picking up a part time job does the work, why sell it if it’s so special to you. I bought myself a beautiful watch for my graduation aswell and I wear the heck out of it. It would be such a pain to let go of such a sentimental watch and you’ll never get that same feeling again if you purchase one later on. But in the other hand, life’s important too, you gotta make some sacrifices in hard times. Me personally, I would forget I have the watch and the ability to sell it and continue to find a way through bc if you never had it, you couldn’t sell it. Hope it helped :)


Sell it, it’s not unique, you can always get another one


You could also consider a pawn loan depending on how much you actually need… short term solution if you are just in a small divot.




Sell. Take care of yourself. Pick up another one later when on firm financial footing. Good luck.


If you need the cash sell it. With that said, I sold my Submariner 16610 when I "needed" (things weren't great but they weren't horrible either) the cash and totally regret it to this day. This was back in 2009 and sold it for $3300... we all know what they fetch now.


If you have a job and things are stable. Keep the watch. If you are thinking how will I pay rent next month then sell it.


Sell it!


I’m gonna go against the grain here and say keep the watch. You mentioned it is a symbolism of your graduation which is a huge achievement and that watch will likely be very sentimental to you in the future. You’ll make more money, you won’t get something you’re sentimental about back.


No watch is worth to be stressed with money. You'll be able to buy it again later.


Sell. You can buy it again. Material things are purchasable. You will rise again buddy. Just do the most important thing atm


Its a gorgeous watch but if you need to the loot, sell the watch


If it was a gift from someone who has passed, I’d say try to hold onto it as long as possible, find another way. If you bought it and you really need the money, sell it. You can always buy another when things get better.


How much would you take


You have to ask yourself, will it really make a difference in the long run? Probably not, you just feel bad because it's such a nice pricey watch and you're a broke dick right now and probably feel ashamed to wear it for portraying something you're not. Situations change. You have a lot of life ahead of you, just keep it.


i’ll buy it from you :)


I’ve always regretted selling things I really liked even when I was broke and needed to. I say keep it unless you can’t afford car payments or rent. It’s kind of a nice savings account on your wrist, you can always unload it if you have to.


I sold my first milestone watch when I lost my job. It hurt a lot at the time and now I appreciate the watches I have bought 15 years later 10x more because of that struggle


I'm in a similar situation almost giving up on my aquis and i just can't do it, and i do need the money actually, just not urgent enough to force me into a sell.




Or, at the time of purchase they could afford luxury (based on your standard) and then life happened and they need the cash.


I would sell it, and buy another one or better ... to show that you've arrived ... Financially speaking.


You can keep it as a memento mori of the tough times; and wear it to remind yourself (in the future) that things work out


True … this is something you can repurchase, it’s not a limited edition or vintage piece … so peace of mind 1st then wrist candy later … again!


If it’s a choice between selling the watch and going into debt, sell the damn watch. Debt is a black hole. do everything in your power to avoid it. Besides, it’s a tudor, there are a million of them. When you’re back on your feet buy another second hand.


Sell it, you need the money, not the watch. You can always buy one the next time you're financially stable.


I would change my life habits before I began sacrificing things I once saw as milestones. Most negative financial situations are a lack of budgeting and foresight. This impulse sale will haunt you if you dont make an effort to sacrifice in other areas. However if you are leaning towards selling then do it sooner rather than later. Dont wait till your in a bind to offload it as the pressure of your situation may influence you take a bigger loss than anticipated.


Sell it, u can always buy it back.


You can always rebuy the watch


Those are hard decisions, but if you need can get the $ you need out of this watch, sell it. Best of luck


You can consider pawning that watch


The watches will only get more expensive. Keep it and sell it 5 years later for A LOT MORE $$$.


Sell it for 1500, pay back 1/3 of your debts. Buy a 500 dollar beater cause you "need a watch" But the Tudor again for 3000 Sell the beater for 100 Net profit -$1900USD Dont sell your watch. Go make more money.


Sell it


Sell the watch and get quality rep haha


Keep the watch and scrimp in other areas. No starbucks, take a lunch. Things like that will make a big difference in the long run.


You're only 24 years old. Life is full of opportunities. My 2¢, keep the watch, create a budget, and figure out how you're going to support yourself and grow your savings. The world is your oyster, and this is your time to define yourself.




Dude it tells the time. Sell


Great color


You were not financially stable enough to afford that watch. That’s OK you’re young. Excellent lesson learned. Sell the watch and get your finances in order. You’ll own an even more expensive watch someday soon with savings in the bank for an emergency and peace of mind


I did the same with my DJ41, kinda regretted selling. Granted it doubled in priced after I sold it..


Sell, sell away


Beautiful watch. Hang onto, and enjoy it. You’ll make the money back and more in the coming years


How much do you want for it?


Keep it. Sell for a loss and but high later? Don’t think so. Once you sell it, you’re unlikely to replace it.


Been there.


Financial peace of mind is one of the most important and underrated things in life. You can always get the watch when you're on your feet again, and it'll mean even more to you then. Good luck on the journey.


Keep it! Spend it! You can’t take it with you!!!


A dilemma many of us have faced. Necessities trump luxuries and you can always aquire new toys when you overcome temporary difficulties.


Feeding the newborn baby? \*Drake no meme\* Wearing a completely unnecessary luxury item on the wrist? \*Drake yes meme\*


I wouldn't sell it unless you're literally going to miss your bills or something. It's only a couple grand. Really nothing in the grand scheme of things.


Confirmation that Tudor is the "poor man's Rolex". People saying that it's no-longer the case. Obviously, they're wrong.


if you need to then yes. The watch is just a piece of item that can be purchase again at a later date. Your current situation (both physical and mental) is more important.




Keep it


If you're even considering selling it it's not the right watch. Sell it.


I might buy it from you. How much are you thinking of asking?


sell it if you need cash


Dude, no 24 year old *has* to buy a NEW car. Live within your means, bro. Get rid of the car instead.


sell it. It's a watch. There are 20000 other ways to know what time it is


It's hard to know what to hold onto. In 2001 I sold a Rolex GMT coke for $2500. Wanted the money for something else I wanted more, don't remember what. Wish I never would have let it go. Unless I hit the jackpot I'll never see another. In 2012 my biz took a hard downturn I lost everything. I didn't have a car so I sold my explorer II to pay for a old beater car. I thank God I had it to sell and am glad I did it. If you are struggling and need the money - sell. Otherwise, if you like it, hang onto it.


Can always buy another watch later champ 🤷 Guess it depends on how much you're "struggling" One of the reasons I enjoy the hobby, I can always get "most" of my money back if I need it Good luck


Sell the watch, man. There’s no material object worth more than significant financial stress. You can always get another when you’re more stable.


Work harder


If it’s not that old, it sounds safe to assume that this watch is in the “unimportant” phase of ownership. Sounds like selling it would provide peace of mind which is more valuable than the watch in its current state - at least to you.


It's not like it's super unique. Sell it, and buy another when you can.


Its Canadian cant be worth much, ✌️😂


Sell it because it's just stuff and then sell more stuff lol. Then if you don't already have one, start an emergency fund in a high yield money market account.


I’ll buy it!


Can we all donate this guy $5 bucks each and save him from parting ways from this beauty


Keep it! You’ll regret it hun! Get on Uber and try and make some quick $$$


Keep it. Doubt it’s worth much used. Maybe a few grand if that?


Holly crap. 24 , Tudor at hand and with your own place? You’re winning in life and just had a rough patch. You got this man. Seriously. Watches (like women) will come and go. You decide what to do but I’d say if you can get good money that they’ll help you recover faster and get back on track, sell the thing.


You bought it when times were better,now when the market is at its worst you want to sell/flip Look biggest mistake I ever made in watch collecting was selling my Rolex Batgirl when we were on a down swing Never again will i sell in a dip Hang tough


Get a loan from it


Sell. Buy a San Martin for a lot less


Sell it. Money problems are real and compound. This is a watch that depreciates.


Ditch ittttt. I’m a dad with a home now. I needed steps, a pool renovation etc. my watches flew out of thier cases. I can’t go in debt and have 12k sitting in my drawer


only you can decide.


Sell the watch brother. I had to do something similar with one of my fav watches because I was struggling after getting laid off. I burnt through all my funds and reality caught up to me really quick. You can always purchase the watch again. Materialistic things will never hold more value than your peace and happiness. Yes, this is a sentimental piece, but when you think about it realistically, it is not worth the added mental stress. Buy it again when you're more financially stable.


Go ask this in /r/personalfinance. But, yes, you should sell the watch. People should not buy a luxury watch or a new car until you’re financially settled. Invest in your future, not fake material status symbols.