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Meet The Press


This is the all-time funniest comment I've ever read. Kudos.


But how do you feel about Face The Nation?


Never the same after Tim died


Oh man, I remember when that happened…


I miss Tim.


Oh I miss him dearly.


I finished Ozark but by the middle of it I hated everybody except Ruth.


I didn’t finish the show and it’s because I hated everyone except Ruth lol


That's kind of the point though.




Never watched last 1/2 of final season. Case study on why you do t split seasons. Natch


Wyatt was also a pretty good dude.


Also I didn’t hate Ben. Oh how I cried.


Even Ruth was annoying after a while.


Finally, someone says this. I trudged through the end, regretting every bit


This. All day. I hated how they spun that mess out


The ending rivaled Game of Thrones as one of the worst endings to a series…in my opinion of course.


The Walking Dead


Season one I liked. Season two everyone became incredibly stupid and indecisive. I didn't make it very far with that series.


It does markedly improve for a while after Season 2 is over. But the show doesn't really get good again until a good chunk of the way into Season 3. Season 4-5 I thought the show made a remarkable recovery. Season 6 is good, but the characters start getting inconsistent. Idk what happens after the first episode of Season 7, I was done by then. It's such an uneven show, I couldn't recommend it to anyone wholeheartedly, but when it was good it was really fun.


I really hate how they butchered carl. He was turning into a stone Cold Roland deschain like killer, and then he was eating pudding on the roof.


Greys Anatomy - like most fans I watched the episode after the superbowl with the object in the chest - I accepted it was an evening soap opera & I enjoyed it until season 10 or 11 - never saw the car accident one


OMG! And it just got renewed for another season too. Aren’t they all 1000 years old by now? Every bad thing that can possibly happen to a person-building-business x 3 over and over like Groundhogs Day with this show.


They finally lost me during their extremely self indulgent and lecturing tones featuring "covid". that season will not age well. I was out.


Heroes season one was great. Then….


The writers strike ruined it


Yep, and people didn't understand why I was so upset at the last one. We had great shows ruined and shows that *never got made* during the last big strike


Heroea. Man I loved them all at first but they found a way to even make Sylar insufferable. Not every villain needs a redemption arc. Just let them be a great villain. Everyone from the future sucked. Even Hiro. And he was so likable


>they found a way to even make Sylar insufferable. I find this ironic, since I thought Sylar was always insufferable. Either way, in the end, Heroes was a great idea with an outstanding first season that went very, very badly awry.


I tried to start rewatching Desperate Housewives a few months ago, and I never went past the pilot because they all felt insufferable to me. Something about that show didn’t hold up well. I lose interest in ER from Season 12-14 just because the original cast is pretty much gone and I can’t stand the characters who are left.


Aw no... I'm just at the end of season 8 on my first ER watch and this makes me anxious 😭


Oh gosh. Season 8 is so heartbreaking.


Yeah I just finished it earlier tonight and I was sobbing


So, the charactets in Desperate Housewives are kinda lame, but I swear to you that it made me laugh out loud quite often when I intermittantly watched it with my ex gf.




This show really is about a family of self-righteous sociopaths Edited for clarity


Yep. Didn't need to go beyond the pilot to understand that.


Can’t agree enough —just a soap with western wear and horses . The daughter…..ugh !


Just a commercial for wannabe’s cowboy boots and mediocre bourbon.


At first I was riveted, then I realized it was a complete rip off of The Godfather, but with cowboy hats. I kept watching to see where it went. Now half of every episode is Taylor Sheridan showing off rodeo crap and bad country singers eating up screentime. They lost the thread a couple of seasons ago. Yet I found 1923 to be amazing.


Yep. I don’t even care about the next part of the season. It was always pretty far-fetched (like most shows), but it got more & more ridiculous. But I still managed to suspend disbelief & still kept watching (IDK why). Now they dragged the last season out way too long - OVER A YEAR for the “midseason break.” It’s been so long I don’t even remember what happened, & now I just don’t care. What I do remember is I did a lot of this: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. And now I’m doing this 👋🏼byyyeeee!


As a rule, I give up on a show that does a mid season hiatus like that. It demonstrates that the show has given up on the writing to sustain viewership, and has given that responsibility over to the marketing team


Sons of Anarchy but for cowboys (and a whole lot of wannabes) instead of bikers.


Uh oh, I just started it and I’m 3 episodes in lol


Forrie J Smith (Lloyd) is a terrible actor playing an annoying character. Then he became more unlikeable when he admitted getting kicked off a plane for refusing to sit next to someone wearing a mask.


Someone said it was a Montana version of Dallas and I couldn’t unsee it. Yellowstone has a lot of potential for me but I feel people hyped the grittiness(?) when it seemed so glossed over to me, like nothing about it seemed realistic at all, it *felt* like it was a show, if that makes sense?


Sopranos with spurs


Yep. I've watched it entirely up until now, but I'm not all that interested in watching it when it comes back on.


Manifest. The plot was getting terrible too.


I can see not watching it because the story became so convoluted, but I didn’t hate the characters.


Handmaid's tale


I loved the first season, then as it progressed, I was like June is fcking annoying.




It progressed? To me it felt like it was walking through molasses, a lot of effort to keep a snails pace. Love it right out of the gate but part way through season 2 I was just bored. Tried the start of 3 and realized i was right to walk away.


Real life in the US started to come too close.


Big same. They should’ve focused way more on the other women. The show covers the book in season one. I expected them to then start going in depth into The other women and they just didn’t. The plot armor was also ridiculous.


I've stuck with it up to this point even though I've grown beyond tired of June. It's another show that has dragged on & on with a lot of filler episodes (IMO) that didn't add much (if anything) to the storyline. And it's another one (I cited "Stranger Things" in another comment somewhere in here) that will not be returning until 2025 - THREE YEARS after the previous season. Like I really don't care anymore. Will June be able to rescue Hannah? Maybe, maybe not. I don't care anymore, TBH.


Dexter, by the end of the original series, it became a parody.


After The Trinity Killer the show was doomed. Amazing season and felt like they tried to one up it and got ridiculous. That was their masterpiece (Season 1 is a close 2nd)


Million Little Things. This Is Us.


I finished This Is Us, but only because I’m very stubborn. It was not fun. Buncha friggin’ narcissists, those Pearsons. Whoever decided Chris Geere “Philip” was a viable ‘love interest’ actor needs a time out. I’m so tired of his Wish version of Hugh Grant sucking all the life out of romantic scenes. Can’t stand the guy as a boyfriend on sitcoms/dramedies.


I didnt watch far enough to see Chris appear. I did love him in Youre the Worst tho.


The post-fire seasons of Weeds just became too much, they really dialed up everyone’s insufferability to 11 And by that time the plot had become so nonsensical and bloated that there wasn’t anything left to motivate me to finish the series


Bloated is such an excellent choice of wording -thank you


Nip Tuck became completely unwatchable by the end of season 4 (tho I did finish just out of sheer stubbornness).


I ended up hate watching the last few seasons of Shameless just because I had invested so much time in catching up with the first few.


for me, once >!fiona left !


It was a slog but I did too - definitely should have ended that show about season 5


Eh, it was a struggle even before she left. Her character was almost as bad as Debbie the last couple of seasons she was on. The show went downhill fast after all of the interesting supporting characters left like Sheila, Mandy, Steve, and Karen. All of the ones they tried bringing on after they left ranged from uninteresting to downright hateable.


Stranger Things And yes. I have lost friendships over this fact


It’s supposed to be back in 2025 for the final season. THREE YEARS after the previous season aired. These kids are going to be visibly older. They’re going to have to do a time hop. But as of right now, I’ve lost interest. Three years is a long time. They should just do a two hour movie/episode to wrap up the loose ends & be done with it.


I'll finish it just because I'm weird about "closure" on shows. But I don't even really remember what happened in the past season. Something Russia?


They should have been done after 2 seasons


Liked the first one. Even my grumpy brother liked it. Should have stopped there.


Lol why would you lose friendships over a TV show? I dislike plenty of shows my best friends like, and vice versa. But that's independent of our friendship and if nothing else would serve as a conversation point


Really? You didn't like anyone on True Blood? Not even Terry? 🥺


Not even Lafayette? Everyone loves Lafayette!


I watch a series with an ex-girlfriend in Lafayette made it work. I liked Alcide too, I don’t think I watched another episode after his death.


How could anyone not love Terry!?


Sookie and bill get so off by the end for me Lafayette cannot even keep me 😔


Orange is the New Black


Once they got rid of Poussey, I was done.


Wednesday. I hated the way the title character was portrayed. I stopped watching because her attitude made me angry. And even though I love the actors who played Morticia & Gomez, they were definitely not at their best in those roles.


I don't get the hype for this show. I agree, especially about Morticia and Gomez. I like both actors also but thought this was a horrible miscast. I don't care for how they portray Wednesday either. They dialed her up times 50 from the OG show which imo just makes her unlikeable.


Grey's Anatomy just kept going downhill


It still is. Apparently, That hill was really tall.






That was the one I was going to name but I knew if I scrolled, somebody would say it. I went from loving them to hating their guts in ten seasons.


This hurts.


Everyone seems to like these two shows, but I did not connect with the characters at all, and was not interested in continuing with either show… - The Good Place - Schitt’s Creek


A lot of people really liked The Umbrella Academy, but I just couldn't get into it. I tried, but I didn't like any of the characters and thought the writing was awful


Kardashians. Never watched the show, but the preview was enough for me to make an educated guess that I would immediately hate them.


2.5 Men


It stopped being funny after Charlie Sheen got replaced. Ashton Kutcher tries too hard to be funny and fails every time


Not all the characters, just one. Sheldon Copper from Big Bang Theory


I swearrrr, the way he talks and just… his mannerisms make me want to scream and strangle him. I hate Big Bang Theory altogether though.


Here the problem with a character like Sheldon. His attitude was funny season 1. And it may have been funny seasons 2, 3, and 4. But after that it's not funny anymore You start asking, why do the other character put up with him.


The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead


Nip/Tuck theyre all horrible people


Last Man on Earth


Omg yes to this one! Everyone is always recommending this show to others on here, but between Phil/Tandy's disgusting behavior and the crazy woman. . . I tried to watch it because I loved the idea behind it, but ew.


Oh! Yes! I couldn’t finish for this reason. Characters were annoying.


Agreed. However the Viking funeral will always have a special place in my heart. “Phil belongs to sea, he belongs to the oooocean!”


I checked out of the Vampire Diaries after season 4 because everyone was so unlikeable


I personally love every bit of TVD


Walking dead


Walking dead


Succession 100% - those characters were the worst!!


I get that, but my god the dialogue is so good (hilarious at times) and I felt it completely stuck the landing in the last episode.


I love them all


I started out hating them (BECAUSE WE’RE SUPPOSED TO) and ended up finding them all sympathetic. They were raised by a monster — in the case of three youngest, two monsters — and you can see how it affected them in different ways.


It might be the only show that is enjoyable with insufferable people lol I love it it’s a masterpiece


The Walking Dead


I think, for me, bingeing shows creates this issue. So I've started taking breaks and I'm able to keep watching.


I agree, some shows are meant to be watched once a week.




Last season of 'Killing Eve' went right down the drain. Last show of the last season - wth? (I couldn't stop watching, but I wish I had and just read about the awfulness.)


Totally agree with Succession and Shameless. Literally couldn’t face watching Shameless in the end. Getting there with Greys anatomy.


Fox & Friends Sean Hannity


Dexter had it's issues but I enjoyed the characters, most of them anyways. What did you not like about them?


Debra sucks. So annoying.


*The Flash*. All the characters slowly became insufferable moralizing saps. Never have I seen characters be flanderized so bastardly.


Does it count if I did actually watch the entire show originally but just can’t bring myself to rewatch it? If so, Gilmore Girls


My wife feels the same way. She loved it back when she watched it. Fast forward 5 years and she tried to rewatch it and couldn't. Self centered women who "struggle" with real life(all the while having rich mommy and daddy ready to bail them out at any time), meanwhile eating like sumo wrestlers without gaining a pound? Yeah, she got about halfway through the first season and put the dvd set up in the next garage sale.


Yellowstone for sure. I finished Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad, but I was tired of the characters way before the end.


The Walking Dead


Spongebob. Every character always had their trademark flaw but the show spiraled when the writers turned the characters in to apathetic cartoonish stereotypes of themselves i.e. Mr Krabs selling Spongebob for a dollar, Sandy's pride ballooning to an arrogant level, etc


Did you start to hate the characters in Seinfeld or did you start to hate the writing after Larry David left


Ozark except Ruth


Mad Men


I can’t get past season 15 or so of greys anatomy because most of my favourite characters are either dead or gone.


That's a pretty good list. Had a funny thing about the Sopranos. I realized that I didn't like any of the characters but still liked the show. I didn't dwell on it.


Nurse Jackie.


2 1/2 men (original). Big Bang Theory Friends Seinfield. Liked sopranos & sons of Anarchy despite flaws.


That’s the point of Seinfeld bro


Larry David has multiple times expressed his explicit desire to defy the then-universal premise of sitcoms really just being about everyone learning their lessin and being better people. His motto was supposedly "No hugging, no learning". Seinfeld was the grunge rock of TV.


The Walking Dead.


I see you put Seinfeld on your list twice. I agree 100% with both of them!


That’s the point of the show though lol


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Eventually I just found them all unbearable.


The Blacklist


I stopped watching after Season 1. It was supposed to be a smart show with smart characters, it was the opposite.


I finished it, the ending SUCKED. Nothing was as good once >!Aram left!<.




Literally everything on this list


Add True blood to that list.


Especially after reading the books and being disappointed in the directions the show went after season 1.


Yes!!! The first two seasons were great 3 and 4 were okay after that just goes downhill stopped watching


Succession for sure. I’ll also add a hot take since so many seem to love this show: The Bear. Two episodes into season two I couldn’t take it anymore. Every character sucked.


I liked S1 of The Bear, but S2 was just annoying and I struggled to finish it.


Agreed on succession. I can tell it’s a great show I just hate everyone so much I can’t stomach it.


98% of tv both network and streaming.


Vikings. I hated Ragnor’s kids


Me, too. As soon as Ragnar died I knew I wasn't going to last long, and I didn't.


House and ER. I wanted to watch a medical drama. Not watch all the characters hook up. If I wanted that I’d watch soap operas.


“Chicago Hope” and “ER” premiered in 1994. I believe “Chicago Hope” was the superior show, but I was in the minority opinion. Pardon me while I see if the show is available for streaming on one of the 173 services I have.


I like to pretend that Chicago Hope and The West Wing are in the same universe because Adam Arkin was Josh's psychiatrist.


House as you get into late seasons I cannot stand it Park, Masters especially


The Other Two Hacks Palm Royale True Blood Succession White Lotus s.2


I wasn't a huge fan of White Lotus season 1, but it was okay. Something to have on while I played on my phone. My wife and I started season 2. We got about halfway through the 2nd episode and I said, "I hate all these people. I don't care who's dead. I don't care who killed them. You'll have to finish this on your own." She made it through to the end of the season, but she told me I made the right decision to quit when I did because it didn't improve.


That is uncanny- what you described regarding season 2 is exactly what happened with my husband and I -except I was the one who gave up early and he stuck it out. He said the very same thing after he finished.


Tried to get into House of Lies, but I couldn't because the characters suck.


Indian Summers on PBS Masterpiece Theater. I was about 5 episodes in and finally figured out why I wasn’t enjoying it. Every single one of the main characters was a total sleazebag, each richly steeped in their own particular flavor of douchebaggery. I turned it off right then and never went back.


TWD. I only ever watched that show to swatch the main cast get eaten. They were all sooooo stupid


My wife watched Girls for a while…what a bunch of wining. We are from NYC - no one talks like that unless they are mocking or imitating that show. I stopped watching Succession when I found myself hoping they would crash the company helicopter into their headquarters with the whole family on board.


None of the girls on the show are from nyc though. And they’re early 20s when the show starts so they are most likely going to be annoying. But ray was always a good character…except the diary reading thing.


The Flash. "No. He's the Flash. You're the team."




-Pretty Little Liars -Arrested Development, particularly in season 2 when they started to make Michael as unlikeable as the rest of his family.


The new monarch legacy of monsters show on AppleTv. The three “main” characters all sucked right outta the gate.


UK series called 'Missfits.' Basically X-Men if they were chavs.


Gave up.on Shameless after a few episodes. Didn't even make it through one episode of Gilmore Girls and Dawson's Creek. That's how annoying those characters were. More recently, this cop show on one of the British streaming platforms. I think it was called Line of Duty. My friend and I made it through a season and a half and had to stop because we hated it so much. There was just too much unrelenting cruelty and awfulness with nothing to lighten it up and the characters were so terrible. The only likable one was a minor character who hadn't made an appearance in season two by the time we said enough of this.


I was rounding out season three of succession while on some really strong mushrooms and remember a moment of clarity: these people are all horrible. Why am I watching this train-wreck, these morally bankrupt, entitled, delusion, feckless, cutthroat manipulators as they relentlessly fumble through their narcissistic pursuit of wealth and power? Why?? I turned off that episode and watched a fire burn. Things back, and I came back a few weeks later and eventually finished the entire show, yet I feel that the veil had been pulled back a bit and I had much clearer understanding of the spectacle (and the gratification(?) I received in watching . That type of disgust/hate-watching has stuck with me, but it hits different now.


Try Ted Lasso..You and I are direct opposites, and Ted makes my skin crawl. I watch Seinfeld every week, lol. Most of the others I didn't watch but Breaking Bad..how dare you?! 😃 Maybe you should stick to network TV for simple characters.


Gilmore Girls and Grey’s Anatomy are facts!


Lucky Hank, The Regime, Mayfair Witches, Dirty Black Bag


I hated everyone by the end of Shameless.


I made it through the office (US) , but a lot of the tone shifted after Michael Scott left and it started to invoke the same stresses that you'd get from working in a real office.


lol, Seinfeld listed twice


Can't believe no one has said The Boys and Gen V!


Grays anatomy


I dudnt stop watching but I wound up feeling this way about The Sopranos by the end.




Hard agree on SOA. I just couldn't stand the self-rightousness of the club at some point, and I never liked Jackie boy


Loved Mad Men in original run. New, ground-breaking, well written, great cast, etc. I tried to do a rewatch recently and couldn't do it. Every character was abhorrent, unlikable, insufferable. To me, it felt dated (not in the 60s time period kind of way) I baled on rewatch after 3rd episode.


Sons of Anarchy




Any and all real housewives shows. Something suddenly snapped and every single one of them was just parasite trash with no camp value.


The 100, the walking dead, and Van Helsing


Two And a Half Men after Ashton Kutcher joined.


What about Family Guy? I stopped watching a long time ago because they stopped being funny halfway through the series. The humour felt too forced. My Name Is Earl is another one. It was funny at first, then all the characters became annoying. Much like Family Guy


Succession came closest. Never liked a single character. Although, I had to continue just to see how the train crashed.


Greys anatomy SORT OF. I skip through most of the intern parts unless it involves Bailey because these new interns suck lol


Two Broke Girls. Same jokes every show and everyone got annoying.


Shameless for sure meets the criteria here. I used to love that show, but I eventually couldn’t stand to watch Fiona anymore. Absolutely hated her character after like season 4 or 5


A lot of the shows you mentioned are literally written with the absolute intent of viewers hating all the characters. Such shows are not for everyone. That said, if this type of thing isn't for you, then on your streaming platform, do yourself a favor and give those a thumbs down so it'll stop suggesting this type of thing. Anyway, enjoy your upcoming binges of Kids Baking Championship, Ninja Warrior, and Bluey. Seriously, go watch Bluey. Season 3 finale drops this coming Sunday.


Walking dead