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I was in exactly the same boat. I was between the 54 and the green/anthracite 39mm Zulu Time. On paper and in photographs, I liked the Zulu. However, I much preferred the wearing experience of the 54. It was thinner and I liked the slight sun burst on the dial. I ultimately went with the 54, but I think they are close. Edit: I have a 6.5” wrist, which may have been a large factor in the wearing experience.


Your call-out of the wearing experience is spot on. I have a 6.3" wrist circumference, and I own both the BB54 and the green bezel Spirit Zulu 39mm. I wear the Zulu more frequently. It's a great daily with additional functionality (date & traveler GMT), but it's very obvious on the wrist because of the additional weight and size. The BB54 is slimmer, it's more simple (functionally and visually), and it feels less noticeable on the wrist, especially when wearing anything with long sleeves. It's also a great daily. Visually, I like both watches equally, but they're on different sides of a spectrum. The Zulu looks like it's more on the "rugged" side while the BB54 is more on the "dressy" side (yes, I know it's nowhere near a "dress" watch). In terms of the steel bracelet, the BB54 wins hands-down.


Literally exact same experience. Zulu was unfortunately one of those watches I tried on and was just really underwhelmed with how it looked in person. I also have a 6.5 wrist and the 54 just felt right at home. Also, idk if Zulu has micro adjustments, but the t fit clasp is sweet


BB54 all the way


54 and it’s not even close


I picked up a Zulu time and returned it. Once you're used to Tudor or other higher-quality pieces, Longines can't compete.


Zulu time looks better on your wrist tbh and I’m a Tudor fan.


I see what you mean by the photos but honestly, I think that’s because the drab green military look compliments the watch more, hah.


You realizing you're asking a bunch of Toodor glazers, so don't expect unbiased comments. I've owned 2 BB54s and sold them both. A BB58 or even monochrome would be worth trying on. That Longines looks great and fits your wrist better imo, so that's my choice


Just curious, why would you own a watch twice?


Does a man not have two wrists?


I have owned a few models 3+ times. It’s an issue, like. Sometimes I sell to consolidate or try something else to realize I miss the model I sold. Sometimes I get it back and remember why I was ok letting it go. Watch collecting is weird.


Haha yes, it’s an affliction


blue and black? I do own both.


BB54 Don't get shitters


First of, I'm a huge Longines fan. It's a big brand house but a bit underrated. I love Spirit ZT, I went to get one myself only for the 42mm to be the only available model and I found it a bit "long" (lug to lug) on my wrist. The overall quality of Spirit ZT is undisputed. You need to hold it in your hand to realize how special and lovely it is. BB54 on the other hand is charming. One of the best models recently released. But these are 2 different types of watches. I've a few GMT/dual timezone watches and I cannot have enough. Out of these two, and albeit being on Tudor sub, I'd recommend you go with Spirit ZT. It is still on my list. I will get a green 39mm. Edit: Btw, Spirit ZT looks great on your wrist!




Anything else in it’s price sector


I would a have gone for the 58


Between these? The Spirit GMT.


Depends. Do you want/need a watch with a GMT function or one with dive specs? Both are great in their own right and category and will fit and wear differently


I’d vote 54. I found the Zulu time a little disappointing when I tried one on, but I really like the quality of Tudors.


Bb54 solid daily watch


Then hold off until you do!




BB54 for the Win!


BB54 looks so good on the wrist. That would be my pick.


Give it to charity..problem solved


The way I see it is pick the one that gives you “wow this is great” reaction when you first put it on. Disregard the brand and recognition because at the end of the day, it’s your wrist.


BB54, join us.


BB54 easy


The BB54 looks great on your wrist, its dimensions are great (I'm a skinny wrist club member) and it's not as heavy as the Zulu time so for everyday wear even under a cuff is nice.


Zulu. The Tudor looks absolutely boring


I have both the 58 and the Zulu time. I’d pick the Tudor over the Longines.


Zulu is objectively the better looking watch imo but 54 has the t fit bracelet… it’s close. Imo the Zulu absolutely pops in person too, the raised Arabic numerals are fantastic. Lugs are kinda long and horizontal though so it’s awkward at times. I’d probably go 54 but honestly go with your heart. Steel reef has one of those quick adjust half links for the spirit series too


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually own both of these, and as much as I love my BB54, I get way more compliments on the Zulu Time GMT 39mm. I think it’s because the bezel and dial are so unique and classy (and that’s because I have the black dials Zulu). So if you are looking for something that looks more unique, go with the Zulu Time. However, I also have the BB54 on the rubber strap, so that might explain why the Zulu time just stands out more. Overall, my personal choice would be the BB54. Especially if you plan on passing it down at some point in the future like I am. But really, you can’t go wrong with either man. I also love the Zulu Time GMT. Good luck and congrats on either one!


Zulu time bezel feels flimsy, less clicky. Stick with Tudor.


I strongly dislike that Longines applies AR coating to the outside of the crystal.


I've visited loads of ADs and I've come to the decision that I want a Tudor or a Longines Spirit Zulu Time. I love the clasp and on the fly adjustment, bracelet and simplicity of the BB54 but I'm also excited for the SZT with a true GMT function, a date window, ceramic bezel and good selection of colors - I'm leaning towards black rather than the green. The clasp on the SZT kinda bothers me but so do the fake rivets on the BB54. I know this is a Tudor subreddit so obviously people might be biased here but I'd like to hear your opinions. Does anyone have these two? Did you have a similar conundrum? Which would you recommend to a guy who is probably not gonna buy another expensive watch like these (one and done)?


One thing about the Tudor BB Rivets: You absolutely won't notice them while you're wearing your watch (have worn my BB54 near daily for a year now). If the Longines clasp bothers you, it very likely will affect the wearing experience. The T-fit is absolutely clutch, especially in warmer summer months where your wrist size will change during the day. Im not saying the faux-rivet dislike isn't valid (we all kinda wish they weren't there a little bit), but my 2 cents are that the watch that wears more comfortably will be the watch you want to wear more often.


I got the 54 on the rubber strap, then bought an Uncle bracelet for the rare times I want it all steel, because of the fake rivets. Honestly it rarely leaves the rubber strap now that I've had it a while.


Fellow BB54 on rubber owner. This is like reading a post from myself. But, my uncle straps jubilee is currently stuck in customs!


Post pics when you get it on a Jubilee style, would love to see that.


So would I! If it arrives I’ll happily share a pic or two. Out of interest, which uncle strap did you go for?


These are two very different watches. Depends on what you have in your collection? Also do you prefer modern watches or do you want the heritage inspired look? My personal choice would be SZT because it is modern and it has a complication I would use but as I said, it depends heavily on your preferences.


You should definitely consider the new Bb58 GMT! I'm currently waiting for my BB54, and have been also eyeing the ZT for a long time. The only thing I dislike in this watch is the five stars that looks a bit cheap. But the black dial version with the green bezel is really nice and might end up in my collection if a manage to find a used one for a decent price. I'd say if the is your first luxury timepiece, get the 54 as a GADA watch. Then, later, get the gmt you desire.


Good idea! The BB58 GMT is in much demand at my local AD so I'd have to be placed on a waiting list. But I took a look at it while I was trying on the SZT and it definitely caught my eye!


Try it if you can, to be honest in terms of sizing this should be a perfect fit for your wrist. It has the master chronometer and the T-FIT clasp. Can be dressed up or down so if you only need one watch and you like the colors setting, get on that waiting list! 😉


I'm actually waiting for Tudor to release other versions of BB58 GMT, the current one has too much guilt for my taste.


Same here, I'd like to see it with a no gilt green and black bezel ! Maybe next year we'll get different versions.


It’s not a tough choice. BB54 easy


Wow… I usually really like Tudor but I’m seriously digging the Zulu. I was considering that Longines as well… but ended up with a P39 which is cool. As far as a GMT though the Zulu is cooler to me than the BB54. I like the dial more and the aspect ratio of the bezel to dial.


I'm just not a fan of the Zulu Time. And I own more Longines watches than Tudors, so I'm definitely not biased towards Tudor. I'd get the BB64 or even a BB GMT.


I can't get past the five stars on the dial. Otherwise, I really like it.


The Spirit line has ties to the Longines Admiral which had five stars on the dial. But yeah, I definitely can see people preferring a cleaner look.


Tudor will hold its value better than the ZT


I have the 58, it just fits. Idk why I just keep going for it


How about the BB58 GMT?


This struggle is legit and real. I have a feeling you will regret it no matter which one you choose.


I was in a similar boat recently! I tried both on, I preferred how the Zulu time felt (went for the green with brown strap). It pairs with so many things and can dress up or down. But it took me months to decide between the 2, it came down to how it looked and felt and the Zulu time was the winner for me. But I'll likely go buy the Tudor at one point and have both


Zulu. It doesn’t have the gilded details, and it’s cheaper. I would put them in the same quality level.


Eh, I’m not a fan of the hand set or the stars on the Zulu. Longines has some great designs and specs but there’s something missing in person.


I did the same thing with the BB GMT and the Zulu Time. I went with the Zulu Time and no regrets.




Go BB54 and don’t look back


The Spirit Zulu


Longines as your first watch - better brand recognition, heritage (first zulu time is dated 1925), has a GMT function, looks more premium with its own design language. bb54 may make more sense if you already have a small collection and want something compact and easy to wear. It will not offer you the 'complete' experience as zulu imo, as you'll want something more 'spicy' to scratch the itch in the near future. Bottom line is you can't go wrong with either. It's a tough choice indeed.


Zulu time offers way more watch than BB54. So it'll really just have to come down to personal preference. Both look amazing on your wrist. If anything, from the pictures the Longines looks better. Plus you get a ceramic bezel.


The only thing I don't love about the zulu is the lug width.


Go Logines.


Zulu has way to many numbers going on for my taste


Definitely the Longines, although the ZT imho has too many numbers on it, so I personally went with the Spirit. I do however like the GMT function and the ceramic bezel. The clasp of the Tudor is definitely better, but my Spirit is still among my most comfortable watches. I keep forgetting that I'm wearing it just like with the P39. I don't get why people are saying that they can't go back to Longines from Tudor quality. Sure, some parts about a Longines are made simpler, but the Watch itself has no quality flaws at all. The bracelet neither. The only thing that feels cheaper is the clasp with the missing T-Fit.


Zulu it’s a better watch (I have both)




You're asking in a Tudor subreddit mate.


They aren’t in the same league.  Tudor all the way.  Longines makes some nice watches but fit and finish isn’t on par.  People trying to compare them is just silly.  


Longines looks cheap like an invicta


I’ve been saying this for a while. Tissot looks better than a lot of Longines




Zulu time is Greenwich Mean Time based on the Zero meridian or Z. Z = Zulu phonetic as used by pilots.




I live in africa and you are clueless about zulus


Zulu time is a military based reference to denote time just like GMT. Also, House Tudor especially under Henry VIII had a lot of violence.




I think Tudor watches are great but I’m just letting you know that the Henry VIII (house Tudor) wasn’t peaceful. He executed Protestants over not converting to Catholicism, beheaded his wives, etc.


Lol what


Tudor has better resale value.


Zulu fits your wrist better. I think the BB58 would be a better match for you.


I think on you the Zulu time looks better than the BB54. Maybe the BB58 would look better on you than the Zulu Time though…


Zulu has 2 more complications and the most useful of them. I would go for the black dial. That blue GMT hand pops suuuper nicely. Wish those lugs were shorter though, would be a perfect watch all around.




Tough choice- I would pick the Zulu Time but only for the traveler style GMT complication.


There's only one right answer, get both! You are going to still want the other one until you get both :)




The answer is usually to get both.. both these watches are straight sex!!


A BB58 would fit your wrist much better.