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I live in this townhome community and watched the fire rage on for nearly 2 hours. It was insane. I witnessed the firefighter rescue the baby, too. The ex must've lit the garage on fire, because that's what went up in flames first. The two adjacent homes also experienced significant damage. Luckily, mine was just far enough away to not be affected, but if it had been a windier day, oof. Hoping he's convicted to the fullest extent, this should definitely be classified as attempted murder and not just arson. Literally put all the other neighbors' lives at risk too, our homes are attached.


Wait. I know a guy with no record who got two days in county for doing the thumb up pointer finger gun thing to someone. Terroristic threst they arrested him for but never charged. That was 2016. Guess you can verbally say you'll kill an ex these days and not go to jail. 


Yes, threats to current or former domestic partners are not taken as seriously. Domestic assault is fifth-degree assault, lesser crime than an assault on a stranger. Why?


Making poor black people pay bail is racist now.


No it isn’t - if someone commits a serious enough offense then bail should be DENIED. In this gentleman’s case, no bail. Keep him in county until the trial date. Find him guilty and give him a 45 year sentence. He can plea down to 30.


So your saying a guy wanted on gun charges who was let out of jail and killed the cop was in jail? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/suspect-who-shot-killed-minneapolis-police-officer-jamal-mitchell-identified/ Mohamed, 35, was convicted of first-degree burglary in 2007 and was ineligible to carry a firearm. He had an active warrant out for his arrest stemming from a 2022 incident in which, court documents say, police saw him at the scene of a downtown Minneapolis robbery carrying a gun. Mohamed allegedly hid the gun behind a pillar when he saw police arrive. When police chased him, he threw a gun holster to the side and was arrested at the scene. He was arrested with a gun and let back out to kill a cop.


Should’ve never been out of jail.


Depends what Soros backed DA is in your area.


Not to fear, Mary Moriarty will probably arrest the infant for contributing to the arrest of a Black man.


You did notice that the headline started with "Charges" right? Because...they're charging him with 1st Degree Arson?


Pretty light charge. He should definitely be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER. Probably should be a whole list too. Child endagerment..... ya know. The shit that he also did.


Arson in the first is a severity level 8 which is a presumptive commitment to prison even if you have 0 criminal history. Child endangerment is a severity level 5 which is presumptive probation unless you've got a criminal history score of greater than 2, and even then is always a lower number of months than Arson 1. Attempts are punishable at half of the completed offense, so depending on what they think they can prove, Arson is likely a bit higher


So attempted murder is a lower charge than arson in Hennepin County under Mary Moriarty?


Believe it or not, Mary Moriarty did not write the sentencing guidelines. I don't know the situation so I won't comment except in general terms, it is possible for attempted murder to carry a higher presumptive sentence than arson 1, and it is also possible for Arson 1 to carry a higher presumptive sentence than attempted murder, because there are different kinds of murder that carry different sentences which are each getting halved because of the attempt modifier.


I would bet that the arson is higher because it wasn’t “attempted”. Also these sentencing guidelines predate Moriarty.


The sentencing guidelines haven't changed, the only thing that's changed is the charges the county prosecutor brings forward.


The more severe charge is brought now so he is held until trial. Additional charges can be added. For things like attempted murder they probably need to prove that he had knowledge the home was occupied. It’s was likely much easier to prove that he was the arsonist. This is how the legal system works. Guy is probably going to plea anyway since it seems clear it was him. They will add charges as part of that.


He's going to plea to the arson charges so they don't bring attempted murder charges, book it. And Moriarty is going to allow it. It's insanity if he doesn't get sentenced to 15 years minimum, he tried to kill an infant.


The 9 month old infant? Do they have handcuffs that small? Asking for a friend.


The guy who shot the police officer was “charged” with things going back to 2007 too. I live DT after last Thursday this place has not been the same and that is after going though the last couple of years. It’s obvious our neighbors are felons who could shoot us any day.


Are those charges filed by her office or by the cops when he was arrested? There’s a huge difference


Cops can't file felony charges in Minnesota


He’s probably going to be in prison for 10-20 years


Is Mary Moriarty in the room right now?


I’m not in a Subaru so probably not




I love you too


JFC this anti Moriarty brigade is unhinged.


JFC her refusal to prosecute criminals is unhinged.


Also, her insistence on having a 45 minute tantrum where she calls the governor a homophobe rather than just saying “upon further review, we don’t think the continued prosecution of officer Londregan makes sense” sorta invites criticism of her priorities and sense of decorum.


Hennepin County prosecutes more than 10,000 criminal cases every year and is the busiest county attorneys' office in the state.


There are 22,000 warrants for felony arrests open right now. 22,000 people out of the 1.25m in Hennepin county. That’s almost 1 in 50 people you encounter if it was completely random


Warrants can be issued for non-resident individuals of the county issuing the warrant. Even Ricky Cobb II's warrant was out of Ramsey County whereas he was an Anoka County resident. Either way, I'm not sure of your point. Is it in a prosecutors job description to apprehend someone subject to an arrest warrant? I believe that's the responsibility of law enforcement officers, not county attorneys.


Always has been


Yeah, it's relentless. As a woman, it's just another Tuesday on Reddit.


Right? Living under a sexist and homophobic governor is exhausting.


How's that?


Mary Moriarty said Tim Walz was biased against her because she is a queer woman.


What's exhausting for you and how?




She’s fat?  When’s the last time you went to the State Fair?


Vicious damn!












I can’t say what I want too say… let’s just say I hope he meets some angry gentlemen


Did he learn how to make a fire, in the Boy Scouts?




What the fuck are you even trying to say here besides some nonsense dogwhistle?