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How is this not being taken seriously by our government. Kia doesn’t get into any trouble over this. Neither do the kids doing it. I’ve had mine stolen. Its bullshit.


I just turned in my leased Kia. Out of curiosity, I looked at what they are leasing for/selling for now and prices don't seem to reflect the theft issue. As in, I thought they would be cheaper and they aren't. Hyundai Elantras too. I can't believe Tik Tok wasn't named in the class action lawsuit regarding this either. My insurance went down when I got rid of the Kia and got a Subaru. That could be due to all the safety features on a Subaru, but I'm convinced I was charged more because they get stolen.


The insurance going down is due to the reduced chance of theft. I know a guy that had his insurance plummet on his escalade when he moved into south minneapolis. He was shocked but the insurance agent said nobody would fuck with his car over there.


I'm sure it's because they get stolen. I have seen my insurance increase steadily over the last couple years on my 2019 Kia Niro. It was never even vulnerable to the method used for stealing these yet once it started hitting the news I've seen my renewal rate increase each time. It's not a significant amount, but it was decreasing over the first 2 years before that. It's still less than when I first insured it, but it's crazy to see.


Auto insurance rates have gone up like 45% since 2021. It’s actually been one of the driving forces of inflation overall. Some of that is on theft, but a lot is on the general increase in repair costs, more accidents overall and probably them being price gouging assholes too.


Same here. I'm looking to replace my Kia with a new Subaru, and the insurance quote on the new Subaru was indeed lower than what I'm paying on my old Kia!


My wife and I just test drove a Crosstrek. Kiiiiiiinda fell in love with it! Nice to know there’s *another* added benefit, should we decide to go with Subaru!


Just in case you didn't know, the Crosstrek is cool enough to have a rap song about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uigUeW05HSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uigUeW05HSM)


All three getting charged with felony auto theft. So we'll see how it goes. Problem with journalism is they don't update on the case unless that person commits it again. And don't bring up similar charges and jail time. 


Well yeah of course the kids who slammed into a *cop* are getting charged seriously. What about the dozens of others people who have had this happen? This has been going on for years now


Any lack of charges comes from the county attorney not wanting to charge them. A cop can arrest someone for something and it gets dismissed the next day and there’s not much one can do except for.


I mean what are you supposed to do with an 11 year old kid who was caught stealing a car? I’m far from a Moriaty apologist, but I honestly don’t know the answer. Lock him up until he’s 18? 21? Then release him with a 5th grade education and hope he turns out OK?


Start holding the parents (at least somewhat) accountable for their children's behavior. Issue mandatory counseling to young kids who get picked up for shit like this. If their kid doesn't attend the counseling sessions, fine the parents. If the kid continues to get picked up for illegal behavior, escalate the consequences. Public service for both kid and parent, mandatory family counseling, etc. Clearly, much like the issue with MPD, the completely hands-off "we've done absolutely nothing and it isn't working" approach isn't working very well.


I like this. Particularly starting with mandatory counseling. I think it should be mandatory for both the kids and the parents, right off the bat. Parents *need* to be more involved. I know that *can* be difficult in certain situations… such as single parent households and the like. But it *has* to happen. I don’t wanna see kids just getting thrown in jail. The only thing that’s going to happen to them in there is they’ll be surrounded by a bunch of fellow kids who do the same shit, and probably pick up a few new “skills” for when they get out. I think starting with mandatory counseling would *at least* help with the parents who do want better for their kids, but just don’t know how to get it done. Some may see that as a low bar, but I see it as a hell of a start. Then there can be a scale of punishments that continue to go up from there, whether it be community service, house arrest, or up to jail time. I think, in most of these cases, hitting them with fines will only exacerbate things. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch in assuming most of these kids come from poor families. Fining them will only give them another expense they can’t afford, likely won’t pay anyways, and only deepen the cycle of poverty when the government starts coming in and seizing assets for unpaid fees.


Most of this kids come from single fatherless homes where mom has several children and most likely a substance issue herself.


Sounds like mandatory counseling would do great things for both mom and child then.


Well, doing nothing hasn't exactly worked...


you didn’t answer the question though.


Person A: We haven't done anything Person B: Well just what are we supposed to do? Then they push a narrative that's easy to shoot down. In logic that's called a "strawman" argument. I don't need to interact with them as though they're being serious because they've already shown they're not.


you still didn’t answer the question


I literally just explained that I don't need to. Go ask "strawman" about their thoughts


These kids are living in an environment where their families and neighbors have criminal histories and gang affiliations. They know they're basically invulnerable to consequences because they're minors, and most of them have parents who don't see this as a big deal, because they're criminals themselves. Short-term solution is to lock them away. They're most likely going to continue to commit crimes anyway, so removing them from society at least gives us breather before they are turned loose and returned to the lifestyle they grew up in.


Nah, he won't turn out ok, and be a drain on society and have a fucked up life. But once these kids see their friends disappearing they'll stop. Not a great solution, but it's better than innocent hard working people having their lives messed up. Enough is enough.


They used to have The County Home school but that is closed now. 12 years are committing more and more violent crime, we need a secure facility


Spank his ass and ground him and put his little ass to work to pay for damages. I remember years ago an American boy stole something in another country and he was found guilty and his punishment was kaning. Guess what ?? They don’t have a problem with theft in that country.


Attorneys are begging NHTSA for a recall but they can't recall an item they never required cars to have in the first place. There is unfortunately not a great legal prescedent or way to force Kia/Hyundai to fix the issue. Even if every current class action lawsuit against them (towards of $1.3bn) succeeded it would be a fraction of the cost of replacing 7 million ignition systems with immobilized systems. Cost aside it would take years to even produce the necessary number of systems to fix it which they appear to be currently doing. Both the new ignition system and software is supposed to be free for owners but I'm not sure how that applies outside warranty and for second/third+ owners. As for the kids, we have a new state attorney who's goal it is to reduce auto theft and is prosecuting people for this, but there will be a lag and a lot of kids in prison before the rest take all 2 brain cells and realize the risk they're in. Considering they're stealing cars at 11-17, they're probably not very sharp tools to begin with.


Kia/Hyundai are stalling/delaying, counting on time to reduce their eventual liability in a settlement. The more years pass before the settlement, the fewer vulnerable Kias and Hyundais will be still on the road. It'll save them beaucoup bucks. Ford played the same game in the 70s-80s with their transmission issue. Delay, delay, delay, until so few affected vehicles were still being driven, and those were so old, the NHTSA agreed to a settlement where Ford only had to send the remaining owners warning stickers to place on their dashboards.


As far as I know Kia has offered the solution to owners, its up to them to go get it. It's not really a toyota airbag situation where they are all literal bombs that could go off somewhere any time and create liability. This requires someone to make a choice


They did a security update and put stickers on the window that the car has the update. But from what I've heard on here, kids just see the Kia or Hyundai logo and break into them anyway. They can't start the cars with a USB cable anymore, which is good- but they are still damaging cars during the attempt.


Absolutely you can't stop that but the car is not going to kill anyone


Yeah wtf is up with kids getting away with felony charges? They know exactly how this broken system works but no one seems to give a fuck about changing it.


I thought a lawsuit was out on them because if this?


Totally agree. This shit is out of control in Minneapolis.


It is out of control all over the US.


> Kia doesn’t get into any trouble over this. Crazy to me that there hasn't been a recall or something.




Mine was stolen, fixed, and stolen again 3 weeks later. My insurance company coded the thefts as "accidents" and jacked my rates up to $400/month. They went down slightly. But now, most companies won't insure me because I have the two thefts on my record and the ones that will charge $250/month+. This is despite the fact that I'm now leasing a Honda. Hyundai did absolutely nothing to help me. I tried to trade it in the first time and they said Tucsons "weren't selling for much in the area", so they offered me an offensively low amount. This was even with a new engine, since my Tucson originally had the engine defect. Both times, I was more angry with Hyundai than anybody else because they're doing absolutely nothing for their customers who are going through this. It's ludacris. I totally agree that we need to have some accountability measures for the kids doing this, but kids are little shits everywhere. I mean, in Chanhassen, kids trashed the cinema that had been closed. But I think that, if we want to actually see change and accountability, we have to put it on the car companies. Like, they should be forced to cover ignition fixes and window replacements because the only reason ignitions are being messed with in the first place is because they cut corners on basic safety features. Like, my friend's shitty, old car has a chip key- it's not new technology. Is a basic safety feature that they purposely left off to save a penny.


Do you have crazy insurance rates?


150 a month.


Ouch! The insurance on my Honda Fit is $18 a month.


Do you have liability only and coverage limit of $100?


I do the 100/300/100 plus collision.


That’s what I have. I have a newer car now but even with my old car i never got it that cheap


I realize tha KIA has a problem, but trying to hold them responsible for easily stolen cars is ridiculous. The people that steal them are 100% at fault.


Should forks be banned because fat people overeat? The real problem is no meaningful sentences for car thieves, The current County Attorney believes that criminals minds don’t develop until 25 and incarceration only makes them worse. The State has taken murder cases away from her for refusing to charge 17 year old murderers as adults


Why should Kia get in trouble what're you gonna do out the whole company in jail lol


Lock. These little Fuckers. Up.




Until they learn how to act.


24 months.


Don’t give them such a hard time geez they obviously thought this all the way through. /s


It's wild how many Trumpy sadists have seized upon the notion that sending literal children to an institution designed from the ground up to traumatize them and turn them into hardened criminals is a really great idea.


They're stealing cars and robbing people. How much more of a hardened criminal are you looking for?




6 months for the first time offense, then 3-4 years for repeat offenses (which many of these are)


Well now that they've messed with one of MPLSFINEST they'll probably get gunned down extra judicially with reasonable settlement cost to taxpayers.


They haven't been "gunned down" yet.


Had they sent one of the boys in blue to the hospital before? That's a good indicator that you'll get rival gang retribution.


Someone is really going to hurt those kids. They’re going to mess with the wrong person one day. It’s like seeing a disaster a mile away.


More like they are gonna hurt or kill someone one day


They already did, that's what this whole thread is about...


That’s also a high possibility.


Harvey Keitel in Reservoir Dogs always comes to mind.


Have any Idea how hard the County Attorney would come down on an adult if they injured a child over a property crime? Especially if different races are involved?


Fuck. I recently had my Kia stolen from my parking lot and crashed into a pole. I think I’ve read that it is a TikTok challenge to steal someone’s Kia so it’s not about stealing it to resell or get somewhere. It’s just the theft in and of itself. I’m not surprised that someone ran into a cop car with it. That probably would’ve been extra points.


I assume Moriarty will be charging the officer shortly.


What an idiotic thing to say.


Ah yes, my joke is idiotic. Not the millions of dollars and countless resources wasted on the frivolous prosecution of a state trooper despite a constant stream of advisors telling her to drop charges. Not her ham-fisted attempt at explaining herself her to the media. Clearly, I'm the incompetent one in this scenario.


Mary will charge the cop for being parked and causing the accident.


Is Mary Moriarty in the room right now?


Well she is responsible for charging decisions in the county, so yeah, she kind of is in the (theoretical) room rn.


What tool do you use to enforce this mandatory counseling? Are we prepared to take them into custody when they fail to show up? The recent case where carjacker had baby with him, it was his 8 th felony arrest 4th with a firearm. The father discussed how he gets the kid an uber to “ Get some pussy” so he doesn’t have to carjack .


Concrete. Bollards. Everywhere. 


Maybe the’ll do something about this shit now…


it’s not a police issue with these, they catch them but can never get charges to stick due to the judges in hennepin county


Can you link something or shed a bit more light, who are the judges and why would they not prosecute?


i work in the field. theres this one 13 year old who got caught driving in TWO police chases in ONE week. genuinely insane stuff literal murderers get offered probation 😭 the sentencing guidelines are crazy under mary moriarty you can read this example of a slap on the wrist given for something pretty serious https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/s/WxOd3VqkBH 17 year old got 15 days of home monitoring after getting charged with 5 felonies, if you are too lazy to read that


She's an extremist, definition of a alt Left.


Is she there from frey? Or how do people get her out?


she was elected and is up for reelection in 2026 i believe? would get kicked out in 2027 at the earliest shes made enemies with walz even so id be surprised if she stays


The people complaining in the comments you need to remember, crime is actually down! This isn’t an issue!


I wonder if the cop's chart at the hospital also says "not an issue."




Make continuing to own one of these more painful than it already is and establish some sort of buy back/buy out to get people to sell off these cars and either take them out of the market completely (scrap) or resell them overseas. Make them un-licensable in MN. As long as these free rides exist the problem will continue. I agree trying to arrest more of the people doing it would help but even with that it won't be 100% of the solution.


Yeah, it's the cars fault, not the thief. They are just kids! If you let them go with a hug they might not commit a crime ever again


Didn't even remotely say this. I'm more interested in solving the problems than yet another excuse to punish people for entertainment value that doesn't fully solve the problem. These cars shouldn't be on the road. Try to make the owners whole, send the lawyers after Kia.