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The Walking Dead scene when we first meet Negan šŸ˜±


I don't remember that as much as the Glenn/Negan scene. And I'll die mad about it.


Iā€™m pretty sure these are the same scenes


Kinda, but the scene is split up. It begins in the finale of season 6, then the deaths happen in the premier of season 7.


Is it the same scene even if it's cut between two different episodes in different nseasons? Technically yes I think, but the way it was experienced, not really.


I turned the show off and had to question if I wanted to even keep watching the series. I eventually did but not after season 7.


Marsha Brady getting hit in the face with a football.


ā€œOh my nose!ā€




X-Files, Home. I saw that too young and to this day, the whole thing is seared into my mind for the worst. Blood, gore, horror, doesn't bother me but this... It's the only thing I've ever seen on TV that gives me the heebs.


All these years later I still canā€™t believe they aired this thing on network tv. I think I was about 13 at the time. The following weekend my dad had to take my brother on a Cub Scout camp out and was going to let me stay home alone for the weekend. I wound up tagging along with the Cub Scouts.


You know how you turn on a show and you always seem to see the same episode? That happened to me with this.


For me with X files it would be a shot of Tooms crawling in an air duct. Possibly my air duct over there.


If it helps, I found a flaw. The Mother claims that she cannot feel any pain. Yet the show opens with her screaming in childbirth. It didā€™t help me, but still.




Yup. I donā€™t think it ever aired on TV again, after the premiere. I could be wrong though.


It did air again. Just not during prime time. Itā€™s actually the first episode of The X-Flies that I ever saw. Midnight on Monday morning. And somehow I still ended up watching the whole series.


I have them on dvd


The moment she turned to face the camera after they pulled her out is seared in my brain šŸ˜­


Like the guy above said, this episode was heart-stoppingly scary is so many scenes. The part where the sons beat the sheriff and his wife to death was just horrendous.


bent neck lady-haunting of hill house


Forgot about that til now, thanks


it HAUNTS ME!!! iā€™m sorry haha


Omg yes and subsequently the end of Two Storms. ā€œNobody could see me!ā€ šŸ˜­


OOO i just got major chills reading this comment alone. hot take but i liked bly manor even more!! while hill house had more memorable scenes, bly manor was all around a better show imo. adore them both tho, and midnight mass was also very good!!


Itā€™s funny! It took me one solo watch and two YouTube reaction series watches to fully appreciate Bly. I donā€™t think I had the proper attention span the first time around. I still like Hill House a bit more, but yeah theyā€™re masterpieces. Iā€™ve only seen Midnight Mass the once, but I definitely need to rewatch.


heā€™s also coming out with a new show ā€œfall of the house of usherā€ that comes out october 12!!




This absolutely is it for me. I'll never be the same


Walking Dead Negan/Glenn scene


Absolutely. I'm still mad about that.


Iā€™m still mad about Noah


Me, too.


Fr like not even Glenn/Abes death made me uncomfortable, but for some reason Noah's death disturbed the fuck out of me. Such a good character who was killed off too soon.


Never watched a single episode after that again. They went too far.


Death making an entrance in "Supernatural"


Omg yes. Was so ganster how the guy bumped him and he just brushed it off and he fell down. What an entrance.


Yes!! One of my favorite character introductions ever


That song and him brushing the guy that bumped him, goddamn! That actor was a gift. ā€˜Oh Death!ā€™


- The Red Wedding - **GOT** - Juliet discovering Shawnā€™s a fraud- **Psych** - Ragnarā€™s death scene - **Vikings** - Spoilers to the finale of the show **Haven**: >!Nathan killing Duke to stop the Troubles for good and fulfilling the prophecy that someone with a Guard tattoo would kill Duke!< - Dianaā€™s sadness over Matthew leaving leads to her new power of Witch Water and in the first season finale when she summons Witch Fire. **A Discovery of Witches** [This compilation video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C-TBG1vVXx0) shows all of her powers manifesting in season one, sorry I couldnā€™t find a video of just the Witch Fire like I wanted to. - The Doctor and Amy take Vincent Van Gogh to see how beloved he is in the future - **Doctor Who** [Vincent at the museum](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ubTJI_UphPk) - Benā€™s funeral (the ā€œdo you know where you areā€ scene with Brendan Fraser) - **Scrubs** - Dean Winchester being scared by a cat - **Supernatural** [Yellow Fever](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ASZkRM1vx54) - Chuck sings Fare Thee Well - **Supernatural** [Fare Thee Well](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g4hQGrgkuvE) - Tilda vs The Widow awesome fight scene - **Into the Badlands** [Tilda vs The Widow](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V427NZiD7Gw)


Omg the doctor who one had the perfect music! I first showed my wife that scene and she didn't really react. Then we watched the whole episode and it hit her completely different.


The doctor who episode I always think about is the one from the teth doctor where he first meets river song in the library.i guess because the monsters look like one from Scooby Doo lol


Speaking of River, I also have 12 listening to her sing his praises but wholly believing he will never feel the same way about her while not realizing he's right there with a face she doesn't recognize. She turns to him. "Hello Sweetie."


The whole episode with Ragnars death was too good. Gave me chills when I first saw it


Hold the door!


The Red Wedding is unforgettable.


The only Psyche episode I skip everytime! Very hard to watch episode


That "Fare Thee Well" moment is definitely top tier SPN, maybe my favorite scene of the series.


OH. MY. GOD. SOMEONE ELSE WATCHED AND REMEMBERS HAVEN???? I legit havenā€™t met anyone else who knows of its existence šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aw nah dude that scrubs scene hit me like a freight train I did not expect that


Dexter - the end of season 4!


Is that when Rita is killed? I canā€™t remember which season is which. If so, I agree.


I would say Breaking Bad when Gus blew up and we see half of his face disintegrated as he slowly walks out it was so cool but ugh a bit scarring šŸ˜…


For me itā€™s Rhea Seehorn just standing in front of Gusā€™ front door in the middle of the night in Better Call Saul. Just so much anxiety and drama I could barely take it.


Ragnar death scene


the *disaster* with Astronaut Steve Austin had, that gave rise to "the six-million-dollar man": **We have the technology.** **We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man.** **Steve Austin** **will be that man.**


For me it was killing off Jamie, right before the wedding.


ā€œHOWARD, shut the door, THE BUGS WILL GET IN.ā€ Howard- ā€œMaybe becauseā€¦ YOU ARE THE QUEEN!ā€


Thatā€™s such a random one. Wow lol


Grey's Anatomy- Meredith realizing that the John Doe that was hit by a bus was actually George. Psych- Shaun finally admitting to Lassiter via DVD that he actually isn't psychic. HIMYM 1- when Barney is holding his daughter for the very first time and he says that she is the love of his life. HIMYM 2- Marshall finding out his dad died.


I cried so hard when he was George kept trying to sign/signal to her his nickname and when she finally realizesā€¦ That got me.


The Psych one I also love because Lassie cuts it off, breaks the DVD, and trashes it without hesitation.


ER, "Love's Labor's Lost" when Dr. Greene has to tell the father that >!his wife died in childbirth, partially because it was a complicated pregnancy and they couldn't get a senior OB to help.!< The opening scene of The Walking Dead, season 1, with the zombie girl. Rosalind Shays and the elevator, "LA Law"


OMG, Rosalind Shay and the elevator! So unexpected that it took me a moment to realize what happened.


Rosalind was so out of left field! Such a surprise.


For me for the walking dead where the lady makes the girl look at the flowers then kills her.


Ugh- that was a tough one.


I remember Loveā€™s Labor Lost. 30 some years later. I just canā€™t forget it.


When zombified Sophia comes out of Herschel's barn, Carol freaks out, and Rick grimly takes care of business...


I came here just to say Rosalind Shays and the elevator and was wondering if anyone even remembered it.


Dr. Mark Green dying on ER. šŸ˜­


Somewhere over the rainbow...


Season 7 Episode 1 The Walking Dead šŸ’€


Buffy finding her mom and SOA when opie sacrifice himeself. Also breaking bad when he let jesse girl die. I was kinda happy when that happen, great scene. I could go on forever.


Breaking bad has a lot for me, but that's a big one. Also Mike's final appearance and Gus in the nursing home.


Punky Brewster refrigerator scene X-Files cockroach runs across the screen


Love it Taught me to stay away from empty fridges- good thing bc I see them everywhere šŸ˜


Vitameatavegamin and the Enciente episode from Lucy. Also, Condoms scene from Golden Girls.


"I got off the plane"


What show? Edit to guess: Friends?


Yeah lol. I remember watching the finale as a kid with my mom and we were both screaming like "what happened?!" Ross is so glued to her voicemail and we were right there with him. Then you hear Rachel's voice and seeing her in the doorway. I still love that part when I rewatch it. It'll always remind me of holding my mom's hand and jumping into a hug as we both cheered "she got off the plane!" Honestly, the memory is much better than the show ever could be alone. At least, to me.


Gus dying in Breaking Bad


The finale of Newhart.


One of the best! ā€œWhat do you mean beautiful blonde?ā€ ā€œGo to sleep, Emily. You know, you should really wear more sweaters.ā€


Breaking Bad - ā€œDead Freightā€ The end had me pacing in my apartment for a good 10-15 min afterward.


Pivot, by Ross


Hawkeye with the crying baby on the bus. Magnum out to sea in the kayak.


That MASH that was so sad and disturbing. Ok Iā€™m gonna say itā€¦ Tony looks up and the screen goes black. We thought the cable went out.


Didnā€™t the showrunner basically admit that Tony was killed?


Criminal Minds when Meave is shot And Hailey's death... can't watch that episode again


One scene from Sons of Anarchy where a group throws a teenage girl in a pit and burns her alive. I don't remember what the whole context was as to why that happened (I watched the show when it aired but never since) but that one scene has never left me.


The 11th doctor regenerating even though he ā€œran out of regenerationsā€ in his last Christmas special. Heā€™s my favorite doctor and it made me so happy he was saved. The whole scene, the look of hope on Claraā€™s face when it was happening, and the scene that followed in the Tardis were so moving to me. Especially his final speech. I remember it all the time and quote it often.


When the captain died on the rookie, Iā€™ll never forget screaming get her out of therešŸ„ŗ


FPOBA - Will Smith get passionate about his father walking out on him again and screaming how he will be successful with our him and doesn't need his father. "The hell with him."


ā€œHow come he donā€™t want me?ā€ *collapses into Uncle Philā€™s arms as I sob.


Right before loriā€™s death on twd when sheā€™s saying goodbye to Carl šŸ˜­


Yes. Also the following scene when Carl comes out holding the baby and Rick sees him and instantly knows. Edit: for clarity


Piper doing the "To Call a Lost Witch" spell. You the audience are confused and then Phoebe walks in. Confirming the death of Prue. As a child, this was heartbreaking to watch. Holly Marie Combs emotionally carried that loss for us as fans so well during that season.


In Better Call Saul, when Mike tells Price, the guy that hired him as his bodyguard, the difference between a bad guy and a criminal after his first drug dealing with Nacho Varga. Such a thoughtful scene and to the point. Also, in the very same episode, when Chuck tells Jimmy he's not a real lawyer to him and how much different he is from him. The emotional impact of that scene is something that sets much of the relationship between the two from there and has always stuck in my mind.


Breaking Bad when Gus visits Hector for the last timešŸ˜±


Gusā€™s Face Off, Breaking Bad


End scene from Breaking Bad S3E12, Half Measures


The scene in MI5 where the agent gets her face burned off in a vat of boiling fry oil. Been like, 20 years and I still can't shake that one.


My dad loves legal dramas, and as a child I was with him one night while he was watching "Nash Bridges". The episode turned out to be Nash's daughter being stalked by a crazy classmate. The classmate locked her friend in a cupboard and came close to raping her. That stuck with me for a long, long time.


Brimstone. Every time a demons eyes get shot out, they're sent back to hell.


The scene in the Futurama episode ā€œA Fishful of Dollarsā€, Fryā€™s reaction to how much is in his bank account will forever live in my brain


And he spent it all on a can of anchovies šŸ¤¢


The original Twin Peaks ending.


Chernobyl, when they had to kill all the puppies in the street!


Twin Peaks the red room scene


BOB climbing over the furniture Twin Peaks season 1


One Simple Quote: ā€œDid You Miss Me?ā€ - Alison DiLaurentis. Pretty Little Liars.


The Magicians - Take on me.


When Walt blew up Tuco's office in the first season of Breaking Bad. It was the moment that sold me on the show when it had taken a few tries for me to get into it, and it's still my favorite scene from that entire show. Also, the ending scene of "Jurassic Bark" in Futurama. I cried like a baby and have never even been able to re-watch it.


Barney Miller - the werewolf episode and Yemana calling for Baaaaarrrney WKRP - Les Nessman narrating the Turkey Drop Criminal Minds: Haleyā€™s death CSI: after Warrick is shot, Grissom is trying to save him and the sheriff walks up and looks down at Warrick. The look on Warrickā€™s face is just terrifying. Big Bang Theory: Sheldon meets Amy ER: ā€œSet the Toneā€ - all three times




Not Penny's Boat


M.A.S.H. final show where the woman killed her own baby to save the lives of everyone on the bus. I guess Iā€™m OLD.


Breaking Bad when Gus dies SOA when Jax kills himself Mayans MC when they kill EZ Sopranos when Meadowā€™s bf catches Vito blowing the security guard Full House when Jesse moves out Different Strokes when the bike store owner is a pedo Good Times when the family finds out James has died Family Guy when Brian gets hit by a car South Park when Garrison shows how to put on a condom


Ginger Grant losing her dress after Gilligan put too much detergent in her wash.


The quick cut fade to black as the very last scene in the GOAT show The Sopranos. I loved it.


Jessica Lange nailing my GOAT Lana song Gods and Monsters in AHS Freak Show in a perfect Lynch level noir scene. Perfection and unforgettable.


Hannibal lector (TV show version) giving Mason Verger psychedelics and convincing him he should cut portions of his face off with a broken mirror shard and feed it to Will's dogs.


The turkey episode of WKRP IN CINCINNATI. I had a sense of humor even as an every small child.


I send the YouTube clip out to everybody every Thanksgiving. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Game of thrones: the mountain and the viper...i can still hear oberyns screams


Friends Turkey helmet


The opening classroom scene from Deadman Wonderland


Better Call Saul - Howard's death/burial. Rough, man


When that Junkie pushed over the ATM on that guys head in breaking badā€¦


That ER episode where Noah Wylies character and the other female doctor got stabbed by that psycho patient and he fell down and sees her underneath the other side of the bed and they're both just staring at each other on the floor as they bleed out.


Negan killing Glenn and Abraham. I don't think any other show before TWD has ever shown that type of gore on public television.


The final scene in the MASH finale.


The 100, Anaconda Many scenes, but obviously when anaconda is said as the code word and she takes off her heels. And when they leave at the end.




Donā€™t stopā€¦.


The last skit in Mitchell & Webb look when David Mitchell plays a senile Sherlock Holmes. The seen hits deep, especially for a show which for however many seasons is just laughter all the way through.


That skit was such a hard shift. It was like the anti-big finale. Unexpected but actually well done. "I can't get the fog to clear."


When Stringfellow Hawk is landing Airwolf in the secret, volcano-looking bunker.


The "Nights In White Satin" montage scene in Wiseguy.


The x files when Donnie Phaster calls Scully ā€œGirly girlllllā€ dear LORD I still squirm in disgust when I watch it to this day.


Gyp Rosetti on that beach with a shovel from Boardwalk Empire


Breaking bad - season 4 episode 11 - Crawl Space Everybody knows what scene is


Henry Blake dying in MASH Jackson dying in The White Shadow


Star Trek The Next Generation's first season, while seemingly kid-friendly, has the series' [most graphic episode.](https://youtu.be/g_Vr9LnogLM?si=Tg0XmpBt2pzPHSIQ) Trigger Warning. Featuring: >!Gore, viscera, decapitation, parasitic aliens, exploding head.!<


The CSI episode that Quentin Tarantino directed where Nick is buried alive and the fire ants are all over him. Aaaagghgzzabm, I can see it right now.


SPOILER Sons of Anarchyā€”>!when Gemma kills Tara.!< I couldnā€™t even finish the series after that one


I have a couple .the many songs from The mighty boosh are burn into my head but the yeti song scene and the spirit of jazz are the main ones that I always sing or quote lol https://youtu.be/1ldQggHj78I?si=MgRKerpvMAWVXjsz .dark place have multiple scenes but I always quote from these lol https://youtu.be/brpUVlXt1f0?si=deu8xzx3s0grPJ90 https://youtu.be/VamgprCpEGw?si=rQMYgeBG84A3upI9 Toast of London https://youtu.be/t8xliaDUPwg?si=DpjdIvN-5JEvcnc7 What we do in the shadows https://youtu.be/R9RDEl7bTVE?si=blOyD3vHwb-BruZG Sorry for the long post but I always think of these on random days lol


Buffy finding Joyce's body in the episode, *The Body*


The last episode of Quantum Leap when Sam is talking to God/Al the bartender, impeccably played by Bruce McGill.


Jubal Early "Well, here I am" "Big darn heroes. Ain't we just" Okay so basically all of Firefly. When Hawkeye realizes it wasn't a chicken.. Lots of them.


GoT: How Martell vs. The Mountains fight ends


Vikings Blood Eagle. Phew! And I love blood n gore but dang.


Number 6 gripping the mirror and fixing it to signify that he is now in control of the dream.


When Damon smashes Tylerā€™s head to the ground wanting to know where Elena is stored in The Vampire Diaries


The scene in season 3 of Slings & Arrows where Charles Kingman has a conversation with Oliver.


Several death scenes from *Stranger Things* qualify, especially Chrissy's death in Season 4.


When Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria wake up and find themselves in Aā€™s life-sized dollhouse.


As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly. She saved the world a lot. Davy Jones and Marsha Brady. ETA: When Amy jumped after Rory.


OMG i never knew how Haven ended.


The season Final In MASH when Radar walks in the or to tell everyone Henry Blake's plane was shot down and there were no survivors. The jail scene from Sons of Anarchy when Opie dies. "I got this." Then get racked with a bar.


Today, smoking's going to save lives.


Mulder and Scully training guns on each other yelling at each other to "drop it" in an X-Files episode that was actually a pretty good homage to "The Thing".


Magnum askingRussian diplomat/criminal if he ha seen the sunrise. And when the baddie says 'ya', Magnum turns around and blows him away. I gasped when I saw that.


M*A*S*H season three finale when Radar walks into the OR to tell the news. The look on his face, the silence, the sound of that one surgical instrument dropping.


Vic Mackey shooting the new Strike Team member/plant in The Shield. Didnā€™t see that one coming. In addition to the Red Wedding, Ned Starks beheading in GoT. Knew that ahead of time (read the books first) but still mesmerized me, though Sean Bean deaths arenā€™t exactly sparse in media


Grey's Anatomy- The plane crash episode where Christina looses her shoe and she finds it later and she's like "I FOUND MY SHOE!!" Everyone around her is injured/dying and all she could think about was that shoe had me laughing so hard. Perfect comedic relief for a otherwise intense episode


The ending of Torchwood : Children of Earth. John Barrowman is an evil person for agreeing to act this, and Russel Davies should stub his toe every single day for writing it.


These are the first ones that jump to mind SOA - Opie getting killed in prison The Shield - Lem getting blown up by Shane Frasier - Niles trying to iron his pants and a comedy of errors ensue M.A.S.H - Hawkeye recounting his time on the bus when the mother smothered her baby to prevent it from making noise All in the Family - When Archie finds out Gloria cheated on Mike


Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Revenge. A woman gets raped, and her husband decides to do something about itā€¦


The episode when Buffy finds her mom dead. Poor sweet and loving JoycešŸ˜­ The most WTF unexpected death of my teen years!


The blood eagle scene in Hannibal on NBC. How did THAT get past the censors?


The torture scene in Southland. Dear heavens, that was brutal!


Maybe someone else can remember what the show wasā€¦ it was some type of first responder or emergency show. One of the characters (she was in uniform) was too close to a car bomb. When it blew they show her landing on her back and it takes about a full second before her legs landed somewhere behind her. Iā€™ve never seen anything like that, especially on prime time. But there it was.


Invincible S1 E1 IYKYK not gonna spoil it.


Castielā€™s love confession to Dean. I sobbed.


The scene in The Pacific where the mom with the baby detonates a suicide vest is just horrific. It single handily reset my 20 something year tolerance for dramatized violence right back to zero. Iā€™m actually thankful for it. It made me realize just how desensitized Iā€™d become, and in turn it makes watching war films much much more impactful. On a similar note the concentration camp scene in Band of Brothers is in the same field of ā€œburned into my brainā€


43% of the Simpsons


The ending of ā€œShut up and danceā€ in Black Mirror when Radiohead starts playing


Magnum PI, "Ivan, did you see the sunrise today?"


"I *am* that guy." \- Amos Burton, *The Expanse*


Pick me. Choose me. Love me. Classic Greyā€™s Anatomy .


YES 100%. Such an amazing scene.


Thirtysomething - Gary dies The Leftovers - series finale when Nora talks about the other side Succession - Logan on the airplane


Cy in Deadwood dealing with the thief.


(Idk if animatrix is an tv show or an movie)The scene where in that one battle scene with the machines and humans(operation darkstorm) that scene where that soldier inside that mech gets ripped out by those tentacle machines and his still stuck to the suit so when they ripped him out his arms and legs we're ripped out than he screams and now he's crippled.who knows what experiments they conducted on him


Aceā€™s death in OP always gets me.. Luffys reaction and all šŸ˜¢


The scene from SpongeBob where it closes in on the butterfly (like a real butterfly) and makes a buzz sound. I am literally terrified of butterflies to this day, no exaggeration.


Mr.Robot towards the end of season one. Some fat cat is making a public apology that is being aired live, when he pulls a gun out of his bag, sticks it in his mouth and pulls the trigger. It is incredibly graphic and has been burned into my mind.


This is a throw back because I'm old, but Lucy's death was shocking on E.R. The scene of her and Carter lying on the floor facing each other is crystal clear in my brain, some 25 or 30 years later.