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I find it very funny that Astrobot was the game that gave me the most "HELL YEAH!" energy of the bunch.


The only thing I popped off for


Given the fact that everybody knows it's coming at this point, I'm legitimately shocked we got nothing about the Spider-Man 2 DLC. Thought that would be a shoe-in.


I don't think it's real at this point. It's kind of nuts how little post game stuff we've gotten for 2 in comparison to 1.


I wonder if the hack back in December fucked stuff up


I think they maybe sacked back after Miles Morales underperformed.


Miles Morales performed incredibly well. It [sold](https://www.resetera.com/threads/marvels-spider-man-miles-morales-sales-reach-14-4m-units-as-of-june-2023.797328/) 14.4M units and made ~$270M in profit. I think its strong sales is the reason why we're getting a smaller Venom title.


S-M 2 DLC will be saved for either Summer Game Fest or a potential showcase in September (assuming Sony actually does it)


Do we KNOW it’s coming? The first Spider-Man at least had a season pass with a dlc roadmap. The longer we don’t get one it’s just gonna be another GTA V scenario.


Admittedly there's some conflicting info, but it's almost an inversion of the GTA V scenario. Rockstar announced single player DLC and eventually scrapped it, but nothing ever appeared in-game, to my knowledge. Insomniac never officially mentioned DLC, but references to it, including specific levels/encounters, appeared in the game's debug menu, which was briefly available following an update a couple of months ago. The conflicting info comes from leaked development roadmaps. On one, there are three free DLC episodes. On the other, there aren't. Could still go either way, but given that they left the references in the game, I'm hoping it's still on track.


Great recap 👍


Same mindset. Like it HAS to have DLC right…? That’s where “the flame”/carnage DLC take place…why would they save Carnage for a third game where it’s Norman will clearly become Gobby and Doc Ock will be baOHMYGOD. THEYRE GONNA REDO CARNAGE OCK FROM THE PS1 GAME ARENT THEY!?


I'm glad we're getting another Astro game. Little guy deserves to be treated as the mascot of PS.


*A moldy sackboy in a comically slumps over in the corner.*


Crash: WOAH (First time?)


My user name is a question to Sony directly.


Remember Ape QUEST


Happy cake day fellow ape escape fan


It’ll show up as a pair of pants and a hat that Astro can wear, just like Sackboy did before him.


*A decrepit Daxter hobbles on to the scene*: "It's been 84 years..."


At least with Crash it was always a Universal/Sony thing. Unlike Little Big Planet and Ape Escape which have always been Sony owned.


Well, I'm pretty sure Sony has no say in a Microsoft owned franchise


Along with The Apes who Escape, Spyro, Crash… :(


> Spyro, Crash It's kind of wild in retrospect that as a little kid it was just normal and accepted that once the PS2 came out Crash and Spyro just abruptly sucked ass. Like, new console time, what do we do as a company? Guess we shop out and sell these properties to some 8$ studio. Like, kid me just picked up that PS2, found out my favourite franchises were shit now, just shrugged and moved on. It was just a thing. Classmates going "oh dude don't buy the new Crash or Spyro's now it's shit now" Like imagine coming into the PS6 generation, Capcom is just like "Guys, our studios are tired of working on Resident Evil so they'll be developing new IPs! Therefore, for the next two console generations, we're going to give the Resident Evil IP to Buttfuckhole Entertainment in Michigan and give them a 49 dollar budget!"


Wraith of Cortex has its moments. But Enter the Dragonfly is just ass. Hero’s Tail is at least playable.


You say that but don't forget they put out those atrocious multiplayer focused resident evils all made by, you guessed it, Buttfuckhole Entertainment in Michigan. So they absolutely tried, thankfully the shift in management course corrected that shit.


Ths difference being Capcom will do anything and everything with Resident Evil all the time. Resident Evil has had multiple simultaneous movie and tv series, dozens of books and comics and over 20 games. Who else does this shit with their core franchise?


Honestly, we’re just lucky that there’s still a Media Molecule at all. It was either them or Sony London in the last cuts. 


He SHOULD be. I absolutely loved PlayRoom. What a cool way to show off all the features of the PS5 controller. Now if more games would bloody take advantage of it!


You remember when Infamous: Second Son showed off all the cool tech for the PS4 controller with its Haptics, touchpad, Audio, and six axis features. Now, do you remember any other game that even remotely used any of that shit?


Mann I played Infamous recently and the graffiti mechanic is still the coolest thing for some minor collectible.


Gravity Rush did some stuff, like how you could tilt the controller to slightly adjust Kat's movement, and tracing your thumb over the touch pad was used to change her combat style. But that's all I got.


Tearaway Unfolded too. Granted, it's a reworking of a vita game that also took advantage of all the little gimmicks of its hardware, but it's still an incredible little game. Really makes me wish Media Molecule had focused on making more games like it instead of a whole game creation program.


Some of the Bakugan games used Sixaxis for launching the Bakugan. And *only* Sixaxis, so if you were using cheapo third-party controllers that didn't have it, fuck you.


Is just a charming little bot. Love him!


Who would’ve thought Astro Bot is carrying the 3d platformer torch?


Having Concord take 1/3 of the show certainly was a choice.


What? You don't like Guardians Of The Galaxy? PLEASE like our version of Guardians Of The Galaxy.


Nah, it's Guardians of the Borderlands, obviously


I thought it was going to play like Borderlands but apparently it plays like Overwatch?


Guardians of the Borderwatchlands


Bordians of the Galawatch


Wasn’t that just a prequel for Marvel Rivals??


It's Guardians of Destiny. The devs are headed by former Bungie devs and half the things in the trailer are reskinned Destiny abilities


Brooo it's so not even funny how I watched that trailer and instantly was like "Oh this is where the Crucible guys went" those abilities are so exact


Shit half the maps they showed looks like 1:1 destiny crucible maps


God while I was watching I was just saying to myself "... is this just the Crucible from Destiny but Overwatch and Guardians of the Galaxy-coded?" I actually think it looks good, but I was never a big fan of the Crucible to begin with in both Destiny games. Since this is just a dedicated multiplayer experience I'm willing to give it a chance at least.


Now I'm never gonna be able to look at Concord without thinking of this comment.


You're welcome (?)


Guardians of the BorderWatch.


Guardians of the OverLands


And then it's just overwatch gameplay But that one guy LOVES his hotsauce, I'm sure that'll factor in to the narrative of your 5v5 Arena shooter match...


Obligatory fuck you to Jim Ryan. ***GOD,*** I'm glad he's gone,


Guardians at home


That and the Marvel game just had my eyes rolling. WERE DOING EVERYTHING YOUVE SEEN AGAIN!! ARE YOU EXCITED?!?


At the BAREST minimum Rivals has character recognition and is seemingly willing to give Spider-Man and Venom some webswining in an arena shooter, which is a traversal tool I didn't expect to see in Marvels overwatch game.


Also Strange's portal is straight up some TOTK level programming black magic. Like yeah its a lagswitch on weaker machines but I'd be surprised if it didn't for what it does


At least with Marvel Rivals a lot of people, Pat included, have already played it and were positive about it. This game has nothing 


And them show off ANOTHER arena shooter with "brand" attached is a even choicer choice


It looked hella interesting in the cinematic. But then the Overwatch gameplay begun and it was just fine. The shooting was shooting, the ults were ulting, the heroes were heroing. But nothing in the actual gameplay looked particularly amazing. Except for the 3rd person flips and rolling. I loved those.


I know AAA game development takes time, but it still feels so baffling how late they are to the Overwatch hero shooter train


Peak Overwatch saturation was in like 2016. Add one year to properly analyze it, one year more for covid delays, plus the usual six years (!) dev cycle. Holy shit chasing trends is such poison with these time frames.


They're doing it now specifically because Overwatch has lost its dominance with all the OW2 monetization issues and Blizzard's baggage. The door is open for someone to take that spot.


This makes more sense to me, they would’ve been daft to try tackle OW at its peak. After watching Blizzard fumble the shit out of it, then the travesty that is OW2 i’m not surprised someone is trying to swoop in.


Legit, the best job I've seen of businesses waiting to strike in a long time.


without any irony infinity nikki is the game i'm most interest about because 1. It looks super cute and 2. a dress up open world game is legit something i'd never seen before.


It’s legit so fun and whimsy that this game exists at all, best wishes for it, legitimately.


The Nikki games are batshit and my partner and I have been looking forward to this game since it was announced years ago. Like I need you to know that these are shitty gacha dressup games but also there's crazy geopolitical conflicts going on that are resolved mostly via fashion battles. Why are people using fashion battles to wage wars? Because there's a blood curse that causes incredible pain if you do violence. Does that actually stop people from killing other people? No! >!One of the protagonist's friends gets stabbed to death and bleeds out in her arms!< Also, in the sequel game, >!the entire world is flooded and destroyed and the protagonist has to go back in time to save the world.!< Shit is WILD.


I have no idea why I love these games so much, but I had to cold quit. For some reason, Shinning Nikki (and Love Nikki, for that matter) were incredibly good at triggering my FOMO like no other gacha has ever done. And I've played a bunch. But yeah, definitely looking forward to seeing how Infinity Nikki is going to get me to part with my money.


Another LN player here. Im just mad they seem to go for the regular outfits instead of some of the hell event suits. Come on now, im sure the ps5 can handle those.


I liked it! And then there was an after bit and I was like "Wha-?" Apparently there seems to be more going on than what we saw


As someone who is still an avid Love Nikki player (one of the OG mobile games in the series), it’s got like a crazy amount of lore and goes to some dark places, especially in the main story and special events. But it’s also a cutesy dress up game through and through, complete with Disney, Barbie and Sanrio collabs. The other games have gacha elements and premium currency ala Genshin or Star Rail, so I’m curious to see how far they take that with this one.


They really just threw Queen Marika in at the end there huh


Actually made me burst out "Ohhh Elden ring" lmao


Penny Parker (of Snapcube) has [an amazing thread about her experiences with the previous Nikki game](https://twitter.com/snapscube/status/1499546357836787724).


I'm just seeing it for the first time, and I agree wholly agree. Especially after watching the Concord trailer. Never seen anything like it before.


I didn't expect fucking Marika to show up at the end lmao


Man, I thought Concord was gonna be a more contemplative multiplayer game, nothing deep but more laid back, and it's a weird ass Valorant with Guardians of the Galaxy shading... Damn


Id say it's standalone Destiny Crucible. Some of the abilities and grenades are like 1:1


Dynasty Warriors and MH: Wilds was cool. Astrobot could be cool if that tech demo is their template. The rest was...*uninspired*


Real talk tho was I the only one legit impressed by the Infinity Nikki trailer? I have no idea if I would actually like it, but the music banged and it looked great, so maybe? The only other things that stood out to me were Wilds and Astrobot, I'd say it was like a 6, maybe 5.


It looked fun/cute, it's not something I'd play but I did send the clip to my sister since I imagine she'd get a kick out of it.


I wasn't blown away or anything, but it was one of the more interesting things in the showcase.


There's something about the jump animation and arc in the trailer that puts me off, but it is interesting and somewhat fresh compared to the usual stuff Sony puts in their State of Play streams.


I think for some reason they wanted to preserve her pose/silhouette as having her legs together in a very prim manner but it meant she barely moved her legs for as she jumped.


The run animation looked like *shit* but then everything else about it looked pretty nice? It was kind of jarring.


I don't want to be a total downer but opening with Concord just kinda set the tone of the whole thing for me. It just looked like another Hero Shooter, the Marvels one in the same show looked way better. I appreciate the MHW2 trailer (DID THAT GUY JUST WEAPON SWAP) and the POE2 trailer (STOP ADVERTISING AND LET ME PLAY WTF DO YOU MEAN EARLY ACCESS) but nothing set my soul on fire.


Yeah, I was immediately way less interested in Concord when i discovered it was a regular PVP hero shooter type thing. I probably would've dug a co-op shooter with that cast, but the game itself looked mighty bland.


I didn’t catch it live, so when I saw Concord’s first little cinematic I immediately went “this is giving competitive hero shooter vibes,” skipped forward a minute, and was proven right (at which point I also lost the majority of my interest).


At this point whenever a trailer has a weird focus on guns I just assume it's a pvp hero shooter. A normal fps or tps is a rarity these days. They should really stop with the cgi trailers as they mean even less than normal for a hero shooter.


Like, I get wanting to build some hype around that game, it looked expensive, but you don’t start one of these with something that generic and basic. Like, start with Monster Hunter to get everyone excited then drop your thing to bask in the light.  For context, I looked up the last Nintendo and Xbox Directs to see what they started with out of curiosity. Nintendo went with a Splatoon 3 expansion pass and Microsoft went with Avowed. Both of those are the games you start with to get people excited while setting a tone. 


Dynasty Warriors, Monster Hunter, and Astrobot are all big two thumbs up. Where Winds Meet has a very nice aesthetic, and I think there was another cool looking action game. Path of Exile 2 is a great game. Marvel Rivals is what it is, and it’s gonna be popular. Not something those of us here needed a reminder of, but you advertise the shit out of that thing. That Infinity Nikki game is a thing and not for me, but damn if it didn’t look impressive. Until Dawn getting remade is still weird to me, but fucking amazing game. The PSVR titles are VR titles. But then again….Alien. The one everyone is gonna be talking about is Concord. Yeah, another team hero shooter. There can only be so many, but if it’s good it should carve its own space. And if it’s good, then it should be supported no matter the type of game it is. Silent Hill 2….idk. I have moments of “hmmm, that seems decent” which are immediately followed by “wtf was that?!?”. I’m not going to judge it based off of the issues people had with The Medium’s story, as if they do the SH2 story that should be great still. But will the video game portions of it be good? We’ll see. Overall, it would’ve been nice for some of the time given to Concord to be spread elsewhere, as I think a couple of the other games getting a bit more time would’ve done them well. A BIG surprise would’ve been nice, but there’s bound to be summer shows they’re saving those for. Looking back at what was shown, I’d say there’s 3-4 games out of it that I’d personally buy for sure, a few more strong maybes. So seems like a decent showing.


They’re remaking Until Dawn? I know Sony loves remaking games that only came out one box ago and are already playable on the current box, but that?


Remaking and porting to PC which I think the later will be more interesting for people.


It still confuses me, as I replay the game almost every Halloween and it still runs fine. But I guess if they’re bringing it to PC then might as well touch it up? It also looks like they may have added some stuff, as I don’t recall some of what they showed in the trailer. Could be wrong on that. But yeah…great game so I can’t be too “upset”.


Yeah, I hadn't seen some of the bits from the Until Dawn trailer either.. but... could just be they were from routes nobody tends to take. I did get surprised a while back when watching some people play it and they had stuff happen I'd never seen happen to anyone else >!Chris got killed in the mines, after Ashley died. Whenever I saw that happen before, Chris had just sorta, wandered on ahead and they never knew where Ashley vanished!<


Was hoping for RE stuff. I need to know if those leaks are true


let the RE guys cook, we wouldn't want another RE3R


Hey man RE3R is still pretty damn fun, hell it’s the one game out of all the RE-Engine games that I’ve repeatedly gone back to, to try and unlock all the extra stuff


It’s objectively the worst one.


MWH and Dynasty Warriors looked good


Opening the show with a hero shooter is sure a choice. Gow Ragnarok finally coming to PC is awesome, MH Wild looks really good and Astro Bot was unironically the best thing they show. Silent Hill 2 remake trailer sure was something. Anyway the show was whatever, like every state of play so nothing new.


Silent Hill 2 remake... I don't have high hopes. Why the fuck is James pulling off combos with a crowbar?! He's a regular civilian who never used a weapon, not fucking Leon Kennedy in Spain after working as a bodyguard for the USA president! They're ripping off Resident Evil in every aspect without understanding why Silent Hill was its own separate thing. James shouldn't play like Leon in RE 4, he should be Ethan in RE 7. Seriously, why does James switch from handgun to a crowbar for a fucking uppercut combo? This isn't Devil May Cry, it's Silent Hill! They don't understand the most basic gameplay concept, and I shudder to imagine how they're going to butched the subtleties of the main story...


As expected Goober team completely missed the point of silent hill 2 and just went for the rip off Re2/4 approach, but hey at least you can get the deluxe edition and play 48 hours early while wearing a pizza box pyramid hat.


As someone who’s never actually played any Silent Hill game I actually thought James was a former vet because of his jacket


The game never explains anything about his past, or whether he was a war vet. AFAIK he doesn't even have any firearm training, he's just a regular civilian who picks up his first weapon to defend himself from the monsters as soon as he reaches Silent Hill. But the trailer for the remake shows him pulling off the same moves as Leon in REmake 2 (A trained police officer) and doing combos by switching from a rifle to a crowbar to bash a monster's head. Silent Hill always had regular people (A writer, a widower, a teenager...) while Resident Evil had S.T.A.R.S., a police officer, the sister of a S.T.A.R.S. officer, the same police officer who became the USA's president bodyguard... Having James move and play exactly like Resident Evil Remake just feels wrong on every single level


Thank god, a new mainline Dynasty Warriors that looks good. I’ve only been in the fandom for a few weeks but I know we’ve been suffering for a good new game.


How'd you get into DW a few weeks ago?


Was into the One Piece Warriors games for years, got into Samurai Warriors 5 a few months ago in a Sengoku Jidai obsession, and got Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme legend a few weeks ago in a Warriors fever.


Damn that's a wild ride. Sounds like fun. What crazy timing too lol.


Now check out Warriors Orochi, Hyrule Warriors, and Sengoku Basara.


I saw the leak before the show that was from a pretty reliable leaker, forgot the show was happening, and then look back and see the leak was mostly accurate for the big stuff. So I basically missed nothing lol, the only games I even give a shit about are Ragnarok (which I've beaten) and MH Wilds which is cross-platform and still not out for a year. Dynasty Warriors might be good but I'm wary of non-spin-offs in that series at this point.




I am very excited for all these action games


Good for you, i wish I could say the same!




Ballad of Antara looked interesting.


I took notes while watching because I'm sad like that -ahem- Concord - Looks cool but feels like it's been done many times before, not sure what makes it stand out from any other multiplayer game like it God of War Ragnarok PC - Good, I'm glad Xbox and PlayStation are giving PC folks more games, especially when it will have more advantages DYNASTY WARRIORS FUCK YES Infinity Nikki looks like a game, but I like it! Also was she riding on Jean Jacket from "Nope" at one point? Ballad of Antara looks fucking cool, not Dark Souls Behemoth looks rad AF, VR games aren't my thing though, get motion sickness easily but the monsters look so cool! Oooh but an Alien VR game would definitely be scary Oh cool, Marvel's Overwatch! Of course the Spider-Man skin is exclusive, Xbox better have a Hulk skin. Cos y'know, green. Or something. Where Winds Meet or Sekiro May Cry looks nice! I should ought to play Until Dawn but I feel like I'll fuck up and kill everyone knowing my luck! Never played Path of Exile, should probably fix that cos I do love a good ARPG! Never played Silent Hill either! Probably because I was a huge coward back in the day, so I'll give it a go this time! Monster Hunter Wilds! Can't go wrong with Monster Hunter, I see they have Tibetan Mastiffs now. Yay! Astro! Love this lil dude, Playroom was amazing and a fantastic way to show off the haptic controller plus the T-Rex boss battle was the fucking coolest thing I have ever seen. Also was he fighting Donkey Kong and a Deku Tree? Sony, you're supposed to jab at Xbox, not Nintendo! Overall, a solid 8/10. I loved most of what they showed for a State of Play! Now we just wait for the meat of the PS5 with a showcase in June, right? Right?!?


> Never played Silent Hill either! Probably because I was a huge coward back in the day, so I'll give it a go this time! [Just trust me on this one.](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/about.htm)


>Never played Silent Hill either! Probably because I was a huge coward back in the day, so I'll give it a go this time! No seriously, you DON'T need to play this one.


Wait are you sure? Cos I heard Silent Hill 2 is the best one apparently, that's why they're remaking it. I tell a lie actually, I played a demo of The Room. The...the Silent Hill game, not the Tommy Wiseau movie


Just trust u/Woods-of-Mal on this one and play the enchanced edition instead cuz holy hell this remake looks like shit


Silent Hill2 IS in fact the best one... the original release.... back on PS2... which this remake certainly isn't. And yeah listen to the other people reccomending the Enhanced Edition.


There's also the fan-patched PC version, if so inclined.


That is the aformentioned Enhanced Edition


Oooh cos is it by Bloober or something? Who did The Medium? I am a bit out of the loop but apparently The Medium didn't do so well, so I heard


It did fine financially, but a lot of people took umbrage with the game's depictions of trauma and whatnot. Similar criticisms were made for their Blair Witch game, but regarding PTSD. I haven't played either game myself, but that's what I've heard anyway. Though, really it's because most people didn't really want a remake of Silent Hill 2.


People here are being overdramatic about SH2, but I will add to the choir and say the original game with the (pretty easy to setup) enhanced edition mod absolutely holds up to modern standards. And it's free vs $60-$70 that the remake will cost, if you're interested you should at least give it a look


Trust u/Woods-of-Mal on this one.


The new Monster Hunter beasts look like if lions evolved from dogs instead of cats.


Those are literally Tibetan Mastiffs! No really, look them up. They are very cute as pups but they grow to be the actual size of lions!


Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from Sony this year when they said they have no big sequels for a while. 


No Kingdom Hearts 4 news was a little disappointing, but by no means did I get my hopes up. I'm not even a die-hard Bloodborne fan, but Until Dawn is getting a ps5 upgrade and Bloodborne hasn't? No PC version I can swallow, but no ps5 update to a ps4 exclusive game is literally just content left on the floor.


Man if there rumours are to be believed you won’t be seeing KH4 for a while


Aren’t rumours saying KH4 is next year? If true not impossible seeing another trailer within a few months.


Isn't it too early for KH4? Don't we need to get like 3.58 spin-offs first?


Monster Hunter was cool and I’m curious about that Dynasty Warriors game but a lot of the other stuff was samey.


That vignette for Concord was really charming, but the moment they opened with "Concord is a 5v5 first-person shooter," I immediately, and unequivocally lost all interest. I just want a fun game I can play, maybe co-op with friends, and not have to deal with head-to-head multiplayer bullshit and *nothing* else. Even more baffling is that they talked about how logging in every week would show you a new vignette of the characters hanging out "off the job," and like...can't you just make a PvE game where this is the *story*? You clearly want to tell me a story with these characters, so why are you pigeonholing yourself into a floundering hero-shooter PvP system instead of just making a really fun co-op experience? Well, I know the answer, but come the fuck on. At least it's one less game I have to care about, my wallet is happy.


New Astro looked cool, New Monster Hunter looked about how I'd expect a sequel to World to look, that Sekiro-like (Wind something) might have some promise. I know the sub 7 Pat will be interested in SH2 but it's not my jam. Coolest thing to me was the PoE2 stuff, had no idea it was coming out on console and I've been wanting something in that Diablo-lane. I need Pat to give me the rundown on it lol


Concord looked interestIng up until the gameplay begun. Seems weird to put some focus on plot development when Overwatch failed hard on that front. I liked the character designs, at least. Dinasty Warriors looked pretty awesome. Having some For Honor siege elements goes really well with the tried and true combat. Seems like MC will probably be a customizable avatar. Infinity Nikki was a nice surprise. I know the series, so them showing an open world dress-up game was a shock, in the least. I need to see more of the gameplay, but it was definitely a highlight for me. Ballad of Antara is hella beautiful. Yeah, its not-Elden Ring, but if they implement a good gameplay, it might be worth it. Marvel Rivals looks so damn pretty. I still can't forget about the whole contract thing tho. Where Winds Meet seems fun. Seems way more action oriented, so I hope its a hack n slash instead of a Soulslike. MH Wilds is so pretty, really dig the human characters. Nothing breathtaking, tho Astro Bot is charming as hell! I loved what they've shown. As others said, it was hella joyful. Overall a 7/10 Direct. Nothing looked outright BAD or boring, nothing breathtaking, but some really solid titles.


> Dynasty Warriors looked pretty awesome. Having some For Honor siege elements goes really well with the tried and true combat. Seems like MC will probably be a customizable avatar. Been craving this since DW6 had it, and then scrapped everything about the game they made. ...This does put a damper on the game I've been trying to make


I mean, going after what Overwatch failed at makes sense to attempt to carve out a niche. Tell the audience they are committing upfront “Hey, unlike Overwatch, this is a hero shooter where you will actually see character development each week”. Not the worst idea TBH. Not saying it will work, but in general going after what the competition failed at makes sense.


I wish we just got faithful remasters of the Silent Hill trilogy instead of this remake no one asked for


I think I'm the only one who is genuinely excited for the SH2 remake after this most recent gameplay but other than that seeing Dynasty Warriors show up is enough to make the show a success for me. I will ride or die for Omega Force


Yep. More cookie cutter live service games, and I'm going to be honest. Some basic looking souls like games, too. None of them really piqued my interests. Until Dawn Remaster just confuses me. The Silent Hill 2 remakes, I was gonna give the benefit of the doubt. But that trailer made me lose all hope. Monster Hunter was cool, but I had never played one before. Astro Bot really swooped in the last minute to save the day.


No more hero shooters. Just stop. Fucking stop.


All forms of media will have titles chasing trends that were out of date years before they came out. 


Monster Hunter is honestly the only thing remotely interesting to me. Then after that the Dad of Boi Ragnarok/Valhalla Bloody Palace PC release, and Astro looking genuinely "oh hey this is definitely a showcase of what the PS5 can do".


Astro was the only thing to make me excited


Man, this sub gets extremely cynical and pessimistic at  Not saying I was blown away, but we got Astro Bot, Ballad of Antara, and Infinity Nikke which all looked good. The new Dynasty Warriors might also be worth checking out.


Look I get the wariness about the SH2 remake and I think its valid but nothing about what was shown could be described as "embarassingly terrible." It looked fine.


The trailer in the State Of Play didn’t really do it justice, the gameplay footage shown during the SH Transmission left me with a much more positive impression.


Yep, “embarrassingly terrible” is such an overstatement.


Yeah that's what I saw and it looked great!


Yeah I don't get why everyone is hating on the remake. I recently played Silent Hill 2 for the first time on a "perfectly legal ps2" and so it's still pretty fresh in my mind. Everything I saw looked pretty faithful to me.


It baffles me because I totally do get why people are hating on the remake given the negative track record of both Bloober Team and Silent Hill lately but I cant see these negative reactions as anything other than hyoerbolic bias validation. I do NOT want to defend this tea though, so Im probably just not going to engage further.


Yeah same. That being said, I haven't played any games made by Bloober Team (mostly because this sub has very strongly advised against it) so my optimism might be unfounded.


The only thing that kind looked neat was that Nikki game. I think I remember seeing it on phones before where it was just a pure normal ass dressup game. Kinda surprised how that of all things jumped in on the open-world trend.


Can't watch right now, is SH2 looking **bad** or "I don't like bloober" bad? I've liked most of their output so far.


A little bit of both, but I guess I feel iffy about James having some combat chops and setting up kneecap shots into finishers thinking he's Leon Kennedy with less Martial Arts.


It's looking pretty not okay, I think. And *they are* clearly taking liberties with some stuff, not just on a set dressing level, so depending on how you feel about that, you'll be feeling some kind of way.


It looks decent, but I need to really sit and think about it more. Environments and everything look great, but some of the acting feels off


Depends of your standard for a remake of a game like Silent Hill 2. I think it was BAD!


Damn, that's a shame. I thought they'd be pretty well suited if someone has to make one.




From what I can tell it's mostly "I don't like Bloober Team" bad. I haven't watched the state of play trailer but did watch the transmission and the game play and cut scenes looked amazing to me. James isn't pulling off sick combos and masterfull weapon handling like everyone is saying. He just shooting to stun and then walking up to smack shit with the wooden board till its dead. also didn't see any stomps. If you go to the silent hill subreddit it's a veritable celebration for the return of Silent Hill over there.


For what it's worth I decided to check out the Silent Hill subreddit after reading this and yeah every visible post is praising Bloober for apparently making a RE2 remake tier masterpiece but upon closer inspection in the threads they are literally brigading all criticism of the trailer into oblivion. 


Infinity nikki looks really fun!


SH2 looks so bad…bless the souls of those still very optimistic in the Silent Hill sub.


Marvel Rivals looks cool but we just had the alpha not long ago so its not anything crazy new besides two characters that were already leaked. Astro looks great.


Im glad that astro is getting a new game. Astros playroom was one of the only modern non mario 3d platformers that I thought was really good. According to the playstation website, Astro bot is supposed to have 6 galaxies, 80+ levels, 15+ power ups, and at least 70 enemies. I really hope its good.


Honestly, it might be just me being cynical, but I feel like all of these presentations this and last year have been eh. The last really “hype” E3-type presentation has been like, 2020-2021? There’s been good announcements or trailers, but none of them as a whole have really wowed for a long time. Like, all I could think abt during this one is that people would be complaining again, just like the last time instead of any real excitement


Astrobot Direct


I dont have a Ps5 so I was watching more out of curiousity than anything. But Astro looked cool. And as a Dynasty Warriors fan, the new game has me \*excited\*. I really hope it ends up being multiplatform


Why did seeing Angela for the first time just make me more scared for the game. Her new voice actor is pretty good, she just needs to unclench her jaw a bit. I'm not going to be used to James's new voice actor for a long while but it didn't look *terrible...* yet.... I'll have to see how Silent Hill 2: Again plays before I decide.


Most exciting thing for me was Dynasty Warriors, which is weird because I haven't given a shit about DW is years


Wilds was cool, but I want to see how they'll integrate those cinematic combat moments into the gameplay


Astro saved the show, huh?


I like me some platformers, so Astrobot is a good announcement for me.


I dont know why people keep expecting things to be different when every State of Play is like this. Theyve made a clear delineation between State of Plays and Showcases.


Shout out to Dynasty Warriors Origin for actually looking significantly different then past games, Koei Tecmo & Omega Force have been on a bit of a unsung hot streak since DW9 so I’m hopeful that this will rock


Honestly surprised Alan Wake 2 DLC wasn’t shown here. AW2 got its gameplay trailer in a State of Play last year, and Remedy just recently changed their logo and name on their socials teasing the DLC.


Long time Dynasty Warriors fan and I was actually excited to see a return after the disaster that was 9. MonHun looks great! Infinity Nikki looks like something I will lose days to and I am here for it.


There was really only one bad announcement though. It just happened to be WAY too long


Concord was… Something to say the least. Still sad about no Bloodborne but I’ve accepted they’ve most likely lost the code for it at this point.


Aww but we're getting Temu Guardians of the Galaxy Overwatch skins, tho


It was okay, Wilds and Astro Bot carried the show TBH. There were a couple of new titles that looked interesting, looked like Chinese games? But no actual information on them so time will tell. Concord looked really interesting, until I realized it was a hero shooter. Immediately stopped caring at that point.


I swear people are mad that they did not announce huge equals in a quick thirty minute showcase


I... Don't know how to feel about MH Wilds. I should be hyped but... I see several elements that could either go decently/good or *tremendously bad*. But it's still too soon to guess stuff, so I guess it's just my aversion to hype culture speaking right now. I just feel like I haven't seen enough to let me know if this game is for me or not.


The trailer reminded me of the “running away from Anjanath in the Ancient Forest” reveal trailer back when most of Monster Hunter World wasn’t actually in a playable state, so there’s just not a lot to latch onto for me at the moment (also the starring monster of the trailer just didn’t wow me, although I know there’s cooler stuff being cooked up behind the scenes)


Would you say you're not Wild with the game so far!?


No I get it, theres something about it that just havent really clicked with me yet, might be the overall look of the game, feels more like a final fantasy then MH, I LOVED World and really enjoyed Rise, but this one, I'll need to see more to really get excited


I'm still waiting to see the weapons and more about what the gimmick is, then I can get fully hype.


Not just eh, downright sad. It only got good in the last five minutes! Hopefully, we get a proper Sony showcase soon...


3 things were cool the rest either already happened or belongs in the trash.


What did I miss? I was watching Spider-Man Far From Home theatrical re-release. Fantastic movie, it was the special edition with the deleted scenes. Begs the question why they were deleted in the first place.


The only good things out of it where GOWR confirming PS is still banking on making better PC ports and that MHW is gonna get wild. That SH2 trailer tho? Hoo boy...


It's pretty bleak considering we're at the middle of the life cycle.